LESSON Exemplar DEMO 2021 Trends
LESSON Exemplar DEMO 2021 Trends
LESSON Exemplar DEMO 2021 Trends
To derive an idea from instances and present this idea through a 100 word es
work or graphical illustrations
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES OF OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson learners are expected to:
Distinguish the difference between trends and fads;
Perform different activities that distinguishes trends and fads; an
Appreciate the importance of trends and fads in the real life situa
D. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES (MELC) Differentiate a trend and a fad (HUMMS_MCT12-Ia-b-3)
E. ENABLING COMPETENCIES Explain the difference between trend and fad ( HUMSS_MCT- Ib-c-4)
II. CONTENT Trend and Fad
a.1 Teacher’s Guide ADM Region XII Modules
a.2 Learner’s Material Pages Pg. 10-14
a.3 Textbook Pages
a.4 Additional Materials
B. LIST OF LEARNING RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT Laptop, Slide deck, Speaker, Visual aids, Chalk and board.
Video, Video
The learners will watch 3 min video. After their viewing the Learners will an
series of questions regarding on the video clips that they watched.
Guide Questions
1. What can you say about the video presented?
2. What are the things that highlighted in the video?
3. What are the exact words you can associate with the overall content o
Ans. Trend
Is a behaviour or new way of doing things and it has a big impact on our society. I
It has an sequential pattern of change in a condition, output or process or an average or ge
integration in the tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain direction overtime repres
subject by a line or a curve on a graph.
Mathematics 2.
It has an
integration in the
subject Ans. Trend Spotter
Is a person who notices and reports on new fashions, ideas, or activities that are
Mathematics becoming popular
Ans. Trend Spotting
Is the identification of new trends or attempting see the future.
Ans. Fad
Is a short term event, that some may called as a flash in the pan.
C. ENGAGEMENT Activity 3
The Learners will answer the differences and similarities of a trend and a fad
Activity 4
Like? or Love?
The Teacher will flash pictures and the learners will identify if its Trend Or a
the Learners will give 3 seconds to answer each picture.