PE 101 Course Pack 2023

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P.E. 101

A.Y. 2022 – 2023

Serapion C. Basalo Memorial Colleges, Inc.


Welcome Message

Dear Students,

Welcome to Academic Year 2021 - 2022!

Given the current circumstances, SCBMCI Campus will look different but it has been so
good to see your smiling eyes above your face masks and face shields. The truth is, we are all
learning new ways of being in a community and we’ll keep learning all semester. We will
work together to maintain health and safety standards, while sustaining academic excellence
and personalized attention that is synonymous with SCBMCI education.

We encourage you to think about how you will forward everyday toward achieving your
dreams in life despite the pandemic.

SCBMCI won’t stop to support you along the way and we’re all in this together. Remember
that the world is a classroom and there’s a lot of learning opportunities out there, you just
need to focus and be cautious.

We may not be able to guide you personally but there are other ways to do it. Again,
WELCOME! WELCOME! WELCOME! We are so glad to be part of your journey this year.
It is going to be a great year! Happy start of the school year!



TITLE PAGE………………………………………………………………… 1

WELCOME MESSAGE…………………………………………………………. 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………… 3-4

COURSE PACK OVERVIEW……………………………………………. 5

 COURSE TITLE……………………………………………………5

 COURSE DESCRIPTION………………………………………… 5

 COURSE OUTCOMES…………………………………………… 5

MODULES…………………………………………………………………… 6

 LESSONS…………………………………………………………… 6

REFERENCES……………………………………………………………… 7

COURSE SPECIFICATION………………………………………………. 8

COURSE PACK STRUCTURE……………………………………………9 - 11

MODULE 1: Physical Fitness Activities towards Health and Fitness

Physical Fitness and Testing….……………............ 12 - 24

MODULE 2: Physical Fitness Activities towards Health and Fitness

Lesson 1 ……….……………….…………………... 25 – 32

Lesson 2 …………………………………………… 33 – 38

Lesson 3 ……………………………………………. 39 – 46

Lesson 4 ……………………………………………… 47 - 56

MODULE 3: Physical Fitness Activities towards Health and Fitness

Introduction and Fundamentals of Basketball ………… 57 – 81

Module Assessment ………………………………………………… 82 - 84

Course Overview

The focus of the course is to develop the physical movement of an individual

connected to context and content analysis applying both analytical strategies in themes and
topics across Physical Education. Physical Education is an integral part of general education
which aims to develop the physical, social, emotional, spiritual, and mental traits of man
through physical activities.

In order for learners to gain competency in this course, this course has been structured
into 4 modules as follows:

Module 1: Movements Enhancement (Movement Patterns, Exercise-Based)

Module 2: Human Movements

Module 3: Exercises for Fitness

Module 4: Aerobic Exercises Program

At the completion of this course pack, learners should be able to:

 Be introduced to the basic anatomy and physiology

 Be made aware of the proper functions of their body;
 Recognize the physical exercise that combines rhythmic activities with stretching.
 Promote strong and healthy bones.
 Demonstrate the definition of human movements;
 Undergo conditioning or developmental activities.
 Demonstrate Physical Exercise
 Recognize the safety measures for physical conditioning; warm-up Exercise;
 Do testing activities.
 Demonstrate the definition and phases of rhythmic activities and dances accompanied
with the music;
 Demonstrate exercise with knowledge and mastery;
 Demonstrate basic steps in aerobic dance;
 Provide students with fundamental knowledge in physical activities; and
 Demonstrate an understanding of safe participation in aerobic activities.

You are encouraged to go through each lesson in every module sequentially to maximize
your learning students should work on all exercises as they build on the concepts of each
topic introduced in each lesson.

So, to make this learning experience rewarding for you, study this course pack with your
co-learners at your own pace. you can also ask the help and support of your peers, tutor and

Good luck!

Modules and Lessons



 Lesson 1:The Components of the Body that Cause Human Beings to move
 Sub-Topic:
Major Bones and Bones Group
Factors Influencing Bone Health
 Lesson 2: Kinds of Muscle Fiber
 Sub-Topic: Role of Muscle
Range of Movements
 Lesson 3: Four Basic Movements and Flexibility
 Lesson 4: Basic Movement Patterns
 Sub-Topic: Anti-Rotation
Module 2: Human Movements

 Lesson 1: How Muscles Produce Movements

 Lesson 2: Human Movements
Module 3: Exercises for Fitness

 Lesson 1: Warm-up Activities

 Lesson 2: Warm-up Exercise in Routines
 Lesson 3: Cool Down Activities

Module 4: Aerobic Exercise Program

 Lesson 1: Importance of Aerobic Exercise

 Lesson 2: Exercise for Fitness
 Lesson 3: Health Benefits of an Aerobic Exercises
 Lesson 4: Warm-up Exercises
 Lesson 5: Aerobic Dancing and Exercises Accompanied with Music


Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical Education 1. Mindshapers
Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros, Manila.

Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical Education 1. Mindshapers
Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros, Manila.

Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical Education 1. Mindshapers
Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros, Manila.

Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical Education 1. Mindshapers
Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros, Manil

Course Specification

Prepared by: Nikko Paolo M. Gonzaga, LPT

Course No. P.E. 101

Course Title Movement Enhancement

Course Description This P.E 1 – Movement Enhancement is one of the important

courses to develop and understand the scientific basic
movements to help the students to be aware of physical
literacy, which help an individual to move competently and
confidently in all types of environments. This course is being
offered to prepare the students for the advance learning

Unit/Credit Equivalent 2 units

Course Outcomes At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

 Analyze the fitness as the major goal of physical

 Define and interpret the meaning of physical and its
relevance to wellness development as well as to their
 Develop coordination, flexibility and power after
indulging into its varied physical activities.
 Demonstrating body conditioning exercises;
 Recognize the safety measures for physical
 Get use to warm up exercises;
 Prepare for testing activities; and
 Do conditioning or developmental activities.

Learning Outcomes

1. Recognize the importance of being Physically fit.

2. Be oriented about the importance of proper exercise and movement in the daily lives.
3. Familiarized the warm up and cool down exercises
4. Demonstrate the physical activities
5. Conduct a performance through variety show.

Course Pack Structure

Modules Intended Lessons Writers


I. At the end of Nikko Paolo

this module, M.
Movement Enhancement you should be Gonzaga,
(Movement Patterns: Exercise- able to: LPT
Lesson 1: The two
based) components of human
 Be body
introduced Sub- topic:
to the basic Major Bones and
Bones Group
and Fact
ors influencing Bone
physiology Health
 Be made Lesson 2: Kinds of
aware of Muscle Fiber
the proper Sub-Topic: Role
of Muscle
of their Rang
e of movement
Lesson 3; Four Basic
 Recognize Movements and
the flexibility
exercise Lesson 4: Basic
Movement Patterns
combines Sub - Topic: Anti
rhythmic rotation

At the end of Nikko Paolo

this module, M.
II. Lesson 1: How the
you should be Gonzaga,
able to: muscles produce LPT
Human Movement
 Promote

strong and Lesson 2: Human
healthy Movements.

 Demonstrate
definition of

Module 3: At the end of Lesson 1: Warm up Nikko Paolo

this module, Activities M.
Exercise for Fitness the students Gonzaga,
are expected Lesson 2: Warm up LPT
to: Exercise in Routine

Lesson 3: Cool Down

 Demonstrate
 Recognize 
the safety
measures for
 Do testing

Module 4: At the end of Lesson 1: Importance Nikko Paolo

this module, of Aerobic Exercise M.
Aerobic Exercise Program the students Gonzaga,
are expected Lesson 2: Exercises LPT
to: and Fitness

Lesson 3: Health

 Demonstrate Benefits of an Aerobic
the Exercises
and phases Lesson 4: Warm-up
of rhythmic Exercises
activities and
dances Lesson 5: Aerobic
accompanied Dancing and
with the Exercising
music; Accompanied with
 Demonstrate
exercise with
and mastery;
 Demonstrate
basic steps in
 Provide
students with
in physical
of safe
participation in

Module Template

Module No. & Title Module 1: Movement Enhancement (Movement Patterns:


Module Overview Good day! Welcome to module 1, you are about to learn the
Movement Enhancement May you deal with the importance of
proper and safe movement with our body. Keep your attention to
this matter and enjoy your learning journey!

Module At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

Objectives/Outcomes  Be introduced to the basic anatomy and physiology

 Be made aware of the proper functions of their body;
 Recognize the physical exercise that combines rhythmic
activities with stretching.

Lessons in the Lesson 1: The two components of human body

Sub- topic: Major Bones and Bones Group
Factors influencing Bone Health
Lesson 2: Kinds of Muscle Fiber
Sub-Topic: Role of Muscle
Range of movement
Lesson 3; Four Basic Movements and flexibility
Lesson 4: Basic Movement Patterns
Sub - Topic: Anti rotation

Module Template

Module Module 1: Movement Enhancement (Movement Patters: Exercise

No. & based)

Lesson No. Lesson 1: The two components of human body

and Title
Sub- topic: Major Bones and Bones Group
Factors influencing Bone Health
Lesson 2: Kinds of Muscle Fiber
Sub-Topic: Role of Muscle
Range of movement
Lesson 3; Four Basic Movements and flexibility
Lesson 4: Basic Movement Patterns
Sub - Topic: Anti rotation

Learning At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

 Be introduced to the basic anatomy and physiology

 Be made aware of the proper functions of their body;
 Recognize the physical exercise that combines rhythmic activities with

Time 6 hours

Hi there! How are you? I hope you’re great! Today you are going to
begin your first lesson in Module I, I encourage you to start studying your
lesson/s, it will give you adequate data about movement enhancement in an
exercise- based. Have a Great Day and Have a Fun Learning experience over

Activity Directions: Name at least 10 daily routines that made you move.

1.__________________ 6.___________________
2. _________________ 7.___________________
3. _____________________ 8.____________________
4._____________________ 9.____________________
5.______________________ 10.___________________

Analysis Are you ready to respond to the accompanying inquiry dependent on your own
understanding and information? Your next responsibility is to answer the
follow up questions the best way you can using your own idea and knowledge.

1. What are the effects and the purpose of moving?

2. In your perspective, explain the good benefits of doing exercise or body
3. What will happen if we don’t do exercise?

Abstractio Anatomy - is the sub-discipline of biology that studies the structure of the
n body. It describes (and labels in Latin) the morphology of the body: shape, size,
color and position of various body parts, with particular attention to the internal
organs, as visible by the naked eye. Anatomy provides the map and the tools
for the study of the function of organs in the body. It describes (but does not
explain) the structure of the body. Physiology further describes how the body

Lesson 1 - The Two Component of the Body that cause human beings to

Skeletal System- the skeletal provides a strong, internal framework that

supports the body and provides protectionfor vital organs.
- the bones meet at joints, the majority of which are freely
movable, making the skeleton flexible and mobile.

1. Major Bones and Bone Groups
- Bones of the Head ( Skull - 29)
- vertibral Column (vertibrate-26)
- 7 cervical, 12 thoracic
- 5 lumbar, sacral and coccygal vertebrate
2. Function of the skeletal System
- Physiological Functions
3. Provides a sites for blood formation
4. Sereves as storehouse for calcium which is essential for nerve
conduction, blood clotting and energy formation.
5. Plays a role in our immune function.
6. Structural Functions
7. Gives support to the body
8. It proects the delicate organs in the body
9. Bones are rigid of locomotion.
The skeleton are divided into two groups :
10. Appendicular Skeleton - which is composed of the upper extremety
and lower extremity.
11. Axial Skeleton- which is composed of the skull, ribs, trunk, vertebral
column and pelvic.
Factors influencing Bone Health
12. Heredity- an important determinat of bone mass dencity (BMD).
13. Nutritional Status - this is important in maintaining bone health.
Calcium is important nutrient for the bones.
14. Hormonal Status - the hormone estrogen plays an important role in
attaining bone mass. While the females can develop a lower peak bone
mass than females with regular monthly period. Acceleration on the rate
of bone loss is also likely to happen on menopausal women due to loss
of estrogen.
15. Activity level- children and adoloescents should partcipate in high impaact
activities for the bone development.
16. Pictoral Girdle

Clavicle (2)- collarbone

Humerus (2) -
long bone of the
upper arm.

Scapula (2)-
shoulder blade

 Upper Extremities

Radius (2)
- shorter
of the

Ulna (2) -
bone of

Carpals (16)- wrist


s (10) -
long bone
of the

Patella (2) - knee cap

Tibia (2) -
larger two
bones of
lower leg

Tarsal (14)
- the
in the

s (10) -
long bones
in the foot
that are
concave on
the plantar
or -
surface of
toes and
Lesson 2: Kinds of Muscular Fiber
- Muscles are exert forces, they are the major contributor to human
movement. Muscles are used to hold a position, to raise or lower

body part, slow down a fast-moving segment, and to generate
great speed in that body or in an object that is propelled on the
air. The muscles only have the ability to pull and create a
motion because it crosse a joint.
Two kinds of Muscle Fiber
1. Slow-Twitch Fiber Types- Slow-Twitch, or type are fibers that are
oxidative. The fibers are red because of the high content of
myoglobin in the muscle. Endurance athletes usually have a
high quantity of slow-twitch fibers.
2. Intermediate and Fast-Twitch Fiber Types - Fast-twitch or type II
are further broken down into type II a, oxidative -glycolytic and
type IIb, glycolyctic.the type II a fiber is a red muscle fiber
known as the intermediate fast-twitch fiber because it can
sustain activity for long period or contract with a burst of
force and the fatigue. The whit type IIb fibers provides us with
rapid force production and then fatigues quickly.
Muscle Tissues Properties
 Four properties of muscle tissues
1. Irritability- is the ability to respond to stimulus
2. Contractility- is the ability of the muscles generate tension and
shorten when it receives sufficient stimulation.
3. Extensibility - is the muscle ability to lengthen or stretch
beyond the resting length.
4. Elasticity - is the ability of the muscle fiber to return to its
resting length after the stretch is removed.

Roles of Muscle
- in the performance of a motor skill, only a small portion of the potential
movement capability of the musculoskeletal system is used.
 Stabilizers and Neutralizers
1. Muscle tissue is made up of cells called fibers that have the
ability to contract or shorten, in order to produce a pulling
2. Muscles are also extensible and are elastic so that they can
stretch and the recoil and resume their normal resting length.
3. Muscles are also electrically excitable, so that they can be
stimulated to contract by nerve impulse.
 Three tyes of muscles in the body
1. Skeletal Muscles - Voluntary muscles attached to the bones of

2. Smooth Muscles - involuntary muscles, hollow grams like small
intestines anad blood vessels
3. Cardiac Muscles - involuntary Muscle, heart.

Range of Movements (ROM)

1. Active range of motion - Limb is actively moved; with muscle
2. Passive range of motion - Limb is Passively moved; No muscle

- there are some exerciss that help dual purposes and sometimes the
purpose are potentially more effective in our body parts.

The following are anti-rotation exercises:

Applicatio Exercises 1
n Instruction: encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. How many do we have in our head?
a. Skull - 29 b. Skull -38 c. Skull - 41 d. Skull - 1
2. What do we call the skeleton that is composed of skull, ribs, trunk, and
a. Axial Skeleton skeletal System appendicular Skeleton d. Skeletal
3. The following are types of muscle, EXCEPT.
a. Skeletal Muscle b. Smooth Muscle c. Cardiac Muscle D. Muscle Fiber
4. Which of the following is a part of upper extremities?
a. Arm b. Upper Leg c. Lower Leg d. Lower Back
5. Which of the following is a part of Lower Extremities Muscle?
a. Quadriceps b. Frontalis c. Scalene d. Biceps

Exercises 2

Closure Wow! Nice one! I hope you gained knowledge in this session. Now, be
prepared for the assessment in this module. Don’t forget to review the different

Module Module Assessment

t Make a video atleast 2-3 minutes of yourself performing the Four
Basic Movement in Flexibility. (You may send your video on my gmail
account or upload it on Google Drive or you may save it on a clean and
virus free flash drive and submit it together with the module).
Note: You may ask for assistance on recording your video with your
friends, siblings or other family member and please wear a proper P.E
attire or sports attire. Please do it on a safe area or do it on your home
for safety, Thank you.

Flexibility Movement

Shoulder Abduction
Internal rotation
External rotation

Hip Extension (flex knee)

Flexion (flex knee)
Extension (straight leg)
Flexion (straight leg)

Knee Flexion

Ankle Dorsi Flexion

Plantar flexion

Trunk Flexion
Extension rotation lateral flexion

Proper Execution - 50%

Presentation audio and video - 30%

Creativity - 20%


Module This chapter presents movement enhancement (movement patterns;

Summary exercise-based) as a narrative and as a discipline. It presents the concept of
physical activities which transcends the important of being physically active
individual. It addresses many factors to be physically fit. This topic helps the
students or any individual how to stay physically fit or how to get physically fit
in a proper procedure.

References Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical Education 1.
Mindshapers Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros, Manila.

Module Template

Module No. & Title Module 2: Human Movements

Module Overview Good day! Welcome to module 2, you are about to learn the
Movement Enhancement- Human Movements. May you deal with
the importance of proper and safe movement with our body. Keep
your attention to this matter and enjoy your learning journey!

You have the freedom to explore and learn new things and
Don’t forget to have fun since LEARNING IS FUN.

Module At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

Objectives/Outcomes  Promote strong and healthy bones.

 Demonstrate the definition of human movements;
 Undergo conditioning or developmental activities.
Lessons in the Lesson 1: How the muscles produce movements
Lesson 2: Human Movements.

Module No. & Title Module 2: Human Movements

Lesson No. and Lesson 1: How the muscles produce movements

Lesson 2: Human Movements.

Learning At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
 Promote strong and healthy bones.
 Demonstrate the definition of human movements;
 Undergo conditioning or developmental activities.

Time Frame 3 hours

Introduction Welcome to the “New Normal” form of teaching and learning. Keep
your focus, read every detail and don’t forget to take some notes for
your reference. Along the way if you feel tired just take some rest
then continue, okay? Very Good! now go on with your activity.

Activity A1.1 Directions: analyze the picture shown below.

A.1.2- Directions: Enumerate at least 10 exercises/

activities that make use of the human movement.

1._________________ 6._________________

2._________________ 7.________________

3._________________ 8. ________________

4._________________ 9. _________________

5._________________ 10. ________________

Analysis 1. What are the good benefits and the purpose of moving?
2. How will you promote proper exercise to your peers and

Abstraction A.3 Abstraction

Lesson 1: How muscles produce movements
Skeletal muscles produce force that is transferred to the
tendons, which in turn pull on the bones another structure. The
smallest contractile unit of the muscle cell is the sarcomere; this is
composed of 2 types of muscles protein called “actin” (thin

filament) and “myosin” (thick filament).

During the bicep curl. The prime movers are the elbow flexors
(bicep brachii, brachialis and brachioradialis). The opposing group
of muscles is called antagonist.

Lesson 2: Human

Human Movement 1
Starting Position: stand with
your knees slightly bent your
feet close together, directly
under your hips. Your spine
should be in a neutral
position, with your head and
chest up. Look directly
forward. With your elbows
slightly bent and your palms

facing forward, lightly grasp the handles of the jump rope with your
elbows at your sides. The rope should be behind your heels.

Action: bend your knees slightly and rotate your wrist backwards
and upward, bringing the rope up behind you’re your body and over
your head. As the rope begins the downward phase in front of your
body, your wrist pull down and your palms rotate forward slightly,
bringing the rope down forcefully towards the ground slightly in
front of your toes. Jump just enough to allow the rope to pass
beneath your feet and repeat.

Movement Path: there is vertical translation of your entire body

simultaneously, while your wrists rotate in a forward direction.

Stabilize by:

1. Keeping your rib cage up and your spine in a neutral

2. Keeping your ankles, knees and hips but relaxed.

Human Movement
Starting Position:
stand with your
knees slightly bent
and your feet’s close
together, directly
under you hips.
Your spine should
be in a neutral
position, with your
head and chest up.
Look directly

Action: correct
form, often
overlooked is
extremely important
in order to derive the

greatest benefit from running, and is described in detail here. Begin
by rocking your body forward from your hips and torso. Allow
you’re your weight to roll forward onto the balls of your feet,
allowing both heels to rise once your body begins fall forward,
remove one feet from the ground. As your body continues the
forward motion, allow your forward foot to fall on the ball of the
foot, not allowing your heel to the ground. Your foot should land
directly under the center of the mass while at the same time
removing the supporting foot in the same manner.

Movement Path: your center of mass (located in the region of your

hips) is translated along a horizontal path directly forward. The
lower extremities move vertically, alternating in repetitive actions,
directly beneath the center of the mass.

Stabilize by:

1. Keeping your spine in a neutral position and your shoulders

down and relaxed.
2. Lifting your head and chin up.
3. Keeping your arm bent and comfortable.
Human Movement 3
Starting Position: sit on a
bike, with your torso bent
forward, resting your weight
either on your hands or your
elbow. Place your feet in the
pedals with one leg flexed and
bent up toward your torso and
other leg extended so that the
pedal at the bottom range of
the cycle allows your knee to
extend fully, without locking it
or requiring a hip shift.

Action: extend one knee and

hip, pushing down while
simultaneously drawing the
other knee and hop up. Repeat

Movement Path: your ankles and feet perform a repetitive

alternating circular motion beneath and slightly forward of your
center of mass. Your knees and hips perform a pumping movement

by flexing up and toward the torso and then extending down and

Stabilize by:

1. Keeping your spine in a neutral position and your shoulders


Human Movement 4
Starting Position: sit in the rower so that your spine is vertical and
your pelvis is tilted up. Your feet should be securely fastened. Bend
your knees, slid your torso forward and grasp the handles.

Stabilize by:

1. Keeping your
spine from
head to
tailbone rigid
throughout the
2. Maintaining a
alignment of
your knees,
ankles and
3. Keeping your
down and
away from
your ears
throughout the

Action: push your feet into the foot stand by extending knees, hips
and back. As your knees reach the midpoint of the range, your spine
should be perpendicular to the ground and your elbows should be
slightly bent as they put the handle toward the midline of your torso.
Finish the movement when your knees are completely extended,
your spine is 5-1- degrees past perpendicular and the handle is
contacting your torso just below your chest, with your elbows
retracted and your
shoulders pulled
down and back.
Return by bending
your knees and
allowing your torso
and arms to extend
forward so that your
torso is flexed
forward, 5-10 degrees
past perpendicular,
and your arms are
fully extended, so that your hands are above your ankles. Inhale the
downstroke and exhale as the stroke is executed.

Movement Path: your torso bends forward with your arms extended
forward from the hips
and your knees bent.
Your center of mass is
related horizontally as
your torso flexes and
extends along with your
hips and knees.

Human Movement 5
Starting Position:
kneel on one knee and
place the opposite foot
forward so that your
front knee and hip are
bent at 90 degrees.
Form a direct line
through hour torso and

spine to the knee on the floor. Let your hands rest by your sides and
keep your shoulders down and relaxed and your chest up. Make
sure your hips, knees and ankles are in alignment.

Action: Raise arms and move your hips forward simultaneously,

until your arms are directly overhead and your front knee is over the
toes of your front foot. Your torso remains vertical and bottom leg
is opened at the hip joint. Continue by bringing your arms down and
flexing your torso forward. Move your hips backward straightening
the front leg. While reaching your hands to the ground around your
knee while your back knee remains on the ground.

Movement Path: During

the forward movement,
your center of mass
translates forward
horizontally and slightly
downward. During the
backward movement, the
same occurs in the opposite
direction with the exception
of your torso flexing

Stabilized by:

1. Keeping your hips

parallel during all
phrase of the

2. Keeping your front foot flat.
3. Maintaining the alignment of your hip, knee and ankle
throughout the movement.
More Difficult: The forward movement is the same, but during the
backward movement, let your back leg as your hands
reach directly down to the floor beneath your hips.

Human Movement 6
Starting Position: Lie flat on
your stomach
with your palms
down and next to
your shoulders.
Place your
elbows by your
sides so that
your forearms
rest on the

Action: squeeze and depress

your shoulder blades and squeeze your gluteals. Contract your
spinal muscle and lift your chest and head upward and backward.
As your chest rises, assist them by pressing your forearms and
palms into the floor. Extend your elbows as far as your torso will
allow without raising your hips off the floor, forcing your shoulders
to shrug, or causing pain in your lower back or legs. Exhale as you
rise and inhale as you return to the starting position.

Movement Path: Your spine

moves in a curvilinear motion,
both backward and upward,
while your arms extend forward
and downward.

Stabilize by

1. Contracting your
gluteals and pressing

your hips to the floor.
2. Keeping your elbows at your sides.
3. Keeping your chest and head high.
Human Movement 7

Starting Position: Standing upright,

cross your ankle to just above the
opposite knee joint. Your lower
body should appear as figure 4. Let
your arms hang at your sides (the
position should be repeated on the
opposite side after completing the

Action: Bend your standing leg by flexing your help and knee to 90
degrees, essentially the stretch is a one-legged squat. Maintain the
crossed leg in a stationary position. (To increase the intensity of the
stretch, apply a slight downward
pressure to your crossed knee and a
slight upward pressure on the same
ankle). Hinge at your hips, not
your spine.

Movement Path: To descend into

the stretch position, your hips
should move backward first. Lower
until the femur of your standing leg
is parallel to the floor (your knee
should bend 90 degrees). Raise
your arms from your sides 90
degrees in front of you to your
chest level, with your scapula


Stabilize by:

1. Fixing and slightly arching your spine. If

you are raising your arms to the front,
stabilize your scapula and make sure you
crossed leg is positioned firmly above

your knee.

Human Movement 8

Starting Position: lie on your side. With your bottom hand, pull
your bottom knee toward your chest. Grasp the shoe laces of your
top shoe, keeping your knees parallel.

Action: Contract your gluteal sans extend your hip and heel

backward. Gently assist the movement by pulling your upper leg
back and upward, pausing at the farthest point in your range of
motion. Return by flexing by your hip joint and bringing the top
knee forward until it is parallel with your bottom knee. Repeat on
the opposite side.

Movement Path: your torso and bottom leg are stationary as your
upper leg and hip move from in front of your chest down and
backward ( your heel reaches towards your buttocks).

Stabilize by

1. Pulling your abdomen in and keeping your hips parallel.

2. Keeping your chest and ribcage up and your shoulders back
and down.
Human Movement 9

Starting Position: standing up

straight, cross one leg over the
other, keeping your feet flat
and slightly apart, with your
back knee straight and your
front knee only slightly bent.

Action: Keeping your legs

crossed at the ankle, bend over
completely to the ground while
reaching your hands down
towards your toes. Pause,
then return to a standing
position and uncross your
legs. Cross your legs in the
opposite direction and repeat
the movement.

Movement Path: your torso

flexes directly forward.

Stabilize by

1. Keeping your feet flat

and your weight
distributed slightly
toward the back of the
2. Keeping a slight bend

in the front leg.
Human Movement 10

Starting Position: stand vertically with

one arm at your side and the other arm
reaching backward in the plane of your
shoulder, keeping your palm up and
your thumb reaching back behind your
torso. Keep your elbow extended, with
your body, shoulders and hips aligned.

Action: Contract your chest and bring

your arm forward in a horizontal plane.
As your arm reaches the front of your
body and id pointing forward, place
the opposite hand and wrist under and
around the moving arm and continue
the movement by gently assisting the
pressure of the arm across your chest.
Repeat on the alternate side.

Movement Path: your straight arm moves in a horizontal plane and

a circular pattern around your body from front to back. Your legs
hips and torso and stationery.

Human Movement 11

Staring Position: Lie flat on

your back with one knee bent
and your foot flat on the floor.
Clasp your fingers behind and
below the knee on the opposite
leg, with the knee joint on your
upper leg pointing straight at the
ceiling while keeping the leg

Action: extend the foot of the

supported leg toward the ceiling by contracting your quadriceps
( the upper thigh) until your leg is fully extended. Continue to
contract your upper leg, bringing it up toward your chest. Use your
hands to exert a very minimal, gentle pull upward in the same

direction for no more than 2 seconds. Release the pull and allow
your leg to drop slowly to its original position, keep your foot
flexed and your tossed pulled up toward your skin.

Movement Path: your

lower leg moves in an
upward arc toward the

Stabilized by

1. Keeping your
spine in a neutral
2. Keeping the
opposite foot flat
on the floor.
3. Making sure your
hips remain

More Difficult: keep

one leg straight, bringing it up until you can grasp it behind the knee
joint ang gently assist it, while continuing to bring your leg toward
your chest.

Human Movement 12

Starting Position: in a seated

position with your torso vertical
extend one leg straight in front of
you, behind the other leg and
cross if over the outstretched leg
so that the foot is flat on the floor
and the ankle of the bent leg lies
adjacent to the outside of the
knee of the straight leg.

Action: Wrap the opposite arm

around your bent leg. Pull your chest up and rotate your torso
toward the bent knee by pulling around your leg. Reach directly
behind your back with the hand on the bent-knee side, placing it on
the ground and using it to keep your spine high and long while
twisting. Hold the twisted position for 20 seconds. Repeat on the
opposite side.

Movement Path: your upper torso rotates with your spine vertical
and perpendicular to your hips and the straightened leg, while you
lower body remains stable.

Stabilize by

1. Using both arms to keep your torso in a vertical position.

2. Pushing the foot on the bent-knee side flat into the ground
and keeping your hips stationary.

Human Movement 13

Starting Position: Spread your feet

widely apart and bend your knees.
Keep your hands on your knees and
your weight evenly distributed
throughout your feet. Your spine
should be in a neutral position and
your torso should bend forward at 45 -
degree angle to the floor, so that your
hips behind your heels.

Action: Alternate learning from side

to side, bending the appropriate knee,
while extending and straightening the opposite knee. Keep your
hips back and your shoulders and chest facing forward.

Movement Path: your hips remain behind

your heels and your knees remains over your
toes on the bent leg as your center shifts from
side to side, with a small arc in the movement
(the highest point being the center of the arc
and the lowest the wildest).

Stabilize by

1. Keeping your spine in a neutral position.
2. Keeping your feet flat and your weight evenly distributed
3. Bearing some weight on your knees with your hands.
Application Finally! you are on the stage of self-checking. Answer the
activities provided below, and you are reminded to follow the
instructions carefully. Enjoy your learning application! Do your
best and be honest.

Exercise 1 Multiple Choices

1. What kind of muscles that produce force that is

transferred to the tendons, which in turn pull on the
bones another structure?
a. Skeletal Muscles
b. Cardiac Muscles
c. Smooth Muscles
d. None of the Above

2. During the bicep curl, the prime movers are the?

a. Antagonist muscle
b. Muscle cell
c. Elbow flexors
d. Thin filament

3. The following are kinds of elbow flexors, EXCEPT:

a. Biceps brachii
b. Brachialis
c. Brachioradialis
d. Pictoralis major

4. What do we call the opposing group of muscles?

a. Protagonist
b. Sarcomere
c. Thick filament
d. Antagonist

5. Bends your knees slightly and rotate your wrist

backward and upward, bringing the rope up behind
your body and over your head. What is the name of
this action?
a. Human Movements 1
b. Human Movements 2
c. Human Movements 3
d. Human Movements 4

6. Push your feet into the foot stand by extending your

knees, hips and back, what is this action?

a. Human Movement 3
b. Human Movement 2
c. Human Movement 4
d. Human Movement 6

7. Contract your gluteals and extend your hip and heel

backward. Gently assist the movement by pulling
you’re your upper leg backward and upward, pausing
at the farthest point in your range of the motion.
a. Human Movement 8
b. Human Movement 5
c. Human Movement 1
d. Human Movement 2

8. Bend your standing leg by flexing your hip and knee to

90 degrees, essentially the stretch is a one-legged
squat, what is this action?
a. Human Movement 5
b. Human Movement 7
c. Human Movement 3
d. Human Movement 2

9. Contract your chest and bring your arm forward in a

horizontal plane, what is this action?
a. Human Movement 10
b. Human Movement 1
c. Human Movement 4
d. Human Movement 7

10. Alternate learning from side to side, bending the

appropriate knee, while extending and straightening
the opposite knee, what is this action?
a. Human Movement 1
b. Human Movement 6
c. Human Movement 7
d. Human Movement 13

Exercise 2 – Essay

1. Explain the science of human movements. (at least

2 paragraph).

Module Make a video at least 2-3 minutes of yourself performing

Assessment the 13 human movements. Please, do have a self-
introduction first before proceeding to your performance (You
may send your video on my Gmail account or upload it on
Google Drive or you may save it on a clean and virus free
flash drive and submit it together with the module).
Note: You may ask for assistance on recording your video

with your friends, siblings or other family member and please
wear a proper P.E attire or sports attire. Please do it on a safe
area or do it on your home for safety, Thank you, and to those
students who are differently able you may perform those
human movements that you are capable to do with, thank
Proper Execution - 50%

Presentation audio and video - 30%

Creativity - 20%


Closure Wow! Nice one! I hope you gained knowledge in this session. Now,
be prepared for the next lesson.

Module No. & Title Module 3: Exercises for Fitness

Module Overview Good day! Welcome to module 3, you are about to learn the
Movement Enhancement- Exercise for Fitness. May you deal with
the importance of proper and safe movement with our body. Keep
your attention to this matter and enjoy your learning journey!

Module At the end of this module, the students are expected to:


 Demonstrate Physical Exercise

 Recognize the safety measures for physical conditioning;

warm-up Exercise;

 Do testing activities.

Lessons in the Lesson 1: Warm up Activities

Lesson 2: Warm up Exercise in Routine

Lesson 3: Cool Down Activities

Module No. Module 3: Exercises for Fitness

& Title

Lesson No. Lesson 1: Warm up Activities

and Title
Lesson 2: Warm up Exercise in Routine

Lesson 3: Cool Down Activities

Learning At the end of this module, the students are expected to:
 Demonstrate Physical Exercise

 Recognize the safety measures for physical conditioning; warm-up


 Do testing activities.

Time Frame 3 hours

Introductio Welcome to the “New Normal” form of teaching and learning. Keep your
n focus, read every details and don’t forget to take some notes for your
reference. Along the way if you feel tired just take some rest then continue,
Okay? Very Good! now go on with your activity.

Activity Directions: Analyze the picture shown below and list down the
associated words.

1.___________________ 6.________________

2.___________________ 7.________________

3.____________________ 8. ________________

4. ___________________ 9. ________________

5.____________________ 10. ________________

Analysis 1. How important exercise is in our body?

2. How will you promote proper exercise to your peers and family?

Abstraction Warm up activities

Here's the breakdown.

10 exercises
30 seconds each
no equipment needed; only bodyweight exercises are used

Warm Up Exercises in this Routine

Lateral Steps+ Pulls

 step from side to side, tapping your foot behind the body of the
leading leg. at the same time, wave both arms up in front of your
body (in front of and above your head) and then pull them back
downwards to your sites in a full sweeping range of motion.

Slow Rocking Butt Kickers

 a slower intense of our regular kickers to get your lower body

warmed up and on upper body movements as well if you like,
especially if you are about to jump into a routine that is heavy and
upper body exercises.

High Knee Pulls

 full one me upwards towards your core, while reaching up and then
down with both hands so that your elbows and the high knee are your
core at the same time.

Arms Swing+ Lateral Steps

 similar to the first move, stem from side to side while tapping the toe
of the following foot behind the leading/supporting leg, all while
swinging arms out and then in front of the body, crossing over one

Four Torso Twists+ Knees

 from side to side for four times, and then bring one me up to the
opposite elbow. If you follow this same count (1234, knee), you
should be bringing a different knee up each and every time.

Jog in Place

 just like it sounds get that heart rate up!

Application Finally! you are on the stage of self-checking. Answer the activities
provided below, and you are reminded to follow the instructions
carefully. Enjoy your learning application! Do your best and be

Exercises 1 – Multiple Choices

1. Steps from side to side, tapping your foot behind the body of
the leading leg, what is this warm up exercise routine?
a. Lateral steps + Pulls
b. Slow Rocking Butt Kickers
c. Jog in Place
d. Front Kicks
2. Jus like it sounds get tht heart rate up, what is this warm up
exercise routine?
a. Boxer Shufffle
b. Cross Toe Touches
c. Front Kicks
d. Jog in Place
3. A few of our cool down exercises choices will be stretching.
This is just a heads up because they are very effective for
cooling down and theyre all pretty easy to do, what is this cool
down activities?
a. Waliking
b. Stretch that chest
c. Strecth those legs
d. Swimming
4. This is when you peform the same exercise you were just
performing but with less resistance, what is this cool down
a. Swimming
b. Get a Massage
c. Exercise Mimicry
d. Jumping jacks
5. The following are cool down activities, EXCEPT;
a. Swimming
b. Jumping Jacks
c. Get a Masssage
d. Jog in Place
6. Reach down to touch the toes of your foot with the opposite
hand, what is this activity?
a. Front Kicks
b. Cross toe Touches
c. High Knee Pulls
d. Arm Swings+Lateral Steps
7. Which of the following is a Lateral Stepps + Pulls?
a. Step from side to side, tapping your foot behind

the body of the leading leg.
b. Just like it sounds get that heart rate up
c. Reach fdown to touch rhe toes of your foot with
the opposite hand
d. Twist from side to side four times, and then bring
one knee up to the opposite below.
8. The following are warm up exercise routine, EXCEPT;
a. Walking
b. Jog in Place
c. Body Weigth Squats
d. High knee pulls
9. Kick high and in front of the body, alternating which kick is
doing the kicking, what is this activitty?
a. Jog in place
b. Front Kicks
c. Four torso Twist + Knees
d. Boxer Shuffle
10. Hop from side to side, topping the non-leading leg on the
ground in the center or the distance that you are hopping back
and forth.
a. Front kicks
b. Jog in Place
c. Lateral Steps + Pulls
d. Boxer Shuffle

Closure Wow! Nice one! I hope you gained knowledge in this session. Now, be
prepared for your module assessment. I encourage you to review your
lessons first. Good Luck!

Module Make a video at least 2-3 minutes performing the Warm-up

Assessment Exercise routine and the Cool Down Activities, please, do have a
self-introduction first before proceeding to your performance (You
may send your video on my Gmail account or upload it on Google
Drive or you may save it on a clean and virus free flash drive and
submit it together with the module).
Note: You may ask for assistance on recording your video with your
friends, siblings or other family member and please wear a proper
P.E attire or sports attire. Please do it on a safe area or do it on your
home for safety, thank you, and to those students who are differently
able you may perform those human movements that you are capable
to do with, thank you.

Proper Execution - 50%

Presentation audio and video - 30%

Creativity - 20%


Module In this module we learn about the warm-up activities and cool down
Summary activities, we need to as an individual, to stay physically fit in order for us to
eradicate unexpected illness. We are being thought here that being physically
fit makes us illness free.

Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical Education 1.
Mindshapers Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos St., Intramuros,

Module No. & Title Module 4: Aerobic Exercise Program

Module Overview Good day! Welcome to module 4, you are about to learn the
Movement Enhancement- Aerobic Exercise Program. May you
deal with the importance of proper and safe movement with our
body. Keep your attention to this matter and enjoy your learning

Module At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

Objectives/Outcomes  Demonstrate the definition and phases of rhythmic activities

and dances accompanied with the music;
 Demonstrate exercise with knowledge and mastery;
 Demonstrate basic steps in aerobic dance;
 Provide students with fundamental knowledge in physical
activities; and
Demonstrate an understanding of safe participation in aerobic
Lessons in the Lesson 1: Importance of Aerobic Exercise
Lesson 2: Exercises and Fitness

Lesson 3: Health Benefits of an Aerobic Exercises

Lesson 4: Warm-up Exercises

Lesson 5: Aerobic Dancing and Exercising Accompanied with

Module No. & Title Module 4: Aerobic Exercises Program

Lesson No. and At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
Lesson 1: Importance of Aerobic Exercise

Lesson 2: Exercises and Fitness

Lesson 3: Health Benefits of an Aerobic Exercises

Lesson 4: Warm-up Exercises

Lesson 5: Aerobic Dancing and Exercising Accompanied with


Learning At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

 Demonstrate the definition and phases of rhythmic activities and

dances accompanied with the music;
 Demonstrate exercise with knowledge and mastery;
 Demonstrate basic steps in aerobic dance;

 Provide students with fundamental knowledge in physical
activities; and
 Demonstrate an understanding of safe participation in aerobic

Time Frame 3 hours

Introduction Good day! Welcome to module 4, you are about to learn the
Movement Enhancement- Aerobic Exercise Program. May you deal
with the importance of proper and safe movement with our body.
Keep your attention to this matter and enjoy your learning journey!

Activity Directions: Arrange the shuffled words.


1. __________________ 2. ____________________

Analysis 1. Will you able to arrange the shuffled words?

2. When we say aerobic exercise, what comes in your mind?
Importance of Aerobic Exercise

Healthy living exercise and physical activity is one of the

significances of conditioning program. Being a physically fit person
does not only help people live healthy lives, it also helps people live

People who engaged in any physical activity such as sports, dance,
swimming and other related exercise activities as they grow older,
benefit from it throughout their life span.

Aerobic exercise and fitness can be contrasted with anaerobic

exercise with strength training and short-distance.

Fitness and performance are intended foe students to determine

their physical conditions and the overall objective is to provide the
needs of the students with an up-to date understanding about the
health-related exercise.

Exercise and Fitness

Exercising regularly, everyday is possible, is the most important

thing, you can do for your good health. It helps to control appetite,
boost mood, and improve sleep.

It also reduces the risk of heart disease, heart stroke, and diabetes.

At least 120 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise like walking,

jogging, running, dance aerobic will be sufficient to keep fit.

Strength training work out all muscles groups such as legs, hips,
back, abdomen, chest, shoulder rotation and arms. While strength
training may involve exercise such as lifting weights and arms using
resistance bands or exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups, in which
your body weight furnishes the resistance.

Moreover, the importance of exercise is that it is good for the heart.

It burns calories, which can maintain a healthy weight. Also, it
improves the cardiovascular system resulting in lower blood
pressure cholesterol level, and good blood sugar regulation in our

Health Benefits of an Aerobic Exercise

1. Helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease

2. Increase energy
3. Helps decrease anxiety and stress
4. Helps you feel better

5. Strengthens muscle
6. Strengthen ligaments and joints
7. Improves your body figure
8. Maintain physical fitness
9. Improves sleep
10. Helps you reach a healthy good weight
11. Improves efficiency of movement
12. Decreases resting heart rate

Warm-up Exercise

1. Jogging in place – 16 counts left and right foot

2. Head Rotation – 16 counts
3. Neck Rotation – 8 counts to the left and 8 counts to
complete slow rotation
4. Shoulder Rotation – 16 counts
5. Arm Circling – 16 counts
6. Knee Rotation – 8 counts forward, 8 counts backward
7. Feet Rotation – 8 counts forward, 8 counts backward
8. Steps Forward – 8 counts forward and 8 cuts backward
9. Leg Lifting – 8 counts forward and backward
10. Jumping Jack – 8 counts forward, 8 side left and right
11. Knee push-up – 8 counts froward, 8 backward
12. Seats-ups – 16 counts
13. Curl-ups – 16 counts
14. Bear Hug – 16 counts starting from left



Aerobic exercise is a physical exercise of low to high intensity that

depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process


Aerobic means in the presence of or with oxygen.

You are familiar with exercises accompanied with the music. These
are some of the examples of movement in any direction. Here are
some suggested movements without the use of equipment. Study the

different movements and combinations carefully. You can even
create your own variations and combinations.

Application Finally! you are on the stage of self-checking. Answer the
activities provided below, and you are reminded to follow the
instructions carefully. Enjoy your learning application! Do your
best and be honest.

Exercises 1 – Enumeration
Direction: Enumerate the following

Health Benefits of an Aerobic Exercise

Exercise 2 – Essay
1. Why exercise good for our health?
2. How do you define working out?

Closure Wow! Nice one! I hope you gained knowledge in this session. Now,
be prepared for the next lesson.

Module Make a video at least 2-3 minutes performing the Warm-

Assessment up Exercise routine and the Cool Down Activities, please,
do have a self-introduction first before proceeding to your
performance (You may send your video on my Gmail account
or upload it on Google Drive or you may save it on a clean
and virus free flash drive and submit it together with the

Note: You may ask for assistance on recording your video
with your friends, siblings or other family member and please
wear a proper P.E attire or sports attire. Please do it on a
safe area or do it on your home for safety, thank you, and to
those students who are differently able you may perform
those human movements that you are capable to do with,
thank you.

Proper Execution - 50%

Presentation audio and video - 30%

Creativity - 20%


Punzalan, M., Habana, A., Crystal, L., (2019). Physical
Education 1. Mindshapers Co.,INC. Rm. 108, ICP Bldg., Recoletos
St., Intramuros, Manila.

Module Summary

Physical education in our country is being neglected, but with more encouragement
people will have interest to do or to take Physical Education Seriously. In this module we are
being taught about the importance of being physically fit and also, we know what is the
difference of exercise without and warm-up and cool down activities and exercise with the
warm-up and cool down activities. I am hoping that you will apply your learnings here in
your daily lives. I hope you will engage yourself to do exercise everyday.

Module Assessment

Direction: True or False. Write Correct if the statement is True. If not, rewrite the
statement to correct it.

1. People who engage in regular exercise have lower rates of depression, heart
disease, dementia, cancer, diabetes and many other chronic diseases.

2. In a muscle and bone strengthening activity, also known as weight-bearing
exercise, bones and muscle of the legs and trunk in line with the force of
gravity while they bear the weight of the body.
3. Everyone should participate in muscle and bone strengthening activities, not
only to maintain strong bones, but to maintain heart health.
4. The core muscles are comprised of nearly 20 muscles ( 5 of those are major
muscles) that support your abdomen and lower back.
5. Resistance training is any mental activity that causes the muscles to resist
against an additional force or weight.

6. High impact and blending exercises while lifting heavy loads place a lot of
stress on the bones in the spine and are not recommended for people at risk of
a fracture.



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