5english7 Quarter2 M5 V4-1
5english7 Quarter2 M5 V4-1
5english7 Quarter2 M5 V4-1
Second Quarter – Module 5
Week 5-6
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s try before moving on to the other activities included
in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate
to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
Let’s Learn
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you develop your skill
in summarizing key information from a text. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different
learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed
to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into two lessons, namely:
• Lesson 1 – Getting the Main Idea and the Supporting Details
• Lesson 2 – Writing a Summary
Let’s Try
A. Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_______ 1. What is the subject being talked about in a paragraph?
A. summary B. supporting details C. topic D. topic sentence
_______ 2. What is the sentence that reveals the main idea of the paragraph?
A. summary B. supporting details C. topic D. topic sentence
_______ 3. What is the most important thought or the “key concept” of the paragraph?
A. main idea B. supporting details C. summary D. topic sentence
_______ 4. What are the essential pieces of information that clarify, prove, or explain the main idea?
A. summary B. supporting details C. topic D. topic sentence
_______5. What is the brief restatement of a text that includes key information and is written in your own
A. main idea B. supporting details C. summary D. topic sentence
_______ 6. Which of the following is a step in summarizing?
A. List and arrange the key points. C. State all the details.
B. Identify the topic of the paragraph . D. Explain the connection of words.
B. Read the paragraph carefully. Write the topic and the stated or implied main idea. Then, underline the
supporting details.
7 – 9. Topic: __________________________________________________________________________
Main idea: ______________________________________________________________________
Contact tracing is crucial to the response. It is a system to detect and isolate cases and identify close
contacts who will be advised for quarantine. It allows the investigation of the system to track the chain of
infections as well as the settings, places, events, or other avenues where transmission has occurred or may
have been increased. A major bottleneck to doing this is the availability of timely and complete information
from the hospitals for suspected, probable, and confirmed COVID-19 cases. The World Health
Organization (WHO) assisted the Department of Health (DOH) Epidemiology Bureau in developing
COVID KAYA, a case and contact tracing reporting system for epidemiology and investigation officers,
health care providers and laboratory-based users, expanding the capacity of the previous COVID-19
information system. WHO also continued to support the government to establish the system and improve
capacity for contact tracing at the city and municipal levels.
Reference: World Health Organization: WHO. (2020, May 9). 100 days of COVID-19 in the Philippines:
How WHO supported the Philippine response. World Health Organization.
C. Summarize the text given in Activity B. Write the summary in 1 paragraph with 3 or 4 sentences. The
rubric is given below.
10 – 15. ______________________________________________________________________________
Rubric for Writing a Summary
Getting the Main Idea and the
1 Supporting Details
Recognizing how to pronounce a word correctly is not the only tool to measure your fluency in
English. More than that, you must develop your comprehension skills to effectively learn the language and
further understand any given text. One way to improve such skill is through identifying the main idea of
a paragraph and its supporting details.
Let’s Recall
Look for an article about an Asian country that has already controlled the spread of COVID-19.
Choose one paragraph that interests you. Then, write it in the box below. Answer the questions in complete
Let’s Explore
Examine the paragraph below. Encircle the most important thought and underline the essential
pieces of information that support the most important thought. Then, answer the questions in complete
Government agencies continue to report new cases of personnel. There are 15 Metro Rail Transit
workers in Manila and personnel at La Trinidad, Benguet municipal hall, prompting authorities to place a
lockdown. Department of Justice in Manila is on temporary lockdown after 5 employees were confirmed
positive. Over 490 police personnel have tested positive, while 8 have died. There is also continued rise of
COVID-19 cases at the Bureau of Corrections, with 141 inmates and 38 detention facility staff at the New
Bilibid prison and 84 inmates and 7 staff at the Women's Correctional Institute for Women testing positive
as of June 15.
Reference: Department of Health. (2020). Philippines Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report (Report no.41). Retrieved from
Let’s Elaborate
The main idea is the most important thought or the “key concept” of the paragraph. It can be found
in the beginning, middle or end of a paragraph, and is often expressed in a topic sentence or the sentence
that reveals the main idea of the paragraph. It can also be implied or indirectly stated. If it is implied, you
have to express it in your own words.
The supporting details, on the other hand, are the essential pieces of information that clarify,
prove, or explain the main idea.
Study the following paragraphs. Then, follow the steps to get the stated or implied main idea and
the supporting details.
Paragraph 1
Before touching the medical mask, clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
After that, inspect the mask for tears and holes; do not use a mask that has previously worn or is damaged.
Next, verify which side is the top: this is usually where the metal strip is. Then, identify the inside of the
mask, which is usually the white side. Once identified, place the mask on your face covering your nose,
mouth, and chin, making sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask. Finally, pinch the metal
strip so that it molds to the shape of your nose. Remember not to touch the front of the mask while using it
to avoid contamination. If you accidentally touch it, clean your hands.
Reference: World Health Organization (WHO). (2020, June 5). How to wear a medical mask [Video]. YouTube.
Steps: Examples:
1. Identify the topic, the subject
being talked about, of the 1. Topic: steps in wearing medical mask
2. If the main idea is implied,
you have to do the following:
2. a. Repeated/ related words, phrases, or ideas:
a. Locate any repeated/
• “Before,” “After,” “Next,” “Then,” “Once,”
related words, phrases,
or ideas. • Each sentence is giving instructions.
b. Identify the connection of b. Connection: The related words or ideas state instructions and
arranged by the transitional words that indicate time.
these repeated/ related
c. Main idea: These are the steps in properly wearing a medical
words, phrases, and ideas.
c. Write the main idea by mask.
stating what the author is
saying about the topic.
3. Look for the details that 3. Supporting details:
clarify or explain the main a. Before touching the medical mask, clean your hands with
idea. alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
b. After that, inspect the mask for tears and holes; do not use a
mask that has previously worn or is damaged.
c. Next, verify which side is the top: this is usually where the
metal strip is.
d. Then, identify the inside of the mask, which is usually the
white side.
e. Once identified, place the mask on your face covering your
nose, mouth, and chin, making sure there are no gaps between
your face and the mask.
f. Finally, pinch the metal strip so that it molds to the shape of
your nose.
g. Remember not to touch the front of the mask while using it to
avoid contamination.
h. If you accidentally touch it, clean your hands.
Paragraph 2
Government agencies continue to report new cases of personnel. There are 15 Metro Rail Transit
workers in Manila and personnel at La Trinidad, Benguet municipal hall, prompting authorities to place a
lockdown. Department of Justice in Manila is on temporary lockdown after 5 employees were confirmed
positive. Over 490 police personnel have tested positive, while 8 have died. There is also continued rise of
COVID-19 cases at the Bureau of Corrections, with 141 inmates and 38 detention facility staff at the New
Bilibid prison and 84 inmates and 7 staff at the Women's Correctional Institute for Women testing positive
as of June 15.
Reference: Department of Health. (2020). Philippines Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report (Report no.41). Retrieved from
Steps: Examples:
1. Identify the topic, the subject
being talked about, of the 1. Topic: report of new cases in government agencies
2. If the main idea is stated,
determine what the author is 2. Main idea: Government agencies continue to report new cases of
saying about the topic to get personnel.
the most important thought or
the “key concept”.
3. Look for the details that 3. Supporting details:
clarify or explain the main a. There are 15 Metro Rail Transit workers in Manila and
idea. personnel at La Trinidad, Benguet municipal hall, prompting
authorities to place a lockdown.
b. Department of Justice in Manila is on temporary lockdown
after 5 employees were confirmed positive. Over 490 police
personnel have tested positive, while 8 have died.
c. There is also continued rise of COVID-19 cases at the Bureau
of Corrections, with 141 inmates and 38 detention facility staff
at the New Bilibid prison and 84 inmates and 7 staff at the
Women's Correctional Institute for Women testing positive as
of June 15.
Let’s Dig In
Read the paragraphs below. Follow the steps in getting the stated or implied main idea and the
supporting details to complete the table after each paragraph. Continue answering on a separate sheet if
Paragraph 1
COVID-19 appeared in Wuhan, a city in China, in December 2019. Although health officials are
still tracing the exact source of this new coronavirus, early hypotheses thought it may be linked to a seafood
market in Wuhan, China. Some people who visited the market developed viral pneumonia caused by the
new coronavirus. A study that came out on Jan. 25, 2020, notes that the individual with the first reported
case became ill on Dec. 1, 2019, and had no link to the seafood market. Investigations are ongoing as to
how this virus originated and spread.
Reference: What Is Coronavirus? (2020, April 23). Johns Hopkins Medine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-
Steps: Answers:
1. Identify the topic of the
1. Topic: ______________________________________________
2. If the main idea is stated,
2. Main idea: ___________________________________________
determine what the author is
saying about the topic to get
the most important thought or
the “key concept”.
3. Look for the details that 3. Supporting details:
clarify or explain the main _____________________________________________________
idea. _____________________________________________________
Paragraph 2
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), regular and proper washing of hands with
soap and water or cleaning them with an alcohol-based hand rub can reduce your chances of being infected
or spreading COVID-19 because doing so kills viruses that may be on your hands. WHO also recommends
maintaining at least 1-meter distance between yourself and others, and refraining from going to crowded
places to avoid breathing in the droplets from other people’s nose or mouth which may contain virus. You
also need to practice not touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to lessen possibilities of getting the virus
because contaminated hands can transfer virus to those parts of your body. Another important precaution
is following good respiratory hygiene to protect the people around you. When you sneeze or cough, cover
your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue. Then, dispose the used tissue and wash your hands.
Steps: Answers:
1. Identify the topic of the
1. Topic: ______________________________________________
2. If the main idea is implied, 2. a. Repeated words, phrases, or ideas: ____________________
you have to do the following: _____________________________________________________
a. Locate any repeated/ _____________________________________________________
related words, phrases, b. Connection: ________________________________________
or ideas. _____________________________________________________
b. Identify the connection of _____________________________________________________
these repeated/ related c. Main idea: _________________________________________
words, phrases, and ideas. _____________________________________________________
c. Write the main idea by _____________________________________________________
stating what the author is
saying about the topic.
3. Look for the details that 3. Supporting details:
clarify or explain the main _____________________________________________________
idea. _____________________________________________________
Let’s Remember
Fill in the blank with the information needed to complete the prompts.
I learned that the main idea and the supporting details are________________________________
Getting the main idea and the supporting details helps me to _____________________________
Let’s Apply
Read the paragraph below. Determine whether the main idea in the paragraph is stated or implied
before completing the table. Then, in the first column, write the steps that will guide you to get the topic,
main idea, and supporting details of the paragraph. Write the corresponding answer for each step in the
second column. Write on a separate sheet.
The Philippines remains in Stage 2, localized community transmission, with data indicating an
increasing trend and likely higher transmission in the NCR and Central Visayas with evidence of cases
exported from these two Regions to other areas with lower levels of transmission. Over the past three weeks,
there has been a higher total number of newly reported COVID-19 cases reported daily. This is in part due
to enhanced surveillance thanks to processing of backlog data, real-time reporting through the mobile
application COVID KAYA, expansion of the laboratory network for COVID-19 testing, allowing for a
more realistic picture of the actual number of cases in the country. The government is responding through
targeted quarantine measures in areas with a higher concentration of confirmed cases and expansion of
contact tracing. Given the increased movement of people after the relaxation of some movement
restrictions, there is a risk that the trend will continue to increase.
Reference: Department of Health. (2020). Philippines Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation Report (Report no.41). Retrieved from
Steps: Answers:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
Let’s Evaluate
Read the paragraph carefully. Write the topic and the stated or implied main idea. Then, underline
the supporting details. (5 points each)
Paragraph 1
Topic: _______________________________________________________________________________
Main idea: ___________________________________________________________________________
COVID-19 symptoms can be very mild to severe. Some people have no symptoms. The most
common symptoms are fever, cough and tiredness. Other symptoms may include shortness of breath,
muscle aches, chills, sore throat, headache, chest pain, and loss of taste or smell. This list is not all inclusive.
Other less common symptoms have also been reported. Symptoms may appear 2 to 14 days after exposure.
Reference: Coronavirus: What is it and how can I protect myself? (2020, July 3). Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-
Paragraph 2
Topic: _______________________________________________________________________________
Main idea: ___________________________________________________________________________
There is no evidence of anyone contracting the virus that causes COVID-19 after touching food
containers and food packaging. Many restaurants are now offering no-contact takeout and delivery to lessen
the risk of transmission. Still, if you are concerned, it is reasonable to follow general food safety guidelines.
Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water after handling takeout containers, and then
transfer food to a clean dish using clean utensils. Wash your hands again before eating. After disposing of
containers, clean, and disinfect any surfaces that had takeout containers on them.
Reference: Can COVID-19 (coronavirus) spread through food, water, surfaces and pets? (2020, June 5). Mayo Clinic.
Paragraph 3
Topic: _______________________________________________________________________________
Main idea: ___________________________________________________________________________
Best practice is to follow food safety guidelines and wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly
before eating them, by running them under water. Soap is not needed. You can scrub produce that has a
rind or thick skin with a clean produce brush. Also wash your hands well with soap and water as soon as
you get home from the grocery store. Clean and disinfect any reusable bags that you carried to and from
the store. Most cloth bags can go through the washer and dryer; other bags can be cleaned using a
disinfectant wipe or spray. Consider wearing a mask while grocery shopping when it can be difficult to
maintain social distance from other shoppers. In some areas or at certain stores, wearing a mask may be
Reference: Can COVID-19 (coronavirus) spread through food, water, surfaces and pets? (2020, June 5). Mayo Clinic.
Let’s Extend
Search news reports/ articles about Taguig City’s response to COVID-19. Write 1 paragraph with
5 to 6 sentences discussing about the given topic. Continue writing on a separate paper if necessary. Then,
write the stated or implied main idea on the space provided and underline the supporting details.
Main idea: ___________________________________________________________________________
Writing a Summary
Being able to simplify lengthy and complicated texts accurately in your own words is an indication
of a successful reading. To do this, you must first develop your skill in identifying the key information and
the details you need to explain it. If you have already mastered this, you can effortlessly shorten a material
through writing a summary.
Let’s Recall
Read the text below. Write the topic and the stated or implied main idea of each paragraph on the
space provided. Then, underline the supporting details of each paragraph.
(1) Distance learning relates to any educational effort where the teacher and student are separated
by physical distance. It is not a new phenomenon, having begun back in the 1800s with correspondence
classes where students studied at home receiving lessons or activities and returning them to school. Distance
education has evolved with the development of new media, from print to radio, telephone, television, video,
satellite, computers, and, most recently, the internet. The different technologies are still being used
depending on the content and learning objectives for the course, and the users and their capabilities.
(2) Some forms of distance technology, such as radio, telephone, television, satellite, and internet-
based chats are synchronous, meaning that the student/s and the teacher are communicating together at the
same moment in time - sometimes called "real time." These technologies are time-bound requiring
participants to all "meet" at the same time, although not the same place. Advantages of this include
motivation, prompt interaction, quick feedback, and pacing. Other distance technologies, such as print,
video and audiotapes, computer programs, and the internet, were designed for asynchronous use where
participants contribute at different times. These are commonly known as "anytime, anyplace" or time and
place independent. Advantages of this include flexibility, time for reflection, situated learning or integrating
the course concepts into the work environment, and increased opportunity for participation and sharing.
Reference: Online Learning. (n.d.). WisTREC (Wisconsin’s Technology Resource for Educating Care Providers).
1. Topic: _____________________________________________________________________
Main idea: ________________________________________________________________________
2. Topic: _____________________________________________________________________
Main idea: ________________________________________________________________________
Let’s Explore
Imagine explaining the text in the previous activity to your parents. Restate the text briefly in 1
paragraph with 3 to 5 sentences. Continue writing on a separate paper if necessary. Then, answer the
questions in complete sentence.
1. How do the main ideas of the article help you in restating the text briefly?
2. What are the relevant supporting details you included in your own version?
3. What are the information you found irrelevant?
4. Why do you find those points you stated in question number 3 unnecessary in rewriting the article in
your own words?
Let’s Elaborate
A summary is a brief restatement of a text that includes its key information and is written in your
own words. Writing a summary helps you distinguish essential from irrelevant ideas and shorten a large
text to create a concise version.
Before writing a summary, you must understand the text and use your skill in getting the main idea
and the supporting details.
Reread the text about “distance learning” in the first activity. Then, follow the steps in writing a
Steps: Examples:
1. Identify the main idea/s. Main idea/s:
(1)Distance learning relates to any educational effort where the teacher
and student are separated by physical distance.
(2)Different technologies can be synchronous and asynchronous.
2. Look for the essential details Essential details necessary for supporting the main ideas:
necessary for supporting the (1)It is not a new phenomenon, having begun back in the 1800s with
main idea/s. correspondence classes where students studied at home receiving
lessons or activities and returning them to school. Distance education
has evolved with the development of new media, from print to radio,
telephone, television, video, satellite, computers, and, most recently,
the internet.
(2)Some forms of distance technology, such as radio, telephone,
television, satellite, and internet-based chats are synchronous,
meaning that the student/s and the teacher are communicating
together at the same moment in time - sometimes called "real time."
Other distance technologies, such as print, video and audiotapes,
computer programs, and the internet, were designed for
asynchronous use where participants contribute at different times.
3. List and arrange the key points Key points:
(main idea/s and essential details a. Distance learning relates to any educational effort where the teacher
necessary for supporting the and student are separated by physical distance.
main idea/s). b. It is not a new phenomenon, having begun back in the 1800s with
correspondence classes where students studied at home receiving
lessons or activities and returning them to school.
c. Distance education has evolved with the development of new media,
from print to radio, telephone, television, video, satellite, computers,
and, most recently, the internet.
d. Different technologies can be synchronous and asynchronous.
e. Some forms of distance technology, such as radio, telephone,
television, satellite, and internet-based chats are synchronous,
meaning that the student/s and the teacher are communicating
together at the same moment in time - sometimes called "real time."
f. Other distance technologies, such as print, video and audiotapes,
computer programs, and the internet, were designed for
asynchronous use where participants contribute at different times.
4. Write a shortened version of Summary:
the text in your own words/ Distance learning is a form of learning where physical
structure. Combine words or interaction of the teacher and the student is not required. It started in
ideas (for example: radio, the 1800s when correspondence classes were done. This type is
television, telephone, video, and developed together with the progression of different technologies.
internet to technologies). These technologies that are used in distance learning can be classified
as synchronous and asynchronous.
Let’s Dig In
Read the text below. Then, follow the steps in writing a summary to complete the table. Write a
summary in 1 paragraph with 3 to 5 sentences. Continue writing on a separate sheet if necessary. The rubric
is found after the Additional Activities of this lesson.
(1) One of the most affected segments of our society that has been shaken by the global pandemic
caused by the novel coronavirus, SARS CoV-2, is the education sector. The COVID-19 pandemic has
affected the lives of all learners in the Philippines since March. There have been many stories of learners
being concerned by the spread of the deadly virus as schools across the country were closed. This is the
first pandemic to have had a huge impact on education not only in the Philippines but across the world.
(2) Countries like South Korea and France have been forced to close their schools shortly after they
re-opened due to increase in coronavirus cases. In the Philippines, while the government and health officials
are trying to flatten the curve of the deadly virus, the Department of Education (DepEd) is working hard to
transition the modality of teaching from conventional “face-to-face” learning to so-called “blended
learning.” At the moment, the DepEd is absorbed in its month-long “remote enrollment process”, which
started on June 1, 2020.
Reference: Malindog-Uy, A. R. (2020, June 7). “Blended Learning” In Virus-Hit Philippines. The ASEAN Post.
Steps: Answers:
1. Identify the main idea/s. Main idea/s:
(1) ____________________________________________________
(2) _____________________________________________________
2. Look for the essential details Essential details necessary for supporting the main ideas:
necessary for supporting the ________________________________________________________
main idea/s. ________________________________________________________
3. List and arrange the key points Key points:
(main idea/s and essential details ________________________________________________________
necessary for supporting the ________________________________________________________
main idea/s). ________________________________________________________
4. Write a shortened version of Summary: ______________________________________________
the text in your own words. ________________________________________________________
Combine words or ideas. _____________________________________________________
Let’s Remember
Fill in the blank with the information needed to complete the prompts.
I have learned that summarizing_______________________________________________
Learning how to summarize is important because _______________________________________
Let’s Apply
Read the text below. Then, in the first column, write the steps that will guide you to summarize the
text. Write the corresponding answer for each step in the second column. Your summary should be
composed of 1 paragraph with 3 to 5 sentences. Write on a separate sheet. The rubric is found after the
Additional Activities of this lesson.
(1) “Remote enrollment” means that parents or guardians can enroll their children through
alternative ways, such as via phone calls, text messaging or online submissions to avoid face to face
interactions. This is to minimize the risks of possible transmissions of the deadly virus. The Department of
Education (DepEd) was given the go signal by President Duterte and the Interagency Task Force (IATF)
on Emerging Infectious Diseases to proceed with the opening of classes on August 24, 2020, as long as the
health, safety, and welfare of learners and educators are protected against the COVID-19 virus. This is
prioritized as there is no available vaccine yet, and the novel coronavirus is still causing destruction across
the country.
(2) During his presentation to the President on the opening of classes on May 29, DepEd Secretary
Briones assured President Duterte and the public in general that, “there will be no face-to-face classes and
sessions until we are assured of the safety of our children and our teachers. However, we also believe, Mr.
President, that we can provide learning opportunities to our students without necessarily requiring them to
go to school. And this we can do through what is described as “blended and distance learning.”
(3) According to Sec. Briones, “blended learning” is not as novel or new as the novel coronavirus
in the Philippines. Such form of learning is already offered in some schools and universities in the country.
Reference: Malindog-Uy, A. R. (2020, June 7). “Blended Learning” In Virus-Hit Philippines. The ASEAN Post.
Steps: Answers:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Let’s Evaluate
A. Sequence the steps in summarizing by writing the correct number on the space provided.
____________ List and arrange the key points.
____________ Identify the main idea/s.
____________ Write a shortened version of the text in your own words. Combine words or ideas.
____________ Look for the essential details necessary for supporting the main ideas.
B. Read the text below. Then, write a summary in 1 paragraph with 3 sentences. Continue writing on a
separate sheet if necessary. The rubric is found after the Additional Activities of this lesson.
4 – 19.
(1) Blended learning refers to a learning delivery that combines online distance learning, modular
distance learning, TV/ radio-based instruction and other modes. Blended learning will enable the schools
to limit face-to-face learning, ensure social distancing, and decrease the volume of people outside the home
at any given time.
(2) Critical for the implementation will be the production of the needed teacher’s and learner’s
learning materials (LR Portal and DepEd Commons will be maximized), as well as the support of media
institutions like TV and radio stations.
(3)Suggested platforms/ resources/ mechanisms are the use of print/non-print learning materials
such as but not limited to modules, worksheets, and activity sheets.
Reference: Llego, M. A. (2020). DepEd Learning Delivery Modalities for School Year 2020-2021. TeacherPH: Professional Learning Online
COmmunity of Teachers and for Teachers. https://www.teacherph.com/deped-learning-delivery-modalities/
Let’s Evaluate
Summarize the paragraph you wrote about Taguig City’s response to COVID-19 in Lesson 1. Write
the summary in 1 paragraph with 3 sentences. The rubric below will be used in grading.
Rubric for Writing a Summary
Criteria Outstanding Very Satisfactory Fair Needs Improvement
4 3 2 1
Accuracy The statements in The statements in The statements in Most of the statements
and your summary are your summary are your summary are in your summary are
Originality accurate and verified mostly accurate and somehow accurate inaccurate and
by the article. You verified by the article. and verified by the unverified. You also
also excellently used You also properly article. You also used changed the meaning
your own words in used your own words your own words in of some statements of
writing your in writing your writing some the text.
summary. summary. sentences.
Focus Your summary Your summary Your summary Your summary
contains the correct contains the main contains the main contains no/ incorrect
main idea and idea and some idea and few relevant main idea and
relevant details that relevant details that details that support it. irrelevant details.
support it. support it.
Length You wrote a You wrote a You wrote a You wrote a summary
summary with the summary with an summary with with more than 2
required number of additional 1 sentence additional 2 sentences or less than
sentences. from the required sentences from the the required number of
number. required number. sentences.
Conventions You used You used You have several You did not use proper
capitalization and capitalization and mistakes in using capitalization and
punctuation marks punctuation marks capitalization and punctuation marks.
excellently. You also properly. You also punctuation marks. You also have 6
have no mistakes in have 1-2 mistake/s in You also have 3-5 mistakes or more in
spelling and spelling and mistakes in spelling spelling and grammar.
grammar. grammar. and grammar.
Development Team of the Module
Schools Division of Taguig city and Pateros Upper Bicutan Taguig City
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