How To Install Windows XP On DV9500 With Out USB F
How To Install Windows XP On DV9500 With Out USB F
How To Install Windows XP On DV9500 With Out USB F
Before proceeding, backup any important data you have saved on your PC. In
addition, it's also good idea to ensure that you have created a HP recovery
disk set for your computer
7. Next, you will need to create a folder to save to and work from. Click
the Make New Folder button, type in a folder name, and click OK
9. Next, nLite will attempt to copy all files from the Windows installation
disk to the folder you have created. Once it has finished, click Next
10. Once you arrive at the Task Selection page, select the Drivers and
Bootable ISO option and then click Next
11. Next to select the SATA drivers to integrate. Click Insert, select Single
driver and navigate to the c:\swsetup\SP37005\Files and click
iastor.inf and click Open
12. Next, select "ALL" of the driver files listed and then click OK
13. Next, when prompted to start the process Click OK
14. After the process has finished, click Next till you arrive at the Bootable
ISO page
15. I prefer to Create and ISO Image and then use other software to burn
the ISO to a CD
16. Next, find your newly created ISO and burn your ISO to a CD using
your preferred burning software
17. Insert the remastered Windows XP CD into your HP dv6500 series
Laptop and proceed to install Windows XP