Chriss Philosophies
Chriss Philosophies
Chriss Philosophies
Christopher Daller
to becoming great. Hopefully in my teaching career I can stand by my philosophies and defend
them when they go under fire.
Christopher Daller
Christopher Daller
the visual learners, they could create a diagram, diorama, and present it to the class, with the
teacher asking questions. For kinesthetic learners, they can demonstrate the lesson or unit, again
with the teacher asking questions about it to further explore their knowledge. With proper rubrics
for each one, I believe these could all be legitimate evaluations to assess the students. I believe
that with an option of assessments for final projects or tests, students will get more excited and
feel more confident with themselves at the end of a unit. All of these options are fair because the
test takers may not perform well if they had to demonstrate a lesson, but still know the
information. The teacher would not assess them correctly even if they knew the material. Same
goes with if the visual learners took a test. If the needs of the learner are not met, they may be
falsely evaluated.
Moving on, I believe test results should be immediately revealed to the students. I believe
it is also necessary that the administration have these tests on record. Obviously the teacher will
have the results to keep, but I believe the parents should be notified immediately only if the
student is showing concern while the rest of the class is doing okay. I still believe report cards at
the end of quarters, trimesters, what have you, are very important, but specifics should be kept on
a need to know basis with the parents if the student is doing poorly in the class.
Finally, it can be tricky trying to evaluate the evaluation. I believe that to know if
assessments fairly demonstrate the level of student accomplishment, experience is one of the
most important teachers. All classes will be different so if one unit project did not work well for
one class, it does not mean it will not work the next year. Now if there is a negative pattern over
months or school years, then something needs to be changed on the teacher's part. There is no
one way to teach a certain subject, so it is up to the teacher to decide how to assess the class in
the best way possible, accommodating all of the students' needs.
Christopher Daller
When it comes down to it, assessment is simply feedback from teacher to student about
the learning, or lack of that is happening in the classroom. It helps guide the lesson planning for
the teacher, making the teacher learn from the student as much as the students learn from the
teacher. I believe there are many ways to assess students that will equally demonstrate the level
of student accomplishment on state standards.
Christopher Daller
Christopher Daller
take. I am not going to set them up with an unrealistic goal that they could never reach. I believe
students need obstacles that will challenge them minimally and also increase their confidence.
This is how my educational philosophy is shaped by both the ideas of idealism and realism.
Classroom management is going to be directly affected by my philosophy because
I am going to manage the class reasonably. This incorporates making sure each student is set up
correctly to give them the best opportunity to be successful. Each student needs to know that
they are in a safe environment in which there teacher (me) will always be there to help them get
through things. We have all had those teachers who manage the classroom with an iron fist or the
ones who let the students run wild. With keeping the progressive idea at hand it is going to help
me balance the different types of students I am going to have. If I can relate to students and show
them I understand what they are going through then they will be more apt to give me there trust.
From there it will be easy to manage the classroom because students will understand what you
are all about. This makes for the best type of classroom atmosphere.
Discipline will go easy once you have a handle on classroom management in
check. But discipline will be fairly easy to handle because the realism part of my progressivism
will kick in. When a student misbehaves I am not going to make an obscure punishment up. I
will keep everything calm and look at the situation from multiple angles. I plan on teaching at the
high school level so with my progressive philosophy I am hoping that most kids have enough
respect for me not to do anything foolish. A teacher has to discipline students when there is a
disconnect between educator and student. I am going to do everything in my power to not let
there be that disconnect. The other big aspect of discipline is that I am going to make sure that I
am the one who is deciding the consequences. I will never send a student to the office or even
kick them out of class. I believe that it is vital to keep the kids in the classroom. Nothing good
Christopher Daller
comes from sending them out. They just are missing information that they could possibly need to
My teaching style and leadership styles will directly stem from my educational
philosophy. Just by teaching I will be leading so I do not really see a difference between the two
things. I am in the classroom to set an example and educate the student. That right there is the
definition of a true leader. You will be able to see what kind of leader I am when you look at my
philosophy. I will be a fair yet energetic leader. I will strive to push the students to be the
absolute best that they can be. That is the idealism part showing up. I want to be able to show the
kids that there is a line between having fun and getting things done. My classroom will have both
of those attributes. The kids are going to enjoy themselves but at the same time they are going to
be educated with the life skills that are a necessity to them.
I have a firm belief that my education philosophy is the best one and the one that
is going to work the best but I cannot ever get satisfied with that. I always want to be the best at
whatever I do. In order for me to do that I have to always be looking at my philosophy and see
what I could get better at. In education there are hundreds of things that could go wrong. If I
encounter some of those it may call for me to rethink parts of my philosophy. It may be the case
where you have to refine your philosophy from class to class because not all students or class
dynamics are the same. If a teacher goes into a classroom and expects the students to change to
their type of teaching, then that class will not be successful. It is up the teacher and students to
find a happy medium and come together to both be successful. Educators must never get stagnant
with what they are doing because that will allow the students to. Keeping things fresh and
exciting will benefit both parties. The only way to do that is to keep an open mind when looking
at your educational philosophy.
Christopher Daller
Christopher Daller
issues that they wouldnt otherwise talk to a parent about. Coaching has taught me how to gain
students trust as well as respect. Taking those skills into the classroom often are what separates
good teachers from great teachers. I will aspire to be a great teacher. I have participated in many
observations during my time at Aquinas College and have seen the way students respond to
teachers whom they trust and have respect for. It is the classrooms that have this balance that are
the most successful. My observation hours have helped provide me with a picture of the way that
I want to run my classroom. I have seen many different styles of teaching and have been able to
formulate a style that I whole heartily believe in. Similar to coaching a teacher needs a style that
represents the type of individual that they are. Through all of these experiences I have learned
about the type of individual that I am which will allow the students to see that I am human just
like them. Student teaching is going to be a learning experience but at the same time it will be a
confirmation that I am ready to start my path of being a great teacher.
When I look at all of the doors that education has opened for me I cannot help but
feel a great deal of humbleness. Aside from producing students who will be successful inside as
well as outside the classroom I will give back to the education process as a whole. I want to give
everything I can back to the process that allowed me to become the individual that I am today. I
will participate in service learning projects that teams up younger kids with high schoolers, I will
help middle school kids get ready for the transition to high school, and I will assist the students
who are getting ready to begin working/head to college. I will not just be a high school teacher
who comes in at 7:30am and then leaves as soon as the bell rings. I feel like I owe the process
that molded me. This is the impact that I will have on the educational environment. The school
district that hires me will be hiring me as an advocate for the whole entire district. Teaching is so
Christopher Daller
much more involved that just teaching the students who are in front of you and I am ready to
take on that challenge head on.