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Review of Related Literature and Studies

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Chapter 2


The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different

concept, understanding, and ideas, generalization or conclusions and different

development related to study of the technology integration in teaching English

using literature-based instruction approach that serves as a guide for the

researcher to conduct the study. (Inclusion Criteria) Included in the RRL are

locally and internationally written reviews, journal articles and studies relevant

to the research undertaken. Information included in this chapter helps to

familiarize specific and related data and ideas with the present study.

Technology Integration in Education ( Topical ) Topic 1

Teaching with technology, as defined by Jao (2017), can produce a

variety of different pictures based on one’s experiences as teachers or even

as conference participants. For some, it may mean using PowerPoint or

student classroom response systems in lectures; others may think of

podcasting lectures; and yet others may think of different instructional

applications, such as developing web-based interactive learning modules and

simulations to teach skills and concepts. Given that the classroom is now an

immersive environment where teachers as well as students are engaged in

technology, it is crucial for teachers to find a way to interact with the learners’

level of technology.
In relation to this, a case study by Quimbo (2019) conducted to

determine the readiness of school constituencies to embark on a technology-

integrated learning environment indicated that majority of teachers and

students are prepared to implement a technology-integrated learning


Additionally, an action research entitled “Students’ Understanding of

Genetics through Blended Learning Activities” conducted by Santiago, Aguja

and Prudente (2017) investigated the impact of blended learning activities on

the students’ knowledge of Genetics concepts. The researcher-made Genetics

teaching and learning plan included blended learning activities employing

Genyo, where face-to-face instruction was enriched with online learning

activities in the classroom. Blended learning certainly made it easier for

students to understand the principles of genetics. Results are suggesting that

using blended learning helps and promotes students to use computers in

learning, a strategy that will improve the positive attitude of students towards

computers and foster computer self-efficacy.

Also, the Department of Education (DepEd), as cited in a news article

by Santisteban (2017), firmly believes that it is addressing technology gaps

between teachers and students with the emerging trend in education in

Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In a speech at the

Education Summit last December 2017, DepEd’s Director of Curriculum

Development Jocelyn Dr. Andaya said that closing technical gaps in ICT is the
first step towards improving the quality of Philippine education. She

mentioned that DepEd has been working in this sense to close the technical

gaps in ICT and that teachers should adapt with the use of modern gadgets

to technological advances in education to enable maximum learning.

Habulan (2016) also argued that the education sector was slow in

responding to the demand that education practices be reinvented in line with

the digital language of the time. Technology integration uses world-sponsored

software for real-world applications to allow students to learn how to use

computers in a flexible, purposeful and creative way. Curriculum and

technology goals are organized into a harmonious, coordinated whole, says

the author.

In the study of Bernhardt (2015), it was emphasized that schools have

a responsibility to provide intellectually stimulating activities and incentives

for imaginative, innovative and cooperative thinking for students. However,

key barriers such as collaboration with teachers have been shown to hinder

implementation at both the micro and macro levels.

Additionally, Garba (2015) cited technology as the key factor in a

learning environment of the 21st century. Teaching and learning must focus

on existing and emerging technologies innovatively. Two things needed to

build the much-desired learning environment are to provide the basic ICT

infrastructure and facilities and to urge educators to embrace the use of

teaching-learning techniques and strategies.

In relation to this, Galloway (2015) explained in the book “Learning with

Mobile and Handheld Technologies” that the revolution in mobile technology

is affecting education. Mobile technology is now sufficiently robust, easy to

use and affordable for schools to commit to its implementation, and the

wireless networks on which it relies.

The challenge for schools is to keep the learning in the driving seat so

that they can access the full benefit of the improvements that mobile

technology will bring.

Learning Management System (Topic 2)

Learning Management System, as described by Habulan (2016), is a

course management software used to provide educational programs. Like

other software applications, learning management system or LMS is a

technology that lets you develop, manage and deliver educational programs

online. LMS offers tools and resources as an online course organizer to help

teachers plan, create, manage and deliver online courses. According to him,

the following tools and resources are available for a typical learning

management system. (1) Workspace is a place where you can store personal

documents, create new websites, keep a schedule, and store resources. (2)

Announcement Tool is a tool that allows teachers to post class announcements

for an update or other significant notice on a regular basis. (3) Resources is a

tool designed to serve as a database for all instructional materials. (4)

Syllabus is a tool for posting online course syllabus. (5) Chat Room is a virtual
classroom where students and teachers collaborate in real time. (6) Discussion

Forum is a tool where interactive interaction can take place among teachers

and students and online learners. (7) Assessment Tool is a tool where teachers

can give online tests. (8) Whisper Button is a tool that teachers use to connect

with a particular student or group of students for any specific message.

In relation to the use of a learning management system, Sarmiento

(2017) developed a collection of online homework in Statistics through the

MyOpenMath LMS that aimed to address the shortcomings of conventional

paper and pencil homework in order to reinforce student engagement towards

the progress in their performance the online homework provided immediate

feedback, unlimited attempts, and administered numerous questions that

assessed the same goals to each student. The students used the system

features to identify and correct their mistakes, self-study, manage their time

doing homework, learn from each other, and much more. They were

encouraged by the features made available to them and felt that in the

homework they took at MyOpenMath had a great contribution to their learning.

Furthermore, online homework classes showed significantly better results in

both homework and in the course in most cases.

Garcia (2016) also conducted a similar study using Genyo e-learning.

This concentrated on the series of problems that the students faced when

using Genyo. The study revealed that respondents encountered problems such

as the amount of plug-ins to be downloaded to access all of the website's

functionality, not being able to open Genyo account or the assigned teacher’s

lessons because of its features, it takes more time to load than other websites,

some websites / files / tests cannot be opened on the student’s computer or

gadget, and their account contains too many lessons assigned.

Additionally, Ragandang (2015) piloted a study to examine the impact

of Genyo in learning English as a Second Language to two groups of Grade 9

boys and to determine whether the effect between these two groups is

different. The results showed that the boys preferred to include the Games,

Quiz, and Video Tutorial in the learning activities.

These revealed that boys learn best if their learning styles are catered

within the classroom through learning activities that involve them, involve a

sense of competition and strength, and give them a sense of pride and


Improving Student Performance through Technology (Topic 3)

As digitalization and mediatization become increasingly important, as

cited by Hebben (2019), we find a lot of challenging and exciting strategies

and tools that can be integrated into the learning environment. He mentioned

that integrating gaming or game elements into learning context can help boost

imagination and social skills and promote participation in the learning process

by relating to the real life experiences of learners since its playfulness

enhances several competencies, such as navigation and reading.

Dreimane (2019) also noted that while using technology does not build

motivated learning, its wise use may contribute to external motivation growth.

This does not mean that technology will do any good or harm on its own; the

aim is to take advantage of the resources technology provides, and only their

intelligent and thoughtful use will help engage students and inspire learning

at a deeper level.

The advantages of using technology in the classroom, according to Jao

(2017), include: (1) it can be used to explain or strengthen a challenging

concept, (2) it can be used as a review of content that should have been

mastered in previous courses, (3) it can be used to provide additional

examples of problem-solving or to exchange responses to a question, (4) it

can be used by students who may want to rerun it numerous times if they do

not comprehend something the first time, (5) it can be used as an element for

class flipping, (6) it can be reused for a number of years or classes, (7) it can

be interactive and the lesson may be more engaging for students; and (8) it

can promote social interaction, active involvement and self-motivation. She

also stated that teaching with technology requires four main components:

course content, teacher, students, and technology tools.

To prove this point, Balmediano (2018) concluded in his study that

blended learning activities have resulted in a more positive outcome for

students over the conventional method of teaching comprehension, the

integration of conventional classroom activities and electronic learning

activities is more effective than conventional classroom activities alone, and

blended learning can help improve students’ reading comprehension skills.

In a similar study conducted in a flipped classroom, Bawang (2017)

investigated the efficiency, attitude, commitment and understanding of the

learners towards learning physics. Results of the study revealed that the

participants’ performance in quizzes and problem-solving have been

commendable. Mostly there were favorable views from the students about the

video lectures. Teacher-experts perceive that the instructional and technical

design of the video lectures is appropriate.

Moreover, Verso (2016) conducted a study that explored the impact on

student engagement, reading comprehension, and media analysis of Directed

Reading Lessons (DRL) incorporated with embedded multimedia. Results of

the study showed that the intervention was relatively effective in enhancing

different reading comprehension dimensions and components of media

analysis as shown by the comparisons of percentages.

In addition, Fabros (2015) decided to conduct a study integrating

technology in the teaching of English language to the pupils. The researcher

integrated various educational videos on-line through Youtube.

The researcher used the technology to help with the conventional way

educators often use teaching. The study revealed that the incorporation of

technology in teaching English improved pupils’ learning.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Education (Topic 4)

Calcagno (2020) cited numerous advantages and disadvantages of

modern technology in education. These advantages include independent

learning for students, good preparation for the future, lowered tuition and

textbook prices, and development of new teaching methods for teachers.

Disadvantages include students’ development of lack of interest in hard work,

misuse of technology, and instructional challenges for teachers.

Moreover, it revealed in the study of Shatri (2020) that over 80% of

students use technology in the classroom and benefit from its many

advantages, especially in getting new information and communicating with

people, but technology integration also hurts students’ concentration and

consumes a significant of time if not guided.

In addition to this, Miller (2019) pointed out in her article that

technology in the classroom inspires collaboration. Technology gives us an

easy way to develop collaboration skills for students using online tools that

encourage them to work together in safe ways. Unfortunately, if not guided

properly by the teacher, students tend to lose track of time when using

technology in the classroom.

Albano (2015) also cited numerous activities teachers can do and tools

they can use with or without technology. With technology, there are class

blogs, Glogster, Conversation Exchange, and interactive whiteboard. Their

counterpart without technology are class diaries, poster, traditional pen pals,
and whiteboard. She stressed out that there are drawbacks with or without

technology, but definitely, success depends on the creative use of resources.

Furthermore, Habulan (2016) enumerated disadvantages of computer

in education namely: computers have negative health effect; computers affect

many users’ social growth and development, particularly young people; 24/7

or prolonged contact results to social discomfort in face-to-face

communication; computers give access to illegal websites for pornography

and abuse; irresponsible use of technology results to cyberbullying; stress-

free access to information made cheating easy, too; students’ interest in the

classroom drops significantly and students concentrate more on their mobile

technologies; dependence on technology led to a decline in the ability of

students to write and spell; and computers have offered students diverse

computer skills because some may have previous knowledge and skills in

computer applications, while others may not have exposure at all.

Topic Synthesis ( ? )

Literature-Based Instruction (Topic 5)

In the book “Teaching Grammar Through Literature,” Fenn & McGlynn

(2018) highlighted that weaving grammar systematically through lessons and

literature study rather than teaching it as an abstract set of rules, allows

students to see grammar in a more versatile, enjoyable and exciting way.

Grammar should be regularly incorporated into lessons where its

interpretation can be applied and practiced immediately, according to the


In relation to this, Brogan (2019) conducted a study focusing on how

literature-based instruction with children's literature affects young ESL / EFL

learners aged 5-12 and it discovered that the literature-based instruction had

positive effects on the ability of the learners to read and write as well as their

ability to tell stories. The instruction also created opportunities for social

interaction, critical thinking and reflection.

A similar study of Kim (2018) found that the integration of literature and

fashion design can provide an opportunity for students to explore language

choices and gain advanced knowledge of the target culture. Illustrations in the

literature, together with the text, provoked the imaginative and creative

thinking skills of students.

Mart (2018) also conducted a study showing that creating a classroom

environment that placed literature discussions at the heart of language

learning by combining form and content brought the essential knowledge and

skills needed for communication development.

Similarly, Yanti (2018) conducted a study that explored the use of

literature-based instruction to develop the critical thinking and reading habits

of students. The result showed that students had a significant progress in

critical thinking and reading. Literature therefore helps students think more

Moreover, Nobasyari (2018) conducted a study to investigate whether

or not there were significant differences in reading comprehension and writing

achievements between the eighth grade students who were taught by using

Literature-Based instruction and those who were not. The results of the

experimental group showed that the students’ reading comprehension and

writing accomplishments improved significantly.

Literature-based instruction allows teachers to design lesson plans

which are not compartmentalized in ideas. In order to achieve coherence and

thematic continuity in the flow of lessons, related skills are aligned and

anchored on a particular literary text. Genyo, the learning management

system, takes a great part on achieving this literature-based instruction

approach. Lessons, once planned and aligned, are uploaded in the portal for

teachers’ easy access and utilization in the classroom. Lessons also don’t

become segmented since they are anchored on a springboard which is a

literary text or material.


Local and foreign literature and studies conducted coordinate with the

present study as the area of concern is the utilization of technology specifically

Genyo learning management system in literature-based instruction to improve

the academic performance of students. These literature and studies present

similarities and differences in the results of the present study about

technology integration in teaching.

Similar with the results of the previous studies on technology integration

in teaching, this study ascertained that learning platforms like Genyo learning

management system aids in improving student performance. Other

similarities comprise the advantages of using a learning platform which include

immediate feedback during tests, unlimited answering attempts to improve

retention, and student independence. In addition to student independence,

learners also develop collaboration among peers during group online activities

assigned by the teacher.

On the other hand, the present study revealed that the respondents did

not lose concentration during classes as opposed to the results revealed in the

related studies where students lose track of time when using technology. It

validates the claim that proper guidance is necessary to avoid these

Technology will continue to serve as catalyst for change. When

paradigms of teaching and learning continue to evolve, so do the teaching

technologies. Therefore, 21st century teachers must strike a balance between

teaching and technology. It is more likely to be effective and applicable if it is

integrated into a careful preparation process that takes into account the

numerous factors involved in teaching and learning. While technology is not

essential for creating authentic, learner-centered instruction, it provides a

powerful source for engaging students in authentic experiences, typically

enhancing both motivation and learning.

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