Upper Intermediate - WB - Unit 1 PDF
Upper Intermediate - WB - Unit 1 PDF
Upper Intermediate - WB - Unit 1 PDF
1a A tradition in decline?
Reading friendships
1 Look at the photo. Then read the article. Which
of the following statements best summarizes the
difference in the French and American attitudes
to friendships?
a Most Americans have a lot of close friends.
b Americans are friendly with everyone; the
French only with a few people.
c The French view friendship as something
4 Choose the best option to complete the sentences. 6 Pronunciation auxiliary verbs have and has
1 It’s not just in Britain that people are retiring a Read the conversations. Underline the auxiliary
later. A lot of countries raised / have raised the verbs have and has that you think are stressed. Circle
retirement age. This wasn’t / hasn’t been very the auxiliary verbs that are not stressed.
popular, as you can imagine.
1 A: Have you finished using the computer yet?
2 In other countries, like France and Japan, the
I need to check my emails.
government encouraged / has been encouraging
people to have more children. For example, in B: Yes, I have. But the internet connection has
France, they have reduced / have been reducing been a bit funny.
people’s tax if they have more than two children. A: What do you mean? Haven’t you been able
3 Some people say that advances in medicine went / to connect or has it just been slow?
have gone too far. They say that it was / has been 2 A: How has your visit to Scotland been? Have
better when people didn’t live so long. you had a good time?
4 Old people seem younger now. My B: Well, the weather has been terrible, but
grandmother had / has had her seventieth apart from that, it’s been wonderful.
birthday a few weeks ago, but she looks about A No, it hasn’t been a very nice summer, but
sixty. She has gone / has been going to yoga I’m afraid that’s pretty typical.
classes lately too!
5 Emma looked / has been looking after her elderly b 2 Listen and check your answers to Exercise 6a.
parents for the last year. She had / has had to
take a lot of time off work to be with them. 7 Dictation old and young
5 Complete the sentences with an appropriate time 3 Look at the photo. The person is describing
expression. her family. Listen and write what she says. What is
she looking forward to when she is older?
all morning last year
before since the age of sixteen
in the past so far
just yet
2 Complete the interview about a family. Use 4 Now write a word family for another word.
adjectives from Exercise 1. Choose two from the list.
fortune immigration influence obey
Are you a close family? respect support
Yes, we are. We all have our own lives and careers so we are
not 1 on each other, but we remain very close.
Why do you think that is? Check!
We were brought up in a very loving and 2
environment. Our parents taught us to look after each other. 5 Do the quiz. Choose the correct option. All the
answers appear in Student’s Book Unit 1.
Is there a clear head of the family?
It’s quite a 3 family in many ways. On
the face of it, my father is the head of the family, but actually
my mother is really in charge. She’s very calm and
and never loses her temper.
And do you all share a particular family characteristic?
I’m afraid we’re all quite 5 people: we
all want to be in charge and to manage everything.
Is there someone in the family you admire especially?
My uncle, who’s an inventor. He’s very 6
with his hands. He can fix anything. He’s also very
. He tells some really funny stories. I feel
very 8 to have someone like him in my life.
Has your family influenced your own path in life?
Yes. My father has been very 9 in his
business. He built it up from nothing. And I think that has made
us all 10 to succeed as well. My sister wants 1 Orang-utans are unusual in that they like to:
to be a film actor; my brother wants to be a top lawyer. a spend time with other animals.
b share their food.
c live independently.