TRAD - DANCES - Final Exam
TRAD - DANCES - Final Exam
TRAD - DANCES - Final Exam
Pagadian City
A. 2. The position and movement of the arms, reflecting the character and style
of the dance.
F. 3. A standard step pattern that, together with the other pattern constitute
the dance.
G. 5. A very general term to mean any type of hip movement used in Latin
A. Arm Styling
B. Cha-cha-cha
C. Choreography
D. Combination
E. Dance Sport
F. Figure
G. Hip Motion
H. La Cumbia
I. LA Walk
J. Leading
K. Lift
L. Natural Turn
M. Rumba
N. Swing
O. Tango
P. Waltz
3. Right Parallel – With the exception of foot positioning, the outside right
position (or right parallel) is similar to the basic closed position.
4. Facing Position – Any position in which the man and woman are directly in
front of each other, front to front, e.g., closed, butterfly, open facing
positions, or with no contact.
5. Back Cross – Side by side, man to woman's left, right hands joined behind
woman's back, and left hands joined behind man's back. Back-to-Back.
Partners facing away from each other.
6. Wrap Position – Cuddle or Wrap Position (also called Sweetheart or
Sweetheart's Wrap): The gent wraps his right arm around the woman's
waist; she wraps her left arm around her front to hold his right hand.
She wraps her right arm over her left arm and across her
front to hold his left hand.
7. Varsovienne –The partners face the same direction, the man behind the lady
and to her left. He holds her left hand in his left slightly in front and above
her shoulder. His right arm passes behind her shoulders,
and his right hand holds her right, again to the side and above
her shoulder. In Man's Varsouvienne the man and woman
occupy each other's spot. The partners face the same
direction, the woman behind the man and to his left. She
holds his left hand in her left slightly in front of her left
shoulder. Her right arm passes behind his shoulders, and her
right hand holds his right, again to the side and above his
shoulder, or if he is too tall for this to be comfortable, at his
waist. In Man's Left Varsouvienne, the man is in front but to
the left. She reaches behind him to join left-left hands held
high. Left Varsouvienne puts the woman in front but to the
man's left. All of these are kinds of
8. Side by side – Partners are beside each other and usually facing the same
direction, for instance, an open or left open position with no hands joined.
9. Star position – A facing position but offset, right hip to right hip, woman a
little in front of man, right hands joined at shoulder level or above, right
elbows may be touching.
In a Left-Hand Star, each would turn 1/2 and join left
hands. The woman would be on the man's left side and a little
in front of him.
10. Reverse Open position – Dance position where man and lady stand at right-
angles, lady on man's left side. Man holds lady's right hand in his left. the feet.
to the left, the lady's to the right.