Success Story of Malkapur 24X7 Water Supply System

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arashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran,

I N 0 E X

Page No
Sr. No. Particular
From To
01 Introduction 04 04
02 Scheme Details 05 05
03 Key Plan 06 06
04 Strategy Adopted 06 07
05 Impact of initiatives 07 13
06 Role of various stake holders 13 14
07 Benefits resulting from the project 14 20
08 Scope of sustainability 20 20
09 Replicability 21 21
10 Awards 21 22

Page No. 03

Geographical Location of Malkapur
Malkapur town is situated along NH-4 adjacent to
the area of 'Historical Agashiv Hills' situated on the
boundary of town Karad in District Sarata of
Maharashtra state. Malkapur is fast growing town
because the adjoining Karad city does not have
sufficient land available. Also Malkapur has
industrial as well as business establishments, such
as Krishna Hospital, Emerson Industries, ~ """"r;w/JtlDMsion
I!lIIIi .....~g"b<tdOivision

Educational Institutes, some big hotels, co-op _1(oflbnDM;ion


societies etc. Hence people prefer to settle at

• Pu=Ohfisict!


Original combined water supply scheme for

Malkapur & Nandlapurvillage was executed in year
1988, for projected population of 14000 @ year
2010 by adopting Koyana Riveras perennialsource
. In addition to this, the extended Malkapur town
areawas supplied water through 11 borewells. The
rateof water supply was 40 LPCD.

The above mentioned existing water supply

scheme was found insufficient to cater the
increasedwater supply need. Henceas perthe
demand of people of Malkapur
Grampanchayat, it was decided to plan and
execute 24x7 Water Supply Scheme by
adopting KoyanaRiveras perennialsource and
accordingly the proposal was framed for a
projected population of 67196 for year 2037
andsubmittedto Govt.for approval.

Page No. 04
Scheme Details
1 Cost
Original Rs 947.54 lakh ( Adm. Approval dt. 9/6/1999)
Revise Rs. 1225.13 lakh ( Adm. Approval dt. 3/8/2008)
He-revise Rs. 1402.92 lakh (with Govt.)
2 Financial Pattern
Govt. share 90%
Popular contribution 10% (122.00 lakh collected till date)
3 Population
Year 2011 31713
Year 2037 67196 ( ultimate)
4 Rate of water supply 70 LPCD
5 Pumping hours 12 (daily)
6 Work executed
A)Head works
Intake well 3.00 m dia (RCC)
Inspection well 3.00 m dia (RCC)
Connecting Pipe 750 mm dia (CI) L - 55 m
Approach Bridge 45 m. Length (RCC)
B) Pumping Machinery
Raw water 150 HP (VT) Discharge- 3.25 Lakh Ltr./Hr
Pure water 75 HP (VT) Discharge- 3.08 Lakh Ltr./Hr
C) Rising main
Raw water 400 m.m. 01 L-1840 m.
Pure water 400 m.m. 01 L -155 m
D) Water Treatment Plant Capacity - 8.00 MLO
E) Gravity Main 400 to 250 mm 01 L- 3520 m
F) ESRI GSR Total - 06 nos, Cap- 36.75 Lakh Ltrs.
G) Distribution System
300 To 150 mm 0.1. L - 8.06 km
140 To 75 mm HOPE L - 67.17 km
Domestic water connection Nos - 5997
(MOPE pipe & with AMR water meter)
7 Total expenditure incurred Rs. 1398.45 Lakh

Page No. 05
Metered Connection

Maharashtra !VIaLkapur.
_,_Jeevin ~ra:dhikarari Naga~pancha_9;af

Zone 1 Zone2 Zone3 Zone4 Zone 5


Strategy Adopted
The Malkapur water supply distribution was planned, designed, constructed and is being
operated with following strategy in mind.
1) The consumer shall get the water whenever he opens the tap - This strategy provides for the
service availability whenever consumer desires. The consumer in different trades needswater
at different times of the day. The intermittent system provide water at fixed hours or at varying
hours (if the scheme is in chaos like Malkapur). This requires citizens to adjust their schedule
according to the time at which water is available. It leads to missing economic opportunities or
any other opportunity during that period. It was, therefore, thoughtto make availablewater atthe
tap of the consumer 24 x 7. The strategy is also aimed at making redundant the concept of
storing of water and throwing it away the next day when fresh water is received and to stop the
investment requiredin storage vessels/ tanks.
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2) Provide good health to the citizens through good quality potable water - Every piped water
supply system endeavor to provide good quality potable water. The intermittent systems, in non
supply hours, gets depressurized resulting in outside contaminants entering the pipes from the
spots where leakages have occurred. The 24 x 7 pressurized systems do not fall pray to this
situation, thus the quality of water delivered is assured all the time.
3) Consumer pay as they use - This principle of consumer paying as per their usage provide the
incentive for resource conservation. The metered water supply system provide an opportunity to
charge as per the volumes of water consumed, unlike in un-metered flat rates, where quantity
consumed is not the criteria. This makes the consumer in metered system try to minimize the
usage by closing their taps no sooner their requirement is fulfilled. This helps the pressure in
pipes to be maintained and the consumer located at higher elevation do not suffer. This tries to
establish equity amongst consumers.
4) Pay at higher rate when using higher per capita water - The telescopic rates adopted requires
the higher per capita usage of water to be paid at higher rates. The minimum required water is
provided at affordable rates. Thus the poor are taken care, while they also enjoy the benefit of 24 x
7 water availability. This recycles the wealth from the rich to the poor. This strategy is enforceable
through the micro mapping of number of persons in each house and the AMR meters provided in
the system.
5) The service to work on no loss basis - The water supply service was advised not to be run in
loss. The rates were to be determined accordingly. Great care was also needed to keep
operational expenditure to its minimum.

Impact of Initiatives
The augmentation to the water supply system was approved on 9th June 1999 for RS.947.54
Lakhs. Howeverthe work could not be started till 17th Dec 2002, dueto paucity of funds. The system
is designedto provide 55 LPCDwater for population of 67196 souls expected in year 2037. The bulk
water system consisted of water abstraction from perennial river Koyna, pumping it to water
treatment plant at the rate of 3.25 Lakh Itr/hr (8 MLD), through D.l.K-9 pipeline of 400 mm dia. The
pumps are of 150 HP. The W.T.P.having conventional alum dosing, flocculation, coagulation
sedimentation filtration and disinfection by chlorine is adopted. The treated water is pumpedto the
Master Balancing Reservoir located on the hill. The treated and disinfected water from this tank is
transferred to the 5 service reservoirs covering six zones of distribution. Thetreated water pumps are
of 75 HP.The system up to ESRwas ready by Jan 2005 and the water supply through the existing
distribution system was started.
The last of the work but important from the point of view of service delivery was distribution
network. The approved project provided distribution system in PVCpipes. This work being directly

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related to the consumer satisfaction, the latest concepts in distribution network were discussed with
the elected representative of the Village Panchayat (now Nagar Panchayat). They were provided
information about the 24 x 7 water supply system, the pipe materials, which are useful in helping the
system to operate 24 x 7. The house service connection material and methodology, the metered
delivery of water and charging the consumer on volumetric basis were also explained. The Sarpanch
and the elected representatives were taken to Badlapur near Mumbai, where effort to convert
existing intermittent system into 24 x 7 was started by MJP in some wards. They visited and
experienced for themselves and got the feedback from the consumers of Badlapur. After having
satisfied they were eager to deliberate the matter in their council, and agree for 24 x 7 system with
metered water supply and tariff as per actual consumption. The village Panchayat met and resolved
accordingly vide their resolution in Gramsabha dated 26th Jan., 2007.
The Panchayat was explained about the HOPE pipes of very good quality to be used for
distribution network. They were also made aware that the pipes will come in roll of length 50 m to 100
m and there will be reduced number of joints which will help in reducing the number of possible
leakage spot in the pipeline. They were also transparently informed that 20 to 25 years back HOPE
pipes were used in Maharashtra but failed in large percentage due to quality of pipes and jointing
procedure. They were also informed how the new methods and equipments of jOinting can make
leak proof pipeline. The Village Panchayat was also given idea about how the service connection on
the HOPE pipes will be taken by fusion welded tapping tee provided with ferrule and followed by leak
proof compression fitting, a single length MOPE blue pipe from ferrule to the meter in the premises of
consumer, the AMR meter, its method of taking reading etc. The complete transparency by MJP
could make Panchayat fully aware of the quality, workmanship, the equipments and the results that
are going to be achieved.

HOPE Pipe in coil Jointing of Pipes Electro

Electro-fusion Machine
fusion coupler

After having agreed to the system, the distribution network was designed using "Water Gems"
software. This software apart from design for steady state flow, also models the system according to
the given pattern of usage of water at the different time of the day in the 24 x 7 availability. This gives
the design of the system as a whole i.e. ESR and distribution network. The software uses Oarwin
designer which is a generic algorithm. It provides multi criteria optimization. The criteria being

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performance and cost. The solutions provided by the software are ranked. This allows the user to
choose the best solution which suits to his requirement of pressure and availability of money.

Post design & estimate, a comprehensive tender for distribution network in HOPEpipe, house
service connection in MOPEpipe with AMR meter, bulk water meters of AMR type was invited from
the large scale manufacturers of HOPEpipes, having collaboration with the manufacturer of AMR
meters. The criterion for performance was also kept in terms of the leakage in distribution network.
An incentivel penalty clause with bench mark leakage level of 5% was kept. On completion of the
system it is to be operated by the manufacturer for a period of 2 years andthe leakagelevel haveto be
reported every month.
The work was awarded to MIS Kimplas Piping System, Nashik through competitive bidding.
Kimplas apart from manufacturing quality RE. pipes also manufactures the RE. couplers, specials
and tapping tee suitable for fusion welded joints. The AMR meters of Mis. ARAOof Israelwas agreed
to by MIS Kimplas. The work order was given on 7th Oec2007 andthe actual work was started on 8th
Mar 2008. The resin to be used for manufacturing the pipes was specified in tender of Borealis Co.,
which is one of the best resins in the world. Thetender condition was incorporated that resin shall be
tested by "Bodykote", the international agencyfortesting resins and test certificate to begiven before
using. A visit of elected representatives of the village Panchayat was arranged to factory at Nashik,
prior to starting of manufacturing. They were shown all the facilities including quality assurance and
quality control methodology, the resin to be used etc. This gave a complete transparency. Before
starting the manufacture, the engineers of MJP and of village PanchayatjOintly verified the imported
resin, its batch number and correlated with the batch number mentioned on the test certificate. While
the manufacturing was gOingon, the representatives and engineers of MJP used to be present in the
factory to confirm that the resin imported for Malkapur is only being used for manufacturing the
pipes. The third party inspection was also kept essential as per the tender clause and the agency
namely "Iteng" inspected the pipes and issued their certificate. These pipes were conforming to IS
4984 for HOPEPE100 pipes and ISO4427 for MOPEblue pipes for connections.
The AMR meters were shown by Mis. ARAOto the village Panchayatrepresentatives andthe MJP
engineers. The working of the meter was explained and how the readings on the meter can be
remotely readthrough the handheld device using Radio Frequencywas demonstrated. All the queries
of the engineers and elected representatives were answered. These meters were also third party
inspected by "Macharot" of Israelfor first lot and by "SGS international" for second lot.
Eachwater connection has beeninstalled with automatic meter readers(AMR), which take meter
reading with the help of radio frequency within the radius of 200 m. It is not necessary to go to the
meter for taking readings. The data is fed into computer and accordingly water bill is processed.
Sincethere is no any manual interference to take readings, the billing is accurate.

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(8.00 MLD) METER

The actual work in the Malkapur town was started in Mar 2008 and the programme for completing
each zone in all respect was chalked. Accordingly the pipelines were laid and zone by zone the
system was commissioned as below.

Zone NO.5 (Part) Aug 2008

Zone NO.5 (complete) and Zone No. 6 Dec 2008
Zone No.2 and Zone No. 3 Mar 2009
Zone No.1 and Zone No. 4 May 2009

Accordingly the projected demand of Malkapur city for year 2037 for population 67196 was
calculated @ 70 LPCDandthe scheme was framed, designed and approved by Govtof Maharashtra.
The distribution system network was designed hydraulically by adopting 'Water Gems' Software as
per the requirement on proposed distribution nodes. The distribution system was divided in six
zones,topographically and accordingly scheme was executedand commissioned in Aug- 2008.

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The distribution system was laid by
adopting HOPE pipes, available in 50-100 m
coil lengths, which reduced into lesser joints,
the jointing was done by electrofusion method.

The consumer connections with ferrule

were done by adopting continuous MOPE
pipes using electrofusion method.

Various difficulties were faced during the implementation of the project which included following major
i) The Gram Panchayat was upgraded to Nagar Panchayat, resulting in dissolution of the elected body. This
ledto unavailability of people's representativeto co-ordinate. The Govt. of Maharashtra, through an order,
formulated a committee of all party representatives to helpthe project go ahead.
ii) During the election of newly formed Nagar Panchayat, 37 consumers denied to fix the meters. There was
no go till the election was over. Consequent to election, all these 37 themselves requested to fix the
iii) The number of consumers in the system before starting the project were 2950 and the project
included transferring these connection on the new pipelines using AMR meters, MOPE pipes
tapping tee, ferrule etc. However, during the project period 222 No. of additional connections
were given by the Panchayatand around 450 new connections were lined up, hence additional
money was required for these meters. The same was agreed partly through the project and
partly from the MPLAOprogramme where Hon. Centralminister Shri Prithviraj Chavan,allocated
these funds.
iv) Consequent to commissioning some zones in 24 x 7 water availability, it was not possible to
implement meteredtariff for these zones, while keepingflat rates in the 'still to be commissioned
un-metered areas'. The project was therefore accelerated and all the zones were commissioned
by 5/09.
v) It was experiencedthat the number of hours of pumping was getting increased when system was
operating 24X7 in commissioned zones but still in the flat rate tariff regime. The people started

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using excessive water. No proper float stop cocks for overhead tanks etc. was leading to overflow
of water and also wastage of water. The drive was therefore taken to convince people either to fix
the proper stop cocks to the overhead tanks or simply by pass them, as the pressure is adequate
to bring the water directly to the tap even at the third floor. The continuous water supply was
maintained even though it was overflowing or misused by the people. This was essential to make
them assured that "now there will be no outage in water supply". The continuous experience
could convince them that fixing proper stop cocks to the overhead tanks is essential. The team of
Panchayat employees and MJP engineers visited all the houses and listed such places where
these problems occurred. They convinced them not to use the over head tanks at all, as the
quality of water provided through the 24 x 7 system is far superior and it may get contaminated if
the over head tanks are not covered properly OR the children playing on the terrace may put some
dust in it OR the birds may try to use the water if they are un-covered. They were also informed
about the washing of overhead tank etc. and if it is not carried out timely then the water get
contaminated. This drive of making people aware yielded success and the people chose to fix ball
stop cocks or by pass their over head tanks. This started reducing number of pumping hours .

600r.=:= • Pump Hours


(Graphical Representation of Reduced Pumping Hours)

vi) Then came the issue of setting of proper water tariff so as to curb excessive utilization of water by
the consumer. Telescopic tariff with Rs.7/- per 1000 liters up to first 70 LPCD, Rs.10/- per 1000
liters for consumption between 70 to 100 LPCD and Rs 14/- per 1000 liters for consumption
beyond 100 LPCD was proposed by MJP; to the elected representatives of Nagar Panchayat.
There was informal discussion in which there was a school of thought to keep less number of
steps than three and decrease the rate. It was explained by the MJP that, having gone through the
phase, when the flat ratetariff was there, and the water was 24 x 7; there was continuous increase
in hours of pumping. Unless the higher consumption is curbed by keeping higher rate; the water
supply system capacity may stand insufficient to the excessive demand by the citizen and in that
case there will be no 25th hour in a day.

Page No. 12
The elected representatives could appreciate this situation and agreed for 3 slabs. However
they modified slabs and reduced the rates as :

Current Telescopic Tariff

1) Monthly consumption up to 12600 lit Rs 04 = 50/1000 Lit
2) 12601 to 22500 lit Rs 07 = 00/1000 Lit
3) Above 22500Lit Rs 10= 00/1000 Lit

(The consumers who so ever consume water less than 9900

Lit in a month are eligible for getting 15% discount.)

1)Only Hotels Rs 09 = 00/1000 Lit
2)Hotels with dining Rs 14 = 00/1000 Lit
3)Star Hotels, Hospitals etc. Rs 20 = 00/1000 Lit

They also made a very good suggestion and implemented it. The suggestion was 'who so ever
uses water @ 55 LPCD or less, will be given a 15% discounted rate'. Rates for commercial
connections were decided as Rs 9, 14, and 20 per 1000 lit depending on type of activity. The elected
representative and MJP engineers formed teams and conducted ward wise meetings of consumers
and ladies in particular and explainedthem the benefits of having 24 x 7 water supply. They were also
explainedthatthe telescopic rates will helpthem in avoiding the wastage of water.The charges will be
only for the water they use actually as read by meter as against the earlierflat rates, where people who
conserved water was not getting reward. This mass awareness campaign and telescopic tariff put
together, reduced the consumption to such an extent that the 19-20 hrs. of pumping is reduced to 13
hours andthe 24 x 7 water supply is possible at averageLPCDof 11O.

Role of Various Stake Holders

It can be seen that by accepting and agreeing to the 24 x 7 metered water supply concept, the
Village PanchayaVNagar Panchayat elected representatives played an important role to implement
the idea. The MJP played the most vital technical role. Its Chief Engineer, right from conceiving the
idea, bringing it on drawing board, implementing it, and then strategically pushing the decisions in a
manner that the transformation becomes continuous & sustainable, played an unparalleled
commendable role. The MJP's engineers on the site played important role in keeping the complete
transparency with the Panchayat in executing the project and operationalizing the plan as per the
micro detailing and directives of the Chief Engineer.The Panchayatand MJP whole heartedly pursued
the initiative as a single team. The Govt. of Maharashtra provided full support for making this pilot -
project a success, by upholding the ideas and providing the necessary funding through ARWSP of
Govt. of India and from Govt. of Maharashtra. The Member Secretary, MJP helped in imparting the

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education for using the "Water Gems" software and designing the system himself when he was Chief
Engineer. The RE. pipes industry, Mis. Kimplas helped in keeping complete transparency by allowing
the elected representatives, the engineers of MJP to visit their factory and explained their
manufacturing and quality. They also allowed representatives of MJP and Panchayat to remain
present while the manufacturing of pipes was going on, so as to satisfy them of the fact that the resin
imported for Malkapur is only being used. The after sale support from Mis. ARAD Meters, Israel and
Mis. Kimplas is notable. The media also played an important role in providing the factual information
to the citizens and consequently to whole of the Maharashtra about the initiative. The technical
forums like international conference of IWWA and the Monthly, "Asian water" of Singapore also
helped the concept to be put in front of international audiences and readers. The visual media channel
CNBC also made documentary for international display. The important role played is by the people of
Malkapur who remained very active throughout the project implementation, commissioning and
sustainability phase. They tried to understand the ideas, importance of the 24 x 7 availability of water,
appreciated the quality of water, kept a watch on quality and workmanship of the works getting
executed. The ladies in numbers came forward to attend the ward wise meeting and understand the
concept of paying for water whatever they use and in turn conserving the water. The citizen could fully
appreciate the logic of telescopic rates, and after having completely understood, they themselves
have now become the champions for such systems while answering to the queries of their relatives
coming to them from distant places. The role of the ex-MLA and veteran freedom fighter, Shri
Bhaskarrao Shinde was of the continuous inspiration. His confidence in the team of MJP and
Panchayat, his persuasion for the difficulties to be sorted out at all the levels could only achieve the
fete. The Panchayat played very important role consequently in agreeing the ideas of MJP Chief
Engineerfor automating the pump ON-OFF system using GSM, putting the whole distribution system
on GIS map, making the rate contract for the AMR meters, with same manufacturer so as to have a
similarity, installing the pressure sensorto calibrate hydraulic model, computerized billing etc.

Benefits resulting from the project

The project has not only succeeded in giving benefits to the Malkapur citizens in the below listed
aspects but has also providedthe state and nation, a success story on 24x7 water supply for whole of
the town (unlike the other towns where some wards are 24X7) for the first time in India which can be
seen and replicated by other Municipal Councils.
1) Improvement in delivery time and services
Pre-Project, the town Malkapur used to depend on bore wells, tankers and meager water supply
through earlier piped water supply system which was only for old Gaothan. The timings of the
services were unpredictable and the people had to rush for water at any time when it was made
available, which included late night hours as well. This used to disturb the time management of
the citizens. Now the water is available to the taps any time it is opened 24 x 7. This has totally

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c removed the constraints of attending to irregular water services and thus the citizens have been
freed of any special time to be allocatedfor water supply.
The beneficiary feedback is video captured and all the citizens of Malkapur are very
. happy and feel proud of their system which is the only one in India where the whole town is
provided with 24 x 7 water supply. The feedback also specifies the time saved by them and the
wastage of water stopped due to throwing away the water filled earlier day. The ladies are
especially very much happy that they do not haveto fetch the water from long distance and they
can getwater wheneverthey want by just openingthe tap.
2) Quality of Water
The quality of water as deliveredto the citizens through the tap is now guaranteedasthe pipes are
pressurizedthroughout day and night 24 x 7. This does not allow outside dirt to enter in the pipes.
Peopleare happy to get assured good quality water as they open the tap. The 'Krishna Medical
College, Karad' carried out a study on the quality of water after commissioning of the 24 x 7
system and they have reported that 100% of the samples are potable and free from
3) Decrease in water borne illnesses in children
The survey carried out by Anganwadi Sevika indicated that the water borne diseases in the
children havereduced remarkablyto nearzero level.
4) Reduction in wastage of water
Wasteful use of water is remarkably
reduced andthe reduction is to the extent
of 30%. The demand management by
making the people aware of the system
and the telescopic tariff structure made
this possible. In the initial period when
some zones were working 24 x 7 while
others were intermittent andtherefore flat
tariff was retained, led to 19-20 hours of
pumping in the system. Consequent to
demand management exercise by mass
awareness and implementation of
telescopic tariff reduced the pumping
requirement to 13-14 hours when all the
zones are now getting 24 x 7 water

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5) Shifting control of the distribution system from Valve man to the Consumer
When the supply was meager,and many valves were to be operatedfor giving water to the people
at different time of day and night, "Valve man" used to be key person dictating the water supply.
Now no valves are required to be operated in the distribution network and the consumer is the
"King" and can open tap and get the water at any time of the day or night. Thus 22 Valve man and
their misconduct is now a part ofhistory.
6) Simplification of billing procedure
The AMR type water meters installed, can be read remotely by driving through the streets using
hand held device & radio frequency and hencethe meter reading procedure is simplified. There is
no problem even if the door is locked, and of average reading. The data is free from the errors of
manual handling. The readings can be downloaded from the handheld i-paq (A hand held device)
to the computer and bills can be generated immediately. Thus the earlier annual billing procedure
is now monthly billing and thus the cash flow of the Municipal Council is improved. So also for
consumer paying a large sum at the end of year used to find it difficult than small sum every
month now.
7) Saving in Electricity & helping clean development initiatives
Prior to the project, households and people living in 2/3 storey buildings used to pump the water
from ground floor to the tanks on terrace, some of them also used to operate power pumps on
bore wells, the M.C. also used to operate 11 Nos. of power pumps on bore wells for supplying
water to the respective areas. All this is now stopped, as the water is available 24 x 7 with a
pressure that can fill the terrace tank on the 3rd floor without pumping. This has saved electricity
to the tune of 330336 KWH / year. This is as per the actual electricity billing data pre and post
project. This exercise was carried out for submitting the proposal for 'Energy Conservation
Award' to MEDA.The energy saved is equivalentto reduction in 450 tons of carbon dioxide in the
8) Increased prestige & pride for Citizens leading to increase in revenue recovery
The ideal service made available has increased the prestige of people and they are now
experiencing pridethat their town is owner of such a good system. At the same time the revenue
recovery inthe water is improved from 60% earlierto 80% and is improving day by day.
. 9) Reduction in operation cost
. The simple system automation like operating the raw water pumps from water treatment plant
using GSM technology has reduced the cost of operation as the raw water pumping station is
now operated un-manned. This has eliminated the requirement of 2 pump operators there.

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10) A successful pilot
It has achieved its aim as a pilot project. Many Municipal Councils, MLAs and others aspiring to
implement 24 x 7 water supply system arevisiting the town and understandingthe methodology.
The Vice President of the Municipal Council along with the Chief Engineer of MJP and field
engineers of MJP are delivering lectures jOintly to the aspiring municipalities / technocrats and
giving them an insight how and where to implement 24 x 7 system and the role of technocrats,
beneficiary people and people's representative as a homogeneous team in achieving the
11) Reduction in NRW
The system is provided with AMR type bulk meters to all the zones and all the consumers in the
zone. Henceit is possible to take all the readings by driving in the town within % an hour and thus
using these snap reading of the meters it is possible to haveday to day water audit in the system.
The measured NRW in the system is between 8-12%, which is far less than the 25-40%
commonly found in most of the towns in India.

The impact, as discussed in the above paras, is summarized below table.

,- ~_ ,Rr~Rroject Post Rroject

Timeliness of service No definite time. Water supply 2-3 Water supply available 24 hrs. a day 7
delivery. days alternate. days a week to the citizens.

02 Water Quality Water quality could not be guaranteed. Guaranteed water quality with 100%
samples potable.

03 Time management of Wastage of time of consumer. Consumer can utilize his time as per
consumer their will since water is available 24 x 7.

04 Saving in water After 24x7 but before charging on Post 24x7 complete commissioning
metered basis, the water was required with demand management efforts
to be pumped for 19-20 hrs. People water to the extent of 30% is
used to overuse & waste large quantity conserved. Now 13-14 hrs. pumping
of water and the flow from gutters used is sufficient to keep 24 x 7 operational.
to be high which was getting into one Now the land where the 'pool was; has
of the private land making it like a pool become dry.
of waste water.

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05 Reduction in electricity 11 bore wells with power pumps of Now these pumps are totally stopped
consumption M.e. and many power pumps, small with reduction in electricity
pumps for lifting water from ground to consumption by 27528 KWH per
terrace was working. month.

06 Reduction in cost of I) For operating pumps at head works I) With automation using GSM
operation. separate operators were required. technology pumps are operated from
WTP & the Head works is un-manned.
Reduction in cost by Rs. 9000 per

ii) 22 valve men used to operate the ii) There is no need of valve man as the
valves in distribution network & the water is available 24 x 7 throughout the
bore well valves so as to provide water town and no valves are to be operated.
to the consumer at different times of Reduction in cost by Rs. 66000 per
day and night by zoning method. month

Valve actuators have been installed

near service reservoirs which are fed
by gravity through MBR. When water
level in the tank reaches full tank level,
the water supply through gravity main
is cut off and when it is empty water
supply is restarted. This maintains
water supply 24x7 available in
distribution network.

Electronic Pressure sensors have

been installed in MBR to control the
water levels. As soon as the water
levels in the tanks get reduced to the
level of 30 % of total height, the pumps
installed in pure water pump are
started automatically. As soon as
water reaches to full capacity of tank,
the pumping is stopped. Because of
this the water supply in the distribution
system is maintained 24x7.

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iii) Ordinary meters would have iii) Due to use of AMR no meter reader
required 3 meter readers to collect the is required. The data handling error are
meter readings. also not there.

Leakage level in India varies from Measured leakage level in Malkapur is

25-40% 8-12%

As per the sanctioned scheme, it was

proposed to install 2950 water
connections with AMR water meters.
The same were executed at cost Rs.
6560/- per no. and the expenditure
was done through Govt grant. After
commissioning of the scheme, new
consumers were given water
connections including AMR water
meter at Rs. 14600/- per no.. The rate
included the cost of AMR meter,
ferrule, MOPE pipe, brick chamber.
The complete rate as above includes
the cost of AMR meter at Rs. 9300/-,
the 50% of which is borned by
Malkapur Nagar Panchayat & 50% by
consumers. The above rate of
RS.14600/- is fixed by Malkapur Nagar
Panchayat by inviting annual rate

07 System leakage level 20 no of pressure sensors are installed

at various node points on distribution
system, which record loss in the
pressure, due to leakages. This control
is done by GSM network system with
remote wireless operation, with the
help of computer installed @ WTP.

08 Recovery of water tariff 60% recovery Now 94% recovery and still improving
targeted to be 100%.

Page No. 19
Status of Domestic water connections
~ ~ ~ ~
Year 2009 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 Year 2013 Year 2014 ~
(upto 8/2014) :
2650 3033 3539 4037 5129 5756 5997

Expenditure Demand % of Recovery

Year 2008-09 48.00 22.65 17.00 75.05
Year 2009-10 50.81 60.78 56.57 93.07
Year 2010-11 57.49 60.37 57.88 95.87
Year 2011-12 51.34 78.58 75.34 95.88
Year 2012-13 62.78 95.83 90.21 94.13
Year 2013-14 85.99 103.10 97.35 94.42

Scope of sustainability

The initiative is sustainable both physically and financially. The water availability in the source "River
Koyna" is sufficient for all 365 days of year and years together for the small quantity required by this
town. As perthe historical data and as per the water releaseschedule of Koyna Dam which is one of
the major dams in the high rainfall zone of Sahyadristhere will be no constraint in availability of water.
The system capacity is also sufficient to take care of fluctuation in demand for another 10-15 years.
The present requirement can be met by 12-13 hrs pumping. Thus water resource and system
capacity point of view the initiative is sustainable. Financially the initiative is sustainable as the
operation cost and the revenue are closely matching and the Municipal Council has decided to
increase the rates every year and to keep the sustainable rate. In fact they have constituted a
committee of ruling party, opposition party, experts and those who were opposing the initiative or
requesting for lower rates. The committee is given task to propose the rates in such a manner that
there will be no loss in operating the system. The recovery levels are also increasing. 60% of the
connection holders havetried successfully to keeptheir consumption within limit so that the water is
affordable to them. Some of the big houses who have rented their premises to many families have
now started charging them for water in addition to rentjust like electricity bills. Thus the consumption
that is charged in higher slab for such houses rentedto many families is offloaded to the hirers of the
premises. All these minutest planning and convincing the Municipal Council by the nominee and
positive orientation of Municipal Council has made the initiative physically and financially

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The initiative is replicable where the availability of water is sufficient for all the 365 days of the year. It
is replicable with the system capacity sufficient to cater for the increased demand by the people in the
transition phase of complete town getting switched overto 24 x 7 and effective demand management
is done through mass awareness and telescopic rate implementation. The smaller system capacities
can not satisfy this increased transition stage requirement and the initiative gets nipped in bud. The
peri-urban areas where the distribution net work is to be laid totally a fresh are the best areas where
the system can be replicated successfully.

This initiative got "Prime Ministers Award for Excellence in Public Administration" for the year 2009-10 on
account of successful planning, designing & executing 24x7 Malkapur water supply scheme. This has also
earned National Urban Award for year 201 O.

National Urban Award for year 2010

Prime Ministers Excellence Award year 2009-2010

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Use of recent modern technology is being incorporated successfully to run 24x7 Malkapur Water
Supply Scheme and the scheme has tested to its 100% efficiency and satisfaction of the people. In
future it is planned to pay water bills by adopting SMS systems on consumer mobile.

The proper & effective combination of high political will power, successful Government
Machinery & public contribution, has yielded excellent and successful 24x7 Water Supply
Scheme, such as Malkapur & Malkapur only, which is a path finder & mile stone for all water
supply schemeswhich are proposedto be executedin future.

Page No. 22
Malkapur 24 X 7 Water Supply Scheme
Malkapur Nagarpanchayat, Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran,
Tal. : Karad, Dist. : Satara (M.S.) Tal. : Karad, Dist. : Satara (M.S.)
Ph. No. (02164) 241324,241325 Ph. No. (02164) 229946
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Documentation Supported by :
Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances & Pensions Government of India.

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