Lit 1 Prelim

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Central Mindanao Colleges Score:

Osmeña Drive, Kidapawan City

Tel.# (064) 577-1708 Fax #(064) 5038
Name Course/Year:
Subject Code LIT 1 (Philippine Literature) Date/Time:
Teacher ETHEL ROSE M. RANQUE Permit #
 Prelim  Midterm  Pre-final  Finals

General Instruction: This examination consists of one part for a total of 80 points. Please follow
the direction of the examination carefully.

Direction: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Select your answer from the choices. In a separate answer sheet, shade the
letter that corresponds to your answer. (80 pts.)

1. Which figure of speech is used in the lines below?

She was a phantom of delight

When first she gleamed upon my sight.

a. Personification b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Simile

2. Which of the following is NOT a narrative poetry?

a. Epic b. Ode c. Metrical Romance d. Metrical Tale

3. Which narrative poem is intended to be sung?

a. Ballad b. Lyric c. Epic d. Romance

4. What literary genre is a manifestation of practical wisdom based on long experience of life?

a. Riddle b. Fable c. Folktale d. Proverb

5. Lyric poetry deals with themes concerning ______________.

a. War b. Environment c. Life and Death d. Feelings or Emotions

6. What literary type begins with the line, “In the beginning, the earth was dark…”

a. Legend b. Folktale c. Epic d. Creation Myth

7. It is considered the most majestic type that expresses enthusiasm, lofty praise of some person or thing.

a. Elegy b. Ode c. Song d. Sonnet

8. Which of the following is not an example of lyric poetry?

a. Ode b. Elegy c. Ballad d. Sonnet

9. “Death, be not proud.”

a. Personification b. Synecdoche c. Metonymy d. Oxymoron

10. “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

a. Personification b. Metonymy c. Hyperbole d. Synecdoche

11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about literature?

a. Literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions of man.

b. Literature depicts the glorious past of a nation and of an individual.
c. Literature allows us to react without deeper analysis.
d. Literature is a creative product of a creative work.

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12. It is a prose form that deals with the processes governing thought and conduct.
a. Anecdote b. Parable c. Character Sketch d. Philosophy

13. Which of the following is referred to as a “slice of life”?

a. Poetry b. Short Story c. Novel d. Drama

14. It is a fictitious narrative with a complicated plot and made up of chapters.

a. Novel b. Poetry c. Drama d. Short Story

15. What literary standard that gives moral values to a person?

a. Intellectual Value b. Spiritual Value c. Suggestiveness d. Artistry

16. It does not mean “finding fault with” in a literary work?

a. Satirical Prose b. Literary Criticism c. Book Review d. Parody

17. Which of the following language prose is expressed?

a. Metrical pattern b. Rhythmical pattern c. Ordinary language d. Figurative language

18. People read literature for higher and keener pleasure, this means that?

a. We comprehend the meaning of a text. c. We encounter new words.

b. We develop critical and thinking skills. d. We can kill the time while waiting.

19. It refers to a person’s life written by another.

a. Letter b. Diary c. Autobiography d. Biography

20. It is a literary composition which is expository in nature.

a. Drama b. Poetry c. Fiction d. Essay

21. It is a dynamic character who recognizes changes in the circumstances.

a. Round character b. Flat character c. Protagonist d. Antagonist

22. It is an element of fiction in which the action of a story takes place.

a. Plot b. Setting c. Conflict d. Exposition

23. It is a type of conflict which occurs when the protagonist struggles within himself.

a. Internal Conflict b. External Conflict c. Interpersonal Conflict d. Intrapersonal Conflict

24. Which part of a plot reveals the problems and struggles that would be encountered by the main characters?

a. Denouement b. Climax c. Complication d. Exposition

25. Which part of a plot that shows a conflict or a problem is solved?

a. Resolution b. Denouement c. Complication d. Climax

26. Which plot occurs when the story skips a period of time?

a. Time Lapse b. Chronological c. Narrative d. Flashback

27. What element of fiction that determines the writer’s feeling and attitude toward his subject.

a. Conflict b. Plot c. Mood d. Point of View

28. What point of view where narrator only observes and is not part of the story?

a. First Person b. Second Person c. Third Person Limited d. Omniscient

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29. What element of fiction refers to the emotional ambience of the work?

a. Mood b. Tone c. Symbolisms d. Images

30. What is the central or dominating idea in a literary work which is sometimes stated or implied?

a. Symbolisms b. Images c. Theme d. Point of View

31. Which of the following is the characteristics of a plot?

a. A piece of land on which one can build a house.

b. A particular period of time.
c. The events of the story and the sequence in which they are told.
d. The structure of the story in episodic measures with the complexity of plot.

32. Which of the following is the characteristics of a theme of the story?

a. It is mentioned immediately and always obvious.
b. It is what is referred to in a thematic unit to bring cohesion to the lesson.
c. It holds underlying meaning or significance.
d. It covers a particular period of time.

33. To convey information about events that occurred earlier, authors may use
a. Foreshadowing b. Suspense c. In Media Res d. Flashback

34. What do you mean by soliloquy?

a. It is an aside heard by some actors but not by the audience.
b. It is a speech delivered by an actor alone on stage.
c. It is an opening speech which introduces the play or an act.
d. It is the final or closing speech in the play.

35. It is a kind of theater that closes the gap between the actor and audiences.
a. Theater of Cruelty b. Elizabeth c. Proscenium d. Medieval

36. What type of drama Romeo and Juliet is?

a. Old Comedy b. Tragicomedy c. Tragedy d. Farce

37. It must tell the whole story.

a. Characters b. Soliloquy c. Dialogue d. Plot

38. The following are the ways characters revealed in a drama, EXCEPT ____________.

a. interaction with other characters. c. presence on stage and their gesture.

b. their problems set on the play. d. their own words.

39. Aristotle defines drama as _____________.

a. an imitation of an action. c. the action of real situation.

b. the art of make-believe. d. the interpretation of character’s actions.

40. Theater of the absurd which presents the human condition as meaningless is an example of _______.

a. Old Comedy b. Farce c. Tragedy d. Tragicomedy

41. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about poetry?

a. It is a kind of language that says more intense.

b. It is usually difficult to imagine.
c. It is the rhythmic creation of beauty.
d. It is the union of thoughts and feelings.

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42. Which of the following we have to remember about poetry?

a. Poetry is a concentrated thought.

b. Poetry answers our demand for rhythm.
c. Poetry controls imagination.
d. Poetry expresses all the senses.

43. Which of the following is an example of an epic poem?

a. Florante at Laura b. Biag ni Lam-ang c. Richard Cory d. Ibong Adarna

44. Which of the following is an example of Corrido?

a. Ode to the West Wind b. Florante at Laura c. Santang Abad d. Ibong Adarna

45. It is a poem written on the death of a friend of the poet.

a. Elegy b. Ode c. Song d. Sonnet

46. It is a lyric poem containing fourteen iambic lines and a complicated rhyme.

a. Elegy b. Ode c. Song d. Sonnet

47. It is a narrative poem that tells the story of adventure, love and chivalry.

a. Metrical Tale b. Metrical Romance c. Metrical Allegory d. Popular Ballad

48. What type of essay that deals with serious and important topics?

a. Formal b. Informal c. Deductive d. Inductive

49. What did Aristotle refers to his definition “the imitation of an action”?

a. Short Story b. Novel c. Fiction d. Drama

50. Which element of drama refers to the speeches that the characters use to advance the action?

a. Plot b. Music c. Dialogue d. Movement

51. What type of drama that is intended to interest and amuse the audience?

a. Tragicomedy b. Comedy c. Tragedy d. Comedy Tragic

52. It is a figures of speech which gives human traits to inanimate objects or ideas?

a. Apostrophe b. Personification c. Metaphor d. Metonymy

53. What refers to the use of exaggeration?

a. Hyperbole b. Litotes c. Irony d. Personification

54. It puts together in one statement two contradictory terms.

a. Paradox b. Antithesis c. Oxymoron d. Allusion

55. It is an understatement used to affirm by negating its negative.

a. Synecdoche b. Hyperbole c. Litotes d. Metonymy

56. It uses direct comparison of two unlike things or ideas.

a. Metaphor b. Simile c. Apostrophe d. Hyperbole

57. It refers to any literary, biblical, historical, mythological, scientific event, character or place.

a. Paradox b. Antithesis c. Allusion d. Oxymoron

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58. It uses a part to represent the whole.

a. Irony b. Synecdoche c. Onomatopoeia d. Litotes

59. It imitates sounds of what it describes.

a. Antithesis b. Onomatopoeia c. Oxymoron d. Litotes

60. It involves a contrast of words or ideas.

a. Allusion b. Antithesis c. Paradox d. Oxymoron

61-75. Identify the type of figures of speech in the following examples.

61. “Her way of speaking is as entertaining as a laundry list.”

a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Onomatopoeia

62. “Cowards die ten times before their death.”

a. Litotes b. Apostrophe c. Hyperbole d. Irony

63. A rich man is no richer than a poor man.

a. Paradox b. Litotes c. Hyperbole d. Personification

64. Virtually a sea but dry like a heart.

a. Apostrophe b. Irony c. Personification d. Antithesis

65. 'Necessity is the mother of invention.'

a. Paradox b. Litotes c. Personification d. Oxymoron

66. 'To err is human, to forgive divine.'

a. Irony b. Simile c. Antithesis d. Litotes

67. 'My son's teacher made it clear that cheating on tests was no laughing matter.'

a. Litotes b. Onomatopoeia c. Synecdoche d. Irony

68. 'I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!'

a. Metaphor b. Hyperbole c. Metonymy d. Personification

69. Hear the bells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle!

a. Onomatopoeia b. Alliteration c. Apostrophe d. Oxymoron

70. Your answers are perfectly wrong.

a. Alliteration b. Hyperbole c. Litotes d. Oxymoron

71. “Don’t be betrayed by Judas’ kiss.”

a. Allusion b. Antithesis c. Paradox d. Irony

72. “We have been all the way to the moon and back, but trouble crossing the street to meet new

a. Allusion b. Antithesis c. Paradox d. Irony

73. These walls have ears.

a. Simile b. Personification c. Metaphor d. Hyperbole

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74. "Beautiful are the feet that bring the good news."

a. Metonymy b. Synecdoche c. Metaphor d. Allusion

75. "Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honorable man" - Julius Caesar.

a. Hyperbole b. Litotes c. Antithesis d. Irony

76. What is the climax of the story, The Great Flood?

a. Aponi-Tolau destroyed the crops and animals.

b. Aponini-Tolau hit Humitau with his magic hook.
c. Humitau did not come out in the water.
d. Humitau was captured and saved by Lang-an.

77. He is the god-hero of Tinggians.

a. Lang-an b. Tau-mari-u c. Aponi-tolau d. Humitau

78. The following are the places present in the story, EXCEPT __________.

a. On the seashore c. On the Edge of the world

b. Near the Tineg river d. Towering House of Tau-mari-u

79. What is the theme of the story?

a. Anger is the cause to form the earth. c. Kindness matters even how bad the person is.
b. Beauty defines all things. d. Don’t make promises if you are happy.

80. The following are the symbols in the story EXCEPT _____________.

a. Flood b. Sky c. Waves d. Magic hook

“Blessed are the pure in heart…”

Matthew 5:8
Godbless everyone… ☺☺

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