Course Name: B.E (Electronics Engineering) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Teaching Scheme Credits Evaluation Scheme Theory LPW Th. Tu Pr. Total (TAE) (CAE) ESE Int. Ext. (20) (20) (60)
Applied Mathematics III Electronic Devices & Circuits Electronic Devices & Circuits Network Theory Communication Electronics Communication Electronics Data Structures using C Data Structures using C General Proficiency-II Total Name of the Course
3 3 3 1 17
1 1 1 4
2 2 2 2 8
2 4 4 2 4 2 3 29
20 20 20 -
20 20 20 -
60 60 60 -
50 25 25 -
-3 3 -3 -1
Sub. Code
Evaluation Scheme Theory LPW (TAE) (CAE) ESE Int. Ext. (20) (20) (60)
BECP206 MBL103
Computer Architecture & Organization Power Electronics Power Electronics Digital System Design Digital System Design Field Theory Analog Systems & Design Analog Systems & Design Modeling & Simulation General Proficiency-III Total
4 3
2 -
4 2 4
4 1 4
20 20
20 20
60 60
25 -
100 25 100
3 -3
3 3
1 1
2 -
2 4 4
1 4 4
20 20
20 20
60 60
50 -
50 100 100
-3 3
2 2
2 2 3 31
1 1 Compulsory Audit 24
25 50
25 50 650
1 17 4
2 10
Sub. Code
Evaluation Scheme Theory LPW (TAE) ESE Int. Ext. (20) (CAE) (60) (20) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 -
Microprocessor Based Systems Microprocessor Based Systems Engineering Economics & Industrial Management Signal & Systems Signal & Systems Control System Engineering Digital Communication Electronics Workshop Practice-I Self Study General Proficiency-IV Total
3 4 3 4 4 1 2 21
1 1 2
2 2 2 6 2
4 2 4 4 2 4 4 2 1
4 1 4 4 1 4 4 2 2 Compulsory Audit 26
Sub. Code
Evaluation Scheme Theory LPW ESE Int. Ext. (CAE) (60) (20) 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 60 25 25 50 25 25 -
Microwave Engineering 3 1 4 Microwave Engineering 2 2 Soft Computing 4 4 Switching theory & 3 1 4 automata BECL405 Digital Signal Processing 4 4 BECP405 Digital Signal Processing 2 2 xxxxxxx Elective - I 3 3 BECP307 Minor Project 2 2 MBL105 General Proficiency-V 2 2 19 2 8 25 Total Elective I [1] BECL401 Radio & TV Engineering [2] BECL416 Mobile Communication [3] BECL417 Sensors & Transducers [4] BECL418 Biomedical Engg [5] BECL419 Verilog HDL [6] BCSL407 Computer Graphics
4 1 4 4 4 1 3 2 23
20 20 20 20 20 -
Sub. Code
Evaluation Scheme Theory LPW ESE Int. Ext. (CAE) (60) (20) 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 60 25 25 50 25 25 -
CMOS VLSI Design CMOS VLSI Design Computer Networks & Internet Computer Networks & Internet Elective-II Open Elective Project Seminar Total
4 4 3 3 14
1 1 2
2 2 2 6
5 2 5 2 3 3 2 22
5 1 5 1 3 3 2 20
20 20 20 20 -
Elective II [[1] BECL414 [2] BCSL403 [3] BEEL420 [4] BECL421 [5] BECL428 Optical Communication Language Processors PLC and SCADA Programmable Devices & Testing Wireless Sensor Networks
Sub. Code
Evaluation Scheme Theory LPW (TAE) (20) ESE Int. Ext. (CAE) (60) (20) 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 60 60 25 25 75 25 25 75
Digital Image Processing Digital Image Processing Embedded Systems Embedded Systems Elective-III Project Total
4 4 3 11
1 1 2
2 2 6 10
5 2 5 2 3 6 23
5 1 5 1 3 6 21
Elective-III [1] BMEL403 [2] BECL415 [3] BECL422 [4] BECL423 [5] BECL424 [6] BECL425
Mechatronics Radar & Satellite Communication MEMS Pattern Recognition ASIC Design RTOS
THIRD SEMESTER BAML201: APPLIED MATHEMATICS III [4-0-0-4] Total Hrs: 45 Unit -I: Laplace Transforms: (8 Hrs) Laplace transform: definition and their simple properties, transform of derivatives and integrals, evaluation of integrals by L.T. ,inverse L.T. &its properties , convolution theorem, Laplace transforms of periodic function & unit step function, applications of Laplace transforms to solve ordinary differential equations & partial differential equations. Unit -II: Z-Transforms: (7Hrs) Z transform- definition & properties, inverse Z & relation with Laplace Transform. Application to z-transform to solve difference equations with constant coefficients. Unit -III: Complex Variables: (8 Hrs) Analytic Functions, Cauchy Riemann conditions, Conjugate functions, singularities. Cauchys integral theorem and integral formula (Statement only). Taylors and Laurentzs Theorem (Statement only). Residue theorem, contour integration. Unit -IV: Calculas of Variation: (7 Hrs) Maxima and minima of functionals, Variation and its properties, Eulers equations, functionals dependent on first and second order derivatives, Simpler applications. Unit -V: Fourier Series and Fourier Transforms: (8 Hrs) Introduction, the Fourier theorem, Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients. Consideration of symmetry (odd, even rotational) exponential form, Fourier series, Fourier integral theorem, Fourier transforms. Unit VI: Partial Differential Equation: (7 Hrs) Partial Differential equation of first order first degree i. e. Lagranges form. Linear non homogeneous Partial Differential equation of nth order with constant coefficient method of separation of variables. Application to transmission lines. Text Books: 1. Grewal B.S.: Higher Engineering Mathematics ( Thirty eighth Edition ) Khanna Publishers; 2004. 2. Kreyszig, E.: Advanced Engineeing Mathematics (Eighth Edition); John Wiley & Sons; 2000. Reference Book: 1. Mathematics for Engineers : Chandrika Prasad 2. Advances Mathematics for Engineers : Chandrika Prasad 3. Jain, R.K. and Iyengar, S.R.K.; Advanced Engineering Mathematics; Narosa Publishers; 2003. 4. Text book of Engineering Mathematics : Bali Iyengar (Laxmi Prakashan) 5. Spiegel, M. R.: Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists ; McGraw-Hill Book Company ; 2000. 6. Applied Mathematics Volume 1: J. N. Wartikar & P. N. Wartikar 7. Engineering Mathematics: H. K. Dass, S. Chand, Publication, New Delhi
BECL 201 ELECTRONICS DEVICES & CIRCUITS [3-1-0-4] Total Hrs : 45 UNIT 1: PN JUNCTION DIODE (8 Hrs) PN junction, forward and reverse bias, VI Characteristics, Dynamic Resistance, Temperature dependence, Avalanche and Zener Break Down, Photo Diode, LEDs, LCDs, Varactor Diode, Tunnel Diodes, Half and full wave rectifiers with filters . UNIT 2: BI-POLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS (10 Hrs) Theory of operation, Static Characteristics, Break down voltages, Current voltage, Power Limitations, Ebers-moll Model, Continuity Equation, Biasing BJT, Different Biasing arrangement, Stability factor, thermal runaway, Power Transistors. CE, CB, CC Classification and Characteristics, Small Signal Analysis, Regulators: Design of Shunt & Series regulators, Introduction to SMPS , UNIT 3: FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS & OSCILLATORS (6 Hrs) Feedback Amplifiers, Classification of Oscillators, Stability, Bark Hausen Criteria, Design of RC, LC and Crystal Oscillators. UNIT 4: POWER AMPLIFIER ( 8 Hrs) Classification A, B, AB, C, Efficiency, Push Pull Configuration (A, B, AB) Complementary symmetry, Second Harmonic and Cross over Distortion., Design of Power Amplifiers (Class A and Class AB),Design of class A Small signal amplifiers, Emitter follower, Applications . UNIT 5: UNIPOLAR DEVICES (7 Hrs ) Field Effect Transistor, MOSFET, NMOS, PMOS Principles of operation and characteristics, Biasing arrangement, small signal analysis of CG, CB and CD UNIT 6: CMOS Circuits (6 Hrs) An introduction to CMOS, Diode and MOSFET , Transistors, MOSFET Switches, Transmission Gate, Inverter - DC, AC Analysis. Advance topics on the subject. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Electronics Devices And Circuits By-Millman And Halkies 2. Integrated Electronics by Millman and Halkies. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. CMOS Integrated Circuits by Kang 2. Fundamentals of CMOS Design by R.J.Bekar 3. Electronics Devices And Ckts-By Theraja & Sedha 4. Electronics Circuit Discrete and Integrated by Schilling. And Beloove., Mc Graw Hill. 5. Theory and Problem in Circuit Analysis: Bapat (McGraw Hill) BECP 201 ELECTRONICS DEVICES & CIRCUITS [0-0-2-1] Total Hrs : 20 List of Practicals: 1. To calculate ripple factor of full wave rectifier with and without filter. 2. To plot the characteristics of clipper circuit & to perform simulation on Micro-cap. 3. To plot the characteristics of clamper circuit & to perform simulation on Micro-cap. 4. To design Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator & to perform simulation on Micro-cap 5. To design a transistor shunt voltage regulator 6. To design emitter follower type of voltage regulator using darlington pair and simulate it on microcap. 7. To design pushpull class A power amplifier and simulate it on microcap. 8. To design class AB audio power amplifier and simulate it on microcap. 9. To design Hartley oscillator and simulate it on microcap. 10. To design a Wein Bridge Oscillator and simulate it on microcap. 11. To design RC Phase Shift Oscillator and simulate it on microcap. 12. To plot the drain & transfer characteristics of FET in CS mode & to perform simulation on micro-cap. 13. To verify frequency response of single stage RC coupled amplifier & to perform simulation on micro-cap. 14. To design a CMOS inverter using microwind. 15. Open Ended experiments
BEEL201 NETWORK THEORY (3-1-0-4) Total Hrs :50 UNIT 1 NODAL & MESH ANALYSIS (10 Hrs.) Nodal and Mesh analysis basic equilibrium equations, matrix approach for complicated network, containing voltage, current sources , Mutual Inductances, source transformations , Duality. UNIT-2 NETWORK THEOREMS (9 Hrs. ) Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenins, Nortons, maximum power transfer, compensation, Tellegens theorem as applied to A.C. circuits. UNIT-3 Fourier Analysis 06 Hrs.) Trigonometric and exponential Fourier series. Discrete spectra and symmetry of waveforms, synthesis, steady state response of a network to non sinusoidal periodic inputs. Fourier transforms and continuous spectra. UNIT-4 Laplace Transformation (9 Hrs.) Laplace transformation and its properties, partial fractions, singularity functions, waveform synthesis. Analysis of RC & RL network with and without initial conditions with Laplace transformation, evaluation of initial& final conditions. UNIT-5 Network Function (7 Hrs.) Transient behaviors, concept of complex frequency, Driving points and transfer functions, poles, zeros of admittance function, their properties, sinusoidal response from Pole-zero locations, convolution theorem and integral solution. UNIT-6 Two Port Network (09 Hrs.) Two port network parameters and inter connections study of series and parallel resonance in A.C. Three Phase unbalanced circuits and power calculations. Advance topics on the subject TEXT BOOKS : 1. Network Analysis by Van Valkenburg,3rd Edition Prentice Hall of India,2001 2. Linear Network Theory by Kelkar and Pandit, 1st Edition,Pratibha Publication,1995. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Circuit and Network by A. Sudhakar and S.P. Shyam Mohan,2nd Edition,Tata Mc Graw Hill,2002. 2. Network and System by D. Roy Choudhary, 1st Edition, New Age International Publication, 1998. 3. Network Analysis G.K. Mittal, 11th Edition , Channa Publication. 4. Network Systems & Analysis B.R. Gupta , 2nd Edition, S.Chand publication 2005.
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION, RADIATION AND PROPAGATION (8 Hrs.) Block Schematic of Communication System, Base Band Signals and their bandwidth requirements, RF Bands, Concept of Radiation and Electromagnetic waves, Mechanism of Propagations: Ground Wave, Sky Wave, Space Wave, Duct, Tropospheric Scatter and Extraterrestrial Propagation. Concept of Fading and diversity reception, Noise Figure Calculations UNIT 2: AMPLITUDE MODULATION AND DETECTION (8 Hrs.) AM Modulators series plate modulated class C amplifiers, efficiency & power calculations ,SSB modulation SSB-SC modulation AM demodulators ,square law detector, diode peak detector, envelop detector, detectors for SSB and SSB-SC-AM signals, AM using transistors, Block Diagram of AM Receiver, AM Detection : Envelope detection, Synchronous detection, Practical diode detection, AGC, SSB and DSB detection methods. UNIT 3: FREQUENCY MODULATION AND RADIO RECEIVERS (8 Hrs.) Angle modulation, frequency modulation spectrum reactance tube and FET modulators, Armstrong method, FM transmitters, frequency stabilization methods, FM discriminator, foster Seeley, PLL detectors, stereo phonic FM, Super heterodyne Receiver, Performance characteristics: Sensitivity, Selectivity, Fidelity, Image Frequency Rejection, IFRR, Tracking, De-emphasis, Mixers. UNIT 4: PULSE MODULATION TECHNIQUES (7 Hrs.) Introduction to Sampling, Sampling theorem, Sampling Techniques, Analog Pulse Modulation methods, Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) , Demodulation of PAM, Transmission of PAM, Drawbacks. Pulse time modulation: Pulse width modulation (PWM), Modulation and Demodulation of PWM, Pulse position modulation (PPM), Modulation and Demodulation of PWM. UNIT 5: DIGITAL MULTIPLEXERS (7 Hrs.) Frequency Division multiplexing, Time Division Multiplexing. PAM/TDM System: Signaling rate, transmission bandwidth, advantages and disadvantages. Introduction to Digital multiplexers and their classification, Multiplexing Hierarchy for Digital Communication. UNIT 6: DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES (7Hrs.) Pulse code modulation (PCM): PCM systems, Delta modulation, ADPCM, matched filter receiver, Digital Modulation formats, Coherent Binary modulation technique, Coherent Binary: PSK, FSK, QPSK, MSK, and DPSK. Advance topics on the subject TEXT BOOKS: 1. Communication Electronics: -Kennedy,TMH 2. Communication Electronics: Roddy & Coolen PHI REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. B. P. Lathi : Modern Digital and Analog. Communication Systems : Oxford press Publication 2. Digital Communication: Simon Haykin (WEP) 3. Digital Communication: John G. Prokis (TMG) 4. Digital communication: Shanmugh.
BECP202 COMMUNICATION ELECTRONICS (0-0-2-1) Practical List (30Hrs) 1. Generation of Amplitude Modulation using transistor BC 548 and Calculate modulation index. Perform simulation in MATLAB. 2. Generate Amplitude Demodulation using Envelope Detector and observe the result on Spectrum Analyzer. 3. Generation of Frequency Modulation and demodulation using VISIM and MATLAB. 4. Generation of Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis circuit on breadboard system & to plot pre-emphasis and de-emphasis curve. 5. To generate Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) and plot the waveforms. Observe the demodulated output. 6. Generation of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal using IC 555 on breadboard and Verify Simulation in Micro-cap. 7. Generation of Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) signal using IC 555 on breadboard. And Verify Simulation in Microcap. 8. Verify Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) using MATLAB 9. Generation of Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) and observation of mark and space frequencies using MATLAB. 10. Verify Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) using Simulation in MATLAB 11. To perform Phase Shift keying (PSK). 12. To perform Quadrature Phase Shift keying (QPSK). 13. To perform Delta modulation and observe the waveforms. 14. To observe the slope overload errors of Delta modulation. 15. Open Ended experiments
BCSL201 DATA STRUCTURES USING C [3-1-0-4] Total Hrs: 45 UNIT I: Arrays, Records and Pointers (7 Hrs) Introduction, Linear Arrays, Arrays as ADT, Representation of Linear in Memory, Traversing Linear Arrays, Inserting and deleting, Sorting; Bubble Sort, Searching; Linear Search, Binary Search, Multidimensional Arrays, Representation of Polynomials Using Arrays, Pointers; Pointer Arrays, Dynamic Memory Management, Records; Record Structures, Representation of Records in Memory; Parallel Arrays, Matrices, Sparse Matrices UNIT II: Linked List (9 Hrs) Introduction,Linked Lists ,Representation of Linked Lists in Memory,Traversing a Linked List,Searching a Linked List ,Memory Allocation; Garbage Collection ,Insertion into a Linked List ,Deletion from a Linked List , Header Linked List, Circularly Linked Lists , Two-Way Lists (or Doubly Linked Lists), Josephus Problem and its Solution, Buddy Systems UNIT III: Stacks, Queue and Recursion (9 Hrs) Introduction,Stacks ,Array Representation of Stacks ,Linked Representation of Stacks Stack as ADT ,Arithmetic Expression; Polish Notation ,Application of Stacks Recursion,Towers of Hanoi , Implementation of Recursive Procedures by Stacks ,Queue,Linked Representation of Queues ,Queues as ADT , Circular of Queues Deques,Priority Queues ,Applications of Queues UNIT IV: Trees (10 Hrs) Introduction,Binary Trees ,Representing Binary Tree in Memory ,Traversing Binary Trees,Traversal Algorithms Using Stacks,Header Nodes; Threads ,Threaded Binary Trees ,Binary Search Trees ,Searching and Inserting in Binary Search Trees ,Deleting in a Binary Search Tree,Balanced Binary Trees,AVL Search Trees,Insertion in an AVL Search Tree ,Deletion in an AVL Search Tree, m-way Search Trees ,Searching, Insertion and Deletion in an m-way Search tree,B-Trees ,Searching, Insertion and Deletion in a B-tree,B+-Trees UNIT V: Graphs and their Applications (6 Hrs) Introduction ,Graph Theory Terminology ,Sequential Representation of Graphs; Adjacency Matrix; Path Matrix ,Warshalls Algorithm; Shortest Paths ,Linked Representation of a Graph ,Operations on Graphs ,Traversing a Graph ,Posets; Topological Sorting ,Spanning Trees UNIT VI: Sorting and Searching (4 Hrs) Introduction, Sorting, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merging, Merge-Sort, Shell Sort Radix Sort, Searching and Data Modification, Hashing Text Books: 1. Data Structures with C, Seymour Lipschutz, Schaums Outlines, Tata Mc Graw Hill Reference Books: 1. S. Sahani, Data Structures in C, 2. D.Samantha, Classic Data Structure, PHI Publications BCSP201 DATA STRUCTURES USING C (0-0-2-1 ) Total Hrs: 20 List of Practicals: 1. Write and execute a program in C to implement stack using arrays 2. Write and execute a program in C to implement queue using arrays 3. Write and execute a program in C to implement simple linked list 4. Write and execute a program in C to implement stack using linked list 5. Write and execute a program in C to implement queue using linked list 6. Write and execute a program in C to implement doubly linked list 7. Write and execute a program in C to implement circular linked list. 8. Write and execute a program in C to reverse a singly and doubly linked list 9. Write and execute a program in C to insert a node in a linked list in a sorted fashion 10. Write and execute a program in C to implement binary tree, finding the depth of a tree 11. Write and execute a program in C to implement inorder, preorder and postorder traversals 12. Write and execute a program in C to find if two trees are identical 13. Write and execute a program in C to implement graph using linked list 14. Write and execute a program in C to implement bubble sort and selection sort using menu driven program 15. Write and execute a program in C to implement merge sort 16. Open ended practical
MBL102: General Proficiency-II : German/ French / Spanish Languages Topic Learning Goals The Alphabets and accents Pronunciations techniques Number 1 to 20 Greetings & Salutations Articles , Personal Pronoun Family and relations Weather and Seasons Shapes and colors , Possessive Pronouns , Gender , Negative Sentence Climate , Fabrics & Clothes , sizes , interrogatives , Basic verbs Describing neighborhood. Present Tense Learning the shopping etiquettes , vocabulary of food items , conversing with shopkeepers etc , Plurals How to Ask time , converse on telephone Nature , Directions , Means of transportations, Tenses contd. Ordering eatables , Table manner .Verbs Health matters, illness. Commonly used verbs contd.. Vocabulary of clothes , Accessories , Cuisines , Beverages , Adjectives
Activities Worksheet and charts Day timing , Daily routines forms of respects , Vocabulary Relations, Day of week Group Activities , Paragraph writing including , Names of months , Seasons , Sky , Stars Furniture , Household articles, Colors Project on vocabulary of vegetables and fruits , Bakery products , Group Activity / Role play Timing and clock ( Hours & Minutes ) Self introductions , Role-play , preparing charts Enhancing vocabulary of food Dishes , cutlery Worksheets , projects Presentations by students , situation based conversations
Timing , Telephonic Conversions Visit to city , Prominent places and park In Restaurant / Hotel Visit to Doctor French / German /Spanish culture monuments , delicacies , wines visa vis Indian culture Diwali festival Receiving Guests/ Entertaining people / Good Byes
FOURTH SEMESTER BCSL202 COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE & ORGANIZATION (4-0-0-4) Total Hrs: 60 Unit I: BASIC STRUCTURE OF COMPUTERS (6 Hrs) Functional units, Basic operational concepts, Bus structures Addressing modes, subroutines: parameter passing, Instruction formats, expanding opcodes method. Unit II: BASIC PROCESSING UNIT: (10 Hrs) Bus architecture, Execution of a Complete Instruction, sequencing of control signals, Hardwired control, Microprogrammed Control, microinstruction format, Bit slice concept. Unit III: ARITHMETIC UNIT : (12 Hrs) Number representations and their operations, Design of Fast Adders, Signed multiplication, Booths Algorithm, bit-pair recoding, Integer Division, Floating point numbers and operations, guard bits and rounding. Unit IV: THE MEMORY SYSTEM: (12 Hrs) Various technologies used in memory design, higher order memory design, multimodal memories and interleaving, Associative Memory, Cache memory, Virtual Memory Unit V: INPUT/OUTPUT ORGANIZATION: (10 Hrs) I/O mapped I/O and memory mapped I/O, interrupts and interrupts handling mechanisms, vectored interrupts, synchronous vs. asynchronous data transfer, Direct Memory Access COMPUTER PERIPHERALS: I/O devices such as magnetic disk, magnetic tape, CDROM systems. Unit VI: RISC Philosophy: (10 Hrs) Pipelining, basic concepts in pipelining, delayed branch, branch prediction, data dependency, influence of pipelining on instruction set design, multiple execution units, performance considerations, Basic concepts in parallel processing & classification of parallel architectures. Vector Processing, Array Processors. Recent trends in Computer Architecture & Organization, Advanced topics & its Application. Text Books: 1. V.C.Hamacher,Z.G.Vranesic and S.G.Zaky, Computer Organisation, McGraw Hill,5thed,2002. 2. J.P.Hayes Computer Architecture & Organization McGraw Hill III Ed References Books: 1. A.S.Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization 4th Edition, Pearson Education 2. M Mano, Computer System and Architecture, Pearson Education 3. W. Stallings, Computer Organization & Architecture, Pearson Education
Unit 1: SCR and Its characteristics: (09 Hrs.) Gate characteristics, SCR turn off, ratings, series and parallel connections of SCRs. Triac and its applications, Uni- junction transistors, Triggering circuits and opto couplers. Unit 2:Line commutated converters: (08 Hrs.) Working of single pulse converter, two pulse mid point converter. three pulse midpoint converter and' 3 phase six pulse bridge converter, effect of source inductance in converters, effect of tree wheeling diode. Unit 3: Single phase and three phase half controlled converters: (08 Hrs.) Speed control of d.c. motors using line commutated converters. Cycloconverters (single phase). Unit 4: Static controllable switches: (08 Hrs.) Characteristic and working of MOSFET Gate turn off Thyristers and insulated gate bipolar transistor, protection of SCR gate circuit protection, over voltage and over current protection, snubber circuit design, converter circuit faults and their protection. Unit 5: D.C. Choppers: (07 Hrs.) Principles of step down chopper, step up chopper classification, impulse commutated and resonant pulse choppers. Multi phase choppers. Application of choppers, Inverters: Basic series resonant. Inverter, half bridge and full bridge series resonant inverters. Unit 6: Single phase and three phase invertors: (10 Hrs.) Single phase and three phase bridge invertors, commutation and trigger-circuits for forced com mutated thyristor inverters. Output voltage control, Harmonics in output voltage waveform, Harmonic attenuation by filters. Harmonic reduction by pulse width modulation techniques. Analysis for single pulse width, modulation. Working of current source inverters few applications of inverters. Advance topics on the subject TEXT BOOKS: 1. Power Electronics circuits Devices and Applications by M. H. Rashid, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education Publication. 2. Power Electronics by C.W. Lander, 3rd Edition, Paper Back Publication. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. An Introduction to Thyristers and their Applications by Dr. M.Ramamoorthy, 2nd Edition, East-West Press. 2. Power Electronics by P.C. Sen, 30th Reprint Tata McGraw Hill Publication.
BEEP310 POWER ELECTRONICS (0-0-2-1) Practical List (30 HRS) 1. To study and plot V-I characteristics of SCR 2. To study and plot V-I characteristics of TRIAC 3. To study and plot V-I characteristics of UJT 4. To study UJT as Relaxation Oscillator 5. To study and plot IGBT characteristics 6. To study series inverter 7. To study parallel inverter 8. To study Class A commutation of a Thyristor 9. To study and plot characteristics of DC chopper 10. To study and plot the characteristics of single-phase converter 11. To Plot the characteristics of 1-phase full wave converter in MATLAB Software. 12. To Plot the characteristics of 3-phase bridge inverter in PSim Software. 13. Open Ended experiments
Total hours 45 UNIT I: Introduction (9 Hrs) Introduction to VHDL, Methodologies, design units, data objects, VHDL data types, Attributes. UNIT II: VHDL Statements and concept of delays. (7 Hrs) Concurrent and sequential statements, inertial and transport delays, delta delay, signal drivers. UNIT III: Programming concepts. (7 Hrs) Subprograms Functions, Procedures, generic, generate, package, IEEE standard logic library, file I/O, test bench, component declaration, instantiation, configuration. UNIT IV: Combinational System Design (8 Hrs) Combinational logic circuit design and VHDL implementation of following circuits fast adder, Subtractor , decoder, encoder, multiplexer, ALU, barrel shifter, 4X4 key board encoder, multiplier, divider, Hamming code encoder and correction circuits. UNIT V: sequential System Design (7 Hrs) Synchronous sequential circuits design finite state machines, Mealy and Moore, state assignments, design and VHDL implementation of FSMs, Linear feedback shift register (Pseudorandom and CRC) UNIT VI: Introduction to PLDS (7 Hrs) Introduction to place & route process, Introduction to ROM, PLA, PAL, Architecture of CPLD (Xilinx / Altera). Advanced trends in digital system design. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL design Stephen Brown, Zvonko Vranesic TMH. 2. VHDL A Design Oriented Approach S.S. Limaye The Mc Graw Hill REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. VHDL Primer J Bhasker Pearson Education 2. VHDL Synthesis J Bhasker. 3. Digital System Design Using VHDL Chales H. Roth. 4. Digital System Design John Wakerley. 5. VHDL Zainalabedin Navabbi. 6. VHDL D. Smith. 7. VHDL 3rd Edition Douglas Perry TMH
BECP301 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN (0-0-2-1) Practical List (30 HRS) 1. Write a VHDL code for different logic gates. 2. Design 4:1 multiplexer and write a VHDL code for same using data flow style of modeling. 3. Design 4-to-16 decoder by combining two 3-to-8 decoders and write a VHDL code for same using behavioral style of modeling. 4. Design BCD to & segment decoder and write a VHDL code for same using behavioral style of modeling. 5. Design of F/F and write a VHDL code for same using behavioral style of modeling. 6. Design half adder and full adder and write a VHDL code for same using dataflow style of modeling.. 7. Design a 9-bit Parity generator circuit and write a VHDL code for the same using structural style of modeling. 8. Design a Decade Counter using J-K flip-flops .and write a VHDL code for the same using structural style of modeling. 9. Design Three bit up-down counter and write a VHDL code for the same using structural style of modeling. 10. Design of Finite state machine to detect a sequence 1011 using Mealy model .and write VHDL code for the same. 11. Implementation & Testing of Counter on Xilinx FPGA 12. Implementation & Testing of Clock circuits on Xilinx FPGA. 13. Design a 4 bit comparator 14. Design BCD to seven segment decoder. 15. Design Arithmatic And Logic Unit.
BECL205 FIELD THEORY (3-1-0-4) Total Hrs : 45 UNIT 1 ELECTROSTATICS: (7 Hrs) Introduction to Cartesian,cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems.Electric field intensity, flux density, Gausss law,divergence,divergence theorem,Electric potential and potential gradient. UNIT 2 MAGNETOSTATICS: (7Hrs) Current density and continuity equation, B-S law, Amperes circuital law and applications,Magnetic flux and Flux density,Scalar and Vector magnetic potentials. UNIT 3 MAXWELLS EQUATIONS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS: (6 Hrs) Maxwells equations for steady fields. Maxwells equations for time varying fields. Electric and magnetic boundary conditions. UNIT 4 ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES: ( 9 Hrs) Electromagnetic wave equation, wave propagation in free space, in a perfect dielectric, and perfect conductor, skin effect, Poynting vector and Poynting theorem, reflection and refraction of uniform plane wave at normal incidence plane, reflection at oblique incident angle UNIT 5 WAVEGUIDES: (9 Hrs) Introduction, wave equation in Cartesian coordinates, Rectangular waveguide, TE, TM, TEM waves in rectangular guides, wave impedance, loses in wave guide, introduction to circular waveguide. UNIT 6 RADIATION: . (7Hrs) Retarded potential, Electric and magnetic fields due to oscillating dipole (alternating current element), power radiated and radiation resistance, application to short monopole and dipole. Antenna Efficiency, Beamwidth, Radiation Intensity, Directive Gain Power Gain & Front To Back Ratio. Advance topics on the subject TEXT BOOKS: 1. Engineering Electromagnetics (7th edition, 2006), by W.H Hayt. and J.A. Buck, Tata Mc-Graw Hill. 2. Antenna & wave propogation, by K. D. Prasad, PHI Publication. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating System (2nd edition, 1985), by E.C. Jordan and K.C. Balamin Prentice Hall of India Private Limited. Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, by Rao (6th edition, 2006), Pearson education Electromagnetics (3rd edition, 1984), by J.D Krauss, Mc-Graw Hill. Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics (3rd edition), by S. Ramo and R. Whinnery, John Wiley and Sons. Fundamental of Electromagnetic with MATLAB (1st edition, 2008), by K. E. Lonngren and S. V. Savov, Prentice Hall of India
UNIT 1: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FUNDAMENTALS (10 Hrs) Operational Amplifier, Basic Op-Amp Configuration, an Op-Amp with Negative Feedback, Voltage Series and Voltage Shunt Configurations, Difference amplifiers, Instrumentation Amplifier, Specification of an Op-Amp, Offset Voltages and Currents, CMRR, Slew Rate UNIT 2: GENERAL LINEAR APPLICATIONS ( 8 Hrs) Constant Current Source and Voltage Source, Summing, Scaling and Averaging Amplifiers, Voltage To Current Converter with Floating And Grounded Load, Current To Voltage Converter, Integrator and Differentiator UNIT 3: STRUCTURE OF OP-AMP (10 Hrs) Differential Amplifier, Cascaded Differential Amplifier Stages and Level Translator, AC and DC Analysis of Cascade Amplifier, Design of two stage direct-coupled amplifier. UNIT 4: ACTIVE FILTERS AND OSCILLATORS (12 Hrs) Classification of Filters , Active Filters, First to Sixth Order Butterworth filter , MultipleFeedback Filters (Band Pass And Band Reject Filters) IGMF configuration, All Pass Filter, Cascade Design Of Filters, Classification of Oscillators, Design of Opamp based Phase Shift And Wein Bridge Oscillators, Square, Triangular And Saw Tooth Wave Generators UNIT 5: NON-LINEAR CIRCUITS (8 Hrs) Schmitt Trigger, Voltage Comparator, Voltage Limiters And Window Detector, Clippers And Clampers, Peak Detector, Precision Rectifiers, Analog Switches UNIT 6: SPECIAL ICs APPLICATIONS (12 Hrs) The 555 Timer, Phase Locked Loops IC565, ICL8038 & XR2206 Function Generator, Voltage Controlled Oscillator Basic Operation, IC based Voltage Regulator Circuits, Dual Track Voltage Regulator, Three - Terminal Regulator(Fixed Regulator) Voltage Adjustment And Current Boosting Of Fixed Regulator , Merits And Drawbacks Of Linear Regulators, Advance topics on the subject TEXT BOOKS: 1. Botkar K. R., Integrated Electronics, Khanna Publishers, 1996 2. Gayakwad Ramakant, Op-Amps And Linear Integrated Circuits , PHI, 3rd Ed., 1993 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Franco, Design With Operational Amplifiers And Analog Integrated Circuits , McGraw-Hill. 2nd Ed.,1992 2. Coughlin and Driscol, Op-Amps And Linear Integrated Circuits, PHI, 5th Ed., 1998 3. Sedra and Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press, 4 th Ed., 1996
BECP302 ANALOG SYSTEM DESIGN (0-0-2-1) Practical List (30Hrs) 1. Design and simulate buffer amplifier using IC 741. 2. Design and verify gain and frequency response of Inverting and Non-inverting amplifier using IC 741. Show its simulation results on microcap. 3. Design and verify gain and frequency response of Integrator and Differentiator ckt. Using IC 741. Show its simulation results on microcap. 4. Verify Op-amp parameters (1) CMRR (2) Slew Rate. 5. Verify and simulate Clipper circuit using IC 741. 6. Design and verify Multivibrator circuits using IC 555. 7. Design any regulator IC application on breadboard. 8. A) To design a Zener Shunt Voltage Regulator. B) Simulate the Zener Shunt Voltage Regulator and observe the waveform using microcap. 9. A) To design a Wein Bridge Oscillator. B) Generate the oscillations in microcap using Wein Bridge oscillator. 10. A) To design 2nd order Low Pass Filter. B) To study the frequency Vs gain characteristic of Low Pass Filter using Microcap 11. A) Study of Low Voltage Regulator using IC 723. B) Simulate and observe the regulated waveform on microcap. 12. A) To design a Emitter Follower type of Voltage Regulator. B) Simulate the Emitter Follower type of Voltage Regulator and observe the waveform using microcap. 13. To design RC-phase shift oscillator and simulate using microcap. 14. Verify and simulate positive and negative clamper . 15. Design and verify VCO circuit using 555
BECP206 MODELING & SIMULATION (0-0-2-1) Practical List (30Hrs) 01) Introduction of T Spice & Tanner tool 02) Design current mirror using tanner tool, 03) Design sample and hold circuit using tanner. 04) Design cascade current mirror using tanner. 05) Design Differential amplifier using tanner. 06) Design Three MOSFET voltage divider using tanner 07) Design common source amplifier using tanner. 08) Design Feedback amplifiers. 09)Design a Pulse Code Modulation System using simulink 10) Digital Waveform Generation (Approximating a Sine Wave) using Simulink 11)Design of Signal processing blockset using MATLAB 12) Design of multi-order system using MATLAB and plot its time domain & Frequency domain response 13) Open Ended modeling experiments MBL103: General Proficiency-III : Soft Skills
(45 Hrs)
UNIT 1: Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor ( 07 Hrs) Building Concepts of Microprocessor, Introduction to 16, 32, 64 bit Microprocessor, Comparison of 8086 / 8088 CPU Architecture, Microprocessor Evolution - INTEL 8086 to Pentium with focus on- Clock Speed, Concurrent operation of EU and BIU, Memory Organization & Interfacing. UNIT 2: 8086 Programming (07 Hrs) Addressing modes, Instruction set, Programming examples, Pseudo Opcodes, Assembler Directives. Introduction to Software and Hardware tools. [Cross assemblers, Logic analysers, Emulators, Simulators], Architecture, UNIT 3: Co-processor interfacing ( 07 Hrs) 8086 / 88 Maximum Mode, Architecture and Programming of 8087 and its Interfacing with 8086/8088 UNIT4: 8255 Interfacing ( 07 Hrs) Interfacing and programming of Peripheral 8255, Interfacing of ADC, DAC & applications. Interfacing and programming of Peripheral 8253 UNIT 5: Special Peripheral Interfacing ( 07 Hrs) Architecture, Interfacing and programming of Peripherals, 8251 & DMA Controllers 8237. UNIT 6: Advanced Microprocessor study (08 Hrs) 80386 Architecture, Real and Protected Mode, Register Model, Memory Management Unit, Latest trends in microprocessors systems. BOOKS : 1. Advanced Microprocessor s & Peripherals by A.K. Ray & K.M. Bhurchandi, TMH 2. Programming & Interfacing of 8086 / 8088, D.V. Hall, TMH. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Intel Reference Manuals, Microprocessor & Microcontrollers: Intel 2. Advanced Microprocessor & peripherals. A. K Ray [TMH] 3. Microprocessors 8086 / 88 Family Prog. Interfacing: Liu, Gibson
BECP303 MICROPROCESSOR BASED SYSTEM (0-0-2-1) Experiment List: (30Hrs) 1. Study of 8086 microprocessor, Assembler/Cross Assembler/Simulator and basic programs like addition of two 16 bit, 32 bit numbers and series addition (complete architecture, segmentation and pin diagram). 2. Write an ALP to compare a string by using string related instructions of 8086. 3. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to generate Fibonacci series and store it from memory location 0050H. 4. Write an ALP to find the Number in Memory Array. 5. Write an ALP to arrange a string in Ascending/Descending order. 6. Interface 8255 with 8086 microprocessor and write a program to glow the alternate LEDs. 7. Interface 8253 with 8086 microprocessor 8. Interface 8251 with 8086 microprocessor 9. Interface of ADC using 8255 10. Open Ended experiments on Microprocessor Interfacing
BHUL301ENGINEERING ECONOMICS AND INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT (4-0-0-4) UNIT I (9Hr) Demand Utility and indifference curves, Approach to Analysis of demand, elasticity of demand, Measure of demand elasticity, Factors of Production, Advertising elasticity, Marginalism UNIT II (8Hr) Laws of Return and costs, price and output determination under perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic, competition, oligopoly, Depreciation and methods for its determination. UNIT III (9Hr) Functions of central and commercial banks Inflation, Deflation, Stagflation, Direct and Indirect Taxes, Monetary and cycles, New economic policy, Liberalization, Globalization, Privatization, Market friendly state. Fiscal policy of the government, Meaning and phases of business. UNIT IV (8Hr) Definition, Nature and scope of management, Functions of management- Planning, organizing, Directing, Controlling, Communicating UNIT V (8Hr) Meaning of marketing management, Concept of marketing, Marketing Mix, Administrative and cost plus pricing, Channel of distribution, Advertising and sales promotion. UNIT VI (8Hr) Meaning, Nature and scope of financial management, Brief outline of profit and loss account, Balance sheet, Budget and their importance, Ratio Analysis, Principles of costing. TEXT / REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Modern Economics by H.L.Ahuja 2. Modern economics theory by K.K.Dewett 3. Monitory economics by M.L.Seth 4. Industrial Management by L.K.Chopde,A.M.Sheikh 5. Business organization and management by S.A.Sherlekar 6. Managerial economics by joel dean 7. Managerial economics by Pylee 8. Economics by Samuelson
BECL304 SIGNALS & SYSTEM (3-1-0-4) UNIT 1: PROBABILITY (9 Hrs) Random process, probability, random variables, processes stationary, mean correlation covariance functions, time average and ergodicity, transmission of random process through a linear filter, spectral density, Guassian process noise, narrow band noise, envelope of sine wave plus narrow band noise. UNIT 2: LINEAR TIME-INVARIANT SYSTEM ( 8 Hrs) Different Types Of Signals; Linearity, Time Invariance And Causality; Impulse Sequence, Impulse Functions And Other Singularity Functions Time-Domain Representation And Analysis Of LTI Systems Based On Convolution And Differential Equations, Convolution Sum, Convolution Integral And Their Evaluation, Properties Of LTI Systems UNIT 3: CONTINUOUS TIME FOURIER TRANSFORM (CTFT) (6 Hrs) Representation Of Aperiodic Signal, Fourier Transform For Periodic Signals, Properties Of CTFT, Properties Of CTFT, Convolution Property UNIT 4: DISCRETE TIME FOURIER TRANSFORM (DTFT) (8 Hrs) Representation Of Aperiodic Signal, Fourier Transform For Periodic Signals, Properties Of CTFT, Properties Of CTFT, Convolution Property. UNIT 5: SAMPLING (6Hrs) Sampling Theorem, Effect Of Under Sampling, and Sampling Of Discrete -Time Signals. UNIT 6: INFORMATION THEORY ( 8 Hrs) Information measures, Entropy, Chaney capacity of discrete & continuous channels,Shannon Hartley Theorem Huffmann Coding(upto 3rd Order). Advance topics on the subject TEXT BOOKS : 1) Roberts M. J., "Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB" , Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2003 2) Oppenhein, Wilsky, Nawab, Signals and Systems, Pearson Education, 2006. 3) Nagrath I. J., Sharan S. N., Ranjan R., Kumar S., "Signals and Systems", Tata McGraw HillPublishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2001. 4) Haykin Simon, Barry van Veen, "Signals and Systems", John Wiley and Sons (Asia), 1998. 5) J.S.Chitode Digital Communication
BECP 304 SIGNALS & SYSTEM (0-0-2-1) List of Practical (30Hrs) 1. Generating and plotting of continuous and discrete-time signals in MATLAB. (also Sinusoids and complex exponentials.) 2. Convolution using Matlab. 3. Fourier analysis of continuous-time signal: 1) by hand, 2) using MATLAB functions. 4. Simple LTI system, s-description, processing of signals. Comparison with theoretical frequency response. 5. FT of e at u(t) and e a|t| 6. FT of Sgn (t) function. 7. FT of u(t) 8. FT of periodic function f (t) = n (t - nT) where n = - to . 9. Finding out the discrete time Fourier transform of the series of bits given below. 10. Let f (t) = cos t where = 1. Use exponential fourier series to find the average value and the first three harmonics using MATLAB. 11. Find out the auto correlation and cross correlation of the function using MATLAB. a. f(t) = e at u(t) (for correlation) b. f(t) = e at u(t) and g(t) = u (t) ( for cross correlation) 12. Study of Sampling theorem using Matlab. 13. For sampling frequency < Nyquist rate 14. For sampling frequency = Nyquist rate 15. For sampling frequency > Nyquist rate 16. Open Ended experiments
UNIT 1 : Mathematical modeling and control system components. (11 Hrs.) Introduction to need for automation and automatic control ,use of feedback, broad spectrum of system application, Mathematical modeling,(Electrical & Electromechanical) diff. Equations., transfer functions, block diagram, signal flow graphs, application to elementary systems, simplifications, effect of feedback on parameter variations, disturbance signal servomechanism and regulators, Control system components, electrical electromechanical, their functional analysis and input output representation. UNIT 2 : Time response analysis (08 Hrs.) Time response of system, first order and second order system, standard inputs, concept of gain and time constants, Steady state error, type of control system, approximate methods for higher order system. UNIT 3: Stability of control systems. (06 Hrs.) Stability of control systems, conditions of stability, characteristics equations, Routh- Hurwitz criterion, special cases for determining relative stability. UNIT 4 : Root locus analysis (09 Hrs.) Root location and its effect on time response, elementary idea of root locus, effect of addition of pole and zero on proximity of imaginary axis. UNIT 5 : Frequency response analysis (10 Hrs.) Frequency response method of analyzing linear system, Nyquist and Bode Plots, Stability and accuracy analysis from frequency response, open loop and close loop frequency response, Nyquist Criterion, Effect of variation of gain and addition of pole and zero on response plot, stability margin in frequency response. UNIT 6 : State variable techniques (06 Hrs.) State variable method of analysis, characteristics of system state, choice of state variables, representation of vector matrix differential equation, standard form, relation between transfer function and state variables. Advance topics on the control system. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Automatic Control Systems by B. C. Kuo (P.H.I.),7th Edition,2009. 2. Control System Analysis by Nagrath /Gopal,New Age International,2010. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Linear Control System Analysis and Design with Matlab,5th Edition Revised and Expanded,by Dazzo, S Sheldon, C Houpis, Crc Press,2003. 2. Control Systems, Principles & Design by M. Gopal,Total Mc Graw Hill,2008,3rd Edition.
Unit 1 (8Hrs) Digital base band modulation techniques : Bandwidth of digital Data, Base band system, Formatting textual Data, Messages, characters, and symbols, Formatting Analog Information, Sources of Corruption, , Uniform and non uniform quantization, Base band Modulation, Correlative Coding, Formatting analogue information,. Unit 2 (7Hrs) Digital data transmission systems and transmission media: Digital Communication system, Line coding, Pulse shaping, Scrambling, Regenerative repeater, Detection- Error Probability, M-ary communication, Digital carrier systems, Digital multiplexing, Transmission media, Inter symbol Interference. Unit 3 (8Hrs) Baseband Modulation and demodulation techniques: Digital Band pass Modulation techniques, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Coherent detection, Non coherent detection, Complex envelop, Error performance for Binary system, M-Ary signaling and performance, Symbol error performance for M-ary Systems, Bit error Rate calculations. Unit 4 (7Hrs) ADVANCED MODULATION METHOD Gram Schmitt procedure, signal space representation of modulated signals nonlinear modulation methods with memory error probability and optimum receivers for AWGN channels. The signal space concept Unit 5 (7Hrs) Block and convolutional channel codes Linear block codes, generator matrix and parity check matrix, some specific linear block codes, cyclic codes, transfer function of a convolution code, optimum decoding of convolutional codes- Viterbi algorithm distance properties of binary convolutional codes Unit 6 (8Hrs) Spread Spectrum techniques: Spread Spectrum Overview, Pseudo noise Sequences, Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum systems, Frequency hopping systems, Synchronization, Jamming consideration, Orthogonality between codes Multiple access techniques Commercial Applications, Cellular Systems. Advance topics on Digital Communication
Text books 1. Bernard Sklar, Digital Communications (Fundamentals and applications), Pearson Education Asia . 2. B.P.Lathi,Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, (Third edition), Oxford University press. 3. Simon Haykin, Digital Communication, Wiley Eastern.
BECP305 ELECTRONIC WORKSHOP PRACTICE-I (0-0-2-2) List of Experiments (30Hrs) 1. Acquaintance With the average tools & equipment used for Electronic workshop 2. To perform soldering & disordering practice on zero PCB. 3. To study different types of resistors, capacitors, inductors. 4. To design air core inductor & its value measurement on LCR-Meter 5. To study different types of transformers & its applications in details. 6. To design single power supply & dual power supply for general electronics equipments using IC 78xx & 79xx series. 7. To study & identification & testing of pin configuration of different types of transistors from data sheet 8. To study different types of TTL & CMOS IC for different types of industrial applications. 9. To study different types of cables, connector & switches. 10. To design PCB artwork using graphs paper. 11. To design PCB artwork using ORCAD PCB design software. 12. To study different PCB fabrication process. 13. Open Ended experiments MBL104: General Proficiency-IV Technical Report writing
Section A UNIT 1: ANTENNA ( 8 hrs) Two elements arrays and their directional characteristics, linear arrays analysis, broadside and end fire arrays pattern multiplication, binomial arrays, design of broadest array for a specific pattern Basic principles of parabolic reflectors, analysis and power pattern, lens antennas folded dipole turnstile and Yagi antenna, log periodic antennas horn antennas, traveling wave antennas and case grain antennas Microstrip antenna Basic Characteristics, Feeding Methods, Method of analysis Smart Antenna : Introduction, Benefits of Smart Antennas UNIT 2: MICROWAVE TUBES ( 8 hrs) Limitations and Losses of conventional tubes at microwave frequencies. O-type tubes : 2 Cavity Klystrons, Reflex Klystrons, Electronic and Mechanical Tuning. Related Problems. HELIX TWTS: Significance, Types and Characteristics of Slow Wave Structures; Structure of TWT and Amplification Process (qualitative treatment), Suppression of Oscillations, Nature of the four Propagation Constants, Gain Considerations.M-type Tubes Introduction, Cross-field effects, Magnetrons 8-Cavity Cylindrical Travelling Wave Magnetron Hull Cut-off and Hartree Conditions, Modes of Resonance and PI-Mode Operation, Separation of PI-Mode, o/p characteristics. UNIT 3: WAVEGUIDE COMPONENTS AND APPLICATIONS ( 8 hrs) Coupling mechanisms Probe, Loop, Aperture types. Waveguide Discontinuities Waveguide irises, Tuning Screws and Posts, Matched Loads. Waveguide attenuators - Resistive Card, Rotary Vane types; Waveguide Phase Shifters Dielectric, Rotary Vane types. Waveguide Multiport Junctions E plane and H plane Tees, Magic Tee, Hybrid Ring; Directional Couplers 2 Hole, Bethe Hole types. Ferrites [3] Composition and Characteristics, Faraday Rotation; Ferrite Components Gyrator, Isolator, Circulator. Scattering Matrix [3] Significance, Formulation and Properties. S Matrix Calculations for 2 port Junction, E plane and H plane Tees, Magic Tee, Directional Coupler, Circulator and Isolator. Related Problems. Seaction B UNIT 4: MICROWAVE SOLID STATE DEVICES ( 8 hrs) Transit time limitation in transistor , microwave bipolar junction transistor ,Power frequency limitation, Microwave FET, HEMT . TEDs Introduction, Gunn diode & its modes of operation. Avalanche Transit Time Devices Introduction, IMPATT and TRAPATT Diodes Principle of operation and characteristics. Comparison , parametric amplifier UNIT5: STRIP LINES & MONOLITHIC MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ( 8 hrs) Microstrip lines : Introduction , Hybrid Model Analysis, characteristic impedance ,losses, quality factor of Microstrip lines . Slot line and coplanar strip lines. Microstrip circuit design Impedance transformers, Filters, Isolator and Phase-shifter ,parallel strip lines , distributed lines MMIC : Introduction , substrate materials, conductor materials, dielectric materials , resistive materials , MMIC growth , Fabrication technique , examples UNIT 6 : MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS ( 5 hrs) Description of Microwave Bench Different Blocks and their Features, Precautions; Microwave Power Measurement Bolometer Method. Measurement of Attenuation, Frequency, VSWR, Cavity Q. Impedance Measurements. Advance topics on microwave Engineering. TEXT BOOKS: 1) Microwave Devices and Circuits Samuel Y. Liao, PHI, 3rd Edition,1994. 2) Microwave Principles Herbert J. Reich, J.G. Skalnik, P.F. Ordung and H.L. Krauss 3) VHF and UHF Antennas. By R.A. Burberry 4) Microwave enginnering - manojit mitra 5) Elements of Microwave Engineering R. Chatterjee, 6) Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits Peter A. Rizzi, PHI, 1999. 7) Microwave Circuits and Passive Devices M.L. Sisodia and G.S.Raghuvanshi 8) Microwave Engineering Annapurna Das , Sisir Das
BECP306 MICROWAVE ENGINEERING (0-0-2-1) List of Experiments (30 Hrs) 1. Study of different microwave guide components. 2. Study of characteristics of Klystron tube and to determine its electronic tunning range. 3. To determine the frequency and wavelength in a rectangular wave guide working on TE10 mode. 4. To determine the standing wave ratio and reflection coefficient. 5. To measure an unknown impendence with smith chart. 6. To study VI characteristic of Gunn diode. 7. To study the following characteristic of Gunn diode. a. Output power and frequency as a function of voltage. b. Square wave modulation through PIN diode. 8. Measure the polar pattern and gain of a wave guide horn antenna. 9. To study the function of multi hole directional coupler by measuring the parameters. 10. Study of Magic Tee. 11. To study the Attenuators. 12 To verify characteristics of Microstrip Components. 13.Open Ended experiments
UNIT 1: Comparison Of Soft Computing Methods (06 Hrs) Neural networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm with Conventional Artificial Intelligence[hard computing], Least-Square methods for System Identification, recursive least square estimator, LSE for Nonlinear Models. UNIT 2: Neural Networks (08 Hrs) Different Architectures, Back-propagation Algorithm, Hybrid Learning Rule, Supervised Learning- Perceptrons, Adaline, Backpropagation Multilayer Perceptrons, Radial Basis function Networks. Unsupervised Learning Competitive Learning Network, Kohonen Self-Organizing Networks, Hebbian Learning, The Hopfield Network. UNIT 3: Fuzzy Set Theory (08 Hrs) Basic Definition and terminology, Basic Concepts of Fuzzy Logic, Set Theory Operators, Membership functions- formulation and parameterization. Fuzzy Union, Intersection, and Complement. Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning. Fuzzy Inference SystemsMamdani and Sugeno Fuzzy models. Fuzzy Assocaitive Memories, Fuzzy Arithmatics. SECTION-B UNIT 4: Neuro-Fuzzy Modelling (07 Hrs) Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference Systems, Neuro-Fuzzy Controller- Feedback control, Expert control, Back propagation tHrsough time and real-time recurrent learning, Gradient-free optimization. UNIT 5: Neuro-Fuzzy Controller In Engineering Applications (09 Hrs) Fuzzy Logic in Control Engineering- Mamdani and Sugeno Architecture for Fuzzy Control, Analytical Issues in Fuzzy Logic Control, Fuzzy Logic in Intelligent Agents, Fuzzy Logic in Mobile Robot Navigation, Applications of Fuzzy Logic in Medical Image segmentation. UNIT 6: Genetic Algorithm (07 Hrs) Basics of Genetic Algorithms, Design issues in Genetic Algorithm, Genetic Modelling, Hybrid Approach, GA based Fuzzy Model Identification. Fuzzy Logic controlled Genetic Algorithm, Neuro- Genetic Hybrids & Fuzzy Genetic Hybrids, latest applications of soft computing. BOOKS: 1. Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Logic: Theory & Applications George Klir, Yuan, Prentice-hall Of India Pvt Ltd 2. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic Algorithms S Rajasekharan, S A Vijayalekshmi Pai , Prentice-Hall India, 2003 Neurofuzzy and Soft Computing J S R Jang, C T Sun, E Mizutani, Prentice-Hall International, Inc USA, 1997 3. Neural Networks James A Freeman & David M Skapura, Pearson Education, 2002 4. Genetic Algorithms David E Goldberg, Person Education, 2003 5. Fuzzy Logic, Intelligence, control, and Information, John Yen & Reza LangarI Pearson Education, Delhi, 2003 6. Neural Fuzzy Systems C T Lin & C S G Lee ,Prentice-Hall, 1996 7. Fuzzy Engineering Bart Kosko, Prentice-Hall, 1997 8. Introduction to Neural Networks Jack N. Zurada, Jaico Publishers 9. Neural networks Simon Haykins, Prentice-Hall, 1993/Pearson Education, 1999 10. Elements of Artificial Neural Networks, Kishan MeHrsotra, Sanjay Ranka, Chilukuri Mohan , Penram International Publishing Pvt. Ltd.-
UNIT I: (8 hr.) Switching algebra and functions, Boolean algebra, Boolean functions, Minimization of Booleans function using tabulation method, sets, relation and lattices, venn diagram UNIT II: (8 hr.) Design of combinational logic circuits, contact networks, functional decomposition and symmetric functions UNIT III: (8 hr.) Threshold logic, threshold elements, capabilities and limitations of threshold logic, elementary properties, linear seperability, unite functions, synthesis of threshold functions, cascading of threshold elements. UNIT IV: (8 hr.) Reliable design and fault diagnosis, fault detection in combinational circuits, fault location experiments, fault detection by Boolean differences, path, sensitizing method, multiple fault detection using map method failure- tolerant design. UNIT V: (8 hr.) Finite state machine- Mealy and Moore synchronous sequential circuits, Design capabilities, Minimization and transformation of sequential machine, Design of fundamental mode and pulse mode circuits UNIT VI: (5 hr.) Structure of sequential machine, lattice of closed partitions, state assignment using partitions, Reduction of output dependency, Input Independence and autonomous clock, homing sequence, synchronizing sequence, Adaptive Distinguishing experiments PRACTICAL: Minimum 8 experiments based on above syllabus. Practical should include experiments on fault finding and trouble shooting. Advance topics on Switching theory. BOOKS: 1. Switching and finite automata theory by zvi kohavi 2. Modern switching theory by S.C.lee
(45 Hrs)
UNIT 1: (7Hr) Discrete time signals and systems, classification of discrete time systems and its properties, Linear convolution, Cross Correlation, Autocorrelation of discrete signals, sampling theorem & sampling process. UNIT 2: (8Hr) Frequency domain representation of discrete time signals and systems, Fourier transform of discrete time signals, properties of discrete time, Fourier transform. The Ztransform, Definition, properties of ROC for the Ztransform, Properties of Ztransform, Inverse Ztransform using contour integration, complex convolution theorem, Unilateral Z transform. UNIT 3: (8Hr) Transform analysis of LTI system & structure for discrete time system. Frequency response of LTI system, Relationship between magnitude & phase response, Block diagram representation & signal flow graph representation of IIR and FIR systems. Linear constant coefficient difference equations, Basic structures for IIR systems, transposed forms, basic network structures for FIR systems, lattice structures. UNIT 4: (7Hr) Filter design Techniques: Design of discrete time IIR filters from continuous time filters, Frequency transformation of low pass IIR filters, Design of FIR filters by windowing, FIR filter design by Kaiser and Hamming window method. UNIT 5: (8Hr) Discrete Fourier Transform: Discrete Fourier series, properties of discrete fourier series, Discrete fourier transform, properties of DFT, Inverse DFT, circular convolution using DFT-IDFT method. Fast fourier transform, Decimation in time FFT algorithm, decimation in frequency FFT algorithm, FFT of long sequences using overlap add and overlap save method. UNIT 6: (7Hr) Digital signal processors: Introduction, DSP Processor Memory Architecture, Some examples of DSP processors, Overview of TMS320 Family DSP processors. Applications of Digital Signal Processing: Introduction, Application of DSP in Biomedical Engineering, voice processing, Applications to radar, Introduction to wavelets. Advance topics on DSP BOOKS: 1. Discrete time signal processing 2nd ED by Alan V Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer & Buch, Pearson. 2. Digital Signal Processing A Computer based approach by Sanjit K. Mitra. 3. 3) Digital signal Processing Theory and application by Proakis and Manolakis, 3rd edition PHI Ltd. 4. 4) Digital Signal Processing by S. salivahanan, A Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, 2nd Edition McGraw Hill.
LIST OF EXPERIMENTS (30Hrs) 1. Study of basic discrete time signals such as unit impulse, step, ramp, real and complex exponential and its representations using MATLAB functions. 2. Use of MATLAB functions to obtain linear convolution of discrete signals. 3. Write a program for computing cross-correlation and auto-correlation of the given sequences. 4. Write a program to test stability of given discrete- time system. 5. Write a program to find frequency response of given system. 6. Write a program to find DFT and FFT of given sequences. 7. Write a program to find circular convolution of given sequences. 8. Digital IIR filter design using MATLAB functions. 9. Digital FIR filter design using Kaiser window, Hamming window. 10. Digital FIR filter design using GUI tool box for Kaiser window, Hamming window. 11. Study of DSP Processor using TMS 5416 and TMS 6713 starter kits. 12. Perform linear convolution and circular convolution using Processor kit. 13. Open Ended experiments on DSP
Total Hrs.: 60
UNIT 1: Introduction to Television Engineering {Hrs: 10} Picture Tubes, Horizontal and Vertical scanning, motion picture Frame and field frequencies. Horizontal and vertical synchronization, Horizontal and vertical blanking, TV Broadcast channel, standards of transmission. Camera tube, Image orthicon, Vidicon. UNIT 2: Fundamentals of Television Engineering {Hrs: 9} Standard scanning pattern, flicker, synchronizing and blanking frequencies. Composite video signal Horizontal Blanking time, vertical blanking time. Negative transmission. Sideband transmission, line of sight transmission. UNIT 3: Receivers & Transmitters {Hrs: 10} Types of TV Receivers, Picture tubes, Power supply section, synchronizing circuits, deflection circuits F.M. Sound system. Fundamental concept of three-color theory, Color T.V. transmitter, Color picture tube, Color TV receiver. Reception of color signal and Monochrome Receiver. UNIT 4: Studio-Transmitter Programme Linkage {Hrs:14} Working principle and characteristics of equalizers. Importance of use of limiters and audio processors for AM and FM transmitters. Detailed block diagram and line up procedure of AM/FM limiter. Principles of Frequency Modulation. Noise consideration in FM. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis in FM transmitter. Block Diagram of FM Transmitter, New generation solid state transmitter. Block diagram, characteristics and working of different sections of the FM transmitter. Introduction to HDTV, Plasma, LED TV. UNIT 5: Amplitude Modulated Broadcast Transmitters {Hrs: 9} RF and AF stages and their alignments, Additional features in New Generation AM Transmitters, grounded grid amplifier. Principles and working of class D operation and D.C.C. for improving efficiency of AM transmitters. UNIT 6: Frequency Modulated VHF Broadcast Transmitters Aerials {Hrs: 8} Control Circuits, Characteristics of Pole/ Panel type Antenna and Feeder line used with the FM Transmitter. Combiner, Power dividers and matching of antenna. Remote operation of FM transmitter. Salient features of the sub-station and power supply distribution. Power, audio and RF earthing consideration. Safety Devices. Principles of AM and FM radio reception; characteristics of the domestic & communication receivers. Advance topics on TV Technology BOOKS: 1) Monochrome & Color Television by A. Gulati 2) Monochrome Television by A.M. Dhake 3) Television Engineering by Ajay K Sharma, Shatendra K Sharma 4) Radio Engineering Principles Of Communication Systems, G.K.Mittal,. 5) Standard Handbook of Audio and Radio Engineering, By Jerry Whitaker, Blair K. Benson , TMH 6) Radio Spectrum Conservation: Radio Engineering Fundamentals by Gosling, W. (Author), Gosling, William (Author) 7) Radio Antennas and Propagation: Radio Engineering Fundamentals by Gosling, William (Author).
BECL416 MOBILE COMMUNICATION (3-0-0-3) Section A UNIT 1: (6Hr) The cellular concept, Evolution of mobile radio communication, Cellular telephone system, frequency reuse concept, channel assignment and handoff strategies, interference and system capacity, trunking and grade of service, improving capacity in cellular system. UNIT 2: (6Hr) The mobile radio environment ,causes of propagation path loss, causes of fading long term and short term, definition of sample average, probability density function, cumulative probability distribution, level crossing rate and average duration of fade, delay spread, coherence bandwidth, inter symbol interference. UNIT 3: (8Hr) Modulation techniques and multiple access technique for mobile communication: BPSK, QPSK. Transmission and detection techniques in mobile, 4 QPSK transmission and detection techniques. QAM, GMSK Technique. Multiple access Techniques: Introduction to multiple access, FDMA, TDMA, spread Spectrum Multiple Access, Frequency Hope Multiple access (FHMA) ,Code Division multiple access (CDMA),Space Division Multiple access (SDMA). Section B UNIT 4: (6Hr) Equalization, diversity and channel coding: fundamentals of equalization, space polarization, frequency and time diversity techniques, space diversity, polarization diversity, frequency and time diversity , fundamentals of channel coding. UNIT 5: (8Hr) GSM Global system for mobile: services and features, GSM system architecture, GSM radio subsystem, GSM channel types, GSM frame structure, signal processing GSM, introduction to CDMA, digital cellular standard. GPS Technology, GPS Receiver.. UNIT 6: (6Hr) Introduction to 3G: UMTS ,CDMA (IS-95) Frequency and channel specification ,forward CDMA channel ,Reverse CDMA channel, Advance topics on mobile Communication and Generations Books : 1. Wireless Communication Principles and practice by T. S. Rappaport (Prentice all PTR, upper saddle river, New Jersey) 2. Mobile Communication Design fundamentals by William C. Y. Lee, (John Willey) 3. Wireless digital communication by Kamilo Feher (PHI) 4. Mobile Cellular communication by W. C. Y. Lee (McGraw Hill) 5. The Mobile Radio Propagation channel by J. D. Parson.
ECL417 SENSORS & TRANSDUCERS (45 Hrs) UNIT-I (7hrs) Generalized Instrumentation system, Active and Passive transducers, Digital and Analog mode of operation static and dynamic characteristics and performance of instruments. Stastical treatment of measurement of errors, caussian error distribution, probability tables, Combination of errors. UNIT-II (7hrs) Resistance type Transducers - potentiometer, strain gauge; Inductive type LVDT; piezoelectric transducer Sensing elements: Temperature sensing elements RTD, thermistor, thermocouple, cold junction compensation; UNIT-III (8hrs) Motion measurement: relative and absolute motion measurement of displacement, velocity and acceleration; Pressure sensing elements manometers, elastic elements, Bourdon tube, diaphragm, bellows; electrical type, McLeod gauge, Pirani gauge; Flow sensing type head meters (orifice, venturi), area meters, rotameters, electromagnetic flowmeter, Coriolis flow meter, Ultrasonic flowmeter; pH measurement UNIT-IV (8hrs) Pyrometers, Piezoelectric transducer, Magnetostrictive, IC sensor, Digital transducers, Smart sensor, Fiber optic transducer, Signal conditioning techniques used in various transducers, Linearization, gain, clipping, filtering, differential amplification, shielding techniques, various standards for signal transmission like4-20mA current loop converter etc UNIT-V (8hrs) Recording of data CRO, data acquisition system, Industry Standard Bus architecture: PCI Bus, ISA Bus, EISA Bus, protocols, test equipments like Multimeter, signal generator, signal analyzer UNIT-VI (7hrs) Calibration of measuring Instruments, Theory and Principles (absolute and secondary or comparison method), Setup, Modeling. Sensor calibration and testing. Analytical methods in calibrating. Realization in standard laboratories, maintenance and reproduction, test and review. Advance topics Sensor technology BOOKS: 1. Measurement system, application and design: E.D.doeblin, McGraw Hill Kogalcusha 2. Electrical & Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation: A.K. Sawhney 3. Instrumentation, measurement and feed back : B.E.Jones, McGraw hills 4. Sensors and Transducers: Patranabis D, Prentice Hall of India 5. Bus Architecture Manuals.
(06 HRS)
Introduction to Biomedical System, Man Machine Interface, Bio-electric Signals, Types of Electrodes, Electrodes for ECG, EMG, EEG, Transducers and sensors related to biomedical measurements including respiration, Skin contact impedance, Motion artifacts. UNIT 2 : CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM (08 HRS) Basics of Cardiovascular System, Heart Anatomy, Functioning of System, ECG Amplifiers, ECG Machine, B. P., Heart Rate, Heart Sound, Blood Flow Measurements. UNIT 3 : ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY (06 HRS) Electrocardiography ,Phonocardiography, Echocardiography, Vector Cardiography, Stress Testing System, Beside Monitors, Central Monitoring System, Pacemakers, Defibrillators, Grounding and Shielding, Patient Safety UNIT 4 : LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS (08 HRS) Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer, Autoanalyser, Flamephotometer, PH/Blood Gas Analyzer, Pulse Oximeter, Hemodialisis, Blood Cell Counter. UNIT 5 : ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY ( 07 HRS ) Nervous System-Anatomy, Human Brain Recording of EEG Signal, EEG Amplifier, Analysis of Diseases using EEG Electromyography UNIT 6 : MEDICAL IMAGING ( 07 HRS ) Diagnostic Medical instruments such as CT Scan, MRI, Ultrasonic Doppler Machine, Lasers in Medicine- Vision Correction, Dermatological. Advance topics on Biomedical . BOOKS 1. Cromwell, Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement, PHI. 2. R. S. Khandpur, Biomedical Instrumentation. 3. Carr and Brown, Biomedical Instrumentation. 4. Webster, Application and Design of Medical Instruments".
Unit 1: (10 hrs) Introduction to Verilog, Module, delays, descriptions, Language elements, Expressions, Gate-level modeling User defined primitives, Dataflow modeling, Behavious modeling, Structural modeling, Tasks and functions Unit 2: (6hrs) Programming Technologies ROMs & EPROMs PLA . PAL gate Arrays Programmable gate arrays and applications, Antifuse FPGA, Synthesis methods for FPGA Unit 3: (6hrs) Programmable Logic Devices: Basis concept, structure of standard PLDs, complex PLDs CPLD. Altera Max 7000 series. AMD Match 4 structure. Section B Unit 4: (8hrs) System Design with PLDS : Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs, Programming PAL devices, using PALASM, Design of state machines using algorithmic state machines ASM chart as a design tool Unit 5: (10hrs) Introduction to FPGA: types of FPGA, Xilinx XC3000 series, Logic Cell Array (LCA), Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB), Input/Output Blocks (I/OB), Programmable interconnection Points (PIP) Unit 6: (5hrs) Introduction to ACT 2 family and Xilinx4000 families, Design example. Advance topics on System Modeling and Devices. Books: 1. Palmer J.E. Perlman D.E., Introduction to digital System. McGraw Hill 2. Nelson, Nagale, Carroil, Irwin, Digital Logic Circuit Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall 3. John Oldfield, Richard Dorf. Field Programmable Gate Array: Re configurable logic for rapid prototyping and implementation of Digiatl System, John Wiley 4. Programmable Logic Devices Data book and Design Guide. National Semiconductors 5. Pradnan D.K., Fault-Tolerant-Theory and Techniques. Vol and II, Prentice Hall 6. J.Bhasker A Verilog HDL Prime 2e. BS Publications. 2001 7. Navabi. Verilog Digital system Design McGraw Hill, 1999 8. Stuart Sutherland, Verilog 2001, Kluwer. 2002 9. Surherland, The Verilog PLI Handbook Kluwer. 1999
SECTION-A Unit-I: (Hrs: 10) Introduction to Computer Graphics and Image Processing, Basic fundamentals of random scan, raster scan devices, Stereoscopic and Virtual Reality Systems, line and circle drawing algorithms Unit-II: (Hrs: 10) Polygon filling methods- seed fill, fence fill, edge flag algorithm, scan conversion techniques, aliasing and animalizing techniques, clipping algorithms Unit-III: (Hrs:10) Basic 2D transformation, composite transformations- translation, rotation, scaling, reflection, shear views, windowing, Introduction to 3D transformation SECTION-B Unit-IV: (Hrs:10) Three dimensional display methods, parallel, perspective projections and types, hidden line and surface elimination techniques, shading and rendering. Unit-V: (Hrs: 8) Curve Generation: Cubic Spine, Braziers, B-Spline, blending of curves and other interpolation techniques, Introduction to Visualization, Applications, Visualization Techniques- parallel coordinates a, charts (pie chart, bar chart, histogram, function graph, scatter plot, etc., graphs (tree diagram, network diagram, flowchart, existential graph, etc.) Venn diagram Euler diagram etc Unit-VI: (Hrs:12) Recent trends in Computer Graphics and Visualization, Advanced topics & its Application BOOKS: 1. Procedural Elements of Computer Graphics: Rogers Mc Graw Hill 2. Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics- Newman & Sproull- Mc Graw Hill 3. Computer Graphics: Hearn & Baker- PHI India
UNIT 1: (10 Hrs) Review of MOS devices, MOS transistor models. PMOS, NMOS, CMOS UNIT 2: (10 Hrs) CMOS Inverter- Basic electrical properties & ckt concepts: The NMOS inverter & transfer characteristics, pull up & pull down ratios of NMOS, alternative forms of pull up the CMOS inverter & transfer characteristics CMOS inverter delays UNIT 3: (10 Hrs) Study of CMOS logic- Combination logic, gates, Compound gates, Multiplexers, memory elements. Static & Dynamic logic ckts ,Domino & Zipper logic UNIT 4: (10 Hrs) Circuit characterization and performance, resistance and capacitance estimation, switching characteristics, power dissipation UNIT 5: (10 Hrs) CMOS processing technology- basic CMOS technology, layout design rules, stick diagram representation, latch up. UNIT 6: (10 Hrs) CMOS circuit and logic design transistor sizing, fan in, fan out, physical design of simple logic gates, CMOS logic structures, clocking strategies. Advance topics on Transistor design REFERENCE BOOKS: 1) CMOS Logic Circuit Design - John P. Uyemura 2) CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis & Design- Sung-Mo Kang & Yusuf Leblebici 3) Digital Integrated CircuitA design perspective - By J.M.Rabaey A Chandrakasan, B.Nikolic. Prentice Hall 2003 4) Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits - Behzad Razavi 5) CMOS VLSI Design - By Pucknell, K.Eshraghian 6) Principles of CMOS VLSI Design - Neil H.E.Weste, K.eshraghian. Addison Wesley VLSI series
BECP406 CMOS & VLSI DESIGN (0-0-2-1) List of Practical (30Hrs) 1. Design an inverter circuit using microwind & observe its waveform. 2. Design a 2 input NAND circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 3. Design a 2 input AND circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 4. Design a 2 input NOR circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 5. Design a 2 input OR circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 6. Design a 2 input (2:1)Mux circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 7. Design a 4 input (4:1)Mux circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 8. Design an Ex-OR circuit using microwind& observe its waveforms. 9. Design a Half Adder circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 10. Design a Full Adder circuit using microwind & observe its waveforms. 11. To Implement F=A+BC+DE using microwind & observe its waveforms 12. Design & Simulation of NAND and NOR gate using Tanner tools(S-Edit ) 13. Design & Simulation of NOT gate using Tanner tool(L-Edit) 14. Open Ended experiments on CMOS Design
(4-1-0-5) SECTION-A
UNIT-I: (8 Hrs) Introduction: The use of computer networks, networks for companies, network for people, social issues. Network hardware. LANs, Mans, WANs, wireless networks, internet works, network software, protocol hierarchies, design issues for layers, interfaces and services, connectionless oriented and connectionless services, service primitives, relationship of services to protocols, the OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model, comparison of OSI and TCP/IP reference model, critique of OSI model & protocols, critique of TCP/IP reference model. Example networks - novel! Netware, RPANET, NSFNET, the internet, SMDS, X.25 network, frame relay, network standardization - whos who in the telecommunication world, whos who in international standards world, whos who in the internet standards world. UNIT-lI: (8 Hrs) Physical Layer - The theoretical basis for data communication-Fourier analysis, bandwidth-limited signals, maximum data rate of a channel, transmission media-magnetic media, twisted pair coaxial cable, fiber optics. Wireless transmission, microwave transmission, infrared and millimeter waves, light wave transmission. Telephone system structure, politics of telephones, local loop, trunks and multiplexing, switching, narrowband ISDN - services, architecture, interface, perspective on N-ISDN, broadband ISDN & ATM-virtual circuits versus circuit switching, transmission in ATM networks, ATM switches. UNIT-Ill (8 Hrs) Data Link Layer - design issues - services provided to the network Layer, framing, error control, flow control, error correcting & detecting codes, elementary data link protocols, simplex stop and wait simplex protocol for noisy channel, sliding window protocols-one bit protocol, go back protocol, selective repeat protocol. The medium access sub layer - static and dynamic channel allocation in LANs and MANs, Multiple access protocols - ALOHA. CSI\IA, collision free protocols, limited contention protocols, wavelength division multiple access protocols, wireless LAN protocols, IEEE Standards 802 for LAN and MANs802.3 & Ethernet, token bus. token ring, comparison 802.6, 802.2. SECTION-B UNIT-IV (8 Hrs) The Network Layer - Design issues, services provided to the transport layer, internal organization, comparison of virtual circuit and datagram subnets, routing algorithms. Optimality principle, shortest path routing, flooding, flow-based routing, distance vector routing, link state routing, hierarchical routing, broadcast & multicast routing, congestion control algorithms, general principles prevention policies, traffic shaping. flow specifications, congestion control in virtual circuit subnets. choke packets, load shedding, jitter control, congestion control for multicasting. Internetworking - how networks differ, concatenated Virtual circuits, connectionless Internetworking tunneling. internet work routing, fragmentation, firewalls, the Network layer in the internet - IP protocol, IP address. subnets, internet control protocols, OSPF. BGP, internet, Multicasting. UNIT V Transport and Application Layer - services provided to the upper layer, Quality of Service, transport service primitives, elements of transport protocols, addressing, establishing a connection, releasing a connection, flow control & buffering, multiplexing, crash recovery, network security - traditional cryptography, fundamental principles, secret-key algorithms, public key algorithms, authentication protocols, digital signatures, social issues. (8 Hrs) UNIT VI Recent trends and advance topics. (4 Hrs) BOOKS: 1. 1.Computer Networks Third Edition by Andrew Tanenbaum (PHI Pub.) 2. 1.Data. & Computer Communication, 5th Ed., by William Stallings (PHI Pub.) 3. 2.Data & Network Communications by Michael A. Miller 4. 3.Computer Networks & E-Commerce by Parag Diwan (Pentagaon Pub.)
List of Experiments (30 Hrs) 1. Design and Implementation of Client-Server for Chatting. 2. Design and Implementation FTP server. 3. Design and Implementation of CRC. 4. Design and Implementation of Stop & Wait protocol. 5. Design and Implementation of Sliding Window protocol (any of two). 6. Design and Implementation of IEEE 802.3/4/5 Token ring. 7. Design and Implementation shortest path routing algorithm. 8. Design and Implementation of Flow control & Buffering technique. 9. Design and Implementation of Encryption technique for Network Security. 10. Design and Implementation of DNS Server. 11. Open Ended experiments
BECL414 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION (3-0-0-3) (60 Hrs.) UNIT 1: Overview of Optical fiber Communications, Principle of optical communication Attributes and structures of various fibers such as step index, graded index mode and multi mode fibers. Propagation in fibers ray mode, Numerical aperture and multi path dispersion in step index and graded index fibers. Material dispersion and frequency response. Self phase modulation, combined effect of dispersion and self phase modulation (10 Hrs ) UNIT 2: Electromagnetic wave equation in step index and graded index fibers modes and power flow in fibers. Manufacture of fibers and cables, fiber joints, splices and connectors. (08 Hrs.) UNIT 3: Signal degradation in fibers Attenuation, material dispersion, wave guide dispersion, pulse broadening, mode coupling. Dispersion shifted and dispersion flattened fibers. Attenuation and dispersion limits in fibers. (08Hrs) UNIT 4: Optical sources LED and laser diode, principles of operation, concepts of line width, phase noise, switching and modulation characteristics typical LED and LD structures. ( 6 hrs ) UNIT 5: Photo detector Pn detector, pin detector, avalanche photodiode Principles of operation, concepts of responsivity, sensitivity and quantum efficiency, noise in detection. (8 Hrs.) UNIT 6: Optical switching Fiber Optical Measurements. ANALOG AND DIGITAL LINKS: Analog links Introduction, overview of analog links, CNR, multichannel transmission techniques, RF over fiber, key link parameters, Radio over fiber links, microwave photonics. Digital links Induction, pointtopoint links, System considerations, link power budget, resistive budget, short wave length band, and transmission distance for single mode fibers, Power penalties, nodal noise and chirping. Advance topics on Optical Communications ( 8 Hrs .) BOOKS: 1. Optical fiber communication, principles and practice: John M Senior PH International Service) 2. Optical fiber communication: B Keiser (McGraw Hill) 3. Optical communication system: J Gower (prentice Hall of India) 4. Optical fiber system: Kao (Tata McGraw Hill) 5. Optical Fiber Communications John M. Senior, Pearson Education. 3rd Impression, 2007
Total Hrs: 45
UNIT-I (Hrs: 8) Introduction to Compilers: Compilers and translators, Phases of compiler design, cross compiler, Bootstrapping, Design of Lexical analyzer, LEX. UNIT-II (Hrs: 7) Syntax Analysis: Specification of syntax of programming languages using CFG, Top-down parser, design of LL (1) parser, bottom up parsing technique, LR parsing algorithm, Design of SLR, LALR, CLR parsers. UNIT-III (Hrs: 8) Syntax directed translation: Study of syntax directed definitions & syntax directed translation schemes, implementation of SDTS, intermediate notations: postfix, syntax tree, TAC, translation of expression, controls structures, declarations, procedure calls, and Array reference. SECTION-B UNIT-IV (Hrs: 7) Storage allocation & Error Handling: Run time storage administration, stack allocation, symbol table management, Error detection and recovery: lexical, syntactic, semantic. UNIT-V (Hrs: 8) Code optimization: Important code optimization techniques, loop optimization, control flow analysis, data flow analysis, Loop invariant computation, Induction variable removal, Elimination of Common sub expression, Code generation Problems in code generation, Simple code generator, Register allocation and assignment, Code generation from DAG, Peephole optimization. UNIT-VI (Hrs: 7) Recent trends in Language Processor, Advanced topics & its Application BOOKS: Compilers: Principles Techniques and Tools 1st edition by A. V. Ahoy, Sethi, Ullman, Pearson education. Principal of Compiler Design Alfred V. Ahoy & Jeffery D. Ullman, Narosa Pub. House.
BEEL 420
Unit 1; ( 06 Hrs) Introduction: Introduction to automation tools PLC, DCS, SCADA, Hybrid DCS/PLC. Unit 2: (07 Hrs) Data acquisition systems, Evolution of SCADA, Communication technologies, Monitoring and supervisory functions, SCADA applications in Utility Automation, Industries Unit 3: (07 Hrs) SCADA System Components: Schemes- Remote Terminal Unit [RTU],Intelligent Electronic Devices [IED],Programmable Logic Controller [PLC], Communication Network, SCADA Server, SCADA/HMI Systems SECTION-B Unit 4: (06 Hrs) SCADA Architecture: Various SCADA architectures, advantages and disadvantages of each system - single unified standard architecture -IEC 61850 Unit 5 (07 Hrs) SCADA Communication: various industrial communication technologies -wired and wireless methods and fiber optics. open standard communication protocols Unit 06 (07 Hrs) SCADA Applications: Utility applications- Transmission and Distribution sector -operations, monitoring, analysis and improvement. Industries - oil, gas and water. Case studies, Implementation, Simulation Exercises, latest developments in PLC & SCADA. BOOKS: 1. Gary Dunning, Introduction to Programmable logic Controllers,[Delmar Publisher] 2. Webb & Reis, Programmable logic Controllers, [Prentice Hall of India] 3. Jose A. Romagnoli, Ahmet Palazoglu, Introduction to process Control [CRC Tylor and Francis group] 4. Statistical Process Control ISA Handbook 5. B.G. Liptak Handbook of Instrumentation- Process Control 6. Installation and user manuals of different DCS, PLC Vendors 7. Stuart A. Boyer: SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Instrument Society of America Publications,USA,1999 8. Gordon Clarke, Deon Reynders:Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60860.5 and Related Systems, Newnes Publications, Oxford, UK,2004
BECL421 PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES & TESTING (3-0-0-3) Total 45 Hrs Section A Unite 1: (8Hrs) Programmable Logic Devices: Basic concept, Programming technologies, Programmable logic elements, programmable logic array, programmable array logic, structure of standard PLDs, complex PLDs CPLD, Altera Max 7000 series, AMD Mach 4 structure Unite 2: (8Hrs) System Design with PLDs : Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLDs, Programming PAL devices using PALASM, Design of state machines using algorithmic state machines ASM chart as a design tool. Unite 3: (8Hrs) Introduction to FPGA: types of FPGA, Xilinx XC3000 series, Logic Cell Array (LCA), Configurable Logic Blocks (CLB), Input/Output Blocks (I/OB), Programmable Interconnection Points (PIP), Introduction to ACT 2 family and Xilinx4000 families, Design example Section B Unite 4: (7Hrs) Fault Testing in Digital Circuits: Detection and Location of fault in combinational logic circuit, Path sensitizing method, Boolean difference method, Fault detection and location in synchronous sequential circuit, Design for testability, built in self-test Unite 5: (7Hrs) Fault Tolerant system: Fault avoidance and fault tolerance, technique for fault tolerance, Hardware fault tolerance, Unite 6: (7Hrs) Static, Dynamic and Hybrid redundancy, fault tolerance in memories, software fault tolerance, design for fault tolerant software. Advance topics on Programming Devices. Books : 1. Palmer J.E., Perlman D.E. ,Introduction to digital System, McGraw Hill 2. Nelson, Nagale, Carroll, Irwin, Digital Logic Crcuit Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall 3. John Oldfield, Richard Dorf, Field Programmable Gate Array : Reconfigurable logic for rapid prototyping and implementation of Digital System, John Wiley 4. Programmable Logic Devices Databook and Design Guide, National Semiconductors 5. Pradhan D.K., Fault-Tolerant Theory and Techniques, Vol I and II, Prentice Hall
BECL428 WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS (3-0-0-3) Total 45 Hrs UNIT 1: (8Hrs) Introduction motivation, applications, sensors, architectures, platforms for WSN, Actual Systems - Berkeley motes, TinyOS and nesC. UNIT 2: (8Hrs) How to program actual WSN. Wireless Radio Realities radio irregularities and impact on protocols, MAC protocols B-MAC, multi-channel MAC, Routing, UNIT 3: (8Hrs) Directed Diffusion, Clock Synchronization, Localization TDOA, Walking GPS, range free solutions UNIT 4: (7Hrs) Power Management per node, system-wide, sentry services, sensing coverage, Data Services and Databases architectures, queries (SQL), UNIT 5: (7Hrs) Data dissemination, Programming Abstractions programming models, EnviroTrack, new APIsSecurity and Privacy problems, attacks, solutions. UNIT 6: (7Hrs) Case Study: A Complete System surveillance and tracking application, Advance topics on WSN. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. F. Zhao and L. Guibas, Wireless Sensor Networks, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 2004. Wireless sensor networks, By C. S. Raghavendra, Krishna M. Sivalingam, Taieb F. Znati Contributor C. S. Raghavendra ,Edition: 2, Published by Springer, 2004 ISBN 1402078838, 9781402078835
BECL409 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (4-0-0-4) (45 Hr) UNIT 1: (7 Hr) Origins of digital image processing, Various Imaging techniques, components of an image processing system, Image sensing and acquisition, Image sampling and quantization, neighbors of a pixel, Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions and boundaries. UNIT 2: (8Hr) Basic intensity transformation and spatial filtering, Image negatives, log transforms, power-law transformations, median filtering, Histogram equalization, Histogram matching spatial correlation and convolutions UNIT 3: (7Hr) Two-dimensional orthogonal and Unitary Transforms, properties of unitary transforms 2D-DFT, Cosine transforms, Sine transforms, Hadamard transform, Haar transforms, Slant transforms. UNIT 4: (8Hr) Model of image Degradation/Restorations process, Noise models, Restoration in the presence of noise only, periodic noise reduction by Frequency domain filtering, Image reconstruction from Projections, Image compression models, Huffman coding, LZW coding, Run length coding, Bit-plane coding. UNIT 5: (8Hr) Some basic morphological algorithms, Boundary extraction, convex hull, thinning, skeletons, morphological Reconstruction. Color image processing, color models, RGB color models, CMY and CMYK color models the HSI color models. UNIT 6: (7Hr) Image segmentation, Fundamentals, Point, Line and edge detection, of segmentation, Thresholding, Region-based segmentation, watershed segmentation algorithm Applications of segmentation. Advance topics on Image processing technology and algorithms. BOOKS: 1) Digital image processing by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, 3rd Edition, Pearson PHI 2) Fundamental of Digital Image Processing by A. K. Jain, P. H. I. Publication. 3) Digital image processing by S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan, T. Virakumar, McGraw Hill. Publication.
BECP409 DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING (0-0-2-1) List of Experiments (30 Hrs) 1. To Read image from MATLAB tool box. 2. To adjust GRAY LEVEL of image by using MATLAB tool box. 3. To study Brighten of Darken image by using MATLAB tool box. 4. To adjust CONTRAST of an image by using MATLAB tool box. 5. To study INTENSITY of transform image by using MATLAB tool box. 6. To change the enhancement of an image using Histogram. 7. To remove salt and pepper noise by using filter. 8. To remove the Gaussian noise from image by using adaptive filter. 9. To study Rayleigh noise Distribution on the image by using MATLAB. 10. Edge detection using sobel & prewitt operation. 11. Open Ended experiments
(4-1-0-5) (60Hrs) Section: A (10Hrs) UNIT 1: Microcontrollers : Microprocessors and Micro-controllers, Types of Micro-controllers, External memory, Processor Architecture Harvard v/s Van Neumann; CISC v/s RISC, Micro-controller, Memory types, Software development tools like assembler, cross- compiler, emulator, and simulator, 8051 controller, Block Diagram &Architecture. UNIT 2: (10Hrs) 8051 Instruction Set, Addressing modes & programming. 8051 Timers, Serial I/O, UNIT 3: (10Hrs) Memory Interfacing. Programming, Real time interfacing with LED, LED display, LCD display Section: B UNIT 4: (10Hrs) RISC Controller : PIC Micro-controllers overview; features, PIC 16c6x/7x architecture, file selection register, Memory organization, Addressing modes, Instruction set, Programming. UNIT 5: (10Hrs) RISC Controller : ARM Micro-controllers overview; features, ARM 7 architecture, Thumb, Register Model, Addressing modes, Instruction set, Programming. UNIT 6: (10Hrs) Industrial Interfacing Buses: PCI, ESA, EISA, I2C, USB, RS232. Advance topics on embedded system TEXT BOOKS: 1. Myke Predko, Programming and Customizing The 8051 Micro-controller, Tata McGraw-Hill edition. 2. John B. Peatman, Design with PIC Micro-controllers, Low Price Edition, Pearson Education Asia. 3. Ajay V. Deshmukh ,Micro-controllers - Theory and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Kenneth J. Ayala The 8051 Micro-controller Architecture, Programming & Applications, Second Edition, Penram International & Thomson Asia. 5. Data sheet of respective microcontrollers
BECP410 EMBEDDED SYSTEMS (0-0-2-1) Practical List (30 Hrs) 1. Study of Microcontroller tools 2. Write a program to perform arithmetic Operation using 8051 Microcontroller. 3. Write a program to perform addition of two arrays using 8051 Microcontroller 4. Write a program to perform Array Sorting 5. Write a program to perform Interrupt Operation 6. Write a program to interface with LED Display 7. Write a program to perform arithmetic Operation using PIC Microcontroller 8. Write a program to perform addition of two arrays using PIC Microcontroller 9. Write a program to perform arithmetic Operation using ARM7 Microcontroller 10. Write a program to perform addition of two arrays using ARM7Microcontroller 11. Write a program in C for interfacing the Display using PIC Microcontroller 12. Open Ended Mini Project Elective-III (3-0-0-3) [1] BMEL403 [2] BECL401 [3] BECL422 [4] BECL423 [5] BECL424 [6] BECL425 Mechatronics Radar and Satellite Engineering MEMS Pattern Recognition ASIC Design RTOS
UNIT I Need and scope of the subject recent trend of designing machine units along with electronic circuits for operation and supervision of mechanisms. Techniques of interfacing mechanical device with computer hardware and development of software for driving them. [ 7 hours] UNIT II Basic principles and specific applications of armature and field and control of D.C. Motors, Variable voltage and variable frequency control of 3 phase and single phase Induction motors, speed control of Synchronous motors. Different types of stepper motors , hold on torques and position control of stepper motors. [ 8 hours] UNIT III Common and commercial Ics used for amplification , timing and digital indication. Different types of actuators, working of synchro transmitter and receiver set, pair of P/I, pressure to current and I/P type for pneumatic position control, Electrical and hydraulic servomotors. Design of AC and DC solenoid plungers and pressure and force amplification devices. [8 hours] UNIT IV Adon cards for sampling and actuation , 4-20 MA ports, AD-DA Conversion, Peripheral interface organization, general layout of data bus and data transfer through serial and parallel modes of communication, schemes of computer networking and hierarchy in supervisory control. [7 hours] UNIT V Working of integrated systems by using combined block diagrams. Study of systems used in Ink Jet Printers, Photo copying . Washing Machines. IC Engine fuel injection system etc. [8 hours] UNIT VI General philosophy of Artificial Neural Network simulations. Fuzzy logic for operation and control of mechatronic systems. Advance topics on Mechatronics [ 7 hours]
BECL415 Radar & Satellite Communication. (3-0-0-3) Total (45Hrs) UNIT-I (8Hrs) RADAR Range Equation, CW and FM modulated RADAR, MTI and Pulse Doppler RADAR, Tracking RADAR. UNIT-II RADAR antennas, parabolic reflector, Scanning field reflector, Lens antennas. RADAR Receivers, Displays and Duplexer, Detection of RADAR; signals in noise. (8Hrs)
UNIT-III (8Hrs) RADAR clutter, Effects of weather on RADAR, Detection of targets in Precipitation, Synthetic Aperture RADAR, HF over the Horizon RADAR. UNIT-IV (7Hrs) Introduction: Origin of Satellite communication, Current state of satellite communication. Orbital aspect of satellite communication: Orbital mechanism, equation of orbit, locating satellite in orbit, orbital elements, and orbital perturbation. Space craft subsystem: Attitude and orbit control system, Telemetry tracking and command power system, and communication subsystem. Satellite link design: System noise temperature and T / T ratio, down link design, domestic satellite system, uplink design, design of satellite link for specified (C / N). UNIT-V (7Hrs) Propagation on satellite: Earths path propagation effects, atmospheric absorption, Scintillation effects, Land and Sea multipath, Rain and ice effects, Rain drop distribution, calculation of attenuation. Rain effects on Antenna noise temperature. UNIT-VI (7Hrs) Earth Station technology: Earth Station design; antennas tracking, LNA, HPA, RF multiplexing, factors affecting orbit utilization, tracking, equipment for earth station. Advance Study on Radar Technology BOOKS 1. Introduction of RADAR system by Skolnik (McGraw Hill) 2. Satellite Communication by T. Pratt.
BECL422 MEMS (MICRO-ELECTRO-MECHANICAL SYSTEM) (3-0-0-3) Total 45 Hrs UNIT1: (08Hrs) An introduction to Microsensors and MEMS, Evolution of Microsensors & MEMS, Microsensors & MEMS applications. UNIT 2: (08Hrs) Microelectronic technologies for MEMS, Micromachining Technology, Surface and Bulk Micromachining, Micromachined. UNIT 3: (08Hrs) MEMS sensors and actuators, Micro sensors, Mechanical, Inertial, Biological, Chemical, Acoustic, UNIT 4: (07Hrs) Microsystems Technology, Integrated Smart Sensors and MEMS, Interface Electronics for MEMS. UNIT 5: (07Hrs) MEMS Simulators, MEMS for RF Applications. UNIT 6: (07Hrs) Bonding & Packaging of MEMS, RF MEMS, and Optical MEMS. Advance topics on MEMS. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Gregory T.A. Kovacs, Micromachined Transducers Sourecbook, The McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1998 2. Stephen D. Senturia, Microsystem Design, Kluar Publishers, 2001 3. Nadim Maluf, An Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems Engineering, Artech House, 2000. 4. M.H. Bao, Micro Mechanical Transducers, Volume 8, Handbook of Sensors and Actuators, Elsevier, 2000. 5. H. J. De Los Santos, Introduction to Microelectromechanical (MEM) Microwave Systems, Artech, 1999. 6. Masood Tabib-Azar, Microactuators, Kluwer, 1998. 7. Ljubisa Ristic, Editor, Sensor Technology and Devices, Artech House, 1994 8. D. S. Ballantine, et. al., Acoustic Wave Sensors, Academic Press, 1997 9. James M.Gere and Stephen P. Timoshenko, Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole Engineering Division, 1984
(3-0-0-3) SECTION -A
(44 Hrs)
UNIT I (9 Hrs) Statistical Decision Theory, Probability-probabilities of events , random variables, joint distribution & densities, moments of random variables, estimation of parameters from samples, minimum risk estimators UNIT II: (9 Hrs) Statistical Decision Making Baycs theorem, multiple features, conditionally independent features, decision boundaries, unequal cast of error , estimation of error rates, the leaving-9ne-out technique.character~stics curve, estimating the composition of population. UNIT III Non parametric decision Making Histograms, kernel and window estimators , nearest neighbor classification techniques, adaptive decision boundaries, adaptive discriminate functions, minimum squared error estimation functions, choosing a decision making technique. (9 Hrs) SECTION -B UNIT IV Clustering Introduction, hierarchical clustering, partitioned clustering. . (8 Hrs) UNIT V Processing of waveforms and images- Gray level scaling transformations, equalization geometric image scaling and interpolation, smoothing transformation, edge detection, line detection and template matching, logarithmic gray level scaling, statistical significance of image features. (9Hrs) Unit VI: Recent trends/ advance topic. BOOK 1. Pattern recognition and image processing by Earl Gose , Richard Johnsonbaugh & Steve Jost (PHI Pub.)
BECL424 ASIC DESIGN (3-0-0-3) Total (45Hrs) UNIT 1:TYPES OF ASICS (15Hrs) Design flow Economics of ASICs ASIC cell libraries CMOS logic cell data path logic cells I/O cells cell compilers. UNIT 2: ASIC LIBRARY DESIGN (10Hrs) Transistors as resistors parasitic capacitance logical effort programmable ASIC design software: Design system logic synthesis. UNIT 3: (10Hrs) Half gate ASIC, Low level design entry: Schematic entry low level design languages PLA tools EDIF An overview of VHDL and Verilog. UNIT 4: (10Hrs) Logic synthesis in Verilog and VHDL simulation. ASIC Construction Floor planning & placement Routing. Advance topics on VLSI Design. TEXT BOOKS: 1) J.S. Smith, Application specific Integrated Circuits, Addison Wesley, 1997. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Bakoglu, H. B. Circuits, Interconnections, and Packaging for VLSI. Reading, MA: AddisonWesley, 1990. Einspruch N. G., and J. L. Hilbert (Eds.). Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Technology, CA: Academic Press, 1991.
BECL425 RTOS (3-0-0-3) UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION: Real-time Versus Conventional Software, Computer Hardware for Monitoring and Control, Software Engineering Issues. SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES: Process and State-based Systems model, Periodic and Sporadic Process, Cyclic Executives, CE definitions and Properties, Foreground-Background Organizations, Standard OS and Concurrency, Systems Objects and Object-Oriented Structures, Abstract Data Types, General Object Classes. UNIT 2: REQUIREMENTS AND DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: Classification of Notations, Data Flow Diagrams, Tabular Languages, State Machine, Communicating Real Time State Machine- Basic features, Timing and clocks, Semantics Tools and Extensions, State charts-Concepts and Graphical Syntax, Semantics and Tools. UNIT 3: DECLARATIVE SPECIFICATIONS: Regular Expressions and Extensions, Traditional Logics-Propositional Logic, Predicates, Temporal logic, Real time Logic. DETERMINISTIC SCHEDULING: Assumptions and Candidate Algorithms, Basic RM and EDF Results, Process InteractionsPriority Inversion and Inheritance. UNIT 4: EXECUTION TIME PREDICTION : Measurement of Software by software, Program Analysis with Timing Schema, Schema Concepts, Basic Blocks, Statements and Control, Schema Practice, Prediction by optimization, System Interference and Architectural Complexities Timer Application, Prosperities of Real and ideal clocks, Clock Servers Lamports Logical clocks, Monotonic Clock service, A software Clock server, Clock Synchronization- Centralized Synchronization, Distributed Synchronization. UNIT 5: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Real Time Language Features, Ada-Core Language, Annex Mechanism for Real Time Programming, Ada and Software Fault Tolerance, Java and Real-time Extensions, CSP and Occam. UNIT 6: OPERATING SYSTEMS: Real Time Functions and Services, OS Architectures-Real Time UNIX and POSIX, Issues in Task management- Processes and Threads, Scheduling, Synchronization and communication. Advance topics on RTOS TEXT BOOKS: 1) Real Time Systems and software by Alan C. Shaw ; John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2001 2) Jane W.S. Liu, Real-Time Systems, Prentice Hall, 2000