Part 00

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Electronics 1

Electronics 1 1

Lectures and classes 30 hours

Wednesday, 12.15 – 13.00
Wednesday, 13.15 – 14.00
We will not divide our time into lectures and classes very formally.
We will illustrate theoretical issues with practical ones
(calculations, mini-projects).

If you want to finish lectures and classes earlier

(December 22 or December 15)
we can meet 4 or 5 times on Tuesday
17.40 - 19.15
Electronics 1 2


Lecture and classes – main topics

 passive electronic components
 diodes – parameters, characteristics, models, applications
 transistors (BJT, JFET, MOSFET) - parameters,
characteristics, simple equivalent circuits
 transistor biasing circuits
 single stage transistor amplifiers
 small signal analysis of transistor amplifiers
 transistor as a switch
 operational amplifiers – parameters and characteristics
 basic applications of operational amplifiers
 optoelectronic devices
Electronics 1

Laboratory classes – 30 hours

10 weeks x 3h
Wednesday, 14.15 – 16.30 (3 x 45 min.) without breaks
Wednesday, 16.50 – 19.05 (3 x 45 min.) without breaks
WE-227 and WE-247 (computer lab)
According to the schedule: the last lab – 15.12.2021

Electronics 1 4


Laboratory classes
Lab 1. Introduction to laboratory equipment and basic
components (WE-227)
Lab 2. DC and AC circuit analysis using PSpice (WE-247)
Lab 3. Time domain circuit analysis using PSpice (WE-247)
Lab 4. Semiconductor diodes and their applications (WE-227)
Lab 5. Transistor characteristics and parameters (WE-227)
Lab 6. Bipolar transistor biasing circuits (WE-227)
Lab 7. Single stage transistor amplifiers (WE-227)
Lab 8. Basic applications of operational amplifiers (WE-227)
Lab 9. Optoelectronic devices (WE-227)
Lab 10. Practical exam (WE-227)
Electronics 1

15 students (?)  2 laboratory groups: A and B

14.15 – 16.30 16.50 – 19.05

Group A Group B

A1 B1

A2 B2

A3 B3

Electronics 1 6


Laboratory reports

 each lab group should prepare its own report;

 reports should be sent by email
in the email subject field: Electronics1 – group – labN°
for example:
Electronics1 – B2 – lab5

PDF only!
 each report should be sent before the next lab (–0,2p if later)

Electronics 1 7

Laboratory report requirements

 Title page (Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, IS-FEE-10006W Electronics 1, title of lab
experiment, students, teacher, date);
 Objectives;
 Circuit schematic diagrams;
 Results (tables, photos, figures);
 Calculations (if necessary);
 Conclusions;
 Maximum 8 pages (A4).

- figures and tables should be numbered and titled;
- label your graphs properly indicating the axis scale, variables and
units of measure, etc.);
- attach the copy (photo) of the sheets with measurement results.
Electronics 1 8


1. Sedra A.S., Smith K. C.: Microelectronic Circuits. Oxford University Press,
2004 (or later).
2. Muret P.: Fundamentals of Electronics 1 : Electronic Components and
Elementary Functions, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2017 (Available from:
ProQuest Ebook Central).
3. Boysen E., Kybett H.: Complete Electronics Self-Teaching Guide with
Projects, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012 (Available from: ProQuest Ebook
4. Singh S.: Electronics Engineering, Alpha Science International, New Delhi,
2014 (Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central).
5. Westcott S., Westcott J.R.: Basic Electronics: Theory and Practice, Mercury
Learning & Information, 2015 (Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central).
6. Saggio G.: Principless of analog electronic. CRC Press, 2014.
8. Razavi Electronics 1 on YouTube
Electronics 1 9

Pspice simulation

OrCAD 17.2

Electronics 1 10



Short tests (quizzes) before lab starts 5 x 3 p = 15 p 40 p (min. 16)

Lab 4, Lab 5, Lab 6, Lab 7, Lab 8, Lab 9
(the lowest score is not counted)
Evaluation of the student's work in the lab 8x1p=8p
(labs: 2 - 9)
Laboratory reports 5 x 2 p = 10p
Lab 4, Lab 5, Lab 6, Lab 7, Lab 8, Lab 9
(the lowest score is not counted)
Individual practical exam – Lab 10 7p

Two written tests (classes) 2 x 10 p 20 p (min. 8)

Written final exam 40 p 40 p (min. 16)

∑ 100 p 100 p

Electronics 1 11


5 A 90 - 100
4.5 B 80 - 89,9
4 C 70 - 79,9
3.5 D 60 - 69,9
3 E 50 - 59,9
2 F 0 - 49,9

Electronics 1 12


Dear teacher, Dear Teacher,

(…) I think that your border I'm (…). I want to ask you
of points are so high (…) about my mark. In my
C is equal to 60-70 in university ( …) marks are
Turkey but there, C is given very different. So C is equal
between 70-80 and B is very to BC - 2.7 and B is equal
high. to BA - 3.3. I need just 2
Maybe you can lower points to get B. (…) could
the border of points (…) you help me (...).
I am waiting your reply I attached my university
mark system.

Do not negotiate, please!

Electronics 1 13

 Kirchhoff’s Basic Circuit Laws

 Thevenin's theorem (Thevenin’s method)

 Norton’s theorem (Norton’s method)

 Superposition theorem (Superposition method)

Electronics 1 14

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