Statement of Informed Belief Rylee Alicea Bevin Etheridge EDUC-220 December 5, 2021

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Statement of Informed Belief

Rylee Alicea

Bevin Etheridge


December 5, 2021
All Students can Learn

Leaning is a very important part of every one’s childhood. This is because this is where

we learn to do everyday things and even things that we might not use every day but some day.

Humanism is important in the idea of learning because you bring to learn why things are

important. It is also in a sense that some people are going to believe in different types of learning

and the importance of it as well. We will be going over the importance’s of educations and how

it is used in other aspects.

I believe all students can learn. They are only able to learn if they are willing to learn. If a

student wants to learn. If a student wants to learn they can learn anything they put their mind to.

Students who want to learn can learn even the hardest concepts. This is because they want to

learn and are willing to practice the hardest, they can. Having the will to want to learn makes

learning fun and easy. Learning new concepts are hard but if you want to learn it then it becomes

easier. This is because you won’t look at it as if it is impossible but that it is something that you

can complete. It also becomes fun for them to learn because they get excited to see how to solve

the issue.

If the students who don’t want to learn won’t put in the effort making it impossible to

learn. If they don’t want to learn they won’t learn anything because they won’t care. When a

student isn’t willing to learn the new concepts then it becomes hard for them to do anything

because they believe it is impossible. Students who aren’t there to learn don’t put in the effort

that other students would. The students that don’t want to learn will think that things are unfair

when things come easier to the students that want to learn.

The teacher’s responsibility is making the classroom a place where they want to learn. If

a student has a teacher who isn’t passionate then neither will they. Being a teacher is all about
inspiring the kids and showing them, it is fun to learn. A teacher should also push them to do

better even if they don’t want to learn. People who become teachers want to influence students

and help them progress. It is important for them to push and encourage. These are important

because it helps the students grow. I believe that it it’s a teacher’s job to help the students into

strong learners.

To help make sure students are learning is to try and listen to their ideas and opinions.

What I mean is if they have ideas about something I would change to help them. I think that it is

important to understand how each student works and learns. This is because not everyone learns

the same way. Even if I must work with them one on one to help them. It is always important to

understand what each student needs. I will make sure to work and help each of them as much as I

am able to. It is important to me that students are being pushed. A little push is always good for a

student along with encouragement. It helps students believe that they can do it.

I will manage the classroom by changing up things that aren’t working. In classrooms

sometimes there are things that don’t always work for students. It is always okay to change

things when they aren’t working. It is always important to do what is best for the students. To me

it is I’m for the teachers to put in all their effort to help the students. It is the teacher’s job to help

the students. As a teacher I am willing to change for the students.

Teachers Expectations

If you are uninvolved with your students makes it seem that you don’t care as much about

your students. Expectations are very important in a classroom. Expectations are what the

students know what they need to do. These help the students to understand what the teacher

expects in the classroom. I think these are important because children need to have structure.

Structure helps children focus because they know what is going to happen next. Knowing what is
going to happen next helps them stay on task and be excited for what could happen next. So,

with setting expectations helps students know what they need to do.

Expectations help students’ ability to learn because the students know what they need to

do. Within the classroom with behavior and with the assignments. Expectations sets limits for

them as well. It is good for the students to know what I as a teacher would expect from them.

They also should know what I expect them to do for their assignments. These are important for

the students and the teacher. The expectations keep everything flowing and focusing.

Your guidance as a teacher is very important to help students see their value in the world

and so they have someone who believes in them. If you decide to set expectation and then don’t

follow through with them it shows the students that you aren’t going to have control. Setting the

expectations help the students know that they can’t just get away with things. You also can’t

have new expectation for different student. When someone does well then you can’t expect new

things for them. And for a student that doesn’t do as well you can’t over push them because then

it will have a big effect on them.

Goals are very important to set for both the teachers and the students. Goals are important

so that you can see yourself achieve new things that you pushed for. For students they should set

goals for them to achieve. Goals show that they are looking forward to learning more and new

things. When students look forward to learning, they do better because they are excited. The

goals help the students push themselves. It will also help the teachers know what they need to

help push them on as well. It is good for them to push themselves because it shows that they

could be the best and push for it.

Setting goals as a teacher is also very important. Goals help people see a path toward

success. Setting goals helps improve areas that you know you need to fix. Teachers need to do
this to keep their focus on the improvement of their students. It all keeps the teachers focused on

improving themselves for their students. It will also help guide them into improvement for their

students. Having a guide helps see even the littlest mistakes that need to be improved.

Students’ Social Ecology

Socialization is important for students because it is when they start finding connections to

others and start to learn what is important to them. When students’ start going to school are put

in different situations. They must learn when to act a certain way. At school you get put in

different situations where you must interact and respond differently then you normally would. In

life you get taught to act when something happens from your parents. Our parents teach us many

different skills and concepts before we head into the world. When we get older, we need to be

able to sort through the concepts and skills our parents have taught us and whether it is important

or not.

Family is a big part of our lives and our growth in many ways, some being our education,

behavior and even more. Our parents teach us at a young age what is a wrong and a right way to

act during certain situations. We learn from our parents’ actions and the way they react as well.

As we get older, we soon realize that just because our parents would act a certain way doesn’t

mean that we should act the same way they would. When we start going to school, we start to

understand what social ecology is.

The importance of connecting leaning to students’ social ecology is to understand how it

works. Some kids get maltreatment from their parents and just want some connection and that’s

where teachers can play a big part in that chance. Understanding how to connect with the

students and their social ecology will help them learn. Being able to understand your students

and the way they will react will help teach your class. One way is having a couple questions to
understand who they are and how they think. You can make a fun game or even a survey to

begin to understand who they are.

Parenting has a huge impact on their children’s education. When you have a family that

doesn’t care how you do affects you as a student. You begin to feel like no matter what you do it

is never enough. You start to care less about your education, and you start to give up completely.

On the other hand, if your family pushes you to do better you will put more effort into your

schooling. You do this because you want to prove to them that you can do the best.

Cultures have an impact on education because some cultures care more about education.

When your culture cares more about education you as a student will put in more effort into your

schooling. You want to prove to your culture in a way that you respect in and that you are willing

to do what it takes. Now if a culture cares less about education you won’t do as well in school as

a student with a culture that does care more about school. This is where assimilation comes in

because it helps students adapt from what they have experienced in school and in their home life

from their cultures/

Cultural Diversity Instructions

As a teacher you must be whiling to acknowledge and build on your students. Knowing

your students will help you start to understand them and the best ways to teach your students.

Learning the lives and the histories of each of the students will help you understand their

thinking and why they behave the way they do. Knowing their histories will bring you closer to

them as well. It is very important for me as a teacher to have a good relationship with my

students. You see a sense of maturation in your students and with that becomes development in

education and how it has progressed in your students.

It is also important to know your student’s ethical background. They are all individuals,

and they don’t all work in the same way as their peers would work on the same assignment. This

is important because it will also help you support them. It is important to support your students

so that they know that there is someone who believes in them. When you start to get to them you

can help them learn how to deal with certain situations they would be confused with. Learning

their values and the meaning of their cultures helps you to understand how to support them as


You can build on these by encouraging your students to talk about themselves around you

and their classrooms. Building their trust with their teacher helps them feel more comfortable.

Having your teacher to talk to can help in many ways. One way it can help would be by creating

a trust. Trusting your teacher helps with asking questions about school and even more. You can

build these things with classroom bonding activities. The activities will help build trust between

students and even the teachers.

Cultures pluralism is defined with groups in society. The societal conditions are “age”,

“gender”, and “places of origin”. Cultural pluralism are smaller groups that lie in bigger

societies. These groups have different values that are like the larger society. They are still

accepted by the bigger society and are not shut out by them. But they are still just a small layer

within a bigger society. Cultures have layers within each other because some groups don’t

believe in all the values that the bigger society believes in. And other groups feel the need to

believe more than what they bigger society believes in.

Culture assimilation is when groups resemble lager groups. This is because different

groups take the dominates groups beliefs and values. They do this because they are influenced by

the dominate group. Many different groups adopt other values from other types of cultural. They
think that a value of a different group is very important. When they think that it is important,

they bring it into their own culture as will.

The difference between these two groups is one is branch and the other one adopts.

Culture pluralism is branch from another culture. This is because they have a little different

beliefs and values. They also have similar beliefs and values as well. The other adopts values

from other types of cultures. Cultural assimilation has many groups that influence each other.

Curriculum for all Learners

As a teacher you must be whiling to adjust things as you go along. When you are

planning your schedule day by day sometimes things get in the way. Sometimes a school will

have you planning for a different scheduled event. When that happens, you need to be able to

adjust your planning. Adjusting things help continue to stay on track even when things get in the

way. When things get in the way it is always important to have a backup plan.

When it comes to the delivery of a plan can still need to be adjusted. When delivering

things can still go wrong. Things can be needed to be changed because the way things are

executed. If things are executed in way students don’t understand then they won’t be able to

succeed in the ways we want them too. You will need to adjust the way the delivery of a plan

because then the students will be understanding.

As well with assessments. This is because you might not cover a certain lesson that is in

the assessment. If you don’t cover a certain lesson that is in the assessment you have to change

the assessment up. Making sure your students are going to succeed. It is also important to do

everything in my power to make sure that they will succeed in school.

As assessment can help inform teachers many types of things. An assessment can show if

your students are understanding the information. If they aren’t understanding the assessment will
show you what they each are struggling with. It can inform us on how we need to start our

changes. Making the changes is important because you oversee their improvement. With

assessments you need to make changes. Making changes is important so that you can make your

classroom the best it can be.

When students come into my classroom it is important to understand where each of their

students is at. As a teacher you need to know each of their level of education. This is important

because you will learn what things you need to cover more of. Knowing where each of your

students are with education level, you’ll know who needs to cover more things than others. Then

during smaller assessments will help you see their progress. Being able to see their progress

helps see what needs to be continued and what they have understood. When you see things that

need to be gone over you will help the learners grow. At the end of the year having them take a

final assessment is important. This will help them see where they have completed. It also shows

where they will struggle. It can help place them in classes that will help them grow more.


So, in conclusion, education is very important for every child to begin in their life. It

helps them build sense of themselves and development within their brain growth. It is also very

important for every classroom to have a good teacher. This is because teachers have a big impact

on students’ lives and the educations that the student is receiving. It is also very important for

teachers to have their goals set and plans for their success. Student’s going to school not only

helps build their education, but it helps them grow in social aspects. They being to build a social

life and begin to find themselves. It is also important to understand the cultural and how it

changes people’s ways of thinking.

Work Cited

Berns. (2015). Child, family, school, Community: Socialization and support/10th ed. Cengage

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