Ep 17
Ep 17
2. Did the teacher make use of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?
- The instructor uses both authentic and traditional assessment tasks, yes.
3. Are the tradibyic assessment tasks, (written tests) formulated in accordance with the principles of test construction?
- Yes, since objective-answer exams that require students to apply ideas or synthesize and
evaluate data and text developed are examples of genuine and conventional assessment
activities that require principles to better capture the learning outcome.
4. Were the assessment tasks for formative purposes also used for summative purposes? Why or why not?
- Yes, we used the summative assignments from the formative assessment because we needed to
measure how well students were learning. However, summative evaluation feedback can be
used by both students and teachers to direct their efforts and activities in subsequent classes.
own definition of a meaningful evaluation, I feel the test must meet certain requirements.
Because the evaluation should cover abilities that students will need in the future, as a future
teacher, I will make the assessment process more relevant and
acceptable to students. My evaluation will be designed to allow students to exhibit their
1. One thing/some things that went well is/are in the development/ use/ administration of
assessment tasks are because it is designed in accordance with the idea of test construction, it
uses traditional and authentic assessment tasks as well as understanding each
knowledge and talents.
2. One thing/ some things career that did not go very well in the development /use
administration of assessment tasks arise students could not grasp what to perform in their
they lackedsince
evaluation a solid plan for completing the work tasks and furthermore, the pupil lacked
the direction.
This part of the assessment process went well because they thoroughly
comprehended what the
teacher was teaching and the students assessments turned out nicely. T
the learning goal since the instructor will employ the tactics to help pupils in
This part of the assessment process did not go well because some of the
pupils or students don't
grasp much of what the teacher is saying, while others don't understand ho
assessment activities.