Ief EN
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Ief EN
into a hole. Heat, cold weather, draught, Prolonged work in noisy working
Why is occupational safety important? airborne dusts (e.g. asbestos, quartz dust), environments (e.g. with or near concrete
The health and fitness for work of workers chemicals, noise or vibration, bacteria, breakers, excavators, chainsaws) can lead
must be protected. Measures must be taken viruses can cause damage to health. to hearing loss. The law specifies the noise
to avoid accidents and illnesses. levels for which hearing protection
(earmuffs, earplugs) must be worn.
We must not overlook the fact that it is
not only in the workplace that we can When moving loads by hand, particular
encounter hazards, but also at home, in the attention must be paid to the correct
kitchen, in the garden, in the workshop or posture. There are a number of factors that
even in school technology lessons. increase the risk of back injury (e.g. the
load is too heavy, there is no grip).
In summer, when we pick apples or sell
newspapers, we need to think ahead about
the rules we should follow to protect our
health and safety.
Workers working outdoors (construction, Protective equipment plays an important Do you need rails here?
agriculture, etc.) are exposed to extreme role in the protection of workers, which
weather events which can cause cold and serves the protection of all workers An important principle is that collective
chilling, frostbite, sunstroke, heat stroke, working in the work area, providing protection takes precedence over
dehydration and skin cancer. In addition, collective protection. This includes, for individual protection. This means that, for
the risks of bee, wasp and tick stings and example, protective covers, which are example, at a construction site, falls from a
allergenic plants should also be considered. designed to prevent any contact with height should be prevented primarily by
sources of danger (e.g. moving parts). means of guardrails that protect several
people at the same time. If, for some
reason this is not possible, workers must
wear safety harnesses and be anchored to a
safe point with safety ropes, but this only
protects the persons wearing the protective
equipment and only if they use it correctly.
Another example of collective protection is
the use of extraction equipment, which is
designed to extract harmful substances
(chemicals, dust, etc.) from the worker's
environment. In the absence of this,
personal protective equipment, i.e.
respiratory protection, must be used.
Warning sign:
However, we are obliged to refuse, if our
activities would endanger the safety of