21EES101T Syllabus
21EES101T Syllabus
21EES101T Syllabus
Approval Awaited
Overview of Semiconductors, Diodes and Transistors, Introduction to JFET and MOSFET.
Construction and working of power devices-SCR, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT -Switching
Characteristics of SCR- Types of power converters- Natural and force commutation, Linear
voltage Regulator, SMPS
Realize the logic expression using basic logic gates, Combinational logic design-Sum of
Product form (SOP) and Product of Sum (POS) form, Minterm and Maxterm, Karnaugh Map
(K-Map) representation of logical functions, Two variables K-Map, Three variables K-Map,
Four variables K-Map. Introduction to FPGA.
Practice on realization of logical expression, combinational circuits, PCB design, soldering
and testing
Unit-5–Power Engineering
Electrical supply system- simple layout of Generation, transmission and Distribution of
power, Typical AC and DC power supply schemes, overview on substation equipment with
key diagram of 11kV/400 V indoor substation- Introduction to smart grid.
Safety Measures in Electrical systems- Basic Principle and importance of Earthing-
precautions for Electric shock- safety devices
Introduction to renewable energy resources: Solar Photovoltaic-Introduction to energy
storage systems-overview of battery, Fuel cell technologies-HEVs, PHEVs and EVs – EV
Charging station
Practice session on different types of wiring circuits and safety measures