Jel - Job - Embedded Learning Output

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Differentiated for each position (teacher, school head, and supervisor), the terminal
JEL-based output/ requirement for the course and applicable assessment rubrics are
shown below:

JEL Output Title Code of Ethics Paper Case Study Analysis Action Plan

Using class You will analyze a Develop and Share a

discussions, case study on an detailed action plan of
exercises, and Ethical Dilemma. how you plan to
relevant readings as a Summarize the details institutionalize
guide, state your core of the case, identify the programs on ethical
values and create link between the leadership that will
your own personal theories and concepts challenge and sustain
code of ethics. Based discussed in class and supervisors in
on these values and the case details, and remaining as ethical
principles, briefly provide leaders. Make
describe the process recommendations of connections to
you use to make how the individuals in concepts discussed
decisions when faced the case should both in the
with an ethical proceed. asynchronous and
dilemma. A synchronous sessions.
minimum of 5 pages. Support with research A minimum of 5
This project does not findings related to the pages. Use APA
require research, but subject. format for any
if you do use A minimum of 5 reference
reference material or pages. material/textbooks
textbooks be sure to cited.
cite and document
sources in APA

Position Teacher/ Master School Head Supervisors

Target Indicator Discuss with Display knowledge of Provide leadership
colleagues teaching laws, policies, guidelines within and across
and learning and issuances on the school contexts in
practices that apply rights, privileges and critically reflecting on
benefits of school
existing codes, laws and setting clearly
personnel to promote
and regulations their general welfare.
defined targets for
applicable to the professional learning to
teaching profession, improve practice.
and the
specified in the Code
of Ethics for

Criteria for Evaluation: The terminal Job-embedded Learning Output will be evaluated using
the criteria/ rubrics below:


Y 2 pts RY
3 pts 1 pt
Appropriateness The student The student The student The student fails
25% fulfills or exceeds fulfills the fulfills some of to address the
all of the important content the important important
assigned content requirements of content requirements of
requirements. the JEL output. requirements of the JEL output.
the JEL output.
Accuracy The student's The student's The student’s The student's
25% knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the
subject is subject is accurate subject is subject is
accurate throughout except generally generally
throughout. in minor details. accurate, though inaccurate
Extensiveness The student The student The student The student's
25% exhibits seems informed exhibits limited knowledge of the
convincing range on the subject, range or quality subject lacks
and quality of having done of knowledge, range or quality.
knowledge, appropriate having done
having done research, if minimal
appropriate applicable. appropriate
research, if research, if
applicable. applicable.

Perspective The information The information The information The information

25% presented reveals presented reveals presented reveals presented reveals
the student's the student's that the student the student's
assimilation and assimilation and has only partially failure to
understanding of understanding of assimilated or assimilate or to
the subject. The the subject. The understood the understand the
student is student seems material. The material. The
convincingly aware of student shows student's
aware of alternative points some awareness assertions lack
alternative points of view OR of of alternative awareness of
of view AND of implications points of view OR alternative points
implications beyond the of implications of view AND of
beyond the immediate beyond the implications
immediate subject. immediate beyond the
subject. subject. immediate

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