Xcostman Prelims-Reviewer
Xcostman Prelims-Reviewer
Xcostman Prelims-Reviewer
MODULE 1: BASIC COST MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS are all costs associated with production of goods.
include all costs that are involved in acquiring or making • TRACEABILITY TO COST OBJECTIVE
a product. ✓ Direct Costs (traceable; separable)
• FINANCIAL STATEMENTS are costs that are not directly traceable to the cost
✓ Statement of Financial Position object.
• PREDICTING COST BEHAVIOR costs over which a given manager does not have a
✓ Cost Behavior significant influence.
refers to how a cost will react or respond to changes in • USED FOR PLANNING AND CONTROL
the business activity ✓ Standard Cost
✓ Out-of-pocket Costs
are costs that must be met with a current expenditure Cost Behavior
or cash outlay.
Cost behavior means how a cost will react as changes
• TIME-FRAME PERSPECTIVE takes place in the level of business activity. Managers
✓ Committed Costs who understand how costs behave are better able to
predict what costs will be under various operating
are costs that are inevitable consequence of incurrence
circumstances. An understanding of cost behavior
of a previous commitment.
under varying conditions is essential to adequate
✓ Discretionary Costs (Programmed; decision making in the planning and control of firm
Managed Costs) activity.
are costs for which the size or the time of incurrence is a Importance of Understanding Cost Behavior
matter of choice.
Planning requires that management make decisions
• TIME PERIOD based in part on expectations as to the future.
✓ Historical Costs (Past Costs) Control is the process of using feedback information for
are costs that were incurred in a past period. comparison with expectation and the implementation of
actions on the basis of that comparison.
✓ Future Costs
Cost analysis is an integral part of the planning and
are budgeted costs that are expected to be incurred in a control function. The key to effective cost production
future period. lies in an understanding of cost behavior patterns.
• ANALYTICAL PURPOSES Types of Cost Behavior Patterns
✓ Relevant Costs
• Variable Costs
are future costs that are different under one decision • Fixed Costs
alternative than under another decision alternative. ✓ Committed fixed costs
✓ Incremental Cost ✓ Discretionary fixed costs
• Mixed Costs
is the difference between two or more alternatives.
Variable Cost -Change in total as the level of activity
✓ Sunk Costs changes in the short run and within the RELEVANT
are past costs that have been incurred and are irrelevant RANGE
to a future decision. Relevant Range -Range activity within which
✓ Opportunity Cost assumptions relative to variable and fixed cost
behaviour are valid.
is the value of the best alternative forgone as the result
of selecting a different use of resource or by choosing a • *Variable cost PER UNIT is constant in the
particular strategy. relevant range
✓ Value Added Costs FIXED COSTS - Costs that remain constant in total
regardless of the changes in the level of activity within
are costs that add value to the product. the relevant range
*Fixed cost PER UNIT decreases as the level of activity Steps:
Review each cost account and identify as either variable
Committed fixed costs - Long-term in nature and cannot or fixed in relationship to some activity.
be significantly reduced even for short periods of time
Each major class is itemized and each cost is divided into
without impairing the profitability or long- run goals of
variable and fixed component.
the organization.
*Advantage: involves detailed examination
Discretionary fixed costs- Usually arise from annual
decisions by management. Management is not locked *Disadvantage: uses subjective, judgmental approach.
into a decision regarding such costs.
Industrial Engineering Method
variable and fixed cost elements. The industrial engineering method estimates cost
functions by analyzing the relationship between inputs
Relationship between mixed cost and level of activity: and outputs in physical forms.
Y = a + bX STEPS:
FIXED PORTION -Basic, minimum cost of just having a Study of physical relation between the quantities of
service ready and available for use. inputs and each unit of
VARIABLE PORTION- Cost incurred for the actual output
consumption of the service.
Costs are assigned to each of the physical inputs to
The Analysis of Mixed Costs estimate the cost of the outputs.
The fixed portion of mixed cost represents the basic, *Advantage: it can detail each step required to perform
minimum cost of just having a service ready and an operation.
available for use while the variable portion represents
the cost incurred for the actual consumption of the *Disadvantage: quite expensive to use.
service. The variable element varies in proportion to Conference Method
the amount of service that is consumed.
Cost functions are estimated based on the analysis and
METHODS FOR COST ESTIMATION opinions about costs and drivers obtained from various
1. Account analysis method departments of an organization such as purchasing,
2. Industrial Engineering method or Work process engineering, manufacturing, employee relation
measurement method and so on. This information is used to determine the
3. Conference method selling price of the product, optimum product mix, and
4. Quantitative analysis of current and past costs evaluate cost improvements overtime.
relationships The High-Low Method
– High-low method
– Regression analysis method It is based on costs observed at both the high and low
5. Scattergraph or Visual fit method levels of activity within the relevant range.
6. The least-squares regression method Steps in Applying the High-Low Cost Estimation
Account Analysis Method 1. Obtain relevant data on past costs and related
Account analysis is considered a very useful and easier actual activity levels.
way to estimate costs. It makes use of the experience 2. Estimate the variable cost per unit or rate using
and judgment of managers and accounts who are the following equation:
familiar with company operations and the way costs
react to changes in activity level.
Variable cost rate or per unit = Cost at highest activity – o = residual term that includes the net effect of other
Cost at lowest activity /Highest activity – Lowest factors not in the model and measurement errors in the
activity dependent and independent variables.
Least-squares Regression Method
3. Compute the fixed cost as follows:
A statistical technique which is often used in separating
Fixed Cost = Total Cost at highest activity – [Variable
mixed costs into their fixed and variable components is
cost per unit x Highest activity stated in units]
least-square regression. Basically, a line of regression is
Or determined by solving two simultaneous linear
equations which are based on the condition that the
Fixed Cost = Total Cost at lowest activity – [Variable sum of deviations above the line equals the sum of
cost per unit x Lowest activity stated in units] deviation below the line.
Regression Analysis Method The equation for the determination of straight line is:
It uses all available data to estimate the cost function. It Y = a + bX
is a statistical method that measures the average
amount of change in the dependent variable (costs) that The two linear equations that are used to solve for a
is associated with a unit change of one or more and b are:
independent variables. Sample regression analysis
Equation (1) EY = Na + bEx2
estimates the relationship between the dependent
variable and multiple independent variables. Multiple Equation (2) EXY = EXa + bEX2
regressions are used when the dependent variable is
caused by more than one factor. Although adding more
factors or variables make the computation more Y = Total cost
complex, the principles involved are the same as in the a = Fixed cost
simple regression analysis. b = Variable cost rate X = measure of activity
N = number of observations
Simple regression analysis- Estimates the relationship
E = Greek letter signifying summation
between the dependent and one independent variable.
Scatter graph or Visual Fit
Multiple regression analysis – Estimates the
This is a rough guide for cost estimation which plot the
relationship between the dependent variable and
cost against past activity levels. These activities are
multiple independent variables.
referred to as predictors or independent variables (X),
Simple Regression analysis uses the following or the right-hand-side of a regression equation. The cost
estimated cost function or equation: to be estimated may be called the dependent variables
(Y), or the left-hand-side of the regression equation.
The line is drawn, insofar as it is possible by visual
While multiple regression analysis uses the following judgment, so that the distances of the observation
equations: above the line are equal to the distances of the
observations below the line. This line called the line of
Y = a + b1 X 1 + b2 X 2……… + o regression represents the data as a line of conditional
Where: expected values.