Thesis Brief - Synopsis

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Thesis Brief

“Learning To Building”


Suraj Bhosale
Fifth Year
1.0 History of Architecture

1.1 History of Architecture

1.2 Introduction of Architectural studies in India
1.3 Why Architecture Institute
1.4 Project description

1.1 History of Architecture -
• The field of architecture is present from ancient period, since the history
of human civilization gives us the proof of the presence of Architecture
• Architecture is one of the most important elements of development of
• And along with Architecture, Civilization develops.
• Food, Cloth, Shelter are the primary needs of human, the history of
architecture starts were the human built his own houses.
• Firstly, house is the prime structure used by human, later on other
buildings like town halls, gathering buildings, library, etc. were
introduced to the civilization.
• And along with houses these buildings become the prime building of the
• In case of India, Gods is treated as a supreme body and is devoted more
than king and god were treated with supremacy in Architecture also, for
that temples were built and become the prime building in the civilization.
• Further the development in Architecture took place according to the
growth of civilization and changes were made according to climatic
are, religion and material factor.
• Thus, study of Architecture became a prime requirement to develop
both civilizations.

1.2 Introduction of Architectural studies in India -

• The ante cents of contemporary Architecture an architecture education
in India go back about 200 years during the period of colonization in
India, British started building iconic and supreme building in India such
as courts, places, parliament house, etc.
• They use their architectural feature while designing these building.
• But as the year pass by British architect get inspired by Indian
architecture and invent new style.
• In late 19th century people of India try to study the field of architecture
along with British and gain education in architecture field, for this the first
architecture college in India and Asia sir J.J. School of Architecture was
established in 1930.
• Provision of quality education in field of Architecture.

• Sir J.J. School of Architecture was the only college in India providing
Architectural education in India.
• As year past the scope of Architectural education increase which
increases the demand of Architectural institutions in India.
• After independence the major Architectural institute where established
in India i.e. CEPT Ahmedabad, IIT Kharagpur, Rachana Sansad and
many more but of them is School of planning of Architecture Delhi
established in 1941 i.e. prior independence which is national institute in
for Architectural education in India like IITs.

1.3 Why Architecture Institute -

• As an architecture student I have experienced that in every educational
campus, the school of architecture is located in a single floor with typical
five studios, staff room, library, etc.
• This decrease the exploration of ideas and scope of creativity.
• There are very less campus which are fully dedicated to architecture.
• Thus, by breaking the stereotype and designing such fully dedicated
Architecture College can be a great Opportunity to build.
• Thus, there is a need of architecture college which has more scope of
exploration within the campus.

1.4 Project description –

• In India, the Bachelor of Architecture lasts for five years.
• The Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.) is a bachelor's degree designed
to satisfy the academic requirement of practicing architecture.
• Specialized institutes founded by the government of India, for
excellence in the field of architecture and planning are SPAs
(Schools of Planning and Architecture), Sir JJ School of Architecture.
• Private colleges like M S University, CEPT University, etc.
• The Council of Architecture (COA) is a body corporate by
the Government of India under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972,
enacted by the Parliament of India, which came into force on 1
September 1972.
• The Act provides for registration of Architects, standards of education,
recognized qualifications and standards of practice to be complied with
by the practicing architects.
• Thus, as an Architecture Student I fell the five years of Architectural
education with a sustainable environment can mold good Architects.

2.0 Introduction to the topic

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Aim
2.3 Objectives
2.4 Need
2.5 Issue
2.6 Scope of the project
2.7 Limitation
2.8 Methodology

2.1 Introduction-
Institution play an important role in providing platform for education. The
environment within the institution is the prime generator for quality in
education. Architectural education in some ways is vastly different from
other kind of education. It lays more stress on learning by doing and
discussing rather than studying by books. ‘’ As well said architecture
should make us feel different otherwise engineering would be enough.’’
(Kanvinde, 1960)
The idea of an institutional education gives us a clear picture
of the three dominant entities namely teacher, student and class room.
The relationship between them is a student comes to classroom to
acquire knowledge from the teacher. But in architecture education, it is
difficult to define these words a s the place of acquiring knowledge, the
source of getting knowledge and the absorber of the knowledge is not
The knowledge can be acquired by looking at things,
discussing with people, criticizing and appreciating things. The minute
details of a planter or washbasin can be the source of learning to a
student, therefore in this c as e the toilet or the open sit out can be the
classroom, from where the student acquired knowledge.
As someone very rightly said that knowledge is not defined to
a p a r t i c u l a r place and time, it can be acquired from anywhere at any
time. The time and changing of color in a chameleon can be
predictable, but it is difficult to say which function of an architectural
institution can change in what manner to serve a s a platform for
Therefore, here is a situation where the idea of getting
knowledge in a classroom does not work. The built form, the
environment, every element is taking part in the teaching-learning
process. It thus becomes questionable whether the whole campus
should be within the classroom or the classroom should be within the
Thus, this is my attempt to understand human psychology,
student teacher relationship, physiological profile of an architecture
student, environmental behavior of the student, transition spaces in
the institution and hence design an architecture college in with the
sense of being an user and intentions to design a better place for
learning which will mould the social behavior of the people.“The
design of any building or cities has an effect on the behavior of the
people who work or live in it.” (K.S.Ananthakrishna)

2.2 Aim -

• To analyze and understand the essential architectural design

qualities of spaces in Architecture College and user’s
psychology with the environment, and design the Architecture
College that every Architecture student entails.

2.3 Objectives -

• Creation of an inspiring environment conducive to architecture.

• The need for synthesizing knowledge and technology dealing with
built environment.
• To understand spaces through c as e studies and data analysis.
• To make energy efficient, eco-friendly and a barrier free
• To carefully design spaces so a s to bring about interaction among
the student and teachers and make the building an ideal place
for education.

2.4 Need -

• The reason for taking up the ‘Architecture College’ is firstly a better

understanding of life and environment of architecture student.
• New colleges have to be established so a s impart the education
to the young architect of the upcoming generation so that they
can dedicate themselves to create a better living environment of
people of India.
• To not only do the physical remodeling of land or a building, but
also potential changes to aesthetic interpretation and
psychological identification.
• Architecture College are such institution which keep alive the
evident idea of growth and development and equip mankind in
creating a better future for themselves in the coming generations.
The education imparted in such institutions not only contribute in
development of such individual career but also helps in keeping
them abreast with their creative side.
• To promote such an atmosphere of growth not only of the individual
but of the whole nation, more number of self-sufficient institutions
are required to be set up which area clear reflection of what they
preach and increase participation can thus be expected from the

2.5 Issues -

Figure no-1: Issues of Architecture Collage

• Building today are • No thought of • The need of end

just being made for emotional well- users are not
motive of profit being, no thought of properly taken
making. socio - behavioral into account
aspects of humans
taken into account.)

2.6 Scope of the Project -

• Landscaping and site planning is the main one aspect which makes
a boring college into a living being, so landscaping is one of the major
scopes of work which can be exhibited through the site plan and
landscape details.
• Designing interactive classroom and studios is one of the main
aspects of college, so it can be exhibited through the integrated
designs and plan.
• Space integration is also a major scope of work and can create a
dead space into a living space which can be presented through
circulation and movement pattern.
• Natural lighting and open space is also one of the major design
aspect and scope of the project. These scopes ofwork can identify the
limitation of work.

2.7 Limitations -

• Design will be done according to the site, requirement and functions.

• Carefully incorporating the climatic considerations as area is prone to
• The institute should be so a s like reflecting the culture of the
• The design should be careful fusion with the surrounding university

2.8 Methodology -


• To study the Literature and Internet, secondary data

architectural and document study of and literature study.
design aspects of college, about their
the college. design aspects.

• To study the Observation of student’s Case study,

students, life in college. questionnaires and
experience in the observations.

• To study the Literature study Case study and literature

design requirements in college study of architectural
requirements in with architectural needs. college and studios.

• To study the Analysis of different Case study of open and

techniques and techniques and their closed spaces in college
impacts of spaces impact of open and campus.
in college. enclosed spaces.

Table no-1: Methodology


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