Q File Entrepreneur

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Name and address of submitting body:

MEPSC, Management & Entrepreneurship and Professional Skills Council,

F-04, Plot No. 212, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III
New Delhi -110020

Name and contact details of individual dealing with the


Name: Col. Anil Kumar Pokhriyal

Position in the organisation: Chief Executive Officer
Address if different from above: Same as above

Tel number(s): 011- 24645100,

E-mail address: [email protected]

List of documents submitted in support of the Qualifications File

• Qualification Pack with National Occupational Standards

• Occupational Map
• Summary of Industry validations

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Approved in 23rd NSQC Meeting – NCVET – 29th September 2022


1 Qualification Title: Entrepreneur (Electives: Women / Gender

2 Qualification Code, if any: MEP/Q5102
3 NCO code and occupation: NCO-2015/1420.9900
4 Nature and purpose of the qualification (Please specify whether
qualification is short term or long term):
This is a Qualification containing National OccupationalStandards for the
job role –Entrepreneur
The main purpose of the qualification and the target learners is
to starts and manages businesses with the purpose of making
financial gains by providing products or services to customers.
This qualification also focuses on women entrepreneurship and
the challenges confronted by them
5 Body/bodies which will award the qualification: Management
& Entrepreneurship and Professional Skills Council (MEPSC)
6 Body which will accredit providers to offer courses leading to the
qualification: Management & Entrepreneurship and Professional Skills
Council (MEPSC)
7 Whether accreditation/affiliation norms are already in place or not,if
applicable (if yes, attach a copy) :
8 Occupation(s) to which the qualification gives access:
Entrepreneurial Skills
9 Job description of the occupation:
An Entrepreneur starts and manages businesses with the purpose of
making financial gains by providing products or services to customers.
The individual is responsible for securing funds and appropriate
authorisations or licenses for starting the business. The person hires and
manages personnel and manages various aspects of the business, such
as supply, marketing, sales, risks, compliance with regulations, business
expansion, etc.
10 Licensing requirements: N/A
11 Statutory and Regulatory requirement of the relevant sector
(documentary evidence to be provided): N/A
12 Level of the qualification in the NSQF: Level 5
13 Anticipated volume of training/learning required to complete the
qualification: 570 Hours
14 Indicative list of training tools required to deliver this qualification:
Computer, printer, projector, white board/ flip chart, marker and duster,
Internet connection and online training platform, Personal protective
equipment, Fire extinguishers, first-aid kit

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15 Entry requirements and/or recommendations and minimum age:

• Graduation/3-year diploma after 12th in

relevant field with 1 year of experience in
• Graduate/3-year diploma in any other
field with 3 years of experience in
• NSQF Level 4 certified with 2 years’
experience in Entrepreneurship
18 Years
16 Progression from the qualification (Please show Professional and
academic progression): Business Consultant

17 Arrangements for the Recognition of Prior learning (RPL) :

RPL assessment will be as per normal MEPSC assessment process.
(MEPSC recognizes that there may be candidates who have prior
learning experience in the Management Sector and are desirous of
being certified. Such candidates can apply to MEPSC for testing and
certification of their skills. Training Partners will be responsible for
identifying and counselling candidates for RPL through mobilization
camps and advertisements. The details of the RPL process have been
defined by MEPSC under the document- Guidelines for Recognition of
Prior Learning under PMKVY)
18 International comparability where known (research evidence to be
provided) :
Comparability not established, however have referred to Earlier QPs
developed by ILO as well as Australian Qualification TAE40116
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

19 Date of planned review of the qualification: 29/9/2025

20 Formal structure of the qualification
Mandatory components

(i) Title of component and

identification Estimated size (learning Level
code/NOSs/Learning hours)
outcomes Theory Practical OJT

1 04 00 00
Introduction to Skill India
Mission and the role of an
2 8 40 5
MEP/N5107: Use mentor
support and networks

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3 8 40 00 5
MEP/N5108: Utilize
government support
services and manage
4 8 35 00 5
MEP/N5112: Start and
manage an enterprise
5 8 55 00 5
MEP/N5113: Procure
required resources and
manage customers and
marketing of operations
6 8 50 00 5
MEP/N5109: Ensure
growth and manage risks
by applying ESG policies
7 8 24 00 5
MEP/N9903: Apply health
and safety practices at
the workplace
8 8 26 00 5
MEP/N9912: Apply
principles of professional
practice at the workplace
Employability Skills

150 270

30 40 5
Elective 1: Women

30 50 5
Elective 2: Gender
60 90

Grand total

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21 Body/Bodies which will carry out assessment:

Assessments agencies empanelled with NCVET:

22 How will RPL assessment be managed and who will carry it out?
RPL will be based on the same approved Qualification Pack and
Assessment Criteria mentioned in the Qualification Pack. RPL assessment
is carried out in the same way as the assessment for fresh training.

23 Describe the overall assessment strategy and specific arrangements

which have been put in place to ensure that assessment is always
valid, reliable and fair and show that these are in line with the
requirements of the NSQF.
Annexure attached (Assessment Matrix is mentioned at the end of the
Model Curriculum)

Please attach most relevant and recent documents giving further information about
assessment and/or RPL.
Give the titles and other relevant details of the document(s) here. Include page
references showing where to find the relevant information.


Complete a grid for each component as listed in “Formal structure of the the
qualification” in the Summary.
NOTE: this grid can be replaced by any part of the qualification documentation which
shows the same information – ie Learning Outcomes to be assessed, assessment
criteria and the means of assessment.

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24. Assessment evidences

Title of Component: Entrepreneur (Electives: Women Entrepreneurship/Gender Sensitivity)

Job Role: Entrepreneur

Qualification Pack: MEP/Q5102

Sector Skill Council: Management & Entrepreneurship and Professional Skills Council

Guidelines for Assessment:

1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector Skill
Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks proportional to its
importancein NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks for Theory
2. and Skills Practical for each PC.
3. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of questions created
bythe SSC.
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory part for
eachcandidate at each examination/training center (as per assessment criteria below.)
5. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical
forevery student at each examination/ training center based on these criteria.
6. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in
7. In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible
totake subsequent assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification
8. In case of unsuccessful completion, the trainee may seek reassessment on
theQualification Pack.

Compulsory NOS Allocation
Total Marks: 700
Assessment Assessment Criteria for Total Skills
outcomes outcomes Marks Practical
MEP/N5107 Build and manage people
Use Mentor network 7 20
Support and
Networks PC1.analyse formal and 100
informal sources of
2 5
support available for

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PC2.use network to find

a mentor, raise money for
1 6
start-up or brain storm
business ideas
PC3.identify potential
business opportunities
1 3
through the identified
PC4.assess, and support
the networks crucial to 1 2
competitive success
PC5.use peer and professional
networks to identify small 1 2
business investors

PC6.undertake inexpensive
actions to enhance the 1 2
powerful impact of networks
Enhance entrepreneurial 9 25

PC7.research the market for 1 3

business idea(s)
PC8.undertake behavioural
analysis to identify own
strengths and weaknesses in 1 2
relation to entrepreneurial
PC9.carry out skills scan to
identify development needs in
the knowledge, behaviours 1 2
and skills required to run a
PC10.prepare a development
plan to identify methods of 1 3
developing the knowledge,
behaviours and skills identified
PC11.learn different ways of
delivering the products or 1 5
services of a business
PC12.improve the negotiation,
objection handling, 2 4
communication and customer
service skills
PC13.identify ways to improve 1 3
assertive communication

PC14.follow suitable 1 3
techniques for managing

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anger, stress or other negative
emotional influences

Use consultant or mentor 9 30

PC15.carry out brain storming
sessions with consultant or 1 5
PC16.validate business idea 1 5
with mentor
PC!7.prepare the appropriate
promotional materials for
raising funds from different 2 6

PC18.carry out the

presentation for the business 2 5
idea or company details to the
network for fundraising
PC19.develop marketing
strategies and materials with 1 4
mentor assistance for the sale
of products or services
PC20.identify ways of
overcoming barriers to 2 4
accessing services

TOTAL 100 25 75

Utilise the government

schemes 9 12

PC1.identify and evaluate

different Central government
and State government 1 2
schemes applicable for the
MEP/N5108: entrepreneurial activity
Utilize PC2.determine the scope of
government relevant financial and non- 1 2
support financial schemes
services and PC3.select the appropriate
manage financial scheme through the
finances comparison of different 2 2
financial schemes relevant to
the entrepreneurial activity
PC4.approach appropriate
authority to clarify doubts
2 2
about schemes and application

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PC5.ensure that all necessary
documents are available and
2 2
up-to-date to apply for the
selected scheme
PC6.follow the relevant
application process to apply for
the selected financial and non- 1 2
financial schemes, as
Arrange funds through
loans and investors 8 12

PC7. determine financial

requirements and 2 3
available capital

PC8.evaluate different loan

options like business loan,
personal loan, against 1 2
property, and loans from the

PC9.search for private

investors for financial funding
such as private financial 1 2
institutions, angel investors
and crowd funding

PC10.cary out comparison of

the crowd funding platforms to
2 3
identify suitable ones for the
entrepreneurial activity

PC11.determine the applicable

interest rates and monthly
payments before applying for 2 2
loans from banks or private
financial institutions

Secure Insurance cover 6 10

PC12.identify the appropriate
insurance schemes and
determine their scope, 2 3
including the aspects covered
and not covered
PC13.select the appropriate
insurance policies to be 2 3

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purchased for individuals and
the business property

PC14.follow the application

process to secure insurance
1 3
cover from the identified
insurance companies
Carry out business
accounting and finance 12 17
PC15.maintain accounts of
income and expenses 2 3

PC16.prepare and raise

invoices to request payments 1 2
from relevant parties
PC17. undertake
banking activities 1 2

PC18.carry out payments

using the appropriate digital
payment methods, such as 2 3
internet banking and Unified
Payment Interface (UPI)
PC19.ensure payments are
made on time to the relevant
2 2
parties, such as creditors and
service providers
PC20.maintain the track of
receivables and pending 2 2
PC21.carry out the calculation
for the payable Goods and
Services Tax (GST) and 2 3
applying the applicable
PC22.manage payroll of staff
2 2

Determine the applicable

Costs/Price and Taxes 5 9

PC23.perform costing and

pricing of products or services 1 2

PC24.identify applicable taxes

for the enterprise and its 1 2
services or products

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PC25.ensure timely payment
of the applicable taxes to the
relevant authorities as per the 1 2
applicable procedures

PC26.carry out audit of

accounts as per the statutory 1 2
PC27.follow all requisite
statutory compliances 1 2

100 40 60

Define business
MEP/N5112: environment and social
Start and responsibility
manage an 7 14

PC1. determine form of

business organisation,
sector and size of 1 2

PC2. identify internal and

external factors affecting
the venture and their 1 2
impact on the
entrepreneurial activity

PC3. evaluate competition and

scope of market 1 2

PC4. devise long term and

short term plans to 1 2
increase market share

PC5.undertake business
activities with social 1 3

PC6.evaluate market trends

periodically and make
necessary changes and 2 3
adjustments in business plan

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Secure the requisite

permissions and 9 15

PC7.determine the industry

standards, permissions
and registrations required 2 3
to commence
entrepreneurial activity

PC8.prepare the relevant

documents for the required 2 3

PC9.follow the applicable

procedures to secure the
2 4
necessary permissions,
registrations and certifications
PC10.maintain registers and
documents as required by 1 3
industry standards
PC11.determine the
requirement of various
2 3
resources, such as machinery
and raw material

Launch the venture 13 16

PC12.prepare a fully
developed business plan and
2 3

PC13.gather feedback from

multiple sources on the
business plan and modify as 1 2

PC14. identify the key critical

stages in implementing 2 2
the business plan

PC15. carry out planned
activities as per 2 2
business plan

• PC16.perform review of
activities to track progress 2 2
of operations

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• PC17.carry out
promotional activities to 1 2
increase visibility of
• PC18.determine
requirement and the type 1 1
of services (contractual,
freelance, full-time or part-
time) required from them
• PC19.determine Industry
benchmarks for salaries 1 1
and perks to offer to
• PC20.hire and manage
staff/personnel as per the 1 1
manpower plan
Coordinate, direct and
organise business activities 7 11

• PC21.evaluate budgetary 1 2
cash flow systematically

• PC22.establish grievance 1 2
handling mechanisms

• PC23.establish customer 1 2
support processes
PC24.obtain feedback from
for modification and of 1 2
development of
entrepreneurial activity

PC25.encourage team work 1 2
and coordination

PC26.monitor professional 1 1
ethics at the workplace
PC27.analyse processes and
situations to rule out conflict of 1 1

Ensure inclusivity 4 4

PC28.follow the recommended

inclusive practices in hiring and 1 1
work management

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PC29.interact with personnel,
clients and vendors using 1 1
gender-neutral statements
PC30.maintain PwD (Persons
with Disability) friendly work 1 1
PC31.carry out entrepreneurial
activity with adequate
responsibility to environment 1 1
and community in which the
venture is situated

TOTAL 100 40 60

MEP/N5113: Procure required resources and manage customers and

marketing of operations
Theory Practical Project Viva
Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks
Manage sales and marketing activities 7 11 - -
PC1. prepare the organisational
guidelines/standards for the sales of goods 1 2 - -
and/or services
PC2. identify the suitable sales channels 1 1 - -
for the products or services
PC3. prepare the sales plan, setting the 1 1 - -
sales targets
PC4. prepare the budget for promotional
activities and plan the promotional 1 1 - -
activities accordingly
PC5. use a mix of promotional strategies,
such as social media and point-of-sale 1 2 - -
PC6. prepare the promotional 1 2 - -
materials/medium and messages
PC7. use branding, packaging and 1 2 - -
labelling for marketing
Manage supplies and vendors 8 12 - -
PC8. assess the material requirements of
the business, such as machinery and raw 1 2 - -
PC9. identify and connect with the relevant 1 1 - -
vendors for procurement
PC10. prepare the vendor contracts,
clearly defining measurable metrics, such 1 2 - -
as the timeline and deliverables
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PC11. procure the required machinery, raw 1 2 - -

materials, consumables and other required

PC12. manage procurement logistics, 1 1 - -

including inbound, outbound and reverse
PC13. manage vendor relationships by
identifying and addressing conflicts 1 2 - -
PC14. develop ongoing evaluation
mechanisms for vendors and 1 1 - -
PC15. maintain the relevant documents
and registers, including the inventory and 1 1 - -
stock registers
Ensure quality assurance 5 9 - -
PC16. develop and enforce quality
assurance mechanisms in product 1 2 - -
PC17. determine the appropriate
parameters for the quality check of 1 2 - -
products and services

1 1 - -
PC18. prepare a quality control checklist
PC19. develop the product quality 1 2 - -
inspection schedule and mechanism

PC20. develop the relevant processes for 1 2 - -

managing the items classified as defective
or failed quality check
Manage digital marketing 10 14 - -

PC21. identify social media channels and 1 1 - -

blogs with the presence of customers for
the products or services of the enterprise

PC22. develop a digital marketing strategy 1 1 - -

for promoting products and services

PC23. use digital marketing tools, such as 1 2 - -

email and Search Engine Marketing
(SEM), to market products and services
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PC24. follow the Search Engine

Optimisation (SEO) practices to improve
1 2 - -
the visibility of the business and its
products/services on the relevant search
PC25. co-ordinate with the relevant
experts to launch e-commerce and m- 1 2 - -
commerce platforms
PC26. develop and use digital data
analysis mechanisms to improve 1 1 - -
advertising and personalise offerings
PC27. ensure the privacy and security of 1 1 - -
consumer data

PC28. maintain the social media and 1 1 - -

digital marketing platforms, updating the
information, as required

PC29. follow the recommended measures

to safeguard the data and documents from 1 2 - -
unauthorised access, hackers and virus
PC30. ensure a prompt and appropriate
response to customer emails and 1 1 - -
telephone calls
Manage customer services 8 12 - -
PC31. carry out relevant research to
determine the customer needs and 1 2 - -
PC32. follow the appropriate mechanisms
to communicate with customers, build
1 2 - -
rapport with them, and measure their
PC33. develop customer support systems 1 1 - -
PC34. ensure timely resolution of customer
1 1 - -
grievances and complaints
PC35. develop and implement appropriate
strategies to attract customers and 1 2 - -
increase customer loyalty and trust
PC36. measure customer satisfaction
through different channels, such as social 1 2 - -
media feedback surveys and analysis
PC37. ensure appropriate action according 1 1 - -
to customer feedback

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PC38. ensure effective customer services

with correct information about products 1 1 - -
and services
Ensure material and energy conservation 2 2 - -
PC39. monitor the use of various
resources, such as production material,
1 1 - -
water and electricity, to ensure their
conservation with minimum wastage
PC40. ensure electrical equipment and
appliances are switched off when not in 1 1 - -
NOS Total 40 60 - -
MEP/N5109: Ensure growth and manage risks by applying ESG
Theory Practical Project Viva
Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks
Conduct market research and analysis 7 10 - -
PC1. carry out market research to
determine scope and demand for a new 2 2 - -
PC2. collect data on consumers, 1 2 - -
competitors, and market conditions

PC3. determine the company’s position in

2 2 - -
the marketplace by researching its
competitors and analysing their prices,
sales, and marketing methods
PC4. analyse data to calculate consumer
demographics, preferences, needs, and 1 2 - -
buying habits
PC5. analyse the marketing and sales 1 2 - -
Develop new product/ service or reposition
8 12 - -
the existing ones

PC6. determine the scope for repositioning

2 2 - -
product/service price, marketing strategy,
target audience, eco-friendly ideas and the
like for better market appeal
PC7. identify and make appropriate
improvements to the existing processes 1 2 - -
and services

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PC8. develop new production processes or

services or stages within the existing 1 2 - -

PC9. develop ideas for new products/

2 2 - -
services, researching feasibility,
profitability, resource availability and
exiting laws and guidelines
PC10. support manufacturing and design 1 2 - -
activities as applicable
PC11. co-ordinate and work well as part of 1 2 - -
a team
Carry out innovation and diversification for
8 12 - -

PC12. promote creativity and innovation 2 2 - -

through appropriate schemes and rewards
PC13. identify the possibilities for
innovations in different areas of the 1 2 - -

PC14. examine the vertical and horizontal 2 2 - -

diversification strategies for profitability
PC15. develop diversification plans for the 1 2 - -
PC16. examine regulations and laws
applicable to product diversification and 1 2 - -
market diversification
PC17. follow the appropriate procedures 1 2 - -
for diversification
Scale up business through mergers and
9 14 - -
PC18. promote a strategy that prioritises 1 2 - -

PC19. develop and implement processes 1 2 - -

for business growth and expansion

PC20. determine the fund requirement and 2 2 - -

other resources and make them available
PC21. identify barriers to growth and
appropriate solutions, with expert 1 2 - -
assistance, if required

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PC22. carry out business scale-up 2 2 - -


PC23. identify the mergers and acquisition 1 2 - -

options for business growth
PC24. follow the applicable laws and
regulations for registering mergers and 1 2 - -
Analyse and mitigate risks 8 12 - -

2 2 - -
PC25. carry out risk audits periodically
PC26. undertake risk analysis and impact 1 2 - -
evaluation of risks
PC27. prepare a risk management plan 2 2 - -
including communication channels
1 2 - -
PC28. implement the risk mitigation plan
PC29. undertake risk monitoring and
1 2 - -
PC30. maintain a risk register 1 2 - -
NOS Total 40 60 - -
MEP/N9903: Apply health and safety practices at the workplace
Theory Practical Project Viva
Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks
Apply relevant health and safety practices
13 16 - -
at the workplace

PC1. identify, control and report health and

safety issues relating to immediate work 4 3 - -
environment according to procedures

PC2. follow procedures and instructions for

dealing with hazards, within the scope of 4 4 - -
responsibilities and competencies

PC3. document and report all hazards,

accidents and near-miss incidents as per 2 3 - -
set process
PC4.document safety records according to
1 4 - -
organisational policies
Maintain a healthy and hygienic
8 21 - -
PC5. maintain the work area in a clean and
1 5 - -
tidy condition
PC6. ensure that the work area is sanitised
2 5 - -
as and when required
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PC7. maintain personal hygiene 1 4 - -

PC8. use appropriate personal protective

_ _ - -
equipment (PPE) where required

PC9.wash hands using soap and water or

2 3 - -
alcohol based sanitiser

PC10. report hygiene related concerns

2 4 - -
promptly to the relevant authority

Emergencies, rescue and first-aid

6 9 - -
PC11. administer appropriate first aid to
victims wherever required e.g. in case of
2 3 - -
bleeding, burns, choking, electric shock,
poisoning etc.
PC12. respond promptly and appropriately
to an accident situation or medical
2 3 - -
emergency in real or simulated
PC13. perform rescue activity during an
accident if applicable (e.g. if moving victim 2 3 - -
is advisable)
Follow fire safety requirements 13 14 - -
PC14. follow fire safety practices 4 3 - -
PC15. identify the type of fire and its stage 2 4 - -

PC16. use the various appropriate fire

extinguishers on different types of fires 4 4 - -

PC17. follow procedures to rescue victim

3 3 - -
of fire without endangering self

NOS Total 40 60 - -
MEP/N9912: Apply principles of professional practice at the workplace
Theory Practical Project Viva
Assessment Criteria for Outcomes
Marks Marks Marks Marks
Maintain a professional image and
3 5 - -
PC1. display appropriate professional
1 2 - -
appearance for the workplace

PC2. interact with team members, clients,

vendors, visitors and other stakeholders in 2 3 - -
a professional manner

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Maintain and enhance professional
14 19 - -
PC3. develop personal and professional
2 2 - -
goals and objectives

PC4. identify strengths and weaknesses in

1 2 - -
relation to goals and objectives

PC5. evaluate own capacity to meet goals

2 2 - -
and objectives
PC6. determine personal development
needs to perform role as per desired 1 2 - -

PC7. develop a professional development

2 3 - -
plan to enhance professional capabilities

PC8. document a professional practice

plan designed to support the achievement 1 2 - -
of goals

PC9. select and implement development

opportunities to support continuous
2 2 - -
learning and maintain currency of
professional practice

PC10. research developments and trends

impacting on professional practice and
2 2 - -
integrate information into work

PC11. seek feedback on performance from

1 2 - -
others and incorporate it to improve

Work in a disciplined and ethical manner 10 17 - -

PC12. perform tasks to the required
2 3 - -
workplace standard

PC13. protect the rights of the client and

2 3 - -
organisation when delivering services

PC14. recognise potential ethical issues in

the workplace and discuss with an 2 3 - -
appropriate person
PC15. recognise unethical conduct and
1 2 - -
report to an appropriate person
PC16. operate within an agreed ethical
1 3 - -
code of practice
PC17. maintain confidentiality as per the
2 3 - -
organizational guidelines
Work effectively with all stakeholders 13 19 - -

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PC18. identify and obtain clarity regarding

2 2 - -
organisational, team and own goals

PC19. prioritise tasks at work as per

2 3 - -
organisational, team and own goals

PC20. plan to meet team performance

2 3 - -
targets and standards
PC21. monitor own and team performance
1 2 - -
as per agreed plan
PC22. share all relevant information with
stakeholders in agreed formats and as per 1 2 - -
agreed timelines

PC23. work collaboratively with colleagues

by sharing information and ideas and 2 3 - -
working together on agreed outcomes

PC24. recognise, avoid and/or address

1 2 - -
any conflict of interest

PC25. recognise and respond to

inappropriate behaviour towards self or
2 2 - -
others in a professional manner and as per
organisational policy

NOS Total 40 60 - -

S. No Module Name Assessment

1 Introduction to Employability 2
. Skills
2 Constitutional values - 2
. Citizenship
3 Becoming a Professional in 4
. the 21st Century
4 Basic English Skills 8
5 Career Development & Goal 3
. Setting
6 Communication Skills 4
7 Diversity and Inclusion 2
8 Financial and Legal Literacy 4
9 Essential Digital Skills 8
10. Entrepreneurship 5
11. Customer Service 3
12. Getting ready for apprenticeship 5
& Jobs
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Total 50

Outcomes to be Assessment criteria for the outcome

assessed/NOSs to be
Provided in the above section

Means of assessment 1
1. Criteria for assessment for each Qualification Pack will be created by the Sector
Skill Council. Each Performance Criteria (PC) will be assigned marks
proportionalto its importance in NOS. SSC will also lay down proportion of marks
for Theory and Skills Practical for each PC.
2. The assessment for the theory part will be based on knowledge bank of
questionscreated by the SSC.
3. Individual assessment agencies will create unique question papers for theory
partfor each candidate at each examination/training centre (as per assessment
criteria below.)
4. Individual assessment agencies will create unique evaluations for skill practical for
every student at each examination/training centre based on these criteria.
Means of assessment 2
Add boxes as required.
1. To pass the Qualification Pack, every trainee should score a minimum of 70% in
every NOS.
In case of successfully passing only certain number of NOS's, the trainee is eligible to
take subsequent assessment on the balance NOS's to pass the Qualification Pack.

NSQC Approved

Title/Name of qualification/component: Entrepreneur

(Electives: Women Gender Sensitivity) Level: 5
NSQF Key requirements of the job role How the job role relates to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level
Process Wide range of specialised technical skill, As mentioned in the various performance criteria, 5
clarity of knowledge and practice in broad the Entrepreneur needs to starts and manages
range of activities involving standard and businesses with the purpose of making financial
non-standard practices: gains by providing products or services to
customers a wide range of specialized technical
• Build and manage people Network.
skills, having clarity of knowledge involving
• Identify potential business standard and non-standard practices such as
opportunities through the identified securing funds and appropriate authorisations or
networks. licenses for starting the business.
• conduct market research for the
business idea(s). Hence NSQF Level is 5
• Use the consultant or mentor
support to acquire new knowledge
and skills.
• Identify and evaluate different central and
state government schemes to support
entrepreneurial activity.
• carry out a comparison of the
crowdfunding platforms and select the
appropriate ones for the
entrepreneurial activity.


Title/Name of qualification/component: Entrepreneur Level: 5

NSQF Key requirements of the job role How the job role relates to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level

Professional Factual and theoretical knowledge in broad As mentioned in the various knowledge and 5
knowledge contexts within a field of work or study: understanding criteria, the Entrepreneur requires
• principles and practices of factual and theoretical knowledge in broad
networking in the business contexts within a field of work or study like starts
community and manages businesses with the purpose of
• the laws and regulations governing making financial gains by providing products or
entrepreneurship services to customers. The individual is
• various methods to the regulations responsible for securing funds and appropriate
governing small and micro authorisations or licenses for starting the
businesses business. The person hires and manages
• various practices that are beneficial personnel and manages various aspects of the
or damaging to organisational business, such as supply, marketing, sales,
success risks, compliance with regulations, business
• Importance of availing insurance for expansion, etc.
business assets and personnel Hence NSQF Level is 5.
• concept and benefit of venture
capitalists and angel investors
• knowledge of methodologies to
monitor and evaluate learning and
development programmes.


Title/Name of qualification/component: Entrepreneur Level: 5

NSQF Key requirements of the job role How the job role relates to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level

Professional Range of cognitive and practical skills As mentioned in the various performance 5
skill required to generate solutions to specific criteria, the Entrepreneur is able to perform a
problems in a field of work or study: range of cognitive and practical skills required to
generate solutions to specific problems in a field
• able to identify potential business
of work or study such as securing funds and
opportunities through the identified appropriate authorisations or licenses for
networks starting the business
• able to identify ways of overcoming
barriers to accessing services Hence NSQF Level is 5
• apply problem-solving skills that
require negotiation to resolve
problems of a difficult nature within
organisation protocols
• Identify risk, resources and
constraint, their impact on the work
to be done and how to address the
• Perform promotional activities to increase
the visibility of the business


Core skill Reasonable good in mathematical As mentioned in the various performance criteria 5
calculation, understanding of social, & Knowledge criteria, the Entrepreneur requires
political and reasonably good in data being reasonably good at mathematical
collecting organising information, and calculation, planning and documentation the
logical communication: Entrepreneur should be having a better
• prepare the relevant documents for the understanding of the social, and political
required registrations environment and be reasonably good in data
• carry out planned activities as per the collection, organising information, and logical
prepared business plan communication.
• carry out the hiring of the staff/personnel Hence NSQF Level is 5
on a contractual, freelance, full-time or
part-time basis as per the requirement
• read organisational guidelines and legal
• develop new production processes or
services or stages within the existing


Title/Name of qualification/component: Entrepreneur Level: 5

NSQF Key requirements of the job role How the job role relates to the NSQF level NSQF
Domain descriptors Level

Responsibility Responsibility for own work and learningand full As mentioned in the various performance criteria, 5
responsibility for other’s worksand learning: the Entrepreneur takes responsibility for his/her
own work
• undertake inexpensive actions to
enhance the powerful impact of
• evaluate different ways of delivering the
products and services of a business
• carry out brainstorming sessions with the
identified consultant or mentor to validate
the selected business idea(s)
• maintain registers and documents as
required by industry standards
• identify the key critical stages in
implementing the business plan



26 What evidence is there that the qualification is needed? What is the

estimated uptake of this qualification and what is the basis of this

The Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector is highly valued
because of its contribution to the socio-economic development of the
country; both for Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and exports. The sector
has also contributed majorly towards entrepreneurship development
especially in semi-urban and rural areas. Micro, Small & Medium
Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 have classified MSMEs into
Manufacturing Enterprises and Service Enterprises.

The Government is at the forefront of this initiative by encouraging and

supporting entrepreneurship development in the country. Various Sector
Skills Councils are being encouraged to support these initiatives within their
respective sectors. Some of the government initiatives are provided below:
· Start-Up India
· Make in India
· Digital India
· Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
· Department of Science and Technology (DST)
· Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
· National Skill Development Mission
· Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
More than 65% of Indian population lives in rural and semi-rural areas, and
micro-entrepreneurship can become a major source of income for many
residing in these areas. Government has also realized the kind of impact
micro-entrepreneurship can have on the economy and has come up with
various schemes such as Prime Minister Employment Generation
Programme, SFURTI, Coir Udyami Yojana, ASPIRE and Credit Guarantee
Fund Scheme to facilitate it. For the purpose of Udyam Yojana, Ministry of
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises vide Office Memorandum (OM) No.
5/2(2)/2021-E/P & G/Policy dated July 2, 2021, has decided to include
Retail and Wholesale trade as MSMEs for the limited purpose of Priority
Sector Lending and they would be allowed to be registered on Udyam
Registration Portal.
As per the National Sample Survey (NSS) 73rd round, conducted by
National Sample Survey Office, Ministry of Statistics & Programme
Implementation during the period 2015-16, there were 633.88 lakh
unincorporated non-agriculture MSMEs in the country engaged in different
economic activities (196.65 lakh in Manufacturing, 0.03 lakh in Non-captive
Electricity Generation and Transmission1 , 230.35 lakh in Trade and 206.85
lakh in Other Services) excluding those MSMEs registered under
(a)Sections 2m(i) and 2m(ii) of the Factories Act, 1948, (b)Companies Act,

1956 and (c) construction activities falling under Section F of National

Industrial Classification (NIC).
• Small sector with 3.31 lakh MSMEs accounted for 0.52% of total
estimated MSMEs.
• 79.5% Micro MSMEs are owned by males and 20.5% by females.

27 Recommendation from the concerned Line Ministry of the

Government/Regulatory Body. To be supported by documentary

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

28 What steps were taken to ensure that the qualification(s) does (do)
not duplicate already existing or planned qualifications in the NSQF?
Give justification for presenting a duplicate qualification
All the existing trainer qualifications in the NQR are sector specific and do
not cater to the entire skill training delivery related skill set that will be
required to be competent trainer. Other existing courses in the country are
not NSQF aligned. Hence it is a unique qualification.
29 What arrangements are in place to monitor and review the
qualification(s)? What data will be used and at what point will the
qualification(s) be revised or updated? Specify the review process
• Agencies have been appointed by the SSC to interact with training
• providers to gather feedback in implementation.
• Monitoring of results of assessments
• Employer feedback will be sought post-placement
• A formal review is scheduled in three years.

Please attach most relevant and recent documents giving further information about
any of the topics above.
Give the titles and other relevant details of the document(s) here. Include page
references showing where to find the relevant information.



3 What steps have been taken in the design of this or other qualifications to
0 ensure that there is a clear path to other qualifications in this sector?
Show the career map here to reflect the clear progression

Please attach most relevant and recent documents giving further information about any
of the topics above.
Give the titles and other relevant details of the document(s) here. Include page
references showing where to find the relevant information.


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