Detailed Lesson Plan DLP Format DATE Lea
Detailed Lesson Plan DLP Format DATE Lea
Detailed Lesson Plan DLP Format DATE Lea
DATE: Learning Area: Media and Information Literacy Grade Level: Quarter: 2
Grade 12
Ms. Mary Guinnil Arcilla / SST - I
Learning Competency/ies: Cites studies showing proofs of positive and negative effects of media,
(Taken from The Curriculum Guide) information on individual and society (MIL-11/12PM-IVa-1)
Key Concepts/Understandings to be Positive and negative effects of media, information on individual and
Developed society
1. Objectives
4. Procedures
Preparations Motivation/Introductory The teacher will flash different TV, print, radio, and social
- How will I make the learners Activity (5 mins.) media personalities through a multimedia presentation.
ready? This part introduces the lesson
- How do I prepare the learners for content.. it is serves as a warm-up
She will tell the class that these people might be familiar
the new lesson? activity to give the learners zest for to them because they might saw them in TV, magazines,
(Motivation /Focusing /Establishing the incoming lesson and an idea
Mind-set /Setting the Mood about what it to follow. One
internet, etc. They might have heard some of them in the
/Quieting /Creating Interest - principle in learning is that learning radio as well.
Building Background Experience – occurs when it is conducted in a
Activating Prior pleasurable and comfortable
Knowledge/Apperception - Review atmosphere. TV Personalities:
– Drill)
- How will I connect my new lesson 1.) Noli de Castro
with the past lesson? 2.) Kris Aquino
3.) Karen Davila
4.) Piolo Pascual
5.) Taylor Swift
Radio Personalities:
1.) Papa Jack
2.) DJ Cha-cha
3.) Mark Logan
Abstraction (20 mins.) The teacher will present first the meaning of people and
This outlines the key concepts, media. And, for better understanding of the lesson, she
important skills that should be
enhanced, and the proper attitude will discuss the different between people media and
that should be emphasized. This is
organized as a lecturette that
people in media/ Afterwards, the teacher will also discuss
summarizes the learning the characteristics of people in media.
emphasized from the activity,
analysis and new inputs in this part
“Based on the dictionary definition, we may say that
of the lesson. people media consists of men, women, even children
that widely influence the people by reaching them
through different means.
They are the sources of information, and are responsible
in disseminating those information.
People media may also be defined as the utilization of
people credible in their respective fields to talk about
their expertise and help the students learn from people
with firsthand experiences on a particular field or topic.”
Assessment (___6_minutes): For the teacher to: a) Assess The teacher will show some pictures with different
whether the learning objectives have been met for a specific duration, b) scenarios about the effects of media on the individual and
Remediate and/or enrich with appropriate strategies as needed, and c)
Evaluate learning intentions and success criteria have been met. society. In a dyad, the students will determine if the effects
(Reminder: Formative Assessment may be given before, during, or after are positive or negative to an individual or the society.
the lesson.) Choose any from the Assessment Methods below:
Assessment Method Possible Activities
a) Observation
(formal and informal observations of learners’
performance or behaviors are recorded, based on
assessment criteria)
b) Talking to Learners/Conferencing - Picture Analysis
(Teachers talk to and question learners about their - Think-Pair-Share
learning to gain insights on their understanding and to
progress and clarify their thinking)