Golden Gate Colleges P. Prieto ST., Batangas City: College of Nursing
Golden Gate Colleges P. Prieto ST., Batangas City: College of Nursing
Golden Gate Colleges P. Prieto ST., Batangas City: College of Nursing
A. Biographical Data
1. Name
2 Address
3 Phone
4. Gender
5. Birth date
6. Place of birth
7. Race or ethnic background
8. Educational Level
9. Occupation
2. 24-hour dietary intake (foods and fluids)
3. Who purchases and prepares meals
4. Activities on a typical day
5. Exercise habits and patterns
6. Sleep and rest habits and patterns
7. Use of medications and other substances (caffeine,
nicotine, alcohol, recreational drugs)
8. Self concept
9. Self-care responsibilities
10. Social activities for fun and relaxation
11. Social activities contributing to society
12. Relationships with family, significant others, and pets
13 Values, religious affiliation, spirituality
14 Past, current, and future plans for education
15. Type of work, level of job satisfaction, work stressors
16. Finances
17. Stressors in life, coping strategies used
18. Residency, type of environment, neighborhood, environmental Risks
8. Heart and neck vessels: Last blood pressure, ECG tracing or findings, chest pain
or pressure, palpitations, edema
9. Peripheral vascular: Swelling, or edema, of legs and feet; pain; cramping; sores
on legs; color or texture changes on the legs or feet
perineal lesions, penile drainage, pain or swelling in scrotum, difficulty achieving an
erection and/or difficulty ejaculating, exposure to sexually transmitted infections
12. Female genitalia: Sexual problems; sexually transmitted diseases; voiding
problems (e.g., dribbling, incontinence); reproductive data such as age at
menarche, menstruation (length and regularity of cycle), pregnancies, and type of or
problems with delivery, abortions, pelvic pain, birth control, menopause (date or year
of last menstrual period), and use of hormone replacement therapy
13. Anus, rectum, and prostate: Bowel habits, pain with defecation, hemorrhoids,
blood in stool, constipation, diarrhea
14. Musculoskeletal: Swelling, redness, pain, stiffness of joints, ability to perform
activities of daily living, muscle strength
15. Neurologic: General mood, behavior, depression, anger, concussions,
headaches, loss of strength or sensation, coordination, difficulty speaking,
memory problems, strange thoughts and/or actions, difficulty learning
2 How long have you experienced it? Has it become worse, better, or stayed the
same since it first occurred?”
3. “What does the pain feel like? Where does it hurt the most? Does it radiate or go
to any other part of your body? How intense is the pain? Rate the pain on a scale of
1 to 10 with 1 being barely noticeable and 10 being the worst pain you have ever
experienced. Do you have any other problems that seem related to this back pain?”
5. “What makes your back hurt more? What makes it feel better? Have you tried any
treatments to relieve the pain such as aspirin or acetaminophen (Tylenol) or anything
6. “How does the pain affect your life and daily activities?”
7. “What do you think will happen with this problem? Do you expect to get well?
What about your job? Do you think you will be able to continue working?
1 Can you tell me how your mother described your birth? Were there any problems?
As far as you know, did you progress normally as you grew to adulthood? Were
there any problems that your family told you about or that you experienced?”
P. Prieto St., Batangas City
2 . “What diseases did you have as a child such as measles or mumps? What
immunizations did you get and are you up to date now?
3 “Do you have any chronic illnesses? If so, when was it diagnosed? How is it
treated? How satisfied have you been with the treatment?”
4. “What illnesses or allergies have you had? How were the illnesses treated?”
5. “Have you ever been pregnant and delivered a baby? How many times have you
been pregnant/ delivered?”
6. “Have you ever been hospitalized or had surgery? If so, when? What were you
hospitalized for or what type of surgery did you have? Were there any
8. “Have you experienced pain in any part of your body? Please describe the pain.”
9. “Have you ever been diagnosed with/treated for emotional or mental problems? If
so, please describe their nature and any treatment received. Describe your level of
satisfaction with the treatment.”
3.3 “Are there any reasons why you cannot follow a moderately strenuous exercise
3.4 “What do you do for leisure and recreation?”
3.5 “Do your leisure and recreational activities include exercise?”
7. Relationships
7.1 “Who is (are) the most important person(s) in your life? Describe your
relationship with that person.”
7.2 “What was it like growing up in your family?”
7.3 “What is your relationship like with your spouse?”
7.4 “What is your relationship like with your children?”
7.5 “Describe any relationships you have with significant others.”
7.6 “Do you get along with your in-laws?”
7.7 “Are you close to your extended family?”
P. Prieto St., Batangas City
7.8 “Do you have any pets?”
8. Social Activities
8.1 “What is your role in your family? Is it an important role?”
8.2 “Are you satisfied with your current sexual relationships? Have there been any
recent changes?”
12. Environment
12.1 “What risks are you aware of in your environment such as in your home,
neighborhood, on
the job, or any other activities in which you
12.2 “What types of precautions do you take, if any,
when playing contact sports, using harsh chemicals or paint, or operating
12.3 “Do you believe you are ever in danger of becoming
a victim of violence? Explain.”
P. Prieto St., Batangas City