Name: Sumabong, Darlene, R. DATE: 11/7/21 Section: HM - 502

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DATE: 11/7/21

1) In your perspective, what is the importance of contrast in culture among multicultural
organizations? Cite a situational example to support your answer.

The importance of cultural contrast among multicultural organizations, in my opinion, is

that there are typically more similarities than differences among them. Despite the
many similarities that humans have, there are also certain distinctions, particularly in
terms of culture. The significance of it is that it allows people from all backgrounds to
contribute ideas and mindsets.
in contrast to others, it will aid in the development of innovative solutions to a single
problem, as well as the identification of new ideas that will benefit everyone. For
example, while preparing for the school's impending event, the props they had prepared
vanished. All they have left are some cartons, newspapers, plastic bottles, and art
supplies such as paints, brushes, and glue. Some students start to panic and suggest that
they should just cancel the event; others report it; and yet others suggest that they just
use the things that are left over for their new props for their event. This example
demonstrates that within a group of diverse individuals, someone or some individuals
would think up and propose fresh ideas and solutions to their difficulties.

2) As a Filipino, cite an example based on a category or dimension of culture that explains

how it impacts work processes in a tourism and hospitality organization (e.g., hotel,
airline, restaurants, etc.).

It will describe how culture effects work processes in a Tourism and Hospitality
Organization based on the Categories of Culture under the Problems Arising from
Relationships with Other People. As a Filipino, a student, and a potential employee in
Tourism and Hospitality Management, the example I will give falls under the following
categories. Individualistic Culture. Individualistic cultures place a great emphasis on
personal performance over group goals, resulting in a strong sense of rivalry. For
example, at a school, there are some group activities that need some leaders. The role
of the leader is to be clear about what the group will do and to assist his/her individuals
every time they have some worries or problems related to the activity they will do. Now,
the appointed leader, instead of assisting his/her members who were left behind or did
not get the instructions for the activity, just left them unanswered. When s/he is
finished with his/her part, s/he just abandons his or her groupmates. In relating to this
scenario in a tourism and hospitality organization, the head of the group will just tell
them the guidelines and what they are going to do. 

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