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Trends Week 1 Lesson Plan

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Weekly Lesson Plan School Colegio de San Bartolome de Novaliches Grade Level 12

Teacher Mr. Brian Karlo Delos Santos Learning Area Trends, Networks, and Critical
Thinking in the 21st Century
Teaching Dates and Time June 11-15, 2018 (Week 1) Quarter 1st Quarter

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

A. Content Standards
The learners understand the emergence of trends and patterns.

B. Performance Standards The learners will be able to derive an idea from instances and present this idea through 100-word essay, artwork, and other
graphic representations

C. Learning Competencies The learners...

1.1 define a trend
1.2 explain the process
on how to spot a
1.3 differentiate a
trend from a fad
1.4 point out elements
that make up a

II. CONTENT 21st Century: My New

(Subject Matter) World, My New Being
Where am I heading?
 The 21st
Century World
 The 21st

III. LEARNING RESOURCES Gladys P. Mangiduyos. Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century. Quezon City: Rex Book Store Inc., 2017. Pp 2-
A. Text Book Pages 23
B. Other Sources

IV. PROCEDURES Let’s Recall Review

A. Reviewing previous Students will be The learners will be asked
lesson or presenting grouped into four to share what they have
new lesson or members each. They remembered about the
Motivation will create a concept previous activity.
map by answering the
question: What comes
into your mind when
you hear the word “21st

B. Establishing a purpose At the end of the lesson,

for the lesson the learners are expected
1. Identify the 21st
century world;
2. Discover the
demands of the
21st century
3. Explain why and
how an individual
needs to prepare
and cope in the
21st century

C. Presenting Example The teacher will present a

picture of the characters,
Phineas and Pherb.
Learners will form
interpretations based
from the given

The picture connotes the
ideas of critical thinking
and creativity.
D. Discussing Concepts Active Reading (Pair
and Practicing New Activity):
Skills (1) The students will be
working in pairs. They will
read the article on
megaproblems and
answer Exercise 1 on
their LAS. They will rate
those problems according
to the following range:
5 – most likely to happen
1 – not likely to happen

1. In the list of
which do you
think are most
likely to happen?
Which are not?
2. What are the
consequences if
those will
3. Why do you think
those would

E. Discussing Concepts Teacher Discussion

and Practicing New The teacher will discuss
Skills (2) “The 21st Century Skillls:
Skills for the 21st Century
 Anchoring
 Filtering
 Connecting with
each other
 Being human
 Creating and
deriving meaning
 Evaluation
 Altered process of
 Critical and
creative thinking
 Pattern
 Navigation of the
 Acceptance of
 Contextualizing

F. Developing Mastery Exercises from the Guided Instruction:

(Lead to Formative text books or from Analysis/Guide Questions
Assessment) the net. Can be 1. What shall we do?
differentiated activity 2. How shall we get
3. Which do you think
are most likely to
posses by
individuals today
and which are not?
4. What seems to be
5. Why and how do
you think
individuals shall
equip themselves?

G. Finding practical Transfer Task in Transfer Task: Slogan Making

application of GRASPS G- oal: The goal of this task is
concepts and skills in let the learners form their
daily lives (Transfer objectives to ensure their
success in the 21st century.
R-ole: Learners will be
marketing designers. They
will create an advertisement
that aims to influence other
students to be better 21st
century learners.

A-udience: Their classmates

will be their audience. If
possible, they’ll be
presenting their works on
the Grade 11 class.

S-ituation: Learners need to

contrast and compare the
learning conditions from
the past and the present.
They have to criticize and
express their opinions
about the changes.

P-roduct: They need create

a slogan with an
advertisement-like format.
The main intention would be
to persuade other learners
to as effective as them.

S-tandards: Their works will

be graded using this
Content – 40 pts
Creativity – 30 pts
Explanation – 30 pts

H. Making Generalization 1. The onset of 21st

and Abstraction about century world has
greatly changed the
the lesson
life and events of
2. The kinds of jobs and
the way people live
have changed and
will keep on
3. The world faces
many challenges in
the new century.

I. Evaluating Learning

J. Additional Activities
for application or


A. No. of Learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of Learners who
scored below 80% &
are required for
C. No. of Learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.

D. What difficulties did

you encounter?

Checked by:

Ms. Theresa Esconde

Level Leader

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