Gordons Functional Health Pattern Assessment
Gordons Functional Health Pattern Assessment
Gordons Functional Health Pattern Assessment
1. Name
2. Address
3. Age
4. Gender
6. Place of birth
9. Marital Status
10. Educational
13. Health Care financing and usual source of medical care – Where do you get financial Health
1. Childhood diseases (Specify immunizable and chronic(relapse) (significant) diseases, Age when disease
acquired, interventions done, residual effects of disease, be careful with spelling of disease)
3. Allergies • drugs • food • others - description of reaction, treatment regimen, compliance, frequency of
4. Accidents and Injuries – Specify minor and major injuries that required medical attention
7. Foreign Travel – Specify all travels to any countries made during the past year
8. Local Travel – to identify visit endemic Areas during the past years
C. FAMILY HISTORY OF ILLNESS (insert genogram)
1. Health and ages of parents, siblings, children, or ages at death and causes illness in the family similar
2. Presence of any hereditary diseases: (FOCUS ON HEREDITARY DISEASES) familial incidence of heart
1. How has the general health been? How do you rate your own health? – MAKE SURE TO EXPLAIN THE
What do you consider healthy about you? What are your health goals? WHAT ARE YOUR METHODS TO
3. Do you have routine physical examination? If yes how often? IF NO, EXPLORE REASONS FOR NOT
4. In the past year how many times have you seen a health care provider? For what reasons?
5. In the past, has it been easy to find ways to follow things nurses/doctors suggest? CITE INSTANCES
1. Knowledge about basic nutrition? Awareness on healthy food and fluid choices?
3. 3 day diet recall (on a typical day, feasts not included) - TYPE OF FOOD,QUANTITY (AMOUNT AND
1. Bowel elimination pattern.When do you usually have a bowel movement Frequency? Do you usually go
to the toilet when there is an urge to defecate? Any recent environmental changes? Characteristics (color,
texture, odor shape and consistency)? Any changes of these recently? Discomfort/pain? Any significant
2. What problems have you had or do you now have with your bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea,
excessive flatulence, seepage, or incontinence) When and how often does it occur? What do you think
causes it (food, fluids, exercise, emotions, medications, diseases, surgery)? What have you tried to solve
the problem, and how effective was it? Do you experience any increase in abdominal pressure/ feeling of
rectal fullness/pressure
3. Knowledge regarding normal defecation pattern? Knowledge to maintain normal defecation pattern?
What routines or practices do you follow to maintain your usual defecation pattern? Is it Effective? How
do you think these practices affect your defecation pattern? Do you use natural aids such as specific
foods or fluids, laxatives, or enemas to maintain elimination? What foods do you believe affect
defecation? Are you experiencing any stress? Do you think it affects your defecation pattern? How?
4. Urinary elimination pattern. Describe. Frequency? Has this pattern change recently? Do usually urinate
whenever you feel the urge? Any feelings of urgency? Hesistancy? Characteristics (color, clarity, odor)?
Discomfort/pain? Problems in control? (Approximated amount in mL per day)? Passage of small amounts
of urine? Voiding at intervals that are more frequent? Trouble getting to the bathroom in time or feeling
an urgent need to void? Difficulty starting urine stream? Frequent dribbling of urine or feeling of bladder
fullness associated with voiding small amounts of urine? Reduced force of stream? Accidental leakage of
urine? If so when does it occur (when coughing, laughing, or sneezing; at night or during the day)? Past
urinary tract illness such as infection of the kidney, bladder or urethra; urinary calculi; surgery of kidney,
ureters, or bladder?
1. What are your usual hobbies? Are you able to find time and allot resources for your hobbies at
2. Any recent changes in your activities? What brought about such changes?
4 .What materials, equipment or resources for recreation and diversional activity are present in your
immediate environment?
10. Have there been changes in your diversional activity? Please elaborate. How are you adapting to
changes? Is there sudden weight loss/ gain?
Observe for: Flat affect, Disinterest, Inattentiveness, Restlessness, Crying, Withdrawal, Hostility
3. How many hours of sleep do you usually have? What time do you usually sleeps?wakes up?
4. Any change in the pattern of sleep? Explore client’s perception regarding the possible reasons for
5.What helps you sleep? (back rub, music or warm milk? Do you take sleep medications?)
2. Has there been any major change in your life lately? Please leaborate on this/these change/s.
3. Are your feelings easily hurt? Why? How do you react on it?
4. Do you feel regretful, scared, distressed, apprehensive or fearful lately? What makes you feel so?
5. Would you consider that there is still a possibility that you can get help? If so, would you consider
1. Live alone? With family? (illustrate family diagram) Family structure? (Accdg to membership: Nuclear,
Significant people in life? (What role do they (SO) play in the client’s life)
2. Describe relationship to each/other member of the family; how do you feel about them? When with
them, do you often feel happy, hurt, insecure, rejected, misunderstood, unloved, lonely? Note any
3. Role/s assumed in the family. Fulfilled/ Any difficulty in performing your role/s? Why? (Who plays as
the role model in the family? Who guides you in doing your role/s) Any unrealistic role expectations? Are
4. Any family problems you have difficulty handling? (Alcohol/substance abuse by a member, any Physical
Disabilities of a member/presence of illness, problems in behavior, decisional conflicts) Explore.
5. How does your family usually handle problems? Effective or not? Cite examples (ways of coping), any
incidence of inappropriate expression of anger, blaming, criticizing, verbal abuse, lying) How do you
2. (For a female client) When did you have your first menstruation (menarche)?
3. When was your last menstrual period? Please describe the duration, (amount) number of pads
used per day, any associated discomfort and measures that would help relieve this (if any).
4. Is there any discomfort or problem with regard to your genitalia that you would like to share or is
5. (For both male and female clients) If there are reproductive health concerns, do you feel the
need or at least make it a point to visit or consult a health care provider? If so, what are the
3. How do you handle stress or pressure? Is it easy for you to admit problems, mistakes or weaknesses?
Are you usually defensive when being slighted? Explore. Give situations or scenario indicating defensive
4. How do you usually cope with stressful situations? when faced with a stressful problem, do you see
5. How do you react to failures? How do you react when somebody offers you help or assistance?