Q3 - English 5 DLL (W2)

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GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: FEBRUARY 5 – 9, 2024 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 3 QUARTER


A.Content The learner demonstrates understanding of text types The learner The learner The learner The learner
Standards to listen demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
for different purposes from a variety of texts. understanding understanding that command of the understanding
The learner demonstrates understanding of various that words are words are conventions of of the research
verbal composed composed of standard process to write
of different parts different parts to English grammar a variety of texts
to know that their know that their and usage when
meaning changes meaning speaking
depending in changes depending
context. in context.
The learner
understanding of
various linguistics
nodes to
various texts
B.Performan The learner uses linguistic cues to effectively The learner uses The learner uses The learner uses The learner uses
ce Standards construct meaning strategies to strategies to decode the correct a variety of
from a variety of texts for a variety of purposes. decode correctly correctly the function of research
The learner orally communicates information, the meaning of meaning prepositions in strategies to
opinions, and words in isolation of words in isolation general and their effectively write
ideas effectively to different audiences using a variety and in context. and in context. functions in a variety of texts
of literary The learner uses various discourse for various
activities. linguistic cues to (oral and written). audiences and
appropriately purposes.
from a variety of
texts for a variety
of purposes
C.Learning Provide evidence to support understanding. 1. Infer the Infer the meaning Compose clear Organize
Competencie Remind others to stay on topic. meaning of of unfamiliar words and coherent information
s/Objectives Show tactfulness when communicating with others. unfamiliar through affixes sentences using from primary
EN5LC-IIIb-2.15,EN5OL-IIIb-2.7 compound words based on the appropriate sources in
based on given context clues. grammatical preparation for
given context Self- correct when structures: writing,
clues (synonyms, reading. Prepositional reporting and
antonyms) EN5V-IIIb-20.3 phrases. similar academic
2. Distinguish EN5F-IIIb-2.9 Self- correct when tasks in
text-types reading. collaboration
according to EN5G-IIIa-7.3.2 with others
features EN5F-IIIb-2.9 EN5SS-IIIb-3
(structural and
and solution
politeness at all
II.CONTENT Reminding Others to Stay on Topic Infering the Infer the meaning Prepositional Organizing
Meaning of of unfamiliar words Phrases Information
Unfamiliar through affixes from Primary
Compound Words based on the Sources in
Based given context clues. Preparation
on Given Context Self- correcting for Writing,
Clues ( Synonyms , when reading Reporting and
Antonyms) Similar
Distinguishing Academic Tasks
Text –Types in Collaboration
According to with Others
(Structural and
1.Teacher’s CG p. CG p. CG p. CG p. CG p.
Guide pages
3.Textbook English For All English For All
pages Times 5 Language Times
pp.248 - 255 (Language)
4.Additional https://www.google.com.ph/search? Original File
materials q=sample+picture+of+philippine+map&sa=G&tbm=is Submitted and
from learning ch&tbo=u&s Formatted by
resource (LR) ource=univ&ved=0ahUKEwj3w7GtuJrQAhWLp48KHai DepEd Club
portal NB8kQsAQIGg Member - visit
for more

B.Other Materials: pictures, activity cards, chart, meta cards charts Pictures, charts, pictures;
Learning selection intervening
Resource phrases,
metacards, chart
A.Reviewing Look at this map What was the title A. Review A. Review A. Review
previous of the story that 1. Oral Language Game: Here I am Direction: Make
lesson or we read activity Look around the an outline using
presenting yesterday? Guessing Game room. Where is the article
the new Are you proud of I’m not a bird. my wallet? Where below.
lesson being Pinoy? I’m not a kite. is your bag? How to be
What are some of But I can fly What about about Healthy
the aspects that In the sky. your umbrella? There are many
What kind of map is it? we have to be What am I? Where is the ways to be
How many provinces do we have? proud of being (Airplane) eraser ? The healthy. People
From what province are you? Using this map,show to Pinoy? 2. Review of the books? need rest,
the class What made you previous lesson 1. Pre-Reading exercise, proper
the province where you came from. come up of good Let’s make 2. Unlocking of diet, enough
What places have you already visited in our country? performance or compound words. Difficulties sleep and
What can you say about them? presentation with Write the Arrange the discipline in
your compound word on jumbled letters to order to
assigned task? the blank before its form the defined become healthy.
What did you meaning. word . We need to
consider to have (bookstore) → a e h g u - big, practice proper
good store where books gigantic hygiene like
presentation? are sold cvtaulIetI– taking a bath
How did you feel (bookmark) → develop everyday,
about it? marker placed dnrvtae- brushing
between the pages green teeth 3 times a
of a book Show a picture of day, changing
(bookshelves) → a a farm. clean clothes
set of shelves or and using
cabinet for holding deodorants to
books avoid bad odor.
(bookworm) → a Remember that
person who spends “Health is
much time reading Wealth . So,
a book everyone must
(sunglasses) → used What do you see practice these in
to protect the eyes in a picture? order to save
from the sun’s glare Do you think they money and
(sunrise) → when are happy? effort and at the
the sun rises in the Motive Question same time to
east How is life in the have healthy
(sunset) → when far body and happy
the sun goes down life.
in the west _____________
What are the
steps in
B.Establishing 1. Unlocking of Difficulties Today we are What comes to your Today, we are Today we are
a purpose for Match the words in Column A with their meaning in going to learn mind when you see going to learn going to
the lesson Column B. about inferring an airplane? about organize
A B the meaning of prepositional information
1. wealth a. a quality or state unfamiliar phrase from primary
of being free compound words sources in
2. freedom b. the traditions, based on given preparation for
beliefs that are part context clues writing,
of the history of a nation (synonyms, reporting and
3. heritage c. a form of l antonyms) and similar academic
anguage that is spoken distinguishing tasks in
in a particular area text-types collaboration
4. dialects d. a tract of land according to with others
surrounded by water features
and smaller than a continent (structural
5. island e. a large amount of and language) –
money and possessions problem and
2.Motivation solution.
Look at these pictures. What can you say about
(beautiful sceneries/ Filipino cultures)

Today, I’m going to read a selection entitled ” Proud

to be Pinoy”.
A. Motive Question
Why should we be proud of being Pinoy?
Listen to the story. Answer the questions below.
Proud to be Pinoy
Our country, the Philippines, is known as the Pearl of
Orient Seas. It is composed of 72 provinces and has 3
big islands
namely Luzon , Visayas and Mindanao.
Our forefathers live peacefully and harmoniously in
Beautiful country. They enjoy and treasure the
natural resources
that we have and make them their sources of income.
Philippines is rich in natural resources like seas and
that give fishermen lots of fish to catch for their daily
We also have mountains with plenty of trees that give
us shelter and foods to eat. There are also wide
for pastures where animals can eat and move freely.
Indeed, we are so lucky because we enjoy the
and wealth of our country. We owe this freedom
from our
forefathers who did their best and fought bravely
We are united with one mission coupled with the
hopes and dreams.
We are blessed with fantastic and beautiful sceneries
every region like the famous Banaue Rice Terraces,
Chocolate Hills in Bohol, Boracay, Fort Santiago, Mt.
Mayon in Albay and many more.
Aside from that, we have to be thankful for the
talents that Filipinos are blessed with like in sports,
singing, acting, modeling, painting and many more
that give
glory to our country. We have to be proud of them for
making us known around the world.
So, Be proud to be Pinoy!
C.Presenting Comprehension Check- up The day when Bea Today, we are going Call on a a. Who among
Examples/ 1. What can you say about our country? studied in a to learn how toinfer volunteer to read you have
instances of 2. How would you describe Philippines? private school was the meaning of the story aloud diaries?
the new 3.What can we be proud of about our country? really an unfamiliar words Life in the Do you enjoy
lesson 4. Are you proud of being Pinoy? Why? Why not? unforgettable through affixes Farm making a diary?
5. What will you do to maintain the beauty of our experience to her. based on the given ( Teacher What do you
country? etc. She became one context clues. Made) write in a diary?
of the contestants Call a learner to Nathan was so When do you
in a read the paragraph. excited to see and usually write
swimming First Airplane visit his your diary?
competition. As a The first plane was grandparents b. Let’s read
school swimmer, designed by Wilbur again in the farm. Bea’s diary.
she wanted that and Orville Wright. Every summer he (Teacher Made)
the peak of The day they flew it, stays there for November 10,
her ambition will it was unable to fly two weeks. He 2016
not turn into high. They knew enjoyed being What a blessed
nothing. She that the design was with them day it was!
considered it as imperfect. The because life in the Today, we had
the highlight of brothers were city is different our District
her extra- unhappy but they from life in the English Literary
curricular also knew that farm. He went to Competition in
activities. She flying was not the farm with his one of the
kept on practicing impossible. They Lolo Carlo and private schools
different replaced their old Uncle John. They in our place.
swimming design with a new rode on a carabao Luckily, I was
strokes as what one, and it proved because it’s far one of the
professional to be a big success! from the house. participants in
swimmers do. She Then, he helped Chamber
did the crawl, them in planting Theater. I was
backstroke, corn. They so excited then
and butterfly planted fruit trees because it was
strokes. She and other the first time
couldn’t stop vegetables around that I joined
swimming and the field. They contest like this.
devoted more also enjoyed Although I
time in getting fruits like practiced and
practicing during mangoes, cashew, memorized my
her free time. She bananas and part , still, I was
really enjoyed the young coconut in so nervous
cold water and its the farm. Lolo because there
crystal color . But, Carlo kept on were so many
there were times cleaning the farm competing
that she wanted and pulling out schools in this
to stop due to the weeds until category.
over fatigue. So, lunch time. After When we were
she kept on lunch time, they performing,
resting in her slept under the everyone was so
bedroom when mango tree for an engrossed and
she was at home. hour and then all-eyed to us.
Her spent the rest of We performed
dorm really the day in making well and gave
attracts her to the farm clean our best to
sleep and rest. and green. Before deliver our parts
Bea’s eagerness going home, . The audience
to bring home Uncle John and were so amazed
the bacon during Nathan looked at with our
the competition the goats and performance.
made her decision cows eating at the When all
to practice more. verdant grassy schools had
She hill. There is performed, I
felt so glad when plenty of grass to kept on praying
she won first eat so the animals that may the
place in the are full within an best performers
competition and hour. Sometimes, won.
she believes that they went to the I was so tensed
her dream of nearby river and that time. But
being a good enjoyed when the emcee
swimmer will swimming with announced the
soon be realized his playmates winners ,I was
there. He really so thankful to
had fun God that our
throughout his school won.
stayed in the It was really an
farm. unforgettable
Answering motive day to me . I am
question. looking forward
Comprehension for our
Check performance in
Where did the the next level.
story happen? (in Comprehension
the farm) check -up
Where do they go a. Who has a
every morning? diary?
(to the farm) b. When was
Where did they the content of
ride? (on a the diary
carabao) happened?
Where did they c. What is
plant fruit trees written in the
and vegetables? diary?
( around the d. If you were
field) Bea, would you
How long Lolo be happy about
Carlo kept on the result of the
cleaning the farm competition?
and pulling ou e. What will you
weeds? (until do in the next
lunch time) competition?
Where did they Why?
sleep after lunch? Skill
(under the mango Development
tree) Let’s read the
How long did they diary again.
sleep? (for an What did Bea
hour) want to share
How much time with us in her
did it take for the diary?
goats and cows to What are her
get full? experiences?
(within an hour) (Read the
Where did they go answers to the
sometimes? ( to class)
the nearby river) What do you
Who were with call these
him in the river? experiences?
(with his (supporting
playmates) details)
If you were Summing it up,
Nathan, will you what is the main
also enjoy staying idea of these
on the farm? details?
Will you also help
with your
grandfather and
uncle ? Why?
Let’s read your
What do you call
these phrases?
Which is the
preposition in
each phrase?
What about the
group of words
that follow with
the preposition?
What do you call
What composed
the prepositional
D.Discussing 1. Let’s sing the popular song of the Pinoy Big a. Who has an 1.Who designed the Direction: Encircle Direction : Read
new concepts Brothers unforgettable first plane? the prepositional the selection
and “ Pinoy Ako”. experience? 2.Can you explain phrase in each silently. Then,
practicing What did you feel after singing? b. What was her what happened on sentence. give the main
new skills #1 Direction: Get 3 meta cards. Draw a happy face in unforgettable the first day when 1. A person with a idea and the
each card if experience? they sense of humor supporting
you are happy with the statement/ question given c. What problem flew the plane? gains more ideas.
and a sad face did Bea 3. If you were friends. Everybody
if not. encounter? Wilbur and Orville 2. The guest of enjoys beautiful
______ a. Philippine is a beautiful place. d. What did she would you do the honor in the surroundings.
______ b.Filipinos are talented people. do to realize her same? Why? commencement So, everyone
______ c. Pinoy lacks potential dream? 4. What is the exercise received should help
e. Was she able to importance of this a plaque of maintain an
fulfil her dreams first plane to our recognition. attractive, well-
Skill Development situation today? 3. The park in kept, and clean
Read the sentence 5. What good front of the community. You
taken from the character traits church is full of can start in your
selection. were shownwhen children every own home and
As a school they replaced their afternoon. backyard.
swimmer, she old design with a 4. The fragrance Keep your
wanted that the new one? of the fresh and house and its
peak of her (determination) colorful flowers surroundings
ambition will Look at the attracted the free from
not turn into underlined word in butterflies. rubbish and
nothing. She the paragraph. 5. The school standing water.
considered it as What is the root principal comes to Cultivate a
the highlight of word of each? school before the flower garden in
her Suppose you failed time your yard.
extracurricular in all subjects this Maintain a
activities. grading period, vegetable
Compound Words what will you do? garden and help
are combination Will you be provide the part
of two words with frustrated or you of the food
different will try harder? requirements of
meanings Why? the family. Fruit
to form new word Look at the trees in the yard
with another underlined words in do not only
meaning the paragraph. provide shade
What is the root but they also
word of each word? give nutritious
unable - able fruits.
imperfect – perfect Maintaining
unhappy – happy cleanliness in
impossible – the yard is easy.
possible If you do not
allow trash and
litter to
Always pick up
bits of trash
such as candy
pieces of paper,
dried leaves,
and broken
branches in the
yard. Do not
leave empty
cans and bottles
lying around.
Dispose them if
they are not
needed. If you
have a garden
or lawn, trim
the grass
regularly to
keep it neat and
to maintain its
remember, “
Cleanliness is
next to
Source: Effective
Living Today 5
What is the
main idea of the
What are the
details that
support the
main idea?
E.Discussing Direction: Let’s play a game. 3 players will compete at Direction: Look for A. Assign 9 pupils to Direction: I have Direction: Listen
new concepts a time. I will the meaning of read the dialog here a box with to the selection
and get a piece of paper from the box and for 2 minutes the underlined Narrator: Some strips of paper. carefully. Then,
practicing write as many compound words grade five pupils are You will get one get the main
new skills #2 answers as you can based on what is written on in each talking about and try to use it in idea and the
picked sheet of sentence. their ambitions in meaningful details that
paper. 1. We enjoy life. sentence. support it.
a. Great Heroes planting different Lyn: When I grow along the The Philippines
b. Popular Folkdances kinds of plants in up, I want to be a seashore celebrates three
c. Beautiful Spots the vacant lot at biologist, beside her national
d. Patriotic Songs the back of our because I love Between the holidays
house. There are plants and animals. participants regularly each
also vegetables Karl: I like to be an in the classroom year. These are
and ornamental instructor. Next door among National Heroes’
plants in our I like to instruct or the pupils Day on
backyard. teach college Inside the jail November 30,
2. Bea and Anne student. after recess Rizal day on
want to take the Janet: I want to From a distance December 30,
story of the invent many things, through the year and
unwanted child . so I want to be Independence
She wanted to an inventor Day on June 12.
download it from Anne: I love acting, These are the
the google. so I want to be an holidays that
3. The direction of actress. Filipinos
the test is to Jackie :I like to be a remember
underline the singer. My mother easily. They are
important words told me that I the most widely
in the sentence. have a golden voice. observed by all
The pupils will Joey: I want all Filipinos
underscore it people to be well throughout the
properly. fed. So, I will plant country.
4. The children fruits, vegetables However, many
enjoy playing ball and rice. Someday I festivals are also
in the playground. will be traditionally
This play area a farmer. celebrated.
must always Arthur : Me? I want Some of the
be safe from to be a driver. I most
harm. enjoy driving cars popularly
5. There are lots and I want to go to known are
of seafoods in the different places. Santacruzan and
party. I like these Teacher: Very good Flores de Mayo
foods from the children. What will in May, feasts of
sea so you do to patron saints,
much. achieve your and of course,
ambition. all Saint’s Day,
What is the Christmas and
ambition of each New Year. These
pupil? are the holidays
Pupils’answer which our
Roo country and
twords most of the
Filipinos enjoy.
Letter/syllables Source: English
added For All Times
to the root word (Language)
 Biologist
Biology ist
 Instructor
Instruct or
 Inventor
invent or
 Actress act
 Singer sing
 Farmer farm
The letters/syllables
added at the end of
root word is a
 Notice the words
with suffixes and
the root words
which refer to
 What do you think
is the meaning of
suffixes – ist, er, or
(One who does or
performs a certain
(There are other
suffixes like:)
 ion – action which
means an act of
Ex. Collection,
 ful – which means
full of many
Ex. Colorful,
 less – which
means without
F.Developing Group the class into four . Provide activity cards for Direction: Encircle Group Activity The teacher will Direction: Read
Mastery each group the meaning of (Collaborative) provide five the selection
and assign them to their respective group. the italic words in Pupils will be pictures and the about Snow
Group 1: The Artists each sentence. grouped into three. learners will White. Then, do
Draw the beautiful spots in the Philippines that you 1. They cleaners Each group will be construct the assigned for
want to visit clean the corridor given envelope sentences with your group.
someday. every morning. containing their prepositional Snow White
Group 2: The Composers This pathway is tasks. Group I- phrases based on At the
Create a song that tells something that we can be always clean. Compose a song the picture beginning, the
proud of our 2. The Grade V with affixes. Then, queen sat by the
country. classroom is present your output window of one
Group 3: The Dancers always neat and to the class. Group of the castle
Select one of our folk dances and perform it to the tidy. This lecture II- Write a poem towers. She was
class. room about your sewing clothes
Group 4: The Writers won as Best ambition using for the little
Write a two – stanza poem about the beauty of our Classroom in our affixes. Write your daughter she
country school. answer on a hoped to have.
3. My friend gave cartolina and post it Now and then
me a gold on the board. she watched the
doorknob from Group III- Present a snow falling
London. I will commercial using outside.
always affixes encouraging Then, as her
treasure this knob people to patronize needle wove in
of the door . your favorite and out of the
4. Mrs. Reyes product material, the
bought a new queen
penlight in the accidentally
mall. The light of pricked her
the pen finger and a
helps us to see drop of blood
things well. fell on the tiny
5. Ana has a garment in her
colorful shoelace. hands.
This lace of a shoe Thirdly,“ when
was given by her my baby is born,
aunt. “ she said, “ I
should like her
to have her lips
as red as this
blood; hair as
black as the
ebony window
frame; and skin
as white as
snow. And I
shall call her
Snow White”.
Fourth, when
the spring came,
the young
queen gave
birth to a
beautiful baby
girl. The king
was overjoyed
with the child.
“What shall we
call her?” the
king asked.
Lastly, the
answered, In
winter, when I
was waiting for
her, I wished for
a daughter with
lips as red as
blood; hair as
black as ebony;
and skin as
white as snow –
and now I have
her, I said I
would call her
Snow White.
The king said,
Snow White she
shall be.
I -Draw the
setting of the
II - Get 5
statements from
the story then
arrange the
statements as
they happened.
III - Based on
the selection,
make a web of
the elements of
G.Finding Direction: Listen to the song “ My Native Land” . As Group Activity Direction: Choose Group the pupils Group Activity
Practical the music plays, (Collaborative) the letter of the into three. Then (Collaborative)
application of you’ll pass a ball to anyone and whoever catches it Group the pupils correct meaning of let them do the Group the pupils
concepts and will say some into three . Then, the underlined assigned task. into 3. Then, let
skills in daily thing about the beauty of our country. give each group word. I - Write a short them
living the assigned task. 1. What is the paragraph about summarize the
I - Make an article meaning of the your story “Snow
about personal word reappear? unforgettable White” in
experience using a. a person who experience using different forms.
compound words. appears prepositional Group 1 Outline
II – Make a rap of b. without appear phrase. form
the objects that c. appear again II - Draw your Group 2
you use at home 2.What is the favorite place in Arranging
for your personal meaning of the school and label it events based on
hygiene using word nonsense? with prepositional signal words
compound words. a. no sense phrases. Group 3
III – Dramatize b. full of sense III - Write a song Paragraph form
school activity c. a person who about your
using compound senses routine in school
words 3. What is the using
meaning of the prepositional
word unfriendly? phrases
a. not friendly
b. nofriend
c. with friends
4.What is the
meaning of
a. without fear
b. with fear
c. full of fear
5.What is the
meaning of the
word hopeful?
a. no hope
b. full of hope
c. less hope
H.Making Remember How do you get Remember A Prepositional How are you
generalizatio Listen very well to the story so you can give evidence the meaning of Affixes – are Phrase is made up going to
n and about the unfamiliar syllables added at of the preposition, organize
abstraction its content. compound the beginning or at the object of the information
about the List down important notes or ideas about the story words ? the preposition, and from primary
lesson listened to end of a word to all the words in sources in
form new word. between preparation for
Prefix – is a syllable writing,
added at the reporting and
beginning of a word similar academic
to tasks in
form new word. collaboration
Suffix – is a syllable with others?
added at the end of
a word to form
new word.
I.Evaluating Direction: Listen to this article about one of the most Direction: Choose Direction: Choose Direction: Direction: Read
learning popular the appropriate the letter of the Complete the the steps in
teleserye nowadays. Then, answer the question that compound words correct meaning of sentences by making banana
follow from the box. the underlined writing the letter hazelnut crunch
Ang Probinsyano rainbow word. of the appropriate
by: Rochelle Yeban bathroom 1. Her ambition is prepositional
“Ang Probinsyano” is one of the best teleserye of popcorn really impossible to phrases in the
ABSCBN. shoe cover achieve. box.
It is a show intended for all walks of life, young and sunflowers a. not possible under the tree
old, cardboard b. less possible in the school
rich and poor and even professionals. According to 1. There are many c. more possible auditorium
some varieties of 2. My younger sister among the
viewers, “Kulang ang araw ko kapag hindi ko ____________ in has an angelic face. equipment
napanood ang Baguio City. a. angel face on Christmas
Probinsyano”. 2. The children b. face like an angel to Baguio City First, we sliced
The lead character of Ang Probinsyano is the matinee use c. no face with them the bananas.
idol ____________ to 3. Myra won in an 1. ________ in the Then, we
and natural actor, Coco Martin. His physical maintain the Art Contest because laboratory room simmer them in
appearance fits his neatness of the she is artistic. are the specially- a saucepan until
role as a young straight policeman who has strong classroom. a. not artistic made microscope. they were
personality, 3. Nathan and Kae b. very artistic 2. My mother and tender.
will and determination in making our community a enjoy eating c. has eye for I will go Secondly, we
peaceful one. ___________ in beauty _________ in the added sugar and
Different issues, crimes and violence in our the cinema. 4. Mr. Reyes is a Ocean Park on left the stew to
government have 4. My Mom cleans manager of a big Saturday. cool. Next,
been shown and handled by the policemen headed by our company. 3. The pupils when it was
this _____________ a. one who buys in together with cooled, we
courageous cop popularly known as Cardo. every morning. a company their teacher did stirred inmilk .
Unlike other action teleserye, the show has all the 5. We used b. One who their activities We then
elements: suspense, comedy, drama, love story that ___________ in manages a __________ . spooned the
keep the our Art project company 4. We will go stewed banana
people glued to their seats. People can easily relate last week c. One who owns a _____________ into dishes and
with the company to have our sprinkled each
different true to life issues in every episode. The show 5. My daughter is a Gender and with crashed
is also well – known Development fruits and nut
rich in moral lessons and makes its viewers keen cartoonist in our seminar. bars. Finally, we
observers to country. 5. The candidates decorated each
what is happening in our society. a. One draws for Mr. and Ms. dish with
Lastly, it aims to give credit and rebuild the image of cartoon in a Earth were banana slices.
the newspaper. presented by the Direction: Using
policemen by attempting to change our perception of b. One who enjoys chairman the selection,
the police watching cartoon. _______________ arrange the
force. Let us put in mind that these military men also c. One who has a last Monday. steps in making
deserve to cartoon page banana
be recognized for their heroic deeds and for giving hazelnuts
their lives for crunch by
the country. numbering it
Salute to the director and whole casts of this from 1 -5.
“teleserye” __________
for your outstanding performance.May we have more Then, swimmer
as them in a
educational as Ang PROBINSYANO. Keep it up and saucepan until
hoping for theywere
more exciting episodes! tender.
Source:Feature Article (The Dawn :School Paper __________
G.Paradero E/S) Finally, decorate
Direction : Answer the following questions. each dish with
1. What is one of the most popular teleserye of ABS – banana slices.
CBN? __________
a. Ang Magbubukid b. Ang Probinsyano First, sliced the
c. Ang Mamamayan d. Ang Mambabatas bananas.
2. Who is the lead character in Ang Probinsyano? __________
a. Piolo Pascual b. Jericho Rosales Secondly, we
c. Coco Martin d. Xian Lim add sugar and
3. What kind of teleserye is Ang Probinsyano ? left the stew to
a. A teleserye that gives moral lesson. cool.
b. A telesrye that is comedy in nature. __________
c. A teleserye that deals with the roles of a teacher Next, when it is
d. A teleserye that focuses in only one issue. cool, stir in milk.
4. Ang Probinsyano is a teleserye that aims to
a. give credit and rebuild the images of the
b. Destruct people
c. Inform old ones
d. Excite viewers
5. Ang Probinsyano makes us ___________
a. Aware with the old issues
b. Aware of the crimes and violence in our country
c. Aware of the popular artist
d. Aware of the current trends
J.additional Bayanihan Spirit Look up for the Form new word by Construct Direction: Read
activities for ( Teacher made ) meaning of the adding affix. meaningful the selection
application or Bayanihan Spirit is one of the most popular Filipino following 1. manage sentences using then, give its
remediation traits that we compound words. 2. grace the following main idea.
have. It is practiced more in the provinces than in the 1. softdrinks 3. kind prepositional A Child’s Grief
city. During 2. fairytale 4. hero phrases. behind by: Sopia Ann
planting or harvest time, we can see that the families 3. sunrise 5. visible the house against Margarette B.
of the farmers 4. blackboard the light across Rivera / G.
help one another to finish their work. We can also 5. hotcake the bridge after Paradero ”The
observe this during recess time with Dawn”
mourning time wherein our neighbors offer us help to my friends Every child
lessen our dreams of a
burden not only financially but also emotionally. family, united in
It was also observed when the people in our love and
community build or respect.
transfer to other places. Boy meets girl,
They help us in transferring our things or even our fell in love, got
house. They exert married and
much effort to make the work easier for the family bore a
and give financial child…….but
support even in simple ways. there is more to
Bayanihan Spirit is a teamwork, cooperation and this.
support given In this society
by the people to the members of the community. This where marriage
spirit is is no longer held
something to be treasured. sacred as
Answer the following correctly. Write the letter of the before, we see
correct answer. an increasing
1. What do you call the teamwork, cooperation and number of
support given broken homes
by the people to the other members of the because of
community? wrong priorities,
a. Ningas Cogon wrong choice of
b. Bayanihan partners,
c. Close Family Ties incompatibility,
2. The bayanihan Spirit is usually practiced in financial issues,
____________. meddling in
a. City laws, and
b. Barrio broken vows.
c. Provinces At the end of
3. Bayanihan is observed in ____________. this equation is
a. transferring of house to other place a child made to
b. joining in competition suffer the
c. working in a big company consequences.
4. Which shows Bayanihan Spirit in the following The child loses
sentences self confidence,
_______. neglects his
a. Attending birthday party studies, turns to
b. Helping in the preparation of foods for the guests drugs and bad
in the fiesta companies and
c. Collecting donations for the typhoon victims all other
5. Why do you think the Bayanihan Spirit is negativities that
important? slowly ruin his
a. It helps work easier life.
b. It develops harmonious relationship among Let us think
members in the about this
community because it is
c. Both a and b really alarming.
Let us make our
family a better
one. Strive to
give your child a
normal and
happy life so
they can
Embrace him
with your
unending love.
Help him realize
that life is good
and something
to be treasured.
A.No. of ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective. ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson carried. ___Lesson
learners who ___Lesson not carried. Move on to the next Move on to the next Move on to the next carried. Move on
earned 80% in _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery objective. objective. objective. to the next
the evaluation ___Lesson not ___Lesson not ___Lesson not objective.
carried. carried. carried. ___Lesson not
_____% of the _____% of the pupils _____% of the carried.
pupils got 80% got 80% mastery pupils got 80% _____% of the
mastery mastery pupils got 80%
B.No.of ___Pupils did not find difficulties in answering their lesson. ___Pupils did not ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not ___Pupils did not
learners who ___Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson. find difficulties in difficulties in find difficulties in find difficulties in
require ___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of answering their answering their answering their answering their
additional knowledge, skills and interest about the lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson.
activities for ___Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some ___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found
remediation difficulties encountered in answering the questions asked difficulties in difficulties in difficulties in difficulties in
by the teacher. answering their answering their answering their answering their
___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson.
used by the teacher. ___Pupils did not ___Pupils did not ___Pupils did not ___Pupils did not
___Majority of the pupils finished their work on time. enjoy the lesson enjoy the lesson enjoy the lesson enjoy the lesson
___Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to because of lack of because of lack of because of lack of because of lack
unnecessary behavior. knowledge, skills knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills of knowledge,
and interest about interest about the and interest about skills and interest
the lesson. lesson. the lesson. about the lesson.
___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were
interested on the interested on the interested on the interested on the
lesson, despite of lesson, despite of lesson, despite of lesson, despite of
some difficulties some difficulties some difficulties some difficulties
encountered in encountered in encountered in encountered in
answering the answering the answering the answering the
questions asked by questions asked by questions asked by questions asked
the teacher. the teacher. the teacher. by the teacher.
___Pupils mastered ___Pupils mastered ___Pupils mastered ___Pupils
the lesson despite the lesson despite of the lesson despite mastered the
of limited resources limited resources used of limited resources lesson despite of
used by the teacher. by the teacher. used by the teacher. limited resources
___Majority of the ___Majority of the ___Majority of the used by the
pupils finished their pupils finished their pupils finished their teacher.
work on time. work on time. work on time. ___Majority of
___Some pupils did ___Some pupils did ___Some pupils did the pupils finished
not finish their work not finish their work not finish their work their work on
on time due to on time due to on time due to time.
unnecessary unnecessary behavior. unnecessary ___Some pupils
behavior. behavior. did not finish their
work on time due
to unnecessary

C.Did the ___ of Learners who earned 80% above ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners
remedial earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above who earned 80%
work? No.of above
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D.No. of ___ of Learners who require additional activities for ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners
learners who remediation require additional require additional require additional who require
continue to activities for activities for activities for additional
require remediation remediation remediation activities for
remediation remediation

E.Which of my ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
teaching ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners ____ of Learners
strategies who caught up the caught up the lesson who caught up the who caught up
worked well? lesson lesson the lesson
Why did these
F.What ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners ___ of Learners
difficulties did I who continue to continue to require who continue to who continue to
encounter require remediation remediation require remediation require
which my remediation
principal or
supervisor can
helpme solve?
G.What Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used
innovation or ___Metacognitive Development: Examples: Self work well: work well: work well: that work well:
localized assessments, note taking and studying techniques, and ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive
materials did vocabulary assignments. Development: Development: Development: Development:
used/discover Examples: Self Examples: Self Examples: Self Examples: Self
___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and
which I wish to assessments, note assessments, note assessments, note assessments, note
anticipatory charts.
share with taking and studying taking and studying taking and studying taking and
other techniques, and techniques, and techniques, and studying
teachers? ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare and contrast,
jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and projects. vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary techniques, and
assignments. assignments. assignments. vocabulary
___Bridging: ___Bridging: ___Bridging: assignments.
Examples: Think- Examples: Think-pair- Examples: Think- ___Bridging:Exam
Examples: Demonstrations, media, manipulatives,
pair-share, quick- share, quick-writes, pair-share, quick- ples:Think-pair-
repetition, and local opportunities.
writes, and and anticipatory writes, and share,quick-
anticipatory charts. charts. anticipatory charts. writes,andanticipa
___Text Representation: torycharts.
Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and games. ___Schema- ___Schema-Building: ___Schema- __Schema-
___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly and clearly, Building: Examples: Examples: Compare Building: Examples: Building:
modeling the language you want students to use, and Compare and and contrast, jigsaw Compare and Examples:
providing samples of student work. contrast, jigsaw learning, peer contrast, jigsaw Compare and
learning, peer teaching, and learning, peer contrast, jigsaw
Other Techniques and Strategies used: teaching, and projects. teaching, and learning, peer
___ Explicit Teaching projects. projects. teaching, and
___ Group collaboration ___Contextualization: projects.
___Gamification/Learning throuh play ___Contextualizatio Examples: ___Contextualizatio ___Contextualiza
___ Answering preliminary n: Demonstrations, n: tion:
activities/exercises Examples: media, manipulatives, Examples: Examples:
___ Carousel Demonstrations, repetition, and local Demonstrations, Demonstrations,
___ Diads media, opportunities. media, media,
___ Differentiated Instruction manipulatives, manipulatives, manipulatives,
___ Role Playing/Drama repetition, and local repetition, and local repetition, and
___ Discovery Method opportunities. opportunities. local
___ Lecture Method Examples: Student opportunities.
Why? ___Text created drawings, ___Text ___Text
___ Complete IMs Representation: videos, and games. Representation: Representation:
___ Availability of Materials Examples: Student ___Modeling: Exampl Examples: Student Examples:
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn created drawings, es: Speaking slowly created drawings, Student created
___ Group member’s videos, and games. and clearly, modeling videos, and games. drawings, videos,
collaboration/cooperation the language you and games.
___Modeling: Exam ___Modeling: Exam
in doing their tasks want students to use, ___Modeling: Exa
ples: Speaking ples: Speaking
___ Audio Visual Presentation and providing samples mples: Speaking
slowly and clearly, slowly and clearly,
of the lesson of student work. slowly and clearly,
modeling the modeling the
language you want language you want modeling the
students to use, and Other Techniques and students to use, and language you
providing samples Strategies used: providing samples want students to
of student work. ___ Explicit Teaching of student work. use, and providing
___ Group samples of
Other Techniques collaboration Other Techniques student work.
and Strategies ___Gamification/ and Strategies Other Techniques
used: Learning throuh play used: and Strategies
___ Explicit ___ Answering ___ Explicit used:
Teaching preliminary Teaching ___ Explicit
___ Group activities/exercises ___ Group Teaching
collaboration ___ Carousel collaboration ___ Group
___Gamification/ ___ Diads ___Gamification/ collaboration
Learning throuh ___ Differentiated Learning throuh ___Gamification/
play Instruction play Learning throuh
___ Answering ___ Role ___ Answering play
preliminary Playing/Drama preliminary ___Answering
activities/exercises ___ Discovery Method activities/exercises preliminary
___ Carousel ___ Lecture Method ___ Carousel activities/
___ Diads Why? ___ Diads exercises
___ Differentiated ___ Complete IMs ___ Differentiated ___ Carousel
Instruction ___ Availability of Instruction ___ Diads
___ Role Materials ___ Role ___ Differentiated
Playing/Drama ___ Pupils’ eagerness Playing/Drama Instruction
___ Discovery to learn ___ Discovery ___ Role
Method ___ Group member’s Method Playing/Drama
___ Lecture Method collaboration/ ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery
Why? cooperation Why? Method
___ Complete IMs in doing their ___ Complete IMs ___ Lecture
___ Availability of tasks ___ Availability of Method
Materials ___ Audio Visual Materials Why?
___ Complete IMs
___ Pupils’ Presentation ___ Pupils’ ___Availability of
eagerness to learn of the lesson eagerness to learn Materials
___ Group ___ Group ___ Pupils’
member’s member’s eagerness to learn
collaboration/ collaboration/ ___ Group
cooperation cooperation member’s
in doing their in doing their collaboration/
tasks tasks cooperation
___ Audio Visual ___ Audio Visual
Presentation Presentation in doing their
of the lesson of the lesson tasks
___Audio Visual
Presentatio of the

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