Education Manifesto-Creasy

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Kayla Creasy

Professor Deanna Reinard

15 November 2021

My Education Manifesto

I promise to never stop learning.

I will continue to educate myself which will allow me to stay relevant in the
practices of education. I will remain well-rounded in my social and cultural
understanding of the world so I can be a better educator, friend, colleague, and
overall person.

I promise to be present in the moment.

No matter what is going on in my life outside of the classroom, I will be mentally

present for my students. I will be there for my students not only physically (as
long as my health permits), but mentally. If they need a person to vent or to rely
on, I will be there. I will help in whatever way I can or feel is right. Despite the
negatives in life, I will approach each day with a positive attitude.

I promise to be an advocate for my students.

I will protect my students. This will not only focus on situations in the classroom.
If someone is speaking negatively about one of my students, I will speak up for
them. I will not support judgement, rumors, prejudice, or bullying of any sort.

I promise to build a classroom experience that is fitting for all students.

I will uphold the idea that a classroom should promote the optimal learning
experience for all students. I will be flexible regarding my classroom planning to
allow for assignments and topics that will fit best for the students at hand. I will
remember that all students are different with different walks of life.

I promise to teach in a way that is fair to everyone.

I will teach and structure my classroom in a way that will allow for all students to
feel included and heard. I will find tactics that allow the opportunity for all
students to make contributions to classroom discussions whether that be through
techniques using a tally sheet or pulling popsicle sticks.

I promise to remain unbiased and avoid favoritism.

No matter what I hear previously from others, particularly colleagues… I will

work to maintain an unbiased outlook and avoid any pre-judgment that can form
before meeting new students. I will allow students to show me who they are and
want to be.

I promise to support students’ journeys as they try to understand their identities.

I will promote activities aimed for students to dive deeper into the exploration of
who they are and hope to be. I will encourage them as they seek out their
ever-changing identities in a safe place. I will encourage students to make
connections with others based on their similarities and differences and learn
more about the attributes that make us all individually unique. I will allow
students to also make connections and learn about my own sense of self when

I promise to find the teachable moments.

I will remember that sometimes, some of life’s best lessons are ones taught
unexpectedly. In scenarios I will try to value that there can always be a teachable
moment. If there is an incident, especially within a classroom discussion, that I
feel can be resolved on its own, I will let things occur naturally and then address
the situation. I will uphold the idea that vulnerability and truth are beautiful
things in life that can teach such memorable lessons. These lessons could be
major takeaways for students as they gain knowledge on how to be better peers to
one another.

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