Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1 Final Demo
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1 Final Demo
Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 1 Final Demo
1. Review
Before we start our lesson for today, let us
review our lesson yesterday. What have we
We have studied about the days of the
studied yesterday?
How many days are there in a week? There are 7 days in a week.
So, can anybody tell me the days of the The days of the week are Monday,
week? Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday.
(Write the days of the week in order and let
the pupils read them twice.)
2. Motivation
When is your birthday?
(The pupils answer the questions and
When is Christmas celebrated? share their own experiences.)
When is our town and barangay fiesta
It seems you are all aware of your birth dates
and other common occasions. I guess it will
be easy for you to understand the short story
I am going to share with you.
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
3. Discussion
In the story, Vincent’s classes ended in
April then he went to Zambales in May
then stayed there for one month so he
went home in June. (write the months on (the pupils summarize the story in
the board) sequence emphasizing the months
mentioned in it)
What other months do we have?
Can you give one?
(Using flash cards of months and August
calendar, teacher shows the class the September
name of months that they give.) October
How many months do we have in all?
How many months are there in a year?
Let us count.
(count together)
There are twelve months in all.
Let us arrange the months of the year in Therefore, there are twelve months in a
the right order. (Let the pupils arrange year.
the months in a pocket chart while asking
them specific celebrations to guide them
to arrange the months in the right order.
Ask questions which relate to their
individual experiences.) (Read the months in the pocket chart in a
right order after arranging them.)
(Show a calendar)
This is a calendar, this is where we see
the dates and months in a year. What do
we call this again? What did you observe?
How do we use a calendar? (Let the children observe the calendar)
(Pupils’ answers)
4. Game Activity
(check the pupils’ internet connectivity if
suitable for the game)
Now class, let’s have a simple game.
I want you to answer the following
questions about our lesson. But first, what
(let the children suggest standards.)
should we do if we will have a game
activity? What are the standards in doing
game activity?
Standards to be followed in Game Activity
Listen and follow the directions
Class, what is this? Be honest.
What have you noticed? Be a sport.
Correct! A box
This is a mystery box. A mystery Box
The one who gives the correct answer will
get a reward from the mystery box.
7. Assimilation
Board work:
(Pupils do the activity)
Write which month each holiday is
celebrated. (the teacher will have a
whiteboard to write on the answer of the
1. New Year’s Day
2. All Saint’s Day
3. Christmas Day
4. Valentine’s Day
5. Independence Day
1. New Year’s Day (January)
2. All Saint’s Day (November)
3. Christmas Day (December)
4. Valentine’s Day (February)
5. Independence Day (June)
Directions: In a one-fourth sheet of paper, arrange the months of the year in order
by numbering them from 1 to 12.
____ June
___6_ June
____ December ___12_ December
____ January ___1_ January
____ July ___7_ July
___11_ November
____ November ___2_ February
____ February ___3_ March
___8_ August
____ March ___9_ September
____ August ___4_ April
___5_ May
____ September
___10_ October
____ April
____ May
____ October
V. Assignment
Using a calendar, identify how many days there are in each of the following months.
Write your answers on a long sheet of paper.
1. January
2. February
3. March
4. April
5. May
6. June
7. July
8. August
9. September
10. October
11. November
12. December
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