Lesson Plan: ASCA Student Standards Targeted: Student Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan: ASCA Student Standards Targeted: Student Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan: ASCA Student Standards Targeted: Student Learning Objectives
Evidence Base:
⬜ Best Practice
⬜ Action Research
(commonly used and believed to be of high quality)
(individual investigates own practice to improve content/delivery)
⬜ Research-Informed
(a review of research provides foundation for content/delivery)
(highest level of evidence, results published in peer-reviewed journal)
Identify 1–2 student standards relevant for this For each of the selected student standards, write or
targeted group and goal: select 1–2 learning objectives
(Best practice = select one)
M&B# Mindsets & Behaviors Statement Student Learning Objectives
M 1. Belief in development of whole Student(s) will:
self, including a healthy balance of
mental, social/emotional, and -Learn how to create a self-care plan.
physical well-being
-Learn that a self-care plan can enhance their
B-LS 7. Long- and short-term overall health.
academic, career and
social/emotional goals -Learn to identify practices that support their
self-care and sustain it long term.
B-SMS 7. Demonstrate effective
coping skills when faced with a -Learn to identify a support system.
-Learn to develop personal goals and the steps
B-SMS 8. Balance of school, home to make them happen.
and community activities
□ Self-Care Plan handout
□ Copies of the Thoughts-Feelings-Behaviors triangle
□ Copies of the Eight Areas of Wellness and Self-Care
□ Self-Care Rating and Reflection handouts from lessons 2–4
Communicate the This lesson's objective is to create our own Self-Care Plan.
Lesson Objective:
Teach Content: My Self-Care Plan:
Summarize/Close: Thank you for being a valuable part of this group and sharing your
thoughts. Remember that your Self-Care Plan is a living document and
can always be updated. Feel free to do so as needed.
What is one thing that was beneficial to you about being in this group?
Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, complete this section only once for the unit.
Participation Data Plan:
Anticipated number 5-10 students
of students:
⬜ Attendance (describe):
⬜ Discipline (describe):