Group 4 Symposium
Group 4 Symposium
Group 4 Symposium
Aristophanes was born around 450-445 BC in Athens, Greece. He died in 388 BC in Delphi, Greece. His
father’s name was Philippus of Pandionis clan. He was the greatest playwriter in the old comedy during
his time. He wrote about 40 comic plays and some of them include; the clouds, the wasps, the birds etc.
Most of his works are concerned with social works, literary and philosophical aspects of Athens and
themes from Peloponnesian war between imperialists and conservative Spartans. Aristophanes is typically
associated with political, religious and moral conservativism.
Aristophanes opens with a mythical account; an attempt to explain the physical nature of human beings;
how they appeared in the beginning and what really changed in the course of time. According to him,
Zeus the king of the gods and goddesses, made three forms of human beings: man, woman and
androgynous-a combination of the former powerful he asserts, that they threatened the gods who
consequently cut them into two halves; to what they are today.
This narrative greatly resembles the one in the book of Genesis [cf ch.3].it is a story in aetiological form,
explaining how human beings were created by a supreme being and later punished for their disobedience
but not destroyed completely. Aristophanes and the Greeks at large believe that it is a true event in
history. However, it is well myths vary from one culture to another, Greek included. Therefore,
Aristophanes claims about the nature of human beings may just be regarded as mere assumptions
evidenced by several loopholes which will be dealt with in the succeeding themes.
According to Aristophanes love is the desire to be whole again; to be together since human beings had
been cut into two halves, each one longs for its other half with the aim of being whole again as it was in
the beginning. This is the case even today where a man or woman leaves his/her family to go and unite
with the husband.
Aristophanes speaks of a unique kind of love which is not based on mere sex but on the desire to be
united. Suppose two intimate lovers were asked by the Greek god Hephaestus what they really wanted
from each other and if he would mould into one being such that they might live as one for the rest of their
lives, they would eagerly receive it wholeheartedly.
Love draws us towards what belongs to us for the time being but, in the afterlife, promises greatest hope
of all. Love restores and heals us when we find the other that moment, we become blessed and
happy. Therefore, we should treat him with due reverence.
Aristophanes explains that there were three genders; male, female and androgynous. Their genitals were
outside. Initially, they practiced external reproduction whereby they cast their seeds on the ground and
made children, like cicadas. Later, Zeus invented interior reproduction by changing their genitals to the
front; By the man in the woman. In this way, when they embraced each other, they could have sexual
intercourse and those who were formerly androgynous could reproduce and when two men come
together, they would at least have sexual satisfaction and move on to other things.
He argues that, a man who is split from the androgynous, runs after women and women who are split
from a woman are oriented more towards women. These are the lesbians. Men who are split from male
are male oriented. These are the gays. He applauds male-male relationships especially between men and
boys since such couples value boldness, braveness and masculinity and they tend to cherish what is like
themselves. He proves it by saying that they are the kind of boys who grow up to be real men in politics.
Is what is acceptable as right or wrong
Body of standard or principle that is the derived code of conduct of particular philosophy,
religion or culture
Can also be derived from the standard in which a person believe should be universal
morality in relation to the speech of Aristophanes refer to the standard or code in which
according to Aristophanes speech he believes should be universal acceptable as right or
wrong this includes the following.
a) People should create greater sanctuary and offer greater sacrifices to the god of love
because is the most man loving of gods being the helper of man and healer of those
healing would be the greatest happiness to the human race. Mutual love implanted in
mankind bringing together the parts of the original body and trying to make one out of
two and to heal the natural structure of man. The healing is the result of cutting which
was done by Zeus because of human stubbornness
b) Man, who are fond of woman are adulterer a woman who are fond of man are adulteress.
Because the intimacy of sex that is the mere sex is the reason each lover takes so great
and deep joy in being with other while the boys who loves mere and enjoy been with men
and being embraced by men are the best of boys, they are the most mainly in their nature
because one would thick it is the intimacy of sex that mere sex is the reason each lover
takes so greater and deep joy in being with other and this boy when they grow up the
became the political figures.
c) We should encourage all men to treat god with reverence so that we may escape this fate
of being cut again to half and find wholeness instead. If love is our guide and our
commander let no one work against him who ever oppose love is hateful to the gods but
if we became friend of the gods and cease to quarrel with him then we shall find the
young man that meant for us and win the love.
We should strive for a higher form of love which is beyond the intimacy of sex, but is
centered on the love of the soul.
Aristophanes speech is significant in explaining the origin of love in the form of a myth;
How and why people desire each other. However much it is characterized by some gaps.