The Connective Model DES
The Connective Model DES
The Connective Model DES
Figure1.1 The connective model of learning mathematics (adapted by the DES Primary Mathematics Team from
Haylock and Cockburn 1989)
Haylock and Cockburn suggest that it is in making connections between their experiences of
these different elements that children's learning is more deeply embedded and their
understanding broadened and deepened.
For example:
• A class might be looking at how to reduce their school’s impact on the environment
and decide to focus on how the pupils travel to school. This provides the context and
purpose for the mathematics.
• The pupils examine the data that has been collected, which shows the number of
pupils who walk, cycle or travel by car, bus, or taxi, and talk about what they notice
and what they would like to change; this will involve both mathematical and
contextual language, being used a part of purposeful talk.
• A question arises about the total number of pupils who travel in a vehicle that uses
fuel compared to the number of pupils who travel in a sustainable way. This provides
an opportunity for the pupils to look at the most efficient way to add the numbers,
using what they know and understand.
• A mathematical image, such as a bead string (physical) or number line (pictorial),
might be used to support understanding of a method; for example, understanding
that for 165 + 25 it is easy to partition the second number and use the known facts
5 + 5 = 10 for 165 + 5, and then 7 + 2 = 9 for 170 + 20.
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Website: Mathematics - Support for schools and settings (
Version 5 December 2023
• An image might also be used by a pupil to support their explanation of their method,
allowing others to access their thinking. Images for addition include base 10, number
lines, bead strings and place-value counters. The focus should be on using the
image to support understanding, not ‘to do’ the maths. Counting in ones should be
avoided and decisions about which resources to have available should be made by
the teacher and depend on them being fit for purpose. Decisions about which
resources to use to support their explanations should be made by the pupils.
• The symbols might record the steps taken or the calculation undertaken:
o 165 + 5 + 20 = 190
o 165 + 5 = 170 and 170 + 20 = 190
o 165 + 25 = 190
The pupils should be able to explain the symbols in relation to the maths in the
context, which will involve revisiting relevant mathematical and contextual language.
It is important to understand the role of classroom talk in relation to this model. It would be
easy to assume that talk sits only within the language aspect of the model. But this refers to
the very specific mathematical language and vocabulary used in connection with the
experiences the children are having. The role of talk is to help the children make the
connections themselves. This talk can be in response to teacher questioning, provoking
children to make connections, children questioning about potential connections, talk between
children, and explanation of points of view etc. The verbal accompaniment to the children’s
experiences is what allows them to frame their understanding.
There is some evidence from brain research that shows that connecting different
representations of mathematics leads to more powerful learning. When students work with
symbols, such as numbers, they are using a different area of the brain than when they work
with visual and spatial information, such as an array of dots. Joonkoo Park & Elizabeth
Brannon (2013) found that mathematics learning and performance was optimized when the
two areas of the brain were communicating. Additionally, they found that training students
through visual representations improved students’ maths performance significantly, even on
numerical questions, and that visual training helped the students more than numerical training.
Haylock, D. and Cockburn, A. (1989), Understanding Early Years Mathematics SAGE Publications
Park, J., & Brannon, E. M. (2013). Training the Approximate Number System Improves Math
Proficiency. Psychological Science, 24(10), 2013-2019.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Mathematics - Support for schools and settings (