Ge 7 SS - Module 1
Ge 7 SS - Module 1
Ge 7 SS - Module 1
Module Outcomes:
Lesson Outcomes
Science and technology play major roles in the every life. They make
difficult and complicated tasks easier and allow people do more with so little effort
and time. The developments in this field are not just products of people’s
imagination or a one-time thought process; they are also brought about by gradual
improvements to earlier works from different time periods. The driving force behind
this continuous progress is the desire to raise the quality of life of the people.
I. History of Science and Technology in the World: Ancient, Middle
and Modern Ages
Ancient Times. Science and technology has been around from the
beginning of time. Throughout history, humankind utilized tools, machines, and
techniques without understanding how or why they worked or comprehending their
physical or chemical composition.
Science and technology can be traced from the origin of human life 2 million
years ago and each era has significant advancement. The earliest form of science
and technology were human artifacts found during prehistoric time about 2.3
million years ago. They roughly shaped stones used for chopping, scraping found
primarily in Eastern Africa. Some of the earliest record of science came from
Mesopotamian cultures around 400 BC, disease symptoms, chemical substances
and astronomical observations were some of the evidence of emerging science.
During the same period in the Nile Valley of Egypt, information on the
treatment of wounds and diseases and even some of the mathematical
calculations such as angles, rectangles and triangles and the volume of the portion
of the pyramid have been around for thousands of years. From 300 to 400 B.C.
there was a rise in the number of philosophers who wrote topics on psychology,
biology, and a host of other topics. There was Euclid, the founder of modern
geometry, Archimedes the founder of engineering mechanics and calculated a
value for pi which is still used to this very day.
3000 B.C. give rise to the Bronze Age in the search for finding pigments
used to color the human skin, copper was discovered, and then it was realized that
alloying copper with tin resulted into bronze which in those days were used to make
swords and other weapons. Today, we use it to build machinery, medals, statues,
belts and shoe buckles.
By 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia, two-wheeled carts had been created and it
became the most frequently used mode of transporting heavy goods from one
place to another.
Urbanization is the development of large city, and the first city popped
around 3000 B.C. In Egypt, during the same time, the first pyramid was built.
Pyramids are undoubtedly the most outstanding development in science and
technology and are still a marvel to the present.
During the Middle Ages, (40- 1450 A.D.) gave birth to many scientific and
technological development. Also during the Middle Ages, (often called Dark Ages),
warfare had improved tremendously.
The Renaissance Era in Europe that began in 1450 and lasted until 1600
A.D. was the period known as rebirth of knowledge. In Germany, Gutenberg
developed the printing press which resulted in books being printed instead of huge
volume of texts being handwritten. In Italy, Leonardo da Vinci, a great pioneer in
arts, architecture, engineering and science, stressed the importance of
experiment. He produced a vast series of notebooks with observations on
anatomy, cloud formations, plans for sites, military inventions, tanks, flying
machines and submarines.
Copernicus rediscovered what some of the ancient Greeks has known that
the sun was at the center of the solar system and that the earth revolves around
it. The era also gave way to the geographic discovery beginning with the
inventions of the triangle sail and the magnetic compass. This aided Prince Henry,
the navigator to travel around South Africa, Portugal, to reach India. It was around
the same time Columbus discovered the Americas.
Modern Science and Technology Around 1600 A.D.
Galilieo was the first to use modern scientific methods based on experiment
and testable observations. In 1608, some spectacle maker came to the Republic
of Venice where Galileo was staying with their new invention, a spyglass for
identifying ships well before they enter a harbor. He not only succeeded in
constructing his own spyglass, but went on to build a second one with
magnification stepped up by eight and finally thirty times which is now known as
the telescope. He was able to discover craters and mountains on the moon. He
later invented the microscope and the thermometer.
Isaac Newton was born in 1642. He helped define the laws of gravity and
planetary motion, co-founded calculus, and explained the laws of light and color.
Albert Einstein became the famous scientist of the 20th century. His work
had profound impact on everything from quantum theory to nuclear power and the
atom bomb and came up also with the famous equation e=mc2 used in calculus
In terms of modern technology, the Industrial Revolution brought about the
beginning of factories being built to produce goods at massive quantity. In the late
1800, the light bulb began to replace candles and oil lamps.
The 20th century gave birth to the radio, the first car with engine power. The
first man went to space in a rocket. It was also the beginning of communication,
electronic and computer era.
American Period and Post Commonwealth Era
The progress of science and technology continued under American rule.
On July 1, 1901, the Philippine Commission established the Bureau of Government
Laboratories which was placed under the Department of Interior. The Bureau
replaced the Laboratorio Municipal which was established during the Spanish era.
On October 26, 1905, the Bureau of Government Laboratories was replaced by
the Bureau of Science. The bureau dealt with the study of tropical disease. With
the progress of science and technology, on December 8.1933, the National
Research Council of the Philippines was recognized. The Bureau of Science
became the primary research center of the Philippines until World War II.
Science during the American period was inclined towards agriculture, food
processing, forestry, medicine, and pharmacy. In 1946, the Bureau of Science
was replaced by the Institute of Science. In 1958, during the regime of President
Carlos P. Garcia, the Philippine Congress passed the Science Act of 1958 which
established the National Science Development Board.
Research Institute, the Bureau of Plant Industry, and the Bureau of Forest
The National Committee on Geological Sciences was created in 1980 to
advise government and private entities on matters pertaining to geological
sciences (Executive Order No. 625, s, 1980).
By virtue of Executive Order No. 784, s. 1982, the National Science
Development Board and its support agencies was recognized and was named
National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA) to provide central direction and
coordination of scientific and technological research and development.
The Mindanao and Visayas campuses of the Philippine Science High
School were established in 1986 to encourage careers in science and technology
and to be more accessible to the talented students in the Mindanao and Visayas
areas in accordance with Executive Order N. 1090, s. 1986.
President Corazon C. Aquino Term
During Corazon Aquino’s presidency, the National Science Technology
Authority was replaced by the Department of Science and Technology, giving the
department a representation in the cabinet. Under the Medium Term Philippine
Development Plan for the years 1987-1992, science and technology’s role in
economic recovery and sustained economic growth was highlighted.
The first Science and Technology Master Plan or TSMP was formulated on
August 8, 1988. Its goal was for the Philippines to achieve newly industrialized
country status for the year 2000.
R. A. 6655 or the Free Public Secondary Education act of 1988 opened
free education at the secondary level. Together with this was implemented
“Science for the Masses Programs” which aimed at scientific and technological
literacy among Filipinos.
(R.A.No.8792) which outlaws computer hacking and provides opportunities of new
business emerging from the internet-driven New Economy.
more incentives to Filipino experts, scientists, inventors, and engineers who
would share their expertise in the country.
4. On telecommunication, Department of Information and Communication
Technology, National Telecommunication Commission and
telecommunication companies have agreed to standardize voice call
charges to P2.50.
5. On weather, 271 new weather stations were installed by the Department of
Science and technology throughout the country. The Zamboanga Doppler
Weather Radar System was also installed.
II. Inventions and Discoveries that Changed the World All Over the
Course of History
A. Ancient Times
In the ancient times, people were concerned with the transportation and
navigation, communication and record keeping, mass production, security and
protection as well as health, aesthetics and architecture.
Uruk City First true city In the world made from mud or clay
mixed with reeds producing sun-baked bricks to
make infrastructures.
The Great Ziggurat of Ur It is called the Mountain of God that served as the
sacred place of their chief God.
Irrigation and Dikes They created dikes and irrigation canals to bring
water to farmlands (long term farming) at the same
time control flooding of the rivers
Roads This is to facilitate faster and easier travel. The
materials used in making the roads were sun-baked
bricks and bitumen to smoothen the roads.
2. Babylonian Civilization
The Babylonians were great builders, engineers and architects. One of their
major contribution is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders
of the ancient world. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was said to be a structure
made up of several layers of garden that contained several species of plants, trees,
and vines. The structure was built by the great Babylonia King Nebuchadnezzar
II for his wife, Queen Amytis.
3. Egyptian Civilization
Another early civilization famous for its legacy is the Egyptian civilization
located in North Africa. The pyramids are not the only contribution of the Egyptian
civilization to the modern world.
Table 2. Egyptian Civilization Achievements
Achievement Description
Paper or Papyrus Papyrus was a plant that grew in the Nile River. They
processed the plant to produce thin sheets on which one
could write down things. This is a major accomplishment in
Egyptian record keeping and communications.
Wig Wigs are worn for health and wellness rather than aesthetic
purposes. The wigs were used to protect the shaved heads
of the wealthy Egyptians from the harmful rays of the sun.
Water Clock or Clepsydra This device utilizes gravity that affects the flow of water from
one vessel to the other. The amount of water remaining on
the device determines how much time has elapsed since it is
full. In the process, time is measured.
4. Greek Civilization
Greece is an archipelago in the southeastern part of Europe. Known as the
birthplace of western philosophy, some of the major achievements of the Greeks
include in-depth works on philosophy and mathematics.
One of the most utilized gadgets today that was invented by the ancient
Greeks is the alarm clock. The purpose is to tell the individual when to stop or
when to start. The ancient alarm clock used water (or sometimes small stones or
sand) that dropped into drums which sounded the alarm.
Watermills were also considered as one of the most important contributions
of the Greek civilization to the world. They were commonly used in agricultural
processes like milling of grains which was necessary form of food processing
during that time.
5. Roman Civilization
The Roman Empire was perceived to be the strongest political and social
entity in the west. It was considered to be the cradle of politics and governance
during that period.
Table 3. Roman Civilization Achievement
Achievement Description
Newspaper The first newspaper known as gazettes, contained
announcements of the Roman empire to the people.
Before the invention of paper, the gazettes were
engraved in metal or stone tablets then publicly
Bound Books or Codex With the invention of paper, record keeping was
much easier. According to sources, Julius Caesar
started the tradition of stacking up papyrus to form
pages of a book then later on covered with wax or
animal skin to protect the pages. The bound
papyrus covered by animal skin is known as codex.
6. Chinese Civilization
The Chinese civilization is considered to be the oldest civilization in Asia. Also
known as the middle kingdom, China is located on the far east of Asia. It was
famous among other ancient civilizations because of its silk trade.
Table 4. Chinese Civilization Achievement
Achievement Description
Silk Silk is naturally produced by silkworms. The
Chinese were the ones who developed the
technology to harvest silk and process to produce
paper and clothing.
Great Wall of China This is the largest and most expensive infrastructure
that the nation built. It was constructed to keep out
foreign invaders and control the borders of China.
The start of the middle ages was marred with massive invasions and
migrations. Wars were prevalent during this time, thus, great technology was
needed in the fields of weaponry, navigation, mass food and farm production and
health. Trade and commerce among nations increased, which resulted in greater
demands for transportation technology.
Table 5. Medieval Ages Achievements in the Course of Science and
Achievement/Invention Description
Printing Press Johann Gutenberg was the inventor of the first
printing press using a cast type way of printing. The
printing press was invented to address the need for
publishing books that would spread information to
many people at a faster rate.
War Weapons For open area battles, people developed crossbows
and long bows so that they could attack the enemies
at long ranges keeping them safe with the protection
of walls and fortresses. In close range hand-to-hand
combat, soldiers wore iron body armours and
C. Modern Times
The booming world population during the nineteenth century onwards
demanded that more goods be produced at a faster rate. People needed efficient
means of transportation to trade more goods and cover a larger distance. Faster
and easier means to communicate and compute should be developed to establish
connections between and among nations.
Table 6. Modern Times achievements in the Course of Science and
Achievement/Invention Description
D. Philippine Inventions
Despite being considered a developing country, the Philippines also
contributes to the global advancement of science and technology. Many
discoveries and inventions made by the Filipinos were built from indigenous
materials or created to adapt to the harsh tropical environment.
Table 7. Philippine Inventions in Science and Technology.
Achievement Description
Salamander Amphibious Victor Lllave and his team at H2O Technologies
Tricycle invented the Salamander, an amphibious tricycle
that can cross not only flooded sheets but also rivers
and lakes.
SALt Lamp Sustainable Alternative Lighting lamp, an
environment-friendly light source that runs on
saltwater invented by Aisa Mijeno.
You may watch the following video links for further discussion of this lesson.
1. From Stone Age to Tech age : The Big Ideas that Shaped History 7YOts
2. OL Trap Instructional Video
3. Filipinos Invented a Lamp that Runs in Salt and Water
Module 1 Lesson 1
For online. You answer on this sheet and pass through FB messenger. You can
send as soon as you finished the assessment. Send all assessments before the
midterm examination.
For printed module. You answer on this sheet and pass together with all other
assessments before the midterm examination. Place this in a long plastic envelop
and submit to your professor at ISAT U Dumangas Campus.
Column A Column B
___ 1. Newspaper
___ 2. Microscope
A. Ancient Times
___ 3. Calculator
___ 4. Telephone
B. Middle Ages
___ 5. Wheel
___ 6. Telescope
C. Modern Ages
___ 7. Ink
___ 9. Pasteurization
Lesson Outcomes
1. Copernican Revolution
geocentric model was widely accepted by the people and was one of the greatest
discoveries of that time.
In the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish mathematician and
astronomer, challenged the geocentric model of Ptolemy. He introduced the
concept of heliocentrism, which suggested that the center of the Solar System
was not Earth but actually the Sun. His idea was rejected at first by the public. It
appalled many since their religious belief had taught them that the Earth was
created before all other things. After some time, astronomers realized that the
Copernican model simplified the orbits of the planets. It also answered issues that
could not be explained by the geocentric model. It was eventually accepted by the
people in a period which was called the birth of modern astronomy. This era
began what was known as the scientific revolution which resulted in the
transformation of society’s thoughts and beliefs.
2. Darwinian Revolution
3. Freudian Revolution
In the past, the field of psychology was always classified under philosophy.
Psychology was considered as an art rather than science. In the late 19th century,
Sigmund Freud was able to change people’s perception of psychology with is
revolutionary theory of psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis is the study that explains human behaviour. In his theory,
Freud explained that there are many conscious and unconscious factors that can
influence behaviour and emotions. He also argued that personality is a product of
three conflicting elements: id, ego and superego. Many believed that Freud’s
theory had no scientific basis as no empirical or experimental data could support
Despite criticisms, Freud still continued to work on refining his theory and in
fact tried to explain how psychoanalysis can be a clinical method in treating some
mental disorders. Soon enough, people were able to understand the concepts of
psychoanalysis, which eventually resulted in classifying psychology as a science.
Module 1 Lesson 2
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send as soon as you finished the assessment. Send all assessments before the
midterm examination.
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assessments before the midterm examination. Place this in a long plastic envelop
and submit to your professor ISAT U Dumangas Campus.
I. What is the contribution of the following scientists that spark the scientific
revolution? Answer in at least 3 sentences.
1. Nicolaus Copernicus –
2. Charles Darwin –
3. Sigmund Freud -
Lesson 3: Science and Technology and Nation Building
Lesson Outcomes
The advent of science and technology brought progress not only in our country
but in the entire world. Its development determines to a large extent the socio
economic progress of the country. It is a well-known fact that it is directly
associated with modernity and is an essential tool for rapid development and
progress of a country.
Today countries are classified as developed and developing countries. The
major categorization is based on the economy and the application of science and
technology. Countries which have a strong base in science and technology are
the ones that developed faster. A few examples are countries like Japan, Russia,
Brazil, China, and many more. It is estimated by the World Bank that seven of the
ten largest economies of the world by 2020 would be in Asia: China, Japan, India,
Thailand, South Korea and Taiwan.
The role that science and technology has played in improving the life of the
people across the globe is vivid and has made life a lot easier and a lot better with
the advancement in medicine, remarkable development in education,
communication, agriculture, business and industry.
Science and technology holds the key to the progress and development of any
nation. Technology plays a fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement in
the quality of life and real economic growth and transformation in any society. A
nation who is not be able to prosper in these aspects would never be able to
sustain its life and may have to depend on other nations.
Importance of Science and Technology
Today, we cannot expect our life without science and technology revolving
around it every single second. Science and technology are extremely essential in
our everyday life as they have made things more simple, fast and secured.
1. It helps us save time and money. Various contributions of science and
technology have helped us save time and money. While science has given us the
knowledge why baked or steamed-cooked food is better than the fried or oily food,
technology has gifted us with microwave and steam-cookers that help us bake and
steam cook our food. Various objects like computers, modes of transport, washing
machines help us save time and energy.
2. Education. Science and technology have made significant contribution in the
education field as well. Technology has made education itself easier. It has
provided us options like smart classes, multimedia devices-libraries, e-books etc.
3. Internet. Information technology including internet, is an excellent gift of
technology. With the help, we do not get only immense knowledge on science and
other subjects, but we also get to stay connected with our friends and family.
4. Provides us devices for comfortable sleeping, quick cooking and fast
commute. With the help of objects like AC microwave and vehicles, science and
technology have made our sleeping, cooking and commuting process easier and
5. It helps us live a better life. While science has made significant contributions
in health by providing treatment for various chronic diseases, ways and devices
like X-ray, scan machines, operation devices, pacemaker, and many more. We are
also blessed with numerous exercising equipment, various health apps, online
doctor and other things that help us maintain good health and life.
Technology by itself is not harmful to society, but the way society uses the
technology to achieve specific goals is what results into negative impacts of
technology on the society. Humans need to use energy to process products in
factories, to run cars, to light homes and also run technological machines like
computers, but the only way we can do this without affecting the environment and
society is by shifting form exhaustible energy sources to renewable and
inexhaustible energy sources like solar/wind/energy.
The Role of Science and Technology in the Developing World in the 21st
Developments in science and technology are fundamentally altering the way
people live, connect, communicate and transact, with profound effects on
economic development. According to Lee Roy Chetty (2012), science and
technology are key drivers to development, because scientific and technological
revolutions underpin economic advances, improvements in health systems,
education and infrastructure. The technological revolutions of the 21st century are
emerging from entirely new sectors, based on micro-processors,
telecommunications, bio-technology and nano-technology. Products are
transforming business practices across the economy, as well as the lives of all who
have access to their effects
Through breakthroughs in health services and education, these technologies
have the power to improve the lives of poor people in developing countries.
Eradicating malaria and other diseases which are endemic in developing countries
are now possible, allowing people with debilitating conditions to live healthy and
productive lives.
The extent to which developing economies emerge as economic
powerhouses depends on their ability to grasp and apply insights from science and
technology and use them creatively. Innovation is the primary driver of
technological growth and drives higher living standards.
To promote technological advances, developing countries should invest in
quality education for youth, continuous skills training for workers and managers
and should ensure that knowledge is shared as widely as possible across society.
The state of science and technology determines the socio-economic progress
of the country. It is a well-known fact that national progress is highly correlated to
the capacity of the country to produce local industrial goods for domestic needs
and that industrialization us very much dependent on the application of science
and technology.
Module 1 Lesson 3
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midterm examination.
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and submit to your professor at ISAT U Dumangas Campus.
A. Male
B. Female
Activity No. 1
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can send as soon as you finished the activity or before the midterm examination.
For printed module. Do your activity on this sheet and pass together with all other
assessments before the midterm examination. Place this in a long plastic envelop
and submit to your professor at ISAT U Dumangas Campus Guard House.
Direction. I. Draw what you think society or the world would be in 2030 with the
advent of science and technology.