Readers' Theatre Gentlemen of The Jungle BGM: 20 Century Fox Intro
Readers' Theatre Gentlemen of The Jungle BGM: 20 Century Fox Intro
Readers' Theatre Gentlemen of The Jungle BGM: 20 Century Fox Intro
Narrator : Then comes an unfortunate event to its coterie of species, in which a thunderstorm lashed
down upon them. All the species went to their desired routes to head to their convenient habitats until
there is only an elephant left with no such fitting to take cover on the menacing storm. Not long after, a
man witnessed this dear elephant shiver in cold and brisk.
Man : What a horrendous sight! What are you doing outside in this kind of weather, my friend?!
Elephant : Oh, how unfortunate it is for me to be in a situation like this. I did not have the chance to
acquire such terrain to be my haven against this terrible storm.
Narrator : The elephant had thought of an idea to seek for help to his so-called friend to, perhaps, forfeit
his comfort.
Elephant: Uhm, My dear genuine friend, would you kindly allow me to store my trunk inside your hut to
keep it dry during this torrential downpour?
Man: My dear good elephant, my hut is so small but there is room for your trunk and myself. Please put
Narrator: But what followed? As soon as the elephant put her trunk inside the hut, slowly she pushed
her head inside and finally flung the man out in the rain.
Elephant: My deepest apologies, your skin is harder than mine and as there is not enough room for both
of us, you can afford to remain in the rain while I am protecting my delicate skin from the
Narrator: The man, seeing what his friend had done to him, started to grumble, the animals in the
nearby forest heard the noise and came to see what was the matter. In this turmoil, the lion
Gerodiaz : Honey baby bunch, what is the problem here? Should they just determine this at the
Commission of Enquiry?
Narrator: Upon hearing this, the elephant who was one of the high ministers in the jungle kingdom,
Elephant: In your domain, my Lord, there is no violation of the peace. I've just been having a little
disagreement with a friend here over who owns this little hut that your lordship sees me occupying.
Narrator/s : The lion who wanted to have peace and tranquility in his kingdom replied in a noble voice:
Lion: My ministers are to form a Commission of Inquiry to look at this carefully and report back to me.
As a result, please address subsequently. Do not grumble any longer for your hut is not abandoned to
you; instead, wait for the end of the day.
You will have plenty of opportunities to speak at a meeting of my Imperial Commission, and you will
have plenty of time to do so.
Narrator/s: The man was very pleased of the luscious words from the King of the Jungle and innocently
waited to his opportunity. The elephant got busy with other ministers to appoint the
Commission of Enquiry.
Narrator/s : The man objected when he saw that the commission's members were all creatures, and he
wondered if it was possible to add a delegate from his side. He was advised, however, that it was
unlikely. Since no one on his side was well-educated enough to comprehend the complexities of the
rules. But there was no reason to be wary for the members of the council were all gentlemen selected
by God to make decisions on behalf of a species of teeth and claws that were not sufficiently formed.
Then the junction started starting with Elephant with her stand.
Elephant: Gentlemen of the Jungle, there is no reason for me to waste your time with a tale that I am
sure you are all familiar with. I've always considered it my responsibility to safeguard the interests of my
mate, the guy. He invited me to help him save his hut from being destroyed by a storm. In my friend's
best interest, I thought it was appropriate to put the unused yet delightful room to better use by sitting
in it for my comfort.
(FUENTES) Mr Fox : I believe what Ms. Elephant has stated her stand and is surely legitimate regarding
to what the problem is, your honor.
(HARLEY) Mr. Hyena : Ms. Elephant is my close friend and I believe what she’s saying is quite equitable,
especially being one of the said high ministries of the apparent league of this jungle.
(CRISOLOGO) Ms. Frog : The elephant is much quite precise for what I have heard, believing a man with
such complex of equinity would presume to be quite unapprehensive to constitute from.
Narrator: After hearing the Right honorable Mr. Elephant’s conclusive evidence, the Commission called
Mr. Hyena and other elders like Mr. Hippo and others who supported Mr. Elephant.
Man : The relinquishment of my own comfort in my own possession of territory has been immensely
delinquished by Mr. Elephant specially in the most unfortunate circumstances. I, Chinito Chino, reckon
on considering my right to give credence to my own possession of sector of hut to be presumed true.
( YPARRAGUIRRE ) Mrs. Koala : What you are saying, Chinito Chino, is not suitably proven to be accurate
for Ms. Elephant has her own economic purpose to be fulfilled, in which that is, to save your hut from
being destroyed.
MAN : Nonsense! I never had the intention to seek for help of Ms. Elephant for it is in the conversal way
that really happened. For instance, I saw Ms. Elephant in her briskest state, and my conscience got in
my way-
Elephant : It was always in my mind to help fellow species, specially you! How dare you belittle my way
of helping you preserve your tiny little hut instead of thanking me! And for what?! For just accusing me
in such stupid allegations?! You should be ashamed! As one of the high minister of the said enquiry
commissions, the occupation of thy hut should remain mine, not only for my comfort, hence also for my
services to never conceal thee.
(DECLARO) Ms. Crocodile : Ms. Elephant! Not at all circumstances you are allowed to dignify your rights
to enter a personal property of someone, either if you are part of the high minister or not.
(SALINO) Ms. Goat : AGREED! I theoretically believe that Ms. Elephant is just diversifying the whole story
for they both have incommensurable stands and she’s using her empowerment which should be
condemned at this point.
MAN : Finally ! How am I ashamed for what I am doing is just knowing what I truly deserve! I-
(LANCE) Commissioner: My good man, please confine yourself to relevant issues. We have already
heard the Circumstances from various unbiased sources.
(LANCE) Commissioner: This disagreement, in our view, arose as a result of a regrettable confusion
caused by the insularity of your proposals. Ms. Elephant has, in our opinion, completed her holy task of
safeguarding your rights. As a result, we are considering reaching an agreement that is acceptable to all
sides. Ms. Elephant will continue to occupy your hut, however we grant you permission to search for a
suitable location for a new hut suited for your necessary needs.
Narrator: The man having no alternative and fearing that his refusal might expose him to the teeth and
claws of the members of the Commission did as they suggested. But no sooner that he built
another house than Mr. Rhinoceros charged in with his horn; so a royal commission was invited
to look into the matter and the same finding was given. This procedure was repeated until, Ms.
Koala, Ms. Hippo, Mr. Hyena and other animals were all accommodated with a new hut. Then
the man declared that he must adopt an effective method of protection. He sat down and said:
Man: There is nothing that treads on earth that cannot be trapped. You can fool people for a time but
not forever. You think abusing your authority against me could go on forever? Just because you have
high ascendancy doesn’t mean anything to me. My grudges should be appeased for all of your
discourtesy should never be prevailed.
Mr. Rhinoceros : Oh come on, man. It’s not that massive big of a deal! You can always move to another
location. Or do you wanna settle this at the Commission of the Enquiry, in which we never know you can
MAN : Oh really? Fine, then! Your irrelevance will bring you to your own demise, as you will BURN in
hell, soon enough, perhaps?
Narrator: Early one morning, when the huts already occupied and were all beginning to decay, he went
out and built a bigger and better hut. No sooner that all animals came in from the inside, at the
window, at the door, basked on the roof. While they began disputing about their rights of
penetration, they came to fighting and when they were all embroiled together, the man set the
hut on fire and burnt it to the ground. Jungle lords and all. The he went home saying:
“Peace is costly but it’s worth the expense.” Peace poses, significant challenges but it is well worth it.
When you are at ease, you are not concerned about something bad. All you have to do is concentrate on
the positive aspects. Obtaining peace is difficult and fraught with difficulties. When you've made it through
the cost and have actually found harmony, you might tell it was well worth it. As to one of the main
characters in the story, which is the man, he doesn’t mince words to suggest that if righteousness fails,
the wicked should be tackled by taking recourse to devious ways. As it happens in contemporary society,
we see that the rich and the powerful can buy justice and the poor man is denied his rights. His
exploitation continues unabated for a while. But, as history has shown, when the haves exploits the have-
nots, sooner or later there will be a revolt of the underdogs of society. Often such revolts have been
bloody. Likewise, we see that when the man cannot get justice through proper legal ways, he uses a
cunning trick. All the animals dig their own graves because they do not know how to contain their greed.
The man’s victory is a warning to the selfish and the powerful. That’s all for this group’s presentation,
thank you.