Electronics Syllabus

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Aim of the course: This course aims to give an in-depth knowledge in the field of Basic
Semiconductor devices and their applications

Hours/Week :4
Contact Hours : 72
Credits :3


Network Theorems (6 Hours)

Kirchhoff’s Current Law- Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law-Thevenins Theorem-Norton’s

Theorem-Super Position Theorem-Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.

Semiconductor, PN Junction and PN Junction Diode (6 Hours)

Semiconductor-Bonds In Semiconductor-Energy Band-Effect of Temperature on

Semiconductors - Intrinsic Semiconductor - Extrinsic Semiconductor - N Type
Semiconductor- P Type Semiconductor-Majority and Minority Carriers - Formation of
PN Junction (Alloying)- Properties of PN Junction- Biasing of a PN Junction- VI
Characteristics of PN Junction-Specifications of PN Junction Semiconductor Diode -
Resistance of Crystal Diode - Diode Equivalent Circuit – Forward Current- Peak Inverse
Voltage - Reverse Current- Diode Current Equation


Rectifiers and Filters (6 Hours)

Half Wave Rectifier - Efficiency of Half Wave Rectifier-PIV of A Diode In Half Wave
Rectifier- Full Wave Rectifier-Centre Tapped FWR- Efficiency of FWR- Advantage And
Disadvantages of Centre Tapped FWR- Bridge Rectifier- Advantages And Disadvantages
of Bridge Rectifier- Efficiency of FWR- Ripple Factor- Ripple Factor Of HWR- Ripple
Factor of FWR. Filters- Inductor Filter - Capacitor Filter- LC Filter – CLC Filter.

Special Purpose Diodes (6 Hours)

Zener Diode- Avalanche And Zener Breakdown- Reverse Characteristics of Zener Diode-
Zener Diode Specifications- Zener Diode Equivalent Circuits- Zener Diode as a Voltage
Stabilizer - Tunnel Diode- V I Characteristics Of Tunnel Diode- Tunnel Diode
Parameters-Tunnel Diode Equivalent Circuit- Tunnel Diode Applications- Varactor
Diode - Schottky Diode- Photodiode- LED.


Transistors (6 Hours)

Transistors- NPN Transistor- PNP Transistor- Transistor Symbols- Transistor

Configurations- 1. Common Base Configuration-Current Amplification Factor-
Expression for Collector Current-Input And Output Characteristics of Common Base
Connection- 2. Common Emitter Connection- Base Current Amplification Factor-
Expression for Collector Current- Relation Between β and α - Input And Output
Characteristics of Common Emitter Configuration- 3. Common Collector Configuration-
Current Amplification Factor- Expression for Collector Current- Relation Between γ and
α-Comparison of Transistor Configurations.

Transistor as an Amplifier in CE Arrangement- Transistor Load Line Analysis- Operating

Point- Transistor Biasing- Need for Stabilization- BJT Factors Contributing to Thermal
Stability - Stability Factor- Base Resistor bias Method- Voltage Divider Bias Method.

Wave Shaping Circuits (6 Hours)

Clipping Circuits: Positive Clipper- Series Positive Clipper- Shunt Positive Clipper-
Negative Clipper- Series Negative Clipper- Shunt Negative Clipper - Biased Clipper.

Clamper Circuits: Positive Clamper Circuit- Negative Clamper Circuit. Differentiating

circuit, Applications of a Differentiating circuit - Generation of a narrow pulse from
square wave. Integrating circuit - Applications of an integrating circuit - Generation of a
triangular wave from a square wave. Voltage multipliers - Voltage doubler - Voltage

Text Books:

1. Principles of Electronics- V K Mehta and Rohit Mehta

2. Applied Electronics- R S Sedha



Aim of the course: This course aims to give an in-depth knowledge in Amplifiers,
oscillators and power electronics

Hours/Week :4
Contact Hours : 72
Credits :3


Single Stage CE Amplifier with Voltage Divider Biasing (12 Hours)

Single Stage Transistor Amplifier- Transistor as an Amplifier- Components of Single

Stage CE Amplifier with Voltage Divider Biasing- Various Currents in Single Stage CE
Amplifier with Voltage Divider Biasing- Phase Reversal in Common Emitter Amplifier-
DC Equivalent and AC Equivalent Circuits of Single Stage CE Amplifier with Voltage
Divider Biasing. DC Load Line Analysis and AC Load Line Analysis of Single Stage CE
Amplifier with Voltage Divider Biasing- Voltage Gain- AC Emitter Resistance- Voltage
Gain of Unloaded CE Amplifier- Voltage Gain of Loaded CE Amplifier- Voltage Gain Of CE
Amplifier Without CE- Input Impedance of CE Amplifier- Voltage Gain Stability-
Classification of Amplifiers- Amplifier Equivalent Circuit.


Negative Feedback Amplifier (6 Hours)

Feedback- Types of Feedback- Positive Feedback- Negative Feedback-Gain of Negative

Voltage Feedback Amplifiers- Advantages of Negative Voltage Feedback Amplifiers.
Input Impedance of Negative Voltage Feedback Amplifiers- Output impedance of
Negative Voltage Feedback Amplifiers, Emitter Follower- DC Analysis of Emitter
Follower- Voltage Gain of Emitter Follower - Input Impedance of Emitter Follower-
Output Impedance of Emitter Follower -

Applications of Emitter Follower.

Oscillators (6 Hours)

Comparison of Oscillator And Amplifier- Classification of Oscillators- Applications of

Sinusoidal Oscillators- Oscillatory Circuit- Factors Determining Frequency of Oscillatory
Circuit- Factors Determining The Frequency Stability of An Oscillator- The Barkhausen
Criterion- Colpitts Oscillator-Hartley Oscillator- Phase Shift Oscillator- Piezo Electric
Effect- Quartz Crystal- Transistor Crystal Oscillator.


Field Effect Transistors (6 Hours)

Comparison of BJT And FET- Types of FET- Junction Field Effect Transistor- N Channel
JFET- P Channel JFET- JFET as an Amplifier- JFET Characteristics- Drain Characteristics-
Transfer Characteristics- JFET Parameters- Advantages of JFET- JFET Biasing- Fixed
Biasing- Self Biasing- Voltage Divider Biasing.

Power Electronics (6 Hours)

Silicon Controlled Rectifier- Working of SCR- Equivalent Circuit of SCR- SCR

Characteristics- Triac - Triac Construction- Triac Operation- Triac Characteristics-
Applications of Triac- DIAC- Operation of Diac- UJT- UJT Construction- UJT Operation-
Equivalent Circuit of UJT- UJT Characteristics- Applications of UJT.

Text Books:

1. Principles of Electronics- V K Mehta and Rohit Mehta

2. Applied Electronics- R S Sedha




Aim of the course: This course introduces operational amplifiers and their
applications, communication electronics and integrated circuits

Hours/Week :4
Contact Hours : 72
Credits :3


The Operational Amplifier (18 hours)

Basic Concepts of Operational Amplifier- Block Diagram of Opamp- Schematic Diagram-

Ideal Operational Amplifier Features- Inverting Amplifier Using Opamp-Non Inverting
Amplifier Using Opamp- Voltage Follower Using Opamp- Differential Amplifier with One
Opamp- Differential Amplifier with Two Opamp- Opamp Parameters (basic ideas)- 1.
Input Bias Current- 2. Input Offset Current-3. Input Offset Voltage- 4. Common Mode
Rejection Ratio- 5. Supply Voltage Rejection Ratio-6. Output Voltage Swing- 7. Slew
Rate-8. Gain Bandwidth Product.

Applications of Op-amp

Adder Circuit in Inverting Configuration- Adder Circuit in Non Inverting Configuration-

Adder Circuit in Differential Configuration- Integrator- Differentiators- Square wave
Generator using Opamp.

MODULE II (18 hours)

Communication Electronics

Modulation- Need for Modulation.

Principle of Amplitude Modulation- Frequency Spectrum of The AM Wave- AM

Representation- Power Relations in the AM Wave- Modulation by Several Sine Waves-
Essentials of Demodulation- Limitations of AM- Transistor AM Modulator-
Demodulation-Necessity of Demodulation- Essentials of Demodulation- AM Diode
Detector- AM Radio Receivers- Straight Radio Receiver- Superheterodyne Receiver-
Advantages of Superheterodyne Circuit

Frequency Modulation (qualitative study only)- Advantages of FM over AM-Comparison

of FM And AM.

Pulse Modulation- Pulse Amplitude Modulation- Sampling Theorem- PAM

Demodulation-Pulse Time Modulation-A. Pulse Width Modulation-PWM Generation
using Monostable Multivibrator - B. Pulse Position Modulation- PPM Generation- PPM
Demodulation- Pulse Code Modulation- Principles of PCM (basic ideas)

TV Fundamentals- Monochrome TV Transmission and Reception- Scanning- Horizontal

Scanning- Vertical Scanning- Interlaced Scanning-TV Aspect Ratio- High Definition TV-
Liquid Crystal Display- Plasma Display- Comparison of LCD And Plasma TV.

MODULE III (18 hours)

Integrated Circuits

Integrated Circuits- Advantages of ICs- Limitations of ICs- Scale of Integration-

Classification of ICs By Structure- Monolithic ICs- Thick Film and Thin Film ICs- Hybrid
ICs-Monolithic IC Technology-Planar Processes-1. Crystal Growth of The Wafer-
2.Epitaxial Growth- 3. Oxidation- 4. Photolithography and Chemical Etching- 5.
Diffusion- 6. Ion Implantation- 7. Metallization. (Basic Ideas) Fabrication of a Bipolar
Junction Transistor.


1. Opamps and Linear Integrated Circuits- Gayakwad

2. Electronic Communication Systems- George Kennedy & Bernard Davis

3. Principles of Electronics- V K Mehta and Rohit Mehta

4. Micro Electronics- Millman and Grabel



Aim of the course: This course aims to give an in-depth knowledge in
digital electronics and applications

Hours/Week :4
Contact Hours : 72
Credits :3


Number Systems (6 Hours)

Introduction- Number Systems- Decimal Number System- Binary Number Systems- Octal
Number Systems- Hexadecimal Number Systems- Binary Arithmetic-Binary Coded
Boolean Algebra (6 Hours)

Boolean Logic Operations- Properties of Boolean Algebra—Principle of


Demorgans Theorem- Simplification of Boolean Expression using Algebraic Method-

Sum of Products and Product of Sums- Minterm- Canonical SOP- Maxterm- Canonical
POS-Deriving SOP and POS From Truth Table- Karnaugh Map- Rules for K Map-
Simplification of Boolean Expression Using K-Map.

Logic Gates (6 Hours)

Logic Gates- OR Gate- and Gate- NOT Gate- NAND Gate- NOR Gate- Universal Gates- XOR

Gate- XNOR Gate


Combinational Circuits (6 Hours)

Half Adder- Full Adder- Half Subtractor- Full Subtractor- Four Bit Adder. Decoder- Basic
Binary Decoder- 3 to 8 Decoder- 4 to 16 Decoder- Applications of Decoder- Encoders-

Octal to Binary Encoder- Decimal to BCD Encoder- Priority Encoder.

Sequential Circuits (6 Hours)

Flip Flops- Types of Flip Flops- SR Filp Flop- NOR Based SR Flip Flop- NAND Based SR
Flip Flop- Excitation Table of SR Flip Flop- Clocked SR Flip Flop-D Flip Flop- JK Flip Flop-
T Flip Flop.

Triggering of Flip Flops- Asynchronous Inputs in Flip Flop- Master Slave JK Flip Flop-
Race Around Condition- Applications of Flip Flops.

Applications of Flip Flops (6 Hours)

Counters- Asynchronous/Ripple Counter- Asynchronous Up Counter- Asynchronous

Down Counter- Asynchronous Up Down Counter- Drawbacks Of Ripple Counters-
Synchronous Counters- Synchronous Up Counter- Synchronous Down Counter-
Synchronous Up Down Counter- Mod 3 Counter- Mod 6 Counter- Mod 10 (Bcd) Counter-
Ring Counter Shift Registers- Types of Shift Registers- SISO –SIPO- PISO- PIPO

Converters- Digital to Analog Converters- Weighted Resistor Type DAC- R-2R Ladder
Type DAC- Specifications of DAC- Analog to Digital Converters- Counter Type ADC

MODULE III (18 hours)

Basics of Python Programming

Python and its advantages- Python interpreter- IDLE- Basic Python syntax- comments,
string operations, variable types, type casting, operators; simple IO- print, input, loadtxt;
Program control flow- conditional statements, loops, Functions; packages and modules-
math, numpy, scipy; Lists- append, pop, map, sort (basic ideas only).


1. Digital Circuits and Design- S Salivahanan and S Arivizhagan

2. Python in a Nutshell- Alex Martelli

3. Computational Physics with Python- Dr. Eric Ayars

Aim of the course: This course aims to give hands on training in basic electronic
characteristics and their applications

Hours/Week :4
Contact Hours : 72
Credits :2


1. CRO Familiarization
2. PN Junction Diode Characteristics
3. Zener Diode Characteristics
4. LED Characteristics
5. Half Wave Rectifier with and without Filter
6. Centre Tapped Full Wave Rectifier with and without Filter
7. Bridge Full Wave Rectifier with And Without Filter
8. Clippers- Positive, Negative, Biased
9. Clampers- Positive, Negative
10. Voltage Multipliers
11. Zener Diode Regulator
12. RC Integrator
13. RC Differentiator
14. Common Base Characteristics
15. Common Emitter Characteristics
16. Single Stage CE Amplifier
17. JFET Characteristics
18. Emitter Follower
19. Transistor as a Switch
20. Hartley Oscillator
21. Colpitts Oscillator
22. RC Phase Shift Oscillator


Electronics Lab Manual Vol I - Dr. K A Navas

20 experiments are to be carried out compulsorily. For appearing external

examinations, certified record should be produced.

Aim of the course: This course aims to give practical expertise in op-amp ICs , analog
and digital ICs and their applkcations

Hours/Week :4
Contact Hours : 72
Credits :2


1. Zero Crossing Detector using Op-amp

2. Inverting Amplifier using Op-amp
3. Non Inverting Amplifier using Op-amp
4. Comparator using Op-amp
5. Buffer (Voltage Follower) using Op-amp
6. Adder Circuit using Op-amp
7. Difference Amplifier using Op-amp
9. Integrator using Op-amp
10. Differentiator using Op-amp
11. Square Wave Generator Using Op-amp
12. Verification of Truth Table using ICs
13. Verification of Truth Table using Universal Gates
14. Verification of Demorgan’s Law
15. Half Adder using ICs
16. Full Adder using ICs
17. Verification of Truth Table of JK Flip Flop
18. Shift Register using IC
19. Ripple Counter using IC
20. Ring Counter using IC
21. Decade Counter using IC
22. Digital to Analog Converter
23. Analog to Digital Converter
24. Print a Set of Numbers in Fibonacci Series using Python
25. Python Program to Check Prime Numbers.


Electronics Lab Manual Vol II - Dr. K A Navas

22 experiments are to be carried out compulsorily. For appearing external

examinations, certified record should be produced.

For all Practical papers
a) Marks of External Examination : 80
b) Marks of internal evaluation : 20

Internal Practical Evaluation:

All the four components of the internal assessment are mandatory.

Components of Internal Evaluation of Practical Marks

Attendance 5
Test paper/Viva 5
Record* 5
Lab involvement 5
Total 20
*Marks awarded for Record should be related to number of experiments recorded and
duly signed by the concerned teacher in charge. For appearing external practical
examination, certified record should be produced.

External Practical Examination:

For all the practical papers, there will be an external evaluation. The external
examiner will be appointed by the University. There will be an internal examiner who
will be appointed by the Head of the Department of the College. The external university
examination will be of 3 hours and the various components for external evaluation of
practical are:

Scheme of Evaluation for External Practical Examination

Parameter Marks
Circuit diagram & Proper labelling 15
Theory, Design, Truth Table(for digital circuits), Procedure
& Tabular columns
Viva 15
Conduction & Observation 15
Result 10
Certified Record 10
Total 80


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