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School: Grade Level: 8

Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH (HEALTH)

Teaching Dates and

DAILY LESSON LOG Week 4-8 Quarter: Third



A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of principles in the prevention and control of communicable diseases for the
Standards: attainment of individual wellness.
B. Performance The learner consistently demonstrates personal responsibility and healthful practices in the prevention and control of
Standards: communicable diseases.
 analyzes the nature of  demonstrates self -  Promote programs  identifies agencies  Summative
emerging and re - monitoring skills to and policies to responsible for Test
emerging diseases prevent prevent and control communicable
(H8DD-IIId-e-20) communicable communicable disease prevention
C. Learning diseases promotes diseases (H8DD-IIIf- and control (H8DD-
Competencies/ programs and h22 ) IIIf-h-23)
Objectives: policies to prevent
and control
diseases. (H8DD-IIIf-

II. CONTENT Emerging and Re-emerging Self-Monitoring Skills: Programs and Policies for the Agencies for Prevention Summative Test
Diseases Developing Healthy Habits Prevention of Diseases and Control of
Communicable Diseases
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Directions: Answer the Directions: Determine I Whack Germs! Using the chart The teacher will
previous lesson following questions in the symptoms of COVID- Directions: Fill in the below, write down the facilitate the
or presenting your activity notebook. 19 based on your missing letters to diseases that can be Summative test
the new lesson 1.What are the most previous learning. complete the word. prevented through the for Health 8 Q2.
(ELICIT) common Identify also the things 1. (I _ M _ N _ Z _ _ _ O programs and policies
communicable we need to do to prevent N) is important to protect set by the (see attachement)
diseases that you acquiring the disease. you from diseases. government.
know? Write at least Emerg Symp Preve 2. (W _ _ H) your hands Example:
three examples. ing toms ntive often with soap and Dengue – National
2.How can we prevent and Meas water. Dengue Prevention
and control these Re- ures 3. (H _ M _) is where you 1.
diseases? Suggest emerg stay when you are sick 2.
ways based on ing or not feeling well. 4. (A 3.
experience or own diseas _ _ I _) touching your 4.
observation. es eyes, nose, and mouth 5.
3.What are newly COVID especially when you are
developed diseases -19 sick. (5 mins)
nowadays that you 5. (C _ _ E _) your
know? Give at least mouth when you coughs
three. (5 MINS) and sneezes so you do
(5 mins) not spread germs to
6. (K _ _ P) your
distance from sick
people so you don’t get
sick too
(5 mins)
B. Establishing a LOOP–A–WORD Guilty or Not Guilty? Arrange the scrambled Re-ACT!
purpose for the Directions: Look for five Directions: Read the letters to reveal the types Directions: Read the
lesson (5) words related to following and put a check of health workers who information inside the
(ENGAGE) developing and existing () mark in the play a big role in the box and answer the
diseases in the grid appropriate box. prevention and control of following questions
below. The words may 1. I sleep for 4-5 hours communicable diseases. comprehensively.
be hidden in horizontal every night. Give a short description REPUBLIC ACT
and diagonal directions. 2. I feel stressed when of their duties and 3573 This is an Act requires all
individuals and health facilities to report
someone sneezes functions. notifiable diseases to national and health
near me. authorities. This measure seeks to
strengthen the existing legal framework
3. I enjoy eating after a (see the activity on page for notifiable disease surveillance and
response system that will utilize
game without washing 5-6) evidence-based data or research in
making reports in the formulation of
my hands. health policies and advocacies. It is
otherwise known as “An Act Providing
4. I share personal items (5 mins) for the Prevention and Suppression of
Dangerous Communicable Diseases
with my siblings or and for other Purposes”.
friends. Process Questions:
(5 mins) 5. I visit my doctor when 1. What is the
I get sick Republic Act
Process Questions: for?
What do your responses 2. Why is it
say about how you important to
monitor your health? implement this
Why do we need to Republic Act?
monitor communicable (5 mins)
(5 mins)
C. Presenting Guide Questions: Observe and analyze the Process Question: Matchy-Match!
examples/ 1. What are the words figure below and answer  What health- Directions: Match
instances of the you have formed? the questions that follow: related services column A with the
new lesson 2. What can you have you availed roles of the different
(EXPLORE) associate with the from the agencies in the
words that you have government? disease prevention
formed? and control in column
(5 mins) (5 mins) B.

(see the attached

Process Question: activity on SLM page
Why is there a need to 9)
understand the
importance of disease (5 mins)
prevention and control?
(5 mins)
D. Discussing new The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss The teacher will
concepts and about the Emerging and about the Self-Monitoring about the Programs and discuss about the
practicing new Re-emerginf diseases Skills: Developing Policies for the Agencies for
skills #1 through a PowerPoint Healthy Habits through a Prevention of Diseases Prevention and
presentation. PowerPoint presentation. Control of
(see SLM page 7-9) Communicable
(see SLM pages 6-10) (see SLM pages 7-10) (15 mins) Diseases
(20 mins) (15 mins) (see SLM page 7-9)
(10 mins)
E. Developing What Am I? Directions: Fill in the Answer the following What Can You Say?
mastery (leads Directions: Read the table below on the questions briefly: Directions: Explain
to formative situations below and importance of self- 1. Why should one the importance of
assessment) answer the questions monitoring skills in the help prevent the agencies in the
(EXPLAIN) 1. Christian has sudden prevention and control of spread of prevention and
onset of fever, diseases communicable control of
headache, nausea, diseases? communicable
vomiting and 2. Choose one diseases using the
appearance of purple government diagram below.
rashes on his SELF MONITORING SKILLS program or policy
abdomen. What - on the prevention (5 mins)
disease is he and control of
suffering from? communicable
2. Hannah violated the diseases and
quarantine and went - explain its
to her friend’s house importance.
to party. In the party - - 3. What
social distancing, recommendations
wearing of face (5 mins) can you give to
mask, and face shield help prevent and
were not followed. control the
About 5 days after, spread of
her friend called and communicable
said someone in the diseases in your
party tested positive community?
for COVID-19, she (5 mins)
was advised to self-
quarantine. What are
the signs and
symptoms should
Hannah lookout for?
(10 mins)
F. Making Express your thoughts Directions: Based on the Complete the graphic Express your
generalizations by answering the previous activity on the organizer to form the understanding of the
and questions below: importance of self- organizational structure lesson by completing
abstractness to 1. Among the emerging monitoring skills, look at of the Disease the sentence starters
the lesson and re-emerging the figure below and Prevention and Control below.
(ELABORATE) diseases, what do think what you should do Bureau (DPCB) and 1. The agencies that
you think possess the and what you should not answer the question that are responsible in
greatest threat to do if you are the one in follow. the prevention and
public health today? the picture. control of
In what ways has it (see the figure on SLM communicable
affected you? (SEE FIG. 1 on SLM page 10) diseases in the
2. What can you do to page 12) Process Questions: Philippines are
control the spread of 1. What are the ____.
Emerging and Re- (5 mins) functions of the 2. I believe one of
Emerging Diseases? Disease the benefits that I
(5 mins) Prevention and can get from these
Control Bureau? health agencies is
2. What is the __
importance of 3. As a student, I can
having this help in the
organized prevention and
structure in control of
carrying out the communicable
government’s diseases in my
programs and school and
policies to control community
and prevent through ____
diseases? (5 mins)
(5 mins)
G. Evaluating The teacher will facilitate COMMITMENT on how I can Directions: Identify the The teacher will
learning the assessmet on SLM help prevent the spread of policies being described. facilitate the
(EVALUATION) page 14-15. diseases. Directions: Write Write your answer in Assessment on SLM
your commitment in your your activity notebook. pages 13-15)
(see the attached files) journal or activity notebook.
(5 mins) Affix your signature on your1. It addresses
work and ask your parents totuberculosis problems in (5 mins)
read and sign. Use the the country by detecting
following questions as your and curing all forms of
guide. Guide questions: 1. As
a teenager, what can I do to
TB cases.
prevent the spread of 2. It ensures a clean
diseases? 2. How can I help blood supply.
my classmates, schoolmates, 3. It prevents the
and my family not to be transmission of the virus
infected by diseases?
(5 mins) from the mosquito vector
to human thus reducing
dengue infection.
4. It is an Act that
promulgates policies and
prescribes measures for
the prevention and
control of HIV/AIDS in
the Philippines.
5. It seeks to ensure that
infants/children and
mothers have access to
vaccines recommended
for their age to prevent
specific diseases.
(5 mins)
H. Additional Design or create a Directions: In your Choose only one among : List and explain
activities for Family Health Program activity notebook, trace the suggested activities briefly at least 5
application and to follow and ensure that your palm and fingers on below 1. Make a health programs that
remediation every member of the it. Guided by the different campaign poster on the are implemented in
(EXTEND) family will have a healthy life skills mentioned a proper way of hand your community by
lifestyle. Write this in while ago, recall the washing. 2. Compose a the different agencies
your activity notebook. healthful things your slogan about on prevention and
 Objectives parents have done to you cleanliness. 3. Make a control of
 Activity since you were a baby up bookmark on prevention communicable
 Frequency to the present in order to and control of diseases.
 Outcome protect you from illnesses communicable disease.


A. Number of learners who

earned 80% in the
evaluation: _________

B. Number of learners who

scored below 80% who
needs additional
activities for
remediation: _________

C. Did the remedial lesson

work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson: __________

D. Number of learners who

continue to require
remediation: __________

E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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