Lesson Plan Group 2

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The most crucial and the first thing before doing an activity and event are making a plan. As
well, teachers also need a plan in their teaching. Generally, it is well known as lesson plan, it
defines as the written procedures of activity in the teaching and learning process. Depdiknas
(2008) writes that lesson plan is planning which describes a basic of competence from content
standard of syllabus. Then, planning is an essential component of successful teaching (Houston
and Beech, 2002), this importance of lesson plan in teaching also argued by (Grossman,
Wineburg,and Woolworth 2001; Little 34 1987; Putnam and Borko 2000; Wang andPaine 2003)
in Shen and Poppink (2007); they said that through lesson planning teachers can reflect upon,
explore, and improve their practice in teaching. So, lesson plan is a tool for determining whether
teaching is successful or not.

The concept of Research and Development

Research and Development is creative work undertaken on a basic systematic basis to increase
something of scientific and technical knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and
society and the use of this thing of knowledge to devise applications (Godin, 2001); in the field
of instructional technology, development has a particular, somewhat unique, connotation. The
most current definition views development as “the process of translating the design
specifications into physical form” (Seels & Richey, 1994 in Richey, Klein, and Nelson, 2003);
the term development, it is consistent with the fundamental attribute of being a process of
growth, and in our field development is a very creative process.

The Concept of Lesson Plan

Some educators and experts of teaching have different view of the definition of lesson plan.
First, a lesson plan is a plan for learning. As is true in most activities, the quality of planning
affects the quality of results. (Gibert, 2011); Planning is an essential component of successful
teaching. As a student teacher, you must have a lesson plan for each lesson you present. Lesson
planning can be time consuming, but the results are worth the effort. The results of good
planning are well organized and meaningful lessons, as well as a higher level of self-confidence
on the part of the teacher. (Houston and Beech, 2002) ; A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map
of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time.

Teaching English for Adult Learners

Teaching English in the university level is the compulsory for students. Every student has to pass
English course around one or two semesters. When we talk about English, it can be apart from
language. Every language consists of four skills should be acquired by students in order to
communicate others well. Students of university level are categorized as adult learners.
This study employed research based design which is proposed by Borg and Gall (1983). The
following is the schema of the steps of Research and Development proposed by Borg and Gall

a. Research and Information collecting, it was done before getting documents from
collaborators and doing an observation on the object of research. The activities of this
part are discussing the previous documents of learning such as; syllabus, lesson plan, and
materials from other teachers and lecturers. The discussion includes classical discussion
and group discussion.
b. Planning, before doing a development, our group decided what activities involved on this
part such as; getting permission letter from institution, getting documents of learning,
doing an observation.
c. Develop preliminary product of form, we had discussion to check our revision,
discussion, and decide revision to be used for development. For avoiding biases,
triangulation was done through consulting our revision to the expert, in this case is our
lecturer, and the lecturers from other faculties. Because of the limitation of time, the
research was stopped and the result will be discussed later.
The process of developing of lesson plan has to pass some steps. This article focuses on the
research and information collecting, planning, and develop preliminary product of form. The
result of developing is significantly different. The result of interview shown that developed
lesson plan is more attractive, applicable, and informative than previous. All the aspects of
lesson plan are developed to gain appropriate competences through applicable and attractive
lesson plan. Those developed aspects include standard of competence, basic competence,
indicators, objectives, materials, teaching method, learning activities, assessment, and
sources. For avoiding result bias of developing lesson plan, triangulation was done by
consulting to the experts and collaborators.

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