Experimental Olofernes Etal

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Philippine School Doha


Doha State of Qatar



A Research Project
Presented to the
Faculty Members of Philippine School Doha

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Research Paper Writing

Submitted by:

Olofernes, Mary Abigail L.

Otieco, Hannah Agatha L.
Pineda, Therese Gabrielle R.

March 2020
Philippine School Doha
Doha State of Qatar


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject RESEARCH PAPER WRITING,
this research entitled, CHICKEN FEATHER QUILLS AND DATE PALM (Phoenix
has been prepared and submitted by GROUP 7 OF 10-EINSTEIN and is hereby
endorsed for approval.

Research Teacher

This is to certify that the thesis submitted by GROUP 7 OF 10-EINSTEIN has been
approved and accepted by the Research Panel on January 15, 2020.


_____________________________ _____________________________


Approved by the Research Development Accreditation and Publication Office on Oral

Examination with a rating of ( ) Passed ( ) Failed on January 15, 2020.

RDAPO Vice Principal

School Principal

Philippine School Doha
Doha State of Qatar


A bioplastic is considered an environmentally-friendly alternative to plastics used

today, made of renewable and organic resources as opposed to the petroleum

conventional plastics are made of. This research study will repurpose chicken feather

quills and date palm fibers into components of a bioplastic. Chicken feather quills were

chosen for their high keratin content, while date palm fibers were chosen for their high

fiber content, both of which can act as agents to strengthen the product.

Both chicken feather quills and date palm fibers are usually regarded as waste

products and thrown away. Reusing them as bioplastic components will lessen the

amount of trash in landfills and provide safer alternatives to petroleum-based plastic.

The bioplastic was made by pulverizing the date fibers and chicken feather quills,

which was then be combined with other components such as water, vinegar, glycerin and

cornstarch. Three trials were made, the first with a larger amount of quills, the second

with a larger amount of fibers, and the last with an equal amount of quills and fibers. The

experiments resulted in dark, somewhat stiff plastics that felt rough to the touch. The use

of more refined and higher quality equipment for grinding the quills and fibers into powder

and trying to extract the keratin and fiber from the quills and date palm for smoother

texture is recommended.

Philippine School Doha
Doha State of Qatar


The researchers wish to express their gratitude and appreciation to all those who

supported and guided them throughout the study, especially to the following:

Dr. Alexander S. Acosta, the PSD Principal for letting the researchers experience

crafting a research paper.

Dr. Lorina S. Villanueva, the RDAPO Vice Principal and Dr. Caridad A. Cañete,

the Junior High School Vice Principal, for allowing the researchers to conduct their study

in the Grade 10 level.

Dr. Julie Ann B. Real, the researchers Research teacher, for teaching and guiding

the researchers throughout the study.

The panelists, Sir Jeffrey O. Ballesteros, Ms. Myrna P. Tiemsin, and Dr. Fredelito

Don John A. Vallesteros, for validating and providing the researchers with additional

information and recommendations to further improve their study.

Mr. and Mrs. Olofernes, Mr. and Mrs. Otieco, Mr. and Mrs. Pineda for supporting

and motivating the researchers to finish the paper.

And mainly, our Almighty God, for giving the researchers the strength all

throughout the study.

Philippine School Doha
Doha State of Qatar


The researchers would like to express deep gratitude and would like to dedicate

this study to their families, friends, teachers, and to their classmates. The researchers

thank their parents for the support, guidance, and wisdom. The researchers greatly

appreciate the experts that validate, guide, and correct for the betterment of the study.

The researchers would like to send heart-warming appreciation to their outstanding Grade

10 Research teacher for providing knowledge and criticizing constructively their study.

They thank their friends and classmates who provide inspiration, motivation, and

drive to persevere. The researchers are very thankful for their friends and classmates

whom helped and who supported the researchers through tough times. The said people

assisted and guided the researchers to accomplish this experimental research.

These people’s overflowing support is the reason why the researchers were able

to accomplish and conduct a successful study. The researchers appreciate and are

grateful for everyone involved who helped, guided, motivated, inspired, and supported

the researchers all throughout the study.

Philippine School Doha
Doha State of Qatar


TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................................ ii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................ iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... iv

DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... vi

I. THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTING ................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................... 1
Background of the Study .............................................................................. 2
Statement of the Problem ............................................................................5
Hypothesis ................................................................................................... 6
Scope and Limitations ................................................................................ 6
Significance of the Study...............................................................................7

II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES ..................................... 9

Related Literature ..........................................................................................9
Related Studies ..........................................................................................10
Conceptual Framework ...............................................................................12

Definition of Terms ......................................................................................13

III. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................... 14

Research Design ........................................................................................ 14
Research Locale ....................................................................................... 14
Materials and Equipment .......................................................................... 15

Philippine School Doha
Doha State of Qatar

Procedure .................................................................................................. 19
Flowchart .................................................................................................... 22


V. SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................... 30

Summary ....................................................................................................30
Conclusions ................................................................................................31
Recommendations .....................................................................................31


Figure No.1 .................................................................................................12

Figure No.2 .................................................................................................15

Table 1 .........................................................................................................15
Table 2 ........................................................................................................17
Figure No.3 .................................................................................................23
Table 4 .........................................................................................................24
Table 5 .........................................................................................................25

Table 6 .........................................................................................................26
Table 7 ........................................................................................................27
Table 8 ........................................................................................................28
Table 9 ........................................................................................................29

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ …… 35

CURRICULUM VITAE ............................................................................................. …… 39


The Problem and Its Setting


A bioplastic is a product that is considered as an environmentally friendly

alternative to plastics used today in the modern world. Instead of being made from

petroleum like prevalent conventional plastics, bioplastics are usually obtained from

renewable and organic resources (Fridovich-Keil, 2016), such as vegetable fats and

oils, cornstarch, woodchips, sawdust, and recycled food waste. This product does not

only provide the environment newfound uses of materials of usually discarded

materials but also reduces the amount of waste present in the environment.

An example of an organic source that could be utilized and possibly contribute

to the making of a bioplastic are chicken feathers. Chicken feathers are considered to

be waste materials for they are thrown away once they are separated from the skin of

a chicken. The chicken feathers, more specifically the quills, will be utilized as a main

component for the bioplastic because they have a chemical buildup that is highly

resourceful. The quills are highly microcrystalline, durable, and resistant to both

mechanical and thermal stress with the help of the presence of a protein called keratin.

Keratin is a non-burning biodegradable hydrophilic and a fibrous structural protein that

is present in the hair, nails, feather, horns, claws, hooves, and the outer layer of the

skin. Due to the involvement of keratin, it can help in stabilizing the structure of the

plastic-based on its toughness, elasticity, and hardness.

Another organic source that can be used as a component in a bioplastic is

Phoenix dactylifera, more commonly known as the date palm. Date palms, from the

tree bark to the leaves to the fruit, are highly rich in fibers, making it suitable for use in

the production of bioplastic. The date palm fibers from the bark will be used because

they are less valuable than the fruit and is sometimes considered as a waste or

byproduct of date consumption. The fibrous component will be incorporated as a

binding agent to increase the tensile, flexural, and impact strength of the end product.

The fibers will hold the plastic together making it resistant to deformation and

destruction under the influence of different stresses.

This research experiment will utilize the use of the chicken feather quills and

date palm fibers as components in making a bioplastic. The protein keratin that is

present in the chicken feather quills and the fiber content of the date palm fibers will

both significantly contribute to the effectiveness of making the bioplastic. In addition,

the procedure in creating the bioplastic will not involve chemical procedures to avoid

the possibility of committing danger and harm to the environment and to the people

living in the area.

Background of the Study

Plastics cause severe environmental problems in today’s society. The fact that

the plastic products can be so easily disposed of as well as its non-biodegradable

nature has been observed to be detrimental to the overall environmental well-being.

Mounds of cheap, non-biodegradable plastic bags—which are made from a byproduct

of petroleum or natural gas called ethylene—end up in the hands of consumers all

over the world. According to Plastic Oceans (2018), the proliferation of plastic

products in the last 70 years or so has been increasing. Three hundred million tons of

plastic are produced by people every year and more than eight million tons of plastic

are thrown into the oceans every year. In an article written by Geyer, Jambeck, and

Law (2017), as of 2015, out of the approximately 6,300 metric tons of generated plastic

waste, only nine percent have been recycled. 12% of the total amount has been

incinerated, while the remaining 79% are left to sit in landfills and the environment.

Additionally, after conducting 24 ocean expeditions all over the globe, about five trillion

pieces of plastic approximately weighing above 260,000 tons were found to be floating

along the world’s oceans (Eriksen et al., 2014).

The rapid increase of plastic has been known to negatively affect the flora and

fauna of the places where the plastic ends up in. Lee (2018) explained that non-

biodegradable plastic does not only cause harmful consequences to the environment

but also to the living creatures living there for they can consume the plastics, causing

strangulation, digestion problems, or both. In the year 2018, England and Wales alone

reported 579 cases of damage to wildlife due to plastic litter to the Royal Society for

the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Cooper, 2019). Atkins (2018) stated that those

plastics will not only kill more animals, but they will also obliterate coral reefs and

damage human health as microplastics enter the food chain.

Combined with the number of plastics accumulated in the world’s oceans and

lands, the chemical composition also of conventional plastics contributes to the

degradation of the state of the environment. When left to degrade in an area,

conventional plastics may release harmful chemicals into the water or soil while

simultaneously greatly prolonging the process of biodegrading due to said chemicals.

As stated in a study by Rochman (2015), plastic debris is a cocktail of varied and

complex mixture chemicals stemming from different circumstances, such as the

material of the plastic itself, byproducts from the production process, and other

contaminants from the surrounding area that may stick to the plastic when left in an

area. Recovered marine plastic debris contains many persistent organic pollutants,

other toxic substances, and metals due to the widespread global contamination of the

plastic debris. It has also been observed after analyzing a handful of plastic samples

that some plastic manufacturers include compounds that are potentially harmful to

consumer health to their products (Lahimer, Ayed, Horriche, & Belgaied, 2017).

The Philippines, alongside many other countries, is affected by the global

proliferation of plastics and struggle tremendously with plastic pollution and its effects.

The presence of pollution in the Philippines is gradually growing as the economy and

urbanization increase and develop. The rapid growth of population, city density, and

economies, as well as the climbing poverty rate, make it seem difficult to regulate and

monitor the circulations of plastic waste all over the country. Plastic debris is now wide-

spread in the country’s waterways and lands. The findings of the Global Alliance for

Incinerator Alternatives (2019) in a report state that the average Filipino uses 591

pieces of sachets, 174 shopping bags, and 163 labo bags every year. According to

Ocean Conservancy (2017), the Philippines is one of the countries that contribute to

most of the plastic waste that ends up in the world’s oceans. Ritchie and Roser (2018)

state that the Philippines, just behind China and Indonesia, is third in contributing to

the global total of mismanaged plastic waste beside Vietnam, contributing about six

percent. Lebreton, Van der Zwet, Damsteeg, Slat, Andrady, and Reisser (2017)

mentioned in a study that the Pasig River is ranked eighth in the top 20 polluting rivers

that spew concentrations of plastic waste upon the world’s oceans. It is also suggested

that health problems, such as typhoid and bacterial diarrhea, in densely populated

cities of the Philippines are caused by the pile-up of plastics (Parker, 2018). Wynne

(2016) also suggests that the location of the Philippines in the West Pacific Ocean is

the reason why plastic waste is more likely to spread across the world, which in turn

can affect the various coastal locations.

Plastic pollution has truly become a force to be reckoned with due it being

cheap, insubstantial, and easy to mass-produce, as well as the small number of


countries to combat the aforementioned phenomenon. Johnston (2017) described the

severity of plastic pollution problem as “perhaps not earth-shattering, but definitely

earth-trashing. Plastic may end up being one of the defining characteristics of a new

epoch in the planet’s history.” Out of the 195 countries in the world, there are only 35

countries, cities, and states who have banned or who have only implemented a tax on

plastic bags (Lober, 2018). Therefore, in an effort to assist in fighting against plastic

pollution, this study has formulated its objectives through the following: to be able to

produce a bioplastic to serve as a way to help the environment and society by

lessening the plastic pollution. It also aims to serve as an alternative for non-renewable

plastic. Lastly, it aims to produce an eco-friendly bioplastic meeting the standards of

regular plastic. The product is more sustainable for it has various environmental

benefits because it limits the use of non-renewable fossil fuel which plays a huge part

in preventing worsening global warming. The benefits gained from this research

experiment will help the plastic industry in producing more environment-friendly

products using sustainable and renewable materials.

Statement of the Problem

The objective of the study is to make a bioplastic out of chicken feather quills and date

palm fibers. This study also aims to answer the following questions:

1. How effective is the bioplastic out of chicken feather quills and date palm fibers in terms


1.1. structural integrity;

1.2. elasticity; and

1.3. durability?

2. How will different ratios of chicken feather quills and date palm fibers affect the

bioplastic in terms of:

2.1. structural integrity;

2.2. elasticity; and

2.3. durability?


Ho: It is not feasible to make a bioplastic out of chicken feather quills and date palm


Scope and Limitations

The main purpose of this research is to create an effective alternative to conventional

plastics using chicken feather quills and date palm fibers. The purpose of the product is to

help combat the ever-growing problem of plastic pollution by lessening the detrimental

byproducts produced by petroleum-based plastics when left to sit in landfills. The use of

organic materials will be used to replace potentially harmful chemicals present in conventional


The research utilized chicken feather quills and date palm fibers as the main

components. The role of the chicken feather quills in the final product is to supply keratin to

strengthen and improve the overall durability of the bioplastic, making it more resistant to

ripping. The date palm fibers served as extra help in improving the structural integrity of the

bioplastic due to the abundant presence of fiber. The chicken feather quills was acquired from

the Khairath farm which is located in Salwa Road exit 68. The date palm fiber was acquired

from a date tree.

This research limits the study by testing its effectivity such as testing its structural

integrity, elasticity, and durability. Different ratios were used to find the most effective version

of the study. The study was held within the school year of 2019-2020. Due to this time

constraint, the ability of the product to biodegrade was not tested.

Significance of the Study

The results, recommendations, and implications of this study may help different

sectors along with significant contributions to the following:

A. PSD Community

In an academic environment, the Philippine School Doha community will be able to

use the research study as a reference or an inspiration in making their own. Students could

be inspired to think of other methods or other possible components possible for making

bioplastics. The students could also be made aware of plastic pollution through this study and

the fact that it has reached a point so severe that one must limit the usage of conventional

plastics before it gets any worse. Being aware of plastic pollution and the various possible

processes of making bioplastics could encourage students or teachers to form alternatives to

non-biodegradable plastics. If they choose not to conduct a research study concerning

plastics, awareness of plastic pollution could also spur a new policy for plastics in the school.

B. Qatar Community

The people of Qatar can invest in new innovative equipment for making bioplastics,

allowing them to engage in making their own. Their access to higher-grade equipment could

result in them making high-quality bioplastics. As small as Qatar is, the people still use plastic

daily, resulting in the build-up of plastic waste scattered around sand, streets, or simply

trashcans. Qatar is fast to produce new products such as paper bags made of recycled

material. If the country were to engage in making bioplastics out of recycled material and start

distributing them in supermarkets and grocery stores, the use of bioplastics would spread

quickly and the effects of daily plastic usage will be less severe since bioplastics do not contain

harmful chemicals as opposed to the conventional plastics which contain petroleum, polyvinyl

chloride, and more. In other words, the plastics would quickly be replaced by bioplastics.

C. Philippine Community

People of the Philippines use multiple plastics daily. Oftentimes, the plastics end up in

the garbage, which then end up in a landfill. Replacing the conventional plastics in the

Philippines with bioplastics would not lessen plastic usage but lessen the detrimental effects

of plastic usage on the environment. The Filipinos can continue with their daily lives as usual

but their plastic usage would not be as harsh on the environment. They would also be made

aware of plastic pollution and as a result, be made conscious of how their simple everyday

actions such as buying a sachet or bottle of shampoo affect the environment. Their

consciousness of what they are doing could encourage them to start research studies of their

own about plastics.

D. Future Researchers

Future researchers would be able to use the research study as inspiration to conduct

their own studies about the making of bioplastic. Future researchers could also use the study

as a reference for their ongoing research studies about bioplastic. They could use the same

variables with different methods to attain a better or higher-quality final product. With the

advent of reusing or recycling, the materials needed for making bioplastics are quite literally

everywhere. With creativity and resourcefulness, future researchers could make bioplastics

out of materials that have never been used for bioplastics-making before. Since they are in

the future, they might be able to use newly-made discoveries for their research studies, which

might produce better results.



Review of Related Literature and Studies

This part presents the related literature and studies reviewed by the researchers that

have significant bearing with the present study. It is composed of related literature found in

books, journals, and other publications not to mention the very important contributions of the

information found on the Internet. It also discusses the related studies from different academic



A bioplastic is a more environmentally friendly alternative to common petroleum based

plastics. As stated by Rouse (2014) in her article, a bioplastic is described as a substance

made from organic biomass sources. European Bioplastics e.V. (2018) claimed that

bioplastics are plastic materials that are either biodegradable, bio-based, or attaining qualities

from both. Rouse states that these products were mainly developed in an effort to provide a

solution to the problems conventional plastics cause. The excessively long periods of

decomposition and the growing non-renewability of petroleum are examples of such problems.

The properties of bioplastics are what make it a reasonable alternative to the

conventional plastics people use on a daily basis. According to Woodford (2016), the theory

behind bioplastics is simple: the use of milder chemicals would lead to an easier break down

when finally disposed of. He also mentioned that bioplastics generally do not emit a net

increase of carbon dioxide when they break down. Further, bio-based plastics are made using

renewable resources and will be decomposed by microorganisms in the right environmental


Stoney (2016) discussed that bio-based bioplastics contain various environmental

benefits in connection with the decrease of the utilization of fossil fuel and probable prevention

of further global warming. The benefits gained from this kind of study will help the plastic

industry in producing more environmental-friendly products using sustainable and renewable


Chicken Feather Quills (Keratin)

Chicken feathers are materials usually considered as waste and is discarded before

their advantageous chemical composition can be utilized. In a study by Prasanthi, Bhargavi,

and Machiraju (2016), it is mentioned that in the estimated 400 million chickens that are

processed every week, the weekly worldwide production of feather waste is about 3000 tons,

as each bird typically has up to 125 grams of feathers. Disposal of the chicken feathers often

includes burning, burying, or recycling the material into low-quality animal feeds. These

disposal methods produce greenhouse gases. Continuing the practice is a danger to the

environment and therefore restricted.

The keratin content contained by the chicken feather quills is a great item to utilize.

According to a study conducted by Kolodziejska, Sinkiewicz, Sliwinska, and Starozczyk

(2016), keratin is the most abundant structural protein. It is fibrous and has high stability due

to its self-assembled hierarchical structure. The high stability allows keratin to perform well in

areas such as toughness, elasticity, and hardness.

Ramakrishnan, Sharma, Gupta, and Alashwal (2018) created a bioplastic film using

keratin obtained from chicken feathers. The results of their study showed that combining

keratin with glycerol affected the composition of the plastic film in terms of tensile strength and

elongation at break. Particularly, 2% of glycerol gave the final product the best mechanical

and thermal propeties. In addition, a biodegradbility test applied on the plastic proved that the

product was indeed biodegradable.


Date Palm Fibers

Fiber, which is abundant in most of the components of the date palm, has been

known to contribute to the quality of the product it is mixed in. The substance has been

involved in the production of plastics, namely fiber-reinforced plastics. Lloyd (2015)

mentioned in her article that natural fibers increase hardness, as well as improve the

tensile, flexural, and impact strength of the final product. The fibers hold the plastic

together, resisting deformation and breaking under stresses.

A study conducted by Elseify, Midani, Shihata, and El- Mously (2019)

mentioned that the date palm tree is considered one of the sources of natural fibers,

which are environmentally-friendly and light weight. Fibers could be extracted from

various parts of the tree, some examples being the stem, also known as the bark, as

well as the midribs and leaflets of the palm leaves.


Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Sanitizing and
pulverizing the chicken
feather quills

Pulverizing the fiber

Chicken Feather Quills from the date palm
Date Palm
Combining all
components in a
casserole and spreading Bioplastic out of
the mixture on a silicone Chicken Feather Quills
pad and Date Palm Fibers

Stretching the plastic,

placing it in different
conditions, and putting
objects in it
Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of this study. The Input-Process-Output

(IPO) Systems Approach is used. As shown on the diagram, the first frame is called the inputs.

The inputs on this research include the following: chicken feather quills, date palm fibers,

water, vinegar, glycerin, and cornstarch. The process box shows the research procedure such

as mixing the date palm fibers and chicken feather quills, combining all of the components in

a casserole, stirring until the mixture is smooth, stretching the plastic, placing it in different

conditions, putting objects of various weight in it, and the like. The result will be bioplastic as

shown in the output box.


Definition of Terms

The researchers defined the following terms concisely and methodically for better

understanding based on the study:

Date Palm Fibers is the fibrous component that will be incorporated in the making of the

bioplastic as a binding agent to increase the tensile, flexural, and impact strength of the end

product. Although fibers can be extracted from almost any part of the date palm, the fibers to

be used in the study will be obtained from the tree bark.

Bioplastics (specifically bio-based bioplastics) are plastic materials or products that are

(partly) derived from renewable biomass resources, such as cornstarch, cellulose, recycled

food waste, and many more.

Chicken Feather Quills are the hard materials that make up the main shaft of a chicken

feather. The component consists of high amounts of keratin.

Damage is any change in the bioplastic that degrades it away from its initial state.

Deform is the distort in shape or form of the bioplastic.

Durability is the ability of the bioplastic to withstand wear, pressure, and damage.

Elasticity is the limit of the bioplastic at being stretched without breaking.

Structural integrity is the chicken feather quill and date palm fiber bioplastic’s ability to retain

shape without breaking or deforming excessively after force is applied.

Pressure is the force applied perpendicular to the surface of the bioplastic where force is

distributed evenly.

Wear is defined as the reduce in the quality of the appearance of the bioplastic through

constant use.


Research Methodology

This chapter presents the research design, materials, equipment and procedure that

will be employed on this study.

Research Design

The experimental research design was applied in this research study. Tanner

(2018) defined the experimental research design as being applied when the

researcher is inquiring as to what the cause-and-effect relationships between the

dependent and independent variables are. The independent variables were

manipulated and the effect of the manipulation was observed in the dependent

variable. The researchers examined the causes as to why the product turned out the

way it did and the effects of the independent variable on the product.

The experimental research design was utilized because it is a scientific and

organized approach to research which enabled the researchers to gather the

necessary data in order to be able to enhance the product and recommend further

implications regarding the research topic.

Research Locale

The materials were prepared in the researchers' respective houses and were

combined to make the product in Building 10, Street 531, Abu Hamour (Zone 56),

Doha, Qatar.

Figure 2: The location map of Building 10, Street 531, Abu Hamour (Zone 56), Doha,

Table 1

List of Materials

Material Quantity Unit Pictures

Chicken Feather Quills

85 Gram

Date Palm Fiber

85 Gram

360 Milliliter

White Vinegar
30 Milliliter

30 milliliter

Corn Starch
90 gram

Table 2

List of Equipment

Apparatus Purpose Pictures

Basin to contain the chicken feather quills when


Cloth to wipe and pat dry the chicken feather quills

Food to pulverize the components into finer output


Strainer to strain water from the chicken feathers

Container/s to store the processed components


Spatula to transfer and stir the mixture

Dishwashing to wash chicken feathers thoroughly


Kitchen Scissor to cut the components

Wooden Spoon to stir the mixture in the casserole

Measuring Cup to measure the amount of substances

Beaker to contain substances


Digital Balance to accurately weigh the components

Electric Stove to conduct heat

Stainless Steel to boil and heat the mixture


Silicon Pad to serve as a surface for the mixture to cool and to be

spread into a sheet

Mixing Bowl to contain the components while mixing



The procedure shows the step-by-step process that shows and instructs how to

produce the bioplastic composed of chicken feather quills and date palm fibers. Some of the

steps listed in the process down below is referenced from a video by Science Luxembourg


Preparation Of Chicken Feather Quill Extraction

1. Prepare all the needed materials and equipment. Wash the feathers thoroughly with

dish soap and boil the 750 grams of chicken feather quills with dishwashing detergent

to remove dirt, dust, bacteria, and living microorganisms present to sterilize the chicken


2. Separate liquid and chicken feather quills using a strainer.

3. Separate the quill of the chicken feather from the soft feather vane.

4. Pat chicken feather quills dry with a cloth and leave to dry to completely remove any

moisture remaining.

5. Cut the quills into very small and manageable pieces.

6. Pulverize the dry chicken feather quills into fine powder using a food processor.

7. Transfer and store the chicken feather quill powder into a container.

Preparation Of Date Palm Fibers

1. Prepare all the needed materials and equipment.

2. Cut the 750 grams date palm fiber into small manageable pieces with a kitchen scissor.

3. Pulverize the date palm fiber into fine powder using a food processor.

4. Transfer and store the date palm fiber powder into a container.

Preparation Of The Bioplastic Mixture

1. Combine all the components: 85 grams of chicken feather quills, 85 grams of date

palm fibers, 360 milliliters of distilled water, 30 milliliters of glycerin, 90 grams of

cornstarch, and 30 milliliters of white vinegar into the casserole/saucepan.

2. Mix the substance with a spatula until the consistency of mixture is smooth without


3. Set the heat of a stovetop and place the casserole/saucepan on top.

4. Boil and continuosly stir the mixture for 10-15 minutes or until mixture turns into a thick


5. Pour the mixture onto a silicon pad.

6. Spread mixture with a spatula into an even sheet onto a silicon pad to cool and set.


Washing, boiling, and straining the chicken feathers

Cutting the date palm fibers and pulverizing them.


Pulverized date fibers

The chicken feather quills after being cut and

the quills after being puverized

Combining components, placing the saucepan on the stovetop, and pouring the more
solid product on a pan

Trials with different component ratios

Left to right: More quills than fibers, more fibers than quills, equal amounts


2. Separate quills from 3. Separate quill and

1. Boil 750 g quills with vane from 750 g
detergent. liquid using a strainer. 4. Pat with towel and
chicken feathers
leave to dry.

5. Cut and pulverize the

6. Pour the quill powder in 7. Cut the 750 g date 8. Pulverize the date
dry quills.
a container palm fibers palm fibers

10. Combine 85g chicken feather quills, 85g

date palm fibers, 360mL distilled water, 30mL 11. Heat stovetop.
9. Pour the palm fiber glycerin, 90g cornstarch, and 30mL white
powder in a container vinegar into a pot.

12. Stir substance 13. Boil until mixture is a 14. Pour onto silicon 15. Spread into an even
continuously. thick, clear gel. pad. sheet.


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter show the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. Three

trials of the product were made, each containing different amounts of chicken feather

quills and date palm fibers.

1. The effectivenss of bioplastic out of chicken feather quills and date palm

fibers in terms of

1.1. integrity

Table 4
Structural Integrity of the Bioplastic

Trial No. 1 2 3


Amount of
37.5 grams of chicken 7.5 grams of chicken 30 grams of chicken
feather quills feather quills feathers quills
Feather Quills

Amount of
7.5 grams of date 37.5 grams of date palm 30 grams of date palm
Date Palm
palm fibers fibers fibers
Did the
plastic return
No No Yes
to its original

Table 4 shows the structural integrity of the bioplstic. 37.5 grams of chicken feather

quills and 7.5 grams of date palm fibers were used in the first trial,wherein it made a slight

curve unfolding, which means that the plastic did not truly return to its original state and it was

observed that it contained a slight tear in the first trial. On the second trial, 7.5 grams of chicken

feather quills and 37.5 grams of date palm fibers were used, wherein the bioplastic tore

immediately after folding the plastic. In the third trial, 30 grams of chicken feathers quills and

30 grams of date palm fibers were used, it was observed that the bioplastic was able to return

to its original shape after unfolding. The plastic also did not contain significant damage, with

the exception of a few tiny tears.

1.2 elasticity

Table 5

Elasticity of the Bioplastic

Trial No. 1 2 3


37.5 grams of 7.5 grams of 30 grams of

Amount of Chicken Feather
chicken feather chicken feather chicken feathers
quills quills quills

7.5 grams of date 37.5 grams of date 30 grams of date

Amount of Date Palm Fibers palm fibers palm fibers palm fibers

Is the bioplastic able to

stretch without breaking? No No No

Table 5 shows the elasticityof the bioplstic. 37.5 grams of chicken feather quills

and 7.5 grams of date palm fibers were used in the first trial,wherein the bioplastic did not

stretch very well because it is very stiff. Stretching the plastic with a greater amount of force

causes it to tear. On the second trial, 7.5 grams of chicken feather quills and 37.5 grams of

date palm fibers were used,wherein the bioplastic did not stretch at all. It took a smaller amount

of force to tear it. In the third trial, 30 grams of chicken feathers quills and 30 grams of date

palm fibers were used.It had the best result as it was able to withstand the most force at being

stretched out of all of the trials. However, the plastic still tore after enough force.

1.3 durability

Table 6

Durability of the Bioplastic

Trial No. 1 2 3


Weight of
the Water 330 mL 500mL 500mL 330mL 500mL

7.5 grams of
of Chicken 37.5 grams of chicken 30 grams of chicken
chicken feather
Feather feather quills feathers quills

Amount of
7.5 grams of date 37.5 grams of date 30 grams of date
Date Palm palm fibers palm fibers palm fibers

Is the
able to Yes No No Yes Yes

Table 5 shows the durability of the bioplastic. Two water bottles were utilized, one with

a 500 milliliter capacity and the other with 330 milliliters as the load. In the first trial, the plastic

was able to withstand the load of the 330 mL bottle. However, the plastic broke after the 500

mL bottle was placed on it. In the second trial, the plastic could not withstand the weight of the

330 ml bottle. The third trial, in the other hand, proved to be the most durable as it was able

to withstand the load of both 330 mL and 500 mL water bottles.

2. The ratios of chicken feather quills and date palm fibers affect the

bioplastic in terms of:

2.1. Different ratios of components and the structural integrity of the


Table 7
Component Amounts and Bioplastic Structural Integrity

Trial No. 1 2 3


Amount of
37.5 grams of chicken 7.5 grams of chicken 30 grams of chicken
feather quills feather quills feathers quills
Feather Quills

Amount of
7.5 grams of date 37.5 grams of date palm 30 grams of date
Date Palm palm fibers fibers palm fibers

State of the
In between soft and hard Stiff Able to bend

Tables 7 shows the component amounts and Bioplastic’s structural integrity. In the

first trial, 37.5 grams of chicken feather quills and 7.5 grams of date palm fibers were used.The

plastic had too much keratin, causing the product to end up in some sort of middle ground

between soft and hard plastic. The hardness of the plastic prevents it from completely

returning to its original state. Meanwhile in the second trial, wherein 7.5 grams of chicken

feather quills and 37.5 grams of date palm fibers were used, it was observed that there was

too much fiber, causing the plastic to be very stiff. Bending or folding it resulted it tearing. This

means that it cannot return to its original form after being bent. Lastly, on the third trial, 30

grams of chicken feathers quills and 30 grams of date palm fibers were used. It was observed

that it sustained small tears however, it returned to its original form. The third trial proves to

have the most structural integrity.

2.2. Different ratios of components and the elasticity of the bioplastic

Table 8
Component Amounts and Bioplastic Elasticity

Trial No. 1 2 3


Amount of Chicken 37.5 grams of 7.5 grams of chicken 30 grams of chicken

Feather Quills chicken feather quills feather quills feathers quills

Amount of Date Palm 7.5 grams of date 37.5 grams of date 30 grams of date
Fibers palm fibers palm fibers palm fibers

State of the Stiff, tore after Stiff, tore after Stiff, tore after
Bioplastic stretching stretching stretching

Tables 8 shows the component amounts and bioplastic's elasticity. In the first

trial, 37.5 grams of chicken feather quills and 7.5 grams of date palm fibers were used,

while 7.5 grams of chicken feather quills and 37.5 grams of date palm fibers were used

in the second trial.Lastly, on the third trial, 30 grams of chicken feathers quills and 30

grams of date palm fibers were used. The elasticity of the plastic remained the similar

in all trials: they were all stiff and tore after enough stretching force. However, the

equal amounts of date palm fibers and chicken feather quills allowed the third trial to

withstand the most force compared to the rest of the trials.

2.2. Different ratios of components and the durability of the bioplastic

Table 9
Component Amounts and Bioplastic Durability

Trial No. 1 2 3


Weight of the Water

330 mL 500mL 500mL 330mL 500mL

Is the bioplastic able to

withstand the weights Yes No No Yes Yes
of the bottles?
7.5 grams of
37.5 grams of chicken chicken 30 grams of chicken
of Chicken Feather
feather quills feather feathers quills

37.5 grams
Amount of Date Palm 7.5 grams of date 30 grams of date
of date palm
Fibers palm fibers palm fibers

Table 9 shows the component amounts and bioplastic's durability. The abundance of

keratin in the first trial caused it to at least withstand the force of the 330 mL bottle. However,

the chicken feathers did not suffice for it broke under the weight of the 500 mL bottle. The lack

of chicken feather quills in the second trial caused the plastic to be weaker, causing it to break

after 330 mL. However, the unity of the equal amounts of chicken feather quills and date fibers

allowed the third trial to be the most durable, withstanding the weights of both the 330 and

500 mL bottles.


Based on the findings, the hypothesis stating that it is not feasible to make a

bioplastic out of chicken feather quills and date palm fibers is rejected, for making a

bioplastic out of chicken feather quills and date palm fibers is feasible.


Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter will present a summary of the findings found in the previous

chapter as well as the conclusions drawn from it. This chapter will also discuss

recommendations for the people affected by the study.


1. The effectiveness of the bioplastic out of chicken feather quills and date palm

fibers in terms of: structural integrity, elasticity, and durability

1.1 Structural integrity

The third trial, made of equal amounts of chicken feather quills and date palm

fibers, has the most structural integrity out of the three. Trial 1 tore and remained

curved and trial 2 tore immediately after folding. Trial 3 sustained the least damage,

with only a few small tears.

1.2 Elasticity

The third trial, made of equal amounts of chicken feather quills and date palm

fibers, is the most elastic out of all trials. Trial 1 was too stiff and trial 2 could not stretch

at all. While trial 3 still tore after enough force, it was still able to stretch the most.

1.3. Durability

The third trial, made of equal amounts of chicken feather quills and date palm

fibers, is the most durable out of all the trials. The first trial could withstand the load of

a 330 mL bottle, but broke under a 500 mL bottle. The second trial broke under the

load of a 330 mL bottle. Trial 3 withstood both loads, making it the most durable.

2. The effects of different ratios of chicken feather quills and date palm fibers to

the bioplastic in terms of: structural integrity, elasticity, and durability?

2.1. Structural integrity

Trial 1 had too much keratin, making it too hard, and trial 2 had too

much fiber, making it too stiff. Trial 3 is not too hard nor too stiff, making it able to

return to its original form without taking too much damage.

2.2. Elasticity

Although all trials still tore with enough stretching, the third trial with

the equal amounts of chicken feather quills and date fibers withstood the most force.

2.3. Durability

Trial 1 was only able to endure the weight of a 330 mL bottle and trial

2 was not able to carry either of the loads. This results in trial 3, with equal amounts

of each component, being the most durable. It was able to carry the weight of the 330

mL bottle and 500 mL bottle, separately.


1. The most effective bioplastic trial in the aspects of structural integrity, elasticity,

and durability is the plastic with equal amounts of chicken feather quills and date palm


2. Putting more date fibers makes the plastic too stiff and brittle. However, more

chicken feather quills than the fibers makes the product more ductile and stretchable,

but still tearable. An equal amount of chicken feather quills and date fibers results in

the most successful version of the product.



Based on the findings of the study, the following are recommended:

1. The PSD community, being an academic environment composed of

many different students who all have different resources, should branch out and

try using different materials and equipment. The students who have access to

higher-grade equipment should make use of them in order to improve the areas

the bioplastic is weak in. For example, texture, a food processor was not enough

to fully pulverize the date palm fibers. This resulted in the bioplastic having lumps

or strands of fiber poking out. It is also recommended for the students to

experiment by changing one of the variables. For example, the date palm fibers

could be replaced by another material that is more or less fibrous. Experiments

alone will not only contribute to finding the best materials for a bioplastic, but also

lessen the trash on earth since the trash is viewed as potential materials instead

of mere trash.

2. Date trees are extremely common in Qatar. Briefly put, this means that

they have access to more date trees and can experiment with the other parts of a

date tree. They could use the leaves from a date tree or the seeds from the dates

themselves as components in making their own bioplastic. They are able to

discover new outcomes of bioplastic due to their wider access to date trees.

Researchers should also try extracting fiber from the date tree instead of

pulverizing the date palm.

3. The Philippine community has access to a wider range of chickens.

Researchers of the Philippines are able to look into whether the species of chicken

affects the amount of keratin in the feathers and if they do, they could also

experiment and see what species of chicken has the best feathers for making

bioplastic. Due to their larger access to chickens, they would consequently have

larger amounts of chicken feather waste. Researchers should also try extracting

the keratin from the chicken feathers instead of melting the feathers.

4. Future researchers would have more references to take into account as

they conduct their own research studies. Researchers could also have more

advanced equipment in the future like machineries that would help in making the

product in a more effective and fast way that will result in a better bioplastic.

Researchers in the future should also look into making biodegradable bioplastics

designed to break down quickly, instead of just bioplastics made of organic

materials that returns nutrients to the soil but take a long time to break down.


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Olofernes, Mary Abigail L.

Mary Abigail "Abby" Olofernes is a 10th Grade student studying in Philippine School

Doha. Born on September 27, 2004, she is 15 years old and has been residing in Qatar for

more than 10 years. Abby previously studied in Middle East International School, Doha, Qatar,

and transferred to Philippine School Doha after Grade 6. Having a passion for arts, she is

currently a cartoonist in The Link. She has been bronze medalist awardee for two consecutive

years, and earned a silver medal at the end of Grade 9. Her greatest achievement up to date

is graduating with the title of 'Valedictorian' from elementary. She believes that the littlest of

things can truly change a person for better or for worse. She believes that, although the idea

of change might be terrifying, it is inevitable and a crucial part to moving forward in life.

Therefore, it is best to learn how to adapt to the effects a change can bring, and to continue

walking on the long and winding roads toward tomorrow.


Otieco, Hannah Agatha L.

Hannah Agatha L. Otieco is one of the researchers of this study. She is 16 years old

and was born on November 17, 2003. She finished her Elementary grade in Middle East

International School (MIS) as 4th Honorable Mention and one of the Out-standing Students.

She transferred to Philippine School Doha in S.Y. 2016-2017 and was awarded as Bronze

Medalist. This award was repeated for the S.Y. 2017-2018 and S.Y. 2018-2019, respectively.

She is actively participating in both academic and extracurricular activities. She is a member

of the PSD Hiyaw Chorale and the Dunong Club. She is also a dedicated and committed

C.A.T. Officer. She believes that if one is hurting right now, time will come and everything will

make sense.

Pineda, Therese Gabrielle R.

Therese Gabrielle R. Pineda is one of the researchers involved in the making of this

research study. She was born on April 8 2004, making her 15 years old at present. The State

of Qatar has been her place of residence for 13 years. She has been studying in Philippine

School Doha for nearly 12 years, currently in 10-Einstein under the supervision of her adviser,

Mrs. Myrna Tiemsin. Active in both extracurricular and academic activities, she has

experienced being in Science club, Math club, Senior Dance club, Young Designers club, and

the HIYAW Dance Troupe. She has also been part of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines and

the Qatar Scouts. In third grade, she won a poem-writing competition. During her preparatory

graduation, she was the tenth honor awardee. In the following years, she experienced being

a silver awardee, academic distinction awardee, and bronze awardee.


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