Opeman130 Chapter-3 Reviewer
Opeman130 Chapter-3 Reviewer
Opeman130 Chapter-3 Reviewer
CHAPTER 3: STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL (SPC) - The quality of a product or service can be evaluated
using either an attribute of the product or service or a
variable measure.
- A method that involves monitoring the production
- It is a product characteristic such as color, surface
process to detect and prevent poor quality.
texture, cleanliness, or perhaps smell or taste.
- A statistical procedure using control charts to see if
any part of a production process is not functioning - It can be evaluated quickly with a discrete response
properly and could cause poor quality. such as good or bad, acceptable, or not, or yes or no.
SAMPLE Variables
- It is a subset of the items produced to use for - It is a product characteristic that is measured on a
inspections. continuous scale, such as length, weight, temperature,
- It can be a single item or a group of items. or time.
FORMULA: UCL = p̅ + z σp
LCL = p̅ − z σp
A line through the centre of a graph that indicates the z = the number of standard deviations from the
process average, and lines above and below the centre process average
line that represent the upper and lower limits of the p¯ = the sample proportion defective; an estimate of
process. the process average
σp = the standard deviation of the sample proportion
- A control chart that uses the number of defective (3.5) CONTROL CHART PATTERNS
items in a sample. - Even though a control chart may indicate that a
- Used to compute only the number of defects and process is in control.
cannot compute the proportion that is defective. - It is not random if it shows:
- is used when it is not possible to calculate a - The sample values display a consistent pattern, even
proportion of defective items. within the control limits, it suggests that this pattern
- the actual number of defects must be used. has a non-random cause that might warrant
FORMULA: UCL =C̅ + Z √C investigation.
LCL = C̅ − Z √C - The sample values are consistently above (or below)
the center line for an extended number of samples or
(3.4) CONTROL CHART FOR VARIABLES if they move consistently up or down, there is
X -CHART probably a reason for this behavior; that is, it is not
- Mean (x -̅ ) chart indicates how sample results relate
to the process average or mean. Examples of Non-Random Control Charts Patterns
- Used to show the quality averages of the samples
Unnatural patterns on control charts are defined in the
taken from the given process.
- Each time a sample of a group of items is taken
• Trends: A trend can be defined as a continuous
from the process, the mean of the sample is
movement in one direction (either upward or
calculated and plotted on the chart.
It is constructed in two ways: • Shifting patterns: A shift may be defined as a sudden
- The standard deviation is known. or abrupt change in the average of the process.
- The standard deviation is not known. • Systematic variation: One of the characteristics of a
natural pattern is that the point-to-point fluctuations
When Standard Deviation is are unsystematic or unpredictable. In systematic
When Standard Deviation is
known: variations, a low point is always followed by a high
one or vice versa.
UCL = x̅ + z σx̅ UCL = x̅ ̅ + A2R̅
• Stratification patterns: This pattern tends to cluster
LCL = x̅ − z σx̅ LCL = x̅ ̅ − A2R̅
around the center line. It may indicate improperly
calculated control limits.
R- Chart • Cycles: Cyclic behavior of the process can be
recognized by a series of high portions or peaks
- Range (R- chart) reflects the amount of dispersion interspersed with low portions or troughs.
present in each sample. • Mixtures: This pattern is indicated when the plotted
- Used to monitor process dispersion. points tend to fall near the control limits, with
relatively few points near the center line. A mixture
FORMULA: UCL = D4R̅ pattern is caused by two or more overlapping
LCL = D3R̅ distributions generating the process output.
Pattern Test
Sample size
- The number of completed responses your survey
receives. It's called a sample because it only represents
part of the group of people (or target population) whose
opinions or behavior you care about.