Q3 - English 5 DLL (W2)
Q3 - English 5 DLL (W2)
Q3 - English 5 DLL (W2)
GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: FEBRUARY 5 – 9, 2024 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3 QUARTER
B.Other Materials: pictures, activity cards, chart, meta cards charts Pictures, charts, pictures;
Learning selection intervening
Resource phrases,
metacards, chart
A.Reviewing Look at this map What was the title A. Review A. Review A. Review
previous of the story that 1. Oral Language Game: Here I am Direction: Make
lesson or we read activity Look around the an outline using
presenting yesterday? Guessing Game room. Where is the article
the new Are you proud of I’m not a bird. my wallet? Where below.
lesson being Pinoy? I’m not a kite. is your bag? How to be
What are some of But I can fly What about about Healthy
the aspects that In the sky. your umbrella? There are many
What kind of map is it? we have to be What am I? Where is the ways to be
How many provinces do we have? proud of being (Airplane) eraser ? The healthy. People
From what province are you? Using this map,show to Pinoy? 2. Review of the books? need rest,
the class What made you previous lesson 1. Pre-Reading exercise, proper
the province where you came from. come up of good Let’s make 2. Unlocking of diet, enough
What places have you already visited in our country? performance or compound words. Difficulties sleep and
What can you say about them? presentation with Write the Arrange the discipline in
your compound word on jumbled letters to order to
assigned task? the blank before its form the defined become healthy.
What did you meaning. word . We need to
consider to have (bookstore) → a e h g u - big, practice proper
good store where books gigantic hygiene like
presentation? are sold cvtaulIetI– taking a bath
How did you feel (bookmark) → develop everyday,
about it? marker placed dnrvtae- brushing
between the pages green teeth 3 times a
of a book Show a picture of day, changing
(bookshelves) → a a farm. clean clothes
set of shelves or and using
cabinet for holding deodorants to
books avoid bad odor.
(bookworm) → a Remember that
person who spends “Health is
much time reading Wealth . So,
a book everyone must
(sunglasses) → used What do you see practice these in
to protect the eyes in a picture? order to save
from the sun’s glare Do you think they money and
(sunrise) → when are happy? effort and at the
the sun rises in the Motive Question same time to
east How is life in the have healthy
(sunset) → when far body and happy
the sun goes down life.
in the west _____________
What are the
steps in
B.Establishing 1. Unlocking of Difficulties Today we are What comes to your Today, we are Today we are
a purpose for Match the words in Column A with their meaning in going to learn mind when you see going to learn going to
the lesson Column B. about inferring an airplane? about organize
A B the meaning of prepositional information
1. wealth a. a quality or state unfamiliar phrase from primary
of being free compound words sources in
2. freedom b. the traditions, based on given preparation for
beliefs that are part context clues writing,
of the history of a nation (synonyms, reporting and
3. heritage c. a form of l antonyms) and similar academic
anguage that is spoken distinguishing tasks in
in a particular area text-types collaboration
4. dialects d. a tract of land according to with others
surrounded by water features
and smaller than a continent (structural
5. island e. a large amount of and language) –
money and possessions problem and
2.Motivation solution.
Look at these pictures. What can you say about
(beautiful sceneries/ Filipino cultures)
C.Did the ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners
remedial earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above who earned 80%
work? No.of above
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D.No. of ___ of Learners who require additional activities for ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners
learners who remediation require additional require additional require additional who require
continue to activities for activities for activities for additional
require remediation remediation remediation activities for
remediation remediation
E.Which of my ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
teaching ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners ____ of Learners
strategies who caught up the caught up the lesson who caught up the who caught up
worked well? lesson lesson the lesson
Why did these
F.What ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners ___ of Learners
difficulties did I who continue to continue to require who continue to who continue to
encounter require remediation remediation require remediation require
which my remediation
principal or
supervisor can
helpme solve?
G.What Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used
innovation or ___Metacognitive Development: Examples: Self work well: work well: work well: that work well:
localized assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive
materials did vocabulary assignments. Development: Development: Development: Development:
used/discover Examples: Self Examples: Self Examples: Self Examples: Self
___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and
which I wish to assessments, note assessments, note assessments, note assessments, note
anticipatory charts.
share with taking and studying taking and studying taking and studying taking and
other techniques, and techniques, and techniques, and studying
teachers? ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare and contrast,
jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and projects. vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary techniques, and
assignments. assignments. assignments. vocabulary
___Bridging: ___Bridging: ___Bridging: assignments.
Examples: Think- Examples: Think-pair- Examples: Think- ___Bridging:Exam
Examples: Demonstrations, media, manipulatives,
pair-share, quick- share, quick-writes, pair-share, quick- ples:Think-pair-
repetition, and local opportunities.
writes, and and anticipatory writes, and share,quick-
anticipatory charts. charts. anticipatory charts. writes,andanticipa
___Text Representation: torycharts.
Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and games. ___Schema- ___Schema-Building: ___Schema- __Schema-
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly and clearly, Building: Examples: Examples: Compare Building: Examples: Building:
modeling the language you want students to use, and Compare and and contrast, jigsaw Compare and Examples:
providing samples of student work. contrast, jigsaw learning, peer contrast, jigsaw Compare and
learning, peer teaching, and learning, peer contrast, jigsaw
Other Techniques and Strategies used: teaching, and projects. teaching, and learning, peer
___ Explicit Teaching projects. projects. teaching, and
___ Group collaboration ___Contextualization: projects.
___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___Contextualizatio Examples: ___Contextualizatio ___Contextualiza
___ Answering preliminary n: Demonstrations, n: tion:
activities/exercises Examples: media, manipulatives, Examples: Examples:
___ Carousel Demonstrations, repetition, and local Demonstrations, Demonstrations,
___ Diads media, opportunities. media, media,
___ Differentiated Instruction manipulatives, manipulatives, manipulatives,
___ Role Playing/Drama repetition, and local repetition, and local repetition, and
___ Discovery Method opportunities. opportunities. local
___ Lecture Method Examples: Student opportunities.
Why? ___Text created drawings, ___Text ___Text
___ Complete IMs Representation: videos, and games. Representation: Representation:
___ Availability of Materials Examples: Student ___Modeling: Exampl Examples: Student Examples:
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn created drawings, es: Speaking slowly created drawings, Student created
___ Group member’s videos, and games. and clearly, modeling videos, and games. drawings, videos,
collaboration/cooperation the language you and games.
___Modeling: Exam ___Modeling: Exam
in doing their tasks want students to use, ___Modeling: Exa
ples: Speaking ples: Speaking
___ Audio Visual Presentation and providing samples mples: Speaking
slowly and clearly, slowly and clearly,
of the lesson of student work. slowly and clearly,
modeling the modeling the
language you want language you want modeling the
students to use, and Other Techniques and students to use, and language you
providing samples Strategies used: providing samples want students to
of student work. ___ Explicit Teaching of student work. use, and providing
___ Group samples of
Other Techniques collaboration Other Techniques student work.
and Strategies ___Gamification/ and Strategies Other Techniques
used: Learning throuh play used: and Strategies
___ Explicit ___ Answering ___ Explicit used:
Teaching preliminary Teaching ___ Explicit
___ Group activities/exercises ___ Group Teaching
collaboration ___ Carousel collaboration ___ Group
___Gamification/ ___ Diads ___Gamification/ collaboration
Learning throuh ___ Differentiated Learning throuh ___Gamification/
play Instruction play Learning throuh
___ Answering ___ Role ___ Answering play
preliminary Playing/Drama preliminary ___Answering
activities/exercises ___ Discovery Method activities/exercises preliminary
___ Carousel ___ Lecture Method ___ Carousel activities/
___ Diads Why? ___ Diads exercises
___ Differentiated ___ Complete IMs ___ Differentiated ___ Carousel
Instruction ___ Availability of Instruction ___ Diads
___ Role Materials ___ Role ___ Differentiated
Playing/Drama ___ Pupils’ eagerness Playing/Drama Instruction
___ Discovery to learn ___ Discovery ___ Role
Method ___ Group member’s Method Playing/Drama
___ Lecture Method collaboration/ ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery
Why? cooperation Why? Method
___ Complete IMs in doing their ___ Complete IMs ___ Lecture
___ Availability of tasks ___ Availability of Method
Materials ___ Audio Visual Materials Why?
___ Complete IMs
___ Pupils’ Presentation ___ Pupils’ ___Availability of
eagerness to learn of the lesson eagerness to learn Materials
___ Group ___ Group ___ Pupils’
member’s member’s eagerness to learn
collaboration/ collaboration/ ___ Group
cooperation cooperation member’s
in doing their in doing their collaboration/
tasks tasks cooperation
___ Audio Visual ___ Audio Visual
Presentation Presentation in doing their
of the lesson of the lesson tasks
___Audio Visual
Presentatio of the