Ipcrf-Development-Plan-2023-2024 1
Ipcrf-Development-Plan-2023-2024 1
Ipcrf-Development-Plan-2023-2024 1
SY 2023 - 2024
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
KRA 1. Objective KRA 1. Objective1.
3. Applied knowledge of 1. To apply knowledge of 1. Apply techniques and Year Round School Head
Applied a range of content within and content within and strategies taken away Master Teachers
teaching strategies across curriculum across curriculum from Inset/LAC/ Co- Teachers
to develop critical teaching areas. teaching areas. webinar MOOE fund
and creative (PPST1.1.2) 2. Undergo structured
thinking, as well as 2. To create lesson plan mentoring and
other higher-order that meet the coaching
skills. (PPST 1.5.2) understanding/learning
of the learners about
the content across
curriculum areas
3. To utilize instructional
materials needed to
show learning.
KRA 2. Objective KRA 4. Objective 3. 1.To communicate 1. Ask for help from advisers Year Round Advisers
1. Communicated promptly and clearly the about the learners’ profile. School Registrar
Managed classroom promptly and clearly learners’ needs, progress, Contact learners’ parents Learners’ Profile
structure to engage the learners’ needs, and achievement to key when necessary agreement Guidance office
learners, progress, and stakeholders, including regarding the classroom Personal Fund
individually orin achievement to key parents/guardians. performance of the learners.
groups, in stakeholders, 2.Collaborate with guidance
meaningful including 2. To conduct meetings office or concern personnel
discovery and parents/guardians. with parents/guardian regarding the learner’s
hands-on activities (PPST 5.4.2 background
within a range of 3.To make visitation at
physical learning home when needed.
(PPST 2.3.2)
KRA 4. Objective Plus Factor 1.To perform various 1. Participate school-based Year Round School Head
1. Performed various related works/activities seminars/activities such as Master Teachers
Designed, selected, related that contribute to the Action Research, DLAC/SLAC Head Teacher
organized and used works/activities that teaching- learning process. etc. MOOE Fund
diagnostic, contribute to the Personal Fund
formative and teaching-learning 2. To join action research 2.Attend structured Grade Level
summative process. group and other related mentoring and coaching/ Coordinator
assessment school-based group that workshops AR Coordinator
strategies enhance the teaching- 3. Enroll graduate
consistent with learning process. studies/schooling
requirements. (PPST
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)
Self-Management Service Orientation 1.To develop and adopt 1. Seek for technical Year Round Learning and
service improvement assistance from Master development Team
1. To participate in program through teachers, head teacher School head
updating office simplified procedure that 2.Participate in SLAC/DLAC Master Teachers
vision, mission, will further enhance meetings Head teacher
mandates, and service delivery 3.Join peer MOOE Funding
strategies based on mentoring/coaching through Personal Funding
DepEd strategies and 2. To implement/practice seminars/training/workshops
directions. the mission, vision,
mandates of DepEd.
Professionalism and Innovation 1. To translate creative 1. Create Action research Year Round School Head
Ethics thinking into tangible study Master teachers
1. To improve changes and solutions 2.Seek for coaching and Action Research
personal productivity that improve the work unit mentoring from SLAC/DLAC Coordinator
to think “beyond the and organization speakers Head teacher
box” and to create 3.Attend seminars/training MOOE Funding
higher value and Continue schooling (Graduate Personal funding
results. Studies)
Teacher III Head Teacher III Principal IV
This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and
Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV: Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.