21EES101T Syllabus

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Unit-1 -Electric Circuits

Introduction to basic terminologies in DC circuit, Kirchhoff’s Current law, Kirchhoff’s
Voltage law, Mesh Current Analysis, Nodal Voltage Analysis, Thevenin’s Theorem,
Maximum powertransfer Theorem, Superposition Theorem.
Basic terminologies of AC -RMS and Average value of halfwave and Full wave alternating
quantity, Fundamentals of single-phase AC circuits- Analysis of R-L, R-C, R-L-C series
circuits-Fundamentals of three phase AC system, Three-Phase Winding Connections,
Relationship of Line and Phase Voltages, and Currents in a Delta and Star-connected System
Practice on Theorems, Halfwave, Full wave bridge rectifier circuits.

Overview of Semiconductors, Diodes and Transistors, Introduction to JFET and MOSFET.
Construction and working of power devices-SCR, BJT, MOSFET, IGBT -Switching
Characteristics of SCR- Types of power converters- Natural and force commutation, Linear
voltage Regulator, SMPS
Realize the logic expression using basic logic gates, Combinational logic design-Sum of
Product form (SOP) and Product of Sum (POS) form, Minterm and Maxterm, Karnaugh Map
(K-Map) representation of logical functions, Two variables K-Map, Three variables K-Map,
Four variables K-Map. Introduction to FPGA.
Practice on realization of logical expression, combinational circuits, PCB design, soldering
and testing

Unit-3-Machines and Drives

Construction and working principle of DC machines- Construction and Working principle of
a single-phase Transformer- Construction and working of three phase Inductor motor, BLDC
motor, PMSM, Stepper and Servo motor -Introduction to Electrical Drives-Block diagram
explanation of chopper fed DC drives, Selection of drives for real time applications
(cranes/EV/ Pumping applications)
Practice on chopper applications, Demo on DC& AC machines

Unit-4 –Transducers and Sensors

Basic principles and classification of Instruments- Moving Coil instruments, Moving Iron
instruments, Digital Multimeter, Digital storage Oscilloscope. Transducer- Classification-
Capacitive and Inductive transducers, Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT),
Thermistors, Thermocouple, Piezoelectric transducer, Photoelectric transducer, Hall effect
transducers, Introduction to Opto-electronics Devices, Light Dependent Resistor (LDR),
Photodiodes, Phototransistors,Photovoltaic cells (solar cells), Optocouplers,Liquid crystal
display, Proximity sensor, IR sensor, Pressure sensor, Introduction to Bio sensor, Sensors for
smart building.
Practice on capacitive and inductive transducer, thermistor and LVDT using virtual lab

Unit-5–Power Engineering
Electrical supply system- simple layout of Generation, transmission and Distribution of
power, Typical AC and DC power supply schemes, overview on substation equipment with
key diagram of 11kV/400 V indoor substation- Introduction to smart grid.
Safety Measures in Electrical systems- Basic Principle and importance of Earthing-
precautions for Electric shock- safety devices
Introduction to renewable energy resources: Solar Photovoltaic-Introduction to energy
storage systems-overview of battery, Fuel cell technologies-HEVs, PHEVs and EVs – EV
Charging station
Practice session on different types of wiring circuits and safety measures

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