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The Problem and Its Scope Rationale of The Study

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Rationale of the Study

School open a gate for student to enter the world of experience known as

higher education. Individual pursuing their education now. See themselves

achieving their future goals. They choose a specific field of education and spend

years pursuing their goals. University has no value without students. Student are

the most important asset any university has to offer a country’s social and

economic development is in line with the success of students and their attitude

towards universities that forecast efficiency. There are many social, financial, and

environmental factors that affect these perceptions and attitudes and ultimately

affecting their performance (Iman, 2017).

Academic performance depends on a variety a factors. Including

psychological and physical. Therefore, these is myriad of research that support

students being able to struggle in class due to lack of physical activity or high

stress levels. Moreover, many do not perform well because they have terror

teacher or lack of interest in the subject (Ragin, 2019).

Students often state that throughout their high school experience they

have boring or entertaining classes. Although students take different classes and

are in different faculties, there is always a common factor between boring

classes. There boring classes often affect students’ academic performance in

their specific classes. It’s natural to assume students are at fault for their poor

academic performance, and not the class they’re enrolled in (Haima, 2014).

Some factors affecting the academic performance of the student are

home teacher and student influences they majority of the factors are home

related; Family size, financial burden, homework, parental attitude towards

education (Garcia, 2017).

Student’s academic outcomes and educational performance strongly

affected by the type of educational institution they earned their education.

Moreover, this is a function of the number of facilities provided by the school,

which typically decide their quality and in effect, influence their students’

performance and achievement (Ali et al.,2013).

Conceptual Framework

The major concept of this study is all about the factors affecting the

academic performance of Grade 11 GAS students of Tominjao National High

School of the S.Y. 2019 – 2019.

Figure 1 showed that the study dug regarding academic performance of

grade 11 GAS. This study utilized a descriptive in gathering data from student-

respondents and of Tominjao National High School, Tominjao, Daanbantayan,

. Academic Performance
. Grade 11 GAS

There are factors affecting the academic

. Collecting Data performance of Grade 11 GAS student in
. Interview Tominjao National High School of the
S.Y. 2019-2020

Figure 1

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Academic performance and Grade 11 GAS student serves as input data.

The process to achieved the qualitative method of research is collecting data by

doing an interview. The output of the study is there are factors affecting the

academic performance of grade 11 GAS students in Tominjao National High

School of the S.Y. 2019-2020.


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to examine and determine the factors affecting

the academic performance of the grade 11 students in Tominjao National High

School, Tominjao, Daanbantayan, Cebu of the S.Y. 2019-2020. A total of 49

were the respondents of the study.

The following problems included guidelines for the conduct of the study

1.What is the profile of the respondent sectors, in terms of:

1.1 students

1.1.1 personal information s to age and sex;

1.1.2 socio-economic background of the parents, about the: highest education attainment; means of livelihood combined monthly family income; number of family dependents;

2. What are factors affecting the academic performance, based on the


3. What is the relationship between the parent’s economic status and the

students’ academic performance?


To answer the objectives of the study, the following hypotheses were


1.There is no significant factors that affect the academic performance of

grade 11 GAS students in Tominjao National High School in the S.Y. 2019-2020.

2. There is no significant relationship between the academic and their

parent’s economic status.

Significance of the Study

There were man researchers’ attempt to research which deal with

academic performance. Yet, there is no study undertaken which deal with the

academic performance of grade 11 GAS students in Tominjao National High

School. Nevertheless, it is necessary to formulate an investigation on the

academic performance of the particular students in this institution.

This study is beneficial to all people who are involved in the educational

Teachers. The result of this study will give ideas to the teachers to more,

like they will improve their teachings and considered the strengths and

weaknesses of each student.

Parents. The result of this study will help to the particular parents to be

aware and make follow up on the academic performance of their students in


Future researchers. The findings of this study could help the future

researchers to gain ideas from the result they also might use the findings as

reference material in their research.

Student. The findings of this study will help enlighten them to improve their

academic performance. This result might motivate the students to do more to

achieved good academic performance.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study covered the grade 11 GAS students of Tominjao National High

School, Tominjao, Daanbantayan, Cebu, S.Y.2019-2020.

The limitations of this study include the academic performance by the

students in school. The main limitation of the analysis, based on his statement,

was the cooperation of the respondents (Samson, 2011).



This chapter presents foreign and local ideas. Those that were in this

chapter helps in gaining a clearer perspective of the topic under investigation and

familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the present study.

Related Literature

Researchers have demonstrated that the performance of the students

depended upon many factors like, learning facilities, age and gender differences.

The most significant factor with the positive outcome performance is student

competence in English. Moreover, possessing good communication skills it

improves the performance of the student (Abdullah, 2011).

(Mwirichia, 2013) found that in school, parent-school contact and the

participation of parents in learning activities at home there is parent involvement

in education activities. The study concluded that the involvement of parents in

home academic activities has a direct influence on their wards ' academic

performance; it was realized that the involvement of parents in academic

activities at school has a direct effect on academic performance; and the impact

of parent-school contact on academic performance has not been found to be a

strong predictor. It was recommended that parents provide home-school tutorials

for their wards and there should be rules to govern their children's studying

behavior in the house.

Educational services are often not tangible and are difficult to measure,

as they transform learner knowledge, life skills and behavioral changes

(Tsinidou, et al.,2010).

Motivational plays an important role in a student’s academic success in

their research, they found that intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has a positive

relationship of a statistical significance with academic performance. They

outlined that student motivational characteristics, such as self-exploration,

altruism, and career emphasis and social pressure management have a positive

effect (Haider, et al.,2015).

Academic performance is a student’s measurable and observable

actions within a specific period of time. He added that it consists of sources

earned by or by students in an evaluation such as class exercise, class test, mid-

semester, mock review, and end of the semester examination (Yusuf, et


(Mhiliwa, 2015) holds that school distance affects student academic

performance. He emphasized that the greater a school's distance from a

student's home, the more tired and hungry the student is, the less their academic

performance will be affected. He argued that students are not served within their

group at community schools.

Academic performance is the acquired knowledge that is assessed by

marks by a teacher and/or educational goals set by students and teachers to be

achieved over a specific period of time. They added that these goals are
measured by continuous evaluation or results of examinations (Narad, et


Related Studies

(Sharma, et al.,2011) investigated the effect of parental education,

parental occupation and family size on the science achievement of secondary

school students in Western Uttar Pradesh, India. 1500 students were chosen as

a study sample and data collected through a questionnaire that evaluated the

reseachers own personal information and scientific achievement test. The results

indicated that family education have a significant relationship to their children


The study was conducted to assess the impact of father style interaction

with their children at home and their academic achievements at school. The

study sample consisted of 300 pupils, 300 fathers and 20 teachers who were

randomly selected from urban and rural areas of Pakistan’s Mansehra district.

The indigenous questionnaire was used to collect data and academic

achievement was collected from classroom records. The result of this study

showed the participation of fathers in the academic achievement had a positive

relationship with academic achievement (Kazmi, 2011).

(Ghazi,2010) examined parental involvement in the academic

motivation of their children in rural areas at the primary level. Studies were

conducted on a sample of 250 Bannu students in Pakistan. Structured interviews

with students and their parents gathered data. It was found that parental support,
discussion of the importance of education and educational matters had a clear

and positive influence on achievement.

The relationship between academic achievement encouragement and

home environment among the standard eight pupils. The sample consisted of

235 Kenyan pupils between the ages of 13 and 17 from six urban and rural

primary schools randomly selected from the district of Machakos (Muola, 2010).

(Bakhtiarvand, et al.,2011) investigated the moderating impact of

achievement motivation on the learning approach relationship and academic

achievement of 200 college students. The study findings showed that

achievement motivation moderated the learning approach relationship and

academic achievement.

The impact of achievement motivation and demographic

characteristics on the academic performance of nomadic Fulani girls in Adamawa

State. Data were collected from a sample of 300 girls selected from nomadic

primary schools through the administration of achievement rating scale and

nomadic girl achievement test. The results showed that girls’ academic

achievement was affected by rates of parental education. The findings revealed

the importance of parental education to girls’ academic performance (Bahago,


(Mlambo, 2011) stated that there was no significant difference in

academic performance among students due to differences in the admission

criteria used in the same report, it was observed that while these criteria were
varied, the adequately assessed students’ ability to handle the demands of

agricultural courses.

Various studies have been conducted, on the factors affecting

students’ academic performance or achievement in schools, colleges and

universities. Some of the factors found and reported to have influenced students’

academic performance in these different setting is student commitment, previous

or prior educational performance, self-motivation, social and economic status of

parent students, the students age, number of hours of study per day, admission

points different entry qualifications, tuition trends and the students’ area of

residence (rural or urban) (Farooq, et al.,2013).

(Majzub, 2010) researched the relationship between achievement

motivation and self-regulated learning strategies among university students. A

sample of 300 Malaysian undergraduate students participated in the study.

Results indicated that a positive and important relationship existed between

motivational achievement and self-learning strategies.

(Mlambo, 2011) noted that for a number of different

qualifications, the degree to which students obtaining insruction in the same

course vary considerably with respect to their prior knowledge.


Research Methodology

This chapter discussed the research methods, data gathering procedures,

respondents of the study, and instrumentation that were used in this study.

Research Design

This study utilized a descriptive research design. Descriptive in the sense

that it described the students’ academic performance.

Research Location

The study was conducted at Tominjao National High School, Tominjao,

Daanbantayan, Cebu, Division of Cebu Province during the school year 2019-

2020.Tominjao National High School is one of the 12 public secondary schools in

the Municipality of Daanbantayan and is located in Barangay

Tominjao,Daanbantayan, Cebu. Where the students of Grade 11 GAS are the

respondents. The facade of the study is shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. The Facade of the Study
Figure 3. Map of Daanbantayan Showing the Location of the Research


Figure 3 would be a map of Daanbantayan showing the location of the

research. The research environment is about seven kilometers away from the

town of Daanbantayan toward the north-eastern part.

Population and Sample Size

The sample was drawn from 58 Grade 11 Gas students of Tominjao

National High School, School Year 2019-2020. The Slovin’s Formula was used to

compute for the sample and stratified random sampling was employed in

selecting the students –respondents who became the subject of the study. Table

1 shows the distribution of Grade 11 Gas students –respondents.

Slovin’s Formula

1+ N e 2

n = sample sie
N = population size
e = marginal error
1 = constant
1+ 58¿ ¿
1+ 58 ( 0.0025 )
1+ 0.15

n = 50.43 (51)
Computation for sample of Grade 11 GAS:


% = 0.869 (0.87)
Table 1

Population and Sample Size

Grade Male Female Total % Male Female Sample

Grade 26 32 58 0.87 22 27 49
TOTAL 26 32 58 22 27 48

Table 1 showed that the Grade 11 GAS student has a total population of 58
that consist of 26 males and 32 females of the total population, 49 students were
chosen as a sample for the study using stratified random sampling.

Sampling Technique

The sample consist of 49 Grade 11 GAS students selected by stratified

random sampling technique using fishbowl method was adopted to select the
respondents from the total population of 58 Grade 11 GAS so that each
had an equal chance of being selected all Grade 11 GAS students write their
name on a piece of paper and drop it inside the box. The container was then
thoroughly shaken and slips of paper were selected until the desired number of
respondents was reached.


There were only one set of respondents for this study as shown in Table
The 49 Grade 11 GAS student-respondents of Tominjao National High School,
Tominjao, Daanbantayan, Cebu, S.Y. 2019-2020. The data on the table further
revealed that out of the 58 Grade 11 GAS student-respondents, 22 0r 44.90
percent were males and 27 or 55.10 percent were females.

Table 2
Distribution of the Respondents
Category Number Percentage
Male 22 44.90
Female 27 55.10
Total 49 100.00


Data on the academic performance of the Grade 11 GAS students from

the Form 5 (previously form 18-A) or consolidated grade sheets at the office of

the Guidance Counselor.

The data on the students’ academic performance, was taken from the

result of the responses from the given interview.

Research Procedure

Conducting Interview. The researcher followed the protocol by asking

an approval from the school head to conduct the study. This was the prerequisite

before conduct the study. Then conducted the interview to the respondents


Gathering data. The data gathering process was accomplished first,

after asking the permission of the research locale to conduct an interview and get

the data on the profile of the Grade 11 GAS students. The researcher personally

administered the research instrument. Both sets of respondents were properly

oriented before they were set to the task, after which, the answer were



For some clarification, relevant terms are herein defined.

Academic Performance. The term refers to the students’ average

academic grades for the purpose of this study during the school year of 2019-

2020 taken from the students’ permanent records or Form 137 and consolidated

grade sheets.

Age. The term pertains the age of the respondent students while they

were still in their specific grade level in the school year 2019-2020.

Sex. The term means delineates the sexual category of the students

respectively, whether male or female.

Monthly Family Income. The term encompasses all monthly income of

the students’ families.

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