2.obara Oy
2.obara Oy
2.obara Oy
obara Oyeku
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1. Ifa says that there is a woman here who is condoning all the bad habits of her children.
She is the one who is leading her children astray. Ifa says that this woman needs to
change her wayFormats
if she does not want to suffer in future. Ebo materials: one matured he-
A child’s mother is the problem confronting the child
Ifa’s message for Obo, the Monkey
Who will have the fetus of Lagido the Baboon in her womb
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply
All Ifa devotees
Let those advised to offer ebo do so accordingly
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2. Ifa advises a woman here to accord her husband the respect that he deserves. Ifa says that
the attitude of this woman may lead to her being chased out of her matrimonial home and
she will be facing humiliation, disgrace and hardship for the rest of her life. Ifa advises
this woman to offer ebo with three roosters and money. She also needs to feed Esu with
one rooster and feed Ifa with one hen. On this, Ifa says:
Dia fun Beeri
O feyintimojuekunsunrahunomo
Eboni won nikowaa se
Njeaya to jikokioko re
Obara-yeku ye
Nibo le tigbo bee ri
He cast IFa for Beeri
The wife of Agbonniregun
When lamenting her inability to have her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply
The wife who woke up in the morning
And refused to greet her husband
Where did you hear that before
3. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of victory over enemy. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo
with three roosters and money so that a bad person will not come and implicate him/her.
A useless person will always implicate other people
Ifa’s message for Alabahunijapa the land tortoise
When planning to become the Ojugbona under the Oluwo
He was advised to offer ebo
Now a useless person will always implicate other people
The Oba of the land returns the tie of the goat that I gave to you
A useless person will always implicate other people
The chiefs of the land please return the forearm of the goat that I gave to you
A useless person will always implicate other people
The Iyalode of the land please the back of the goat that I gave to you
A useless person will always implicate other people
4. Ifa warns this person to stop going after other people’s wives, or else he would be
poisoned or be inflicted with leather charms that will destroy him. ifa says that two
prominent people are setting trap for this person right now and they stand the chance of
succeeding in eliminating him. ebo materials here are one matured he-goat and money. if
this person fails to offer this ebo, he is surely going to be killed.
Dia fun Lagenku
Ti nfebinrinAro
Ti nfet’Ojomu
Won nikowaatanran
O loun o loran-an tan
E joo re, bi o loran-an tan
Iwo igbonngbontiyootanran fun nbelojuina
A giant hill ends the road of a vista
Ifa’s message for Lagenku
Who is the secret lover of the wife of Aro
And also the lover of the wife of Ojomu
He was advised to come and confess and pay penalty
He refused to comply
Leave him alone if he says that he will not pay penalty
The leather charm that will pay the penalty for him has already been prepared
5. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity for this person. This person will become a
leader. Ifa advises him to offer ebo with three pigeons, three guinea-fowls and money.
O ntikoleOrunbowaye
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Orini un o lajemolaje
Olobarako o ma ma se yee
Orini un o laya, molaya
Olobarakooma ma se yee
Orini un o bimo, mobimo
Olobarakooma ma se yee
Orini un o kole, mokole
Olobarakooma ma se yee
Orini un o lesin, molesin
Olobarakooma ma se yee
Orini un o niregbogbo, moniregbogbo
Olobarakooma ma se yee
The awo of Aje
Cast Ifa for Aje
When coming from heaven to earth
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
My Ori says that I will be blessed with financial success
And I am blessed with financial success
Olobara please do not reject it
My Ori says that I will be blessed with spouse
And I am blessed with spouse
Olobara please do not reject it
My Ori says that I will be blessed with children
And I am blessed with children
Olobara please do not reject it
My Ori says that I will be blessed with all ire of life
And I am blessed with all ire of life
Olobara please do not reject the
6. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo in order not to find himself in a situation where his legs
and waist will become crooked. Ebo materials: one matured he-goat and money. \
Standing upright without being able to maneuver does not allow one to rest
Ifa’s message for Olobara
When going to bend the waist of the head of the family
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
Olobara who bends the waist
That is the one they call ObaraOyeku
7. This person has a daughter who is ripe for the marriage market. Ifa says that preparations
are already underway for the girl to get married. This person is very tight fisted and many
people will not like to assist him in the preparation. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo
against being humiliated and being left alone in this process. The ebo materials are two
roosters, two hens, two guinea-fowls, two pigeons and money. on this, Ifa says:
Aileninileyii mi ni
Dia fun AlabahunIjapa
Ti ntikalararee mu omo re releoko
Eboni won nikowaa se
O kotiogbonyinsebo
Alabahunajapa o nmomoreereleoko
Iyaeeyan, iyaeeyanninje o iyaeeyan
Bi mobaleninileyi
Ebiibakeyin mi
Iyaeeyan, iyaeeyanninje o, iyaeeyan
Alabahunajapa ma nmomoreereleoko
Iyaeeyan, iyaeeyanninje o, iyaeeyan
I suffer because I have no one in this land
Ifa’s message for AlabahunIjapa, the tortoise
When he was taking his daughter to her husband’s house all by himself
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
The tortoise is taking his daughter to her husband’s house today
I am suffering because I have no one in this land
If I have people in this land
Relatives will be in front
And family members will be behind me
I am suffering because I have no one in this land
AlabahunIjapa, the tortoise is taking his daughter to her husband’s house all by him self
I am suffering because I have no one in this land
8. Ifa says that this person’s glory will show up. He/she will be blessed with financial
success. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo with three pigeons and money. He/she also
needs to feed Aje with one white pigeons and honey. On this, Ifa says:
Owo lo won
Iyawo o won
Dia fun Aje
Tii se IyaOgo
Eboni won nikowaa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo
Money is scarce to get
A wife is not
Ifa’s message for Aje
Who was the mother of glory
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Aje is the mother of glory
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1.Obara Ogbe
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