Department of Education
Region X
Division of Oroquieta City
Villaflor, Oroquieta City
S.Y. 2019-2020
Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs (Recommended Developmental Timeline Resources
Intervention) Needed
A. Functional Competencies
Objective 2, KRA 1
To use a range of teaching Objective 1, KRA 1
strategies that enhance learner To apply knowledge of Conduct an intensive reviewing Year round Curriculum guides of all
achievement in literacy and content within and across of the curriculum of the English learning areas
numeracy. curriculum teaching areas. 7-10 School Heads/Master
Attend seminars on critical Teachers/Teachers
Objective 3, KRA 1 content
To apply a range of teaching Participate in activities like
strategies to develop critical and coaching and mentoring
creative thinking, as well as other program
higher-order thinking skills.
Objective 1, KRA 2
To manage classroom structure to Objective 3, KRA 2
engage learners, individually or in To use differentiated, Attend seminars/workshops/ April-May Local Funds
groups, meaningful exploration, developmentally appropriate Learning Action Cells on 2020 School Heads/Master
discovery and hands-on activities learning experiences to differentiated instruction/ learning Teachers / Teachers
within a range of physical learning address learners’ gender, activities, contextualization,
environments. needs, strengths, interests multiple intelligence and
Objective 2, KRA 2 and experiences. teaching/learning styles
To manage learner behavior
constructively by applying positive
and non-violent discipline to
ensure learning-focused
Objective1, KRA 3 Objective 2, KRA 3
To plan, manage and implement To participate in collegial Participate in a lesson study by Year-round Teachers
developmentally sequenced discussions that use teacher learning areas Lesson Plan/Lesson
teaching and learning processes to and learner feedback to enrich Attend seminars on teaching Guides
meet curriculum requirements and teaching practice. styles
varied teaching contexts.
To select, develop, organize and
use appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT,
to address learning goals.
To perform in various related Engage in various school Year-round School Heads/ Master
Objective 1, KRA 5 works/activities that contribute activities April-May Teachers/ Teachers
To perform in various related to the teaching-learning Attend seminars/ 2020 Local Funds
works/activities that contribute to process workshops/Learning or Action
the teaching –learning process Cells on Action Research
B. Core Behavior Competencies
Self-management Initiating of activities that Participate in activities like GAD April- May School Heads
promote advocacy for men or Team Building 2020 Master Teachers
and women empowerment Local Funds
Attend seminar on
Professionalism and Ethics Developing and adopting conceptualizing or developing
service improvement program an event /activity/program