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Charlz Ian E. Alvarina March 14 , 2022

Grade 12 – Gas 16 Reliability Las | 1st Q / 2nd Sem.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data (Quantitative Research)

1. Title of Research: Level of Food Safety Management System of Carenderias
Near Sorsogon National High School by: Callos, Ronaldo, Jr., et.al (2020)
Table Explanation: The table above shows the Level of Food Safety
Management System of Carenderias Near Sorsogon National High School. The
computed General Weighted mean in Washing hands before handling
ingredients in preparing foods, Keeping raw meat, poultry, fish, and their juices
away from other food, after cutting raw meats, wash cutting boards, knife, and
counter tops with hot, soapy water, Marinating meat and poultry in a covered dish
in the refrigerator. Sanitizing cutting boards., cooking food to proper
temperatures, Never choosking meat or poultry in packaging that is torn or
leaking, Do not buy food past “sell – by”, “use – by”, or other expiration dates,
Perishable food such as meat and poultry is wrapped securely, has a 5.00
general weighted mean with an interpretation of very high. While Refrigerating
promptly easily perishable ingredients, Purchasing refrigerated or frozen items
after selecting nonperishables, and Cooking or freezing the fresh poultry, fish,
ground meats, and variety meats within 2 days has a 4.80 General Weighted
Mean with an interpretation of very high. Cooking or freezing fresh beef, veal,
lamb and pork within 3 days with a 4.60 General Weighted Mean with a very high
interpretation, also Discarding any food left out at room temperature for more
than 2 hours has a 4.20 General Weighted Mean with a very high interpretation.
However High – acid canned food such as tomatoes, grapefruit, and pineapple
are stored unopened for only 12 to 18 months, those Perishable foods are not left
out more than 2 hours at room temperature, and the Use of the most cooked
leftovers within 3 to 4 days has a general weighted mean of 3.40 with a moderate
Interpretation. The computed overall weighted means on this food safety
management systems of Carenderias is 4.61 with a very high interpretation.
2. Title of Research: Level of Acceptability of Tinapa Pasta Among Cookery
Students of Sorsogon National High School by Monticod, Aireen, et.al (2020)
Table Explanation: The respondents rated the Tinapa Pasta recipe in terms of
taste is liked extremely as since it garnered a general weighted mean of 8.36.
Appearance got a weighted mean of 8.45 interpreted as liked extremely and
texture is rated as liked Extremely after getting a general weighted mean of 8.23
While aroma is rated as liked very much after getting 8.04. Overall the General
Acceptability rated us liked Extremely after getting a 8.27 General Weighted

1. Teachers perceived their research competency level of moderate at 2.61 as
the overall weighted competency score, 44.33 % or 43 teachers have
attended national seminars or training in research and development, while
the lowest percentage of 7.22 % or 12 have only attended local seminars,
and majority of the respondents or 68 % have no work experience relevant
to research.
Implication of the study: This concluded that the research teachers of the
seniors have moderate competency in research, majority of the research
teachers were pursuing advanced education courses, majority attending
seminars, some conducting action research, but few have work experiences in
research, few achievements and awards relevant to their research

2. Results revealed that the MMR (a value that determines the skill level of
each player) of the DOTA Players has slight but significant positive
relationship to their Mathematics grade.
Implication of the study: This study reinforces the wisdom of not completely
excluding electronic games from the list of educational innovations like DOTA,
and stimulates learning activities that can have a positive impact on students’
math performance. When properly planned and designed, these activities and
learning materials can help students develop their critical thinking, math, and
evaluation skills and make math learning attractive, fun, and exciting. It helps to
develop the thinking skills of higher students.

1. Senior High School students whose distance learning modality is modular got a
performance level of 32.03% in Mathematics. This implies that learners in
modular distance learning are not effectively learning the subject
Support Study: Modular courses have been widely implemented as part of the
competency-based training agenda. However, there is emerging concern that
modular courses are not promoting effective learning (Cornford, 2006).
2. With a p – value of 0.0511 at 0.05 level of significance, there is a significant
difference between the responses of male and female students under modular
distance learning modality along psychosocial aspect. This implies that learners,
especially those in the modular distance learning are experiencing issues along
psychosocial aspect and that female students are more prone to its effects.
Support Study: Some students might be at higher risk of social isolation and the
development of mental health problems during the Covid-19 crisis. This is
particularly true when they live by themselves, have less direct contact to close
family members and friends, receive less social support, and are less well-
integrated into a social network of students. Female students appeared to be at
higher risk of facing negative mental health consequences (Elmer et al. 2020)
3. 55% of the respondents have high level of time management and 85% of them
improved this skill at the start of the new normal in education.
Support Study: Distance education has significant influence on the development
of time management skill as most of the respondents simultaneously combine
study and work. 53.9% of students have reported that they have learned to
manage their time in comparison with the previous period. However, 31.6% of
respondents still have difficult in planning their time (Uddin, 2016).

1. It help me to makes studying data a lot simpler and more accurate. Also, it helps
me to straightforwardly interpret the data so that I don’t leave anything out that
could help them derive insights from it.
2. The impact of my research comes from why it was important to carry out my
research and how it will affect future research in my field. I should make
conclusions based on how similar previous research has advanced on my field
and how my research can contribute to it.


Table 5. Relationship Between Writing Skill and Speaking Skill of Grade 11 GAS
Writing Skills Speaking Skills
Writing Skills Pearson Correlation 1.00 0.3849
Sig. (2 – tailed) 0.026979
N 33 33
Speaking Skills Pearson Correlation 0.3849 1.00
Sig. (2 – tailed) 0.026979
N 33 33

Table Explanation: The table shows the Relationship Between Writing Skill and
Speaking Skill of Grade 11 GAS Students. With a correlation Coefficient r equal to
0.3849 at 0.05 level of significance, A p – value of 0.026979 is computed at 0.05 level of
significance, therefore there is a significant relationship between writing skill and
speaking skill since the computed p – value is greater than the level of significance
which is 0.05.

Implication of the results: This implies that writing skills do not determine the
speaking skills of the Grade 11 gas students or vice versa. It can be possible that those
students who have low or average in Speaking skills can have an excellent skill in
writing. This can be attributed to the enhancement brought upon by skills used by grade
11 Gas students, in general

Charlz Ian E. Alvarina April 3, 2022

Grade 12 – Gas 16 Reliability Las | 1 Q / 2nd Sem.


1. As reflected from the table, This means that the most Before borrowing anything,
there are five (5) financial preferred services offered by they should seriously consider
services offered by Divoc Divoc Cooperative is the whether they need to. Weigh
cooperative. There were 120 out pangkabuhayan loan to access up the alternatives. Think about
of 300 respondents who availed to a lot of money within a short whether they could dip into
Pangkabuhayan loan which period of time, and they can their savings instead, or
made it to the top. Multipurpose use the same to meet their whether whatever it is their
loan wasavailed by 100 needs and requirements. planning to do with the money
respondents while is something they need right
hospitalization assistance and now
benefit was availed by 85 out of
300 respondents. Moreover,
scholarship programs and
micro-agri loan had 60 and 34
number of respondents who
affirmed the financial services,
2. The study shows the level of The study shows that spicy Students should improve the
acceptability of Spicy Banana banana graham aroma is the plate of food to look the food
Graham Among Grade 12 extremely liked of the most appealing when there’s a
Cookery students. The Results Respondents. This means that high level of contrast in colors.
revealed that the overall level of the innovative product has Imagine being served a bowl of
acceptability is 8 which can be been accepted by the students. plain oatmeal or a dish of pasta
interpreted as “like very much”. This may be due to the distinct without any sauce. Even if the
Among the four sensory flavor of Spicy Banana oatmeal or pasta has been
characteristics, aroma garnered Graham, which combines dressed with flavorful
the highest general weighted spiciness with the cold and ingredients like butter and
mean of 8.17% which is creamy texture of graham. This spices, it looks like a plain dish
interpreted as “like extremely”. is enhanced by the banana’s of starch.
sweet brown sugar-like flavor
and distinct aroma. The
emergence of a few popular
sweet and spicy desserts has
contributed to the product’s
high acceptability.
The table presents the This means that students’ If you want to become a
relationship between mechanical drawing skills do professional in AutoCAD, then
mechanical drawing skills and not determine their AutoCAD you need to practice a lot.
AutoCAD skills of Grade 12 – skills, and vice versa. It is Practice makes perfect. You
ICT students of Sorsogon possible for learners with low or will get better with a lot of
National High School. With a average mechanical drawing practice. AutoCAD masters are
correlation coefficient r equal to skills to excel at using those who use it intensively.
0.0502 at 0.05 level of AutoCAD. This can be Try to draw a real project. Don’t
significance, a p – value of attributed to the advancements just draw lines with no
0.5782 is computed. The results made possible by software or meaning. With time, you will get
mean that there is no significant technology in general. success.
relationship between the
mechanical drawing skills and
skills since the computed p –
value is greater than the level of
significance which is 0.05.

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