Health History and FHP
Health History and FHP
Health History and FHP
CLIENT PROFILE What course do you predict your illness will take?
How do you believe your illness should be treated?
Biographical Data Do you have or anticipate any difficulties in caring for
What is our name? yourself or others
Tell me about your background. at home? If yes, explain.
When were you born?
What level of education have you completed? Health Management and Habits
Have you ever served in the military? Tell me what you do when you have a health problem.
Do you have a religious preference? Specify. When do you seek nursing or medical advice?
Where do you live? How often do you go for professional exams (dental, Pap
What form of transportation do you use to come here or smears, breast, blood pressure)?
go other places? What activities do you believe keep you healthy?
Where is the closest health care facility to you that you Contribute to illness?
would go to if ill or in Do you perform self-exams (blood pressure, breast,
an emergency? testicular)?
When were your last immunizations? Are they up to date?
Reason for Seeking Health Care and Current Understanding of Do you use alcohol, tobacco, drugs, caffeine? Describe
Health the amount and length of time used.
Explain your major reason for seeking health care. Are you exposed to pollutants or toxins? Describe.
What has the doctor told you regarding your health?
Do you understand your medical diagnosis? Explain. Compliance with the Prescribed Medications and Treatments
Have you been able to take your prescribed medications?
Treatments / Medications If not, what caused your inability to do so?
Describe the treatments and medications you have Have you been able to follow through with your
received. prescribed nursing and medical treatment (eg, diet, exercise)?
How has your illness been treated in the past? If not, what caused your inability to do so?
What is being planned for your treatment now?
Do you understand the purpose of your treatment? Nutritional – Metabolic Pattern
Have you been satisfied with past treatments? Explain.
What prescribed medications are you taking? Dietary and Fluid Intake
What over-the-counter medications are you taking? Describe the type and amount of food you eat at
Do you have any difficulties with these medications? breakfast, lunch, and supper on an average day.
How do they make you feel? Do you attempt to follow any certain type of diet?
What is the purpose of these medications? Explain.
What time do you usually eat your meals?
Past Illnesses / Hospitalizations Do you find it difficult to eat meals on time? Explain.
Tell me about any past illnesses / surgeries you have had? What type of snacks do you eat? How often?
Have you had other illnesses in the past? Specify. Do you take any vitamin supplements? Describe.
How were the past illnesses treated? Do you take herbal supplements? Describe.
Have you ever been in the hospital before? Where? For Do you consider your diet high in fats? Sugar? Salt?
what purpose? Do you find it difficult to tolerate certain foods? Specify.
How did you feel about past hospital stays? What kind of fluids do you usually drink? How much per
How can we help to improve this hospital stay for you? day?
Have you received any home health care? Explain. Do you have difficulty chewing or swallowing food?
How satisfied were you with this care? When was your last dental exam? What were the results?
Do you ever experience a sore throat, sore tongue, or a
Allergies sore gums? Describe.
Are you allergic to any drugs, foods, or other Do you ever experience nausea and vomiting? Describe.
environmental substances Do you ever experience abdominal pains? Describe.
(eg, Dust, molds, pllens, latex) Do you use antacids? How often? What kind?
Describe the reaction you have when exposed to the
allergen. Condition of Skin
What do you do for your allergies? Describe the condition of the skin.
Describe your bathing routine.
Developmental History Do you use sunscreens, lotions, oils? Describe.
How well and how quickly does your skin heal?
Subjective Data Do you have any lesions? Describe.
Do you have excessively oily and dry skin?
Describe any physical handicaps you have. Do you have any itching? What do you do for relief?
Tell me about your health and growth as a child.
Tell me about your accomplishments in life. Condition of Hair and Nails
What are your lifelong goals? Describe the condition of your hair and nails
Has your illnesses interfered with these goals? Do you use artificial nails? How long? How often? Do you
had problems with these nails?
Objective data Do you have excessively oily or dry hair?
Have you had difficulty with scalp itching or sores?
Does this client have obvious developmental lags that Do you use any special hair or scalp care products (i.e.
need further assessment? permanents, coloring, and straightness)?
Do this client’s illnesses interfere with the ability to Have you noticed any changes in your nails ? Color?
accomplish the necessary developmental, physical, Cracking? Shape? Lines?
psychosocial, and cognitive
tasks required at each age level for normal Metabolism
development? What would you consider to be your ideal weight?
Does this client have any physical, psychosocial, or Have you had any recent weight gain or losses? Describe.
cognitive developmental lags that aggravate his or her illness Have you used any measures to gain or lose weight?
or inhibit self- Describe.
care? Do you have any tolerance to heat or cold?
Have you noted any changes in your eating or drinking
Health Perception – Health Management Pattern habits? Explain.
Have you noticed any voice changes?
Client’s Perception of Health Have you had difficulty with nervousness?
Describe your health.
How would you rate you health on a scale of 1 to 10
(10 is excellent) now, 5 years ago, and 5 years
Body Image
How do you feel about your appearance?
Has this changed since your illness? Explain.
How do you feel about other people with disabilities?
Role-Relationship Pattern