This document provides details about the Course 10 Analog Circuits video course, including:
1. Contact information for the two faculty coordinators, Prof. Joseph John and Prof. B. Mazahari.
2. An outline of the 11 modules that make up the course, covering topics like basic amplifier stages, frequency response, differential amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and filters.
3. A preamble stating that the course assumes prior knowledge from a basic electronics course and focuses on new trends in analog electronics.
This document provides details about the Course 10 Analog Circuits video course, including:
1. Contact information for the two faculty coordinators, Prof. Joseph John and Prof. B. Mazahari.
2. An outline of the 11 modules that make up the course, covering topics like basic amplifier stages, frequency response, differential amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and filters.
3. A preamble stating that the course assumes prior knowledge from a basic electronics course and focuses on new trends in analog electronics.
Original Description:
Analog electronic syllabus for electrical engineers
This document provides details about the Course 10 Analog Circuits video course, including:
1. Contact information for the two faculty coordinators, Prof. Joseph John and Prof. B. Mazahari.
2. An outline of the 11 modules that make up the course, covering topics like basic amplifier stages, frequency response, differential amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and filters.
3. A preamble stating that the course assumes prior knowledge from a basic electronics course and focuses on new trends in analog electronics.
This document provides details about the Course 10 Analog Circuits video course, including:
1. Contact information for the two faculty coordinators, Prof. Joseph John and Prof. B. Mazahari.
2. An outline of the 11 modules that make up the course, covering topics like basic amplifier stages, frequency response, differential amplifiers, operational amplifiers, and filters.
3. A preamble stating that the course assumes prior knowledge from a basic electronics course and focuses on new trends in analog electronics.
1. Prof. Joseph John Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Kanpur - 208016
Email : [email protected] Telephone : (91-512) Off : 2597088 Res : 2598488 Fax : 2590063 2. Prof. B. Mazahari Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur Kanpur - 208016
Email : [email protected] Telephone : (91-512) Off : 2597924 Res : 2598528 Fax : 2590063
Small signal equivalent and large signal models of BJT, JFET and MOSFET. Biasing for discrete circuit design, Common Emitter, Common Base and Common Collector BJT amplifier stages; JFET Common source amplifier; Common Source, Common Gate and Common Drain MOSFET stages.
MODULE 3: FREQUENCY RESPONSE (5 lectures) Small-signal high-frequency hybrid- model of a BJT. Amplifier transfer function low- frequency, mid, and high-frequency bands. General expressions for the low-frequency and high frequency responses. Millers theorem. Short-circuit and Open-circuit time constants methods for the approximate determination of break-frequencies, Frequency response of BJT amplifiers CE, CC and CB configurations. Frequency response of JFET and MOSFET amplifiers. Cascode configurations.
MODULE 4: DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIERS (4 lectures) BJT Differential pair Large-signal operation, transfer characteristics, Small-signal operation of BJT differential amplifier, Input common-mode and differential resistances, Common-mode and differential gains, non-ideal characteristics, Biasing in BJT integrated circuits the basic BJT current mirror, current-steering circuits, Wilson current mirror, Widlar current source. BJT differential amplifier with active load, the Cascode configuration. The MOSFET differential pair transfer characteristics, MOSFET current mirrors basic, Cascode, Wilson. Frequency response of the differential amplifier, The differential pair as a wideband amplifier
Detailed Syllabus :
Preamble: The three major courses in the Analog Electronics areas, listed in the NPTEL syllabus are Basic Electronics, Analog Electronics and Solid State Devices. The proposed syllabus for the Analog Electronics course assumes that an average student taking this course has good grasp of the Basic Electronics course. Hence repetition is avoided except where it is essential to revise what was already covered in the previous course. Also, new trends in Analog Electronics, especially the increasing use of MOS/CMOS devices in circuits, are brought.
MODULE 1: POWER SUPPLIES (4 lectures) Rectifiers Analysis and design of Half wave and full wave circuits; Ripple and its reduction; Need for Voltage regulators, Regulation, Zener regulators, Series Voltage regulator, IC regulators, Current limiting and protection circuits, Switched mode power supplies.
MODULE 10: SIGNAL GENERATORS AND WAVEFORM SHAPING CIRCUITS (3 Lectures) Sinusoidal oscillators RC and LC oscillators. Multivibrators astable, monostable and bistable types. Generation of square and triangular waveforms. The 555 Timer circuit and its uses. Precision rectifier circuits and their applications.
MODULE 11: NOISE ANALYSIS (2 Lectures) Noise in resistors, BJTs and MOSFETs. Noise analysis of a basic amplifier.
MODULE 5: OUTPUT STAGES AND POWER AMPLIFIERS (3 lectures) Classification, Transfer characteristics, power dissipation, power conversion efficiency of Class A and B output stages. Cross-over distortion and its reduction. Class AB output stage transfer characteristics, biasing circuits. V BE multiplier and its use in biasing Class AB stage. Power BJTs thermal resistance, power dissipation vs temperature, Use of heat sinks. Short- circuit protection of output stages.
MODULE 6: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER (3 lectures) General configuration and basic stages of an operational amplifier (Opamp). Analysis of simple BJT and CMOS opamps. Opamp parameters ideal and practical. Examples of commercial BJT and CMOS opamps. Compensated and un-compensated opamps.
MODULE 7: FEEDBACK IN ANALOG CIRCUITS (4 lectures) Advantages of negative feedback, Loop gain, feedback factor, Closed-loop gain. Basic feedback topologies: Series- Shunt, Series-Series, Shunt-Shunt and Shunt-Series configurations. Derivation of input resistance, output resistance and closed-loop gain of the above for both the ideal and practical amplifiers. Stability of feedback amplifiers, Gain and Phase-margins. Frequency compensation.
MODULE 8: ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL AND DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS (3 lectures) Digital-to-analog (D/A)circuits circuits with binary weighted resistors, and R-2R ladders. Analog-to-Digital (A/D)circuits Counting type, successive approximation, Flash and Dual- slope types.
MODULE 9: FILTERS AND TUNED AMPLIFIERS (3 lectures) Filter types, Filter transfer function, Butterworth and Chebyshev filters, First and second order Active filters. Biquad filters, Switched-capacitor filters. Tuned amplifiers, amplifiers with multiple tuned circuits, synchronous tuning and stagger tuning