Group 4 Research Paper
Group 4 Research Paper
Group 4 Research Paper
A Thesis
Presented to
In Partial Fulfilment
January 2022
The focus of this thesis is to determine the effects of the Facebook application on
the online learning of grade 11 STEM (Meranti Woods) students at Jordan Woods Academy.
The researchers in this study collected data using the qualitative method. According to the results
of the study, women are more likely than men to use the Facebook application. The Facebook
application is used for online learning and has negative effects when students use it while in
class, which can be caused by distractions and their disinterest in doing schoolwork; but it also
has positive effects, as Facebook becomes effective because it helps students cope with the stress
of their studies and serve as an entertainment.
This research paper was completed as a result of the cooperation of each member of
this group as well as the assistance of others. This research would not have been possible without
the contributions of several people. We would like to express our gratitude for their assistance
and cooperation.
Mr. Kim John Molina, thank you for guiding and teaching us how to conduct
research; the completion of this research would not have been possible without your assistance.
Above all, we thank God for guiding us and providing us with the knowledge we
needed to begin and complete this research.
I. Title Page 1
II. Abstract 3
III. Acknowledgement 4
IV. The Problem and Its Background 7
Theorethical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms
Local Literature
Foreign Literature
Local Studies
Foreign Studies
Research Method
Research Design
Sampling Procedures
Research Instrument
Data Gathering
Summary of Findings
IX. Bibliography 22
Chapter l
This chapter discusses the study’s background, the problem statement, the
significance of the study, the scope and delimitation of the study, the theoretical and conceptual
framework, and the definition of terms.
Human lifestyles are changing in this age of modern technology. That is why social
media exists. People can use social media to interact with others, stay informed about what is
going on in the world, and learn. But keep in mind that too much of anything is bad. When we
misuse social media, it has a negative impact on us. One of the social media platforms is
Facebook. It is used for communication, learning, and knowledge acquisition on a wide range of
topics. Facebook is defined as an online social networking website where people can create
profiles, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves, and respond or link to
the information posted by others (YOURDICTIONARY). This study shows and discusses the
effect of the Facebook application on students’ online learning. Teenagers and young people use
Facebook, and they have developed an addiction to it. It becomes a source of distraction,
potentially impairing academic performance. The purpose of this study is to provide solutions
connected to the topic and to prove that Facebook has an effect on students’ studies.
The purpose of this study is to address the issue of the effect of the Facebook
application on the online learning of Grade 11 STEM (Meranti Woods) students at Jordan
Woods Academy. The following are crucial concerns for Jordan Woods Academy students:
b. age
2. Is using Facebook beneficial to your studies? Why or why not?
3. Is the Facebook application causing your online learning to be distracted? How?
4. How does the Facebook affect your time management when it comes to doing
5. What effect does Facebook have on your academic performance?
This research is made to educate people on how the Facebook application affects the
online learning of grade 11 stem students at Jordan Woods Academy. This study can also help
students realize the negative effects of abusing themselves on Facebook, and it is for the parents,
teachers, and government to come up with a solution to the problem.
Students- In this study, the most important thing is referred to as students. This will assist
students in staying focused on their online learning and avoiding becoming addicted to the
Facebook application.
Parents- This study aims to show that parents are the ones who can keep their children from
becoming distracted while online learning because they are the ones who are with them at home
and it is their responsibility to ensure that their children are in good health.
Teachers- This study will help teachers understand how and what impact the Facebook
application has on students’ online learning. Through this research, teachers will be able to assist
their students in avoiding distraction and other problems as a result of the aforementioned
School Administrator- This study will be used by them as a support document for how they can
help students focus on online learning and doing schoolwork and for the school’s improvement.
The purpose of this study is to present the effects of a Facebook application on the
online learning of grade 11 STEM (Meranti Woods) students at Jordan Woods Academy during
the academic year 2021–2022.
Other levels of Jordan Woods Academy are not covered in this study. This study
only included grade 11 STEM (Meranti Woods) students from the 2021–2022 academic year.
These are the students who the researchers focused on so that their fellow students and the school
staff could better understand their peers’ other experiences, particularly online learning.
Theorethical Framework
Ronalou P. Paculan (2013) stated that social networking sites, most notably
Facebook, have become so popular today that they are leading words on the lips of every student.
You love to spend most of your time checking your Facebook updates, but do you know that
there are many negative effects of using Facebook? Most of the students don’t realize the
negative effects of Facebook on their lives. And the main reason is that they are already addicted
to it. And this addiction can lead to several negative developments.
Based on the results of research conducted by Manjur Kolhar, Raisa Nazir Ahmed
Kazi & Abdalla Alameen (2021), it was found that 97% of the students used social media
applications. Only 1% of them used social media for academic purposes. Whereas 35% of them
used these platforms to chat with others, 43% of them browsed these sites to pass time.
Moreover, 57% of them were addicted to social media. Additionally, 52% of them reported that
social media use had affected their learning activities, 66% of them felt more drawn toward
social media than academic activities, and 74% of them spent their free time on social media
platforms. The most popular applications (i.e., based on usage) were Snapchat (45%), Instagram
(22%), Twitter (18%), and WhatsApp (7%). Further, 46% and 39% of them reported going to
bed between 11 p.m. and 12 am and between 1 a.m. and 2 am, respectively. Finally, 68% of them
attributed their delayed bedtime to social media use, and 59% of them reported that social media
had affected their social interactions.
Conceptual Framework
This study’s main concept focuses on the effects of the Facebook application on the
online learning of grade 11 STEM (Meranti Woods) students at Jordan Woods Academy during
the academic year 2021-2022.
• Respondents’ profile
• Survey
Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined for a better understanding of the terms used in this
Facebook- is a popular free social networking site that allows users to share information and
photos while also staying in touch with family and friends.
Time management- is the process of organizing and planning how to allocate your time among
various activities.
Chapter ll
This research chapter includes a presentation of literature and studies related to the
topic of this research. The literature and studies contain information that will help researchers
develop their research and understand the study better. It also aids in familiarizing oneself with
information that is relevant to the current study.
Local Literature
According to Ernie C. Avila and Honorato I. Cabrera Jr. (2020), using Facebook in
the classroom makes learning more collaborative and engaging. The DepEd and CHED
implemented policies to use an alternative method of providing basic education content in
response to the ongoing growth of positive COVID-19 cases. Using Facebook as a virtual
classroom and the Facebook Group function to teach lessons during the COVID-19 pandemic
lockdown is a more accessible, flexible, economical, and convenient way to deliver lessons.
Students can use Facebook to gain access to technology that allows them to communicate outside
of the classroom, such as online collaboration and multitasking, by enrolling in multiple classes
or topics at the same time. As per the "New Normal Teaching", both students and teachers need
an adjustment. Using Facebook Groups can significantly improve students' academic
performance after transitioning from a traditional classroom to a virtual classroom, as well as
increase learning retention by allowing students and teachers to revisit the contents posted in
their Facebook Groups.
Foreign Literature
Yahya M. AL-DHELEAI and Zaidatun TASIR (2017) stated that Facebook has now
become the most popular social networking tool among university-aged youth. Its popularity has
transformed it into an acceptable platform for educational purposes. The use of Facebook is
currently more suited to facilitate online interaction among learning participants. The purpose of
this study is to investigate students’ perception towards the use of Facebook for course-related
online interaction and its effect on academic performance. The data were collected using a
survey method of data collection. A quantitative data analysis process was employed using SPSS
statistics software. The findings of the study revealed that students had positive views towards
the use of Facebook for online interaction with peers. Additionally, the findings reveal that there
is a relationship between students’ perceived online interaction via Facebook and academic
According to the article by Hardi M. M-Saleh, Zrar Khalid Abdul, and Azad Ameen
(2017) conducted at Charmo University, Facebook occupies an important part of people’s time
and lives due to the recent developments in the field of communication technologies (CT).
Moreover, Facebook also has a great impact on students’ lives and studies at universities.
However, in addition to its benefits, Facebook also has some side effects on students’ lives and
studies. In regard to data collection, an online survey was used in which 15 questions were
answered by 100 participants from different faculties at Charmo University, and the results of the
current study show that students spend a significant amount of their time on using Facebook.
Local Studies
In the study of Abrenica, Jurena S., De Torres, Marife & Vargas, Danilo S. (2021)
entitled, “Effects of Social Media on Academic Performance of Don Ramon E. Costales
Memorial National High School Students”, it shows that the students were using social media
daily for 1-5 hours. The only variable that affected the extent of utilization of social media was
the respondents’ gender. With 0.87, females were two times more exposed to social media rather
than males. The study concludes that females are more exposed to social media rather than
males. The use of social media by females has to do with their desire to communicate or share
more personal information, revealing more about their personal lives. They use social
networking sites to make connections and stay in touch with family or friends. Men, by contrast,
use social media to gather the information they need to build influence. Facebook is the most
preferred social networking site for students to connect with family and friends. They are
entertained by Facebook. They use a long time chatting with friends rather than doing school
works. Facebook becomes their daily routine.
Foreign Studies
Qiyun Wang, Huay Lit Woo, Choon Lang Quek, Yuqin Yang and Mei Liu (2011)
stated that Facebook is a popular social networking site. It, like many other new technologies,
has potential for teaching and learning because of its unique built-in functions that offer
pedagogical, social and technological affordances. In this study, the Facebook group was used as
a learning management system (LMS) in two courses for putting up announcements, sharing
resources, organizing weekly tutorials and conducting online discussions at a teacher education
institute in Singapore. This study explores using the Facebook group as an LMS and the
students’ perceptions of using it in their courses. Results showed that students were basically
satisfied with the affordances of Facebook as the fundamental functions of an LMS could be
easily implemented in the Facebook group. However, using the Facebook group as an LMS has
certain limitations. It did not support other format files to be uploaded directly, and the
discussion was not organized in a threaded structure. Also, the students did not feel safe and
comfortable as their privacy might be revealed. Constraints of using the Facebook group as an
LMS, implications for practice and limitations of this study are discussed.
Chapter lll
This chapter describes the methods and procedures used by the researcher to obtain
the necessary data and information. It includes research design, respondents, sampling
procedures, research instrument, and data gathering.
Research Method
The qualitative method was used by the researchers in this study to collect data.
Research Design
The descriptive design was used by the researchers in this study. It describes
Facebook’s impact on students and how it affects students’ online learning.
Sampling Procedures
Research Instrument
Data Gathering
To collect research data, the researchers first created questions about the topic
“Effects of the Facebook Application on the Online Learning of Grade 11 STEM (Meranti
Woods) Students in Jordan Woods Academy,” which will be answered by selected respondents.
The researchers wanted to know the effect of the Facebook application on students’ online
learning and whether it was beneficial or detrimental to the students. Following that, the
researchers distributed an online survey to the selected respondents, which they were required to
complete. However, before doing it, the researchers sought permission to conduct the survey,
and when the results were released, the researchers studied and examined the results.
Chapter lV
This chapter presents the researchers’ analysis and interpretation of the data they
gathered. This chapter will explain the collected data based on the problem statements made by
the researchers, and the survey distributed by the researchers to grade 11 STEM (Meranti
Woods) students in Jordan Woods Academy years 2021–2022 was used to acquire sufficient
Table 4.1
Gender Rank
Male - 4 2
Female - 9 1
Total - 13
Respondents' Gender
The above data shows that a female was ranked first, while a male was ranked
second. It demonstrates that women are more likely than men to use the Facebook application.
Table 4.2
Respondents’ Ages
Age Rank
16 y/o - 8 1
17 y/o - 5 2
Total - 13
The above data shows that at age 16, they were ranked first, while at age 17, they
were ranked second. It says that students aged 16 are the most active users of the Facebook
Table 4.3
Yes, Facebook is useful because it allows us to communicate with our teachers and classmates
while also being used for schoolwork.
No, If I only use Facebook while studying, it can distract me.
Table 4.4
Yes, I get distracted when I see people posting about how stressed out they are about their
Yes, because I can’t concentrate on learning if I’m on Facebook.
I don’t think so because I know how to manage my time well and how to set my priorities
How does Facebook affect you time management when it comes to doing schoolwork?
Table 4.5
I get tired and stop for a while, then hour pass and I don’t realize I’ve been watching and
scrolling on Facebook for so long that I’ve forgotten to do my schoolwork.
It doesn’t affect it that much because I browse on Facebook when I have free time.
Table 5 shows the effects of Facebook on students’ time management skills when
doing schoolwork.
As shown above, some people said they forgot to do their schoolwork because they
were scrolling and watching on Facebook, while others said it had no effect on their time
management because they only use Facebook when they have free time.
Table 4.6
My academic performance was unaffected by Facebook because I did not open the Facebook
application while in class. I’m concentrating on our lesson.
There are both positive and negative effects, but it is preferable to complete schoolwork
before using Facebook.
When I open Facebook, I’m going to spend a long time on it and become disinterested in my
According to the data above, some students said it has no effect on their academic
performance because they don’t use it in class so they can focus on what they’re learning. Others
said it has both positive and negative effects, but it’s okay to finish schoolwork before using
Facebook, and someone said that when they use the Facebook application, they spend a long
time here, which causes them to be disinterested in their schoolwork.
Chapter V
This chapter responds to the question posed in Chapter 1, which is repeated below:
Summary of findings
Some students responds that Facebook is useful because it allows them to communicate with
their teachers and classmates while also being used for schoolwork. Some students responds that
when they use Facebook, it can distract them while studying. And others stated that Facebook
helps them cope with the stress caused by their studies.
Some students stated that Facebook distracted them when they see people posting about how
stressed out they are about studies, some students says that they can’t concentrate on learning if
they were on Facebook and others stated that Facebook didn’t interferes them because they know
how to manage their time and how to set their priorities straight.
On the effect of the Facebook application on the time managements of students in doing
Some students stated that they forgot to do their schoolwork because they were scrolling and
watching on Facebook and others said that Facebook had no effect on their time management
because they only use Facebook when they are free.
Some students stated that their academic performance was unaffected by Facebook because they
did not open the Facebook application while in class so they can focus on what they’re learning.
Others said that there are both positive and Negative effects of Facebook but it is good to finish
schoolwork before using Facebook. And other students stated that when they open Facebook,
they spending a long time on it that makes them to be disinterested in doing schoolwork.
1. Females use Facebook more than males, and 16-year-olds are more active than 17-year-
2. Facebook is beneficial because it allows them to connect with their teachers and
classmates while also serving as a tool for passing and completing schoolwork.
3. When students use Facebook while in class, they are unable to concentrate. It can be
caused by distractions, including scrolling and watching while doing schoolwork, and
they do not complete it properly as a result of their disinterest in it.
4. Facebook becomes effective because it helps them cope with the stress of their studies
while also serving as entertainment.
The following recommendations are made in view of the findings and conclusions:
1. To students: if you want to understand and get good grades, pay attention to what your
teachers teach you and don’t let social media platforms distract you from your studies.
2. To parents: if you want your children to do well in school, try to keep an eye on them
during class or even when they do their homework so that you can guide them in the right
3. To teachers: if you want your students to learn, you must teach effectively and devise a
strategy to keep them from becoming bored and disinterested. As a teacher, hold out your
duties and responsibilities.
4. To the school administrator: create a strategy that will work for your teachers to teach
well and for the students to enjoy listening.
Abrenica, Jurena, et al. “Effects of Social Media on Academic Performance of High School
Students under Pandemic (COVID-19) Situations.”, 8 Mar. 2021,
Al-Dheleai, Yahya M., and Zaidatun Tasir. “Using Facebook for the Purpose of Students’
Interaction and Its Correlation with Students’ Academic Performance.” Turkish Online Journal
of Educational Technology – TOJET, vol. 16, no. 4, 1 Oct. 2017, pp. 170–178,
id=EJ1160608. Accessed 3 Dec. 2021.
Ernie C. Avila, Honorato I. Cabrera Jr. (2020). THE USE OF FACEBOOK GROUP IN
Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(6), 1859 – 1871. Retrieved from
Kolhar, Manjur, et al. “Effect of Social Media Use on Learning, Social Interactions, and Sleep
Duration among University Students.” Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 28, no. 4, Jan.
2021, 10.1016/j.sjbs.2021.01.010.
M-Saleh, Hardi M., et al. “The Effect of Facebook on Academic Performance for Undergraduate
Students at Charmo University.” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of COMPUTERS &
TECHNOLOGY, vol. 16, no. 2, 3 Apr. 2017, pp. 7596–7602, 10.24297/ijct.v16i2.5931. Accessed
9 Nov. 2019.
“Research Paper on the Study of the Effects of Facebook on Students | PDF | Social Networking
Service | Social Media.” Scribd,
Wang, Qiyun, et al. “Using the Facebook Group as a Learning Management System: An
Exploratory Study.” British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 43, no. 3, 9 June 2011, pp.
428–438, 10.1111/j.1467-8535.2011.01195.x.