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(International Consultant in water Resources
Power and Infrastructure, Development)
76-C, Sector – 18, Institutional Area, Gurgaon,
Haryana, India, Tele-fax : + 91-124-2399427
E-mail: [email protected]



Volume I: Main Report

Page Nos.

Salient Features

Chapter 1 – Introduction 1-1 to 1-6

Chapter 2 – Godavari Basin 2-1 to 2-7

Chapter 3 – Survey & Investigation 3-1 to 3-6

Chapter 4 – Project Design 4-1 to 4-60

Chapter 5 – Construction Planning and Equipment’s 5-1 to 5-19

Chapter 6 – Cost Estimate 6-1 to 6-64

Volume II: Geotechnical and Geophysical Investigation Report

Volume III: Drawings

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

1 Name of the Project Lingampalli Reservoir Project

2 Type of Project Irrigation/Drinking Water

17º 56′ N, 79º 17′ E,
Malkapur Village,
3 Location of the Reservoir Chilpur Mandal,
Jangaon District,
Telangana State.
4 Toposheet No. E 44 N5 (New), 56 O5 (Old).

5 Purpose of scheme Storage/Balancing Reservoir

Godavari Reservoir through

6 Source of Supply
Dharma Sagar Tank

7 Details of the Reservoir

a) FRL El. 420 m

b) MDDL El. 388 m

c) TBL El. 424 m

d) Bed Level El. 376 m

e) Max Height of the dam 48 m

8 Capacity of Reservoir 10.78 TMC

9 Period for filling the reservoir 3 Months (during rainy season)

Length of Earthen Dam to create the

10 7500 m

11 Length of Concrete Dam 200 m

12 Total Length of the Dam 7700 m

13 Sluices in concrete Dam

a) 2 x 2 m (Irrigation Sluice) Block 5 with 35 m head

Salient Features i WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

b) 4 x 4 m (Scour Sluice) Block 5 with 35 m head

14 Submergence Area 1786 Ha / 4411 Acres

1 no. Lingampalli (V),

5 nos. of Hamlets of
15 No. of Villages under Submergence
1 no. of Hamlet of Malkapur

16 Location of Pump House Near Dharma Sagar Reservoir

17 Design Discharge 39.26 cumecs

18 No. of Pumping Days and Hours 90 days and 24 hours

19 No. of Pumps/motors 3 nos.

20 Static Head 129 m

21 Power Requirement 3 x 25.5 MW = 76.5 MW

22 Installed Capacity of Pumping Station 76.5 MW

23 Energy Required 143.05 MU

24 Annual Energy Cost (Rs.) Rs. 71.53 Crore

25 Length of Conveyance System

1.25 Km
a) Approach Channel
(Bw – 9 m, FSD – 3m, FB -1 m)
b) Pipeline from Dharma Sagar to 3 Nos. Pipes of 3.0 m diameter
Lingampalli Reservoir each about a length of 17.0 Km.
26 Project Cost Rs. 3553.94 Crores.

27 Estimated Completion Time 3 Years

Salient Features ii WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project



The economy of Telangana is mainly driven by agriculture. About 73% of the

population is rural. The economy of the state is predominantly agrarian; agriculture
contributes about 50% of the state’s income and employs about 70% of the work
force. Since agriculture is the main activity and it has close links with the
development in other sectors, for overall economic progress of the state, achieving
faster agricultural growth is imperative. Thus there is an urgent need for increasing
food and fiber production to meet the demands of increasing population as well as for
providing rural employment. Currently, the gross I.P created in Telangana is only
about 40 lakh acres out of which only 30-33% area is being utilised. Due to regional
constraints of topography and natural distribution of land and water resources, there
have been regional disparities in irrigation development within the state as compared
to adjoining states inspite of having ample water resources.

Telangana is situated on the Deccan Plateau, in the central stretch of the eastern
seaboard of the Indian Peninsula. It covers 112,077 square kilometres (43,273 sq mi),
which makes it the twelfth largest state of India. In terms of population also,
Telangana is the twelfth largest state of India with a population of 35.19 Million
(2011 Census). Given the present rural population of about 73 percent, the state can
be considered to be predominantly rural. The region is drained by two major rivers,
Godavari and Krishna. Out of the Godavari river catchment area situated in the
erstwhile Andhra Pradesh State, about 79% of the catchment area lies within
Telangana and 21% lies in Andhra. Similarly, out of the Krishna river catchment area
situated in the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh State, about 69% lies within Telangana State
and about 31% lies in Andhra. But most of the land in Telangana is arid. Between the
two rivers Godavari and Krishna, Godavari is the bigger one, in fact the biggest
among all the rivers in South India and second largest in the country. As per the
Interstate agreement concluded under Godavari Water Dispute Tribunal Award
(GWDTA), Telangana & Andhra Pradesh state is having share of 1480 TMC of water
at 75% dependability. On the basis of GWDT award various agencies like WAPCOS,
Chapter-1: Introduction 1-1 WAPCOS Limited
Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

NWDA (National Water Development Agency), erstwhile Andhra Pradesh

Government, have calculated the share of the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh Government
and it has accepted the figure of 1480 TMC as the net water availability as its share
and the same was reflected in various G.O.s while sanctioning the projects.

The annual rainfall is between 900 to 1500 mm in northern Telangana and 700 to 900
mm in southern Telangana, both from the southwest and the northeast monsoon.
Telangana is a semi-arid area and has a predominantly hot and dry climate. Summers
start in March, and peak in May with average high temperatures in the 42 °C (108 °F)
range. A dry, mild winter starts in late November and lasts until early February with
little humidity and average temperatures in the 22–23 °C (72–73 °F) range.


Telangana is a semi-arid area and has a predominantly hot and dry climate and it has a
skewed distribution of rainfall in space and time. Such situation has triggered exodus
of people from rural area in search of livelihood towards urban areas. Statistics
suggests that neither adequate concern nor due attention was paid in the past for the
development of irrigation facilities in Telangana area. Even the existing major /
medium irrigation projects of Telangana in Godavari basin are suffering for want of
adequate flow at the project sites as well as reduction of storage capacities due to

There has been general emphasis on gravity (flow canal) irrigation according to the
command ground levels. However, very large commandable area exists in the middle
reaches of Godavari covering uplands of Telangana State spread over the erstwhile
districts Rangareddy, Medak, Nizamabad, Karimnagar, Adilabad, Warangal,
Nalgonda and Khammam where only lift irrigation is feasible. Most of these areas are
backward and a drought-prone area as there is no permanent irrigation facilities even
though there is adequate rainfall at some places.

These command areas, even though fertile, are mostly upland areas which cannot be
served by gravity. Hence, in order to provide dependable and permanent irrigation
facilities, the only alternative left is to lift the water in stages near the vicinity of
various patches of command areas. The transfer of water through lift schemes and

Chapter-1: Introduction 1-2 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

conveying it to water deficient, upland regions of Telangana is thus of strategic

importance and a pressing need toward a more equitable development of water
resources for irrigation and other water requirements.

In view of the above, a lift irrigation scheme namely, J. Chokkarao Devadula Lift
Irrigation Scheme (JRDLIS) was formulated and executed. J.Chokka Rao Devadula
Lift Irrigation Scheme envisages lifting of water from Godavari River near Gangaram
(V), Eturunagaram (M), erstwhile district Warangal from El. 70 m. to El. 540 m to
irrigate 6.21 Lakh Acres in upland drought prone areas of erstwhile districts
Karimnagar, Warangal, Nalgonda and Medak by utilizing about 38 TMC of water
from river Godavari. Warangal district has command area of about 5.30 Lakh Acres
under this scheme. Out of 38.2 TMC water lifted from river Godavari with a power
requirement of about 484 MW, 35.4 TMC is utilized for Agriculture, 2.8 TMC is used
for both Industrial and Drinking Water purposes.

The Lift Irrigation Scheme executed in three phases. Phase-I comprises of one pipe
line of 2.50 m. dia., with two pumps to carry 10 Cumecs of water to irrigate 1.23 lakh
acres with Intake point at Gangaram (v) to Station Ghanpur tank connecting enroute
tanks viz., Bheemghanpur, Nagaram, Dharmasagar with 4 stage lifting covering a
distance of 135 kms. Phase-II of the Project is to lift 14 Cumecs of water from river
Godavari near Gangaram (v), Eturunagaram (M), erstwhile Warangal district with 7
Nos. of pumping stations connecting Intake near Gangaram (v), Bheemghnapur,
Salivagu, Dharmasagar, R.S. Ghanpur, Gandi Ramaram and Bommakur Tanks. And
Phase-III is to lift 49.6 Cumecs of water from river Godavari near Gangaram (v),
Eturunagaram (M), erstwhile Warangal district with 7 Nos. of pumping stations
connecting Intake near Gangaram (v), Ramappa, Dharmasagar, R.S Ghanpur,
Gandiramaram, Bommakur, Tapaspally tanks.

The Lift Irrigation Scheme has inadequacy of sufficient balancing reservoirs

dedicated to the scheme, which can store the water during monsoon season and/or low
demand period and serve the scheme during the remaining period of the demand. The
storage provided in the current scheme was not sufficient and hence additional storage
capacity is to be created to serve the command area, drinking water and industrial by
absorbing fluctuations in availability of water.

Chapter-1: Introduction 1-3 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project


In this regard, in order to utilize the diverted water of Godavari River, it is essential to
have sufficient storage in the scheme, because there is going to be mismatch between
demand and supply, which is highly skewed in the present case. As such, the
provision of sufficient storage has been proposed in the system to have operational
flexibilities to provide the water as per the requirement. There are existing reservoirs
in the system having overall capacity of less than 10 TMC, which will only act as
transit storage for balancing purpose, since there is already prior commitment for
these storages. Therefore, the need for creation of additional storage to the tune of
about 75% of the overall requirement was felt necessary, since there is a high gap
between demand and supply and also the command area is not distributed uniformly.
It is in this context a high capacity artificial reservoir having capacity of about 25-
30% of overall water demand has been kept at higher elevation to act as a mother
reservoir and also as a carryover storage in case there is a shortage in the system.

From this point of view, Lingampalli Reservoir Project having capacity of about
10.78 TMC with less submergence area has been proposed in the present scheme
which is located at 17º 56′ N, 79º 17′ E near Malkapur Village, Chilpur Mandal in
Jangaon District (erstwhile Warangal Dist.) of Telangana State in order to have
operational flexibilities to provide the water as per the requirement in the current
Devadula Lift Irrigation System. Water with a discharge of about 39.26 cumecs is
drawn from existing Dharma Sagar Reservoir through Approach Channel of about
1.25 Km enters the surge pool of the proposed Lift System. Water from here is lifted
from El. 297 m to El. 424 m and allowed to flow through Pumping Main of 17.0 Km
(3.0 m Dia, 3 nos), fills the proposed Lingampalli Reservoir in 90 days.

Thus, the present report deals with project conceptual planning, design, drawings
and cost estimation of Lingampalli Reservoir Project.


The proposed Lingampalli Reservoir is located at 17º 56′ N, 79º 17′ E near
Malkapur Village, Chilpur Mandal in Jangaon District (erstwhile Warangal Dist.) of
Telangana State. It is located about 30 KM towards west from District headquarters

Chapter-1: Introduction 1-4 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Warangal, 13 KM from Ghanpur (Stn). Malkapur is surrounded by Ghanpur

(Station) Mandal towards South, Bheemdevarapalli Mandal towards North,
Narmetta Mandal towards west, Husnabad Mandal towards North. Jangaon,
Warangal, Siddipet, Karimnagar are the nearby Cities to the proposed site.


The Proposed dam site is near the village Malkapur has no railway station in and
around 10 km. However, the nearest railway Station to the proposed site is
Warangal. The site has good road connectivity from Warangal which is about 30
km from Malkapur.


The Present Report is Detailed Project Report covering project conceptual planning,
topographic survey, design, drawings and estimate of Lingampalli Reservoir and its
appurtenant structures along with cost estimates for the proposed structures such as
Pump House, Approach Channel, Head Regulator etc.

This report shall cover following works:

i) Design, Drawing and Estimation for Constrution of Lingampalli Reservoir,

Pump House, Head Regultor, Approach Channel Etc.
ii) Power & Energy Requirement studies
iii) Topographical Survey of reservoir using LiDAR, soil investigation etc. for
foundations, seepage, infiltration, including collection of relevant field data,
foundation explorations and geotechnical investigations at the locations of
structures of reservoirs.
iv) Preparation of Detailed Project Report.


The present report starts with Chapter-1 which describes the background and need
for this project as well as the objective and scope of the consultancy services for the
same. Chapter-2: It covers physiographic details, river system, and meteorological
details of Godavari Basin. It also provides sub-basin level details of the basin.
Chapter-3: deals with survey & investigations carried out for the project. Chapter-4

Chapter-1: Introduction 1-5 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

deals with the design of various components of the scheme which comprise of
Lingampalli Reservoir having earthen and concrete gravity embankment / dam, Head
Regulator near Dharma Sagar, Lifting System, Piped water conductor system for raw
water pumping, etc. Chapter-5 deals with Construction, Planning and Scheduling for
the proposed scheme which has been taken to be 3-years because the earthen dam /
concrete gravity dam will have voluminous work and it requires sequential activities
which can’t be minimised in terms of time because they follow their inherent
sequence and finally Chapter-6 deals with the detailed cost estimate for the project.

Chapter-1: Introduction 1-6 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project




The biggest river of peninsular India and the second largest in the country, River
Godavari, flows eastwards across the Deccan Plateau from Western Ghats. It rises in
Sahyadris at an altitude of 1067 m above mean sea level at Triambakeshwar about 80
km from the Arabian Sea in the Nasik district of Maharashtra. After flowing for
about 1,465 km in a generally southeasterly direction through Maharashtra and
Andhra Pradesh, it falls into the Bay of Bengal, about 97 km below Rajahmundry.
The state wise breakup of the Godavari basin area is given below:

Table 2.1
Sl. Name of the state Catchment As percentage
No. area (sq.km) of total
1 Maharashtra 152200 48.6
2 Telangana 57829 18.4
3 Andhra Pradesh 15372 4.9
4 Madhya Pradesh 31821 10.2
5 Chhattisgarh 33434 10.7
6 Odisha 17752 5.7
7 Karnataka 4405 1.4
Total 312812 100

The index map of the Godavari basin is given at Plate 2.1.

The Godavari basin, lies between latitudes 16º 16’ N and 22º 43’ N and longitudes 73º
26’ E and 83º 7’ E, extending over an area of nearly 3,12,812 square km, roughly
about 10% of the total geographical area of India. The basin comprises areas in the
State of Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh,
Odisha and Karnataka.

Chapter-2: Godavari Basin 2-1 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project


The drainage basin of the Godavari comprises rolling and undulating country - a
series of ridges and valleys interspersed with low hill ranges. Large flat areas of the
type characteristics of the Indo-Gangetic plains are scarce except in the delta. The
western edge of the basin is an almost unbroken line formed by the Sahyadris range of
Western Ghats. The interior of the basin is a plateau divided into a series of valleys
sloping generally towards east. The northern boundary of the basin comprises a series
of tableland varying in elevation, which has withstood the effect of ages of denudation
better than the terrain to the north and south of them. Large stretches of plains
interspersed with hills range lie to the south. The Eastern Ghats & Bay of Bengal
forms the eastern boundary. The Eastern Ghats are not as well defined or continuous
as the Sahyadris range on the west. They rise from the plains of East Godavari and
Visakhapatnam to the level of the table land of Jeypore. The delta of the Godavari
formed by deposits at the mouth of the river over the ages, consists of a wide belt of
the river borne alluvium.


About 64 km from its source, the Godavari receives the water of Darna river and at a
short distance lower down the river, it gets out of the high rainfall zone of the Western
Ghats and there is no further significant contribution to the river flow until about 150
km below when it receives the combined waters of the Pravara and Mula rivers.
About 483 km lower, Manjra river joins from the south. The river Pranahita
conveying the combined waters of the rivers Penganga, Wardha and Wainganga falls
into the Godavari about 306 km below the Manjra confluence. About 48 km lower,
the Godavari receives the water of the Indrāvati River. Both Pranahita and Indrāvati
are major rivers in their own right. Sabari is the last major tributary which falls into
the Godavari 100 km above Rajahmundry.

The slope of the river from its source to 100 km distance is 2.7 m per km, 0.3 m per
km in the next 700 km and 1.19 m per km in the next 160 km up to the confluence of
Godavari with Pranahita. In the next reach up to the sea, the slope is very mild, about
0.23 m per km.

Chapter-2: Godavari Basin 2-2 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

The river Manjra rises in the Balaghat range in the Bhir district of Maharashtra at an
altitude of about 823 m. The river flows in a generally east and southeasterly direction
for 515 km. The total length of the river from the source to its confluence with the
Godavari, at an altitude of 329 m is about 724 km.

The Pranahita with its three principal branches, the Penganga, the Wardha and the
Wainganga is by far the most important tributary of the Godavari. The Penganga
rises at an altitude of about 686 m in the Buldana range in Maharashtra and after
flowing for a length of 676 km in a generally southeasterly and easterly direction joins
river Wardha at an elevation of 174 m. Except in its upper most reach of about 161
km which is mostly barren and hilly, the river passes through dense forests of
Yeotmal and Nanded districts and is then joined by several tributaries.

The Wardha rises at an altitude of 777 m in the Betul district of Madhya Pradesh and
enters Maharashtra about 32 km from its source. After flowing further for a distance
of 483 km in a generally southeasterly direction it joins the Wainganga at an elevation
of 145 m. For the last 42 km of its course it forms the boundary between Maharashtra
and Andhra Pradesh. Throughout its course, river flows through dense forests.

River Wainganga rises at an altitude of 640 m in Seoni district of Madhya Pradesh

and after flowing for a short length, it takes a turn towards east and then, south
forming a great loop. After flowing for a total length of 274 km in Madhya Pradesh,
it forms the boundary between Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra for about 32 km. It
then continues to flow towards south for another 188 km to join the Wardha.

The combined waters of the Wainganga and the Wardha, now called Pranhita, flow
for 113 km along the border between Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh before falling
into the Godavari at an elevation of 107 m.

The Indravati rises at an altitude of 914 m in the Kalahandi district of Orissa on the
western slopes of the Eastern Ghats. It flows westward through Koraput and Bastar
districts, turns south and about 531 km from its source joins the Godavari at an
elevation of about 82 m. The important tributaries of the Indravati are the Narangi,
Boardhing, Kotri and Bandia from its right and Nandiraj from its left.

Chapter-2: Godavari Basin 2-3 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

The Sabari also known as the Kolab is one of the important tributaries of the
Godavari. The Sabari rises at an altitude of 1,372 m in the Sinkaram hill range of the
Eastern Ghats. After flowing for a short distance in northwesterly and westerly
direction, it turns south and joins Godavari about 418 km from its source at an altitude
of 25 m about 97 km upstream of Rajahmundry. The index map of the Godavari is
given at plate-2.1.


The Godavari Basin has been divided into 12 sub- basins as per the Report of the
Godavari Water Disputes Tribunal as given below in Table 2.2.
Table 2.2 Sub-basins of Godavari Basin
Sl. Sub-basin Details
1. G-1: UPPER GODAVARI This sub-basin includes the reach of the river Godavari
from its source to its confluence with the Manjra. The
sub-basin excludes the catchment areas of the Pravara,
the Purna and the Manjra but includes that of all other
tributaries which fall into the Godavari in this reach.
2. G-2: PRAVARA This sub-basin includes the entire catchment of the
Pravara from the source to its confluence with the
Godavari including the catchment areas of the Mula and
other tributaries of the Pravara.
3. G-3 : PURNA This sub-basin includes the entire catchment of the
Purna and of all of its tributaries.
4. G-4: MANJRA This sub-basin includes the entire catchment of the
Manjra from its source to its confluence with the
Godavari including the catchment areas of the Tima, the
Karanja, the Haldi, the Lendi, Maner and other
5. G- 5: MIDDLE GODAVARI This sub-basin comprises the river Godavari from its
confluence with the Manjra to its confluence with the
Pranahita. The sub-basin includes the direct
catchment of the Godavari in this reach as well as of its
tributaries, except the Maner and the Pranahita.

Chapter-2: Godavari Basin 2-4 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

6. G - 6: MANER This sub-basin includes the entire catchment of the

Maner from its source to its confluence with the
Godavari, including all its tributaries.
7. G - 7: PENGANGA This sub-basin includes the entire catchment of the
Penganga from its source to its confluence with the
Wardha with all its tributaries.
8. G - 8: WARDHA This sub-basin comprises river Wardha from its source
to its confluence with the Wainganga with all its
tributaries but excluding the catchment of the Penganga
9. G - 9: PRANAHITA This sub-basin comprises the catchments of river
Wainganga from its source to its confluence with the
Wardha and the Pranahita up to its confluence with the
Godavari. The sub-basin includes all the tributaries of
the Wainganga and the Pranahita except the Penganga
and the Wardha. The Wainganga after its confluence
with the Wardha is called the Pranahita.
10. G-10: LOWER GODAVARI This sub-basin consists of the lower part of the river
Godavari from its confluence with the Pranahita up to
the sea. The sub-basin includes the direct catchment of
the Godavari in this reach with all its tributaries except
the Indravati and the Sabari.
11. G - 11 INDRAVATI This sub-basin includes all the areas drained by the
Indravati and its tributaries from its source to its
confluence with the Godavari.
12. G-12 : SABARI This sub-basin includes the entire catchment of the
Sabari river from its source to its confluence with the
Godavari including its main tributary Sileru.


2.5.1 Rainfall

The Godavari Basin receives the maximum rainfall during the months of June to
September due to south west monsoon. The south-west monsoon establishes itself
over Godavari Basin by about 2nd week of June and withdraws towards end of
September. South-west monsoon rainfall accounts for about 80% of the annual

Chapter-2: Godavari Basin 2-5 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

rainfall. The Godavari Basin receives annually a rainfall of about 1062 mm on the
average. The normal rainfall over the basin has a minimum of the order of 500 mm
over parts of Nasik and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashtra, the area being far away
from Bay of Bengal and the Western Ghats posing a barrier for moisture inflow from
the Arabian Sea. Westward of Nasik, the annual normal rainfall increases
progressively and is about 1600 mm over extreme western parts of the basin.
Eastward of the line connecting Ahmednagar to a point about 40 km west of
Aurangabad, the normal annual rainfall again increases gradually to more than 1500
mm over extreme eastern parts of the basin.

2.5.2 Temperature

The Godavari Basin has a tropical climate. The mean annual surface temperature is
about 24°C in Western Ghats. It increases gradually towards east and reaches about
29°C on the eastern coasts.

The maximum temperature increases from 35°C in the Western Ghats to 40°C in the
middle of the plateau and it goes down again to about 35° C on the east coast.

2.5.3 Evaporation

The evaporation losses as recorded by IMD vary from 1800 mm to 2440 mm in

different parts of the basin.

Chapter-2: Godavari Basin 2-6 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project



The surveys and other field investigation as required for preparation of present report
for Lingampalli Reservoir Project have been executed as per CWC guidelines. The
field survey requirements were identified based on toposheet study and
reconnaissance surveys and carried out as per the conceptual planning of the various
components of the scheme. The other investigation works relating to geological
assessment, construction materials etc. have also been executed keeping in view the
requirements of the above referred documents. After reconnaissance survey of various
sites using toposheets and satellite imageries, reservoir at Malkapur Village located at
17º 56′ N, 79º 17′ E has been selected for the proposed reservoir.

The following field surveys and investigations were taken up for firming up selection
of the project sites.


Based on toposheet identification and satellite imageries, some tentative sites near the
reservoir at Malkapur village were visited. Areas of the sites were traversed and
physiographical and other relevant features noted for further examination.


Experts of Irrigation & CAD Dept, Govt. of Telangana and WAPCOS visited the
proposed site at Malkapur village, Chilpur Mandal, Jangaon District (erstwhile
Warangal Dist.), Telangana. After geological reconnaissance and detailed appraisal of
the geological features of the project area, the proposed site has been found to be
geologically safe and suitable for construction of the proposed dam.

Following Topographical Survey work using ETS, DGPS & Aerial LiDAR Survey
work have been carried out as per requirement of Terms of Reference and as per
specifications of CWC guideline 2010.

Chapter-3: Survey & Investigation 3-1 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

a) Topographical Survey of the proposed dam site & Submergence Area

A detailed analysis of the project was carried out and suitable alignment for
approach channel was selected based on the unit cost of link canal per km, unit
cost of land per ha and cost involved in cutting and various cross drainage works
etc. The project development underwent many changes during the course of the
detailed investigations from the concept proposals taken up at the time of the
commencement of the investigations of the project. The merits and demerits of
each alternative have been studied in detail. Based on reconnaissance survey,
command area location and detailed analysis for large storage and less
submergence have been carried out to finalize the Lingampalli Reservoir site.

The surveys and other field investigation as required for preparation of DPR for
the Reservoir have been executed. The field survey requirements were identified
based on toposheet study and reconnaissance surveys and carried out as per the
conceptual planning of the various components of the scheme. After
reconnaissance survey of various sites, Lingampalli Reservoir, near Malkapur
Village is proposed to store larger capacity.

Topographical Survey work has been carried out with the latest technology in
mapping i.e, LiDAR Survey (Light Detection and Ranging), for maintaining high
accuracy as per requirement of Terms of Reference and as per specifications of
CWC guideline 2010. The survey has been carried out in and around the reservoir
area. L-Section has been developed along the proposed reservoir bund. Drawing
pertaining to reservoir area survey has been represented in a universal Northing
and Easting co-ordinate system (UTM). Topographical contour plan of the
Reservoir has been developed with contour interval of 1 m. The contour layout
map of the reservoir area along with the proposed bund alignment is given as

The Elevation-Area-Capacity table and curve based on the topographical survey

are present hereunder.

Chapter-3: Survey & Investigation 3-2 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Table 3.1 Elevation-Area-Capacity of Lingampalli Reservoir

Contour Area in Height Volume Capacity Cumulative
Elevation in m Ha in m in Ha-m in TMC Capacity in TMC
377.00 1.88 1.00 1.08 0.00 0.00
378.00 4.46 1.00 3.08 0.00 0.00
379.00 11.78 1.00 7.83 0.00 0.00
380.00 27.16 1.00 18.94 0.01 0.01
381.00 42.05 1.00 34.34 0.01 0.02
382.00 60.84 1.00 51.15 0.02 0.04
383.00 79.20 1.00 69.82 0.02 0.07
384.00 104.35 1.00 91.49 0.03 0.10
385.00 128.69 1.00 116.31 0.04 0.14
386.00 177.38 1.00 152.39 0.05 0.19
387.00 197.61 1.00 187.40 0.07 0.26
388.00 223.73 1.00 210.53 0.07 0.33
389.00 265.12 1.00 244.13 0.09 0.42
390.00 300.67 1.00 282.71 0.10 0.51
391.00 337.82 1.00 319.07 0.11 0.63
392.00 376.11 1.00 356.79 0.12 0.75
393.00 414.11 1.00 394.96 0.14 0.89
394.00 447.26 1.00 430.58 0.15 1.04
395.00 485.23 1.00 466.12 0.16 1.20
396.00 524.07 1.00 504.53 0.18 1.38
397.00 560.27 1.00 542.07 0.19 1.57
398.00 606.14 1.00 583.06 0.20 1.77
399.00 645.61 1.00 625.77 0.22 1.99
400.00 687.58 1.00 666.48 0.23 2.23
401.00 731.40 1.00 709.38 0.25 2.47
402.00 779.05 1.00 755.10 0.26 2.74
403.00 824.10 1.00 801.47 0.28 3.02
404.00 882.64 1.00 853.20 0.30 3.32
405.00 924.75 1.00 903.61 0.32 3.63
406.00 975.32 1.00 949.92 0.33 3.97
407.00 1022.65 1.00 998.89 0.35 4.32
408.00 1087.67 1.00 1054.99 0.37 4.69
409.00 1146.97 1.00 1117.19 0.39 5.08

Chapter-3: Survey & Investigation 3-3 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Table 3.1 Elevation-Area-Capacity of Lingampalli Reservoir

Contour Area in Height Volume Capacity Cumulative
Elevation in m Ha in m in Ha-m in TMC Capacity in TMC
410.00 1208.48 1.00 1177.59 0.41 5.49
411.00 1270.84 1.00 1239.53 0.43 5.92
412.00 1333.78 1.00 1302.19 0.46 6.38
413.00 1407.68 1.00 1370.57 0.48 6.86
414.00 1468.66 1.00 1438.06 0.50 7.36
415.00 1523.85 1.00 1496.17 0.52 7.88
416.00 1577.23 1.00 1550.46 0.54 8.43
417.00 1630.82 1.00 1603.95 0.56 8.99
418.00 1683.56 1.00 1657.12 0.58 9.57
419.00 1732.64 1.00 1708.04 0.60 10.17
420.00 1786.31 1.00 1759.41 0.62 10.78
421.00 1844.15 1.00 1815.16 0.64 11.42
422.00 1920.14 1.00 1882.02 0.66 12.08
423.00 1985.24 1.00 1952.60 0.68 12.76
424.00 2040.31 1.00 2012.71 0.70 13.46
425.00 2098.54 1.00 2069.36 0.72 14.19

Fig. 3.1 Elevation-Area-Capacity Curve

Chapter-3: Survey & Investigation 3-4 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

b) Submergence under Reservoir

A total land of about 1786 Ha is under submergence at FRL 420 m and 1 No. of
village (Lingampalli Village) and 6 Nos. of Hamlets are also under submergence
due to construction of this reservoir. There is no forest area under submergence.
Provisions for resettlement and rehabilitation have been provided in the estimate.


3.4.1 Location of the Project:

The Government of Telangana State proposes to construct a 48 m high earthen dam

near Malkapur village of Chilpur Mandal, Jangaon District (erstwhile Warangal
Dist.). The latitude is 17º 56′ N, 79º 17′ E; Toposheet no. E 44 N5 (New), 56 O5
(Old). The project site is approachable by double lane road from Warangal to
Malkapur which is about 30 km. The project is mainly proposed to have a large
storage in order to have operational flexibilities to provide the water as per the
requirement in the current Devadula Lift Irrigation System.

3.4.2 Regional geology:

Willium King (1872-1881) surveyed the entire Godavari valley and gave the
comprehensive geological account of the geology and structure. In the recent year’s
officers of geological survey of India have systematically mapped the area on
1:63,360 scale.

The following is the regional geological set up of the area as worked out by them.

Age Stratigraphic unit Lithology

| Chikiala formation Sandstones and pebble beds.

Gondwana | Kota formation Sandstone,limestone & clays.
Carboniferous to Super | Maleri formation Variegated sandstoe &clays.
Permian Group | Kamthi formation Red,brown,yellow,friable, soft
sandstones & pebble bed.

Upper Sullavai Group Quartzose Sandstones, grits

Precambrian and pebble bed

Chapter-3: Survey & Investigation 3-5 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Pakhal Group Quartzites, phyllites, shales,

sandstones, limestones and
Xxxxxxxxxxxxx XxxUnconformity xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ARCHEAN ARCEANS Granites and Gneisses

3.4.3 Regional Structure:

According to Sri K.S.Rao, S. Rajagopalan Nair and T. S. Rao of GSI, the Archean
gneissic complex and the Upper-precambrian meta-sedimentary rocks were together
deformed on a regional scale into NW to NNE plunging folds. Subsequently, but prior
to the deposition of Gondwana rocks, there had been a major faulting activity that led
to the development of NW-SE and E-W trending regional faults which now delimit
the Pre-Cambrian outcrops. This faulting activity followed by periodic rejuvenations
culminated in bringing the major geological units of the area, namely, the
Archeans,Pkhals, Sullavais and the Gondwanas into mutual juxtaposition with faulted

3.4.4 Seismicity of the Project Area:

Although no major earthquakes are reported/known from this area, but it is to be

noted that in the year 1969 an earthquake of magnitude 5.7 (known as Bhadrachalam
Earthquake) occurred with its epicenter located about 70km downstream of the
Devadula site. The earthquake caused damage over an area of about 3750 sq.km
around Bangaruchilka village and felt over a large area. As per the seismic map of
India the area is in zone-III.

The Detailed Geotechnical Investigation and Geophysical Investigation results is

given in the Volume – II: Geotechnical and Geophysical Report covering Core
drilling in overburden soil and in rock, SPT, In-field permeability tests, Geological
Logging of Boreholes, Soil Bearing Capacity, Uniaxial Compressive Strength,
Seismic Refraction Test results along the Bund axis of Lingampalli Reservoir, Water
Conductor System and Pump House near Dharmasagar Tank.

Chapter-3: Survey & Investigation 3-6 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project




J. Chokkarao Devadula Lift Irrigation Scheme (JCDLIS) was formulated and

executed envisages lifting of water from Godavari River near Gangaram (V),
Eturunagaram (M), Erstwhile Warangal District from El. 70 m. to El. 540 m to
irrigate 6.21 Lakh Acres in upland drought prone areas of erstwhile districts namely
Karimnagar, Warangal, Nalgonda and Medak by utilizing about 38 TMC of water
from river Godavari. Warangal district has command area of about 5.30 Lakh Acres
under this scheme. Out of 38.2 TMC water lifted from river Godavari with a power
requirement of about 484 MW, 35.4 TMC is utilized for Agriculture, 2.8 TMC is used
for both Industrial and Drinking Water purposes.

The Lift Irrigation Scheme executed in three phases. Phase-I comprises of one pipe
line of 2.50 m. dia., with two pumps to carry 10 Cumecs of water to irrigate 1.23 lakh
acres with Intake point at Gangaram (v) to Station Ghanpur tank connecting enroute
tanks viz., Bheemghanpur, Nagaram, Dharmasagar with 4 stage lifting covering a
distance of 135 kms. Phase-II of the Project is to lift 14 Cumecs of water from river
Godavari near Gangaram (v), Eturunagaram (M), erstwhile Warangal district with 7
Nos. of pumping stations connecting Intake near Gangaram (v), Bheemghnapur,
Salivagu, Dharmasagar, R.S. Ghanpur, Gandi Ramaram and Bommakur Tanks. And
Phase-III is to lift 49.6 Cumecs of water from river Godavari near Gangaram (v),
Eturunagaram (M), erstwhile Warangal district with 7 Nos. of pumping stations
connecting Intake near Gangaram (v), Ramappa, Dharmasagar, R.S Ghanpur,
Gandiramaram, Bommakur, Tapaspally tanks.

The JCRDLI Scheme has inadequacy of sufficient balancing reservoirs dedicated to

the scheme, which can store the water during monsoon season and/or low demand
period and serve the scheme during the remaining period of the demand. The storage
provided in the current scheme was not sufficient and hence additional storage
capacity is to be created to serve the command area, drinking water and industrial by
absorbing fluctuations in availability of water. Thus, in order to utilize the diverted

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-1 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

water of Godavari River, it is essential to have sufficient storage in the scheme,

because there is going to be mismatch between demand and supply, which is highly
skewed in the present case. As such, the provision of sufficient storage has been
proposed in the system to have operational flexibilities to provide the water as per the
requirement. There are existing reservoirs in the system having overall capacity of
less than 10 TMC, which will only act as transit storage for balancing purpose, since
there is already prior commitment for these storages. Therefore, the need for creation
of additional storage to the tune of about 75% of the overall requirement was felt
necessary, since there is a high gap between demand and supply and also the
command area is not distributed uniformly. It is in this context a high capacity
artificial reservoir having capacity of about 25-30% of overall water demand has been
kept at higher elevation to act as a mother reservoir and also as a carryover storage in
case there is a shortage in the system.

From this point of view, Lingampalli Reservoir having capacity of about 10.78 TMC
with less submergence area has been proposed in the present scheme which is located
at 17º 56′ N, 79º 17′ E near Malkapur Village, Chilpur Mandal, Jangaon Dist.
(erstwhile Warangal Dist.) of Telangana State in order to have operational flexibilities
to provide the water as per the requirement in the current Devadula Lift Irrigation
System. Water with a discharge of about 39.26 cumecs is drawn from existing
Dharma Sagar Reservoir through Approach Channel of about 1.25 Km enters the
surge pool of the proposed Lift System. Water from here is lifted from El. 297 m to
El. 424 m and allowed to flow through Pumping Main of 17.0 Km (3.0 m Dia, 3 nos),
fills the proposed Lingampalli Reservoir in 90 days.

The present chapter deals with project conceptual planning, design, drawings of
Lingampalli Reservoir Project.


The Present Report envisages the construction of following.

(i) Construction of Head Regulator at Dharma Sagar

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-2 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

(ii) Construction of Approach Canal

(iii) Pump House near Dharma Sagar Reservoir.
(iv) Road Bridges wherever required.
(v) Lingampalli Earthen Dam at Malkapur Village, Chilpur Mandal, Jangaon Dist.
(vi) Irrigation Sluices /Scour Sluices in Lingampalli Reservoir
(vii) Cross and Escape Regulator to the existing canal to divert the surplus water
into chilpurvagu.
(viii) Construction of Viaduct for diverting Flood Flow Channel.

4.2.1 Construction of Head Regulator at Dharma Sagar.

A Head Regulator is a structure constructed at the head of a canal off taking from a
reservoir behind a weir/Cistern or a dam. The head regulator regulates the supply of
flow in the canal & also controls the silt entry in the canal. Head regulator also served
as a meter for measurement to the distributaries.

The Head Regulator has been designed for a discharge of 40.0 cumecs in order to
regulate the supply of flow in the channel flowing towards Pump House to pump the
water to Lingampalli Reservoir. There are 2 Nos. of bays of 4.5 m each. The sill level
has been kept at El. 301.1 m and designed to pass the discharge with water depth of
2.9 m above the sill level.

a) Head Regulator Service & Emergency Gate at Dharma Sagar

It is proposed to provide 4 Nos (2 no' service gate and 2 no' bulkhead/emergency gate)
fixed wheel type vertical lift gates of size 4.0 mx 2.9 m for the head regulator service
and emergency gate of Dharma Sagar Reservoir. These gates shall be utilised to
regulate the discharge. These gates shall be designed for 6.9 m unbalanced hydrostatic
head corresponding to FRL 308.0 m in accordance with the provisions contained in the
IS:4622-2003. These gates shall be operated under flow condition with the help of
individual electrically operated rope drum hoist of adequate capacity (11 tons
tentative) to be installed on trestles at the top of head regulator. These gates shall
remain normally in closed condition during off season / repairing & remain open only
as per irrigation demand. The salient feature and drawings of the gates is given under
Annexure 4.1.1 and as Dwg. No. WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/13.1 & 13.2.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-3 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Design of the Head Regulator is appended as Annexure 4.1 and drawing No.


The Present report consisting of approach channel having a length of about 1.25 Km
and has been designed as lined canal with a bed width of 9 m and full supply depth of
3 m, 10 cm thick cement concrete with trapezoidal sections having side slopes of 1.5
(H): 1 (V). Trapezoidal canal section is adopted for practicability and the canal has
been designed by Manning’s formula. Considerations with respect to relevant IS codes
have been taken into account.

Three types of cross sections have been adopted as below

(i) Canal in full cutting
(ii) Canal in partial cutting & partial filling
(iii) Canal in complete filling.

Side slope in cutting and filling is taken as 1:1 and 1.5:1 respectively depending upon
the type of the soil. Outer slope of the bank has been provided as 1.5:1. Freeboard has
been provided as per clause 6.2 of IS 4030:1982 and clause 4.3 of IS 7112:2002 for
unlined and lined canals respectively. The freeboard shall be measured from the full
supply level to the level of the top of the bank. A freeboard of 1.0 m has been

The design section has been computed by calculating velocity using Manning’s'
equation and cross sectional area (A) computed considering channel side slopes of
0.5:1 i.e. stabilized regime section of unlined channel as

2 1
R3  S 2
V 

V = Velocity in m/s.
R = Hydraulic mean depth = A / P in meter.
A = Sectional area of canal with side slope 0.5:1, in square metre.
P = Wetted perimeter in metre.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-4 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

S = Bed slope /water surface slope

N = Coefficient of Rugosity = 0.02

The following criteria have also to be kept in view while designing the irrigation

a) Water Surface Slope

It has been adopted as per IS 7112, Annexure B. If the gradient is steep, falls / drops
are to be provided where the Canal Full Supply level touches the ground level.

b) Conveyance Losses

The conveyance losses to be adopted 2.25 m3/s/106 m2 of wetted area in case of

unlined canals and 0.60 m3/s/106 m2 for lined canals.

c) Water Allocation (Duty)

The water allocation (Duty) is to be taken as 1430 ha/ m3 /s (100 acres/cusecs)

excluding losses.

d) Rugosity Co-efficient

The following values of rugosity co-efficient (N) are to be adopted in design of canal
system for channel with concrete lining 0.02 and for earthen channel 0.0225.

Design and drawing of the typical sections of approach Channel are appended as
Annexure 4.2 and as drawing No WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/16.

Calculation of Earthwork Excavation of the Approach Channel is given as Annexure



A) Cross Masonry Works

The irrigation canals create an obstruction to the traffic. So means of crossing should
be provided at suitable intervals for roads, village cart tracks etc. These structures are

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-5 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

provided as Village Road Bridge, Major District Road Bridge, depending upon the
type of the road. Bridges in the canal system are provided based on the type of roads.
It crosses i.e. village road, district road, state highway or National highway. The
bridges are combined with irrigation structures like falls or regulators. All the bridges
across canals are designed according to IRC specifications/loadings. These are now
usually constructed with R.C.C decking and concrete substructure. The criteria for
Village Road Bridge and Major District Road Bridge are given in detailed below:

Design Criteria for Village Road Bridge/Single Lane

a) Waterway has been taken as bed width plus water depth.

b) Thickness of slab and reinforcement has been taken as per Ministry of
Transportation (MOT) Publication for Class-A loading.
c) Free Board has been taken as 1.0 m.
d) Depth of Foundation has been taken as 2.0 m below bed /ground level (whichever
is lower)
e) Top width of abutment has been taken as 1.6 m and width of Abutment at
bed/ground level as (0.9*h), where h is the height of abutment above bed/ground
level, whichever is lower.
f) Top of end wings walls is kept as 0.6 m and width at junction of foundation
concrete as (0.4*h)
g) Foundation of wings has been taken as 1.2 m below ground level.
h) Wearing coat in average thickness of 7.5 cm has been laid over R.C.C slab with M
15 grade.
i) Tell tale rings shall be provided and expansion joint of 25 mm thickness has been
provided in slab, which shall be filled with maxfalt mixed with wooden dust.
j) Bed block in M 20 concrete has been provided.
k) All pier and abutment work shall be done in M15
l) R.C.C work shall be in M20
m) Foundation concrete shall be in M10
n) Sand of Fineness Modulus shall not be less than 1.5.
o) Clear Carriage way of 4.25 m has been provided for single lane bridge.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-6 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Design Criteria for Major District Road Bridge/Double Lane

a) Waterway has been taken as bed width plus water depth.

b) Thickness of slab and reinforcement has been taken as per Ministry of
Transportation (MOT) Publication for Class-AA loading.
c) Free Board has been taken as 1.0 m.
d) Depth of Foundation has been taken as 2.0 m below bed /ground level (whichever
is lower)
e) Top width of abutment has been taken as 1.6 m and width of Abutment at
bed/ground level as (0.9*h), where h is the height of abutment above bed/ground
level, whichever is lower.
f) Top of end wings walls is kept as 0.6 m and width at junction of foundation
concrete as (0.4*h)
g) Foundation of wings has been taken as 1.2 m below ground level.
h) Wearing coat in average thickness of 7.5 cm has been laid over R.C.C slab with M
15 grade concrete.
i) Tell tale rings shall be provided and expansion joint of 25 mm thickness has been
provided in slab, which shall be filled with max falt mixed with wooden dust.
j) Bed block in M 20 concrete has been provided.
k) All pier and abutment shall be done in M15 concrete
l) R.C.C work shall be in M20 concrete
m) Foundation concrete shall be in M 10 concrete
n) Sand of Fineness Modulus shall not be less than 1.5.
o) Clear Carriage way of 7.5 m has been provided.
p) For Four lane bridge carriage way has been kept as 14.5 m

The typical drawing of Double Lane Road Bridge is shown in the drawing a
WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/15.1 & 15.2.

B) Cross Drainage Works

Whenever a canal crosses a natural drainage on its way, it is necessary to construct

hydraulic structure to dispose of drainage discharge, so that water supply continues
uninterrupted. These pukka works are termed as cross drainage works. Canals, which

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-7 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

are aligned as contour channels, cross largest number of natural nallah or drains.
Cross Drainage works are thus unavoidable on any canal system. These include
aqueducts, drainage syphons, super passages, drainage under tunnel and canal siphon,
falls, inlets, outlets and diversion works.

Drainage water interrupted by a canal may be disposed off

 By passing the canal over the drainage and is achieved through aqueduct
 By passing the drainage over the canal and is achieved through a supper passage
 By lowering the canal/drainage and is achieved through either drainage siphon or
drainage under tunnel.

CD works have been designed as per relevant IS codes. The Typical design of
Viaduct for FFC is given as Annexure 4.12 and WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/30.


Lift System near Dharma Sagar has been proposed to fill the proposed Lingampalli
reservoir. The system consists of the following components:

a) Surge Pool

b) Pump house

c) Delivery Mains

d) Electro-Mechanical works

e) Hydro-Mechanical works etc.

The proposed Pump Houses near Dharma Sagar required power requirement of 76.5
MW. It is proposed to lift about 39.26 cumecs of water to fill the Lingampalli
Reservoir of 10.78 TMC in 90 days of non diversion period.

The design of Pump House, Trash Rack and Salient Features of Stoplog at PH, Details
of Pumping and Rating Calculations are appended as Annexure- 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and
4.7 respectively. The pump house drawings WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/17 & 18 are
appended in Volume III: Drawings.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-8 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

4.2.5 Lingampalli Reservoir

Lingampalli Reservoir having capacity of about 10.78 TMC with less submergence
area has been proposed in the present scheme which is located at 17º 56′ N, 79º 17′ E
near Malkapur Village, Chilpur Mandal in Jangaon District of Telangana State in
order to have operational flexibilities to provide the water as per the requirement in
the current Devadula Lift Irrigation System. The proposed Lingampalli Reservoir has
a submergence area of about 1786 Ha at FRL 420 m.

All the appurtenant structures, along with its designed capacity, proposed to be part of
this scheme are enumerated hereunder.
(i) Pumping main/pump house at Dharma Sagar for diversion of about 10.78
TMC of water within a period of about 90 days of non diversion period.
(ii) Three parallel pipes of 3.0 m dia. and 17.0 km length each connecting Pump
house and proposed reservoir
(iii) 10.78 TMC Reservoir having a maximum height of about 48 m mostly as a
earthen dam (of about 7.5 km length) and 8 blocks (each 25 m length) of
concrete gravity dam for housing inlet and outlet arrangement for supplying
water to reservoir as well as withdrawal of water from reservoir.

As stated earlier, a storage reservoir is proposed to be constructed at Malkapur

Village, Chilpur Mandal in Jangaon District. The reservoir proposed to be an earthen
dam considering availability of earth fill in and around proposed reservoir area. The
reservoir area will be surrounded by an embankment dam having length of about 7.7
Km, out of which some of the portion (about 7.5 Km length) of the Dam is proposed
to be earthen dam type and rest 200m as concrete gravity dam. The purpose of
providing concrete gravity dam block is to accommodate the inlet and outlet structure
required for supplying the water to the reservoir as well as withdrawal of water from

In order to fill the reservoir, an ogee shaped spillway has been proposed in the one of
the concrete gravity dam block. Similarly, for bypassing the excess water out of the
reservoir with a discharge of about 120 Cumecs another spillway block has been
proposed in the same concrete gravity dam portion.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-9 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project Reservoir Site Selection

The reservoir Site was inspected for conducting a comprehensive reconnaissance

survey with reference to the parameters as under:
 Topography of the reservoir area;
 Subsurface geological considerations;
 Condition of the Abutments for concrete blocks;
 Foundation meeting the geological requirements;
 Adequate storage capacity;
 Accessibility of the site;
 Availability of construction material Topography of the Dam Site

The topographical location of the reservoir site is so selected such that, it is in the
gorge portion near the hillock area and having adequate storage capacity. Geological Considerations

Initially, Department Officials and Engineers, based on their site visit and geological
interpretation and their best judgment of selection of reservoir site, selected this site.
Later on, WAPCOS experts along with local engineers visited the dam site and
selected the best location for construction of a safe and economical reservoir. Type of Dam

Considering the site topography and availability of construction material, the type of
dam has been selected as an earthen dam with only a small portion having concrete
gravity type so as to provide secured inlet and outlet arrangement in it. The other dam
parameters such as Full Reservoir Level (FRL), Free Board (FB), Top Level etc. were
fixed based on the storage requirement as well as nature of topography and geology of
the area. Earthen Dam

The entire earthen dam / embankment will act as non-overflow section and has been
designed for the same while the concrete gravity dam portion will have both overflow
Chapter-4: Project Design 4-10 WAPCOS Limited
Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

and non-overflow sections. The concrete gravity section has been proposed to house
inlet spillway, Outlet sluices and excess overflow spillway. The Outlet sluice will
provide regulated water supply to the command area and the reservoir is proposed to
be filled through the inlet spillway. Further, one spillway is proposed to discharge
excess water above FRL from the reservoir to nearby drainage as and when required.

The width at the top of the dam (EL 424.00 m) is kept as 8.0 m. The various levels of
the reservoir proposed are as under:

 Top of dam R.L. 424.00 m

 Max. Water Level R.L. 420.00 m
 Full Reservoir Level R.L. 420.00 m
 Surplus Spillway Crest Level R.L. 420.00 m
 Deepest Stripped Level R.L. 376.00 m Filling of Reservoir

Water is to be supplied to the reservoir through pumping main from pump house near
Dharma Sagar, which is about 17.0 Km away. It is proposed to fill this reservoir in 90
days of non diversion period through 3 nos. pipes of 3.0 m Ø each under pressure

3 nos. pipes have been designed for a discharge of 13.5 cumecs each. The velocity in
pipe is proposed to be of the order of 1.91 m/sec considering operation duration to be
24 hours. These pipes are proposed to discharge water from top of dam to reservoir
through an ogee shaped profile on the top of concrete block with a D/S slope of 0.8
(H) to 1.0 (V). Energy Dissipation Arrangement (EDA)

An ogee shaped spillway with a min. width of block is proposed to be provided

towards the upstream side, through which the reservoir will be filled. To dissipate the
energy of water in the initial stage of filling, stepping falls are to be provided up to the
height of 9m from the bottom of the reservoir. After the partial filling of the reservoir
the energy dissipation will occur due to water depth cushion in the reservoir.
Horizontal concrete floor of 10m width and 2 m thickness with solid sill of 2m is
proposed to bear the flow and dissipate energy of the flow. When the reservoir filled

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-11 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

up to a height of about 9m, the energy will be dissipating by the cushion of water in
the reservoir. Surplus Spillway

Spillway has been proposed in one of the block of concrete main dam to discharge
excess surplus water of reservoir above FRL. Ogee shaped profile of concrete dam
with a D/S slope of 0.8 (H) to 1.0 (V) has been proposed and designed to pass the
discharge of about 120 Cumecs.

This condition will arise in rare conditions. The spilled water is proposed to be
discharged into the existing stream through a spill channel having 3.0 m depth and
15m width with a solid sill of 2m to dissipate the kinetic energy of flow. DESIGN OF EARTHEN DAM

The simplest type of earthen dam consists of single material and is homogeneous
throughout except clay core. Such a section is used for low to moderately high dams.
Large dams are seldom designed as earthen dams. Earthen dam section poses the
problem of seepage and huge sections are required to make it safe against stability.
Due to these difficulties such sections are generally added with an internal drainage
system such as clay core, horizontal filter, etc. to keep phreatic line, i.e., top seepage
line well within the body of the dam. Design Aspects

The design of zoned earthen dam is based both on precedents and analytical studies.
The design of zoned earthen dam is adjusted to the ground conditions so that
foundation is adequately watertight and is governed by the following aspects.

The dam materials should have sufficient shear strength so that the requirement of
stability under various static conditions and earthquake conditions, to which the dam
and its foundation is subjected, are met.

 The design flexibility should be sufficient to allow the fullest possible utilization
of all required excavation and readily available borrow materials.
 The core material is to be sufficiently impermeable to resist seepage through the
dam and there shall be a general increase in permeability from the core towards

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-12 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

the exterior slopes of the dam.

 Filter requirements between adjacent zones and between the foundation materials
should be satisfied in order to avoid migration of fine materials into coarser ones.
 The camber or additional height of dam should be sufficient for allowance of
settlement of foundation and embankment. Generally, up to 1.0% of height of the
earthen dam is taken for settlement allowance. Berms

Berms shall be provided for serving the following purpose:

 For providing level surface for construction and maintenance of the dam section
 For reducing the surface erosion in case of downstream slope and breaking the
continuity of the slope
 To protect the lower edge of the rip rap and preventing it from undermining in
case of the upstream slope
Berms of 8 m width each on upstream and of 5m width each on downstream slope of
dam have been provided at EL 412m, El 400m and El 388m. Parapet Wall

A parapet wall of 1.0 m height over and above the free board requirements has been
provided as an additional safety. The reservoir face of the parapet wall has been
provided so that the splashes resulting from reservoir waves if any are returned back
to the reservoir. Guard Stones

Guard stones of size 300 mm x 300 mm x 750 mm have been provided in cement
concrete blocks at spacing of 3.0 m centre to centre on the downstream edge at top of
dam. Basic Design Requirement

The basic requirements in the design of Dam are to achieve safety with economy
under various conditions of operations of the reservoir. The criteria adopted for the
design of dam is given as under: -

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-13 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

a) Safety against overtopping

b) Stability slopes
c) Safety against internal erosion

a) Safety against overtopping

Adequate spillway capacity has been provided to prevent overtopping of the earthen
dam during and after construction. The free board provided is sufficient to prevent
overtopping by waves and shall also take into consideration the settlement of the
dam and foundation.

b) Stability of slopes

The slopes of embankment shall be stable under all loading conditions. They should
also be flat enough so as not to impose excessive stresses on foundation. The
upstream slope shall be protected against erosion by wave action and the downstream
slope shall be protected against erosion due to wind and rain.

c) Safety against Internal Erosion, Seepage Control Measures and Drainage


Seepage control measures have been provided to protect the dam from any
undesirable effect of seepage occurring through the dam body or through the
foundation and abutments. Drainage system has been so devised as to tackle the
problem of seepage and or migration of fine particles through the body of the dam or
foundation. The design is governed by the type of base material, height of water in
the reservoir and topographical features of dam site. The following Combination of
measures has been taken to provide multiple lines of defense for seepage control
i) Impervious clay core
ii) Cutoff trench
iii) Filter on downstream of core
iv) Horizontal filter
v) Toe Drain

i) Impervious Clay Core

The compacted impervious clay core provides an impermeable barrier within the

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-14 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

body of the dam. Impervious clays available locally are very suitable for the core.
However, clays having high compressibility and liquid limit tend to swell and are
prone to hydraulic fracturing of clay core. Clay soils having organic content are also
not to be used as core material.

A central core is preferred over the inclined core as it has the advantage of providing
higher pressures at the contact between the core and foundation and reduces the
possibility of leakage and piping. Since the availability of impervious clay core
material locally is not a constraint at site, a thicker core of compacted clay with
upstream and downstream slopes of 0.50 H: 1V has been provided for resisting the
piping action. The top elevation of the clay core has been kept at the maximum water
level to prevent seepage due to capillary siphoning. The top width of core has been
provided 5.0 m against minimum of 3m as per Indian standards.

ii) Cutoff Trench

The cutoff trench is required for the following functions:

a. To reduce loss of stored water through foundation and abutments
b. To prevent subsurface erosion by piping.

As per the geological investigations, the Soft Disintegrated Rock is available in

foundation at 5-6m depth, therefore, positive cut-off trench is provided. It should be
taken at least one meter into rock. A minimum width of 6m is provided as per BIS
Code. A bottom width of 10 to 30 % of hydraulic head may be provided to satisfy
requirement of piping. For the proposed Dam 6m width has been provided according
to the height of the dam at various locations. It will also suffice the requirement of
Mechanical equipment and curtain grouting. Side slopes of cut-off trench provided
are 1.0 H: 1.0 V. To prevent seepage beneath the earthen dam, the foundations are
generally grouted. As per the geological investigations, rock in the foundation is
fractured and will require grouting as a safety measure. In the present scenario, 2
rows of curtain grouting have been provided along the cut off trench for the depth of
2/3rd of the head of water above cutoff trench at an interval of 6m c/c.

iii) Filter on Downstream of Core

Inclined filter is provided on downstream face of impervious clay core to collect

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-15 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

water coming out of the core resulting from seepage and thereby keeping the
downstream shell relatively dry. The filter should be clean and well graded. The
minimum thickness of filter is determined from considerations of
a) The thickness of filter should have allowance for intermixing with the
adjoining zones. The allowance shall be varying depending on compaction
equipment used for the purpose.
b) Minimum width required for compaction depending upon the equipment
c) Earthquake effects

Considering the above aspects, in the downstream adjoining to core, 1.50m of sand
filter layer of maximum size 25 mm has been provided from working point of view.
The top elevation of the filter has been kept at the same level at that of the impervious
core elevation at EL 422.0 m. The filter material provided is free draining and well
graded as far as possible and it shall not generally have size greater than 25 mm to
minimize segregation during placement.

The filter material provided has to satisfy the following requirements.

a) It should be more pervious than the protected base material to act as an effective
b) The gradation should be such that the particles of base material do not migrate
through or clog the filter voids.
c) It should be of thickness sufficient to provide good distribution

Filter material should satisfy the standard criteria with the base material as laid down
in Indian Standard.

Compaction of Filter

The compaction of sand in the filter should be done by plate vibratory rollers till
specific density is achieved. The relative density (RD) of sand after compaction
should be equal to or more than 70%. In order to obtain the desired density with
minimum compacting efforts, sand may be placed in dry or in saturated condition. In
the case of inclined sand filters, the sand should not be allowed to flow out of
specified width on either side during compaction. It should be confined in between
two sheets or plates installed on either sides of the filter, in order to ensure the

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-16 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

specified width of the filter and to avoid contamination of filter due to mixing with
adjoining material.

In order to maintain the prescribed slope or inclination of the filter during the
construction, the impervious core hearting zone must always be at higher level than
the level of the filter and the downstream casing zone must be kept at a level which is
a bit lower than the level of the filter. This process should be continued in the same
fashion till the end of season, at the end of which, the filter should be kept at least 15
cm above the adjoining zones to avoid contamination of soil with the filter during
rainy season. It must also be ensured that the material near the junction of filter and
the adjoining zones on either sides of it is compacted to the stipulated densities of the
respective zones.
The standard filter criteria adopted in the design is as under:

Standard Range
D15oftheFilte rMaterial
D15oftheBaseM aterial
1. (Provided that the filter does not contain more than 5% of 5 to 40
the material finer than 0.074mm.

D15oftheFilte rMaterial
2. D85oftheBaseM aterial <5

The grain size curve of the filter should be roughly parallel

3. to that of the base material -

The filter material shall be compacted so as to achieve the

relative density not less than 75%

iv) Horizontal Filter

The horizontal filter has been provided on stripped ground level downstream of the
impervious core/transition zone and has been connected with inclined filter
downstream of impervious clay core. A minimum slope of 1 in 100 has been provided
towards the toe drain for quick disposal of seepage water. The filter material shall
satisfy the filter criteria. Though the thickness of horizontal filter required is small but
considering the safety importance of the Reservoir, one layer of horizontal filter
consisting of 1.0 m thick sand layer has been provided. The horizontal filter has been

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-17 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

provided to collect seepage from the foundation and the filter and minimizes
possibility of piping along the dam seat.

v) Toe Drain

The toe drain is provided at the downstream toe of the earthen dam to collect seepage
from the horizontal filter, through the foundation as well as the rainwater falling on
the face of dam by suitable means according to site conditions. It is preferable to
provide the toe drain outside the toe of downstream face to facilitate visual inspection.
The section of toe drain should be adequate for carrying total seepage from the dam,
the foundation and the expected rainwater.

The minimum depth of toe drain should be 0.60 m with gradual increase depending
upon the site conditions and the gradient provided to the toe of drain. However, the
maximum depth of toe drain should not exceed 1.20 m for ease of construction and
maintenance. The bed level of the toe drain should be kept at or below the stripped
level. The rainwater from transverse drains along the slope of the dam and
longitudinal drains along the berms is also collected in the toe drain. Safety of Slopes

a) Upstream Slope protection

For the proposed Dam, hand placed rock riprap of 600mm thickness has been
provided over a filter thickness layer of 400 mm, which consists of graded sand layer
of 200 mm and Graded metal layer of 200 mm. Necessity to provide a blanket of
graded gravel underneath the riprap is to guard against the danger of finer particles
being sucked out of voids. The riprap for upstream slope has been provided from crest
elevation of 424 m to stripped level. A well-graded rock riprap will exert less pressure
and stress on the filter.

The rock riprap shall be hard, dense and durable and shall be resistant to weathering
and wave pounding. It should not crumble on long exposure to water, frost and air. It
consists of boulders of blasted rock fragments. Filter below rock riprap have been
provided to prevent waves action from eroding of the underlying embankment
material by the suction effect.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-18 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

The hand placed rock riprap need not be compacted, but shall be placed to grade in a
manner to ensure that the larger rock fragments are uniformly distributed and the
smaller rock fragments serve to fill the spaces between the larger rock fragments in
such a manner as will result in well keyed, densely placed, uniform layer of riprap of
specified thickness.

b) Downstream Slope Protection

 Prevention from erosion by rain wash

Protection by riprap or pitching to the downstream slope of the earthen dam from
top to toe against erosion by rain-wash in particular is uneconomical. As the
reservoir does not fall in heavy rainfall catchment area, only turfing has been
provided in the downstream slope of the dam.

 Provision of open paved drains

A system of open paved drains along the sloping surface terminating at the
junction of berms shall be provided at 50 m centre to centre to drain the rainwater.
The lower most sloping drain shall be connected to the toe drain. In addition,
longitudinal drains along the berms have been provided to connect these sloping
drains to divert the drain water to the toe drain. The surface arrangement details
provided has been shown as drawing no. WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/11 in the
drawing volume.

c) Stability Analysis of Earthen Dam

United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) in its

publication named “Design of Small Dams” and the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
publication, IS: 7894-1975 provides the conditions under which the stability analysis
of a earthen dam is to be carried out. The critical conditions and the corresponding
Factor of Safety (FOS) against each condition are as under:

Sl. Condition Corresponding Min.

No. Factor of Safety
1. Steady seepage upstream slope without earthquake > 1.5
2. Steady seepage upstream slope with earthquake > 1.0

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-19 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

3. Steady seepage downstream slope with earthquake > 1.0

4. Steady seepage downstream slope without earthquake > 1.5
5. Upstream slope sudden drawdown condition > 1.3

Stability Analysis for the earthen dam considering the following effective shear

No Properties Unites Casing Core Foundation

1 γ Moist T/m3 2.18 2.02 -
2 γ Sat T/m3 2.19 2.04 -
3 γ sub T/m 1.19 1.04 1.50
4 C T/m 2.0 3.0 1.50
5 Φ Degrees 23° 12° 28°

Horizontal seismic co-efficient of 0.08g and vertical seismic co-efficient of 0.06g

were considered.

The stability analysis carried out using software program for the Reservoir and found
to be stable. The output results of the stability analysis have been given as Annexure-

For the proposed reservoir, a concrete block of about 200 m has been provided in the
dam to accommodate supplies inlet and outlet water spillway and irrigation sluices.
As the foundation levels were height in the right bank, the concrete dam is proposed

The top level of the concrete block has been proposed as EL 424 m and deepest
foundation at EL 378 m, which makes a 46 m high dam from foundation level. The
top width of dam has been kept as 8.0m to accommodate arrangement for operation of
sluice gate of outlet and bridge for transportation at the top of dam. D/S slope of dam
has been kept as 0.80(H) to 1(V). U/s face of the dam has been kept vertical.

The Stability Analysis for concrete non-overflow section with deepest foundation
elevations have been carried out using the references given hereunder:

1) BIS Code No(s).

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-20 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

i) 6512:1984 – Criteria for design of solid gravity dams;

ii) 12966 (Part-1):1990 – Code of practice for gallery and other openings;

iii) 12966 (Part-2):1990 – Code of practice for gallery and other openings;

iv) 1893:2002 – Criteria for earthquake resistant design of structures;

v) 6934:1998 – Hydraulic design of high ogee overflow spillway.

Stability analysis was carried out for the following load combinations:

 A = Dam completed, no water;

 B – FRL + Normal uplift + Minimum TWL;

 C – MWL + Normal uplift + Maximum TWL;

 D – A + Earthquake ;

 E – B + Earthquake ;

 F – C + Extreme uplift (drains inoperative) ;

 G – E + extreme uplift.

2) As per clause Cl. A) + b) of cl. No. of IS: 6512-1984.

i) No tension stress shall be permitted on the upstream face of the dam for load
combination B. Nominal tensile stresses, however, may be permitted in other
load combinations and their permissible values shall not exceed the values
given in Table given below:

Load Combination Permissible tensile stress

C 0.01 fc
E 0.02 fc
F 0.02 fc
G 0.04 fc

where, fc is the cube compressive strength of concrete.

ii) Small values of tension on the downstream face may be permitted.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-21 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

3) As per cl. No., the factor of safety against sliding shall not be less than

It is seen from the analysis that the concrete section is safe under all mandatory

The stability analysis for Non-overflow sections of the concrete block carried out for
the reservoir is appended as Annexure 4.8 (b). Zoning of Materials

In the reinforced concrete portion, M25 grade concrete is preferred and in the hearting
portion M15 grade concrete is proposed. Around sluices, high strength silica flume
concrete of 0.5m thick in vertical and horizontal walls with M25 grade concrete is
used to bear high velocities. In spillway, M25 grade concrete is used. Zoning of
materials depicting the locations of M15, M20, M25 concrete have been indicated in
drawing of zoning of materials. Irrigation and Scour Sluices

One service & one emergency gate for irrigation sluice have been provided, which
will be operated from the top of the dam. The plan & section of the irrigation and
scour sluices are appended as Dwg. WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/08, 9.1 & 9.2, 9.3 &

i) Design of Bell mouth of Irrigation sluice

One irrigation sluice has been provided in the block no. 5. For the irrigation sluice one
set of vertical lift wheeled gates of size 2m x 2m i.e., one service gate and one
emergency gate (bulk head gate). The entrance of conduit is also very important since
a square edged entrance is likely to cause more separation of flow and more danger of
cavitations as compared to bell mouthed entrance. Hence, bell mouth entry is
provided in the conduits.

Vertical Bell Mouth Entry Co-ordinates of vertical bell mouth

Having defined by equation

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-22 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

x2 y2 x y
 1
D 2 ( 2 D) 2 0.0 1.33
0.5 1.29
Put D = 2.0
1.0 1.15
1.5 0.88
2.0 0

Horizontal Bell Mouth Entry Co-ordinates of horizontal bell mouth

x2 y2 x y
 1
D2 ( D )2 0.0 0.67
Putting value D=2.0, equation becomes 0.5 0.64
1.0 0.57
1.5 0.44
2.0 0.0

ii) Irrigation Sluice Service & Emergency Gate

It is proposed to provide 2 Nos (1no' service gate and 1 no' bulkhead/emergency gate)
fixed wheel type vertical lift gates of size 2.0 m x 2.0 m for the irrigation sluice of
block no 5. These gates shall be utilized to regulate the discharge Irrigation Sluice of
Block 5. These gates shall be designed for 35.0 m unbalanced hydrostatic head
corresponding to FRL 420.0 m in accordance with the provisions contained in the IS:
4622-2003. These gates shall be operated under flow condition with the help of
individual electrically operated rope drum hoist of adequate capacity (27 tons
tentative) to be installed. These gates shall remain normally in closed condition during
off season / repairing & remain open only as per irrigation demand. The salient
features of the same are appended as Annexure 4.9. The detailed drawing of
2000X2000mm service gate and emergency gate of the irrigation sluice are appended
as Dwg. WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/9.1 & 9.2
Chapter-4: Project Design 4-23 WAPCOS Limited
Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

iii) Design of Bell mouth of Scour sluice

The entrance of conduit is also very important since a square edged entrance is likely
to cause more separation of flow and more danger of cavitations as compared to bell
mouthed entrance. Hence, bell mouth entry is provided in the conduits.

Vertical Bell Mouth Entry Co-ordinates of vertical bell mouth

Having defined by equation

x2 y2 x y
 1
D 2 ( 2 D) 2 0.0 2.67
1.0 2.59
Put D = 4.0
2.0 2.32
2 2
x y
 1 3.0 1.77
4.0 2
(0.67  4.0) 2
4.0 0
2 2
x y
 1
16.0 7.18

Horizontal Bell Mouth Entry Co-ordinates of horizontal bell mouth

x2 y2 x y
 1
D2 ( D )2 0.0 1.33
1.0 1.29
Putting value D=4.0, equation becomes
2.0 1.15
2 2
x y
 1 3.0 0.88
4.0 4.0 2
( ) 4.0 0.0
X2 y2
 1
16.0 1.78

iv) Scour Sluice Service & Emergency Gate

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-24 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

It is proposed to provide 2 sets of vertical lift wheel type 4000 mm X 4000 mm size
gate for Scour Sluice Service Gate & Emergency gate of Reservoir. The gate shall be
designed for unbalanced head of 31.0 m corresponding to FR in accordance with the
provision contained in IS:4622. These gates shall have upstream skin plate & sealing
in case of emergency gate and downstream skin plate & sealing in case of service
gate. These gates shall be operated with the help of electrically operated rope drum
hoist of adequate capacity (37-ton tentative capacity) installed on the trestle on the top
of Reservoir EL 424 m. Gates shall be used for regulation of discharge for scouring
sluices during flood seasons reservoir filling. The drawing showing section and plan
of the scour sluice emergency gate and scour sluice service gate are given as drawing
No.WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/9.3 & 9.4 respectively in the drawing volume.

The salient features are as under: -

1. Deck Level 424 m

2. Pond level 420 m
3. Sill Level 385 m
4. Top of opening 389 m
5. C.L of top seal 389.1 m
6. Clear Width of Opening 4.0 m
7. c/c of side seal(assumed) 4.15 m
8. c/c of track plate(assumed) 4.7 m
9. Height of C.L of Top seal 4.1 m
10. Water head on sill 31.0 m
11. Water head on Top seal 26.9 m
12. Total No. of opening 1 No.
13. Total No. of Gate Required 2 Nos. Service gate
14. Type of gate proposed Vertical lift fixed wheel type gate
15. Position of the skin plate and sealing Upstream
16. Seal Rubber IS : 11855
(i) Side and top seal Teflon cladded music note type
(ii) Bottom sill Wedge Type
17. Hoisting arrangement Individual electrically operated rope drum hoist of
adequate capacity.
Chapter-4: Project Design 4-25 WAPCOS Limited
Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

18. Operation Regulation of discharge

19. Design Standard IS: 4622, I.S : 800, IS : 6938, IS : 807
20. Design Condition Wet & inaccessible
21. Approximate Weight of the gate 22.87 ton/gate
22. Approximate weight of the Embedded parts 11.44 ton/bay
23. Approximate weight of Ballast Required 8.9 ton/per gate
24. Hoist Capacity 37 tons
25. Approximate weight of Trestle Structure & Hoist Bridge 5 ton/bay

The layout plan, Sections, Elevation and all other drawings related to the Reservoir
are appended as Dwg. WAP/WRD/LRP/DWG/01 to 11.

Chapter-4: Project Design 4-26 WAPCOS Limited

ANNEXURES 4.1 - 4.12
Annexure 4.1

SN Particulars Value Unit
(i) Required Discharge Qr 40.000 cumecs
(ii) Designed Discharge (Qd) Qd 40.000 cumecs
(iii) MDDL of Tank MDDL 304.000 m
FRL of Tank FRL 308.000 m
Top Level of head regulator gate 309.000 m
(iv) Full Supply Level (FSL) FSL 303.500 m
(v) Canal Bed Level (CBL) CBL 300.500 m
(vi) Bed Width (BW) BW 9.00 m
(viii) Full Supply Depth (FSD) FSD 3.00 m
(xi) Free Board (FB) FB 0.75 m
(xii) Canal Bed Slope S 1 in 8000
0.000125 -
(xiii) Safe Exit Gradient Ge 1 in 5
(xiv) Inner Side Slope (H:V) 1.5:1 -
(xv) Outer Side Slope (H:V) -
(xvi) Rugosity coefficient 'N' N 0.0180 -
(xvii) Gravitational Acceleration (g) g 9.81 m/sec2
(xviii) Working head h 0.50 m
(xix) Type of canal Lined -
(xx) Lacey's silt factor f 1.00 -
(xxi) Angle of Offtake canal 90.00 degrees
(xxii) No. of Piers Np 1.00
(xxiii) Pier Width PW 1.50 m
(xxiv) Downstream Glacis Slope Sg 3H:1V 3 in 1
∆ The Head Regulator will be designed for submerged flow over the crest of Head regulator.


Q = 2/3 Cd1 L √2g [(h+ha) 3/2 - ha3/2] + Cd2 L d √2g (h + ha)

Cd1 0.6
Coefficient of Discharge

Cd2 0.76
Waterway (Length of Crest) L BW - Np*PW 7.5 m

Effective Length of Head Regulator of waterway 7.104 m

Velocity of Approach Head ha 0 m

Hence, Top Level of HR gate - Crest Level d 2.112 m

say = 2.400 m
Crest Level FSL-d 301.100 m
say 301.100 m
Calculate Discharge
2/3*0.6*106*√2g *0.5^1.5+0.8*106*6.12*√(19.62*0.5)
44.855031 > 40.000 cumecs

Sharp Crested Weir will be provided so as to have minimum possible head loss. The minimum width as per IS 6531-
1994 is 2/3 He

Where He = U/S FSL - Crest level = 2.90 m

∆ min. width of crest = 1.93 m
Provide top width of crest for accomodating Gates and Stoplog = 4.00 m


Dischage in Primary Main canal Q = 40.000 cumecs
Total clear waterway L = 7.50 m
Discharge Intensity q = 5.33 cumec/m
Head loss HL = 4.50 m
Critical Depth, Dc = (q2/g)1/3 Dc = 1.43 m
HL/Dc = 3.15
From Supplement to CBIP Publication No 7
D1/Dc = 0.30
D2/Dc = 2.39

Prejump Depth D1 = 0.43 m
Post jump depth D2 = 3.42 m
Cistern Level FSL - D2 = 300.08 m
Say 300.00 m
Keep Cistern Level at El 300 m
Froude no. q / √ (g x D13) F = 6.06

From Fig. 3 of IS 4997-1968

Lj/D2 = 6.10
Length of the Jump Lj = 20.85 m
Provide Cistern Length say 25.00 m

(i) D/S Horizontal floor length = 4.00 m

(ii) D/S Inverse slope ( 5:1 slope ) = 2.50 m
(iii) D/S Cistern length = 25.00 m
(iv) D/S Glacis length ( 3:1 slope) = 3.30 m
(v) U/S Crest Width = 4.00 m
(vi) U/S floor length = 6.00 m
(vii) Total length of floor = 44.80 m
(viii) Provided total floor length = 45.00 m
(ix) Provided U/S Floor length = 6.00 m

Scour Depth 1.35 (q^2/f)^(1/3) R = 4.12 m
Downstream Maximum Scour Depth 1.25 R = 5.15 m
Level of Scour Depth below FSL = 298.35 m
Scour Depth below canal bed level = 2.15 m

Providing Sheet Pile of Depth 3.00 m

(i) Provide D/S sheet pile below as per exit gradient up to El = 297.50 m
As the Head is very high Deep D/s Cut-off is required for safety of structure as per Khosla's Theory


From Khosla's theory, the exit gradient can be expressed by the relation as
Exit gradient, GE = 1 / (pi x sqrt ( λ )) X (H / d )
Where, GE ( Exit gradient ) = 1 / 5
d = Depth of d/s cutoff = 6.00 m
H = Maximum static head = Pond Level - D/S Bed Level = 7.50 m
Substituting the values 1 / 5 = 1 / (pi x sqrt ( λ )) X (H / d )
or 1 / (pi x sqrt ( λ )) = 0.160
λ = 3.958
2 So, α = 6.843
λ = (1+sqrt(1+α ))/2

α = (b/d) So, Floor Length b = 41.058

Safe Exit Gradient Ge 1 in 5

Hence,Total Floor Length to be provided below crest of Head
= 45.000 m


E1 C 1 EC
Floor Length = 45.00 m
D1 D
( i ) At U/S & D/S cut off wall Total floor length (b) = 45.00 m
Depth of D/S cut off wall (d) = 3.00 m
From Khosla's equation 1/α = d/b = 0.067
α = b/d = 15.000
λ = (1 + √ (1 + α2))/2 = 8.017
ΦE = (1/pi) *Cos-1((λ - 2)/λ) = 22.98 %
ΦD = (1/pi) *Cos-1((λ - 1)/λ) = 16.00 %
ΦC1 = 100 - ΦE = 77.02 %
ΦD1 = 100 - ΦD = 84.00 %
Correction for depressed Floor ΦD' = ΦD- (2/3)*(ΦE-ΦD) + (3/α ) = 11
Assuming floor thickness at U/S end as = 1.0
Corr. for floor thickness at U/S end = (84 - 77.02) X 1.00 / 3.00 = 2.33
77.02 + 2.33 = 79.35

(ii) At Downstream of Glacis
ΦGlacis = ΦE + (D/s Floor Length upto Glacis end point)*(ΦC1-ΦE)/b = 60.81 %
Balanced Head = 4.561 m
Thickness of floor at Glacis end point = 3.68 m

(iii) At 7m from D/s End of Floor

= ΦE + (7)*(ΦC1-ΦE)/b = 31.39 %
Balanced Head = 2.354 m
Thickness of floor at Glacis end point = 1.90 m

Gang Way

D/S FSL 303.50
Groove Gate Groove
1:1 3:1 Cistern Level D/S BL 300.50
U/S RBL 0.60 300.00 5:1
300.50 B C 2.00

0.30 5.40 0.60 4.00 3.30 25.00 2.50 4.00 0.30


8 Protection Works beyond Impervios Floor

(i) Upstream protection :

Upstream Protection Work has already provided for Under Sluice and no need to provide for Head Regulator as the

upstream floor is common for these structures.

(ii) Downstream protection :
Scour Depth R = 4.12 m

Anticipated Scour 1.5 R = 6.18 m

Downstream Scour Level = 297.321 m
Scour Depth below D/s Floor D = 3.179 m
(a) Inverted Filter
Length of inverted filter should be equal to 4 meter and thickness equal to D/s Launching apron

Provide 5 rows of 1.2m X 1.2m X 0.9m C.C. Blocks with gap of 75mm filled with 'bajri' over 0.6m thick graded

(b) Launching Apron

Thickness of Launching Apron = 0.9 m
Quantity of Launching Apron required = 7.152 m3/m
The launching apron is assumed to launch in slope 2H:1 V

Sloping length = 7.11 m
say = 10.0 m
Length Required = 11.111 m
Say 12.000 m

Annexure 4.1.1
It is proposed to provide 4 Nos (2 no' service gate and 2 no' bulkhead/emmergency gate) fixed wheel type vertical lift gates
of size 4.0 mx 2.9 m for the head regulator service and emergency gate of Dharma Sagar Reservoir. These gates shall be
utilised to regulate the discharge . These gates shall be designed for 6.9 m unbalanced hydrostatic head corresponding to
FRL 308.0 m in accordance with the provisions contained int he IS:4622-2003. These gates shall be operated under flow
condition with the help of individual electrically operated rope drum hoist of adequate capacity (11 tons tentative) to be
installed on trestles at the top of head regulator . These gates shall remain normally in closed condition during off season /
repairing & remain open only as per irrigation demand. The salient features are as under:

1 Deck level 311.00 m

2 FRL 308.00 m
3 HFL 308.00 m
4 Sill level 301.10 m
5 Clear width of opening 4.00 m
6 C/c of side seal seat 4.15 m
7 C/c of track plates 4.60 m
8 Height of the gate upto opening 2.90 m
9 Overall height of the gate 3.00 m
10 No. of openings 2 No.
No (2 Service gate & 2 Bulk head
11 No. of gates required 4
gate/Emergency Gate).
12 Design Head 6.90 m
13 Type of gate Fixed Wheel Vertical Gate
Downstream in case of service gate &Upstream in case of
14 Skin Plate & Sealing
Bulk head gate
15 Type of Seals (Rubber) IS:11855
(i) Side Seal Teflon Cladded music note type
(ii) Bottom Seal Wedge Type
16 Hoisting arrangement Individual electrically operated rope drum hoist
17 Standards IS:4622 , IS:800, IS:6938, IS:807
18 Tentative wt. of the gate 0.886 x (4.15^2 x 2.9 x 6.9)^0.654/9.81
4.12 tonnes/gate
19 Tentative wt. of the embedded parts 4.12 x 0.32
1.32 tonnes/opening
20 Hoist capacity calculation
a Design discharge 40 cumecs
b Design Head - (Static + Dynamic) head= 7.08 m
c Weight of the gate 40.44 KN
d Hydraulic thrust =0.5*(6.9+4)*3*4.15*9.859 668.96 KN
e Wheel friction = 668.96/100 x (0.015*50+1) 11.706 KN
f Friction on side and top sill pre compression = (2*3+4.15)*1.6
16.24 KN
g Hydraulic friction on side and top sill
i) 2*0.5*9.859*4.15*3.0*0.03*5.45 4.836 KN
ii) 1*0.5*9.859*4.15*0.03*4.0 2.455 KN
h Guide friction =0.1*40.444*0.60 2.4266 KN
Raising load 78.10 KN
Bouyant weight of the 35.26 KN
Seating load = 4.15*2.5 10.375 KN
Resistance due to friction while lowering including seating
78.1 + 10.375 - 40.44 48.04 KN > 35.26 KN
hence ballast required 48.035 - 35.26 12.78 KN
so, hoist capacity = 78.1 + 12.775 90.88 KN
Hoist capacity including
1.2 x 90.875 109.05 KN
20% resrvr. capacity
11.12 Tons
Provision made in the DPR of 11.12 Tons (Tentative) hoist capacity
Annexure 4.2

Discharge Required : 39.26 Cumecs (1386.46 Cusecs)

Value of "n" : 0.018
Surface Fall : 1 in 8000
Side Slopes : 1.5 :1
Free Board : 1.00
1.00 FSL

1.5 :1 3.00 FSD 1.5 :1

Canal Bed Width = 9.00 meters
FSD = 3.00 meters b/d ratio = 3.000
Area (A) = ( 9 + ( 3 x 1.5 x 2 +9 ) ) / 2 x 3 = 40.500 Sq. mtrs.
Wetted Perimeter (P) = 9+ 2 x ( 3² + ( 3 x 1.5 )² )^0.5 = 19.817 mtrs.
Hydraulic Mean Depth '(R)' = A/P = 40.500/ 19.817 = 2.044 m
R = 2.044^(2/3) = 1.610 m
S1/2 = (1 /8000)^0.5 = 0.0112 m
2/3 1/2
Velocity as per Manning's "V" = 1/n x R x S
= ( 1/0.018 ) x 1.610 x 0.011 = 1.000 m/Sec
Discharge "Q" = Area x Velocity (A x V)
= 40.500 x 1.000
= 40.512 Cum /Sec
40.512 Cum /Sec > 39.260 Cum /Sec
Hence, Section assumed is found to be satisfying the requirment.
Check for Critical Velocity
Vo = 0.39 (FSD) = Vo = 0.39 x 3^0.55 = 0.714 m / sec

V/Vo = = 1.402 Hence, section assumed is found to be satisfying the requirment

Hence, the Hydraulic Particulars are as Follows :

Discharge Required : 39.260 Cumecs (598.236 Cusecs)
Discharge Designed : 40.512 Cumecs (600.037 Cusecs)
Bed Width in meters : 9.00 meters
FSD width in meters : 3.00 meters
Value of "n" : 0.018
Bed Fall : 1 in 8000
Side Slopes : 1.5 :1
Velocity in m/sec : 1.000 m/sec
Free Board : 1.00 m
Annexure 4.2.1

Earthwork Excavation Statement of the Approach Channel

Reach RD Avg NSL CBL FSL TBL Area of Average Area Volume of Area of Average Volume of Cummulative Cummulative
No. Dist Cutting( m2 ) of Cutting( m2 Cutting( m3 ) Filling( m2 ) Area of Filling( m3 ) Volume of Volume of Filling(
) Filling( m2 ) Cutting( MCM ) MCM )

1 302.61 300.50 303.50 304.50 25.7 31.4

1 25 25.0 302.49 300.50 303.50 304.50 23.9 24.8 621 34.1 32.8 819 0.001 0.001
1 50 25.0 302.41 300.49 303.49 304.49 22.7 23.3 583 36.0 35.1 877 0.001 0.002
1 75 25.0 302.40 300.49 303.49 304.49 22.6 22.7 567 36.1 36.1 902 0.002 0.003
1 100 25.0 302.47 300.49 303.49 304.49 23.8 23.2 580 34.4 35.3 881 0.002 0.003
1 125 25.0 302.50 300.48 303.48 304.48 24.2 24.0 600 33.6 34.0 850 0.003 0.004
1 150 25.0 302.50 300.48 303.48 304.48 24.3 24.3 606 33.6 33.6 840 0.004 0.005
1 175 25.0 302.50 300.48 303.48 304.48 24.3 24.3 608 33.5 33.5 838 0.004 0.006
1 200 25.0 302.71 300.48 303.48 304.48 27.7 26.0 650 28.7 31.1 777 0.005 0.007
1 225 25.0 303.04 300.47 303.47 304.47 32.9 30.3 758 22.0 25.3 633 0.006 0.007
1 250 25.0 303.33 300.47 303.47 304.47 38.0 35.5 886 16.5 19.2 481 0.006 0.008
1 275 25.0 304.09 300.47 303.47 304.09 49.9 44.0 1099 8.2 206 0.008 0.008
1 300 25.0 305.19 300.46 303.46 305.19 80.4 65.2 1630 0.009 0.008
1 325 25.0 306.37 300.46 303.46 306.37 117.2 98.8 2470 0.012 0.008
1 350 25.0 307.01 300.46 303.46 307.01 138.8 128.0 3200 0.015 0.008
1 375 25.0 306.88 300.45 303.45 306.88 134.5 136.6 3416 0.018 0.008
1 400 25.0 306.68 300.45 303.45 306.68 127.5 131.0 3275 0.022 0.008
1 425 25.0 306.62 300.45 303.45 306.62 125.6 126.6 3164 0.025 0.008
1 450 25.0 307.12 300.44 303.44 307.12 143.0 134.3 3357 0.028 0.008
1 475 25.0 307.69 300.44 303.44 307.69 163.5 153.2 3830 0.032 0.008
1 500 25.0 308.31 300.44 303.44 308.31 187.0 175.2 4381 0.036 0.008
1 525 25.0 309.04 300.43 303.43 309.04 216.2 201.6 5040 0.041 0.008
1 550 25.0 309.69 300.43 303.43 309.69 243.6 229.9 5748 0.047 0.008
1 575 25.0 310.22 300.43 303.43 310.22 266.6 255.1 6378 0.053 0.008
1 600 25.0 310.39 300.43 303.43 310.39 274.5 270.5 6764 0.060 0.008
1 625 25.0 310.48 300.42 303.42 310.48 278.8 276.6 6916 0.067 0.008
1 650 25.0 310.57 300.42 303.42 310.57 282.8 280.8 7021 0.074 0.008
1 675 25.0 310.69 300.42 303.42 310.69 288.6 285.7 7143 0.081 0.008
1 700 25.0 310.82 300.41 303.41 310.82 294.4 291.5 7287 0.089 0.008
1 725 25.0 310.94 300.41 303.41 310.94 300.2 297.3 7432 0.096 0.008
1 750 25.0 310.58 300.41 303.41 310.58 283.9 292.1 7301 0.103 0.008
1 775 25.0 310.12 300.40 303.40 310.12 263.5 273.7 6843 0.110 0.008
1 800 25.0 309.59 300.40 303.40 309.59 240.4 251.9 6298 0.116 0.008
1 825 25.0 309.21 300.40 303.40 309.21 224.5 232.5 5811 0.122 0.008
1 850 25.0 308.95 300.39 303.39 308.95 214.3 219.4 5485 0.128 0.008
1 875 25.0 308.75 300.39 303.39 308.75 206.3 210.3 5258 0.133 0.008
1 900 25.0 309.04 300.39 303.39 309.04 218.0 212.1 5304 0.138 0.008
1 925 25.0 308.59 300.38 303.38 308.59 200.0 209.0 5225 0.144 0.008

Page 1 of 2
Earthwork Excavation Statement of the Approach Channel

Reach RD Avg NSL CBL FSL TBL Area of Average Area Volume of Area of Average Volume of Cummulative Cummulative
No. Dist Cutting( m2 ) of Cutting( m2 Cutting( m3 ) Filling( m2 ) Area of Filling( m3 ) Volume of Volume of Filling(
) Filling( m2 ) Cutting( MCM ) MCM )

1 950 25.0 308.63 300.38 303.38 308.63 201.9 201.0 5024 0.149 0.008
1 975 25.0 308.69 300.38 303.38 308.69 204.2 203.0 5076 0.154 0.008
1 1000 25.0 308.65 300.38 303.38 308.65 203.0 203.6 5089 0.159 0.008
1 1025 25.0 308.54 300.37 303.37 308.54 198.6 200.8 5019 0.164 0.008
1 1050 25.0 308.71 300.37 303.37 308.71 205.4 202.0 5050 0.169 0.008
1 1075 25.0 309.15 300.37 303.37 309.15 223.6 214.5 5361 0.174 0.008
1 1100 25.0 309.60 300.36 303.36 309.60 242.4 233.0 5824 0.180 0.008
1 1125 25.0 309.75 300.36 303.36 309.75 249.3 245.8 6146 0.186 0.008
1 1150 25.0 309.55 300.36 303.36 309.55 240.9 245.1 6127 0.192 0.008
1 1175 25.0 309.35 300.35 303.35 309.35 232.5 236.7 5918 0.198 0.008
1 1200 25.0 309.29 300.35 303.35 309.29 230.0 231.3 5782 0.204 0.008
1 1225 25.0 309.44 300.35 303.35 309.44 236.3 233.1 5829 0.210 0.008
1 1250 25.0 309.52 300.34 303.34 309.52 239.8 238.0 5951 0.216 0.008

Page 2 of 2
Annexure 4.3
Design of Pumphouse near Dharmasagar Reservoir

I Design of Sump (As per IS 15310:2003)

1 Design Discharge 39.26 Cumecs

2 Bed Width of Canal 9 m
Canal Bed Level 300.5 m
3 Water Depth at FSL 3 m
Full Supply Level 303.5 m
Natural Surface Level 313 m
4 Sump is being designed for detenetion period of 8 min as per relevant IS code 8 Minutes
5 Total Capacity of Sump 18844.8 Cubic Metres
6 Depth of Sump at Pump
Diamter of Pipe 2.5 M
Diameter of Bell Mouth taken as 1.5 to 1.8 times dia. of pipe 1.6 x 2.5 4 Metres
Distance of Bell Mouth from Bed of Sump 2.00 Metres
Minimum water Depth at the Bell Mouth of Sump, 1.5 D
1.5 x 4 6 Metres
where 5 m is dia of Bell Mouth
So, Total depth of the sump required at the Suction Pipe 8.00 Metres
This depth is to be provided upto a length of min 10D, where D is Dia of Bell Mouth
say 15 x 4 60 Metres
No. of Pumps Required (assuming the velocity in the suction and delivery pipe as 2.5
m/s and Diameter of 2.5 m for Vertical Turbine Pumps) 3.20
say 3.00 nos.
Providing 20% for Stand By Pumps 0.6
say 1 nos.
Total Number of Pumps to be provided including standby 4 nos.
The Sloping floor to meet at Canal Bed Level at angle of 10degrees, so the length of
the sloping portion is 28.37 m
say 30 m
Keeping the distance of pipes/pumps 2D c/c, where D is the
Diameter of Bell Mouth @ 8.0 Metres C/C
Say 8.00 m C/C
Hence Width of Sump to accomodate 4 Pumps of 2.5 m diameter 32 Metres

The maximum divergence for the forebay side walls with respect to forebay center line
should be limited to 20 degrees 31.61 m
Say 35.00 m

Avg. depth of Water 5.5 Metres

Avg. width of Forebay 20.5 Metres
Total Length of the Forebay 95.0 Metres
Say 95 Metres

Hence designed capacity of the sump 19306.25 OK.

Annexure 4.4
Design of Trash Rack
Type 1 Trash Rack, Rack of Type 2

I. Data
Discharge Q = 13.5 Cumecs/bay
FSL = 303.88 m
Sill Level = 295.38 m
El. of Top of pump floor = 313.8 m
No. of rack panels in elevations = 2 nos
Height of rack panels = 4.15 m
No. of rack panels in plan = 4 nos
Width of Rack Panel = 7.035 m
Width of the pier = 1.5 m
Clear opening betwewn pier = 6.875 m
Groove depth = 0.18 m
Groove width = 0.26 m
Span of the Trash Rack beam = 7.035 m
No. of Intermediate horizontal beam in rack = 5 nos
C/C of Spacing of Trash Bar = 0.1 m

A. Deisgn of Trash Bars.

Differential water head considered = 6 m
Water pressure Q = 58.86 KN/m
Force coming on each bar ( full clogging ) = 5.886 KN
Span of the bar = 0.692 m
(Taken C/C distance of beams conservatively)
Max B.M in the bar (= wL2 /10) 0.282 KN-m
Yield stress = 250 N/mm.2
Laterally unsupported length of the bar = 612 mm
Thickness of the bars = 10 mm
Slenderness ratio of the bar l/t = 61.2 < 70 O.K
Failure stress = (Yield stress x (1.23 - 0.01538 x L/t ) = 72.186 N/mm2
Sectional modulus required = 3906.575 mm3
Width of the plate
or d = 6z = 48.41 mm
Say = 50 mm
Hence provide 50 mm x 10 mm flat as trash bar

II. Deisgn of Horizontal beam.

A) Intermediate Beam
Differential water head considered = 7m
C/C of Spacing of horizontal beam = 692 mm
Water pressure coming on to the beam W1 = 47.52 KN/m
Span of the beam = 7.035 m
Max B.M in the bar (= wL2 /10) = 235.181 KN-m
Permissible Bending Stress = 72.186 N/mm2
Sectional modulus required = 3257986 mm3
Provide ISMC 250 whose section modulus = 4080000 mm3

B. Design of End Horizontal Beam

Section modulus required = 1628993 mm3
Provide ISMC 250 whose section modulus = 4080000 mm3
width of the channel section = 83 mm

C. Design of End Vertical Member

Provide ISMC 250 whose section modulus = 4080000 mm3

D. Check for Velocity

Width of clear opening between pier = 6.875 m
Depth of Water = 8.0 m
No of Trash rack bays = 3 nos.
Unobstructed area of opening = 165 m2
Average velocity of water prior to installation of trash rack
= 0.25 m/sec
Discharge approaching infront of pump intake = 40.50 cumecs

Obstruction caused due to trash rack per panel

Horizontal beam = 3.994375 m2
Trash bar = 2.59434 m2
Full obstrucked area = 6.588715 m2
Total Area of Obstruction = 13.17743 m2
Toal Area of opening = 43.88507 m2
Velocity of flow after installation of trash rack = 0.307622 m/sec
< 0.5 m/sec, OK.
Velocity of water for 25% clogging of opening = 0.410162 m/sec
Velocity of water for 50% clogging of opening = 0.615243 m/sec
< 1.5 m/sec, OK.
E. Weight of Trash Rack Panel
No. of Bars = 67 nos.
Width of the bars = 0.05 m
Thickness of the bars = 0.01 m
Height of the bar = 4.07 m
Volume of the bar = 0.136345 m3
Weight of the bars = 1070.308 Kgs

Horizontal beam
No. of beams = 7 nos.
Length of the beam = 7.035 m
Type ISMC 250 = 38.1 Kg/m
Total weight of the beam = 1876.235 Kgs

Vertical beam
No. of beams = 2 nos.
Length of the beam = 4.15 m
Type ISMC 250 = 38.1 Kg/m
Total weight of the beam = 316.23 Kgs
Total weight of one Panel = 3262.773 Kgs
Total weight including guide shoe (4 nos.), Lifting Hook - 2 nos., Chain, Pilot Pin etc.
L = 3400 Kg/ Panel
i.e., = 6800 Kg/Bay
Total weight for 4 bays = 27200 Kgs
= 27.2 T
Guide bars = 4 x 2 x 0.1 x 0.025 x 7850 x 16 = 2.512 T
Embedded Parts of Guide bar = 1.632 T
Total requirement of Steel = 31.34 T

F. Check for vibaration of trash rack

( Rep. Handbook on hydro power struchure : P.S.Nigam )
The natural frequency of the bars and the forcing frequency produced by vortex shedding area
calculated and compared for reasonance condition.
Lionel Marks's formula for naturad frquency of the bar fn =
α [ EI g ] and w = V ( Y + b' x yf )
3 1/2
2π [w£ ] t


V = Volume of rack bars between support = 0.136345 m3

Y = Specific weight of bar = 0.00785 kg/cm
Yf = Specific weight of water = 0.001 Kg/cm3
t = Thickness of the bar = 1 cm
b' = Effective spacing between bar = 9 cm
E = Young's modulus = 2000000 kg/cm2

W = Virtual weight in pound or kg = 2297.413 Kgs

£ = Unstrained length of bar = 61.2 cm
I = Moment of inertia = 10.42 cm3
g = Acceleration due to graurity = 981 cm2/s
α = Coefficient depending on end fixity = 17

Fn = = 16.86 cycles/sec
Vortex shedding forcing frequency
Ff = SVO/t
S = Stouhal number = 0.265
VO = Net velocity through trash bar = 30.762 cm/sec
t = Thickness of the bar in cm = 1 cm
Ff = = 8.15 cycles/sec
Check for resonance as per IS Code 11388 Ff/Fn = 0.48 < 0.65
Annexure 4.5

Stoplogs of Pump Intake

It is proposed to provide 1 set of sliding type stoplogs consisting of 1 Nos bottom non interchangeable (6875 x 1200)mm & 7
nos (6875 x 1200)mm for maintenance with 4 nos. opening for pump intake. These gates shall be utilised to stop water for
repair and maintenance of pump and pipe for lifting water. The stoplogs shall be designed for unbalanced head of 8.0 m
corresponding to FRL 303.38 m in accordance with the provisions contained int he IS:5620. Stoplogs shall have downstream
skin plate & ceiling .Each stoplogs shall be operated with the help of vlifting beam & mono rail crane of the adequate
capacity 8 Tons Tentative) The salient features are as under:

1 Deck level 313.80 m

2 FSL 303.38 m
3 MWL 303.38 m
4 Sill level 295.38 m
5 Clear width of opening 6.875 m
6 C/c of side seal seat 7.025 m
7 C/c of track plates 7.475 m
8 Water Head on Sill 8.00 m
9 Total Height of Stoplogs 8.40 m
10 Total No. of openings 4 No.
11 size of each unit 6875 x 1200 mm
(1 no. Bottom unit non interchangeable )
12 Position of the skin plate and sealing downstream, IS: 11855:2004
13 i) Side seal Teflon cladded musical note type
14 ii) Bottom seal wedge type
15 Skin plate Structural steel
17 Total sets of stoplogs proposed 1 (One)
18 Type of Stoplogs proposed Sliding type
18 Weight of the gate 0.601 x (7.025^2 x 8 x 8.4)^0.703/9.81
18.29 tons/set
19 Weight of the embedded parts 18.29 x 0.06

1.10 tons/bay
21 Mode of operation Llfting beam & gantry crane of
22 Operation Balance head condition achieved by crack opening
17 Design Standards IS:4622 , IS:800, IS:6938, IS:807
20 Hoist capacity calculation
a Design Head = (8 + 6.8) x 0.5 7.40 m
b Weight of the bottom unit of stoplog 25.63 KN
Sliding Friction
c (Brass/Bronze on Steel) =7.4x1.2x2x0.5x0.05x9.859 4.3774 KN
d Friction on side seal due to pre compression = (2*0.5+1.2)*1.6
1.92 KN
e Hydraulic friction on side seal
i) 2*0.5*9.859*1.2*3.0*7.4 2.626 KN
f Guide friction =0.1*25.63*0.60 1.5378 KN
g Seating load = 7.025*2.5 17.5625 KN
h Raising load 53.65 KN
5.470 T

i Weight of the Lifting Beam 0.75 T

so, hoist capacity = 5.47 + 0.75 6.22 T
Hoist capacity including
1.2 x 6.22 7.464 T
j 20% resrvr. capacity
8 Tons
Provision made in the DPR of 8 Tons (Tentative) hoist capacity
Annexure 4.6

Details of Pumping
No. of Pumping Days 90 days
Pumping Hours 24 hrs
10.78 TMC
Capacity of Dam
305.29 MCM
Discharge 39.26 Cumecs
No. of Pipes 3.00 Nos.
Diameter of Pipe 3.00 m
Velocity 1.85 m/sec
Power Requirement 76.50 MW
Energy Requirement 143.05 MU
Annexure 4.7
(Vertical Pumps with 10% Over Load and 85% Pump Efficiency)
Power Requirement Calculations
S.No. Description Near Dharmasagar

1 Total Discharge Required ( Cumecs ) 39.26

2 No. of Pumps 3
3 No. of Delivery mains 3
4 Low Water level ( m ) 297.38
5 FRL/Max. water level ( m ) 424.00
6 Delivery level ( = FRL/MWL + D/2 +0.5m) 426.00
7 Static Head in m (= DL - LWL) 128.62
8 Discharge in each Pump ( Cumecs ) 13.09
say 13.50
Velocity Calculations
9 Discharge in each Delivery main (Cumecs ) 13.50
10 Length of each delivery main ( Km ) 17.00
11 Diameter of each delivery main (m) 3.00
12 Velocity in each delivery main (m/s) 1.91

Pump Head Calculations

13 Length of Approach canal (Km) 1.25
14 Water conveyance loss (m) in Approach (assumed with slope 1 in 0.16
15 Losses due to fall in surge pool ( m ) 3.00
15 Friction losses in Pumps & valves (m) 3.00

Pipe Losses
16 Discharge in each Delivery main (Cumecs ) 13.50
17 Friction losses in Delivery main ( m ) as per Hazen Williams 11.38
18 Total losses ( m ) 17.54
19 Static Head ( m) 128.62
20 Total pump head (H) in m 146.16

Power Calculations
21 Pump efficiency (η) 0.85
22 P = (1000 x 9.81 x Q x H/η) in MW 22.77
23 over load @ 10% in MW 2.28
24 Power Required in MWs for each pump 25.05
say 25.50

25 Total Power Required in MWs for pump station 76.50

Annual Energy Required in MU to Pump 10.78 TMC of water
26 143.05
from Dharmasagar Tank
Annexure 4.8 a) Input Files of Stability Analysis
Lingampalli Reservoir PROJECT-DS With Earth Quake (ERD File)
0.00 800.00
376.00 420.00 420.00 378.00 378.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 0.08 0.06
877.00 448.00 376.00
Lingampalli Reservoir PROJECT-DS Without Earth Quake (ERD File)
0.00 800.00
376.00 420.00 420.00 378.00 378.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
877.00 448.00 376.00
Lingampalli Reservoir PROJECT-US With Earth Quake (ERD File)
0.00 800.00
376.00 420.00 420.00 378.00 378.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 0.08 0.06
720.50 448.00 376.00
Lingampalli Reservoir PROJECT-US Without Earth Quake (ERD File)
0.00 800.00
376.00 420.00 420.00 378.00 378.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
720.50 448.00 376.00
Lingampalli Reservoir PROJECT- SUDDEN DRAW DOWN (ERD File)
0.00 800.00
376.00 420.00 388.00 378.00 376.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 2.19 2.00 0.43 1.00 0.00
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 2.19 2.00 0.43 1.00 0.00
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 2.19 2.00 0.43 1.00 0.00
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 2.19 2.00 0.43 1.00 0.00
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 2.19 2.00 0.43 1.00 0.00
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 0.43 0.00 0.00
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 2.19 2.00 0.43 1.00 0.00
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 2.04 3.00 0.21 1.00 0.00
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 0.21 0.00 0.00
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 2.04 3.00 0.21 1.00 0.00
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 2.04 3.00 0.21 1.00 0.00
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 0.21 0.00 1.00
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 0.43 0.00 1.00
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 0.53 0.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
720.50 448.00 376.00
Lingampalli Reservoir PROJECT-Non Over Flow Section (ERD File)
8.0 2.0 2.5 25.60 2.40 0.00 0.80 25.60 0.080 378.00 388.00 378.00 420.00 420.00 424.00
416.00 380.00 378.00 50.00 35
4.8 b) Results of Stability Analysis








877.00 448.00 72.00 809.33 915.43 1718.73 1263.67 1.360
878.00 448.00 72.00 810.53 916.07 1702.89 1268.02 1.343
879.00 448.00 72.00 811.73 916.70 1691.83 1289.22 1.312
880.00 448.00 72.00 812.93 917.32 1648.03 1218.78 1.352
880.00 449.00 73.00 812.11 917.50 1682.10 1281.92 1.312
881.00 449.00 73.00 813.32 918.12 1640.84 1224.88 1.340
879.00 449.00 73.00 810.90 916.87 1696.26 1274.52 1.331
879.00 450.00 74.00 810.07 917.05 1705.17 1276.81 1.335
880.00 450.00 74.00 811.28 917.67 1699.42 1276.86 1.331
881.00 450.00 74.00 812.50 918.28 1669.83 1266.54 1.318
882.00 450.00 74.00 813.73 918.90 1632.78 1231.34 1.326



.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 .430
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 .430
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 .210
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 .210
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 .430
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530





877.00 448.00 72.00 809.33 915.43 1850.81 1024.29 1.807
878.00 448.00 72.00 810.53 916.07 1832.67 1032.74 1.775
879.00 448.00 72.00 811.73 916.70 1823.90 1058.01 1.724
880.00 448.00 72.00 812.93 917.32 1774.42 991.90 1.789
880.00 449.00 73.00 812.11 917.50 1813.35 1052.34 1.723
881.00 449.00 73.00 813.32 918.12 1766.73 999.60 1.767
879.00 449.00 73.00 810.90 916.87 1825.63 1040.78 1.754
879.00 450.00 74.00 810.07 917.05 1836.32 1040.60 1.765
880.00 450.00 74.00 811.28 917.67 1830.97 1044.70 1.753
881.00 450.00 74.00 812.50 918.28 1799.38 1038.79 1.732
882.00 450.00 74.00 813.73 918.90 1758.13 1007.83 1.744


.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 .430
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 .430
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 .210
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 .210
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 .430
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530







720.50 448.00 72.00 680.70 786.16 992.77 735.36 1.350
722.50 448.00 72.00 682.70 788.59 1018.34 758.12 1.343
724.50 448.00 72.00 684.70 791.00 1044.34 781.48 1.336
726.50 448.00 72.00 686.14 793.39 1073.01 807.55 1.329
728.50 448.00 72.00 687.48 795.76 1101.76 835.02 1.319
730.50 448.00 72.00 688.84 798.11 1131.90 865.97 1.307
732.50 448.00 72.00 690.20 800.38 1161.77 898.71 1.293
734.50 448.00 72.00 691.58 802.38 1200.39 929.38 1.292
736.50 448.00 72.00 692.96 804.38 1225.45 955.92 1.282
738.50 448.00 72.00 694.36 806.38 1246.94 978.04 1.275
740.50 448.00 72.00 695.76 808.33 1264.32 1000.69 1.263
742.50 448.00 72.00 697.17 810.05 1270.25 1020.99 1.244
744.50 448.00 72.00 698.59 811.77 1284.17 1034.98 1.241
746.50 448.00 72.00 700.03 813.47 1304.67 1044.49 1.249
746.50 450.00 74.00 699.51 814.61 1307.92 1058.12 1.236
748.50 450.00 74.00 700.94 816.29 1327.10 1059.42 1.253
744.50 450.00 74.00 698.09 812.92 1304.20 1053.71 1.238
744.50 452.00 76.00 697.60 814.03 1323.62 1069.37 1.238
746.50 452.00 76.00 699.01 815.70 1326.58 1070.74 1.239
742.50 452.00 76.00 696.20 812.36 1302.77 1061.14 1.228
740.50 452.00 76.00 694.81 810.67 1288.70 1046.22 1.232
740.50 454.00 78.00 694.35 811.78 1308.36 1066.02 1.227
742.50 454.00 78.00 695.73 813.44 1321.69 1078.22 1.226
744.50 454.00 78.00 697.12 815.10 1342.42 1081.73 1.241
744.50 456.00 80.00 696.65 816.13 1343.88 1093.78 1.229
746.50 456.00 80.00 698.04 817.77 1362.86 1093.57 1.246
742.50 456.00 80.00 695.28 814.49 1339.87 1090.89 1.228
740.50 456.00 80.00 693.91 812.84 1332.37 1084.09 1.229

.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 .430
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 .430
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 .210
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 .210
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 .430
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530


720.50 448.00 72.00 680.70 786.16 1120.01 491.59 2.278
722.50 448.00 72.00 682.70 788.59 1149.57 506.61 2.269
724.50 448.00 72.00 684.70 791.00 1179.64 522.08 2.259
726.50 448.00 72.00 686.14 793.39 1212.51 539.96 2.246
728.50 448.00 72.00 687.48 795.76 1245.41 559.39 2.226
730.50 448.00 72.00 688.84 798.11 1279.91 582.01 2.199
732.50 448.00 72.00 690.20 800.38 1314.09 606.59 2.166
734.50 448.00 72.00 691.58 802.38 1354.61 628.77 2.154
736.50 448.00 72.00 692.96 804.38 1377.89 646.83 2.130
738.50 448.00 72.00 694.36 806.38 1399.22 660.16 2.120
740.50 448.00 72.00 695.76 808.33 1415.73 674.19 2.100
742.50 448.00 72.00 697.17 810.05 1420.80 685.60 2.072
744.50 448.00 72.00 698.59 811.77 1431.54 690.70 2.073
744.50 450.00 74.00 698.09 812.92 1454.46 702.46 2.071
746.50 450.00 74.00 699.51 814.61 1455.23 697.78 2.086
742.50 450.00 74.00 696.68 811.23 1444.21 699.48 2.065
740.50 450.00 74.00 695.28 809.52 1439.55 692.49 2.079
740.50 452.00 76.00 694.81 810.67 1442.52 706.56 2.042
742.50 452.00 76.00 696.20 812.36 1453.50 712.25 2.041
744.50 452.00 76.00 697.60 814.03 1476.60 711.22 2.076
744.50 454.00 78.00 697.12 815.10 1498.03 716.74 2.090
746.50 454.00 78.00 698.52 816.75 1497.56 709.43 2.111
742.50 454.00 78.00 695.73 813.44 1475.13 722.68 2.041
740.50 454.00 78.00 694.35 811.78 1464.93 719.84 2.035
738.50 454.00 78.00 692.98 810.10 1454.87 712.37 2.042
738.50 456.00 80.00 692.55 811.19 1461.53 725.15 2.015
740.50 456.00 80.00 693.91 812.84 1490.84 731.49 2.038
736.50 456.00 80.00 691.19 809.52 1454.48 716.81 2.029
736.50 458.00 82.00 690.78 810.59 1471.79 729.37 2.018
738.50 458.00 82.00 692.12 812.23 1486.96 737.87 2.015
740.50 458.00 82.00 693.47 813.87 1492.78 740.29 2.016
740.50 460.00 84.00 693.05 814.87 1512.35 744.75 2.031
742.50 460.00 84.00 694.40 816.49 1513.95 739.13 2.048
738.50 460.00 84.00 691.71 813.24 1507.75 748.75 2.014
736.50 460.00 84.00 690.38 811.61 1477.45 741.86 1.992
734.50 460.00 84.00 689.06 809.97 1465.73 733.43 1.998
734.50 462.00 86.00 688.68 810.98 1486.29 744.35 1.997
736.50 462.00 86.00 689.99 812.61 1501.62 753.80 1.992
738.50 462.00 86.00 691.31 814.22 1527.45 755.91 2.021


.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 1.19 2.00 .430
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 1.19 2.00 .430
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 .430
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 .430
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 1.19 2.00 .430
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 .210
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 1.04 3.00 .210
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 .430
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530







720.50 448.00 72.00 680.70 786.16 1120.01 904.74 1.238
721.50 448.00 72.00 681.70 787.38 1134.68 918.45 1.235
722.50 448.00 72.00 682.70 788.59 1149.57 932.34 1.233
723.50 448.00 72.00 683.70 789.80 1164.55 947.41 1.229
724.50 448.00 72.00 684.70 791.00 1179.64 960.81 1.228
725.50 448.00 72.00 685.47 792.20 1195.80 974.78 1.227
726.50 448.00 72.00 686.14 793.39 1212.51 989.85 1.225
727.50 448.00 72.00 686.81 794.58 1228.62 1004.18 1.224
728.50 448.00 72.00 687.48 795.76 1245.41 1018.57 1.223
729.50 448.00 72.00 688.16 796.94 1262.80 1034.08 1.221
730.50 448.00 72.00 688.84 798.11 1279.91 1049.53 1.220
731.50 448.00 72.00 689.52 799.28 1296.59 1064.60 1.218
732.50 448.00 72.00 690.20 800.38 1314.09 1080.97 1.216
733.50 448.00 72.00 690.89 801.38 1330.95 1097.12 1.213
734.50 448.00 72.00 691.58 802.38 1354.61 1110.03 1.220
734.50 449.00 73.00 691.35 803.09 1365.42 1124.12 1.215
735.50 449.00 73.00 692.04 804.09 1375.52 1136.07 1.211
736.50 449.00 73.00 692.73 805.09 1390.91 1147.25 1.212
736.50 450.00 74.00 692.50 805.78 1403.73 1160.98 1.209
737.50 450.00 74.00 693.19 806.78 1410.10 1168.26 1.207
738.50 450.00 74.00 693.89 807.78 1413.28 1176.32 1.201
739.50 450.00 74.00 694.58 808.67 1426.74 1184.65 1.204
739.50 451.00 75.00 694.35 809.25 1438.43 1197.79 1.201
740.50 451.00 75.00 695.04 810.10 1431.14 1202.71 1.190
741.50 451.00 75.00 695.74 810.95 1443.55 1204.60 1.198
741.50 452.00 76.00 695.50 811.51 1454.91 1214.56 1.198
742.50 452.00 76.00 696.20 812.36 1453.50 1216.92 1.194
743.50 452.00 76.00 696.90 813.19 1465.26 1218.04 1.203


.00 376.00 641.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
641.00 376.00 677.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
677.00 388.00 685.00 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
685.00 388.00 721.00 400.00 2.19 2.00 .430
721.00 400.00 729.00 400.00 2.19 2.00 .430
729.00 400.00 762.00 412.00 2.19 2.00 .430
762.00 412.00 770.00 412.00 2.19 2.00 .430
770.00 412.00 790.00 420.00 2.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
800.00 424.00 808.00 424.00 2.18 2.00 .430
808.00 424.00 835.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
835.00 412.00 840.00 412.00 2.18 2.00 .430
840.00 412.00 870.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
870.00 400.00 875.00 400.00 2.18 2.00 .430
875.00 400.00 908.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
908.00 388.00 913.00 388.00 2.18 2.00 .430
913.00 388.00 940.50 378.00 2.18 2.00 .430
940.50 378.00 946.00 376.00 1.19 2.00 .430
946.00 376.00 1500.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
677.00 388.00 784.50 388.00 1.19 2.00 .430
790.00 420.00 800.50 420.00 2.19 2.00 .430
778.50 376.00 784.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 800.50 420.00 2.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 801.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
801.50 422.00 806.50 422.00 2.02 3.00 .210
806.50 422.00 808.50 418.00 2.02 3.00 .210
808.50 418.00 823.50 422.00 2.04 3.00 .210
823.50 422.00 828.50 378.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 829.50 376.00 1.04 3.00 .210
800.50 420.00 808.50 418.00 2.04 3.00 .210
784.50 388.00 823.50 388.00 1.04 3.00 .210
828.50 378.00 940.50 378.00 1.19 2.00 .430
641.00 376.00 946.00 376.00 1.15 1.50 .530
Lingampalli Reservoir PROJECT
UPSTREAM SLOPE (H:!) = 0.000
COHESION = 50.000t/sq.m

A 119.74 -2.17
B 27.25 48.32
C 27.18 46.48
D 133.16 -13.01
E 8.60 64.40
F 27.18 46.48
G 8.60 64.40


B 1.1 3.3
C 1.1 3.2
D 15.6 35.1
E 0.9 2.7
F 1.1 3.2
G 0.9 2.7
B 1.3
C 1.5
D 21.1
E 1.5
F 2.9
G 2.4
Annexure 4.9

a) Irrigation Sluice Service and Emergency Gate of Block 6

It is proposed to provide 2 Nos (1no' service gate and 1 no' bulkhead/emmergency gate) fixed wheel type vertical lift gates of
size 2.0 m x 2.0 m for the irrigation sluice of block no 6. These gates shall be utilised to regulate the discharge Irrigation Sluice of
Block 6 . These gates shall be designed for 35.0 m unbalanced hydrostatic head corresponding to FRL 420.0 m in accordance with
the provisions contained int he IS:4622-2003. These gates shall be operated under flow condition with the help of individual
electrically operated rope drum hoist of adequate capacity (27 tonns tentative) to be installed. These gates shall remain normally
in closed condition during off season / repairing & remain open only as per irrigation demand. The salient features are as under:

1 Deck level 424.00 m

2 FRL 420.00 m
3 HFL 420.00 m
4 Sill level 385.00 m
5 MDDL 388.00 m
6 Clear width of opening 2.00 m
7 C/c of side seal seat 2.15 m
8 C/c of track plates 2.60 m
9 Height of the gate upto opening 2.00 m
10 Height of the gate upto top sill centre 2.15 m
11 Overall height of the gate 2.30 m
12 No. of openings 1 No.
No (1Service gate & 1 Bulk head
No. of gates required 2
13 gate/Emergency Gate).
14 Design Head 35.00 m
15 Type of gate Fixed Wheel Vertical Gate
Downstream in case of service gate &Upstream in case of
Skin Plate & Sealing
16 Bulk head gate
17 Type of Seals (Rubber) IS:11855
(i) Side Seal Teflon Cladded music note type
(ii) Bottom Seal Wedge Type
18 Hoisting arrangement Individual electrically operated rope drum hoist
19 Standards IS:4622 , IS:800, IS:6938, IS:807
20 Tentative wt. of the gate 0.886 x (2.15^2 x 2.15 x 35)^0.654/9.81
4.15 tonnes/gate
21 Tentative wt. of the embedded parts 4.15 x 0.32
1.33 tonnes/opening
22 Hoist capacity calculation
a Design discharge 15 cumecs
b Design Head - (Static + Dynamic) head= 35.72 m
c Weight of the gate 40.71 KN
d Hydraulic thrust =0.5*(35+32.85)*2.15^2*9.859 1546.07 KN
e Wheel friction =1546.07/180 x (0.015*90+1) 20.18 KN
f Assume silt head 0.8 m
silt thrust (2x 2)x0.8^2/2 1.28 KN
g sliding silt friction 0.768 KN
h Friction on side and top sill pre compression =(2 x 2.15+2.15 )x 1.6
10.32 KN
i Hydraulic friction on side and top sill
i) 2 x 0.5 x 9.859 x 2.15 x 0.03 x33.925 21.573 KN
ii) 1 x 0.5 x 9.859 x 2.15 x 0.03 x32.85 10.445 KN
j Guide friction 0.1 x 40.7115 x 0.6 2.4427 KN
k Friction due to silt load 1.28 x tan (26) 0.6243 KN
l Silt Friction on side sill 2 x 0.5 x 2.15 x 0.03 x33.925^2/2 37.12 KN
m Raising load 144.18 KN
n Bouyant wt. of the gate 35.53 KN
o Seating load 2.15 x 2.5 5.375 KN
p Resistance due to friction while lowering including seating
144.18 + 5.375 - 35.53 114.03 KN > 35.53 KN
hence ballast required 114.025 - 35.53 78.50 KN
so, hoist capacity = 144.18 + 78.495 222.68 KN
Hoist capacity including
1.2 x 222.675 267.21 KN
20% resrvr. capacity
27 Tons
Provision made in the DPR of 27 Tons (Tentative) hoist capacity
Annexure 4.10
CROSS REGULATOR at 0.3 Km from Dam of Existing Canal

SN Particulars U/S D/S Unit
(i) Full Supply Discharge (Q) 15.0000 5.000 cumecs
(ii) Full Supply Level (FSL) 383.750 383.600 m
(iii) Bed Width (BW) 8.00 8.00 m
(iv) Full Supply Depth (FSD) 2.00 2.00 m
(v) Free Board (FB) 0.90 0.90 m
(vi) Canal Bed Level (CBL) 381.750 381.600 m
(vii) Canal Bed Slope (1 in ) 8000 8000 -
(viii) Velocity in Canal (V) 0.715 0.715 m/sec
(ix) Top Bank Level (TBL) 384.650 384.500 m
(x) Inner Side Slope (H:V) 1.0:1 1.0:1 -
(xi) Outer Side Slope (H:V) 1.5:1 1.5:1 -
(xii) Rugosity coefficient (N) 0.018 0.018 -
(xiii) Gravitational Acceleration (g) 9.81 9.81 m/sec2
(xiv) Head Loss - 0.15 m
(xv) Type of canal Lined Lined -
(xvi) Original Ground Level (OGL) 384.300 384.300 m
(xvii) Lacey's silt factor 1.00 1.00 -
(xviii) Top Bank Width (L/R) 5.00 5.00 m
(xix) Width of Dowel 1.50 1.50 m
(xx) Provision of CNS layor below foundation 0.00 0.00 m
(xxi) Top Width of walls 0.45 0.45 m
(xxii) Top Width of Platform Wall/Abutment 0.75 0.75 m
(xxii) Type of Soil Alluvial Soil
∆ The Cross Regulator will be designed for submerged flow over the crest

Keep crest height above bed ( U/S or D/S whichever is higher ) may be from 0.15m (min.)
U/S bed level = 381.750 m
D/S bed level = 381.600 m
Fixing the Crest Level at U/s bed levels
∆ crest level = 381.750 m

The discharge in this case is determined by the Drowned weir formula :-
Q = 2/3 Cd1 L √2g [(h + ha) 3/2 - ha3/2] + Cd2 L h1 √2g (h + ha)
Where Discharge flowing over the crest Q = 15.000 cumecs
Difference in U/S FSL & D/S FSL of canal h = 0.150 m
Head due to velocity of approach ha = 0.026 m
Depth of D/S FSL above Crest Level h1 = 1.850 m
Cd1 = 0.577
Cd2 = 0.800
No. of Piers Np = 1
Width of Pier Pw = 2
No. of Bays = 2
Waterway (Length of Crest) L BW - Np*PW 6 m
Effective Length of Head Regulator of waterway = 5.56 m
Provide clear width of water-way (L) = 5.56 m


Sharp Crested Weir will be provided so as to have minimum possible head loss. The minimum top
width as per IS 6531-1994 is 2/3 He
Where He = U/S FSL - Crest Level = 2.00 m
∆ min. top width of crest = 1.33 m
Provide top width of crest for accomodating Gates and Stoplog = 2.00 m


Dischage in Primary Main canal Q = 15.000 cumecs
Total clear waterway L = 5.56 m
Discharge per metre length q = 2.7 cumec/m
Head loss HL = 0.15 m
From Blench Curve,
Critical Depth, Dc = (q2/g)1/3 Dc = 0.91 m
HL/Dc = 0.17 m
D1/Dc = 0.63 m
D2/Dc = 1.50 m
D2/D1 = 2.38 m
Ef2/Dc = 1.72
D1 = 0.57 m
D2 = 1.36 m
Downstream specific energy level Ef2 = 1.56 m
Froude no., F = q / √ g x D13 F = 2.00
∆ Cistern Length required = 5 x ( D2 - D1 ) 3.94 m
Provide Minimum Cistern length to accommodate Road Width = 4.00 m
∆ Provided 4.0 m length of cistern, to be joined with D/S bed width an inverse slope of 5:1.
∆ cistern level = D/S FSL - Ef2 = 382.04 m
Keeping D/s Floor level as that on the U/s Side = 381.45 m
∆ Provided Cistern Depth = 0.30 m
∆ Provided Cistern level = 381.45 m
∆ D/S Floor length = Cistern length + Inverse slope + Hor. Floor = 10.00 m

The minimum depth of U/S & D/S Cut-off required for the given discharge is 1.20 m
(i) Provide U/S Cut-off of 1.20 m depth below U/S bed level = 1.20 m
Bottom elevation of upstream pile = 380.400 m
(ii) Provide D/S cut-off of 1.50 m depth for safe exit gradient = 1.50 m
Bottom elevation of downstream pile = 380.100 m

From Khosla's theory, the exit gradient can be expressed by the relation as
Exit gradient = 1 / p x sqrt ( l ) X (H / d )
Where, GE ( Exit gradient ) = 1 / 5
d = Depth of d/s cutoff = 1.50 m
H = Maximum static head = U/S FSL - D/S bed level = 2.15 m

Substituting the values 1 / 5 = 1 / p x sqrt ( l ) X (H / d )

1 / p x sqrt ( l ) = d / (5 x H) = 0.14 m
λ = 5.204
α = 9.35
Floor length b = a x d = 14.03 m
Say 25.00 m

The Total length will be provided as below :-

(i) D/S Floor length = 10.00 m
(ii) D/S Glacis length ( 2:1 slope) = 0.30 m
(iii) Length for Gates & Crest = 2.00 m
(iv) U/S Glacis length ( 1:1 slope) = 0.00 m
(v) U/S floor length = 12.70 m
(vi) Total length of floor = 25.00 m
(vii) Provided Floor length = 25.00 m
(viii) Provided U/S Floor length = 12.70 m

E1 C1 E C
Floor Length = 27.00 m
D1 D

( i ) At U/S cut off wall Total floor length (b) = 25.00 m

Depth of U/S cut off wall (d) = 1.20 m
From Khosla's equation 1/a = d/b = 0.048
a = b/d = 20.833
l = (1 + √ (1 + a2))/2 = 10.93
fE = Cos-1((l - 2)/l) = 19.56
fD = Cos-1((l - 1)/l) = 14.00
fC1 = 100 - fE = 80.44
fD1 = 100 - fD = 86.00
Assuming floor thickness at U/S end as = 0.750 m
Corr. for floor thickness at U/S end = (86 - 80.44) X 0.75 / 1.20 = 3.48 %
fC1 (Corrected) = 80.44 + 3.48 = 83.92 %

( ii ) At D/S cut off wall Total floor length (b) = 25.00 m

Depth of D/S curtain wall (d) = 1.50 m
From Khosla's equation 1/a = d/b = 0.060
a = b/d = 16.667
l = (1 + √ (1 + a2))/2 = 8.85
fE = Cos-1((l - 2)/l) = 21.83
fD = Cos-1((l - 1)/l) = 15.00
Assuming floor thickness at D/S end as = 0.750 m
Corr. for floor thickness at D/S end = (21.83 - 15) X 0.75 / 1.50 = 3.42 %
fE (Corrected) = 21.83 - 3.42 = 18.41 %
Pressure variation (83.92-18.41)/25.00 = 2.620 %

Floor thickness from D/S face of D/S cut off wall at = 3.00 m
r= = 58.650 %
Floor thickness = (r x H) / ((sp,gr.-1) X 100) = 1.017 m
Provide minimum as = 1.000 m
Floor thickness of D/S slope varies from 0.800 m to 1.000 m from d/s floor to cistern.

Floor thickness from D/S face of D/S cut off wall at = 10.00 m
= 44.61 %
Floor thickness = (r x H) / ((sp.gr.-1) X 100) = 0.774 m
Provide minimum as = 1.000 m
Floor thickness of under cistern 1.000 m from start of cistern to end of cistern.

Provide minimum as = 0.950 m

Floor thickness of D/S Glacis varies from 0.950 m to 1.000 m from crest to cistern.

(ii) U/S FLOOR

Provide thickness of upstream floor = 0.800 m
Gang Way
OGL 384.30

D/S FSL 383.60

Stoplog Gate Groove

U/S BL 381.75 381.75
2:1 Cistern Level D/S BL 381.60
1.20 1.000 381.45
1.000 m
0.20 1.5m
12.70 2.00 0.30 4.00 6.00 2.00

10 Protection Works beyond Impervios Floor

(ii) Downstream protection :

(a) Inverted Filter

Provide 4 rows of 0.9 m X 0.9 m X 0.5 m C.C. Blocks with gap of 75mm filled with 'bajri'
over 0.3 m thick graded filter in a length of 3.6 m

(b) Launching Apron

Provide Boulders in a length of 4 m and thickness of 0.6 m
Annexure 4.11

S.No Particulars Parent Channel Offtake Unit
(i) Required Discharge Qr 15 10.00 cumecs
(ii) Designed Discharge (Qd) Qd 15 10.00 cumecs
(iii) Full Supply Level (FSL) FSL 383.750 383.600 m
(iv) Top Level of head regulator gate 383.750 m
(v) Canal Bed Level (CBL) CBL 381.750 382.000 m
(vi) Bed Width of HR (BW) BW 8.00 m
Bed Width of Canal 8 8.00 m
(viii) Full Supply Depth (FSD) FSD 2.000 1.600 m
(xi) Free Board (FB) FB 0.9 0.90 m
(xii) Canal Bed Slope S 1 in 5000
0.0002 -
(xiii) Safe Exit Gradient Ge 1 in 5
(xiv) Inner Side Slope (H:V) 1.5:1 -
(xv) Outer Side Slope (H:V) -
(xvi) Rugosity coefficient 'N' N 0.0025 -
(xvii) Gravitational Acceleration (g) g 9.81 m/sec2
(xviii) Working head h 0.15 m
(xix) Type of canal Unlined -
(xx) Lacey's silt factor f 1.00 -
(xxi) Angle of Offtake canal degrees
(xxii) No. of Piers Np 1.00
(xxiii) Pier Width PW 1.50 m
(xxiv) Downstream Glacis Slope Sg 3H:1V 3 in 1
∆ The Head Regulator will be designed for free flow over the crest .


Q = 2/3 Cd1 L √2g [(h+ha) 3/2 - ha3/2] + Cd2 L d √2g (h + ha)

Where, Cd1 0.577

Coefficient of Discharge
Cd2 0.8
Waterway (Length of Crest) L BW - Np*PW 6.5 m

Effective Length of Head Regulator of waterway 6.5 m

10 = 2/3 * 0.577 * 6.5 * 4.41 * 0.15 ^1.5 + 0.8 * 6.58(19.62 * 0.15 )^0.5
10.00 = 0.64 + 8.92 d

Velocity of Approach Head ha 0 m

Hence, Top Level of HR gate - Crest Level d = 1.100 m

say = 1.10 m
Crest Level FSL-d 382.650 m
say 382.650 m
Calculate Discharge
10.45 > 10.000 cumecs


Sharp Crested Weir will be provided so as to have minimum possible head loss. The minimum width as per IS 6531-1994 is 2/3 He

Where He = U/S FSL - Crest level = 1.10 m

∆ min. width of crest = 0.73 m
Provide top width of crest for accomodating Gates and Stoplog = 2.00 m


Discharge in Offtake canal Q = 10.00 cumecs
Total clear waterway L = 6.50 m
Discharge Intensity q = 1.54 cumec/m
Head loss HL = 0.15 m
2 1/3
Critical Depth, Dc = (q /g) Dc = 0.62 m
HL/Dc = 0.24
From Diagram Connecting HL and Ef2 for Given Discharges per metre run
From extract of CBIP publication No.7, for HL/Dc= 0.2, values given below
D1/Dc = 0.59
D2/Dc = 1.57
D2/D1 = 2.66
Prejump Depth D1 = 0.37 m
Post jump depth D2 = 0.97 m
D/s Floor Level FSL - D2 = 382.63 m
This floor level is above canal bed level hence keep at canal bed level Say 382.000 m
Keep Cistern Level at El 382 m same as bed level of canal
Froude no. q / √ (g x D13) F = 2.22

Length of the Jump Lj = 3.04 m

Say 4.00 m
Provide Cistern Length as 4.00 m

(i) D/S Horizontal floor length = 7.00 m

(ii) D/S Inverse slope ( 5:1 slope ) = 0.00 m
(iii) D/S Cistern length = 4.00 m
(iv) D/S Glacis length ( 3:1 slope) = 1.95 m
(v) U/S Crest Width = 2.00 m

(vi) U/S floor length = 0.00 m
(vii) Total length of floor = 14.95 m
(viii) Provided total floor length = 14.95 m
(ix) Provided U/S Floor length = 0.00 m

Scour Depth 1.35 (q^2/f)^(1/3) R = 1.80 m
Downstream Maximum Scour Depth 1.5 R = 2.70 m
Level of Scour Depth below FSL = 381.050 m
Scour Depth below canal bed level = 0.95 m
The minimum depth of U/S & D/S Cut-off required for the given discharge is 1.5 m
(i) Provide D/S Cut-off of 1.5m depth below D/S bed level as per exit gradient = 1.50 m
Bottom elevation of Downstream pile = 380.500 m
Upstream maximum scour depth 1.25 R = 2.250 m
Scour Depth below Canal Bed Level = 0.65 m
(ii) Provide U/S cut-off of 1.00 m depth for safe exit gradient = 1.00 m
Bottom elevation of U/s cutoff = 381.00 m


From Khosla's theory, the exit gradient can be expressed by the relation as
Maximum Water Level in River = 383.750 m
Exit gradient, GE = 1 / (pi x sqrt ( λ )) X (H / d )
Where, GE ( Exit gradient ) = 1 / 5
d = Depth of d/s cutoff = 1.50 m
H = Maximum static head = MW Level - D/S Bed Level = 1.75 m
Substituting the values 1 / 5 = 1 / (pi x sqrt ( λ )) X (H / d )
or 1 / (pi x sqrt ( λ )) = 0.171
λ = 3.448
2 So, α = 5.81
λ = (1+sqrt(1+α ))/2
α = (b/d) So, Floor Length b = 8.72
Say = 15.00



E1 C1 EC
Floor Length = 15.00 m
D1 D

( i ) At U/S & D/S cut off wall Total floor length (b) = 15.00 m
Depth of D/S cut off wall (d) = 1.50 m
From Khosla's equation 1/α = d/b = 0.100
α = b/d = 10.00
λ = (1 + √ (1 + α ))/2 = 5.53
ΦE = (1/pi) *Cos ((λ - 2)/λ) = 27.98 %
ΦD = (1/pi) *Cos ((λ - 1)/λ) = 19.00 %
ΦC1 = 100 - ΦE = 72.02 %
ΦD1 = 100 - ΦD = 81.00 %

(ii) At Downstream of Glacis

ΦGlacis = ΦE + (D/s Floor Length upto Glacis end point)*(ΦC1-ΦE)/b = 60.28 %
Balanced Head = 1.055 m
Thickness of floor at Glacis end point = 0.85 m

(iii) At 9m from D/s End of Floor

= ΦE + (9)*(ΦC1-ΦE)/b = 54.40 %
Balanced Head = 0.952 m
Thickness of floor at Glacis end point = 0.77 m

8 Protection Works beyond Impervios Floor

(i) Downstream protection :

Scour Depth R = 1.80 m

Anticipated Scour 2R = 3.60 m

Downstream Scour Level = 380.00 m
Scour Depth below D/s Floor D = 2.00 m

(a) Inverted Filter

Length of inverted filter should be equal to 'D' meter and thickness equal to D/s Launching apron
Depth of scour below floor level D = 2.00 m

1.5D = 1.5 x 2.00 = 3.01 m

No. of rows of c.c. blocks = 3.01 /0.9 = 3.34
say, 4.00
Length of c.c. blocks = 4 x 0.9 = 3.6 m
Provide 4 rows of 0.9 X 0.9 X 0.5m C.C. Blocks with gap of 60 mm filled with 'bajri' over 0.3m thick graded filter in a length of 3.6

(b) Launching Apron

Thickness of Launching Apron = 1.5 m
Quantity of Launching Apron required = 4.50 m3/m

The launching apron is assumed to launch in slope 2H:1 V
Sloping length = 4.47 m
say = 5.0 m
Length Required = 3.3 m
Say 4.0 m

Annexure 4.12
Lingampalli Reservoir Project, Telangana
Viaduct for FFC

Particulars Symbols/ Formulas Calculation Units

I Input Data
1 Design Discharge Q 6.50 Cumecs
2 Design Bed Width B 4.20 m
3 Design FSD D 1.45 m
5 Rugosity Coefficient (N) N 0.018
6 Velocity in meter/sec V 0.75 m/sec
7 Free Board 0.75 0.60 m
8 CVR 1.00
9 Bed level at U/S CBL U/S 383.54 m
10 Bed level at D/S CBL D/S 382.40 m
11 Full supply level U/S FSL U/S 384.99 m
12 Full supply level D/S FSL D/S 383.85 m
13 NSL NSL 375.00 m
14 Catchment Area CA 51.00 Km

2 Design of Drainage water way:-

High Flood Discharge:-

Catchment Area at Aqueduct Site 51.00 Sq.kms
Design Flood of Kinnersani River at Aqueduct Site (Q) 350.00 Cumecs
Q= Say 350.00 m3/sec
Depth of flow for drain = 0.75(Q)0.25
= 0.75(350)^0.25 3.25 m

General Ground Level = NSL= 375.00 m

High flood level as per analysis carried out, HFL = 378.25 m

Hence Canal bed level at site is 383.54 m

Hence Provide water way = 1043.6 m

say 1044.0 m

Clear Span between Piers 12.00 m

Thickness of Piers 1.00 m
No. of bays to be provided 80.00
Provide 80 bays of 12 m each having 79 piers of 2 m thick

Total length between the abutment= 80 x 12 + 79 x 1 1039.00 m

Length of flumed portion

3 Design of Canal Water Way

Bed width of canal = 4.20 m

FSD = 1.45 m
Provide width = 2.5 m
Let the normal canal width of 4.2m be flumed to 2.5m. Providing a splay of 2:1 in contraction and 3:1
in Expansion
Therefore width of flumed portion 2.5 m
length of Contraction portion Lf contr. =(4.2-2.5)/2 x 2 1.70 m
length of Expansion transition Lf Expansion.=(4.2-2.5)/2 x 3 2.55 m
In transitions, the side slopes of the canal section will be warped in plan from the original slope of 1.5H:1 to vertical
i.e., rectangular section

4 Design of Transitions

Since the depth is kept constant, Mitra's transition equation is uses as:
Contraction transition Bx= (Bn.Bf.Lf)/ (Lf.Bn-x(Bn-Bf))
Bn.Bf.Lf=4.2x2.5x1.7 17.850
Lf.Bn 7.140
Bn-Bf 1.70
Bx 17.85/(7.14-1.7X)

Value of Bx are shown in Table-1

Expansion transition Bx= (Bn.Bf.Lfe)/ (Lfe.Bn-x(Bn-Bf))

Bn.Bf.Lfe 26.775
Lfe.Bn 10.710
Bn-Bf 1.700
Bx 26.775/(10.71-1.7X)

Value of Bx are shown in Table-2

5 Head loss and bed levels at different sections

At Section -4-4:-

Area A4= (B+sd)d (4.2+1.5x1.45)x1.45

9.25 m2
Velocity V4=Q/A4=6.5/9.25 0.71
2 0.026 m
Velocity Head h4 h4=(V4) /2g
RL at Bed at Section -4-4 As per data 382.400 m
RL of Water Surface at 4-4 382.4+1.45 383.850 m
RL of TEL at section 4-4 383.85+0.026 383.876 m

At Section -3-3:- keeping the depth of water as 1.2m

Clear Water Way B3 1.900 m

d 1.20
Area at Section-3-3 Area = A3=B3 x d 2.28 m2
Velocity V3=Q/A3=6.5/2.28 2.86 m/sec
2 0.417 m
Velocity Head h3 h3=(V3) /2g
Head loss in Expansion from Section 3- 0.3(V32-V42)/(2xg) = 0.3( 2.86^2 - 0.117 m
3 to Section 4-4 0.71^2)/(2*9.81)
RL of TEL at section 3-3 = RL of TEL at 383.876+0.117 383.993 m
section 4-4 + Loss in Expansion
RL of water surface at section 3-3 = RL 383.993-0.417 383.576 m
of TEL at section 3-3 - Velocity
RL of Canal bed at section 3-3 = RL of 383.576-1.2 382.376 m
water suface at section 3-3 -Full
supply depth

At Section 2-2

Clear Water Way B3 1.90 m

d 1.20
Area at Section-3-3 Area = A3=B3 x d 2.28 m2
Area of trough at section 2-2 = A2= B2 A2=1.9x1.2 4.33 m2
Wetted Perimeter P2= (B2 + 2d) P2=2+2x1.2 4.90 m
Velocity v2=Q/A2=v3=Q/A3=6.5/4.332 1.51 m/sec.
velocity head=h2=h3= 0.417 m
Since the section is rectangular and constant frmsection 3-3 to 2-2. therefore area and velocity are
There is a friction loss between section 2-2 and section 3-3. Hence the following mannings formula will
be used for head loss due to friction
A2/P2=4.332/4.9 0.88 m
Head Loss HL2=n2v2L/R4/3 0.910 m

here L=1039m, n=0.018 v= 0.75m/sec, R=0.88m

RL of TEL at section 2-2= RL of TEL at 383.993+0.91 384.903 m
section 3-3 + Friction loss
RL of Water Surface at section 2-2 = 384.903-0.417 384.486 m
RL of TEL at section 2-2-Velocity
RL of Bed level at section 2-2 = RL of 384.486-1.2 383.286 m
water surface - FSD

At Section 1-1
Area A1=A4 9.250 m2
Velocity V1=V4 0.71 m/sec
Velocity V2=V3 2.86 m/sec
Loss of Head in Contraction HL=0.2(V22-V12)/2g 0.018 m
RL of TEL at section 1-1= RL of TEL at 384.903+0.018 384.921 m
section2-2 + loss in transition
384.921-0.026 384.896 m
RL of Water Surface at section 1-1= RL
of TEL at section1-1 -Velocity head4-4
RL of Bed at section 1-1 = RL of water 384.896-1.45 383.446 m
surface - water head

6 Design of Trough :
The trough shall be designed keeping the following data
Width of trough 2.50 m
wall thickness 0.30 m
bottom slab of trough 0.30 m

A free board of 0.6m above the normal water depth of 1.2m is sufficient and hence, the bottom level of
bridge slab over the compartment can be kept at 1.2+0.6=1.8m above the bed level of the trough. The
height of the trough will therfore be kept equal to 1.8 m. The entire trough will be constructed in
monolithic reinforced concrete and can be designed by usual structural methods

7 Maximum Scour Depth:

Width of the River at HFL = 100.000 m

Discharge per unit width = 3.50 m3/s/m

Silt Factor 1.25

Depth of Scour " Rn = " = 1.35 x (q2/f)^(1/3)

= 1.35 x ( 3.5^2/1.25)^(1/3) 2.89 m

Maximum Scour depth is 2Rn at nose

of Rpiers
= 2 x 2.89 5.78 m
Scour below River Bed level 2.53 m
Say 3.00 m

Hence Foundation level = 372.00 m

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project


5.1 Broad Programme

The Project is proposed to be constructed in a period of three years from the date of
award of work, which will be possible only on completion of Pre-construction
activities as under:

(i) Getting necessary statutory clearances.

(ii) Preparation of tender document along with necessary design and drawing.
(iii) Invitation of tender and selection of contractors for implementation.
(iv) Award of work to various contractors.
(v) Creation of necessary infrastructural facilities required for the project
implementation which includes Construction of Residential and non-
residential Buildings for construction staff, Power & Water Supply
Arrangement and also strengthening of existing roads & construction of new
roads for approach to work sites.

A period of 9 months has been proposed for above Pre-construction works.

5.2 Major Components

The project comprises of the following major components:

(i) Construction of Head Regulator at Dharma Sagar

(ii) Construction of Approach Canal
(iii) Pump House near Dharma Sagar Reservoir.
(iv) Road Bridges wherever required.
(v) Lingampalli Earthen Dam at Malkapur Village, Chilpur Mandal, Jangaon Dist.
(vi) Irrigation Sluices /Scour Sluices in Lingampalli Reservoir
(vii) Cross and Escape Regulator to the existing canal to divert the surplus water
into chilpurvagu.
(viii) Construction of Viaduct for diverting Flood Flow Channel.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

5.3 Construction Programme and Planning

The working season for construction on the open works is eight months from 15th
October to 15th June. Four months from 15th June to 15th October witness rains as
such these are not considered as working months.

It is proposed to complete the Project in three years. Activity schedule for major
items of works is indicated at Annexure(s) enclosed for construction of main works,
i.e. of Earthen Dam, Concrete dam block, Inlet and Outlet Structures, Laying Pipeline
etc. The programme of construction is proposed as follows and corresponding PERT
chart are appended at end of this chapter

a) Package – I

Laying of 3.0 m Dia. Pipe of 3 nos. from Pump House near Dharma Sagar to
Lingampalli Reservoir having a total length of 17.0 kilometres each.

b) Package – II

Construction of Lingampalli Reservoir by constructing Earthen Dam and

concrete dam block with Inlet and Outlet structure

c) Package – III

 Construction of Head Regulator at Dharma Sagar

 Construction of Approach Channel from Dharma Sagar to Pump House
 Construction of Pumping Station near Dharma Sagar.

The whole project is to be completed in three years/three working seasons of Eight (8)
months each from 15th October to 15th June every year.

As per schedule of construction; the work components, package-wise and season-

wise are enumerated as under:


Pipeline is proposed to be constructed in three seasons as given in the PERT chart.

1st Season


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

In first season 30% of the work is proposed to be completed. Three M.S. pipes of 3.0
m diameter each shall be laid in the trenches with an earth cover of 1.2 m. 30 cm thick
boulders will be compacted below the pipes so that settlements do not take place.
Concrete brackets & Thrust blocks are proposed to be constructed to support pipes at
bends etc.

2nd Season

In second season about 50% works is proposed to be completed.

3rd Season

In third season rest of the work is proposed to be completed.

Package II:

Following works to be completed in three seasons:

 Stripping of Earthen dam and excavation of cutoff trench and Downstream Toe

 Curtain Grouting

 Placement of clay core

 Laying of earth fill in the U/S and D/S casing with sand and gravel filters

 Rip Rap on U/S face of dam and pitching in toe drain

 Construction of cement concrete drain

 Construction of Parapet and guard stones on top of dam

 Construction of WBM road on top of dam

 Grass Turfing on D/S face of dam

It is proposed to complete 40% work in 1st season, 40% in 2nd season and rest in 3rd

Concrete dam with intake structure is proposed to be completed in three seasons.

Following are the details of the works:

 Jungle clearance and excavation of foundation

 Consolidation grouting in foundation


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

 Curtain grouting and drainage holes through foundation gallery

 Laying of cement concrete in dam

 Fabrication of vertical sluice gates and emergency service gates and their

It is proposed to complete 40% of work in 1st season, 40% in 2nd season and rest in 3rd

Package III:

 Construction of Head Regulator at Dharma Sagar

 Construction of Approach Channel from Dharma Sagar to Pump House
 Construction of Pumping Station near Dharma Sagar.
The above structures are proposed to be completed in three seasons. It is proposed to
complete 30% of work in 1st season, 50% in 2nd season and rest in 3rd season.

5.4 Construction Methodology

It is proposed to undertake the construction work in two shifts, each of eight hours
duration, for all the works to meet the construction schedule described earlier.
Mechanized equipment shall be needed to achieve progress as per schedule.

The construction work is proposed to commence simultaneously at different fronts for

various components of works as indicated in construction schedule at PERT Chart


Laying of pipes (3 nos. of 3.0 m Dia) from Pump House near Dharma Sagar to
Lingampalli Reservoir having a total length of 17.0 kilometres each.

a. Excavation

About 1020000 Cumecs of excavation is involved in laying of main pipeline. The

work is to be completed in 20 months as indicated in the construction schedule.
Exacavation per month = (1020000/20) m3 = 40800.0 m3
Taking Peak Excavation requirement @ 25%


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Hence, Peak Excavation per month = 40800 x 1.25 = 51000 m3

Assuming 25 continuous days in a month & 12 working hours in a day,
Therefore, Quantity of Excavation/Hour = 170 m3
Assuming 0.63 as Swell Factor quantity of excavated material to be handled = 270 m3

Lead involved to dumping site about 1 Km. About 10 Hydraulic excavators will be
required and 5 loaders are proposed to be used. Besides all these 4 Nos. Dozers will
be required at dumping sites. For proper stacking and handling of pipes, 8 Nos.
Cranes are proposed to facilitate in laying of pipes. The same equipment will be used
for backfilling of trench.

b. Cement Concrete

About 3215 cum concrete will be required in anchor block and brackets. Concrete
mixture will be required at different sites. About 5 transit concrete mixers are
proposed for concrete works at different sites of work along the pipeline.

5.4.2 PACKAGE II Concrete Dam

a. Excavation

About 40296 cum of excavation is involved in Concrete Dam to be completed in 3

months, foundation treatment to be completed in 3 months as indicated in the
Construction Schedule.

Excavation/month = 13432 m3

Taking Peak excavation requirement @ 25 to 30% more,

Peak excavated/month = 16790 cum

Assuming 25 working day in a month & 12 working Hours in a day

Quantity of excavation/Hr = 56 cum

Assuming 0.63 swell factor quantity of excavated Material, to be handled = 56/ 0.63 =
89 cum/hr

Lead involved to dumping site = 1 Km


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

15 No. Hydraulic excavators of 3.5 cum bucket & 10 No. loaders of 3.5 cum bucket
along-with 20 No. Tippers of 15 Tons (6 cum) capacity are proposed. Besides 10 Nos.
Riper Dozers, D-6 (180 H.P) dozers are also to be deployed for stripping and handling
the excavated material.

Besides above, 4 dozers shall be required at dumping sites for proper stacking of the

b. Concrete Planning

Quantity of concrete involved for concrete dam and intake structure is as under:
199475 m3 Approximate

c. Batching & Mixing Plant

It is proposed to install a B&M plant at the Concrete Dam Block site for concreting
the dam and other components of works cited above as shown in the general layout

Quantity of concrete for dam = 199475 m3

Period of completion = 22 Months

Average concrete per month = 9067 m3

Assuming 25 working days in a month, concreting/day = 384 m3

Assuming 12 working hours (net) in a day,

Average concreting per hour = 30 m3

Assuming peak progress as 25% more than average

Peak quantity of concrete produced per hour = 38 m3

Taking 80% efficiency of B&M Plant,

Required concrete production capacity per hour = 40/ 0.8

= 48 m3

It is proposed to install One B&M Plant of 50 m3/hr capacity at the dam site for
concreting of Dam & Appurtenant works.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

d. Aggregate Crushing & Screening

In order to match the concrete production of 50 m3/hr for dam and other works, a
crusher & screening plant of about 80 Ton/hr is proposed to be installed at the same
place, nearby the proposed B&M Plant site. Besides, rod mill for production of sand
from raw aggregate is also required to produce requisite quantity of sand to improve
fineness modulus of sand which is required for use in concrete. Earthen Dam

a. Excavation

About 552600 cum of excavation is involved in Earthen dam to be completed in 17

months, foundation treatment to be completed in 15 months as indicated in the
Construction Schedule.

Excavation/month = 46050 m3

Taking Peak excavation requirement @ 25 to 30% more,

Peak excavated/month = 57562 cum

Assuming 25 working day in a month & 12 working Hours in a day

Quantity of excavation/Hr = 191.875 cum

Assuming 0.63 swell factor quantity of excavated Material, to be handled = 192/

0.63 = 304.56 cum/hr

Lead involved to dumping site = 1 Km

15 No. Hydraulic excavators of 3.5 cum bucket & 10 No. loaders of 3.5 cum bucket
along-with 20 No. Tippers of 15 Tons (6 cum) capacity are proposed. Besides 10 No.
Riper Dozers, D-6 (180 H.P) dozers are also to be deployed for stripping and handling
the excavated material.

Besides above, 4 dozers shall be required at dumping sites for proper stacking of the

The quantity of fill placement involved for earthen dam is as under:

Earthen Dam
Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Fill Placement

Clay core (impervious fill) 4986375 m3

Earth filling 20342488 m3

Gravel filter 372438 m3

Sand filter 985983 m3

The earthmoving machinery requirement for fill placement is described as under:

The earthmoving machinery surplus from excavation of concrete dams and earth fill
dam shall be utilised for fill placement as per requirement of fill material to be

Besides above, following additional equipment shall be required for fill placement
and compaction:

i) Self Propelled sheep foot rollers - 30 tons / 50 tons 10Nos.

ii) Pneumatic tyred rollers/vibratory rollers - 20 tons 10 Nos.

iii) Pneumatic tyred rollers/vibratory rollers - 45 tons 5 Nos.

iv) clowber tyred tractors - 8 No.

v) Rubber tyred tractors - 8 No.

b. Clay Core Filling

About 4986375 m3 clay filling is proposed to be filled in a period of 20 months.

Clay core filling per month = 249319 m3

Assuming 25 working days in a month and 12 working hours in a day.

Quantity of filling per hour = 831 m3

Lead involved is about 10 Kms. and for these 50 Nos. Of 15 Ton (6 Cum) capacity
Tippers are proposed.

c. Earth Filling

About 20342488 m3 earth filling is to be done in a period of 20 months.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

earth filling per month = 1017124.4 m3

Assuming 25 working days in a month and 12 working hours in a day.

Quantity of earth filling per hour = 3390 m3

Average lead involved about 4 Kms and for this 20 Nos. Tippers of 15 Ton (6 cum)
will be required and 6 Nos. Loader will be required.

d. Sand Filter

About 985983 Cumecs of sand filter filling will be required in a period of about 20

Sand Filter filling per month = 49299 m3

Assuming 25 working days in a month and 12 working hours in a day.

Quantity of filling sand filter per hour = 165 m3

25 Nos. Tippers of 15 Ton Capacity (6 Cumecs) will be required along with 8 Nos.

e. Graded Filter

About 372488 Cumecs of graded filter filling will be required in a period of 20


Graded Filter filling in a month = 18624.4 m3

Assuming 25 working days in a month and 12 working hours in a day.

Quantity of graded filter per hour = 62 m3

25 Nos. Tippers of 15 Ton capacity (6 Cum) will be required along with 8 loader.


a. Construction of Head Regulator at Dharma Sagar

b. Construction of Approach Channel from Dharma Sagar to Pump House
c. Construction of Pumping Station near Dharma Sagar.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Equipment for Excavation

About 295800 Cumecs quantity of excavation is involved in Package III over a

period of 16 months.

Excavation per month = 18487.5 m3

Assuming 25 working days in a month and 12 working hours in a day

Quantity of Excavation per hour = 62 m3

Two Hydraulic excavators will be required having 2 cumecs bucket capacity. One
loader and two dumpers will be required for the whole work.

Cement Concrete

About 37072 cumecs quantity of concrete is involved in this package. This

Concrete works is proposed to be completed in a period of 16 months.

Quantity per month = 2317 m3

Assuming 25 working days in a month and 12 working hours in a day

Quantity of Concrete per hour = 8 m3

This work is spread in a large area so, 20 mobile concrete mixers will be required.
5 mobile mixers will be required for this work.

5.5 Transportation and Placement

5.5.1 Transportation

The Concrete Dam, is scheduled to be completed in a working period of 22 months

from the start of excavation of dam Concreting of dam is proposed from B&M Plant.
Three no. mobile crane/tower crane of 10 Ton capacity is proposed to handle 1.5 cum
& 4 cum bucket for concreting in substructure & superstructure.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

The crane shall also handle materials such as form work, reinforcement steel & other
materials for preparation of blocks and other units of dam. The placement equipment
will be required for 22 months as indicated in Construction Schedule.

5.6 Miscellaneous Equipments

Miscellaneous equipment i.e. Mobile cranes, Diesel generator sets of 500/750 kVA
capacity, Electric & Diesel compressors of adequate capacity, welding sets, wagon
drills, Jack hammers, paving breakers, needle vibrators, road rollers, water tankers,
Motor grader, Dewatering pumps (for diversion), fuel tank, explosive vans,
firefighting engine, water storage tanks at different work locations, hot line
equipment, telephone exchange, equipment for soil & concrete test laboratories,
computers, etc. will be required as per need on various working fronts for permanent
work and infrastructure development works. Winches with suitable chain-pulley
arrangement would also be needed for erection of pipes, etc.

i. Drilling & Grouting Equipment

a) Drilling Equipment: Diamond core drillers, Jack hammers, Track drills,

percussion drilling Machine will be used for drilling of Grout holes, drainage
holes, holes for rock bolting and excavation purpose.

b) Grouting Equipment: This category includes Grout Pumps, Cement grouting

m/c etc. required for foundation consolidation / curtain grouting in various

ii. Pumping Equipment

Electric pumps, Pneumatic pumps, water tankers/water sprinklers etc. fall under this

iii. Light Transport Equipment

This category includes light vehicles for inspection such as Gypsy, Pickups, Cars,
Station Wagons, Bus, Explosive van, Ambulance for use by different categories of
project personnel’s.

iv. Workshop & Ancillary Field Equipment


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Workshop on a small scale will be required to be set up at site for repair and
maintenance of the contingent of various types of machineries. Mobile workshops are
also planned for effective servicing/repairing of vehicles/ equipments’ scattered on the
project area. Carpentry shop for manufacture of formwork and reinforcement yard for
fabrication of reinforcement steel shall also be established in the Project area.

5.7 Transportation of Coarse & Fine Aggregate

Quarries for coarse & fine aggregate have already been identified. The requisite
quantity of material has to be handled at Dam site near Right Terrace where B&M
Plant & Aggregate crushing Plants are proposed. Further processed coarse & fine
aggregate have to be handled from Dam site to Power House site, pipe line network.
The different size of coarse aggregate & fine aggregate will be stacked in bins near
the B&M Plant.

A fleet of 18 Tonnes Dumper/15 Tonne Tipper would haul the aggregate from quarry
sites as per requirement. 10 No. 2.5 cum Hydraulic excavator, 4nos. loader 2.5 cum
bucket and four wheel Dozers (130 HP) shall be required at quarry sites for handling
and transportation of aggregate.

5.8 Transportation of Cement & Storage of Cement

Bagged and Bulk cement requirement for the project will involve its carriage by road
to Project site. The lead involved is 20 Km from Warangal by road to the Dam site.
Acceptable carriage rate would be provided to the Contractor for haulage of cement.

Water tight cement sheds shall be constructed near the site of B&M Plant for storage
of bagged cement. Along-with that pumping system shall be installed near the site of
B&M plant for handling of bulk cement.

5.9 Construction Power

The requirement of construction power is governed by the type of equipment and

machinery deployed by the contractual agency. However, it is estimated that
construction power & energy required for various uses including domestic and for
various sites of the Project will be supplied by generator.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for construction power supply
through Diesel generating sets of adequate capacity for various components of works.

5.10 Services & Utilities

Suitable arrangements are required to be made by the Contractor/Construction

Agency for accommodation, water supply, power, sanitation and other facilities for
their personnel including staff and workers.

5.11 Facilities and Amenities

It is proposed to provide the following facilities to staff and workers. The staff may
consist of regular, work charged or daily wagers employed on the project.

 All the existing infrastructural facilities like access roads, buildings and civic
amenities already available near the Project.

 Additional facilities such as, construction of new roads, remodelling of existing

roads, installation of water supply pipelines and sewerage system for staff
quarters / colony located at the Dam site and other sites as well as Distribution
Power line for smooth power supply to staff quarters/colony.

 Medical Dispensaries at Pump House and Dam site.

 Recreation activities viz. clubs etc. for the staff.

 Suitable arrangements shall be made by the Contractor/Construction Agency on

their own for providing accommodation to their personnel including workers as
well as water supply, power, sanitation, recreation and other facilities.

5.12 Construction Management

Three important elements of planning and management of construction works of the

Project are:

1. Quality Management
2. Management of Information System
3. Safety/Security aspects


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Quality Management system encompasses both Quality Assurance (QA) and

Quality Control (QC). It integrates and co-ordinates activities such as design,
unambiguous specifications, procurement of quality material, approving a proper
supplier or vendor, carrying out the required tests and inspection etc.

5.13 Quality Control in Concreting

Concrete is the most versatile construction material used on various works of this
project namely including dam, spillway, Pump House, pipe line network etc. Quality
control of concrete would involve the followings:

a) Control over mixing of ingredients of concrete i.e. cement, aggregates, water,

admixture etc.

b) Concrete mix proportioning

c) Control of concrete production and placement

d) Acceptance

Standards for concreting and its various ingredients are universally standardized and
the specifications would be in conformity with the same.

5.14 Quality Control in Earthfill / Rockfill

Quality control of embankment during construction is of paramount importance as

many a failures have been due to lack of quality control during construction. Quality
control aims at ensuring that plans and specifications laid down by the designer are
implemented at site. Some of these are clear & unambiguous and controllable by
laboratory tests. They include logout & zoning, grading limits of materials within
difficult zones, the placement moisture content and compacted dry density. The
normal requirement of 95 to 98% of standard proctor density can be achieved by
either sheep-foot or pneumatic tyred rollers of suitable weight by controlling optimum
moisture content and number of passes of rollers. Other require judgement and
experience, e.g. the extent of excavation of foundations, treatment of core contact
area, the depth, spacing, grout mixes and grouting pressures for treatment of rock
foundations, selection & use of construction equipment and steps needed to meet
unforeseen situations and contingencies.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

5.15 Quality Assurance

The quality assurance process can be implemented through following steps:

 Preparation of manuals (check list/guidelines for use of various levels of

personnel in organisation and for monitoring quality of each operation)

 Continuous training in Management of quality, productivity and safety in works

 Quality Auditing

 Monitoring

The Project Management Information System broadly caters to the major functions as

 Monitor the actual achievements against the planned targets.

 Standardise formats for management control reports.

 Provide periodic management reports to the various centres, highlighting major

achievements and / or constraints in progress and their impact on the Project

 Provide systems for documentation, storage, analysis of reported data to be

adopted uniformly by all responsible centres.

 Develop data bank on construction experience for analysing the achievements of

various targets milestones as per project network.

5.16 Safety Organisation

With a view to promoting safety awareness and motivating project employees to

become safety conscious, safety meetings and safety seminars etc. would be
frequently organised. Safety measures for workmen/staff would be taken keeping in
view the site hazards. Safety training will also be imparted to train workers,
supervisors, foremen, engineers etc. The project authorities will entrust such works to
the concerned wing of the Project.


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project


SNo. Name of Equipment Unit 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
Air Compressor and Drilling
(a) Heavy duty rock drills/Jack Hammers No. 10 10 10
(b) Air Compressor (Electric) 500 cfm No. 4 4 4
(c) Air Compressor (Portal) 250 cfm No. 2 2 2
(d) Air Compressor (Diesel) 170 cfm No. 2 2 2
(e) Paving Brackers No.
II. Earth Moving Equipment
(a) Hydraulic Excavator 3.5 cum No. 25 21 15
(b) Hydraulic excavation 2.5 cum No. 9 5 2
(c) F.E. loaders 3.5 cum bucket No 11 6 6
(d) F.E. loaders 2.5 cum bucket 4 4 4
(e) Wheel Dozer 130 H.P No 4 6 6
(f) Crawler Dozer with Riper 300 H.P No. 6 2 2
(g) Wheel Dozer D-6 (180 H.P) No. 9 2 2
(h) Low Profile rear Dumper 18 Tonnes No. 15 8 8
(i) Tippers – 15 Tonnes No. 135 135 135
(j) Sheep foot roller 30 T No. 10
(k) Pneumatic Tyre roller 20 T No. 10
(l) Clowber Tyred Tractors No. 5
(m) Rubber Tyred Tractor No. 5
Road Making and Compaction
(a) Road Roller 8/12 Tonnes No. 1 1 1
(b) Vibratory roller 12 Tonnes No. 1 1 1
(c) Water Sprinkler No. 2 2 2
IV. Concreting Equipment
(a) Batching & Mixing Plant 140 cum/Hr No. 1 1 1
Cable way for concreting 140 cum/hr
(b) No. 1 1 1
Aggregate crushing & screening Plant –
(c) No. 1 1 1
225 Ton/Hr
(d) Transit Concrete Mixer – 4 cum No. 9 9 9
(e) Concrete Pump 25 cum/Hr No. 2 2 2
(f) Grout Pump No. 2 2 2
(g) Vibrators No. 5 10 10
(h) Tower cranes – 10 Tonnes No. 3 3 3
Concrete Trollies with two buckets each
(i) No. 2 2 2
of 6 cum capacity
V. Inspection & Transport vehicles


Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

SNo. Name of Equipment Unit 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
(a) Staff Car No. 2 2 2
(b) Gypsy No. 5 5 5
(c) Truck 10 Tonnes No. 3 3 3
(d) Mini Truck No. 2 2 2
(e) School/Staff Bus No. 1 1 1
(f) Ambulance No. 2 2 2
VI. Miscellaneous Equipment
(b) Mobile Crane - 18 Tonnes No. 1 1 1
(c) Mobile Crane – 10 Tonnes No. 2 2 2
(d) DG Sets 500 kVA No. 2 2 2
(e) Welding Sets No. 4 4 4
(f) Tractor Trailor No. 1 1 1
(g) Explosive van 10 Tonnes No. 1 1 1
(h) Weigh Bridge – 20 Tonnes No. 1 1 1
(i) Pumps 5 HP No. 10 10 10
(j) Pumps 10 HP No. 10 10 10
(k) Pumps 40 HP No. 4 4 4
VII Workshop Equipment
(a) Central lathe Machines No. 1 1 1
(b) Shaper Machine No. 1 1 1
(c) Hydraulic Press No. 1 1 1
(d) Bench drilling Machine No. 1 1 1
(e) Grinder No. 2 2 2
(f) Drill Steel Grinder No. 2 2 2
(g) Power Hacksaw No. 2 2 2
(h) Hydraulic Jack No. 4 4 4
(i) Engine Repair shop No. 1 1 1
(j) Auto electric repair shop No. 2 2 2
(k) Battery charger No. 2 2 2
(l) Compressor for tyre inflation No. 2 2 2
(m) Gas cutting sets No. 2 3 3
(n) Greasing Plant No. 2 2 2
(o) Unforeseen items L.S.


Annexure- 5.1

1st Season 2nd Season 3rd Season


15th Oct. to end of

15th Oct. to end of

15th Oct. to end of


15th June

15th June

15th June






Particulars Unit at the



Qty. for Qty. for Qty. for











begining of the 1st the 2nd the 3rd
the Work Season Season Season

I. Package-I
Laying of 3 nos. of 3.0 m Dia Pipe
A) from Pump House to Lingampalli
a) Earth Work (Cum) in excavation of Trench m 1020000 306000 510000 204000
Laying of MS Pipe - 3.0 mm Dia 20 mm
Km 51.00 15.30 25.50 10.20

Cement Conrete in Anchor Block and

C) m3 3215 965 1608 643
Brackets (M-20)

II. Package-II
A) Concrete Dam
a) Jungle Clearance m2 11000 11000

b) Excavated in Foundation m3 40296 40296

c) Consolidated Grouting (Drilling) m 2200 2200

d) Consolidated Grouting (Grouting) MT 444 444

e) Curtain Grouting (Drilling) m 2200 2200

f) Curtain Grouting (Grouting) MT 444 444

g) Cement Concrete M-15 m3 119505 47802 47802 23901

h) Cement Concrete M-20 m3 79970 31988 31988 26657

i) Steel Reinforcement MT 2632 1316 1316 877

Fabrication of Vertical Sluice Gates @ 2

nos. including Sealing hoist etc.,
MT 60 20 20 20

B) Earthen Dam
a) Stripping in Foundation m2 1219080 609540 609540

b) Excavation in cutoff trench m3 552600 276300 276300

c) Excavation in U/s and D/s Toe Drain m3 197505 98753 98753

d) Curtain Grouting (Drilling) m 48026 24013 24013

e) Curtain Grouting (Grouting) MT 7204 3602 3602

f) Cut-off Trench Clay Core m3 552600 276300 276300

g) Clay Core in Dam m3 4986375 1495913 2493188 997275

h) Earthfill in U/s and D/s Casing m3 20342488 10171244 4068498

i) Sand Filter U/s and D/s m3 965671 289701 482836 193134

1st Season 2nd Season 3rd Season

15th Oct. to end of

15th Oct. to end of

15th Oct. to end of


15th June

15th June

15th June






Particulars Unit at the



Qty. for Qty. for Qty. for











begining of the 1st the 2nd the 3rd
the Work Season Season Season

j) Graded Filter U/s and D/s m3 372438 111731 186219 74488

k) Rip Rap on U/s face and Toe Drain m3 622990 186897 311495 124598

l) Cement Concrete M-15 in Drains m3 19284 5785 9642 3857

m) CC M-15 in Parapet and Guard stone m3 19943 5983 9972 9972

n) Grass Turfing on D/s Face m3 723871 434323 289548

o) WBM Road 4 m wide on Top of Dam m 7700 3850 3850

III. Package-III
A) Head Regulator
B) Approach Channel
C) Pumping Station
a) Excavation m3 295800 88740 147900 59160

b) Cement Concrete m3 37072 11122 18536 7414

c) Steel MT 400 120 200 80

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

6.1. Item Rates

The total estimated cost of the Lingampalli Reservoir Project consisting of

Earthen Dam and Concrete Dam, Head Regulator, Approach Channel, Pump House,
Cross Drainage and Cross Masonry Works (including direct and indirect changes) is
Rs. 3553.94 Crores as per Telangana SOR 2017-18. Cost Estimate of this scheme
consisting of various head works and canal structures has been worked out by
calculating the quantities of different items of work involved and multiplying the
respective items with the applicable unit rates. The applicable unit rates, in turn are
based upon cost of material, cost of transportation as prevailing in the state of
Telangana and the labour rates.

6.2. Major Components of the scheme

This scheme includes the cost of following major component:

(i) Construction of Earthen dam, Concrete dam of Lingampalli Reservoir etc.

(ii) Laying of three (03) no’s 3.0 m Dia. Pipe along with Pump House, motors,
Sub-Station etc.
(iii) Construction of Head Regulator, Cross Regulator and Head /Escape Regulator
for Chilpurvagu, Viaduct, Bridges, Approach Channel, Escape Channel etc.

6.3. Description of Major Heads

6.3.1. Direct Charges

Under this head provisions have been made for various structures of the project as
detailed here under: -

Direct Charges
I Works Rs.3142.83 Crores
II Establishment Rs. 214.23 Crores
III Tools and Plants Rs. 31.43 Crores
GST 5% of works Rs 119.04 Crores

Chapter-6: Cost Estimate 6-1 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

IV Suspense -
V Receipts and recoveries on
Rs. (-) 0.80 crores
capital account
Total Direct Charges in Lakhs Rs. 3506.76 Crores
Total Indirect Charges in Lakhs Rs. 47.18 Crores

Total Amount Rs. 3553.94 crores

This head includes provisions for command area survey, surveys & investigations,
model studies etc. to be conducted to arrive at the optimum project components. A
provision of Rs. 8.40 crores under this head has been kept.

This covers the provision for acquisition of land for Channel, Submergence under
reservoir, Rehabilitation and Resettlement, various structures, colonies, roads etc. A
provision of Rs. 762.07 crores have been made.

This sub head covers the cost of Pump House including cost of pumps, motors etc.,
Construction of Dam, Head Regulator etc. The quantities indicated in the estimates
are calculated from the preliminary design and rate as per experience of other ongoing
or commissioned projects. A provision of Rs. 2280.86 crores have been made to
frame the estimate of this project.

F- CD Works

A total estimate of Rs. 8.88 Crores has been made under this subhead for
construction for Viaduct for FFC.


A total estimate of Rs. 1.89 Crores has been made under this subhead for
construction of Double Lane Bridge.

Chapter-6: Cost Estimate 6-2 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project


Buildings, both residential & non-residential have been grouped separately under
permanent and temporary construction. Included under the permanent category are all
those buildings which will be subsequently utilized for running and maintenance of
project utilities. The cost has been taken on plinth area basis as per experience of
other ongoing or commissioned projects. The total cost has been worked out as Rs.
8.68 Crores

L1 –Earthwork of Approach Channel

A total of Rs. 12.59 Crores has been worked out under this subhead.

L2 –Lining of Approach Channel

An estimate of Rs. 4.07 Crores has been worked out in this subhead.

M- Plantation

A total of Rs 0.50 Crores has been made under this subhead to frame a preliminary


Provision under this head has been made to cover the cost of the following
miscellaneous works:

a) Capital cost of electrification, water supply, sewage disposal, firefighting

equipment etc.

b) Repair and maintenance of electrification, water supply, sewage disposal,

medical assistance, recreation, post office, telephone & telegraph office, security
arrangements, firefighting, inspection vehicles, schools, transport of labour etc.

c) Other services such as laboratory testing, R&M of Guest House and transit
camps, community centre, retrenchment compensation, photographic instruments
as well as R & M charges etc. A provision of Rs. 4.35 Crores has been provided
under this head.

Chapter-6: Cost Estimate 6-3 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

P-Maintenance during construction

It is proposed that the maintenance charges for Civil Works at 0.1% per year for 5
years including 2 years defect liability period and for Electro Mechanical and Hydro
Mechanical Works at 1% per year for 15 years including 2 years defect liability has
been provided. A provision of Rs. 41.60 Crores has been to made under this sub head.

Q-Special T&P Tools and Plants

The provision under this head has been made to cover the residual value of the
equipment to be used for infrastructure works only re-capital cost of equipment less
the credit due to resale or transfer of equipments and life of machinery used in works.
A chargeable amount of Rs. 2.83 crores are allocated tentatively under Q –Special T
& P.


Provision of Rs. 3.12 crores under this head covers the cost of construction and
improvement of approach and connecting roads etc. in the project area. Widening of
road have been planned to cater for the anticipated traffic including movement of
heavy trailers.

X-Environment and Ecology

A provision of Rs. 0.88 crores under this head has been made for environment and
impact mitigation measures including compensatory afforestation, public health
measures to control water and soil borne diseases, restoration of land etc.

Y-Losses on Stock

Under this sub head is made at 0.25% of the I works excluding A-preliminary works,
B-land, O-miscellaneous, M-plantation, Q-special Tools, X-environment and Ecology
as provided in CWC guidelines for preparation of cost estimates for River Valley

Chapter-6: Cost Estimate 6-4 WAPCOS Limited

Detailed Project Report for Lingampalli Reservoir Project

Indirect Charges

These charges cover the cost towards fees for audit and accounts which has been
taken as 1% of I-works as per norms. Provision has also been made for capitalization
abatement of land revenue @ 5% of cost of cultivable land.

II – Establishment

Provision for establishment has been made @ 8% of less B-Land for unit-II.

III-Tools and Plants

This provision is distinct from that under Q-special T&P and is meant to cover cost of
survey instruments, camp equipment & other small tools and plants. The outlay is
provided at 1% of cost of I-works.


No provision has been made under this subhead.

(V)- Receipts and Recoveries

Under this provision, estimated recoveries by way of resale or transfer of equipment

and of temporary building is taken into account. Accordingly, a tentative provision of
Rs 0.80 Crores has been kept.

6.4. Cost Estimation

The total estimated cost of the project (including direct and indirect changes) is
Rs. 3553.94 Crores as per Telangana SOR 2017-18. The general Abstract of the same
is here under and details of the cost estimate has been appended.

Chapter-6: Cost Estimate 6-5 WAPCOS Limited



Grand Total
Sl.No Description
(Rs. in Lakhs)

1 A - Preliminary 840.00
2 B - Land 76206.65
3 C - Works 228086.06
4 D - Regulators 0.00
5 E - Fall 0.00
6 F - Cross Drainage Works 887.97
7 G Bridges 188.92
8 H Escape 0.00
9 J Power Plant 0.00
10 K Buildings 868.31
11 L1 Earthwork 1258.93
12 L2 Lining 407.62
14 M Plantation 50.50
15 N Tanks & Reservoir -
15 O Miscellaneous 435.00
16 P Maintenance 4160.81
17 Q - Special T & P 283.81
18 R - Communication 312.00
19 U-Distributaries, Minors and sub minors 0.00
20 V-Water courses / field channels 0.00
21 X Environment and Ecology 88.00
22 Y - Losses on stock 208.04
Total I-Works 314282.61
Establishment charges of I works excluding B Land @ 9% 21426.84
1 Tools & Plants @ 1% of cost of I-Works 3142.83
2 GST @5% on I-Works (Excluding B-Land) 11903.80
Total Direct Charges (I to V) 350676.07

Capitalisation of abatement of land revenue at 5% of cost of
cultivated land
Audit and Accounts charges at 1% of I-works 3142.83
Total Indirect Charges 4717.49
Grand Total (Rs. in Lakhs): 355393.57
Grand Total (Rs. in Crores): 3553.94

A - Preliminary

Sl. No. Item
Rs. (Lakh)

a Expenditure incurred on surveys and preliminary 300.00

b Detailed surveys for final location 50.00
c Fixation of pillars 50.00
d Contour survey including establishment of 10.00
permanent benchmark
e Geological and Geo-Physical Surveys 50.00
Hydrological and materological surveys including
establihment of rain guages, river guages,
f 20.00
discharge and sediment data,water quality data,
observation stations and their running charges
g Construction of temporary site office/observation 20.00
station etc.
h Environmental Impact studies 30.00
i Design and Consultancy charges 60.00
j Telecommunication and computer facilities 20.00
k Hydraulic model studies 50.00
l Investigation for foundation and rock testing 20.00
m Construction of access roads to faciliate 20.00
n Preparation and printing of project report 35.00
o Purchase of survey and meteriological 25.00
p Camp equipment 10.00
q Vehicle for inspecting officers for site 25.00
r Preliminary soil test including establishing soil 25.00
testing lab
s Training of engineers during investigation 10.00
t Ground water studies 10.00
Total 840.00

B - Land
Rate Amount
Sl. No. Item Qty. Unit
(Lakhs) (Lakhs)
A. Land acquisition
1 Private/Forest land
a) Pipe Line 27.20 ha 18.00 612.00
b) Reservoir 1711.63 ha 18.00 30809.32
c) Pump House 2.00 ha 18.00 36.00
d) Land for Colony 2.00 ha 18.00 36.00
e) Approach channel 13.00 ha 18.00 234.00
f) Surplus course and Escape Channel 10.00 ha 18.00 180.00
g) Viaduct 15.00 ha 18.00 270.00
2 Govt Land 196.98 ha 0.00 0.00
3 Forest Land (Provision made under sub-head X-Envi. and
0.00 ha 0.00 0.00
Total 1977.81 ha 32177.32
4 Compensation for Trees,House, Wells etc L.S 22.00
Total Cost 32199.32
5 Rent for use of Land 1 ha 0.2 0.20
6 100% Solatium Charges for land compensation as per Right 32177.32
to Fair Compensation Act 2013 issued by Ministry of Rural
Development (GoI)
7 Establishment charge @ 6.25% 2012.46
8 Interest charges on amount of compensation award for the 1931.96
period between taking over possession of land and date of
award @12% per annum on 25% of cost of total
compansation for two years
9 Legal Charges @ 1% of Total Cost 321.99
10 Shifting of HT towers, telephone lines , water pipelines etc. LS 50.00
11 For measurement and demarcation @ 1% of total cost of land 321.99

B Rehabilitation and Resettlement As per Annexure B1 7051.50

Community Development namely schools, community health 139.90
C As per Annexure B2
centres, library, anganwari, creamatorium etc.
Total in Lakhs 76206.65
Annexure B1

Rate Amount
Sl. No. Item Unit Qty.
(Lakhs) (Lakhs)
Rehabilitation and Resettlement
B) As per R & R Act 2013 issued by Ministry of
Rural Development (GoI)
1 Subsistence Allowance @ 3000/month for 12 months = 3000 Family 900 0.36 324
* 12 = 36000
2 Lump Sum Grant @ Rs. 5.00 Lacs per Family Family 900 5 4500.00
3 Compensation for lost of house in rural area with Plinth Area Family 900 1.35 1215.00
of 30 Sqm per Family @ Rs. 4500 per sqm
4 Transportation Charges @ Rs. 50000 per Family Family 900 0.5 450.00
5 One time resettlement allowances @ Rs. 50000 per Family Family 900 0.5 450.00
6 Special Provision and additional Benefits for SCs/STs @ One Family 225 0.5 112.50
time Financial Assistance
Total 7051.50
Annexure B2

Sl. No. Item No. Area Rate Total

(m2) (Rs.) Amount
(Rs. Laks)
C) Community Development Works
1 Community Centre 1 250 7000 17.5
2 Cremation Ground 1 L.S. 650000 6.5
3 Anganwari 2 L.S. 200000 4.0
4 Health Centre 2 L.S. 150000 3.0
5 Sanitary System 10 25000 2.5
6 Schools 1 350 7000 24.5
7 Panchayat Ghar 1 L.S. 10.0
8 Seed cum Fertilizer Store 2 L.S. 150000 3.0
9 Dispensary 2 L.S. 10.0
10 Place of worship 2 L.S. 5.0
11 Fair Price Shop 5 L.S. 100000 5.0
12 Temporary Transit Shed 10 L.S. 20000 2.0
13 Street lighting L.S. 4.0
14 Sources of safe drinking water 30 28000 8.4
15 Roads L.S. 20.0
16 Bathing Ponds L.S. 2.0
17 Post Offices L.S. 1.5
18 Food Storage Godowns L.S. 2.0
19 Cooperative Societies L.S. 2.0
20 Electricity supply L.S. 5.0
21 Childrens Play ground L.S. 2.0
Total in Lacs 139.9

Abstract of Cost of Major Civil Works

C- Civil Works
Amount (Rs. in
SL.No Description
C1) Head Regulator 627.17
Cost of Pump House, Accessories and Pumping
C2) 92181.68

Construction of Lingapalli Reservoir

C3) Concrete Dam 20487.20
C4) Earthen Dam 114598.27
Sub-total 135085.47

Regulator for Chilpurvagu

C5) Cross Regulator on FFC 106.05
C6) Escape/Head Regulator for Chilpur Vagu 85.69
Sub-total 191.74
Grand Total in lakhs 228086.06


Rate Amount (Rs.
S. No. Item Code Item of Work Unit Quantity
(in Rs.) Lakh)
1 Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 %
open space) including bushes upto 30 cm/
parthenium and other weeds including
PMW-1-1 m2 1600.00 1.70 0.03
burning or disposing off the same directed
etc sample (including contractor's profit and
Excavation for foundation in all kinds of soil
including boulders upto 0.3 m diameter for
diameter of dam,spillway, intake structure
and other appurtenant works and placing
2 DAW-1-1 m3 2248.84 124.50 2.80
the excavated soil neatly in dump area or
disposing off the same as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1km and all
3 Excavation for foundation in ordinary rock (
including HDR) without blasting including
boulders above 0.3 m upto 0.6m dia for
dam, spillway , intake structure and other
DAW-1-2 appurtenant works and placing the m3 1499.22 164.30 2.46
excavated material neatly in dump area o
disposing off the same as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1km and all
Cement concrete (M-20) for Retaining
4 DAW-2-9 Wall, Breast Wall, piers,abutment,CC Block m3 5152.26 7673.30 395.35
IRR-CCDW-2- Providing HYSD bars in deck slab including
5 MT 242.67 51300.00 124.49
1 bending, cutting and placing.
6 Sheet Pile MT 1.14 87193.00 0.99
7 Boulder for Launching Apron m3 102.60 1430.70 1.47
Fabricating, sealing, hoisting and placing in
8 position of Vertical steel gates and stoplogs 63.51
(As per Annexure HR-HM )
9 Filter m3 18.38 3109.10 0.57
6 (Modified)

Total A 591.67

Contingency @ 1% of Total A 5.92

Dewatering @ 5% of relevant items 29.58
Grand Total in Lakhs 627.17
1 Jungle Clearance sqm 80 20 1600
2 EW IN EXCAVATION cum 3748.06
FOR FLOOR PORTION U/S 1 7.2 (11.5+7.2)/2 4.4 296.21
U/Scutoff 1 18.7 0.75 1 14.03
Abut 1 5.5 11.5 4.4 278.30
1 3.8 11.5 5.3 231.61
D/S 1 10.15 15.3 6.2 962.83
1 11.0 15.3 5.35 900.41
1 7.85 15.3 4.5 540.47

FOR CC BLOCK PORTION 1 9.5 6.45 2.9 177.70

FOR APRON PORTION 1 12 9.5 2.9 330.60

TOE WALL 1 9.5 0.5 3.35 15.91

3 Boulder in launching apron cum 1 12 9.5 0.9 102.6

3 Cement concrete M15 cum #REF!

4 Graded Filter cum 1 9.5 6.45 0.3 18.38

5 Cement concrete M20 5152.26

FOR FLOOR PORTION U/S 1 7.2 (11.5+7.2)/2 1 67.32

U/Scutoff 1 18.7 0.75 1 14.03
Abut 1 2 11.5 2 46.00
1 3.5 11.5 3 120.75
1 3.3 11.5 3.35 127.13
D/S 1 10.15 15.3 3.7 574.59
1 11.0 15.3 2.85 479.66
1 7.85 15.3 1.8 216.19

FOR CC BLOCK PORTION 1 9.5 6.45 0.9 55.15

FOR APRON PORTION 1 12 9.5 0.9 102.60

TOE WALL 1 9.5 0.4 1.2 4.56
1 9.5 0.6 0.15 0.86
CC BLOCK cum 1 9.5 6.45 0.9 55.15
PIER cum 1 9.5 1.5 11 156.75
Abutments cum 2 2 1 10.9 43.60
2 2 4.4 9.9 174.24
cum 2 3.5 1 9.9 69.30
2 3.5 4.4 8.9 274.12
cum 2 3.3 1 10.15 66.99
2 3.3 4.4 9.15 265.72

u/s wing returns cum 2 10 1 11 220.00

2 10 4.4 10 880.00
Side Walls cum 2 47.15 1 4.25 400.78
2 47.15 1.375 3.75 486.23
d/s wing returns cum 2 5 1 4.25 42.50
2 5 4.4 3.75 165.00
BEAM cum 1 9 1 1 9.00
WALL cum 2 4.3 0.5 7 30.10

ROAD SLAB cum 1 11 3.6 0.3 0.00

ROAD PARAPET cum 2 11 0.2 0.9 3.96

6 Sheet Pile cum 1 14.5 3.5 0.01 0.15

MT 1.14

7 Reinforcement MT 242.67



Sl Nos Total Rate per Amount

EQUIPMENT Wt/Set Amount Sand Blasting & Painting (15 Sqm./ M.T.)
No reqd Weight M.T. per Set
RS. IN RS. IN No. of Painting Amount
M.T. M.T. RS. / M.T. Blasting Total Rate Amount
Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs.in Lakhs
14 = 13 +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 10+11 13 = 12x9
Fabricating, Sealing, hoisting & placing in
1 position of Fixed Wheel typeVertical Lift 4 4.12 16.48 136657.20 5.630 22.521 247.2 526.70 485.5 1012.2 2.502 25.023
Gates of size : (4.0m X 2.9m)
2 Embedded parts 4 1.32 5.28 164467.90 2.171 8.684 79 526.70 485.5 1012.2 0.802 9.486
Hoisting of gates Rope Drum Hoist
3 1 11.0 11 66679.00 7.335 7.335 165 526.70 485.5 1012.2 1.670 9.005
Total 32.76 38.540 Total in lakhs 43.514
Remote control with SCADA 20.000
Total in lakhs 63.51

C2 ) Abstract of Cost of Pump House, Accessories and Pumping Main

Amount (Rs.) in
Sl no Item Remarks
1 Pump House Civil Works 1200.78

2 Pump and its accessories (EM and HM) 19035.00

3 A) Cost of Rising Main 63658.14

3 B) Cost of Pipeline Civil Works 3024.76

4 Sub-Station 4774.90

5 Hoisting Arrangement (20 T) for lifting of pumps one set 38.10

6 Switchyard 250.00 LS

7 Miscellenous 200.00 LS

Total in lakhs 92181.68

1) Abstract Estimate of Pump House Civil Works

Rate.Rs Amount
S.no Item Description Quantity Unit
/Unit Rs in Lakhs

Pump house Civil works

1 IRR- Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 % open space)
DAW: including bushes upto 30 cm/ parthenium and other weeds
6000.00 sqm 1.70 0.10
1-1 including burning or disposing off the same directed etc
sample (including contractor's profit and overheads)
Excavation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without blasting
including boulders above 0.3m upto 0.6 m diameter for field
channels ,seating of embankment, for field channels etc
DAW 1-2 .including dressing bed and sides to required level and prfile, 23782.52 cum 164.30 39.07
cost of all materials , machinery, labour, placing the
excavated soil neatly in dump area or for the formation of
service road/embankment as directed, complete with lead
upto 10m and lift upto 3km
3 Excavation in rock requiring blasting including boulders above
0.6 m upto 1.2 m dia. for canals, seating of embankment,
filter drain / catch water drains etc., including dressing bed
and sides to required level and profile, cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, placing the excavated rock in dump area
or for formation of service road as directed etc., complete
with lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
DAW 1-3 hard rock (including F&F rock) 23782.52 cum 249.40 59.31
DAW 1-4 hard rock (Non Fractured) 31710.02 cum 445.30 141.20

Cement concrete M-15 (1:2:4) using 40mm for levelling

4 DAW 2-5 507.89 cum 5884.70 29.89
course of pump house.

5 DAW 2-9 RCC M20 (1:1.5:3) for sub-structure of pump house. 4071.97 cum 7673.30 312.45

6 RCC M25 (1:1:2) for sub-structure of pump house. 755.31 cum 6705.50 50.65

7 Steel Reinforcement 366.00 MT 51300.00 187.76

25 mm dia rock bolts of 3m long @ 3x3 m spacing for

8 666.00 M 1095.30 7.29
binding the rock of pump house sides.
9 Steel Glazed windows 32.40 sqm 1480.00 0.48
10 Steel Glazed Ventilators 10.80 sqm 1480.00 0.16
11 Rolling Shutter 121.60 sqm 1779.44 2.16
12 Flooring 3000.00 sqm 386.00 11.58
13 Oil bound distemper paint 369.17 sqm 47.20 0.17
14 PVC Water Stop 1000.00 m 460.00 4.60
15 Trash Rack 31.35 MT 134710.8 42.23
16 Chequered Plate 24484.46 Kg 63.0 15.43
per m
17 Roof Shed Pump House 16.60 74375 12.35
18 StopLog Gate and Hoisting Arrangment Annex-Gate 73.11
Stair case, lift and other miscellanious items in the pump
19 LS 50.00
Site development including internal roads, storm water drains
20 and greenary, street lighting arrangement and paring lot, 10.00 acre 1200000 120.00
comound wall
Total 1160.00
Contingency @ 1% of Total A 11.10
Dewatering @ 5% of relevant items 29.68
Total 1200.78
Total in Crores 12.01
Quantities of Pump House

S.No. Item Unit No. L B A H Qty.

1 Jungle Clearance m 1 120 50 6000.00

2 Earthwork in Excavation
i Forebay m3 1 35 713.95 24988.25
ii Pump house m3 1 60 867.82 52069.20
iii Control Room and Cable Gallery m3 1 12 33 5.6 2217.60

Total 79275.05
30% of Total quantity of EW in Ordinary rock 23782.52
30% of Total Quantity of EW in Hard Rock (F&F) without blasting 23782.52
40% of Total Quantity of EW in Hard Rock with blasting 31710.02

3 Cement Concrete M 15
i In foundation at Fore bay Sloped Portion m3 1 35 21.5 0.15 112.88
ii In foundation at Fore bay Sump Portion m3 1 43.4 33 0.15 214.83
iii At Pump House m3 1 18.2 33 0.3 180.18
Total 507.89

4 Cement Concrete M 20
i RCC at Forebay (SideWall)
a) Sloped Portion m3 2 36.84 0.5 6.24 229.88
b) Horizontal Portion at main Sump m3 2 44.2 0.9 8.73 694.56
ii a) PH Long Wall m3 1 29 0.4 8.73 101.27
ii b) PH Short Wall m3 2 14.2 0.9 8.73 223.14
iii CC Flooring in Bed
a) Sloped Portion m3 1 35 21.5 0.5 376.25
b) Horizontal Portion at main Sump m3 1 43.7 33 0.5 721.05
c) Pump House m3 1 17.6 33 0.5 290.40
Total 2636.55
5 Cement Concrete M 25 (for Pump House)

i Column m3 15 0.8 0.8 30.42 292.03

ii Slab m3 2 16.6 33 0.5 547.80
Deductions for opening for pipe in pipe floor m3 8 5.7 5.7 0.5 -129.96
iii Beam m3 5 14.2 0.8 0.8 45.44

6 Cement Concrete M20

a Abutment at PH m3 2 7.08 1.6 18.42 417.32
b Pier at PH m3 3 7.08 1.5 18.42 586.86
Total 1004.18

7 Cement Concrete M20

Control Room and Cable Gallery
a) RCC Column m3 15 0.45 0.45 13.2 40.10
b) RCC Beam m3 15 11.05 0.45 0.45 33.56
c) RCC Slab first, Second and thrid Floor m3 3 33 11.05 0.15 164.09
d) Parapet (Base) m3 1 55.1 0.225 0.9 11.16
e) RCC Flooring below Pipe m3 1 11.05 33 0.5 182.33
Quantities of Pump House

S.No. Item Unit No. L B A H Qty.

Total Total 431.23

8 Steel Reinforcement @ 1.25% MT 366.00

9 Trash Rack MT 31.35

10 Roof Shed of Pump House m 16.6 16.60

11 Chequred Plate (12 mm Thick) m

8 5.7 5.7 259.92
Chequred plate weight (94.2 kg per m2) kg 24484.46

12 25 mm dia rock bolts of 3m long @ 3x3 m

spacing for binding the rock of pump house m 222.00 3.00 666

13 Steel Glazed windows Sqm 12 1.80 1.50 32.40

14 Steel Glazed Ventilators Sqm 12 1.80 0.50 10.80

15 Rolling Shutter Sqm 4 8.00 3.80 121.60

16 Flooring Sqm 3000.00

17 Oil bound distemper paint Sqm 1 55.10 6.70 369.17

18 PVC Water Stop m 1000.00

19 Stair case, lift and other miscellanious items in the pump house. LS
Sample Estimate of Truss


3.75 2.5
4.38 1.88
4.2 2.8 2.8
5.6 5.6 5.6

Estimate for Truss

1) Weight of Pipe (50mm dia, 3 mm thick) for 1truss in Main

=16.8+2*8.75+1*2.5+2*1.25 + 2*3.75 + 2 * 1.88
50.56 m @ 3.45kg/m = 174.43 Kg
For 15 trussess = 2616.48 Kg

2) Runner 40mm Dia, 2 mm thick

=6 * 85
510 m @ 1.86 kg/m = 948.60 kg

3) GI sheet
=85*8.75*2 1487.50 sq.m

4) Ridge
=85 85 m

Abstract of Cost
Sl.No Name of item Unit Quantity Rate Amount(Rs.)
Cost of Pipe (50mm dia, 3 mm
1 thick) for truss kg 2616.48 73.7 192834.58
Cost Runner 40mm Dia, 2 mm
2 thick kg 948.6 73.7 69911.82
Cost of Corrogated GS sheet
3 roofing (1mm thick) sq.m 1487.50 650 966875.00
4 Cost of Ridge RM 85 30 2550.00
Sub total 1232171.40
5 Unforseen item L.S 5000.00
Contigency Charges (1%) 12321.71
Total 1249493.11

Cost in Rs. 1249493 /-

Span 16.8 m
Rate per meter span 74374.5899 Rs./m
Say 74375 Rs./m

1) Abstract Estimate of Pump House Civil Works

Nos Total Amount
Sl No EQUIPMENT Wt/Set Rate per M.T. Amount Sand Blasting & Painting (15 Sqm./ M.T.)
reqd Weight per Set
RS. IN RS. IN Painting Amount
M.T. M.T. RS. / M.T. Sqm. Blasting Total Rate Amount
Rs.in Rs.in
Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm.
Lakhs Lakhs
14 = 13 +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 10+11 13 = 12x9
1 Stoplog Gate 1 18.3 18.3 136657.20 25.008 25.008 275 526.70 485.50 1012.2 2.778 27.787
2 Embedded parts 4 1.09 4.36 164467.90 1.793 7.171 65 526.7 496.9 1023.6 0.669 7.840
Hoist Equipments for Stoplog gate
3 1 8 8 66679.00 5.334 5.334 120 526.7 447.9 974.6 1.170 6.504
(Gantry Crane 8 T Capacity)
4 Lifting Beam 1 0.75 0.75 116791.30 0.876 0.876 11 526.7 357.8 884.5 0.100 0.975
Sub- Total 38.389 Sub- Total in lakhs 43.11
Remote control with SCADA 30.000
Total in lakhs 73.11
2) Abstract Estimate of Electro-Mechanical and Hydro-Mechanical works

S.no Item Description Quantity Unit Rate.Rs /Unit
Rs in Lakhs
Supply, erection and commissioning of pumps and
1 motors for lift at main pumping station and its 76.50 MW 24000000.00 18360.00

Supply of 250 KVA DG set incorporating Greaves Engine

Model TRD3V8 and alternator or Crompton/ Stamford
2 2 nos 2500000.00 50.00
make with standard control panel, Acoustic enclosure,
other standard accessories & AMF panel.
sub-Total 18410.00

3 Supplying and erection of EOT crane in pumping station. 1 no 10000000.00 100.00

Supplying and erection of MOT mobile crane of 30MT

4 capacity for lifting equipment and others wherever 1 no 7500000.00 75.00
S&F dual check valves/Electrically operated pump
5 9 nos 5000000.00 450.00
discharge valves (EOPD)/ Butterfly valves/ Reflux valves.

sub-Total 625.00
Total 19035.00
Total in Crores 190.35
Detailed Estimate of Electro-Mechanical and Hydro-Mechanical works

S.no Item Description Nos Quantity Unit
(1) (2) (3) (3a) (3b) (3c) (4) (5)
Supply, erection and commissioning of pumps and
1 motors for lift at main pumping station and its 76.50 MW

Supply of 250 KVA DG set incorporating Greaves

Engine Model TRD3V8 and alternator or Crompton/
2 2 nos
Stamford make with standard control panel, Acoustic
enclosure, other standard accessories & AMF panel.

Supplying and erection of EOT crane in pumping

3 1 no

Supplying and erection of MOT mobile crane of

4 30MT capacity for lifting equipment and others 1 no
wherever necessary.

S&F dual check valves/Electrically operated pump

5 discharge valves (EOPD)/ Butterfly valves/ Reflux 9 nos
(Vertical Pumps with 10% Over Load and 85% Pump Efficiency)
Power Requirement Calculations
S.No. Description Near Dharmasagar

1 Total Discharge Required ( Cumecs ) 39.26

2 No. of Pumps 3
3 No. of Delivery mains 3
No. of Standby Pumps 0
4 Low Water level ( m ) 297.38
5 FRL/Max. water level ( m ) 424.00
6 Delivery level ( = FRL/MWL + D/2 +0.5m) 426.00
7 Static Head in m (= DL - LWL) 128.62
8 Discharge in each Pump ( Cumecs ) 13.09
say 13.50
Velocity Calculations
9 Discharge in each Delivery main (Cumecs ) 13.50
10 Length of each delivery main ( Km ) 17.00
11 Diameter of each delivery main (m) 3.00
12 Velocity in each delivery main (m/s) 1.91

Pump Head Calculations

13 Length of Approach canal (Km) 1.25
14 Water conveyance loss (m) in Approach (assumed with slope 1 in 0.16
15 Losses due to fall in surge pool ( m ) 3.00
15 Friction losses in Pumps & valves (m) 3.00

Pipe Losses
16 Discharge in each Delivery main (Cumecs ) 13.50
17 Friction losses in Delivery main ( m ) as per Hazen Williams 11.38
18 Total losses ( m ) 17.54
19 Static Head ( m) 128.62
20 Total pump head (H) in m 146.16

Power Calculations
21 Pump efficiency (η) 0.85
22 P = (1000 x 9.81 x Q x H/η) in MW 22.77
23 over load @ 10% in MW 2.28
24 Power Required in MWs for each pump 25.05
say 25.50

25 Total Power Required in MWs for pump station 76.50


3 ) Abstract Cost of Rising Main including Civil Works

A) Cost of Pipe

Rate Amount
S. No. Item of Work Unit No. length (m) Diameter (m) Quantity
(in Rs.) (Rs. Lakh)
1 MS pipe- 3000 mm Dia (20 mm thick) m 3 17000 3 51000 120114 61258.14
2 Provision for Surge Protection arrangement Nos. 3 3 20000000 600.00
3 Provision for Sluice Valves, Zero Velocity Valves Nos. 120 120 1500000 1800.00
Total Amount in Lakhs (Rs.) 63658.14

B) Pipe line Civil Works

Area Rate Amount

S. No. Item of Work L (m) No. Dia (m) Width (m) Depth (m) Qty (cum)
(m2) (in Rs.) (Rs. Lakh)

Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.3

m diameter for canal, seating of embankment, filter
drains/catch water drains etc .including dressing bed and
sides to required level and prfile, cost of all materials ,
1 17000 3 5 4.5 1147500 124.50 1428.64
machinery, labour, placing the excavated soil neatly in
dump area or for the formation of service
road/embankment as directed, complete with initial lead
upto 1km and all lifts
2 Cement Concrete M-20 60 6 8.93 3215.31 7673.30 246.72
3 Reinforcement around Thurst Block MT 126.20 51300.00 64.74

4 Road/Nala Crossings/Encasements Etc. LS 1000.00

5 Providing 0.3 m thick gravely soil below the pipes 17000 3 5 0.3 76500 372.10 284.66

Total Amount in Lakhs (Rs.) 3024.76

1 Manufacture, supply, delivery, laying, jointing and Testing of M.S Pipes conforming to is 3589 / 2001 including in lining with cement mortar (1:2) 15mm thick using 4 numbers of 6mm dia
M.S. Rings at each end of the pipe and out coating with cement mortar (1:3) 30mm thick by shortcreting or gunetting duly providing wire mesh of size 50 x 50 x 3mm including cost of all
materials, labour charges, transportation to anywhere in the State, but excluding taxes & duties, etc.

Plate Weight of Ms Rate including Variation in MS Plate Cost 25% Area allowance on Contractors
Inner Dia Laying, Total Rate
Sno. Thickness Plate (Wm) Lining and (41000-41000)/1000*Wm Labour on Laying, Net Rate Profit @ Item Code
(mm) Jointing etc., (Rs.)
(mm) Kgs outcoating etc., (Kgs) jointing 13.615%

1 2500 24 1493.9 92388 0 9848 0 102236 13919 116155

14th Item PH-
2 3000 20 1489.55 94271 0 11449 0 105720 14394 120114
3 3300 24 1967.4 121952 0 12999 0 134951 18374 153325


2 Manufacture, supply, delivery, laying, jointing and Testing of Centrifugally cast (Spun) Ductile Iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage with Socket Spigot ends conforming to IS.: 8329/2000
in standard working lengths of 4, 5 5.5 & 6 meter for classification K9 & K7 suitable for push-on-joint (rubber gasket d jointing) with cement mortar lining inside the pipes with outside zinc coating.
Rates are including transportation, taxes & duties.

Transport Total
Basic Rate Market Rate of SSR Rate of Pig Weight of Pipe per RMT Total Rate
Sno. Dia (mm) Actual Rate P2 ST 5% ation/Rmt Lead (km) Transpora
of Pipe Pig Iron (R2) Iron (R1) (M) (Rs.)
/Km tion (Rs.)

1 300 3076 22000 26000 53.45 2870.74 143.54 1.2 225 270.00 3141
Annexure P1

4) Installation of substation and Distribution

Sl.No Description Amount in
Lakhs (Rs.)
I Description Capacity of KiloVolt Rate per MW
Substation (KV) including
(MW) distribution in
Lakhs (Rs.)
1 Near Dharma Sagar 76.50 220 42 3213.00
Sub-Total 76.50 3213.00

Rate per Km in
II Distribution System Distance (Km) Lakhs (Rs.)
High Tension Cable including
towers etc.,
Substation at Dharmasagar (220
10 52
KV) 520.00
Sub-Total 10 520.00
Total 3733.00
III Insurance and service charges @ 15% on I and II 1041.9
Grand Total 4774.90

C3) Concrete Dam for Block 1 to Block 8

Abstract of Cost Estimate
Item Rate Amount (Rs.
S. No. Item of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
code (in Rs.) Lakh)
Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 % open space)
IRR-PMW- including bushes upto 30 cm/ parthenium and other weeds
1 1-1 m2 11000 1.70 0.19
including burning or disposing off the same directed etc
sample (including contractor's profit and overheads)

Excavation for foundation in all kinds of soil including

boulders upto 0.30 m diameter for dam, spillway, intake
IRR-DAW- structure and other appurtenant works and placing the 3
2 m 24177.94 124.50 30.10
1-1 excavated soil neatly in dump area or disposing off the
same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.
Excavation for foundation in ordinary rock (including
HDR) without blasting including boulders above 0.3 m
upto 0.6 m dia for dam, spillway, intake structure and
3 other appurtenant works and placing the excavated m3 8059.31 164.30 13.24
material neatly in dump area or disposing off the same as
directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 1
km and all lifts.
Excavation for foundation in hard rock (including F&F)
requiring blasting including boulders above 0.6 m upto 1.2
m dia. for dam, spillway, intake structure
4 and other appurtenant works and placing the excavated m3 8059.31 249.40 20.10
material neatly in dump area or disposing off the same as
directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all

5 2-5
Cement concrete (M-15) m3 119505.00 5884.70 7032.51

6 2-9
Cement concrete (M-20) m3 113929.33 7673.30 8742.14
7 2-13
Cement concrete (M-25) m3 840.00 6705.50 56.33
IRR- Providing HYSD bars in deck slab including bending,
8 CCDW-2- cutting and placing. MT 4504.70 51300.00 2310.91
Fabricating,sealing, hoisting and placing of Gates in
9 313.98
position (as per annexure -SLG)

10 Curtain Grouting
Drilling 45 to 50 mm dia holes vertical or inclined upto 10
degrees to vertical in rock /masonry / concrete by
percussion drilling using waggon drill or any other
a suitable equipment including cost of all materials, m 2220.00 202.5 4.50
machinery, labour, redrilling through partially set grout
wherever required etc., complete for drilling upto 42 - 48
m depth from surface

Curtain grouting with neat cement grout mix of suitable

consistency under specified pressure as directed in drilled
b holes by stage grouting method including cost of all MT 444.00 11245.7 49.93
materials, machinery, labour, redrilling if necessary etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Flushing grout holes of all sizes with water and air jets
IRR-DAW- alternatively for an average period of 30 minutes including
c m 2220.00 57.6 1.28
1-10 water intake observations after flushing, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour etc., complete.

10 Consolidated Grouting
Item Rate Amount (Rs.
S. No. Item of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
code (in Rs.) Lakh)
Drilling 45 to 50 mm dia holes vertical or inclined upto 10
degrees to vertical in rock /masonry / concrete by
percussion drilling using waggon drill or any other
a suitable equipment including cost of all materials, m 2220.00 202.5 4.50
machinery, labour, redrilling through partially set grout
wherever required etc., complete for drilling upto 42 - 48
m depth from surface
Consolidation grouting with neat cement grout mix of
suitable consistency under specified pressure as directed
b in drilled holes by stage grouting method including cost of MT 376.50 10100.7 38.03
all materials, machinery, labour, redrilling if necessary
etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
Flushing grout holes of all sizes with water and air jets
IRR-DAW- alternatively for an average period of 30 minutes including
c m 2220.00 57.6 1.28
1-10 water intake observations after flushing, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour etc., complete.

Providing and constructing contraction joints by fixing

310 mm wide central bulb type approved quality PVC
water stop in two lines with 8 mm diameter steel dowel
rods on either side at 1m interval, forming 125 x 125 mm
size groove in between two water stops, providing & _do_ SOR 2016-
11 fixing 15 mm dia two legged G.I pipe with Ubend at m 1170.00 2387.0 27.93 17 Sl no 47
bottom for circulation steam at interval, forming 150 mm page no.7
diameter formed drain behind water seals including filling
groove with asphalt, circulation of steam at intervals, cost
of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with all
leads and lifts
12 Sluice valves
i) 2000 mm Dia for Irrigation nos. 1.00 10000000.0 100.00
ii) 4000 mm Dia for Scour nos. 1.00 25000000.0 250.00

13 Trash Rack MT 25.12 134710.80 33.84

14 M.S Pipe 3.0 m Dia M 90 120114.00 108.10
15 Instrumentation in Concrete Dam LS 200.00
Total A 19338.87
Contingency @ 1% of Total A 191.39
Dewatering @ 5% of Total A 956.94

Grand Total in Lakhs 20487.20


Quantities for Block 1, 2 & 3 of Concrete Dam of Lingampally Reservoir

Sl No Item Unit NO. Length Breadth Height Area Quantity

1 Jungle Clearance sq m 3 25 50 3750

2 Earthwork in excavation cum 3 25 38.9 5 14587.50

3 Cement concrete for dam M15 61095.00

Rec Portion cum 3 25 6 44.5 20025.00

Trai. Portion cum 3 25 14.8 37 41070.00
Sub-Total 61095.00

4 Cement concrete for dam M20 28279.50

U/s Portion Edge cum 3 25 1.5 45.5 5118.75

D/s Ver. Portion Edge cum 3 25 1 7.5 562.50
D/s Slant Portion Edge cum 3 25 1 48.66 3649.50
Foundation Base cum 3 25 38.9 5 14587.50

Slab cum 3 25 8 0.5 300.00
Parapet cum 6 25 1 0.15 22.50

Key Wall @Block 1 cum 1 45 89.75 4038.8

Sub-Total 28279.50

5 Reinforcement MT 1109.97

6 Curtain grouting (for Blocks 1, 2 and 3)

Drilling of Holes m 27 30 810
Grouting with Cement
Slurry MT 162

Depth of grouting m 30
No. of Holes @ 3m C/C for 1 Block nos. 9
Total No. of Holes for 3 Blocks nos. 27

7 Consolidated grouting (for Blocks 1, 2 and 3)

Depth of grouting m 81 10 810
Quantity of cement mt 121.5

Depth of grouting m 10
Width of Dam for 1 Block m 38.4
Length of the Dam for 1 Block m 25
No. of Holes @ 6m x 6 m C/C for 1 Block nos. 27
Total No. of Holes for 3 Blocks nos. 81

8 Contraction Joint m 9 45 405


Quantities for Block 6, 7 & 8 of Concrete Dam Lingampally Reservoir

Sl No Item Unit NO. Length Breadth Height Area Quantity

1 Jungle Clearance sq m 3 25 50 3750

2 Earthwork in excavation cum 3 25 38.1 5 14287.50

3 Cement concrete for dam M15 58410.00

Rec Portion cum 3 25 6 44 19800.00

Trai. Portion cum 3 25 14.3 36 38610.00
Sub-Total 58410.00

4 Cement concrete for dam M20 26687.50

U/s Portion Edge cum 3 25 1.5 44 4950.00

D/s Ver. Portion Edge cum 3 25 1 7.5 562.50
D/s Slant Portion Edge cum 3 25 1 47.38 3553.50
Foundation Base cum 3 25 5 35.6 13350.00

Slab cum 3 25 8 0.5 300.00
Parapet cum 6 25 1 0.15 22.50

Key Wall @Block 8 cum 1 44 89.75 3949.0

Sub-Total 26687.50

5 Reinforcement MT 1047.48

6 Curtain grouting (for Blocks 6,7 & 8)

Drilling of Holes m 27 30 810
Grouting with Cement
Slurry MT 162

Depth of grouting m 30
No. of Holes @ 3m C/C for 1 Block nos. 9
Total No. of Holes for 3 Blocks nos. 27

7 Consolidated grouting (for Blocks 6, 7 and 8)

Depth of grouting m 81 10 810
Quantity of cement mt 121.5

Depth of grouting m 10
Width of Dam for 1 Block m 38.4
Length of the Dam for 1 Block m 25
No. of Holes @ 6m x 6 m C/C for 1 Block nos. 27
Total No. of Holes for 3 Blocks nos. 81

8 Contraction Joint m 9 45 405


Quantities for Spillway Portion at Block 4 of Concrete Dam Lingampally Reservoir

Sl No Item Unit NO. Length Breadth Height Area Quantity

1 Jungle Clearance sq m 1 25 50 1250

2 Earthwork in excavation cum 1 25 37 5 4625.00

3 Cement concrete for dam M20 in Ogee Spillway 26846.60

Dam Portion cum 1 25 831.6 20790.00

Pier cum 4 1 44.00 176.00
Training Wall cum 2 0.5 118.6 118.60
Energy Dissipation Floor cum 1 25 15.80 2 790.00
End Sill cum 1 24 1.50 2 72.00
Stepping cum 20 25 0.50 0.5 125.00
Foundation Concrete cum 1 25 37 5 4625.00
Slab cum 1 25 8 0.5 100.00
Parapet cum 2 25 1 0.15 50.00
Sub-Total 26846.60

4 Reinforcement MT 1053.73

5 Curtain grouting (for Block 4)

Drilling of Holes m 9 30 270
Grouting with Cement
Slurry MT 54

Depth of grouting m 30
No. of Holes @ 3m C/C for 1 Block nos. 9
Total No. of Holes for 1 Blocks nos. 9

6 Consolidated grouting (for Blocks 4)

Drilling of Holes m 27 10 270
Grouting with Cement
Slurry MT 40.5

Depth of grouting m 10
Width of Dam for 1 Block m 38.4
Length of the Dam for 1 Block m 25
No. of Holes @ 6m x 6 m C/C for 1 Block nos. 27
Total No. of Holes for 1 Blocks nos. 27

8 Contraction Joint m 3 45 135


Quantities for Block 5 of Concrete Dam Lingampally Reservoir Project

Sl No Item Unit NO. Length Breadth Height Area Quantity

1 Jungle Clearance sq m 1 25 50 1250

2 Earthwork in excavation cum 1 25 41.5 5 5187.5

4 Cement concrete for dam M20 24409.46

Dam Rec. Portion cum 1 25 16 44.74 17896.00

Dam Tria. Portion cum 1 25 10.90 27.24 7420.18
Deductions for Gates cum 1 25 6 38.5 -5775.00
Deductions for Sluice cum 1 4 35 4 -560.00
Support for Pedestal cum 1 4 5.34 6.24 133.29
Fundation Concrete cum 1 25 41.5 5 5187.5
Slab cum 1 25 8 0.5 100.00
Parapet cum 2 25 1 0.15 7.50
Sub-Total 24409.46

4 Cement concrete M25 840.00

a) Irrigation Sluice cum 1 35 12 420.00
b) Sluice @ Malkapur Tank cum 1 35 12 420.00
5 Reinforcement MT 991.04

6 Curtain grouting (for Blocks 5)

Drilling of Holes m 9 30 270
Grouting with Cement
Slurry MT 54

Depth of grouting m 30
No. of Holes @ 3m C/C for 1 Block nos. 9
Total No. of Holes for 1 Blocks nos. 9

7 Consolidated grouting (for Blocks 5)

Depth of grouting m 27 10 270
Quantity of cement mt 40.5

Depth of grouting m 10
Width of Dam for 1 Block m 38.4
Length of the Dam for 1 Block m 25
No. of Holes @ 6m x 6 m C/C for 1 Block nos. 27
Total No. of Holes for 1 Blocks nos. 27

8 Contraction Joint m 3 45 135

9 Trash Rack
m2 4 4 16
MT 25.12

Quantities for Water Filling Block at Ch. 7525 m Lingampally Reservoir

Sl No Item Unit NO. Length Breadth Height Area Quantity

1 Jungle Clearance sq m 1 50 20 1000

2 Earthwork in excavation cum 1 36.99 14.5 3 1609.07

3 Cement concrete for dam M20 7706.27

Dam Portion cum 1 14.5 388 5626.00

Side Walls cum 2 0.4 71 56.80

Energy Dissipation Floor cum 1 12.5 10.00 2 250.00

Stepping cum 18 12.5 0.50 0.5 56.25
Piers cum 2 8 1.00 2.5 40.00
Foundation Concrete cum 1 36.99 14.5 3 1609.07
Slab cum 1 14.5 8 0.5 58.00
Parapet cum 2 14.5 1 0.15 4.35
Beam cum 2 14.5 0.4 0.5 5.80
Sub-Total 7706.27

5 Reinforcement MT 302.47

6 Curtain grouting
Drilling of Holes m 5 12 60
Grouting with Cement
Slurry MT 12

Depth of grouting m 12
No. of Holes @ 3m C/C for 1 Block nos. 5
Total No. of Holes for 1 Blocks nos. 5

7 Consolidated grouting
Depth of grouting m 15 10 150
Quantity of cement mt 22.5

Depth of grouting m 10
Width of Dam for 1 Block m 36.99
Length of the Dam for 1 Block m 14.5
No. of Holes @ 6m x 6 m C/C for 1 Block nos. 15
Total No. of Holes for 1 Blocks nos. 15

8 Pipe (3.0 m Dia) m 3 30 90


Sluice and Emergency Gates

Total Rate per Amount

Sl No EQUIPMENT Nos reqd Wt/Set Amount Sand Blasting & Painting (15 Sqm./ M.T.)
Weight M.T. per Set
Sand Total Amount
Rs. In Rs. In No. of Painting
M.T. M.T. RS. / M.T. Blasting Total Rate Amount
Lakhs Lakhs Sqm. Rate
Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs.in Lakhs Rs.in Lakhs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 10+11 13 = 12x9 14 = 13 + 8

A) 2.0 m x 2.0 m Sluice and Emergency Gate

Fabricating, Sealing, hoisting & placing in position
1 2 4.15 8.3 136657.20 5.67 11.34 124.5 526.70 485.5 1012.2 1.26 12.60
of Vertical steel Gates
2 Embedded parts 1 1.25 1.25 164467.90 2.06 2.06 19 526.7 496.9 1023.6 0.19 2.25
Hoisting of gates Electrically operated ropedrum 27
3 1 27 27 66679.00 18.00 18.00 405 526.7 447.9 974.6 3.95 21.95
Tonn Capacity
4 Weight of Ballast 2 8 16 73740.60 5.90 11.80 240 526.7 447.9 974.6 2.34 14.14
5 Hoist Bridge 1 5 5 116780.70 5.84 5.84 75 526.7 496.9 1023.6 0.77 6.61
6 Walkway Bridge 1 1.5 1.5 116780.70 1.75 1.75 22.5 526.7 496.9 1023.6 0.23 1.98

B) 4.0 m x 4.0 m Scour Sluice and Emergency Gate

Fabricating, Sealing, hoisting & placing in position
1 2 23 46 136657.20 31.43 62.86 690 526.70 485.5 1012.2 6.98 69.85
of Vertical steel Gates of size : (4.0 M X 4.0M)

2 Embedded parts 2 11.5 23 164467.90 18.91 37.83 345 526.70 496.9 1023.6 3.53 41.36
Hoisting of gates Electrically operated ropedrum 37
3 2 37 74 66679.00 24.67 49.34 1110 526.70 447.9 974.6 10.82 60.16
Tonn Capacity
4 Weight of Ballast 2 9 18 73740.60 6.64 13.27 270 526.70 447.9 974.6 2.63 15.90
5 Hoist Bridge 2 5 10 116780.70 5.84 11.68 150 526.70 496.9 1023.6 1.54 13.21
6 Walkway Bridge 2 1.5 3 116780.70 1.75 3.50 45 526.70 496.9 1023.6 0.46 3.96
Remote control with SCADA/Miscelleneous 50.00
Total in lakhs 313.98
C4) Abstract Estimate for Construction of Lingapalli Reservoir Earthen Dam
Capacity - 10.78 TMC

SSR - 2017-18
Item Quantity Amount
S.No. Description Rate
Code Total Units (Rs. In Lakhs)
IRR-CAW-1- Stripping of 500 to 800 mm top soil and its disposal with
1 1KM lead in all soils 439986 Cum 98.30 432.51
Excavation for Cutoff trench in all kinds of soil including
boulders upto 0.30 m diameter for dam, spillway, intake
IRR-DAW- structure and other appurtenant works and placing the
1-1 excavated soil neatly in dump area or disposing off the
same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts. 189285 Cum 124.50 235.66
Excavation for Cutoff Trench in ordinary rock (including
HDR) without blasting including boulders above 0.3 m upto
0.6 m dia for dam, spillway, intake
2.b structure and other appurtenant works and placing the
excavated material neatly in dump area or disposing off the
same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts. 141964 Cum 164.30 233.25
Excavation for Cutoff Trench in hard rock (including F&F)
requiring blasting including boulders above 0.6 m upto 1.2
m dia. for dam, spillway, intake structure and other
2.c appurtenant works and placing the excavated material
neatly in dump area or disposing off the same as directed
etc., complete with initial
lead upto 1 km and all lifts. 141964 Cum 249.40 354.06

Excavation for D/s Toe drain and U/s Toe Support in all
kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.30 m diameter for
IRR-DAW- dam, spillway, intake structure and other appurtenant
1-1 works and placing the excavated soil neatly in dump area or
disposing off the same as directed etc., complete with initial
lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
196864 Cum 124.50 245.10
Providing cut-off trench filling using selected impervious soil
from approved borrow areas in layers of 25 to 30 cm before
compaction including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as
IRR-DAW- excavation, sorting out, transportation, spreading soil to
5-2 specified thickness, breaking clods, sectioning,
watering, compacting to density control of not less than 95
percent using Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/ 8 to 10
tonne power roller as stipulated etc.,
complete with a lead of 10 kms and all lifts. 473213 Cum 297.80 1409.23

Item Quantity Amount
S.No. Description Rate
Code Total Units (Rs. In Lakhs)
Providing hearting embankment using selected impervious
soil from approved borrow areas in layers of 25 to 30 cm
before compaction including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, all operations such as excavation, sorting
IRR-DAW- out, transportation, spreading soil in layer of specified
5-1 thickness, breaking clods, setioning, watering, compacting
to density control of not less than 95 percent or as
stipulated using Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/ 8 to 10
tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.
4732106 Cum 287.50 13604.80

Providing homogeneous embankment using soil from

approved borrow area in layers of 25 to 30 cm before
compaction including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour, all operations such as excavation, sorting out,
6 transportation, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness,
breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting to density
control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated using
Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/ 8 to 10 tonne power
roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts
19175104 Cum 225.90 43316.56
Formation of embankment excluding CC corewall to form
the casing zone for Turn Circles with all types of earthfills
7 upto HDR rock brought from foreshore area with an
average lead of 5 Km and compacting the banks to 98%
proctors density 30246 Cum 225.90 68.33
IRR-DAW- Formation of 1.5 m thick Inclined sand filter along the D/s
8 6-6 face of hearting zone 363767 Cum 3090.90 11243.68
9 6-6 Formation of 1.0 m thick on D/S Horizontal Sand Filters
544228 Cum 3109.10 16920.61
Laying 200 mm thick sand blanket below graded metal filter
10 6-6
below riprap for Toe Drain on D/S
23946.00 Cum 3109.10 744.51
Laying 200 mm thick graded metal filter below rirap for
11 6-4
Toe Drain on D/S
23946.00 Cum 1443.8 345.73
12 Providing 300mm thick Riprap for Toe drain D/s
4 9671 Cum 1430.7 138.36
Laying 200 mm thick graded metal filter below rirap for
13 6-4
U/S slope protection
158916 Cum 1443.8 2294.40
Laying 200 mm thick graded sand filter below rirap for U/S
14 6-6
slope protection
158916 Cum 3109.1 4940.84
IRR-CAW-8- Providing and constructing 600 mm thick hand packed
4 rough stone riprap for U/Slope protection 476747 Cum 1430.70 6820.82

Item Quantity Amount
S.No. Description Rate
Code Total Units (Rs. In Lakhs)
Laying 200 mm thick graded metal filter below rirap for toe
16 6-4
wall on U/S
21413 Cum 1443.8 309.16
Laying 200 mm thick graded Sand filter below rirap for toe
17 6-6
wall on U/S
19648 Cum 3109.1 610.88

IRR-CAW-8- Providing and constructing 600 mm thick hand packed

4 rough stone riprap for Toe wall on U/S and D/S Rock Toe
305503 Cum 1430.70 4370.84
19 Providing Turfing along Down Stream slope
6-13 697909 Sqm 129.70 905.19
Cement Concrete of M15 using 260 Kgs of Cement and 40
20 mm size MSA graded machine crushed hard broken metal
granite verity for longitudinal drains along berms
1540 Cum 5884.70 90.62

Cement Concrete ofM 15 using 260 Kgs of Cement and 40

21 mm size MSA graded machine crushed hard broken metal
granite verity for Parapet Walls
6831 Cum 5884.70 401.97

Cement Concrete ofM 15 using 260 Kgs of Cement and 40

22 mm size MSA graded machine crushed hard broken metal
granite verity for Kerb Walls
384 Cum 5884.70 22.58
Cement Concrete of M 15 using 260 Kgs of Cement and 40
IRR-DAW- mm MSA graded machine crushed hard broken metal
2-5 granite variety for Chute drains @ 50m c/c along the D/s
slope of the dam 16813 Cum 5884.70 989.41
Cement Concrete of M 15 using 260 Kgs of Cement and 40
IRR-DAW- mm MSA graded machine crushed hard broken metal
2-5 granite variety for Profile Walls @ 25m c/c along the U/s
slope of the dam 10892 Cum 5884.70 640.94
Cement Concrete of M 15 using 260 Kgs of Cement and 40
24 mm MSA graded machine crushed hard broken metal
granite verity for guard stones @ 3m c/c
173 Cum 5884.70 10.16
25 Providing HYSD bars including bending, cutting and placing.
6.78 MT 51300.00 3.48
Drain Pipe - 300 mm on berm portion for chute drain on
26 SOR-3
D/S. 1540.00 m 3140.74
Drilling 45 to 50 mm dia holes vertical or inclined upto 10
degrees to vertical in rock /masonry / concrete by
percussion drilling using waggon drill or any other suitable
27 equipment including cost of all materials, machinery, 46709.19 m 202.55 94.61
labour, redrilling through partially set grout wherever
required etc., complete for drilling upto 18 m depth from
Curtain grouting with neat cement grout mix of suitable
consistency under specified pressure as directed in drilled
28 holes by stage grouting method including cost of all 9341.84 MT 11245.70 1050.56
materials, machinery, labour, redrilling if necessary
etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.

Item Quantity Amount
S.No. Description Rate
Code Total Units (Rs. In Lakhs)
Flushing grout holes of all sizes with water and air jets
IRR-DAW- alternatively for an average period of 30 minutes including
29 46709.19 m 57.60 26.90
1-10 water intake observations after flushing, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour etc., complete.
Providing Gravel inspection path to utilize during the
30 lump sum 150.00
constrution stage of the earthen bund.
31 Provision for Wave Breakers lump sum 150.00
32 Provision for Road 7675.00 m 2500.00 191.88
33 Provision for Instrumentation at 2 Places at Dam lump sum 100.00

Sub Total in lakh 113467.59

Contingency @ 1% 1130.68
Sub Total in lakh 114598.27

Quantity of Quantity of
Rain Water
Quantity of U/s Protection Work Downstream Downstream Quantity of
Total Average Drain in D/s
Av. Area Length of Length of Surface Quantity of Inclined Filter Horizontal Filter Curtain Length of Profile Walls Total Quantity
Stripped Qty. (Main Area of Qty (clay Width of Width of Length of D/s Surface Area Slope (C/s Area-
Distane Levels Length Area Av. Area (clay U/s Avg. U/s Area of U/s Graded Graded Earthwork in Grouting (2 Avg. D/s @ 25 m of Pipe (300 mm
level Dam) (clay core) core) RipRap Bottom of Bottom of Turfing of D/s Turfing 12.6 m2 of Chute
core) Protection Protection Protection Metal Sand Stripping Sand Sand Rows @ 6 m Turfing interval Dia DI Pipe)
(600mm the Bund the Bund and 1.8 m3
(200mm (200mm (1.5 m thick) (1 m thick) c/c)
Thick) Quanity of Pits)
thick) thick)

m m m m m2 m2 m3 m2 m2 m3 m m m2 m3 m3 m3 m m m3 m3 m3 m m m m2 m3 m3 m
0 424.00 423.50 0.00 4.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.96 1.55 0.00
50 419.59 419.00 50.00 99.38 51.98 2599.22 19.50 9.75 487.50 13.46 7.40 370.23 222.14 74.05 74.05 31.75 21.06 315.94 125.78 243.75 166.67 12.31 6.77 338.55 9.60 15.51 0.00
100 417.00 416.50 50.00 193.59 146.48 7324.22 42.63 31.06 1553.13 20.19 16.83 841.43 504.86 168.29 168.29 43.63 37.69 565.31 356.37 596.88 166.67 18.47 15.39 769.44 14.40 23.27 0.00
150 415.78 415.20 50.00 254.32 223.96 11197.84 57.12 49.87 2493.63 23.69 21.94 1097.23 658.34 219.45 219.45 49.80 46.71 700.69 515.69 763.13 166.67 21.67 20.07 1003.35 16.90 27.30 0.00
200 418.84 418.30 50.00 122.76 188.54 9427.09 25.35 41.23 2061.63 15.35 19.52 976.06 585.64 195.21 195.21 35.08 42.44 636.56 440.23 684.38 166.67 14.03 17.85 892.55 10.95 17.68 0.00
250 413.98 413.40 50.00 351.66 237.21 11860.47 79.98 52.66 2633.13 28.54 21.94 1097.23 658.34 219.45 219.45 58.35 46.71 700.69 515.69 763.13 166.67 26.10 20.07 1003.35 20.36 32.89 0.00
300 414.93 414.40 50.00 295.68 323.67 16183.38 66.88 73.43 3671.50 25.85 27.20 1359.75 815.85 271.95 271.95 53.60 55.98 839.63 679.21 933.75 166.67 23.64 24.87 1243.42 18.44 29.78 0.00
350 411.94 411.40 50.00 485.75 390.71 19535.63 109.18 88.03 4401.50 42.07 33.96 1697.89 1018.73 339.58 339.58 81.15 67.38 1010.63 763.06 1150.00 166.67 36.16 29.90 1494.98 28.21 42.86 5.00
400 410.47 409.90 50.00 613.38 549.56 27478.03 133.71 121.44 6072.13 46.46 44.26 2213.07 1327.84 442.61 442.61 89.03 85.09 1276.31 951.73 1485.00 166.67 40.20 38.18 1909.08 31.36 47.95 5.00
450 408.00 407.50 50.00 842.16 727.77 36388.31 177.63 155.67 7783.25 53.48 49.97 2498.37 1499.02 499.67 499.67 101.63 95.33 1429.88 1115.24 1680.00 166.67 46.66 43.43 2171.60 36.40 56.10 5.00
500 410.00 409.50 50.00 649.41 745.78 37289.06 140.63 159.13 7956.25 47.63 50.55 2527.63 1516.58 505.53 505.53 91.13 96.38 1445.63 1132.01 1700.00 166.67 41.28 43.97 2198.53 32.20 49.31 5.00
550 408.73 408.20 50.00 772.31 710.86 35542.78 164.22 152.42 7621.13 51.43 49.53 2476.42 1485.85 495.28 495.28 97.95 94.54 1418.06 1102.66 1665.00 166.67 44.78 43.03 2151.41 34.93 53.72 5.00
600 408.00 407.50 50.00 842.16 807.23 40361.53 177.63 170.92 8546.13 53.48 52.45 2622.73 1573.64 524.55 524.55 101.63 99.79 1496.81 1186.51 1765.00 166.67 46.66 45.72 2286.04 36.40 56.10 5.00
650 408.00 407.50 50.00 842.16 842.16 42107.81 177.63 177.63 8881.25 53.48 53.48 2673.94 1604.36 534.79 534.79 101.63 101.63 1524.38 1215.86 1800.00 166.67 46.66 46.66 2333.16 36.40 56.10 5.00
700 406.67 406.10 50.00 989.58 915.87 45793.31 205.91 191.77 9588.25 57.58 55.53 2776.35 1665.81 555.27 555.27 108.98 105.30 1579.50 1274.56 1870.00 166.67 50.43 48.55 2427.40 39.34 60.85 5.00
750 406.55 406.00 50.00 1000.50 995.04 49751.91 208.00 206.95 10347.63 57.87 57.72 2886.09 1731.65 577.22 577.22 109.50 109.24 1638.56 1337.45 1945.00 166.67 50.70 50.57 2528.37 39.55 61.18 5.00
800 406.27 405.70 50.00 1033.59 1017.04 50852.16 214.35 211.17 10558.63 58.75 58.31 2915.35 1749.21 583.07 583.07 111.08 110.29 1654.31 1354.22 1965.00 166.67 51.51 51.11 2555.30 40.18 62.20 5.00
850 406.77 406.20 50.00 978.71 1006.15 50307.28 203.82 209.08 10454.13 57.28 58.01 2900.72 1740.43 580.14 580.14 108.45 109.76 1646.44 1345.83 1955.00 166.67 50.16 50.84 2541.83 39.13 60.51 5.00
900 406.12 405.60 50.00 1044.72 1011.71 50585.63 216.48 210.15 10507.50 59.04 58.16 2908.03 1744.82 581.61 581.61 111.60 110.03 1650.38 1350.03 1960.00 166.67 51.78 50.97 2548.57 40.39 62.54 5.00
950 405.20 404.70 50.00 1147.29 1096.00 54800.16 236.15 226.31 11315.63 61.67 60.36 3017.76 1810.66 603.55 603.55 116.33 113.96 1709.44 1412.92 2035.00 166.67 54.20 52.99 2649.54 42.28 65.60 5.00
1000 403.57 403.00 50.00 1352.63 1249.96 62497.78 275.50 255.82 12791.13 66.65 64.16 3207.97 1924.78 641.59 641.59 125.25 120.79 1811.81 1521.92 2165.00 177.65 58.78 56.49 2824.56 45.85 71.36 5.00
1050 405.00 404.50 50.00 1170.66 1261.64 63082.03 240.63 258.06 12903.13 62.26 64.45 3222.60 1933.56 644.52 644.52 117.38 121.31 1819.69 1530.31 2175.00 178.75 54.74 56.76 2838.02 42.70 66.27 5.00
1100 406.00 405.50 50.00 1055.91 1113.28 55664.06 218.63 229.63 11481.25 59.33 60.79 3039.71 1823.83 607.94 607.94 112.13 114.75 1721.25 1425.49 2050.00 166.67 52.05 53.39 2669.73 40.60 62.88 5.00
1150.00 406.28 405.70 50.00 1033.59 1044.75 52237.31 214.35 216.49 10824.25 58.75 59.04 2951.93 1771.16 590.39 590.39 111.08 111.60 1674.00 1375.18 1990.00 166.67 51.51 51.78 2588.96 40.18 62.20 5.00
1200.00 407.00 406.50 50.00 946.41 990.00 49499.81 197.63 205.99 10299.25 56.40 57.58 2878.77 1727.26 575.75 575.75 106.88 108.98 1634.63 1333.26 1940.00 166.67 49.36 50.43 2521.64 38.50 59.49 5.00
1250.00 407.43 406.90 50.00 904.08 925.24 46262.06 189.51 193.57 9678.25 55.23 55.82 2790.99 1674.59 558.20 558.20 104.78 105.83 1587.38 1282.94 1880.00 166.67 48.28 48.82 2440.86 37.66 58.13 5.00
1300.00 408.00 407.50 50.00 842.16 873.12 43655.81 177.63 183.57 9178.25 53.48 54.36 2717.83 1630.70 543.57 543.57 101.63 103.20 1548.00 1241.02 1830.00 166.67 46.66 47.47 2373.55 36.40 56.10 5.00
1350.00 406.57 406.00 50.00 1000.50 921.33 46066.41 208.00 192.81 9640.63 57.87 55.67 2783.67 1670.20 556.73 556.73 109.50 105.56 1583.44 1278.75 1875.00 166.67 50.70 48.68 2434.13 39.55 61.18 5.00
1400.00 407.11 406.60 50.00 935.75 968.12 48406.13 195.58 201.79 10089.50 56.11 56.99 2849.51 1709.71 569.90 569.90 106.35 107.93 1618.88 1316.49 1920.00 166.67 49.09 49.89 2494.71 38.29 59.15 5.00
1450.00 410.81 410.30 50.00 578.19 756.97 37848.28 126.95 161.26 8063.13 45.29 50.70 2534.95 1520.97 506.99 506.99 86.93 96.64 1449.56 1136.20 1705.00 166.67 39.12 44.11 2205.26 30.52 46.60 5.00
1500.00 410.99 410.40 50.00 569.52 573.85 28692.66 125.28 126.11 6305.63 44.99 45.14 2256.96 1354.18 451.39 451.39 86.40 86.66 1299.94 976.88 1515.00 166.67 38.85 38.99 1949.47 30.31 46.26 5.00
1550.00 414.44 413.90 50.00 323.07 446.30 22314.84 73.31 99.29 4964.63 27.20 36.09 1804.70 1082.82 360.94 360.94 55.98 71.19 1067.81 825.95 1221.88 166.67 24.87 31.86 1593.08 19.40 31.33 0.00
1600.00 422.24 421.70 50.00 30.96 177.02 8850.94 1.55 37.43 1871.25 6.19 16.69 834.70 500.82 166.94 166.94 18.93 37.45 561.75 352.18 592.50 166.67 5.66 15.27 763.29 4.42 7.14 0.00
1650.00 411.07 410.50 50.00 560.91 295.94 14796.75 123.63 62.59 3129.25 44.70 25.45 1272.33 763.40 254.47 254.47 85.88 52.40 786.00 494.73 875.63 166.67 38.59 22.12 1106.21 30.10 45.92 5.00
1700.00 408.55 408.00 50.00 792.00 676.45 33822.66 168.00 145.81 7290.63 52.02 48.36 2417.90 1450.74 483.58 483.58 99.00 92.44 1386.56 1069.12 1625.00 166.67 45.32 41.95 2097.56 35.35 54.40 5.00
1750.00 407.05 406.50 50.00 946.41 869.20 43460.16 197.63 182.81 9140.63 56.40 54.21 2710.52 1626.31 542.10 542.10 106.88 102.94 1544.06 1236.83 1825.00 166.67 49.36 47.34 2366.82 38.50 59.49 5.00
1800.00 406.00 405.50 50.00 1055.91 1001.16 50057.81 218.63 208.13 10406.25 59.33 57.87 2893.40 1736.04 578.68 578.68 112.13 109.50 1642.50 1341.64 1950.00 166.67 52.05 50.70 2535.10 40.60 62.88 5.00
1850.00 404.88 404.30 50.00 1194.24 1125.07 56253.56 245.15 231.89 11594.25 62.84 61.09 3054.34 1832.60 610.87 610.87 118.43 115.28 1729.13 1433.88 2060.00 166.67 55.28 53.66 2683.20 43.12 66.95 5.00
1900.00 404.38 403.80 50.00 1254.11 1224.17 61208.53 256.62 250.88 12544.13 64.31 63.57 3178.70 1907.22 635.74 635.74 121.05 119.74 1796.06 1505.15 2145.00 175.45 56.63 55.95 2797.63 44.17 68.65 5.00
1950.00 402.94 402.40 50.00 1428.72 1341.41 67070.63 290.08 273.35 13667.50 68.40 66.35 3317.70 1990.62 663.54 663.54 128.40 124.73 1870.88 1584.81 2240.00 185.90 60.40 58.51 2925.53 47.11 73.40 5.00
2000.00 402.49 401.90 50.00 1493.58 1461.15 73057.41 302.51 296.29 14814.63 69.87 69.13 3456.69 2074.01 691.34 691.34 131.03 129.71 1945.69 1664.47 2335.00 196.35 61.74 61.07 3053.43 48.16 75.09 5.00
2050.00 401.22 400.70 50.00 1654.59 1574.08 78704.06 333.35 317.93 15896.25 73.38 71.62 3581.05 2148.63 716.21 716.21 137.33 134.18 2012.63 1735.75 2420.00 205.70 64.97 63.36 3167.86 50.68 79.17 5.00
2100.00 400.00 399.50 50.00 1829.72 1742.15 87107.63 365.63 349.49 17474.25 85.01 79.19 3959.57 2375.74 791.91 791.91 156.88 147.10 2206.50 1836.37 2668.13 218.90 73.32 69.15 3457.34 57.19 86.98 10.00
2150.00 398.92 398.40 50.00 2005.76 1917.74 95886.97 396.48 381.05 19052.63 88.48 86.75 4337.27 2602.36 867.45 867.45 163.20 160.04 2400.56 1932.80 2918.13 231.55 76.54 74.93 3746.50 59.70 91.04 10.00
2200.00 397.69 397.10 50.00 2222.78 2114.27 105713.47 434.51 415.49 20774.63 92.60 90.54 4527.01 2716.21 905.40 905.40 170.68 166.94 2504.06 2033.42 3053.13 244.75 80.34 78.44 3922.07 62.67 95.83 10.00
2250.00 396.63 396.10 50.00 2396.33 2309.55 115477.69 464.91 449.71 22485.25 95.76 94.18 4708.84 2825.30 941.77 941.77 176.43 173.55 2603.25 2129.85 3182.50 257.40 83.27 81.81 4090.33 64.95 99.52 10.00
2300.00 395.57 395.00 50.00 2593.88 2495.10 124755.09 499.50 482.20 24110.13 99.24 97.50 4874.86 2924.92 974.97 974.97 182.75 179.59 2693.81 2217.90 3300.63 268.95 86.49 84.88 4243.95 67.46 103.58 10.00
2350.00 395.00 394.40 50.00 2704.56 2649.22 132460.88 518.88 509.19 25459.50 101.13 100.19 5009.26 3005.55 1001.85 1001.85 186.20 184.48 2767.13 2289.17 3396.25 278.30 88.24 87.37 4368.31 68.83 105.79 10.00
2400.00 393.87 393.30 50.00 2912.86 2808.71 140435.47 555.35 537.11 26855.63 104.61 102.87 5143.65 3086.19 1028.73 1028.73 192.53 189.36 2840.44 2360.45 3491.88 287.65 91.46 89.85 4492.68 71.34 109.84 10.00
2450.00 393.71 393.20 50.00 2932.14 2922.50 146124.97 558.72 557.03 27851.63 104.93 104.77 5238.52 3143.11 1047.70 1047.70 193.10 192.81 2892.19 2410.76 3559.38 294.25 91.76 91.61 4580.46 71.57 110.21 10.00
2500.00 394.00 393.50 50.00 2874.47 2903.30 145165.22 548.63 553.67 27683.63 103.98 104.45 5222.71 3133.63 1044.54 1044.54 191.38 192.24 2883.56 2402.38 3548.13 293.15 90.88 91.32 4565.83 70.88 109.11 10.00
2550.00 394.48 393.90 50.00 2798.38 2836.42 141821.19 535.31 541.97 27098.25 102.71 103.35 5167.37 3100.42 1033.47 1033.47 189.08 190.23 2853.38 2373.03 3508.75 289.30 89.71 90.29 4514.62 69.97 107.63 10.00
2600.00 394.05 393.50 50.00 2874.47 2836.42 141821.19 548.63 541.97 27098.25 103.98 103.35 5167.37 3100.42 1033.47 1033.47 191.38 190.23 2853.38 2373.03 3508.75 289.30 90.88 90.29 4514.62 70.88 109.11 10.00
2650.00 393.41 392.90 50.00 2990.33 2932.40 146619.94 568.91 558.77 27938.25 105.88 104.93 5246.43 3147.86 1049.29 1049.29 194.83 193.10 2896.50 2414.95 3565.00 294.80 92.63 91.76 4587.78 72.25 111.32 10.00
2700.00 392.82 392.30 50.00 3108.26 3049.29 152464.69 589.55 579.23 28961.25 107.77 106.83 5341.30 3204.78 1068.26 1068.26 198.28 196.55 2948.25 2465.26 3632.50 301.40 94.39 93.51 4675.56 73.62 113.53 10.00
2750.00 391.95 391.40 50.00 3289.04 3198.65 159932.34 621.18 605.36 30268.13 110.62 109.20 5459.88 3275.93 1091.98 1091.98 203.45 200.86 3012.94 2528.15 3716.88 309.65 97.02 95.71 4785.29 75.68 116.85 10.00
2800.00 391.24 390.70 50.00 3432.86 3360.95 168047.34 646.35 633.76 31688.13 112.83 111.73 5586.37 3351.82 1117.27 1117.27 207.48 205.46 3081.94 2595.24 3806.88 318.45 99.07 98.05 4902.34 77.28 119.43 10.00
2850.00 390.55 390.00 50.00 3579.50 3506.18 175308.97 672.00 659.17 32958.63 115.05 113.94 5697.05 3418.23 1139.41 1139.41 211.50 209.49 3142.31 2653.93 3885.63 326.15 101.12 100.10 5004.76 78.87 122.01 10.00
2900.00 389.52 389.00 50.00 3793.88 3686.69 184334.38 709.50 690.75 34537.50 118.21 116.63 5831.45 3498.87 1166.29 1166.29 217.25 214.38 3215.63 2725.21 3981.25 335.50 104.05 102.58 5129.12 81.16 125.70 10.00
2950.00 389.00 388.50 50.00 3903.22 3848.55 192427.34 728.63 719.06 35953.13 119.79 119.00 5950.04 3570.02 1190.01 1190.01 220.13 218.69 3280.31 2788.10 4065.63 343.75 105.51 104.78 5238.85 82.30 127.54 10.00
3000.00 388.91 388.40 50.00 3925.26 3914.24 195711.97 732.48 730.55 36527.63 120.11 119.95 5997.47 3598.48 1199.49 1199.49 220.70 220.41 3306.19 2813.25 4099.38 347.05 105.80 105.65 5282.74 82.52 127.91 10.00
3050.00 388.50 387.90 50.00 4037.63 3981.44 199072.22 751.91 742.19 37109.63 129.69 124.90 6244.90 3746.94 1248.98 1248.98 236.58 228.64 3429.56 2838.41 4258.13 350.35 112.26 109.03 5451.64 87.57 133.35 15.00
3100.00 388.13 387.60 50.00 4108.86 4073.24 203662.22 763.68 757.79 37889.63 130.64 130.16 6508.15 3904.89 1301.63 1301.63 238.30 237.44 3561.56 2871.95 4428.13 354.75 113.14 112.70 5635.16 88.25 134.46 15.00
3150.00 387.82 387.30 50.00 4180.61 4144.73 207236.72 775.55 769.61 38480.63 131.59 131.11 6555.58 3933.35 1311.12 1311.12 240.03 239.16 3587.44 2897.11 4461.88 358.05 114.02 113.58 5679.05 88.94 135.57 15.00
3200.00 387.56 387.00 50.00 4252.88 4216.74 210837.09 787.50 781.52 39076.13 132.53 132.06 6603.02 3961.81 1320.60 1320.60 241.75 240.89 3613.31 2922.26 4495.63 361.35 114.90 114.46 5722.95 89.62 136.67 15.00
3250.00 387.26 386.70 50.00 4325.66 4289.27 214463.34 799.55 793.52 39676.13 133.48 133.01 6650.45 3990.27 1330.09 1330.09 243.48 242.61 3639.19 2947.42 4529.38 364.65 115.78 115.34 5766.84 90.31 137.78 15.00
3300.00 387.00 386.50 50.00 4374.47 4350.06 217503.19 807.63 803.59 40179.25 134.12 133.80 6689.98 4013.99 1338.00 1338.00 244.63 244.05 3660.75 2968.38 4557.50 367.40 116.36 116.07 5803.42 90.76 138.51 15.00
3350.00 386.00 385.50 50.00 4621.97 4498.22 224910.94 848.63 828.13 41406.25 137.28 135.70 6784.85 4070.91 1356.97 1356.97 250.38 247.50 3712.50 3018.69 4625.00 374.00 119.29 117.82 5891.20 93.04 142.20 15.00
3400.00 386.00 385.50 50.00 4621.97 4621.97 231098.44 848.63 848.63 42431.25 137.28 137.28 6863.91 4118.34 1372.78 1372.78 250.38 250.38 3755.63 3060.62 4681.25 379.50 119.29 119.29 5964.35 93.04 142.20 15.00
3450.00 385.51 385.00 50.00 4747.88 4684.92 234246.09 869.50 859.06 42953.13 138.86 138.07 6903.43 4142.06 1380.69 1380.69 253.25 251.81 3777.19 3081.58 4709.38 382.25 120.75 120.02 6000.93 94.19 144.05 15.00
3500.00 385.00 384.50 50.00 4875.22 4811.55 240577.34 890.63 880.06 44003.13 140.44 139.65 6982.49 4189.49 1396.50 1396.50 256.13 254.69 3820.31 3123.51 4765.63 387.75 122.21 121.48 6074.09 95.33 145.89 15.00
3550.00 384.98 384.40 50.00 4900.86 4888.04 244401.97 894.88 892.75 44637.63 140.76 140.60 7029.93 4217.96 1405.99 1405.99 256.70 256.41 3846.19 3148.66 4799.38 391.05 122.51 122.36 6117.98 95.55 146.26 15.00
3600.00 384.99 384.40 50.00 4900.86 4900.86 245043.00 894.88 894.88 44744.00 140.76 140.76 7037.83 4222.70 1407.57 1407.57 256.70 256.70 3850.50 3152.86 4805.00 391.60 122.51 122.51 6125.29 95.55 146.26 15.00
3650.00 384.44 383.90 50.00 5029.93 4965.39 248269.72 916.31 905.59 45279.63 142.34 141.55 7077.36 4246.42 1415.47 1415.47 259.58 258.14 3872.06 3173.82 4833.13 394.35 123.97 123.24 6161.87 96.70 148.10 15.00
3700.00 384.24 383.70 50.00 5081.96 5055.94 252797.19 924.95 920.63 46031.25 142.97 142.65 7132.70 4279.62 1426.54 1426.54 260.73 260.15 3902.25 3203.17 4872.50 398.20 124.55 124.26 6213.08 97.15 148.84 15.00
3750.00 384.00 383.50 50.00 5134.22 5108.09 255404.44 933.63 929.29 46464.25 143.60 143.29 7164.32 4298.59 1432.86 1432.86 261.88 261.30 3919.50 3219.94 4895.00 400.40 125.14 124.85 6242.34 97.61 149.58 15.00
3800.00 385.00 384.50 50.00 4875.22 5004.72 250235.94 890.63 912.13 45606.25 140.44 142.02 7101.08 4260.65 1420.22 1420.22 256.13 259.00 3885.00 3186.40 4850.00 396.00 122.21 123.68 6183.82 95.33 145.89 15.00
3850.00 383.49 382.90 50.00 5292.38 5083.80 254189.94 959.91 925.27 46263.25 145.50 142.97 7148.51 4289.11 1429.70 1429.70 265.33 260.73 3910.88 3211.55 4883.75 399.30 126.90 124.55 6227.71 98.98 151.79 15.00
3900.00 383.28 382.70 50.00 5345.56 5318.97 265948.44 968.75 964.33 48216.25 146.13 145.82 7290.81 4374.49 1458.16 1458.16 266.48 265.90 3988.50 3287.02 4985.00 409.20 127.48 127.19 6359.39 99.43 152.53 15.00
3950.00 383.00 382.50 50.00 5398.97 5372.26 268613.19 977.63 973.19 48659.25 146.76 146.45 7322.44 4393.46 1464.49 1464.49 267.63 267.05 4005.75 3303.79 5007.50 411.40 128.07 127.77 6388.65 99.89 153.26 15.00
4000.00 382.00 381.50 50.00 5669.47 5534.22 276710.94 1022.63 1000.13 50006.25 149.93 148.35 7417.30 4450.38 1483.46 1483.46 273.38 270.50 4057.50 3354.10 5075.00 418.00 130.99 129.53 6476.44 102.17 156.95 15.00
4050.00 381.21 380.70 50.00 5890.01 5779.74 288986.94 1059.35 1040.99 52049.25 152.46 151.19 7559.61 4535.76 1511.92 1511.92 277.98 275.68 4135.13 3429.57 5176.25 427.90 133.33 132.16 6608.11 104.00 159.90 15.00
4100.00 381.00 380.50 50.00 5945.72 5917.86 295893.19 1068.63 1063.99 53199.25 153.09 152.77 7638.66 4583.20 1527.73 1527.73 279.13 278.55 4178.25 3471.50 5232.50 433.40 133.92 133.63 6681.27 104.46 160.64 15.00
4150.00 381.00 380.50 50.00 5945.72 5945.72 297285.94 1068.63 1068.63 53431.25 153.09 153.09 7654.48 4592.69 1530.90 1530.90 279.13 279.13 4186.88 3479.88 5243.75 434.50 133.92 133.92 6695.90 104.46 160.64 15.00
4200.00 381.00 380.50 50.00 5945.72 5945.72 297285.94 1068.63 1068.63 53431.25 153.09 153.09 7654.48 4592.69 1530.90 1530.90 279.13 279.13 4186.88 3479.88 5243.75 434.50 133.92 133.92 6695.90 104.46 160.64 15.00
4250.00 380.81 380.30 50.00 6001.66 5973.69 298684.44 1077.95 1073.29 53664.25 153.72 153.41 7670.29 4602.17 1534.06 1534.06 280.28 279.70 4195.50 3488.27 5255.00 435.60 134.50 134.21 6710.53 104.91 161.37 15.00
4300.00 381.00 380.50 50.00 5945.72 5973.69 298684.44 1068.63 1073.29 53664.25 153.09 153.41 7670.29 4602.17 1534.06 1534.06 279.13 279.70 4195.50 3488.27 5255.00 435.60 133.92 134.21 6710.53 104.46 160.64 15.00
4350.00 380.15 379.60 50.00 6199.26 6072.49 303624.47 1110.88 1089.75 54487.63 155.94 154.51 7725.63 4635.38 1545.13 1545.13 284.30 281.71 4225.69 3517.61 5294.38 439.45 136.55 135.23 6761.74 106.51 163.95 15.00
4400.00 380.00 379.50 50.00 6227.72 6213.49 310674.47 1115.63 1113.25 55662.63 156.25 156.09 7804.68 4682.81 1560.94 1560.94 284.88 284.59 4268.81 3559.54 5350.63 444.95 136.84 136.70 6834.89 106.74 164.32 15.00
4450.00 379.62 379.10 50.00 6342.13 6284.92 314246.19 1134.71 1125.17 56258.25 157.52 156.88 7844.21 4706.53 1568.84 1568.84 287.18 286.03 4290.38 3580.50 5378.75 447.70 138.01 137.43 6871.47 107.65 165.80 15.00
4500.00 379.70 379.10 50.00 6342.13 6342.13 317106.44 1134.71 1134.71 56735.25 157.52 157.52 7875.83 4725.50 1575.17 1575.17 287.18 287.18 4307.63 3597.27 5401.25 449.90 138.01 138.01 6900.73 107.65 165.80 15.00
4550.00 380.00 379.50 50.00 6227.72 6284.92 314246.19 1115.63 1125.17 56258.25 156.25 156.88 7844.21 4706.53 1568.84 1568.84 284.88 286.03 4290.38 3580.50 5378.75 447.70 136.84 137.43 6871.47 106.74 164.32 15.00
4600.00 380.00 379.50 50.00 6227.72 6227.72 311385.94 1115.63 1115.63 55781.25 156.25 156.25 7812.59 4687.55 1562.52 1562.52 284.88 284.88 4273.13 3563.73 5356.25 445.50 136.84 136.84 6842.21 106.74 164.32 15.00
4650.00 376.54 376.00 50.00 7260.00 6743.86 337192.97 1288.00 1201.81 60090.63 167.32 161.79 8089.29 4853.57 1617.86 1617.86 305.00 294.94 4424.06 3710.48 5553.13 464.75 147.09 141.96 7098.25 114.73 177.23 15.00
4700.00 379.00 378.50 50.00 6515.47 6887.73 344386.72 1163.63 1225.81 61290.63 159.41 163.37 8168.35 4901.01 1633.67 1633.67 290.63 297.81 4467.19 3752.40 5609.38 470.25 139.77 143.43 7171.40 109.02 168.01 15.00
4750.00 379.00 378.50 50.00 6515.47 6515.47 325773.44 1163.63 1163.63 58181.25 159.41 159.41 7970.70 4782.42 1594.14 1594.14 290.63 290.63 4359.38 3647.59 5468.75 456.50 139.77 139.77 6988.52 109.02 168.01 15.00
4800.00 378.45 377.90 50.00 6690.88 6603.17 330158.69 1192.91 1178.27 58913.25 161.31 160.36 8018.14 4810.88 1603.63 1603.63 294.08 292.35 4385.25 3672.74 5502.50 459.80 141.53 140.65 7032.41 110.39 170.22 15.00
4850.00 377.55 377.00 50.00 6957.88 6824.38 341218.84 1237.50 1215.20 60760.13 164.16 162.73 8136.72 4882.03 1627.34 1627.34 299.25 296.66 4449.94 3735.63 5586.88 468.05 144.16 142.84 7142.14 112.44 173.54 15.00
4900.00 377.00 376.50 50.00 7108.22 7033.05 351652.34 1262.63 1250.06 62503.13 165.74 164.95 8247.40 4948.44 1649.48 1649.48 302.13 300.69 4510.31 3794.33 5665.63 475.75 145.62 144.89 7244.56 113.59 175.38 15.00
4950.00 377.47 376.90 50.00 6987.83 7048.02 352401.19 1242.51 1252.57 62628.25 164.47 165.11 8255.31 4953.18 1651.06 1651.06 299.83 300.98 4514.63 3798.52 5671.25 476.30 144.45 145.04 7251.87 112.67 173.91 15.00
5000.00 378.00 377.50 50.00 6808.97 6898.40 344919.94 1212.63 1227.57 61378.25 162.58 163.53 8176.25 4905.75 1635.25 1635.25 296.38 298.10 4471.50 3756.59 5615.00 470.80 142.70 143.57 7178.72 111.30 171.70 15.00
5050.00 378.31 377.80 50.00 6720.32 6764.64 338232.09 1197.82 1205.22 60261.13 161.63 162.10 8105.10 4863.06 1621.02 1621.02 294.65 295.51 4432.69 3718.86 5564.38 465.85 141.82 142.26 7112.88 110.62 170.59 15.00
5100.00 378.79 378.20 50.00 6602.92 6661.62 333080.75 1178.22 1188.02 59401.00 160.36 161.00 8049.76 4829.86 1609.95 1609.95 292.35 293.50 4402.50 3689.51 5525.00 462.00 140.65 141.23 7061.67 109.71 169.12 15.00
5150.00 379.29 378.70 50.00 6457.46 6530.19 326509.34 1153.95 1166.08 58304.13 158.78 159.57 7978.61 4787.17 1595.72 1595.72 289.48 290.91 4363.69 3651.78 5474.38 457.05 139.19 139.92 6995.83 108.56 167.27 15.00
5200.00 379.71 379.20 50.00 6313.44 6385.45 319272.47 1129.92 1141.93 57096.63 157.20 157.99 7899.55 4739.73 1579.91 1579.91 286.60 288.04 4320.56 3609.85 5418.13 451.55 137.72 138.45 6922.68 107.42 165.43 15.00
5250.00 380.18 379.60 50.00 6199.26 6256.35 312817.50 1110.88 1120.40 56020.00 155.94 156.57 7828.40 4697.04 1565.68 1565.68 284.30 285.45 4281.75 3572.12 5367.50 446.60 136.55 137.14 6856.84 106.51 163.95 15.00
5300.00 380.55 380.00 50.00 6086.00 6142.63 307131.50 1092.00 1101.44 55072.00 154.67 155.30 7765.15 4659.09 1553.03 1553.03 282.00 283.15 4247.25 3538.58 5322.50 442.20 135.38 135.97 6798.31 105.60 162.48 15.00
5350.00 381.07 380.50 50.00 5945.72 6015.86 300792.97 1068.63 1080.31 54015.63 153.09 153.88 7694.00 4616.40 1538.80 1538.80 279.13 280.56 4208.44 3500.84 5271.88 437.25 133.92 134.65 6732.48 104.46 160.64 15.00
5400.00 382.00 381.50 50.00 5669.47 5807.59 290379.69 1022.63 1045.63 52281.25 149.93 151.51 7575.42 4545.25 1515.08 1515.08 273.38 276.25 4143.75 3437.95 5187.50 429.00 130.99 132.45 6622.74 102.17 156.95 15.00
5450.00 381.37 380.80 50.00 5862.24 5765.85 288292.72 1054.72 1038.67 51933.63 152.14 151.03 7551.70 4531.02 1510.34 1510.34 277.40 275.39 4130.81 3425.38 5170.63 427.35 133.04 132.02 6600.80 103.77 159.53 15.00
5500.00 380.50 380.00 50.00 6086.00 5974.12 298706.00 1092.00 1073.36 53668.00 154.67 153.41 7670.29 4602.17 1534.06 1534.06 282.00 279.70 4195.50 3488.27 5255.00 435.60 135.38 134.21 6710.53 105.60 162.48 15.00
5550.00 380.85 380.30 50.00 6001.66 6043.83 302191.47 1077.95 1084.97 54248.63 153.72 154.20 7709.82 4625.89 1541.96 1541.96 280.28 281.14 4217.06 3509.23 5283.13 438.35 134.50 134.94 6747.11 104.91 161.37 15.00
5600.00 380.76 380.20 50.00 6029.72 6015.69 300784.34 1082.62 1080.28 54014.13 154.04 153.88 7694.00 4616.40 1538.80 1538.80 280.85 280.56 4208.44 3500.84 5271.88 437.25 134.80 134.65 6732.48 105.14 161.74 15.00
5650.00 380.63 380.10 50.00 6057.83 6043.77 302188.59 1087.31 1084.96 54248.13 154.35 154.20 7709.82 4625.89 1541.96 1541.96 281.43 281.14 4217.06 3509.23 5283.13 438.35 135.09 134.94 6747.11 105.37 162.11 15.00
5700.00 381.22 380.70 50.00 5890.01 5973.92 298695.94 1059.35 1073.33 53666.25 152.46 153.41 7670.29 4602.17 1534.06 1534.06 277.98 279.70 4195.50 3488.27 5255.00 435.60 133.33 134.21 6710.53 104.00 159.90 15.00
5750.00 381.60 381.00 50.00 5806.88 5848.44 292422.09 1045.50 1052.42 52621.13 151.51 151.98 7599.14 4559.48 1519.83 1519.83 276.25 277.11 4156.69 3450.53 5204.38 430.65 132.45 132.89 6644.69 103.31 158.79 15.00
5800.00 382.02 381.50 50.00 5669.47 5738.17 286908.59 1022.63 1034.06 51703.13 149.93 150.72 7535.89 4521.53 1507.18 1507.18 273.38 274.81 4122.19 3416.99 5159.38 426.25 130.99 131.72 6586.17 102.17 156.95 15.00
5850.00 382.82 382.30 50.00 5452.61 5561.04 278051.94 986.55 1004.59 50229.25 147.40 148.66 7433.12 4459.87 1486.62 1486.62 268.78 271.08 4066.13 3362.49 5086.25 419.10 128.65 129.82 6491.07 100.35 154.00 15.00
5900.00 383.00 382.50 50.00 5398.97 5425.79 271289.44 977.63 982.09 49104.25 146.76 147.08 7354.06 4412.44 1470.81 1470.81 267.63 268.20 4023.00 3320.56 5030.00 413.60 128.07 128.36 6417.91 99.89 153.26 15.00
5950.00 383.00 382.50 50.00 5398.97 5398.97 269948.44 977.63 977.63 48881.25 146.76 146.76 7338.25 4402.95 1467.65 1467.65 267.63 267.63 4014.38 3312.18 5018.75 412.50 128.07 128.07 6403.28 99.89 153.26 15.00
6000.00 383.00 382.50 50.00 5398.97 5398.97 269948.44 977.63 977.63 48881.25 146.76 146.76 7338.25 4402.95 1467.65 1467.65 267.63 267.63 4014.38 3312.18 5018.75 412.50 128.07 128.07 6403.28 99.89 153.26 15.00
6050.00 384.01 383.50 50.00
6100.00 384.93 384.40 50.00
6150.00 385.65 385.10 50.00 4722.58 2361.29 118064.47 865.31 432.65 21632.63 138.54 69.27 3463.58 2078.15 692.72 692.72 252.68 252.68 3790.13 3123.51 4765.63 387.75 120.46 120.46 6022.88 93.96 143.68 15.00
6200.00 386.06 385.50 50.00 4621.97 4672.27 233613.69 848.63 856.97 42848.25 137.28 137.91 6895.53 4137.32 1379.11 1379.11 250.38 251.53 3772.88 3077.39 4703.75 381.70 119.29 119.87 5993.62 93.04 142.20 15.00
6250.00 387.86 387.30 50.00 4180.61 4401.29 220064.44 775.55 812.09 40604.25 131.59 134.43 6721.60 4032.96 1344.32 1344.32 240.03 245.20 3678.00 2985.15 4580.00 369.60 114.02 116.65 5832.68 88.94 135.57 15.00
6300.00 390.00 389.50 50.00 3685.97 3933.29 196664.44 690.63 733.09 36654.25 116.63 124.11 6205.38 3723.23 1241.08 1241.08 214.38 227.20 3408.00 2817.45 4230.00 347.60 102.58 108.30 5415.06 80.01 123.85 10.00
6350.00 390.00 389.50 50.00 3685.97 3685.97 184298.44 690.63 690.63 34531.25 116.63 116.63 5831.45 3498.87 1166.29 1166.29 214.38 214.38 3215.63 2725.21 3981.25 335.50 102.58 102.58 5129.12 80.01 123.85 10.00
6400.00 390.00 389.50 50.00 3685.97 3685.97 184298.44 690.63 690.63 34531.25 116.63 116.63 5831.45 3498.87 1166.29 1166.29 214.38 214.38 3215.63 2725.21 3981.25 335.50 102.58 102.58 5129.12 80.01 123.85 10.00
6450.00 389.15 388.60 50.00 3881.24 3783.60 189180.09 724.78 707.70 35385.13 119.48 118.05 5902.60 3541.56 1180.52 1180.52 219.55 216.96 3254.44 2762.94 4031.88 340.45 105.22 103.90 5194.96 82.07 127.17 10.00
6500.00 388.86 388.30 50.00 3947.36 3914.30 195714.84 736.35 730.56 36528.13 120.42 119.95 5997.47 3598.48 1199.49 1199.49 221.28 220.41 3306.19 2813.25 4099.38 347.05 106.09 105.65 5282.74 82.75 128.28 10.00
6550.00 388.00 387.40 50.00 4156.64 4052.00 202599.84 771.58 753.96 37698.13 131.27 125.85 6292.34 3775.40 1258.47 1258.47 239.45 230.36 3455.44 2863.56 4291.88 353.65 113.73 109.91 5495.53 88.71 135.20 15.00
6600.00 388.07 387.50 50.00 4132.72 4144.68 207233.84 767.63 769.60 38480.13 130.95 131.11 6555.58 3933.35 1311.12 1311.12 238.88 239.16 3587.44 2897.11 4461.88 358.05 113.43 113.58 5679.05 88.48 134.83 15.00
6650.00 388.49 387.90 50.00 4037.63 4085.17 204258.69 751.91 759.77 37988.25 129.69 130.32 6516.06 3909.63 1303.21 1303.21 236.58 237.73 3565.88 2876.14 4433.75 355.30 112.26 112.85 5642.48 87.57 133.35 15.00
6700.00 389.12 388.60 50.00 3881.24 3959.43 197971.59 724.78 738.34 36917.13 119.48 124.58 6229.09 3737.46 1245.82 1245.82 219.55 228.06 3420.94 2830.02 4246.88 349.25 105.22 108.74 5437.01 82.07 127.17 10.00
6750.00 389.96 389.40 50.00 3707.44 3794.34 189716.75 694.38 709.58 35479.00 116.95 118.21 5910.51 3546.30 1182.10 1182.10 214.95 217.25 3258.75 2767.13 4037.50 341.00 102.88 104.05 5202.27 80.24 124.22 10.00
6800.00 390.84 390.30 50.00 3516.31 3611.87 180593.59 660.95 677.66 33883.13 114.10 115.52 5776.11 3465.67 1155.22 1155.22 209.78 212.36 3185.44 2695.86 3941.88 331.65 100.24 101.56 5077.91 78.19 120.90 10.00
6850.00 391.12 390.60 50.00 3453.64 3484.97 174248.59 649.98 655.46 32773.13 113.15 113.62 5681.24 3408.75 1136.25 1136.25 208.05 208.91 3133.69 2645.55 3874.38 325.05 99.36 99.80 4990.13 77.50 119.80 10.00
6900.00 392.70 392.10 50.00 3148.03 3300.83 165041.59 596.51 623.24 31162.13 108.41 110.78 5538.94 3323.36 1107.79 1107.79 199.43 203.74 3056.06 2570.08 3773.13 315.15 94.97 97.17 4858.45 74.08 114.27 10.00
6950.00 393.95 393.40 50.00 2893.64 3020.83 151041.59 551.98 574.24 28712.13 104.30 106.35 5317.58 3190.55 1063.52 1063.52 191.95 195.69 2935.31 2452.69 3615.63 299.75 91.17 93.07 4653.62 71.11 109.47 10.00
7000.00 395.02 394.50 50.00 2685.97 2789.80 139490.09 515.63 533.80 26690.13 100.82 102.56 5127.84 3076.71 1025.57 1025.57 185.63 188.79 2831.81 2352.06 3480.63 286.55 87.95 89.56 4478.05 68.60 105.42 10.00
7050.00 395.74 395.20 25.00 1278.72 1982.34 49558.61 246.56 381.09 9527.31 98.60 99.71 2492.77 1495.66 498.55 498.55 90.80 138.21 1036.59 1138.30 1689.69 138.33 85.90 86.93 2173.18 33.50 99.24 10.00
7100.00 397.00 396.50 50.00 2326.22 1802.47 90123.47 452.63 349.59 17479.63 94.49 96.55 4827.43 2896.46 965.49 965.49 174.13 132.46 1986.94 2192.74 3266.88 265.65 82.10 84.00 4200.06 64.04 98.04 10.00
7150.00 398.06 397.50 50.00 2154.97 2240.59 112029.69 422.63 437.63 21881.25 91.33 92.91 4645.60 2787.36 929.12 929.12 168.38 171.25 2568.75 2096.31 3137.50 253.00 79.17 80.64 4031.80 61.75 94.36 10.00
7200.00 399.66 399.10 50.00 1892.93 2023.95 101197.44 376.71 399.67 19983.25 86.27 88.80 4440.05 2664.03 888.01 888.01 159.18 163.78 2456.63 1987.31 2991.25 238.70 74.49 76.83 3841.60 58.10 88.46 10.00
7250.00 402.00 401.50 50.00 1546.41 1719.67 85983.38 312.63 344.67 17233.25 71.04 78.65 3932.67 2359.60 786.53 786.53 133.13 146.15 2192.25 1819.60 2650.63 216.70 62.82 68.65 3432.75 49.00 76.45 5.00
7300.00 404.00 403.50 50.00 1290.66 1418.53 70926.56 263.63 288.13 14406.25 65.18 68.11 3405.48 2043.29 681.10 681.10 122.63 127.88 1918.13 1635.12 2300.00 192.50 57.43 60.13 3006.31 44.80 69.67 5.00
7350.00 410.35 409.80 50.00 622.31 956.48 47824.03 135.42 199.52 9976.13 46.75 55.97 2798.30 1678.98 559.66 559.66 89.55 106.09 1591.31 1287.14 1885.00 166.67 40.47 48.95 2447.59 31.57 48.29 5.00
7400.00 410.72 410.20 50.00 586.91 604.61 30230.25 128.62 132.02 6601.00 45.58 46.16 2308.17 1384.90 461.63 461.63 87.45 88.50 1327.50 1006.23 1550.00 166.67 39.39 39.93 1996.59 30.73 46.94 5.00
7450.00 404.22 403.70 50.00 1266.24 926.57 46328.53 258.95 193.78 9689.13 64.60 55.09 2754.41 1652.65 550.88 550.88 121.58 104.51 1567.69 1261.98 1855.00 166.67 56.90 48.14 2407.21 44.38 68.99 5.00
7500.00 407.00 406.50 50.00 946.41 1106.32 55316.06 197.63 228.29 11414.25 56.40 60.50 3025.08 1815.05 605.02 605.02 106.88 114.23 1713.38 1417.11 2040.00 166.67 49.36 53.13 2656.27 38.50 59.49 5.00
7550.00 410.17 409.60 50.00 640.32 793.36 39668.16 138.88 168.25 8412.63 47.33 51.87 2593.47 1556.08 518.69 518.69 90.60 98.74 1481.06 1169.74 1745.00 166.67 41.01 45.18 2259.11 31.99 48.97 5.00
7600.00 414.00 413.50 50.00 345.84 493.08 24654.09 78.63 108.75 5437.63 28.27 37.80 1890.15 1134.09 378.03 378.03 57.88 74.24 1113.56 876.26 1279.38 166.67 25.85 33.43 1671.55 20.17 32.58 0.00
7650.00 416.93 416.40 50.00 197.98 271.91 13595.59 43.68 61.15 3057.63 20.46 24.37 1218.39 731.04 243.68 243.68 44.10 50.99 764.81 591.16 841.88 166.67 18.71 22.28 1114.15 14.60 23.58 0.00
7700.00 424.00 423.50 50.00 4.59 101.29 5064.34 0.00 21.84 1092.00 1.35 10.90 545.25 327.15 109.05 109.05 10.38 27.24 408.56 234.79 357.50 166.67 1.23 9.97 498.60 0.96 1.55 0.00

TOTAL 25609782.80 4732105.81 794577.94 476746.76 158915.59 158915.59 439985.53 363767.03 544228.44 46709.19 697908.86 10891.70 16813.21 1540.00
Items Quantity (m3)
(i) Gross Quantity of Earthen Dam (including Clay Core, Filters, etc.) 25609782.80
Deductions for the following item
(A) Total Quantity of clay core 4732105.81
(B) Quantity of U/s Protection Work
(a) RipRap (600mm Thick) 476746.76
(b) Graded Gravel (200mm thick) 158915.59
(c) Graded Sand (200mm thick) 158915.59
(C ) Quantity of Downstream Inclined Filter
(a) Sand (1.5m thick) 363767.03
(b) Gravel (1m thick) 0.00
(E) Quantity of Downstream Horizontal Filter
(a) Sand (1m thick) 544228.44
(b) Gravel (1m thick) 0.00
TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 6434679.22 -6434679.22

Net Quantity of Earth fill for the Dam 19175103.57

Main Dam
U/s D/s D/s Protection
Elevation Height Top Width U/s Slope Width D/s Slope Width Total Width Average Area Cumulative Area Protection Protection Slant without
Slant Length Slant Length berms
424 8 0 0 8
423.9 0.1 8 0.25 0.225 8.475 8.24 0.82 0.82 0.27 0.25 0.25
423.8 0.2 8 0.5 0.45 8.95 8.48 1.70 1.70 0.54 0.49 0.49
423.7 0.3 8 0.75 0.675 9.425 8.71 2.61 2.61 0.81 0.74 0.74
423.6 0.4 8 1 0.9 9.9 8.95 3.58 3.58 1.08 0.98 0.98
423.5 0.50 8 1.25 1.13 10.38 9.19 4.59 4.59 1.35 1.23 1.23
423.4 0.60 8 1.50 1.35 10.85 9.43 5.66 5.66 1.62 1.48 1.48
423.3 0.70 8 1.75 1.58 11.33 9.66 6.76 6.76 1.88 1.72 1.72
423.2 0.80 8 2.00 1.80 11.80 9.90 7.92 7.92 2.15 1.97 1.97
423.1 0.90 8 2.25 2.03 12.28 10.14 9.12 9.12 2.42 2.22 2.22
423 1 8 2.5 2.25 12.75 10.38 10.38 10.38 2.69 2.46 2.46
422.9 1.1 8 2.75 2.475 13.225 10.61 11.67 11.67 2.96 2.71 2.71
422.8 1.2 8 3 2.7 13.7 10.85 13.02 13.02 3.23 2.95 2.95
422.7 1.3 8 3.25 2.925 14.175 11.09 14.41 14.41 3.50 3.20 3.20
422.6 1.4 8 3.5 3.15 14.65 11.33 15.86 15.86 3.77 3.45 3.45
422.5 1.5 8 3.75 3.375 15.125 11.56 17.34 17.34 4.04 3.69 3.69
422.4 1.6 8 4 3.6 15.6 11.80 18.88 18.88 4.31 3.94 3.94
422.3 1.7 8 4.25 3.825 16.075 12.04 20.46 20.46 4.58 4.19 4.19
422.2 1.8 8 4.5 4.05 16.55 12.28 22.10 22.10 4.85 4.43 4.43
422.1 1.9 8 4.75 4.275 17.025 12.51 23.77 23.77 5.12 4.68 4.68
422 2 8 5 4.5 17.5 12.75 25.50 25.50 5.39 4.92 4.92
421.9 2.1 8 5.25 4.725 17.975 12.99 27.27 27.27 5.65 5.17 5.17
421.8 2.2 8 5.5 4.95 18.45 13.23 29.10 29.10 5.92 5.42 5.42
421.7 2.3 8 5.75 5.175 18.925 13.46 30.96 30.96 6.19 5.66 5.66
421.6 2.4 8 6 5.4 19.4 13.70 32.88 32.88 6.46 5.91 5.91
421.5 2.5 8 6.25 5.625 19.875 13.94 34.84 34.84 6.73 6.16 6.16
421.4 2.6 8 6.5 5.85 20.35 14.18 36.86 36.86 7.00 6.40 6.40
421.3 2.7 8 6.75 6.075 20.825 14.41 38.91 38.91 7.27 6.65 6.65
421.2 2.8 8 7 6.3 21.3 14.65 41.02 41.02 7.54 6.89 6.89
421.1 2.9 8 7.25 6.525 21.775 14.89 43.17 43.17 7.81 7.14 7.14
421 3 8 7.5 6.75 22.25 15.13 45.38 45.38 8.08 7.39 7.39
420.9 3.1 8 7.75 6.975 22.725 15.36 47.62 47.62 8.35 7.63 7.63
420.8 3.2 8 8 7.2 23.2 15.60 49.92 49.92 8.62 7.88 7.88
420.7 3.3 8 8.25 7.425 23.675 15.84 52.26 52.26 8.89 8.13 8.13
420.6 3.4 8 8.5 7.65 24.15 16.08 54.66 54.66 9.15 8.37 8.37
420.5 3.5 8 8.75 7.875 24.625 16.31 57.09 57.09 9.42 8.62 8.62
420.4 3.6 8 9 8.1 25.1 16.55 59.58 59.58 9.69 8.86 8.86
420.3 3.7 8 9.25 8.325 25.575 16.79 62.11 62.11 9.96 9.11 9.11
420.2 3.8 8 9.5 8.55 26.05 17.03 64.70 64.70 10.23 9.36 9.36
420.1 3.9 8 9.75 8.775 26.525 17.26 67.32 67.32 10.50 9.60 9.60
420 4 8 10 9 27 17.50 70.00 70.00 10.77 9.85 9.85
419.9 4.1 8 10.25 9.225 27.475 17.74 72.72 72.72 11.04 10.10 10.10
419.8 4.2 8 10.5 9.45 27.95 17.98 75.50 75.50 11.31 10.34 10.34
419.7 4.3 8 10.75 9.675 28.425 18.21 78.31 78.31 11.58 10.59 10.59
419.6 4.4 8 11 9.9 28.9 18.45 81.18 81.18 11.85 10.83 10.83
419.5 4.5 8 11.25 10.125 29.375 18.69 84.09 84.09 12.12 11.08 11.08
419.4 4.6 8 11.5 10.35 29.85 18.93 87.06 87.06 12.39 11.33 11.33
419.3 4.7 8 11.75 10.575 30.325 19.16 90.06 90.06 12.66 11.57 11.57
419.2 4.8 8 12 10.8 30.8 19.40 93.12 93.12 12.92 11.82 11.82
419.1 4.9 8 12.25 11.025 31.275 19.64 96.22 96.22 13.19 12.06 12.06
419 5 8 12.5 11.25 31.75 19.88 99.38 99.38 13.46 12.31 12.31
418.9 5.1 8 12.75 11.475 32.225 20.11 102.57 102.57 13.73 12.56 12.56
418.8 5.2 8 13 11.7 32.7 20.35 105.82 105.82 14.00 12.80 12.80
418.7 5.3 8 13.25 11.925 33.175 20.59 109.11 109.11 14.27 13.05 13.05
418.6 5.4 8 13.5 12.15 33.65 20.83 112.46 112.46 14.54 13.30 13.30
418.5 5.5 8 13.75 12.375 34.125 21.06 115.84 115.84 14.81 13.54 13.54
418.4 5.6 8 14 12.6 34.6 21.30 119.28 119.28 15.08 13.79 13.79
418.3 5.7 8 14.25 12.825 35.075 21.54 122.76 122.76 15.35 14.03 14.03
418.2 5.8 8 14.5 13.05 35.55 21.78 126.30 126.30 15.62 14.28 14.28
418.1 5.9 8 14.75 13.275 36.025 22.01 129.87 129.87 15.89 14.53 14.53
418 6 8 15 13.5 36.5 22.25 133.50 133.50 16.16 14.77 14.77
417.9 6.1 8 15.25 13.725 36.975 22.49 137.17 137.17 16.42 15.02 15.02
417.8 6.2 8 15.5 13.95 37.45 22.73 140.90 140.90 16.69 15.27 15.27
417.7 6.3 8 15.75 14.175 37.925 22.96 144.66 144.66 16.96 15.51 15.51
417.6 6.4 8 16 14.4 38.4 23.20 148.48 148.48 17.23 15.76 15.76
417.5 6.5 8 16.25 14.625 38.875 23.44 152.34 152.34 17.50 16.00 16.00
417.4 6.6 8 16.5 14.85 39.35 23.68 156.26 156.26 17.77 16.25 16.25
417.3 6.7 8 16.75 15.075 39.825 23.91 160.21 160.21 18.04 16.50 16.50
417.2 6.8 8 17 15.3 40.3 24.15 164.22 164.22 18.31 16.74 16.74
417.1 6.9 8 17.25 15.525 40.775 24.39 168.27 168.27 18.58 16.99 16.99
417 7 8 17.5 15.75 41.25 24.63 172.38 172.38 18.85 17.24 17.24
416.9 7.1 8 17.75 15.975 41.725 24.86 176.52 176.52 19.12 17.48 17.48
416.8 7.2 8 18 16.2 42.2 25.10 180.72 180.72 19.39 17.73 17.73
416.7 7.3 8 18.25 16.425 42.675 25.34 184.96 184.96 19.66 17.97 17.97
416.6 7.4 8 18.5 16.65 43.15 25.58 189.26 189.26 19.93 18.22 18.22
416.5 7.5 8 18.75 16.875 43.625 25.81 193.59 193.59 20.19 18.47 18.47
416.4 7.6 8 19 17.1 44.1 26.05 197.98 197.98 20.46 18.71 18.71
416.3 7.7 8 19.25 17.325 44.575 26.29 202.41 202.41 20.73 18.96 18.96
416.2 7.8 8 19.5 17.55 45.05 26.53 206.90 206.90 21.00 19.21 19.21
416.1 7.9 8 19.75 17.775 45.525 26.76 211.42 211.42 21.27 19.45 19.45
416 8 8 20 18 46 27.00 216.00 216.00 21.54 19.70 19.70
415.9 8.1 8 20.25 18.225 46.475 27.24 220.62 220.62 21.81 19.94 19.94
415.8 8.2 8 20.5 18.45 46.95 27.48 225.30 225.30 22.08 20.19 20.19
415.7 8.3 8 20.75 18.675 47.425 27.71 230.01 230.01 22.35 20.44 20.44
415.6 8.4 8 21 18.9 47.9 27.95 234.78 234.78 22.62 20.68 20.68
415.5 8.5 8 21.25 19.125 48.375 28.19 239.59 239.59 22.89 20.93 20.93
415.4 8.6 8 21.5 19.35 48.85 28.43 244.46 244.46 23.16 21.18 21.18
415.3 8.7 8 21.75 19.575 49.325 28.66 249.36 249.36 23.43 21.42 21.42
415.2 8.8 8 22 19.8 49.8 28.90 254.32 254.32 23.69 21.67 21.67
415.1 8.9 8 22.25 20.025 50.275 29.14 259.32 259.32 23.96 21.91 21.91
415 9 8 22.5 20.25 50.75 29.38 264.38 264.38 24.23 22.16 22.16
414.9 9.1 8 22.75 20.475 51.225 29.61 269.47 269.47 24.50 22.41 22.41
414.8 9.2 8 23 20.7 51.7 29.85 274.62 274.62 24.77 22.65 22.65
414.7 9.3 8 23.25 20.925 52.175 30.09 279.81 279.81 25.04 22.90 22.90
414.6 9.4 8 23.5 21.15 52.65 30.33 285.06 285.06 25.31 23.14 23.14
414.5 9.5 8 23.75 21.375 53.125 30.56 290.34 290.34 25.58 23.39 23.39
414.4 9.6 8 24 21.6 53.6 30.80 295.68 295.68 25.85 23.64 23.64
414.3 9.7 8 24.25 21.825 54.075 31.04 301.06 301.06 26.12 23.88 23.88
414.2 9.8 8 24.5 22.05 54.55 31.28 306.50 306.50 26.39 24.13 24.13
414.1 9.9 8 24.75 22.275 55.025 31.51 311.97 311.97 26.66 24.38 24.38
414 10 8 25 22.5 55.5 31.75 317.50 317.50 26.93 24.62 24.62
413.9 10.1 8 25.25 22.725 55.975 31.99 323.07 323.07 27.20 24.87 24.87
413.8 10.2 8 25.5 22.95 56.45 32.23 328.70 328.70 27.46 25.11 25.11
413.7 10.3 8 25.75 23.175 56.925 32.46 334.36 334.36 27.73 25.36 25.36
413.6 10.4 8 26 23.4 57.4 32.70 340.08 340.08 28.00 25.61 25.61
413.5 10.5 8 26.25 23.625 57.875 32.94 345.84 345.84 28.27 25.85 25.85
413.4 10.6 8 26.5 23.85 58.35 33.18 351.66 351.66 28.54 26.10 26.10
413.3 10.7 8 26.75 24.075 58.825 33.41 357.51 357.51 28.81 26.35 26.35
413.2 10.8 8 27 24.3 59.3 33.65 363.42 363.42 29.08 26.59 26.59
413.1 10.9 8 27.25 24.525 59.775 33.89 369.37 369.37 29.35 26.84 26.84
413 11 8 27.5 24.75 60.25 34.13 375.38 375.38 29.62 27.08 27.08
412.9 11.1 8 27.75 24.975 60.725 34.36 381.42 381.42 29.89 27.33 27.33
412.8 11.2 8 28 25.2 61.2 34.60 387.52 387.52 30.16 27.58 27.58
412.7 11.3 8 28.25 25.425 61.675 34.84 393.66 393.66 30.43 27.82 27.82
412.6 11.4 8 28.5 25.65 62.15 35.08 399.86 399.86 30.70 28.07 28.07
412.5 11.5 8 28.75 25.875 62.625 35.31 406.09 406.09 30.96 28.32 28.32
412.4 11.6 8 29 26.1 63.1 35.55 412.38 412.38 31.23 28.56 28.56
412.3 11.7 8 29.25 26.325 63.575 35.79 418.71 418.71 31.50 28.81 28.81
412.2 11.8 8 29.5 26.55 64.05 36.03 425.10 425.10 31.77 29.05 29.05
412.1 11.9 8 29.75 26.775 64.525 36.26 431.52 431.52 32.04 29.30 29.30
412 12 8 30 27 65 36.50 438.00 438.00 32.31 29.55 29.55

412 0 78 0 0 78 0.00 0.00 438.00 40.31 34.55 29.55

411.9 0.1 78 0.275 0.25 78.525 78.26 7.83 445.83 40.60 34.82 29.82
411.8 0.2 78 0.55 0.5 79.05 78.53 15.71 453.71 40.90 35.09 30.09
411.7 0.3 78 0.825 0.75 79.575 78.79 23.64 461.64 41.19 35.35 30.35
411.6 0.4 78 1.1 1 80.1 79.05 31.62 469.62 41.48 35.62 30.62
411.5 0.5 78 1.375 1.25 80.625 79.31 39.66 477.66 41.77 35.89 30.89
411.4 0.6 78 1.65 1.5 81.15 79.58 47.75 485.75 42.07 36.16 31.16
411.3 0.7 78 1.925 1.75 81.675 79.84 55.89 493.89 42.36 36.43 31.43
411.2 0.8 78 2.2 2 82.2 80.10 64.08 502.08 42.65 36.70 31.70
411.1 0.9 78 2.475 2.25 82.725 80.36 72.33 510.33 42.94 36.97 31.97
411 1 78 2.75 2.5 83.25 80.63 80.63 518.63 43.24 37.24 32.24
410.9 1.1 78 3.025 2.75 83.775 80.89 88.98 526.98 43.53 37.51 32.51
410.8 1.2 78 3.3 3 84.3 81.15 97.38 535.38 43.82 37.78 32.78
410.7 1.3 78 3.575 3.25 84.825 81.41 105.84 543.84 44.12 38.05 33.05
410.6 1.4 78 3.85 3.5 85.35 81.68 114.35 552.35 44.41 38.32 33.32
410.5 1.5 78 4.125 3.75 85.875 81.94 122.91 560.91 44.70 38.59 33.59
410.4 1.6 78 4.4 4 86.4 82.20 131.52 569.52 44.99 38.85 33.85
410.3 1.7 78 4.675 4.25 86.925 82.46 140.19 578.19 45.29 39.12 34.12
410.2 1.8 78 4.95 4.5 87.45 82.73 148.91 586.91 45.58 39.39 34.39
410.1 1.9 78 5.225 4.75 87.975 82.99 157.68 595.68 45.87 39.66 34.66
410 2 78 5.5 5 88.5 83.25 166.50 604.50 46.16 39.93 34.93
409.9 2.1 78 5.775 5.25 89.025 83.51 175.38 613.38 46.46 40.20 35.20
409.8 2.2 78 6.05 5.5 89.55 83.78 184.31 622.31 46.75 40.47 35.47
409.7 2.3 78 6.325 5.75 90.075 84.04 193.29 631.29 47.04 40.74 35.74
409.6 2.4 78 6.6 6 90.6 84.30 202.32 640.32 47.33 41.01 36.01
409.5 2.5 78 6.875 6.25 91.125 84.56 211.41 649.41 47.63 41.28 36.28
409.4 2.6 78 7.15 6.5 91.65 84.83 220.55 658.55 47.92 41.55 36.55
409.3 2.7 78 7.425 6.75 92.175 85.09 229.74 667.74 48.21 41.82 36.82
409.2 2.8 78 7.7 7 92.7 85.35 238.98 676.98 48.50 42.09 37.09
409.1 2.9 78 7.975 7.25 93.225 85.61 248.28 686.28 48.80 42.36 37.36
409 3 78 8.25 7.5 93.75 85.88 257.63 695.63 49.09 42.62 37.62
408.9 3.1 78 8.525 7.75 94.275 86.14 267.03 705.03 49.38 42.89 37.89
408.8 3.2 78 8.8 8 94.8 86.40 276.48 714.48 49.67 43.16 38.16
408.7 3.3 78 9.075 8.25 95.325 86.66 285.99 723.99 49.97 43.43 38.43
408.6 3.4 78 9.35 8.5 95.85 86.93 295.55 733.55 50.26 43.70 38.70
408.5 3.5 78 9.625 8.75 96.375 87.19 305.16 743.16 50.55 43.97 38.97
408.4 3.6 78 9.9 9 96.9 87.45 314.82 752.82 50.85 44.24 39.24
408.3 3.7 78 10.175 9.25 97.425 87.71 324.54 762.54 51.14 44.51 39.51
408.2 3.8 78 10.45 9.5 97.95 87.98 334.31 772.31 51.43 44.78 39.78
408.1 3.9 78 10.725 9.75 98.475 88.24 344.13 782.13 51.72 45.05 40.05
408 4 78 11 10 99 88.50 354.00 792.00 52.02 45.32 40.32
407.9 4.1 78 11.275 10.25 99.525 88.76 363.93 801.93 52.31 45.59 40.59
407.8 4.2 78 11.55 10.5 100.05 89.03 373.91 811.91 52.60 45.86 40.86
407.7 4.3 78 11.825 10.75 100.575 89.29 383.94 821.94 52.89 46.12 41.12
407.6 4.4 78 12.1 11 101.1 89.55 394.02 832.02 53.19 46.39 41.39
407.5 4.5 78 12.375 11.25 101.625 89.81 404.16 842.16 53.48 46.66 41.66
407.4 4.6 78 12.65 11.5 102.15 90.08 414.35 852.35 53.77 46.93 41.93
407.3 4.7 78 12.925 11.75 102.675 90.34 424.59 862.59 54.06 47.20 42.20
407.2 4.8 78 13.2 12 103.2 90.60 434.88 872.88 54.36 47.47 42.47
407.1 4.9 78 13.475 12.25 103.725 90.86 445.23 883.23 54.65 47.74 42.74
407 5 78 13.75 12.5 104.25 91.13 455.63 893.63 54.94 48.01 43.01
406.9 5.1 78 14.025 12.75 104.775 91.39 466.08 904.08 55.23 48.28 43.28
406.8 5.2 78 14.3 13 105.3 91.65 476.58 914.58 55.53 48.55 43.55
406.7 5.3 78 14.575 13.25 105.825 91.91 487.14 925.14 55.82 48.82 43.82
406.6 5.4 78 14.85 13.5 106.35 92.18 497.75 935.75 56.11 49.09 44.09
406.5 5.5 78 15.125 13.75 106.875 92.44 508.41 946.41 56.40 49.36 44.36
406.4 5.6 78 15.4 14 107.4 92.70 519.12 957.12 56.70 49.63 44.63
406.3 5.7 78 15.675 14.25 107.925 92.96 529.89 967.89 56.99 49.89 44.89
406.2 5.8 78 15.95 14.5 108.45 93.23 540.71 978.71 57.28 50.16 45.16
406.1 5.9 78 16.225 14.75 108.975 93.49 551.58 989.58 57.58 50.43 45.43
406 6 78 16.5 15 109.5 93.75 562.50 1000.50 57.87 50.70 45.70
405.9 6.1 78 16.775 15.25 110.025 94.01 573.48 1011.48 58.16 50.97 45.97
405.8 6.2 78 17.05 15.5 110.55 94.28 584.51 1022.51 58.45 51.24 46.24
405.7 6.3 78 17.325 15.75 111.075 94.54 595.59 1033.59 58.75 51.51 46.51
405.6 6.4 78 17.6 16 111.6 94.80 606.72 1044.72 59.04 51.78 46.78
405.5 6.5 78 17.875 16.25 112.125 95.06 617.91 1055.91 59.33 52.05 47.05
405.4 6.6 78 18.15 16.5 112.65 95.33 629.15 1067.15 59.62 52.32 47.32
405.3 6.7 78 18.425 16.75 113.175 95.59 640.44 1078.44 59.92 52.59 47.59
405.2 6.8 78 18.7 17 113.7 95.85 651.78 1089.78 60.21 52.86 47.86
405.1 6.9 78 18.975 17.25 114.225 96.11 663.18 1101.18 60.50 53.13 48.13
405 7 78 19.25 17.5 114.75 96.38 674.63 1112.63 60.79 53.39 48.39
404.9 7.1 78 19.525 17.75 115.275 96.64 686.13 1124.13 61.09 53.66 48.66
404.8 7.2 78 19.8 18 115.8 96.90 697.68 1135.68 61.38 53.93 48.93
404.7 7.3 78 20.075 18.25 116.325 97.16 709.29 1147.29 61.67 54.20 49.20
404.6 7.4 78 20.35 18.5 116.85 97.43 720.95 1158.95 61.96 54.47 49.47
404.5 7.5 78 20.625 18.75 117.375 97.69 732.66 1170.66 62.26 54.74 49.74
404.4 7.6 78 20.9 19 117.9 97.95 744.42 1182.42 62.55 55.01 50.01
404.3 7.7 78 21.175 19.25 118.425 98.21 756.24 1194.24 62.84 55.28 50.28
404.2 7.8 78 21.45 19.5 118.95 98.48 768.11 1206.11 63.14 55.55 50.55
404.1 7.9 78 21.725 19.75 119.475 98.74 780.03 1218.03 63.43 55.82 50.82
404 8 78 22 20 120 99.00 792.00 1230.00 63.72 56.09 51.09
403.9 8.1 78 22.275 20.25 120.525 99.26 804.03 1242.03 64.01 56.36 51.36
403.8 8.2 78 22.55 20.5 121.05 99.53 816.11 1254.11 64.31 56.63 51.63
403.7 8.3 78 22.825 20.75 121.575 99.79 828.24 1266.24 64.60 56.90 51.90
403.6 8.4 78 23.1 21 122.1 100.05 840.42 1278.42 64.89 57.16 52.16
403.5 8.5 78 23.375 21.25 122.625 100.31 852.66 1290.66 65.18 57.43 52.43
403.4 8.6 78 23.65 21.5 123.15 100.58 864.95 1302.95 65.48 57.70 52.70
403.3 8.7 78 23.925 21.75 123.675 100.84 877.29 1315.29 65.77 57.97 52.97
403.2 8.8 78 24.2 22 124.2 101.10 889.68 1327.68 66.06 58.24 53.24
403.1 8.9 78 24.475 22.25 124.725 101.36 902.13 1340.13 66.35 58.51 53.51
403 9 78 24.75 22.5 125.25 101.63 914.63 1352.63 66.65 58.78 53.78
402.9 9.1 78 25.025 22.75 125.775 101.89 927.18 1365.18 66.94 59.05 54.05
402.8 9.2 78 25.3 23 126.3 102.15 939.78 1377.78 67.23 59.32 54.32
402.7 9.3 78 25.575 23.25 126.825 102.41 952.44 1390.44 67.52 59.59 54.59
402.6 9.4 78 25.85 23.5 127.35 102.68 965.15 1403.15 67.82 59.86 54.86
402.5 9.5 78 26.125 23.75 127.875 102.94 977.91 1415.91 68.11 60.13 55.13
402.4 9.6 78 26.4 24 128.4 103.20 990.72 1428.72 68.40 60.40 55.40
402.3 9.7 78 26.675 24.25 128.925 103.46 1003.59 1441.59 68.69 60.66 55.66
402.2 9.8 78 26.95 24.5 129.45 103.73 1016.51 1454.51 68.99 60.93 55.93
402.1 9.9 78 27.225 24.75 129.975 103.99 1029.48 1467.48 69.28 61.20 56.20
402 10 78 27.5 25 130.5 104.25 1042.50 1480.50 69.57 61.47 56.47
401.9 10.1 78 27.775 25.25 131.025 104.51 1055.58 1493.58 69.87 61.74 56.74
401.8 10.2 78 28.05 25.5 131.55 104.78 1068.71 1506.71 70.16 62.01 57.01
401.7 10.3 78 28.325 25.75 132.075 105.04 1081.89 1519.89 70.45 62.28 57.28
401.6 10.4 78 28.6 26 132.6 105.30 1095.12 1533.12 70.74 62.55 57.55
401.5 10.5 78 28.875 26.25 133.125 105.56 1108.41 1546.41 71.04 62.82 57.82
401.4 10.6 78 29.15 26.5 133.65 105.83 1121.75 1559.75 71.33 63.09 58.09
401.3 10.7 78 29.425 26.75 134.175 106.09 1135.14 1573.14 71.62 63.36 58.36
401.2 10.8 78 29.7 27 134.7 106.35 1148.58 1586.58 71.91 63.63 58.63
401.1 10.9 78 29.975 27.25 135.225 106.61 1162.08 1600.08 72.21 63.90 58.90
401 11 78 30.25 27.5 135.75 106.88 1175.63 1613.63 72.50 64.16 59.16
400.9 11.1 78 30.525 27.75 136.275 107.14 1189.23 1627.23 72.79 64.43 59.43
400.8 11.2 78 30.8 28 136.8 107.40 1202.88 1640.88 73.08 64.70 59.70
400.7 11.3 78 31.075 28.25 137.325 107.66 1216.59 1654.59 73.38 64.97 59.97
400.6 11.4 78 31.35 28.5 137.85 107.93 1230.35 1668.35 73.67 65.24 60.24
400.5 11.5 78 31.625 28.75 138.375 108.19 1244.16 1682.16 73.96 65.51 60.51
400.4 11.6 78 31.9 29 138.9 108.45 1258.02 1696.02 74.25 65.78 60.78
400.3 11.7 78 32.175 29.25 139.425 108.71 1271.94 1709.94 74.55 66.05 61.05
400.2 11.8 78 32.45 29.5 139.95 108.98 1285.91 1723.91 74.84 66.32 61.32
400.1 11.9 78 32.725 29.75 140.475 109.24 1299.93 1737.93 75.13 66.59 61.59
400 12 78 33 30 141 109.50 1314.00 1752.00 75.43 66.86 61.86

400 0 154 0 0 154 0.00 0.00 1752.00 83.43 71.86 61.86

399.9 0.1 154 0.3 0.275 154.575 154.29 15.43 1767.43 83.74 72.15 62.15
399.8 0.2 154 0.6 0.55 155.15 154.58 30.92 1782.92 84.06 72.44 62.44
399.7 0.3 154 0.9 0.825 155.725 154.86 46.46 1798.46 84.37 72.74 62.74
399.6 0.4 154 1.2 1.1 156.3 155.15 62.06 1814.06 84.69 73.03 63.03
399.5 0.5 154 1.5 1.375 156.875 155.44 77.72 1829.72 85.01 73.32 63.32
399.4 0.6 154 1.8 1.65 157.45 155.73 93.44 1845.44 85.32 73.61 63.61
399.3 0.7 154 2.1 1.925 158.025 156.01 109.21 1861.21 85.64 73.91 63.91
399.2 0.8 154 2.4 2.2 158.6 156.30 125.04 1877.04 85.95 74.20 64.20
399.1 0.9 154 2.7 2.475 159.175 156.59 140.93 1892.93 86.27 74.49 64.49
399 1 154 3 2.75 159.75 156.88 156.88 1908.88 86.59 74.78 64.78
398.9 1.1 154 3.3 3.025 160.325 157.16 172.88 1924.88 86.90 75.08 65.08
398.8 1.2 154 3.6 3.3 160.9 157.45 188.94 1940.94 87.22 75.37 65.37
398.7 1.3 154 3.9 3.575 161.475 157.74 205.06 1957.06 87.54 75.66 65.66
398.6 1.4 154 4.2 3.85 162.05 158.03 221.24 1973.24 87.85 75.95 65.95
398.5 1.5 154 4.5 4.125 162.625 158.31 237.47 1989.47 88.17 76.25 66.25
398.4 1.6 154 4.8 4.4 163.2 158.60 253.76 2005.76 88.48 76.54 66.54
398.3 1.7 154 5.1 4.675 163.775 158.89 270.11 2022.11 88.80 76.83 66.83
398.2 1.8 154 5.4 4.95 164.35 159.18 286.52 2038.52 89.12 77.12 67.12
398.1 1.9 154 5.7 5.225 164.925 159.46 302.98 2054.98 89.43 77.42 67.42
398 2 154 6 5.5 165.5 159.75 319.50 2071.50 89.75 77.71 67.71
397.9 2.1 154 6.3 5.775 166.075 160.04 336.08 2088.08 90.07 78.00 68.00
397.8 2.2 154 6.6 6.05 166.65 160.33 352.72 2104.72 90.38 78.30 68.30
397.7 2.3 154 6.9 6.325 167.225 160.61 369.41 2121.41 90.70 78.59 68.59
397.6 2.4 154 7.2 6.6 167.8 160.90 386.16 2138.16 91.01 78.88 68.88
397.5 2.5 154 7.5 6.875 168.375 161.19 402.97 2154.97 91.33 79.17 69.17
397.4 2.6 154 7.8 7.15 168.95 161.48 419.84 2171.84 91.65 79.47 69.47
397.3 2.7 154 8.1 7.425 169.525 161.76 436.76 2188.76 91.96 79.76 69.76
397.2 2.8 154 8.4 7.7 170.1 162.05 453.74 2205.74 92.28 80.05 70.05
397.1 2.9 154 8.7 7.975 170.675 162.34 470.78 2222.78 92.60 80.34 70.34
397 3 154 9 8.25 171.25 162.63 487.88 2239.88 92.91 80.64 70.64
396.9 3.1 154 9.3 8.525 171.825 162.91 505.03 2257.03 93.23 80.93 70.93
396.8 3.2 154 9.6 8.8 172.4 163.20 522.24 2274.24 93.54 81.22 71.22
396.7 3.3 154 9.9 9.075 172.975 163.49 539.51 2291.51 93.86 81.51 71.51
396.6 3.4 154 10.2 9.35 173.55 163.78 556.84 2308.84 94.18 81.81 71.81
396.5 3.5 154 10.5 9.625 174.125 164.06 574.22 2326.22 94.49 82.10 72.10
396.4 3.6 154 10.8 9.9 174.7 164.35 591.66 2343.66 94.81 82.39 72.39
396.3 3.7 154 11.1 10.175 175.275 164.64 609.16 2361.16 95.13 82.68 72.68
396.2 3.8 154 11.4 10.45 175.85 164.93 626.72 2378.72 95.44 82.98 72.98
396.1 3.9 154 11.7 10.725 176.425 165.21 644.33 2396.33 95.76 83.27 73.27
396 4 154 12 11 177 165.50 662.00 2414.00 96.07 83.56 73.56
395.9 4.1 154 12.3 11.275 177.575 165.79 679.73 2431.73 96.39 83.85 73.85
395.8 4.2 154 12.6 11.55 178.15 166.08 697.52 2449.52 96.71 84.15 74.15
395.7 4.3 154 12.9 11.825 178.725 166.36 715.36 2467.36 97.02 84.44 74.44
395.6 4.4 154 13.2 12.1 179.3 166.65 733.26 2485.26 97.34 84.73 74.73
395.5 4.5 154 13.5 12.375 179.875 166.94 751.22 2503.22 97.66 85.03 75.03
395.4 4.6 154 13.8 12.65 180.45 167.23 769.24 2521.24 97.97 85.32 75.32
395.3 4.7 154 14.1 12.925 181.025 167.51 787.31 2539.31 98.29 85.61 75.61
395.2 4.8 154 14.4 13.2 181.6 167.80 805.44 2557.44 98.60 85.90 75.90
395.1 4.9 154 14.7 13.475 182.175 168.09 823.63 2575.63 98.92 86.20 76.20
395 5 154 15 13.75 182.75 168.38 841.88 2593.88 99.24 86.49 76.49
394.9 5.1 154 15.3 14.025 183.325 168.66 860.18 2612.18 99.55 86.78 76.78
394.8 5.2 154 15.6 14.3 183.9 168.95 878.54 2630.54 99.87 87.07 77.07
394.7 5.3 154 15.9 14.575 184.475 169.24 896.96 2648.96 100.19 87.37 77.37
394.6 5.4 154 16.2 14.85 185.05 169.53 915.44 2667.44 100.50 87.66 77.66
394.5 5.5 154 16.5 15.125 185.625 169.81 933.97 2685.97 100.82 87.95 77.95
394.4 5.6 154 16.8 15.4 186.2 170.10 952.56 2704.56 101.13 88.24 78.24
394.3 5.7 154 17.1 15.675 186.775 170.39 971.21 2723.21 101.45 88.54 78.54
394.2 5.8 154 17.4 15.95 187.35 170.68 989.92 2741.92 101.77 88.83 78.83
394.1 5.9 154 17.7 16.225 187.925 170.96 1008.68 2760.68 102.08 89.12 79.12
394 6 154 18 16.5 188.5 171.25 1027.50 2779.50 102.40 89.41 79.41
393.9 6.1 154 18.3 16.775 189.075 171.54 1046.38 2798.38 102.71 89.71 79.71
393.8 6.2 154 18.6 17.05 189.65 171.83 1065.32 2817.32 103.03 90.00 80.00
393.7 6.3 154 18.9 17.325 190.225 172.11 1084.31 2836.31 103.35 90.29 80.29
393.6 6.4 154 19.2 17.6 190.8 172.40 1103.36 2855.36 103.66 90.59 80.59
393.5 6.5 154 19.5 17.875 191.375 172.69 1122.47 2874.47 103.98 90.88 80.88
393.4 6.6 154 19.8 18.15 191.95 172.98 1141.64 2893.64 104.30 91.17 81.17
393.3 6.7 154 20.1 18.425 192.525 173.26 1160.86 2912.86 104.61 91.46 81.46
393.2 6.8 154 20.4 18.7 193.1 173.55 1180.14 2932.14 104.93 91.76 81.76
393.1 6.9 154 20.7 18.975 193.675 173.84 1199.48 2951.48 105.24 92.05 82.05
393 7 154 21 19.25 194.25 174.13 1218.88 2970.88 105.56 92.34 82.34
392.9 7.1 154 21.3 19.525 194.825 174.41 1238.33 2990.33 105.88 92.63 82.63
392.8 7.2 154 21.6 19.8 195.4 174.70 1257.84 3009.84 106.19 92.93 82.93
392.7 7.3 154 21.9 20.075 195.975 174.99 1277.41 3029.41 106.51 93.22 83.22
392.6 7.4 154 22.2 20.35 196.55 175.28 1297.04 3049.04 106.83 93.51 83.51
392.5 7.5 154 22.5 20.625 197.125 175.56 1316.72 3068.72 107.14 93.80 83.80
392.4 7.6 154 22.8 20.9 197.7 175.85 1336.46 3088.46 107.46 94.10 84.10
392.3 7.7 154 23.1 21.175 198.275 176.14 1356.26 3108.26 107.77 94.39 84.39
392.2 7.8 154 23.4 21.45 198.85 176.43 1376.12 3128.12 108.09 94.68 84.68
392.1 7.9 154 23.7 21.725 199.425 176.71 1396.03 3148.03 108.41 94.97 84.97
392 8 154 24 22 200 177.00 1416.00 3168.00 108.72 95.27 85.27
391.9 8.1 154 24.3 22.275 200.575 177.29 1436.03 3188.03 109.04 95.56 85.56
391.8 8.2 154 24.6 22.55 201.15 177.58 1456.12 3208.12 109.36 95.85 85.85
391.7 8.3 154 24.9 22.825 201.725 177.86 1476.26 3228.26 109.67 96.14 86.14
391.6 8.4 154 25.2 23.1 202.3 178.15 1496.46 3248.46 109.99 96.44 86.44
391.5 8.5 154 25.5 23.375 202.875 178.44 1516.72 3268.72 110.30 96.73 86.73
391.4 8.6 154 25.8 23.65 203.45 178.73 1537.04 3289.04 110.62 97.02 87.02
391.3 8.7 154 26.1 23.925 204.025 179.01 1557.41 3309.41 110.94 97.32 87.32
391.2 8.8 154 26.4 24.2 204.6 179.30 1577.84 3329.84 111.25 97.61 87.61
391.1 8.9 154 26.7 24.475 205.175 179.59 1598.33 3350.33 111.57 97.90 87.90
391 9 154 27 24.75 205.75 179.88 1618.88 3370.88 111.89 98.19 88.19
390.9 9.1 154 27.3 25.025 206.325 180.16 1639.48 3391.48 112.20 98.49 88.49
390.8 9.2 154 27.6 25.3 206.9 180.45 1660.14 3412.14 112.52 98.78 88.78
390.7 9.3 154 27.9 25.575 207.475 180.74 1680.86 3432.86 112.83 99.07 89.07
390.6 9.4 154 28.2 25.85 208.05 181.03 1701.64 3453.64 113.15 99.36 89.36
390.5 9.5 154 28.5 26.125 208.625 181.31 1722.47 3474.47 113.47 99.66 89.66
390.4 9.6 154 28.8 26.4 209.2 181.60 1743.36 3495.36 113.78 99.95 89.95
390.3 9.7 154 29.1 26.675 209.775 181.89 1764.31 3516.31 114.10 100.24 90.24
390.2 9.8 154 29.4 26.95 210.35 182.18 1785.32 3537.32 114.42 100.53 90.53
390.1 9.9 154 29.7 27.225 210.925 182.46 1806.38 3558.38 114.73 100.83 90.83
390 10 154 30 27.5 211.5 182.75 1827.50 3579.50 115.05 101.12 91.12
389.9 10.1 154 30.3 27.775 212.075 183.04 1848.68 3600.68 115.36 101.41 91.41
389.8 10.2 154 30.6 28.05 212.65 183.33 1869.92 3621.92 115.68 101.70 91.70
389.7 10.3 154 30.9 28.325 213.225 183.61 1891.21 3643.21 116.00 102.00 92.00
389.6 10.4 154 31.2 28.6 213.8 183.90 1912.56 3664.56 116.31 102.29 92.29
389.5 10.5 154 31.5 28.875 214.375 184.19 1933.97 3685.97 116.63 102.58 92.58
389.4 10.6 154 31.8 29.15 214.95 184.48 1955.44 3707.44 116.95 102.88 92.88
389.3 10.7 154 32.1 29.425 215.525 184.76 1976.96 3728.96 117.26 103.17 93.17
389.2 10.8 154 32.4 29.7 216.1 185.05 1998.54 3750.54 117.58 103.46 93.46
389.1 10.9 154 32.7 29.975 216.675 185.34 2020.18 3772.18 117.89 103.75 93.75
389 11 154 33 30.25 217.25 185.63 2041.88 3793.88 118.21 104.05 94.05
388.9 11.1 154 33.3 30.525 217.825 185.91 2063.63 3815.63 118.53 104.34 94.34
388.8 11.2 154 33.6 30.8 218.4 186.20 2085.44 3837.44 118.84 104.63 94.63
388.7 11.3 154 33.9 31.075 218.975 186.49 2107.31 3859.31 119.16 104.92 94.92
388.6 11.4 154 34.2 31.35 219.55 186.78 2129.24 3881.24 119.48 105.22 95.22
388.5 11.5 154 34.5 31.625 220.125 187.06 2151.22 3903.22 119.79 105.51 95.51
388.4 11.6 154 34.8 31.9 220.7 187.35 2173.26 3925.26 120.11 105.80 95.80
388.3 11.7 154 35.1 32.175 221.275 187.64 2195.36 3947.36 120.42 106.09 96.09
388.2 11.8 154 35.4 32.45 221.85 187.93 2217.52 3969.52 120.74 106.39 96.39
388.1 11.9 154 35.7 32.725 222.425 188.21 2239.73 3991.73 121.06 106.68 96.68
388 12 154 36 33 223 188.50 2262.00 4014.00 121.37 106.97 96.97

388 0 236 0 0 236 0.00 0.00 4014.00 129.37 111.97 96.97

387.9 0.1 236 0.3 0.275 236.575 236.29 23.63 4037.63 129.69 112.26 97.26
387.8 0.2 236 0.6 0.55 237.15 236.58 47.32 4061.32 130.00 112.56 97.56
387.7 0.3 236 0.9 0.825 237.725 236.86 71.06 4085.06 130.32 112.85 97.85
387.6 0.4 236 1.2 1.1 238.3 237.15 94.86 4108.86 130.64 113.14 98.14
387.5 0.5 236 1.5 1.375 238.875 237.44 118.72 4132.72 130.95 113.43 98.43
387.4 0.6 236 1.8 1.65 239.45 237.73 142.64 4156.64 131.27 113.73 98.73
387.3 0.7 236 2.1 1.925 240.025 238.01 166.61 4180.61 131.59 114.02 99.02
387.2 0.8 236 2.4 2.2 240.6 238.30 190.64 4204.64 131.90 114.31 99.31
387.1 0.9 236 2.7 2.475 241.175 238.59 214.73 4228.73 132.22 114.61 99.61
387 1 236 3 2.75 241.75 238.88 238.88 4252.88 132.53 114.90 99.90
386.9 1.1 236 3.3 3.025 242.325 239.16 263.08 4277.08 132.85 115.19 100.19
386.8 1.2 236 3.6 3.3 242.9 239.45 287.34 4301.34 133.17 115.48 100.48
386.7 1.3 236 3.9 3.575 243.475 239.74 311.66 4325.66 133.48 115.78 100.78
386.6 1.4 236 4.2 3.85 244.05 240.03 336.04 4350.04 133.80 116.07 101.07
386.5 1.5 236 4.5 4.125 244.625 240.31 360.47 4374.47 134.12 116.36 101.36
386.4 1.6 236 4.8 4.4 245.2 240.60 384.96 4398.96 134.43 116.65 101.65
386.3 1.7 236 5.1 4.675 245.775 240.89 409.51 4423.51 134.75 116.95 101.95
386.2 1.8 236 5.4 4.95 246.35 241.18 434.12 4448.12 135.06 117.24 102.24
386.1 1.9 236 5.7 5.225 246.925 241.46 458.78 4472.78 135.38 117.53 102.53
386 2 236 6 5.5 247.5 241.75 483.50 4497.50 135.70 117.82 102.82
385.9 2.1 236 6.3 5.775 248.075 242.04 508.28 4522.28 136.01 118.12 103.12
385.8 2.2 236 6.6 6.05 248.65 242.33 533.12 4547.12 136.33 118.41 103.41
385.7 2.3 236 6.9 6.325 249.225 242.61 558.01 4572.01 136.65 118.70 103.70
385.6 2.4 236 7.2 6.6 249.8 242.90 582.96 4596.96 136.96 118.99 103.99
385.5 2.5 236 7.5 6.875 250.375 243.19 607.97 4621.97 137.28 119.29 104.29
385.4 2.6 236 7.8 7.15 250.95 243.48 633.04 4647.04 137.59 119.58 104.58
385.3 2.7 236 8.1 7.425 251.525 243.76 658.16 4672.16 137.91 119.87 104.87
385.2 2.8 236 8.4 7.7 252.1 244.05 683.34 4697.34 138.23 120.16 105.16
385.1 2.9 236 8.7 7.975 252.675 244.34 708.58 4722.58 138.54 120.46 105.46
385 3 236 9 8.25 253.25 244.63 733.88 4747.88 138.86 120.75 105.75
384.9 3.1 236 9.3 8.525 253.825 244.91 759.23 4773.23 139.18 121.04 106.04
384.8 3.2 236 9.6 8.8 254.4 245.20 784.64 4798.64 139.49 121.34 106.34
384.7 3.3 236 9.9 9.075 254.975 245.49 810.11 4824.11 139.81 121.63 106.63
384.6 3.4 236 10.2 9.35 255.55 245.78 835.64 4849.64 140.12 121.92 106.92
384.5 3.5 236 10.5 9.625 256.125 246.06 861.22 4875.22 140.44 122.21 107.21
384.4 3.6 236 10.8 9.9 256.7 246.35 886.86 4900.86 140.76 122.51 107.51
384.3 3.7 236 11.1 10.175 257.275 246.64 912.56 4926.56 141.07 122.80 107.80
384.2 3.8 236 11.4 10.45 257.85 246.93 938.32 4952.32 141.39 123.09 108.09
384.1 3.9 236 11.7 10.725 258.425 247.21 964.13 4978.13 141.71 123.38 108.38
384 4 236 12 11 259 247.50 990.00 5004.00 142.02 123.68 108.68
383.9 4.1 236 12.3 11.275 259.575 247.79 1015.93 5029.93 142.34 123.97 108.97
383.8 4.2 236 12.6 11.55 260.15 248.08 1041.92 5055.92 142.65 124.26 109.26
383.7 4.3 236 12.9 11.825 260.725 248.36 1067.96 5081.96 142.97 124.55 109.55
383.6 4.4 236 13.2 12.1 261.3 248.65 1094.06 5108.06 143.29 124.85 109.85
383.5 4.5 236 13.5 12.375 261.875 248.94 1120.22 5134.22 143.60 125.14 110.14
383.4 4.6 236 13.8 12.65 262.45 249.23 1146.44 5160.44 143.92 125.43 110.43
383.3 4.7 236 14.1 12.925 263.025 249.51 1172.71 5186.71 144.24 125.72 110.72
383.2 4.8 236 14.4 13.2 263.6 249.80 1199.04 5213.04 144.55 126.02 111.02
383.1 4.9 236 14.7 13.475 264.175 250.09 1225.43 5239.43 144.87 126.31 111.31
383 5 236 15 13.75 264.75 250.38 1251.88 5265.88 145.18 126.60 111.60
382.9 5.1 236 15.3 14.025 265.325 250.66 1278.38 5292.38 145.50 126.90 111.90
382.8 5.2 236 15.6 14.3 265.9 250.95 1304.94 5318.94 145.82 127.19 112.19
382.7 5.3 236 15.9 14.575 266.475 251.24 1331.56 5345.56 146.13 127.48 112.48
382.6 5.4 236 16.2 14.85 267.05 251.53 1358.24 5372.24 146.45 127.77 112.77
382.5 5.5 236 16.5 15.125 267.625 251.81 1384.97 5398.97 146.76 128.07 113.07
382.4 5.6 236 16.8 15.4 268.2 252.10 1411.76 5425.76 147.08 128.36 113.36
382.3 5.7 236 17.1 15.675 268.775 252.39 1438.61 5452.61 147.40 128.65 113.65
382.2 5.8 236 17.4 15.95 269.35 252.68 1465.52 5479.52 147.71 128.94 113.94
382.1 5.9 236 17.7 16.225 269.925 252.96 1492.48 5506.48 148.03 129.24 114.24
382 6 236 18 16.5 270.5 253.25 1519.50 5533.50 148.35 129.53 114.53
381.9 6.1 236 18.3 16.775 271.075 253.54 1546.58 5560.58 148.66 129.82 114.82
381.8 6.2 236 18.6 17.05 271.65 253.83 1573.72 5587.72 148.98 130.11 115.11
381.7 6.3 236 18.9 17.325 272.225 254.11 1600.91 5614.91 149.29 130.41 115.41
381.6 6.4 236 19.2 17.6 272.8 254.40 1628.16 5642.16 149.61 130.70 115.70
381.5 6.5 236 19.5 17.875 273.375 254.69 1655.47 5669.47 149.93 130.99 115.99
381.4 6.6 236 19.8 18.15 273.95 254.98 1682.84 5696.84 150.24 131.28 116.28
381.3 6.7 236 20.1 18.425 274.525 255.26 1710.26 5724.26 150.56 131.58 116.58
381.2 6.8 236 20.4 18.7 275.1 255.55 1737.74 5751.74 150.88 131.87 116.87
381.1 6.9 236 20.7 18.975 275.675 255.84 1765.28 5779.28 151.19 132.16 117.16
381 7 236 21 19.25 276.25 256.13 1792.88 5806.88 151.51 132.45 117.45
380.9 7.1 236 21.3 19.525 276.825 256.41 1820.53 5834.53 151.82 132.75 117.75
380.8 7.2 236 21.6 19.8 277.4 256.70 1848.24 5862.24 152.14 133.04 118.04
380.7 7.3 236 21.9 20.075 277.975 256.99 1876.01 5890.01 152.46 133.33 118.33
380.6 7.4 236 22.2 20.35 278.55 257.28 1903.84 5917.84 152.77 133.63 118.63
380.5 7.5 236 22.5 20.625 279.125 257.56 1931.72 5945.72 153.09 133.92 118.92
380.4 7.6 236 22.8 20.9 279.7 257.85 1959.66 5973.66 153.41 134.21 119.21
380.3 7.7 236 23.1 21.175 280.275 258.14 1987.66 6001.66 153.72 134.50 119.50
380.2 7.8 236 23.4 21.45 280.85 258.43 2015.72 6029.72 154.04 134.80 119.80
380.1 7.9 236 23.7 21.725 281.425 258.71 2043.83 6057.83 154.35 135.09 120.09
380 8 236 24 22 282 259.00 2072.00 6086.00 154.67 135.38 120.38
379.9 8.1 236 24.3 22.275 282.575 259.29 2100.23 6114.23 154.99 135.67 120.67
379.8 8.2 236 24.6 22.55 283.15 259.58 2128.52 6142.52 155.30 135.97 120.97
379.7 8.3 236 24.9 22.825 283.725 259.86 2156.86 6170.86 155.62 136.26 121.26
379.6 8.4 236 25.2 23.1 284.3 260.15 2185.26 6199.26 155.94 136.55 121.55
379.5 8.5 236 25.5 23.375 284.875 260.44 2213.72 6227.72 156.25 136.84 121.84
379.4 8.6 236 25.8 23.65 285.45 260.73 2242.24 6256.24 156.57 137.14 122.14
379.3 8.7 236 26.1 23.925 286.025 261.01 2270.81 6284.81 156.88 137.43 122.43
379.2 8.8 236 26.4 24.2 286.6 261.30 2299.44 6313.44 157.20 137.72 122.72
379.1 8.9 236 26.7 24.475 287.175 261.59 2328.13 6342.13 157.52 138.01 123.01
379 9 236 27 24.75 287.75 261.88 2356.88 6370.88 157.83 138.31 123.31
378.9 9.1 236 27.3 25.025 288.325 262.16 2385.68 6399.68 158.15 138.60 123.60
378.8 9.2 236 27.6 25.3 288.9 262.45 2414.54 6428.54 158.47 138.89 123.89
378.7 9.3 236 27.9 25.575 289.475 262.74 2443.46 6457.46 158.78 139.19 124.19
378.6 9.4 236 28.2 25.85 290.05 263.03 2472.44 6486.44 159.10 139.48 124.48
378.5 9.5 236 28.5 26.125 290.625 263.31 2501.47 6515.47 159.41 139.77 124.77
378.4 9.6 236 28.8 26.4 291.2 263.60 2530.56 6544.56 159.73 140.06 125.06
378.3 9.7 236 29.1 26.675 291.775 263.89 2559.71 6573.71 160.05 140.36 125.36
378.2 9.8 236 29.4 26.95 292.35 264.18 2588.92 6602.92 160.36 140.65 125.65
378.1 9.9 236 29.7 27.225 292.925 264.46 2618.18 6632.18 160.68 140.94 125.94
378 10 236 30 27.5 293.5 264.75 2647.50 6661.50 161.00 141.23 126.23
377.9 10.1 236 30.3 27.775 294.075 265.04 2676.88 6690.88 161.31 141.53 126.53
377.8 10.2 236 30.6 28.05 294.65 265.33 2706.32 6720.32 161.63 141.82 126.82
377.7 10.3 236 30.9 28.325 295.225 265.61 2735.81 6749.81 161.94 142.11 127.11
377.6 10.4 236 31.2 28.6 295.8 265.90 2765.36 6779.36 162.26 142.40 127.40
377.5 10.5 236 31.5 28.875 296.375 266.19 2794.97 6808.97 162.58 142.70 127.70
377.4 10.6 236 31.8 29.15 296.95 266.48 2824.64 6838.64 162.89 142.99 127.99
377.3 10.7 236 32.1 29.425 297.525 266.76 2854.36 6868.36 163.21 143.28 128.28
377.2 10.8 236 32.4 29.7 298.1 267.05 2884.14 6898.14 163.53 143.57 128.57
377.1 10.9 236 32.7 29.975 298.675 267.34 2913.98 6927.98 163.84 143.87 128.87
377 11 236 33 30.25 299.25 267.63 2943.88 6957.88 164.16 144.16 129.16
376.9 11.1 236 33.3 30.525 299.825 267.91 2973.83 6987.83 164.47 144.45 129.45
376.8 11.2 236 33.6 30.8 300.4 268.20 3003.84 7017.84 164.79 144.74 129.74
376.7 11.3 236 33.9 31.075 300.975 268.49 3033.91 7047.91 165.11 145.04 130.04
376.6 11.4 236 34.2 31.35 301.55 268.78 3064.04 7078.04 165.42 145.33 130.33
376.5 11.5 236 34.5 31.625 302.125 269.06 3094.22 7108.22 165.74 145.62 130.62
376.4 11.6 236 34.8 31.9 302.7 269.35 3124.46 7138.46 166.05 145.92 130.92
376.3 11.7 236 35.1 32.175 303.275 269.64 3154.76 7168.76 166.37 146.21 131.21
376.2 11.8 236 35.4 32.45 303.85 269.93 3185.12 7199.12 166.69 146.50 131.50
376.1 11.9 236 35.7 32.725 304.425 270.21 3215.53 7229.53 167.00 146.79 131.79
376 12 236 36 33 305 270.50 3246.00 7260.00 167.32 147.09 132.09
Clay Core
Horizontal Filter
Total D/s
Diff in
U/s Slope D/s Slope D/s Bottom Bottom Thickness
Top Total Slanted width of D/s Width Horizonta
Elevation Height Bottom Bottom Average Area Width of Berm Width of of Slanting
Width Width Fliter Dam and + 1.5 l Filter
Width Width Main Dam Main Filter
Clay Core
422 5 0 0 5 0 1.5 4.5 0 4.5 6.00 1.50 4.50
421.9 0.10 5 0.05 0.05 5.10 5.05 0.51 0.11 1.50 4.725 0 4.73 6.23 1.50 4.68
421.8 0.20 5 0.10 0.10 5.20 5.10 1.02 0.22 1.50 4.95 0 4.95 6.45 1.50 4.85
421.7 0.30 5 0.15 0.15 5.30 5.15 1.55 0.34 1.50 5.175 0 5.18 6.68 1.50 5.03
421.6 0.40 5 0.20 0.20 5.40 5.20 2.08 0.45 1.50 5.4 0 5.40 6.90 1.50 5.20
421.5 0.50 5 0.25 0.25 5.50 5.25 2.63 0.56 1.50 5.625 0 5.63 7.13 1.50 5.38
421.4 0.60 5 0.30 0.30 5.60 5.30 3.18 0.67 1.50 5.85 0 5.85 7.35 1.50 5.55
421.3 0.70 5 0.35 0.35 5.70 5.35 3.75 0.78 1.50 6.075 0 6.08 7.58 1.50 5.73
421.2 0.80 5 0.40 0.40 5.80 5.40 4.32 0.89 1.50 6.3 0 6.30 7.80 1.50 5.90
421.1 0.90 5 0.45 0.45 5.90 5.45 4.91 1.01 1.50 6.525 0 6.53 8.03 1.50 6.08
421.0 1.00 5 0.50 0.50 6.00 5.50 5.50 1.12 1.50 6.75 0 6.75 8.25 1.50 6.25
420.9 1.10 5 0.55 0.55 6.10 5.55 6.11 1.23 1.50 6.975 0 6.98 8.48 1.50 6.43
420.8 1.20 5 0.60 0.60 6.20 5.60 6.72 1.34 1.50 7.2 0 7.20 8.70 1.50 6.60
420.7 1.30 5 0.65 0.65 6.30 5.65 7.35 1.45 1.50 7.425 0 7.43 8.93 1.50 6.78
420.6 1.40 5 0.70 0.70 6.40 5.70 7.98 1.57 1.50 7.65 0 7.65 9.15 1.50 6.95
420.5 1.50 5 0.75 0.75 6.50 5.75 8.63 1.68 1.50 7.875 0 7.88 9.38 1.50 7.13
420.4 1.60 5 0.80 0.80 6.60 5.80 9.28 1.79 1.50 8.1 0 8.10 9.60 1.50 7.30
420.3 1.70 5 0.85 0.85 6.70 5.85 9.95 1.90 1.50 8.325 0 8.33 9.83 1.50 7.48
420.2 1.80 5 0.90 0.90 6.80 5.90 10.62 2.01 1.50 8.55 0 8.55 10.05 1.50 7.65
420.1 1.90 5 0.95 0.95 6.90 5.95 11.31 2.12 1.50 8.775 0 8.78 10.28 1.50 7.83
420.0 2.00 5 1.00 1.00 7.00 6.00 12.00 2.24 1.50 9 0 9.00 10.50 1.50 8.00
419.9 2.10 5 1.05 1.05 7.10 6.05 12.71 2.35 1.50 9.225 0 9.23 10.73 1.50 8.18
419.8 2.20 5 1.10 1.10 7.20 6.10 13.42 2.46 1.50 9.45 0 9.45 10.95 1.50 8.35
419.7 2.30 5 1.15 1.15 7.30 6.15 14.15 2.57 1.50 9.675 0 9.68 11.18 1.50 8.53
419.6 2.40 5 1.20 1.20 7.40 6.20 14.88 2.68 1.50 9.9 0 9.90 11.40 1.50 8.70
419.5 2.50 5 1.25 1.25 7.50 6.25 15.63 2.80 1.50 10.125 0 10.13 11.63 1.50 8.88
419.4 2.60 5 1.30 1.30 7.60 6.30 16.38 2.91 1.50 10.35 0 10.35 11.85 1.50 9.05
419.3 2.70 5 1.35 1.35 7.70 6.35 17.15 3.02 1.50 10.575 0 10.58 12.08 1.50 9.23
419.2 2.80 5 1.40 1.40 7.80 6.40 17.92 3.13 1.50 10.8 0 10.80 12.30 1.50 9.40
419.1 2.90 5 1.45 1.45 7.90 6.45 18.71 3.24 1.50 11.025 0 11.03 12.53 1.50 9.58
419.0 3.00 5 1.50 1.50 8.00 6.50 19.50 3.35 1.50 11.25 0 11.25 12.75 1.50 9.75
418.9 3.10 5 1.55 1.55 8.10 6.55 20.31 3.47 1.50 11.475 0 11.48 12.98 1.50 9.93
418.8 3.20 5 1.60 1.60 8.20 6.60 21.12 3.58 1.50 11.7 0 11.70 13.20 1.50 10.10
418.7 3.30 5 1.65 1.65 8.30 6.65 21.95 3.69 1.50 11.925 0 11.93 13.43 1.50 10.28
418.6 3.40 5 1.70 1.70 8.40 6.70 22.78 3.80 1.50 12.15 0 12.15 13.65 1.50 10.45
418.5 3.50 5 1.75 1.75 8.50 6.75 23.63 3.91 1.50 12.375 0 12.38 13.88 1.50 10.63
418.4 3.60 5 1.80 1.80 8.60 6.80 24.48 4.02 1.50 12.6 0 12.60 14.10 1.50 10.80
418.3 3.70 5 1.85 1.85 8.70 6.85 25.35 4.14 1.50 12.825 0 12.83 14.33 1.50 10.98
418.2 3.80 5 1.90 1.90 8.80 6.90 26.22 4.25 1.50 13.05 0 13.05 14.55 1.50 11.15
418.1 3.90 5 1.95 1.95 8.90 6.95 27.11 4.36 1.50 13.275 0 13.28 14.78 1.50 11.33
418.0 4.00 5 2.00 2.00 9.00 7.00 28.00 4.47 1.50 13.5 0 13.50 15.00 1.50 11.50
417.9 4.10 5 2.05 2.05 9.10 7.05 28.91 4.58 1.50 13.725 0 13.73 15.23 1.50 11.68
417.8 4.20 5 2.10 2.10 9.20 7.10 29.82 4.70 1.50 13.95 0 13.95 15.45 1.50 11.85
417.7 4.30 5 2.15 2.15 9.30 7.15 30.75 4.81 1.50 14.175 0 14.18 15.68 1.50 12.03
417.6 4.40 5 2.20 2.20 9.40 7.20 31.68 4.92 1.50 14.4 0 14.40 15.90 1.50 12.20
417.5 4.50 5 2.25 2.25 9.50 7.25 32.63 5.03 1.50 14.625 0 14.63 16.13 1.50 12.38
417.4 4.60 5 2.30 2.30 9.60 7.30 33.58 5.14 1.50 14.85 0 14.85 16.35 1.50 12.55
417.3 4.70 5 2.35 2.35 9.70 7.35 34.55 5.25 1.50 15.075 0 15.08 16.58 1.50 12.73
417.2 4.80 5 2.40 2.40 9.80 7.40 35.52 5.37 1.50 15.3 0 15.30 16.80 1.50 12.90
417.1 4.90 5 2.45 2.45 9.90 7.45 36.51 5.48 1.50 15.525 0 15.53 17.03 1.50 13.08
417.0 5.00 5 2.50 2.50 10.00 7.50 37.50 5.59 1.50 15.75 0 15.75 17.25 1.50 13.25
416.9 5.10 5 2.55 2.55 10.10 7.55 38.51 5.70 1.50 15.975 0 15.98 17.48 1.50 13.43
416.8 5.20 5 2.60 2.60 10.20 7.60 39.52 5.81 1.50 16.2 0 16.20 17.70 1.50 13.60
416.7 5.30 5 2.65 2.65 10.30 7.65 40.55 5.93 1.50 16.425 0 16.43 17.93 1.50 13.78
416.6 5.40 5 2.70 2.70 10.40 7.70 41.58 6.04 1.50 16.65 0 16.65 18.15 1.50 13.95
416.5 5.50 5 2.75 2.75 10.50 7.75 42.63 6.15 1.50 16.875 0 16.88 18.38 1.50 14.13
416.4 5.60 5 2.80 2.80 10.60 7.80 43.68 6.26 1.50 17.1 0 17.10 18.60 1.50 14.30
416.3 5.70 5 2.85 2.85 10.70 7.85 44.75 6.37 1.50 17.325 0 17.33 18.83 1.50 14.48
416.2 5.80 5 2.90 2.90 10.80 7.90 45.82 6.48 1.50 17.55 0 17.55 19.05 1.50 14.65
416.1 5.90 5 2.95 2.95 10.90 7.95 46.91 6.60 1.50 17.775 0 17.78 19.28 1.50 14.83
416.0 6.00 5 3.00 3.00 11.00 8.00 48.00 6.71 1.50 18 0 18.00 19.50 1.50 15.00
415.9 6.10 5 3.05 3.05 11.10 8.05 49.11 6.82 1.50 18.225 0 18.23 19.73 1.50 15.18
415.8 6.20 5 3.10 3.10 11.20 8.10 50.22 6.93 1.50 18.45 0 18.45 19.95 1.50 15.35
415.7 6.30 5 3.15 3.15 11.30 8.15 51.35 7.04 1.50 18.675 0 18.68 20.18 1.50 15.53
415.6 6.40 5 3.20 3.20 11.40 8.20 52.48 7.16 1.50 18.9 0 18.90 20.40 1.50 15.70
415.5 6.50 5 3.25 3.25 11.50 8.25 53.63 7.27 1.50 19.125 0 19.13 20.63 1.50 15.88
415.4 6.60 5 3.30 3.30 11.60 8.30 54.78 7.38 1.50 19.35 0 19.35 20.85 1.50 16.05
415.3 6.70 5 3.35 3.35 11.70 8.35 55.95 7.49 1.50 19.575 0 19.58 21.08 1.50 16.23
415.2 6.80 5 3.40 3.40 11.80 8.40 57.12 7.60 1.50 19.8 0 19.80 21.30 1.50 16.40
415.1 6.90 5 3.45 3.45 11.90 8.45 58.31 7.71 1.50 20.025 0 20.03 21.53 1.50 16.58
415.0 7.00 5 3.50 3.50 12.00 8.50 59.50 7.83 1.50 20.25 0 20.25 21.75 1.50 16.75
414.9 7.10 5 3.55 3.55 12.10 8.55 60.71 7.94 1.50 20.475 0 20.48 21.98 1.50 16.93
414.8 7.20 5 3.60 3.60 12.20 8.60 61.92 8.05 1.50 20.7 0 20.70 22.20 1.50 17.10
414.7 7.30 5 3.65 3.65 12.30 8.65 63.15 8.16 1.50 20.925 0 20.93 22.43 1.50 17.28
414.6 7.40 5 3.70 3.70 12.40 8.70 64.38 8.27 1.50 21.15 0 21.15 22.65 1.50 17.45
414.5 7.50 5 3.75 3.75 12.50 8.75 65.63 8.39 1.50 21.375 0 21.38 22.88 1.50 17.63
414.4 7.60 5 3.80 3.80 12.60 8.80 66.88 8.50 1.50 21.6 0 21.60 23.10 1.50 17.80
414.3 7.70 5 3.85 3.85 12.70 8.85 68.15 8.61 1.50 21.825 0 21.83 23.33 1.50 17.98
414.2 7.80 5 3.90 3.90 12.80 8.90 69.42 8.72 1.50 22.05 0 22.05 23.55 1.50 18.15
414.1 7.90 5 3.95 3.95 12.90 8.95 70.71 8.83 1.50 22.275 0 22.28 23.78 1.50 18.33
414.0 8.00 5 4.00 4.00 13.00 9.00 72.00 8.94 1.50 22.5 0 22.50 24.00 1.50 18.50
413.9 8.10 5 4.05 4.05 13.10 9.05 73.31 9.06 1.50 22.725 0 22.73 24.23 1.50 18.68
413.8 8.20 5 4.10 4.10 13.20 9.10 74.62 9.17 1.50 22.95 0 22.95 24.45 1.50 18.85
413.7 8.30 5 4.15 4.15 13.30 9.15 75.95 9.28 1.50 23.175 0 23.18 24.68 1.50 19.03
413.6 8.40 5 4.20 4.20 13.40 9.20 77.28 9.39 1.50 23.4 0 23.40 24.90 1.50 19.20
413.5 8.50 5 4.25 4.25 13.50 9.25 78.63 9.50 1.50 23.625 0 23.63 25.13 1.50 19.38
413.4 8.60 5 4.30 4.30 13.60 9.30 79.98 9.62 1.50 23.85 0 23.85 25.35 1.50 19.55
413.3 8.70 5 4.35 4.35 13.70 9.35 81.35 9.73 1.50 24.075 0 24.08 25.58 1.50 19.73
413.2 8.80 5 4.40 4.40 13.80 9.40 82.72 9.84 1.50 24.3 0 24.30 25.80 1.50 19.90
413.1 8.90 5 4.45 4.45 13.90 9.45 84.11 9.95 1.50 24.525 0 24.53 26.03 1.50 20.08
413.0 9.00 5 4.50 4.50 14.00 9.50 85.50 10.06 1.50 24.75 0 24.75 26.25 1.50 20.25
412.9 9.10 5 4.55 4.55 14.10 9.55 86.91 10.17 1.50 24.975 0 24.98 26.48 1.50 20.43
412.8 9.20 5 4.60 4.60 14.20 9.60 88.32 10.29 1.50 25.2 0 25.20 26.70 1.50 20.60
412.7 9.30 5 4.65 4.65 14.30 9.65 89.75 10.40 1.50 25.425 0 25.43 26.93 1.50 20.78
412.6 9.40 5 4.70 4.70 14.40 9.70 91.18 10.51 1.50 25.65 0 25.65 27.15 1.50 20.95
412.5 9.50 5 4.75 4.75 14.50 9.75 92.63 10.62 1.50 25.875 0 25.88 27.38 1.50 21.13
412.4 9.60 5 4.80 4.80 14.60 9.80 94.08 10.73 1.50 26.1 0 26.10 27.60 1.50 21.30
412.3 9.70 5 4.85 4.85 14.70 9.85 95.55 10.84 1.50 26.325 0 26.33 27.83 1.50 21.48
412.2 9.80 5 4.90 4.90 14.80 9.90 97.02 10.96 1.50 26.55 0 26.55 28.05 1.50 21.65
412.1 9.90 5 4.95 4.95 14.90 9.95 98.51 11.07 1.50 26.775 0 26.78 28.28 1.50 21.83
412.0 10.00 5 5.00 5.00 15.00 10.00 100.00 11.18 1.50 27 5.00 32.00 33.50 1.50 27.00
411.9 10.10 5 5.05 5.05 15.10 10.05 101.51 11.29 1.50 0.25 0 32.25 33.75 1.50 27.20
411.8 10.20 5 5.10 5.10 15.20 10.10 103.02 11.40 1.50 0.5 0 32.50 34.00 1.50 27.40
411.7 10.30 5 5.15 5.15 15.30 10.15 104.55 11.52 1.50 0.75 0 32.75 34.25 1.50 27.60
411.6 10.40 5 5.20 5.20 15.40 10.20 106.08 11.63 1.50 1 0 33.00 34.50 1.50 27.80
411.5 10.50 5 5.25 5.25 15.50 10.25 107.63 11.74 1.50 1.25 0 33.25 34.75 1.50 28.00
411.4 10.60 5 5.30 5.30 15.60 10.30 109.18 11.85 1.50 1.5 0 33.50 35.00 1.50 28.20
411.3 10.70 5 5.35 5.35 15.70 10.35 110.75 11.96 1.50 1.75 0 33.75 35.25 1.50 28.40
411.2 10.80 5 5.40 5.40 15.80 10.40 112.32 12.07 1.50 2 0 34.00 35.50 1.50 28.60
411.1 10.90 5 5.45 5.45 15.90 10.45 113.91 12.19 1.50 2.25 0 34.25 35.75 1.50 28.80
411.0 11.00 5 5.50 5.50 16.00 10.50 115.50 12.30 1.50 2.5 0 34.50 36.00 1.50 29.00
410.9 11.10 5 5.55 5.55 16.10 10.55 117.11 12.41 1.50 2.75 0 34.75 36.25 1.50 29.20
410.8 11.20 5 5.60 5.60 16.20 10.60 118.72 12.52 1.50 3 0 35.00 36.50 1.50 29.40
410.7 11.30 5 5.65 5.65 16.30 10.65 120.35 12.63 1.50 3.25 0 35.25 36.75 1.50 29.60
410.6 11.40 5 5.70 5.70 16.40 10.70 121.98 12.75 1.50 3.5 0 35.50 37.00 1.50 29.80
410.5 11.50 5 5.75 5.75 16.50 10.75 123.63 12.86 1.50 3.75 0 35.75 37.25 1.50 30.00
410.4 11.60 5 5.80 5.80 16.60 10.80 125.28 12.97 1.50 4 0 36.00 37.50 1.50 30.20
410.3 11.70 5 5.85 5.85 16.70 10.85 126.95 13.08 1.50 4.25 0 36.25 37.75 1.50 30.40
410.2 11.80 5 5.90 5.90 16.80 10.90 128.62 13.19 1.50 4.5 0 36.50 38.00 1.50 30.60
410.1 11.90 5 5.95 5.95 16.90 10.95 130.31 13.30 1.50 4.75 0 36.75 38.25 1.50 30.80
410.0 12.00 5 6.00 6.00 17.00 11.00 132.00 13.42 1.50 5 0 37.00 38.50 1.50 31.00
409.9 12.10 5 6.05 6.05 17.10 11.05 133.71 13.53 1.50 5.25 0 37.25 38.75 1.50 31.20
409.8 12.20 5 6.10 6.10 17.20 11.10 135.42 13.64 1.50 5.5 0 37.50 39.00 1.50 31.40
409.7 12.30 5 6.15 6.15 17.30 11.15 137.15 13.75 1.50 5.75 0 37.75 39.25 1.50 31.60
409.6 12.40 5 6.20 6.20 17.40 11.20 138.88 13.86 1.50 6 0 38.00 39.50 1.50 31.80
409.5 12.50 5 6.25 6.25 17.50 11.25 140.63 13.98 1.50 6.25 0 38.25 39.75 1.50 32.00
409.4 12.60 5 6.30 6.30 17.60 11.30 142.38 14.09 1.50 6.5 0 38.50 40.00 1.50 32.20
409.3 12.70 5 6.35 6.35 17.70 11.35 144.15 14.20 1.50 6.75 0 38.75 40.25 1.50 32.40
409.2 12.80 5 6.40 6.40 17.80 11.40 145.92 14.31 1.50 7 0 39.00 40.50 1.50 32.60
409.1 12.90 5 6.45 6.45 17.90 11.45 147.71 14.42 1.50 7.25 0 39.25 40.75 1.50 32.80
409.0 13.00 5 6.50 6.50 18.00 11.50 149.50 14.53 1.50 7.5 0 39.50 41.00 1.50 33.00
408.9 13.10 5 6.55 6.55 18.10 11.55 151.31 14.65 1.50 7.75 0 39.75 41.25 1.50 33.20
408.8 13.20 5 6.60 6.60 18.20 11.60 153.12 14.76 1.50 8 0 40.00 41.50 1.50 33.40
408.7 13.30 5 6.65 6.65 18.30 11.65 154.95 14.87 1.50 8.25 0 40.25 41.75 1.50 33.60
408.6 13.40 5 6.70 6.70 18.40 11.70 156.78 14.98 1.50 8.5 0 40.50 42.00 1.50 33.80
408.5 13.50 5 6.75 6.75 18.50 11.75 158.63 15.09 1.50 8.75 0 40.75 42.25 1.50 34.00
408.4 13.60 5 6.80 6.80 18.60 11.80 160.48 15.21 1.50 9 0 41.00 42.50 1.50 34.20
408.3 13.70 5 6.85 6.85 18.70 11.85 162.35 15.32 1.50 9.25 0 41.25 42.75 1.50 34.40
408.2 13.80 5 6.90 6.90 18.80 11.90 164.22 15.43 1.50 9.5 0 41.50 43.00 1.50 34.60
408.1 13.90 5 6.95 6.95 18.90 11.95 166.11 15.54 1.50 9.75 0 41.75 43.25 1.50 34.80
408.0 14.00 5 7.00 7.00 19.00 12.00 168.00 15.65 1.50 10 0 42.00 43.50 1.50 35.00
407.9 14.10 5 7.05 7.05 19.10 12.05 169.91 15.76 1.50 10.25 0 42.25 43.75 1.50 35.20
407.8 14.20 5 7.10 7.10 19.20 12.10 171.82 15.88 1.50 10.5 0 42.50 44.00 1.50 35.40
407.7 14.30 5 7.15 7.15 19.30 12.15 173.75 15.99 1.50 10.75 0 42.75 44.25 1.50 35.60
407.6 14.40 5 7.20 7.20 19.40 12.20 175.68 16.10 1.50 11 0 43.00 44.50 1.50 35.80
407.5 14.50 5 7.25 7.25 19.50 12.25 177.63 16.21 1.50 11.25 0 43.25 44.75 1.50 36.00
407.4 14.60 5 7.30 7.30 19.60 12.30 179.58 16.32 1.50 11.5 0 43.50 45.00 1.50 36.20
407.3 14.70 5 7.35 7.35 19.70 12.35 181.55 16.44 1.50 11.75 0 43.75 45.25 1.50 36.40
407.2 14.80 5 7.40 7.40 19.80 12.40 183.52 16.55 1.50 12 0 44.00 45.50 1.50 36.60
407.1 14.90 5 7.45 7.45 19.90 12.45 185.51 16.66 1.50 12.25 0 44.25 45.75 1.50 36.80
407.0 15.00 5 7.50 7.50 20.00 12.50 187.50 16.77 1.50 12.5 0 44.50 46.00 1.50 37.00
406.9 15.10 5 7.55 7.55 20.10 12.55 189.51 16.88 1.50 12.75 0 44.75 46.25 1.50 37.20
406.8 15.20 5 7.60 7.60 20.20 12.60 191.52 16.99 1.50 13 0 45.00 46.50 1.50 37.40
406.7 15.30 5 7.65 7.65 20.30 12.65 193.55 17.11 1.50 13.25 0 45.25 46.75 1.50 37.60
406.6 15.40 5 7.70 7.70 20.40 12.70 195.58 17.22 1.50 13.5 0 45.50 47.00 1.50 37.80
406.5 15.50 5 7.75 7.75 20.50 12.75 197.63 17.33 1.50 13.75 0 45.75 47.25 1.50 38.00
406.4 15.60 5 7.80 7.80 20.60 12.80 199.68 17.44 1.50 14 0 46.00 47.50 1.50 38.20
406.3 15.70 5 7.85 7.85 20.70 12.85 201.75 17.55 1.50 14.25 0 46.25 47.75 1.50 38.40
406.2 15.80 5 7.90 7.90 20.80 12.90 203.82 17.66 1.50 14.5 0 46.50 48.00 1.50 38.60
406.1 15.90 5 7.95 7.95 20.90 12.95 205.91 17.78 1.50 14.75 0 46.75 48.25 1.50 38.80
406.0 16.00 5 8.00 8.00 21.00 13.00 208.00 17.89 1.50 15 0 47.00 48.50 1.50 39.00
405.9 16.10 5 8.05 8.05 21.10 13.05 210.11 18.00 1.50 15.25 0 47.25 48.75 1.50 39.20
405.8 16.20 5 8.10 8.10 21.20 13.10 212.22 18.11 1.50 15.5 0 47.50 49.00 1.50 39.40
405.7 16.30 5 8.15 8.15 21.30 13.15 214.35 18.22 1.50 15.75 0 47.75 49.25 1.50 39.60
405.6 16.40 5 8.20 8.20 21.40 13.20 216.48 18.34 1.50 16 0 48.00 49.50 1.50 39.80
405.5 16.50 5 8.25 8.25 21.50 13.25 218.63 18.45 1.50 16.25 0 48.25 49.75 1.50 40.00
405.4 16.60 5 8.30 8.30 21.60 13.30 220.78 18.56 1.50 16.5 0 48.50 50.00 1.50 40.20
405.3 16.70 5 8.35 8.35 21.70 13.35 222.95 18.67 1.50 16.75 0 48.75 50.25 1.50 40.40
405.2 16.80 5 8.40 8.40 21.80 13.40 225.12 18.78 1.50 17 0 49.00 50.50 1.50 40.60
405.1 16.90 5 8.45 8.45 21.90 13.45 227.31 18.89 1.50 17.25 0 49.25 50.75 1.50 40.80
405.0 17.00 5 8.50 8.50 22.00 13.50 229.50 19.01 1.50 17.5 0 49.50 51.00 1.50 41.00
404.9 17.10 5 8.55 8.55 22.10 13.55 231.71 19.12 1.50 17.75 0 49.75 51.25 1.50 41.20
404.8 17.20 5 8.60 8.60 22.20 13.60 233.92 19.23 1.50 18 0 50.00 51.50 1.50 41.40
404.7 17.30 5 8.65 8.65 22.30 13.65 236.15 19.34 1.50 18.25 0 50.25 51.75 1.50 41.60
404.6 17.40 5 8.70 8.70 22.40 13.70 238.38 19.45 1.50 18.5 0 50.50 52.00 1.50 41.80
404.5 17.50 5 8.75 8.75 22.50 13.75 240.63 19.57 1.50 18.75 0 50.75 52.25 1.50 42.00
404.4 17.60 5 8.80 8.80 22.60 13.80 242.88 19.68 1.50 19 0 51.00 52.50 1.50 42.20
404.3 17.70 5 8.85 8.85 22.70 13.85 245.15 19.79 1.50 19.25 0 51.25 52.75 1.50 42.40
404.2 17.80 5 8.90 8.90 22.80 13.90 247.42 19.90 1.50 19.5 0 51.50 53.00 1.50 42.60
404.1 17.90 5 8.95 8.95 22.90 13.95 249.71 20.01 1.50 19.75 0 51.75 53.25 1.50 42.80
404.0 18.00 5 9.00 9.00 23.00 14.00 252.00 20.12 1.50 20 0 52.00 53.50 1.50 43.00
403.9 18.10 5 9.05 9.05 23.10 14.05 254.31 20.24 1.50 20.25 0 52.25 53.75 1.50 43.20
403.8 18.20 5 9.10 9.10 23.20 14.10 256.62 20.35 1.50 20.5 0 52.50 54.00 1.50 43.40
403.7 18.30 5 9.15 9.15 23.30 14.15 258.95 20.46 1.50 20.75 0 52.75 54.25 1.50 43.60
403.6 18.40 5 9.20 9.20 23.40 14.20 261.28 20.57 1.50 21 0 53.00 54.50 1.50 43.80
403.5 18.50 5 9.25 9.25 23.50 14.25 263.63 20.68 1.50 21.25 0 53.25 54.75 1.50 44.00
403.4 18.60 5 9.30 9.30 23.60 14.30 265.98 20.80 1.50 21.5 0 53.50 55.00 1.50 44.20
403.3 18.70 5 9.35 9.35 23.70 14.35 268.35 20.91 1.50 21.75 0 53.75 55.25 1.50 44.40
403.2 18.80 5 9.40 9.40 23.80 14.40 270.72 21.02 1.50 22 0 54.00 55.50 1.50 44.60
403.1 18.90 5 9.45 9.45 23.90 14.45 273.11 21.13 1.50 22.25 0 54.25 55.75 1.50 44.80
403.0 19.00 5 9.50 9.50 24.00 14.50 275.50 21.24 1.50 22.5 0 54.50 56.00 1.50 45.00
402.9 19.10 5 9.55 9.55 24.10 14.55 277.91 21.35 1.50 22.75 0 54.75 56.25 1.50 45.20
402.8 19.20 5 9.60 9.60 24.20 14.60 280.32 21.47 1.50 23 0 55.00 56.50 1.50 45.40
402.7 19.30 5 9.65 9.65 24.30 14.65 282.75 21.58 1.50 23.25 0 55.25 56.75 1.50 45.60
402.6 19.40 5 9.70 9.70 24.40 14.70 285.18 21.69 1.50 23.5 0 55.50 57.00 1.50 45.80
402.5 19.50 5 9.75 9.75 24.50 14.75 287.63 21.80 1.50 23.75 0 55.75 57.25 1.50 46.00
402.4 19.60 5 9.80 9.80 24.60 14.80 290.08 21.91 1.50 24 0 56.00 57.50 1.50 46.20
402.3 19.70 5 9.85 9.85 24.70 14.85 292.55 22.03 1.50 24.25 0 56.25 57.75 1.50 46.40
402.2 19.80 5 9.90 9.90 24.80 14.90 295.02 22.14 1.50 24.5 0 56.50 58.00 1.50 46.60
402.1 19.90 5 9.95 9.95 24.90 14.95 297.51 22.25 1.50 24.75 0 56.75 58.25 1.50 46.80
402.0 20.00 5 10.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 300.00 22.36 1.50 25 0 57.00 58.50 1.50 47.00
401.9 20.10 5 10.05 10.05 25.10 15.05 302.51 22.47 1.50 25.25 0 57.25 58.75 1.50 47.20
401.8 20.20 5 10.10 10.10 25.20 15.10 305.02 22.58 1.50 25.5 0 57.50 59.00 1.50 47.40
401.7 20.30 5 10.15 10.15 25.30 15.15 307.55 22.70 1.50 25.75 0 57.75 59.25 1.50 47.60
401.6 20.40 5 10.20 10.20 25.40 15.20 310.08 22.81 1.50 26 0 58.00 59.50 1.50 47.80
401.5 20.50 5 10.25 10.25 25.50 15.25 312.63 22.92 1.50 26.25 0 58.25 59.75 1.50 48.00
401.4 20.60 5 10.30 10.30 25.60 15.30 315.18 23.03 1.50 26.5 0 58.50 60.00 1.50 48.20
401.3 20.70 5 10.35 10.35 25.70 15.35 317.75 23.14 1.50 26.75 0 58.75 60.25 1.50 48.40
401.2 20.80 5 10.40 10.40 25.80 15.40 320.32 23.26 1.50 27 0 59.00 60.50 1.50 48.60
401.1 20.90 5 10.45 10.45 25.90 15.45 322.91 23.37 1.50 27.25 0 59.25 60.75 1.50 48.80
401.0 21.00 5 10.50 10.50 26.00 15.50 325.50 23.48 1.50 27.5 0 59.50 61.00 1.50 49.00
400.9 21.10 5 10.55 10.55 26.10 15.55 328.11 23.59 1.50 27.75 0 59.75 61.25 1.50 49.20
400.8 21.20 5 10.60 10.60 26.20 15.60 330.72 23.70 1.50 28 0 60.00 61.50 1.50 49.40
400.7 21.30 5 10.65 10.65 26.30 15.65 333.35 23.81 1.50 28.25 0 60.25 61.75 1.50 49.60
400.6 21.40 5 10.70 10.70 26.40 15.70 335.98 23.93 1.50 28.5 0 60.50 62.00 1.50 49.80
400.5 21.50 5 10.75 10.75 26.50 15.75 338.63 24.04 1.50 28.75 0 60.75 62.25 1.50 50.00
400.4 21.60 5 10.80 10.80 26.60 15.80 341.28 24.15 1.50 29 0 61.00 62.50 1.50 50.20
400.3 21.70 5 10.85 10.85 26.70 15.85 343.95 24.26 1.50 29.25 0 61.25 62.75 1.50 50.40
400.2 21.80 5 10.90 10.90 26.80 15.90 346.62 24.37 1.50 29.5 0 61.50 63.00 1.50 50.60
400.1 21.90 5 10.95 10.95 26.90 15.95 349.31 24.48 1.50 29.75 0 61.75 63.25 1.50 50.80
400.0 22.00 5 11.00 11.00 27.00 16.00 352.00 24.60 1.50 30 5.00 67.00 68.50 1.50 56.00
399.9 22.10 5 11.05 11.05 27.10 16.05 354.71 24.71 1.50 0.275 0 67.28 68.78 1.50 56.23
399.8 22.20 5 11.10 11.10 27.20 16.10 357.42 24.82 1.50 0.55 0 67.55 69.05 1.50 56.45
399.7 22.30 5 11.15 11.15 27.30 16.15 360.15 24.93 1.50 0.825 0 67.83 69.33 1.50 56.68
399.6 22.40 5 11.20 11.20 27.40 16.20 362.88 25.04 1.50 1.1 0 68.10 69.60 1.50 56.90
399.5 22.50 5 11.25 11.25 27.50 16.25 365.63 25.16 1.50 1.375 0 68.38 69.88 1.50 57.13
399.4 22.60 5 11.30 11.30 27.60 16.30 368.38 25.27 1.50 1.65 0 68.65 70.15 1.50 57.35
399.3 22.70 5 11.35 11.35 27.70 16.35 371.15 25.38 1.50 1.925 0 68.93 70.43 1.50 57.58
399.2 22.80 5 11.40 11.40 27.80 16.40 373.92 25.49 1.50 2.2 0 69.20 70.70 1.50 57.80
399.1 22.90 5 11.45 11.45 27.90 16.45 376.71 25.60 1.50 2.475 0 69.48 70.98 1.50 58.03
399.0 23.00 5 11.50 11.50 28.00 16.50 379.50 25.71 1.50 2.75 0 69.75 71.25 1.50 58.25
398.9 23.10 5 11.55 11.55 28.10 16.55 382.31 25.83 1.50 3.025 0 70.03 71.53 1.50 58.48
398.8 23.20 5 11.60 11.60 28.20 16.60 385.12 25.94 1.50 3.3 0 70.30 71.80 1.50 58.70
398.7 23.30 5 11.65 11.65 28.30 16.65 387.95 26.05 1.50 3.575 0 70.58 72.08 1.50 58.93
398.6 23.40 5 11.70 11.70 28.40 16.70 390.78 26.16 1.50 3.85 0 70.85 72.35 1.50 59.15
398.5 23.50 5 11.75 11.75 28.50 16.75 393.63 26.27 1.50 4.125 0 71.13 72.63 1.50 59.38
398.4 23.60 5 11.80 11.80 28.60 16.80 396.48 26.39 1.50 4.4 0 71.40 72.90 1.50 59.60
398.3 23.70 5 11.85 11.85 28.70 16.85 399.35 26.50 1.50 4.675 0 71.68 73.18 1.50 59.83
398.2 23.80 5 11.90 11.90 28.80 16.90 402.22 26.61 1.50 4.95 0 71.95 73.45 1.50 60.05
398.1 23.90 5 11.95 11.95 28.90 16.95 405.11 26.72 1.50 5.225 0 72.23 73.73 1.50 60.28
398.0 24.00 5 12.00 12.00 29.00 17.00 408.00 26.83 1.50 5.5 0 72.50 74.00 1.50 60.50
397.9 24.10 5 12.05 12.05 29.10 17.05 410.91 26.94 1.50 5.775 0 72.78 74.28 1.50 60.73
397.8 24.20 5 12.10 12.10 29.20 17.10 413.82 27.06 1.50 6.05 0 73.05 74.55 1.50 60.95
397.7 24.30 5 12.15 12.15 29.30 17.15 416.75 27.17 1.50 6.325 0 73.33 74.83 1.50 61.18
397.6 24.40 5 12.20 12.20 29.40 17.20 419.68 27.28 1.50 6.6 0 73.60 75.10 1.50 61.40
397.5 24.50 5 12.25 12.25 29.50 17.25 422.63 27.39 1.50 6.875 0 73.88 75.38 1.50 61.63
397.4 24.60 5 12.30 12.30 29.60 17.30 425.58 27.50 1.50 7.15 0 74.15 75.65 1.50 61.85
397.3 24.70 5 12.35 12.35 29.70 17.35 428.55 27.62 1.50 7.425 0 74.43 75.93 1.50 62.08
397.2 24.80 5 12.40 12.40 29.80 17.40 431.52 27.73 1.50 7.7 0 74.70 76.20 1.50 62.30
397.1 24.90 5 12.45 12.45 29.90 17.45 434.51 27.84 1.50 7.975 0 74.98 76.48 1.50 62.53
397.0 25.00 5 12.50 12.50 30.00 17.50 437.50 27.95 1.50 8.25 0 75.25 76.75 1.50 62.75
396.9 25.10 5 12.55 12.55 30.10 17.55 440.51 28.06 1.50 8.525 0 75.53 77.03 1.50 62.98
396.8 25.20 5 12.60 12.60 30.20 17.60 443.52 28.17 1.50 8.8 0 75.80 77.30 1.50 63.20
396.7 25.30 5 12.65 12.65 30.30 17.65 446.55 28.29 1.50 9.075 0 76.08 77.58 1.50 63.43
396.6 25.40 5 12.70 12.70 30.40 17.70 449.58 28.40 1.50 9.35 0 76.35 77.85 1.50 63.65
396.5 25.50 5 12.75 12.75 30.50 17.75 452.63 28.51 1.50 9.625 0 76.63 78.13 1.50 63.88
396.4 25.60 5 12.80 12.80 30.60 17.80 455.68 28.62 1.50 9.9 0 76.90 78.40 1.50 64.10
396.3 25.70 5 12.85 12.85 30.70 17.85 458.75 28.73 1.50 10.175 0 77.18 78.68 1.50 64.33
396.2 25.80 5 12.90 12.90 30.80 17.90 461.82 28.85 1.50 10.45 0 77.45 78.95 1.50 64.55
396.1 25.90 5 12.95 12.95 30.90 17.95 464.91 28.96 1.50 10.725 0 77.73 79.23 1.50 64.78
396.0 26.00 5 13.00 13.00 31.00 18.00 468.00 29.07 1.50 11 0 78.00 79.50 1.50 65.00
395.9 26.10 5 13.05 13.05 31.10 18.05 471.11 29.18 1.50 11.275 0 78.28 79.78 1.50 65.23
395.8 26.20 5 13.10 13.10 31.20 18.10 474.22 29.29 1.50 11.55 0 78.55 80.05 1.50 65.45
395.7 26.30 5 13.15 13.15 31.30 18.15 477.35 29.40 1.50 11.825 0 78.83 80.33 1.50 65.68
395.6 26.40 5 13.20 13.20 31.40 18.20 480.48 29.52 1.50 12.1 0 79.10 80.60 1.50 65.90
395.5 26.50 5 13.25 13.25 31.50 18.25 483.63 29.63 1.50 12.375 0 79.38 80.88 1.50 66.13
395.4 26.60 5 13.30 13.30 31.60 18.30 486.78 29.74 1.50 12.65 0 79.65 81.15 1.50 66.35
395.3 26.70 5 13.35 13.35 31.70 18.35 489.95 29.85 1.50 12.925 0 79.93 81.43 1.50 66.58
395.2 26.80 5 13.40 13.40 31.80 18.40 493.12 29.96 1.50 13.2 0 80.20 81.70 1.50 66.80
395.1 26.90 5 13.45 13.45 31.90 18.45 496.31 30.08 1.50 13.475 0 80.48 81.98 1.50 67.03
395.0 27.00 5 13.50 13.50 32.00 18.50 499.50 30.19 1.50 13.75 0 80.75 82.25 1.50 67.25
394.9 27.10 5 13.55 13.55 32.10 18.55 502.71 30.30 1.50 14.025 0 81.03 82.53 1.50 67.48
394.8 27.20 5 13.60 13.60 32.20 18.60 505.92 30.41 1.50 14.3 0 81.30 82.80 1.50 67.70
394.7 27.30 5 13.65 13.65 32.30 18.65 509.15 30.52 1.50 14.575 0 81.58 83.08 1.50 67.93
394.6 27.40 5 13.70 13.70 32.40 18.70 512.38 30.63 1.50 14.85 0 81.85 83.35 1.50 68.15
394.5 27.50 5 13.75 13.75 32.50 18.75 515.63 30.75 1.50 15.125 0 82.13 83.63 1.50 68.38
394.4 27.60 5 13.80 13.80 32.60 18.80 518.88 30.86 1.50 15.4 0 82.40 83.90 1.50 68.60
394.3 27.70 5 13.85 13.85 32.70 18.85 522.15 30.97 1.50 15.675 0 82.68 84.18 1.50 68.83
394.2 27.80 5 13.90 13.90 32.80 18.90 525.42 31.08 1.50 15.95 0 82.95 84.45 1.50 69.05
394.1 27.90 5 13.95 13.95 32.90 18.95 528.71 31.19 1.50 16.225 0 83.23 84.73 1.50 69.28
394.0 28.00 5 14.00 14.00 33.00 19.00 532.00 31.30 1.50 16.5 0 83.50 85.00 1.50 69.50
393.9 28.10 5 14.05 14.05 33.10 19.05 535.31 31.42 1.50 16.775 0 83.78 85.28 1.50 69.73
393.8 28.20 5 14.10 14.10 33.20 19.10 538.62 31.53 1.50 17.05 0 84.05 85.55 1.50 69.95
393.7 28.30 5 14.15 14.15 33.30 19.15 541.95 31.64 1.50 17.325 0 84.33 85.83 1.50 70.18
393.6 28.40 5 14.20 14.20 33.40 19.20 545.28 31.75 1.50 17.6 0 84.60 86.10 1.50 70.40
393.5 28.50 5 14.25 14.25 33.50 19.25 548.63 31.86 1.50 17.875 0 84.88 86.38 1.50 70.63
393.4 28.60 5 14.30 14.30 33.60 19.30 551.98 31.98 1.50 18.15 0 85.15 86.65 1.50 70.85
393.3 28.70 5 14.35 14.35 33.70 19.35 555.35 32.09 1.50 18.425 0 85.43 86.93 1.50 71.08
393.2 28.80 5 14.40 14.40 33.80 19.40 558.72 32.20 1.50 18.7 0 85.70 87.20 1.50 71.30
393.1 28.90 5 14.45 14.45 33.90 19.45 562.11 32.31 1.50 18.975 0 85.98 87.48 1.50 71.53
393.0 29.00 5 14.50 14.50 34.00 19.50 565.50 32.42 1.50 19.25 0 86.25 87.75 1.50 71.75
392.9 29.10 5 14.55 14.55 34.10 19.55 568.91 32.53 1.50 19.525 0 86.53 88.03 1.50 71.98
392.8 29.20 5 14.60 14.60 34.20 19.60 572.32 32.65 1.50 19.8 0 86.80 88.30 1.50 72.20
392.7 29.30 5 14.65 14.65 34.30 19.65 575.75 32.76 1.50 20.075 0 87.08 88.58 1.50 72.43
392.6 29.40 5 14.70 14.70 34.40 19.70 579.18 32.87 1.50 20.35 0 87.35 88.85 1.50 72.65
392.5 29.50 5 14.75 14.75 34.50 19.75 582.63 32.98 1.50 20.625 0 87.63 89.13 1.50 72.88
392.4 29.60 5 14.80 14.80 34.60 19.80 586.08 33.09 1.50 20.9 0 87.90 89.40 1.50 73.10
392.3 29.70 5 14.85 14.85 34.70 19.85 589.55 33.21 1.50 21.175 0 88.18 89.68 1.50 73.33
392.2 29.80 5 14.90 14.90 34.80 19.90 593.02 33.32 1.50 21.45 0 88.45 89.95 1.50 73.55
392.1 29.90 5 14.95 14.95 34.90 19.95 596.51 33.43 1.50 21.725 0 88.73 90.23 1.50 73.78
392.0 30.00 5 15.00 15.00 35.00 20.00 600.00 33.54 1.50 22 0 89.00 90.50 1.50 74.00
391.9 30.10 5 15.05 15.05 35.10 20.05 603.51 33.65 1.50 22.275 0 89.28 90.78 1.50 74.23
391.8 30.20 5 15.10 15.10 35.20 20.10 607.02 33.76 1.50 22.55 0 89.55 91.05 1.50 74.45
391.7 30.30 5 15.15 15.15 35.30 20.15 610.55 33.88 1.50 22.825 0 89.83 91.33 1.50 74.68
391.6 30.40 5 15.20 15.20 35.40 20.20 614.08 33.99 1.50 23.1 0 90.10 91.60 1.50 74.90
391.5 30.50 5 15.25 15.25 35.50 20.25 617.63 34.10 1.50 23.375 0 90.38 91.88 1.50 75.13
391.4 30.60 5 15.30 15.30 35.60 20.30 621.18 34.21 1.50 23.65 0 90.65 92.15 1.50 75.35
391.3 30.70 5 15.35 15.35 35.70 20.35 624.75 34.32 1.50 23.925 0 90.93 92.43 1.50 75.58
391.2 30.80 5 15.40 15.40 35.80 20.40 628.32 34.44 1.50 24.2 0 91.20 92.70 1.50 75.80
391.1 30.90 5 15.45 15.45 35.90 20.45 631.91 34.55 1.50 24.475 0 91.48 92.98 1.50 76.03
391.0 31.00 5 15.50 15.50 36.00 20.50 635.50 34.66 1.50 24.75 0 91.75 93.25 1.50 76.25
390.9 31.10 5 15.55 15.55 36.10 20.55 639.11 34.77 1.50 25.025 0 92.03 93.53 1.50 76.48
390.8 31.20 5 15.60 15.60 36.20 20.60 642.72 34.88 1.50 25.3 0 92.30 93.80 1.50 76.70
390.7 31.30 5 15.65 15.65 36.30 20.65 646.35 34.99 1.50 25.575 0 92.58 94.08 1.50 76.93
390.6 31.40 5 15.70 15.70 36.40 20.70 649.98 35.11 1.50 25.85 0 92.85 94.35 1.50 77.15
390.5 31.50 5 15.75 15.75 36.50 20.75 653.63 35.22 1.50 26.125 0 93.13 94.63 1.50 77.38
390.4 31.60 5 15.80 15.80 36.60 20.80 657.28 35.33 1.50 26.4 0 93.40 94.90 1.50 77.60
390.3 31.70 5 15.85 15.85 36.70 20.85 660.95 35.44 1.50 26.675 0 93.68 95.18 1.50 77.83
390.2 31.80 5 15.90 15.90 36.80 20.90 664.62 35.55 1.50 26.95 0 93.95 95.45 1.50 78.05
390.1 31.90 5 15.95 15.95 36.90 20.95 668.31 35.67 1.50 27.225 0 94.23 95.73 1.50 78.28
390.0 32.00 5 16.00 16.00 37.00 21.00 672.00 35.78 1.50 27.5 0 94.50 96.00 1.50 78.50
389.9 32.10 5 16.05 16.05 37.10 21.05 675.71 35.89 1.50 27.775 0 94.78 96.28 1.50 78.73
389.8 32.20 5 16.10 16.10 37.20 21.10 679.42 36.00 1.50 28.05 0 95.05 96.55 1.50 78.95
389.7 32.30 5 16.15 16.15 37.30 21.15 683.15 36.11 1.50 28.325 0 95.33 96.83 1.50 79.18
389.6 32.40 5 16.20 16.20 37.40 21.20 686.88 36.22 1.50 28.6 0 95.60 97.10 1.50 79.40
389.5 32.50 5 16.25 16.25 37.50 21.25 690.63 36.34 1.50 28.875 0 95.88 97.38 1.50 79.63
389.4 32.60 5 16.30 16.30 37.60 21.30 694.38 36.45 1.50 29.15 0 96.15 97.65 1.50 79.85
389.3 32.70 5 16.35 16.35 37.70 21.35 698.15 36.56 1.50 29.425 0 96.43 97.93 1.50 80.08
389.2 32.80 5 16.40 16.40 37.80 21.40 701.92 36.67 1.50 29.7 0 96.70 98.20 1.50 80.30
389.1 32.90 5 16.45 16.45 37.90 21.45 705.71 36.78 1.50 29.975 0 96.98 98.48 1.50 80.53
389.0 33.00 5 16.50 16.50 38.00 21.50 709.50 36.90 1.50 30.25 0 97.25 98.75 1.50 80.75
388.9 33.10 5 16.55 16.55 38.10 21.55 713.31 37.01 1.50 30.525 0 97.53 99.03 1.50 80.98
388.8 33.20 5 16.60 16.60 38.20 21.60 717.12 37.12 1.50 30.8 0 97.80 99.30 1.50 81.20
388.7 33.30 5 16.65 16.65 38.30 21.65 720.95 37.23 1.50 31.075 0 98.08 99.58 1.50 81.43
388.6 33.40 5 16.70 16.70 38.40 21.70 724.78 37.34 1.50 31.35 0 98.35 99.85 1.50 81.65
388.5 33.50 5 16.75 16.75 38.50 21.75 728.63 37.45 1.50 31.625 0 98.63 100.13 1.50 81.88
388.4 33.60 5 16.80 16.80 38.60 21.80 732.48 37.57 1.50 31.9 0 98.90 100.40 1.50 82.10
388.3 33.70 5 16.85 16.85 38.70 21.85 736.35 37.68 1.50 32.175 0 99.18 100.68 1.50 82.33
388.2 33.80 5 16.90 16.90 38.80 21.90 740.22 37.79 1.50 32.45 0 99.45 100.95 1.50 82.55
388.1 33.90 5 16.95 16.95 38.90 21.95 744.11 37.90 1.50 32.725 0 99.73 101.23 1.50 82.78
Abstract Quantities of Cutoff trench
Chainage FRL TBL Cutting Depth BW TW Area Avg Area Volume
0.00 423.50 420 424 - - - - -
50.00 419.00 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 10.5 525.0
100.00 416.50 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
150.00 415.20 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
200.00 418.30 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
250.00 413.40 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
300.00 414.40 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
350.00 411.40 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
400.00 409.90 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
450.00 407.50 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
500.00 409.50 420 424 3.0 4.0 10.0 21.0 21.0 1050.0
550.00 408.20 420 424 3.5 4.0 11.0 26.3 23.6 1181.3
600.00 407.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 43.1 2156.3
650.00 407.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
700.00 406.10 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
750.00 406.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
800.00 405.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
850.00 406.20 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
900.00 405.60 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
950.00 404.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1000.00 403.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1050.00 404.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1100.00 405.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1150.00 405.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1200.00 406.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1250.00 406.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1300.00 407.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1350.00 406.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1400.00 406.60 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1450.00 410.30 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1500.00 410.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1550.00 413.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1600.00 421.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1650.00 410.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1700.00 408.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1750.00 406.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1800.00 405.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1850.00 404.30 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1900.00 403.80 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
1950.00 402.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2000.00 401.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2050.00 400.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2100.00 399.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2150.00 398.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2200.00 397.10 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2250.00 396.10 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2300.00 395.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2350.00 394.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2400.00 393.30 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2450.00 393.20 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2500.00 393.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2550.00 393.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2600.00 393.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2650.00 392.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2700.00 392.30 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2750.00 391.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2800.00 390.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2850.00 390.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2900.00 389.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
2950.00 388.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3000.00 388.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3050.00 387.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3100.00 387.60 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0

Chainage FRL TBL Cutting Depth BW TW Area Avg Area Volume
3150.00 387.30 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3200.00 387.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3250.00 386.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3300.00 386.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3350.00 385.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3400.00 385.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3450.00 385.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3500.00 384.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3550.00 384.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3600.00 384.40 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3650.00 383.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3700.00 383.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3750.00 383.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3800.00 384.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3850.00 382.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3900.00 382.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
3950.00 382.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4000.00 381.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4050.00 380.70 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4100.00 380.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4150.00 380.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4200.00 380.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4250.00 380.30 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4300.00 380.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4350.00 379.60 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4400.00 379.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4450.00 379.10 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4500.00 379.10 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4550.00 379.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4600.00 379.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4650.00 376.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4700.00 378.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4750.00 378.50 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4800.00 377.90 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4850.00 377.00 420 424 6.0 4.0 16.0 60.0 60.0 3000.0
4900.00 376.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 66.0 3300.0
4950.00 376.90 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5000.00 377.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5050.00 377.80 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5100.00 378.20 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5150.00 378.70 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5200.00 379.20 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5250.00 379.60 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5300.00 380.00 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5350.00 380.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5400.00 381.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5450.00 380.80 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5500.00 380.00 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5550.00 380.30 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5600.00 380.20 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5650.00 380.10 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5700.00 380.70 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5750.00 381.00 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5800.00 381.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5850.00 382.30 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5900.00 382.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
5950.00 382.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6000.00 382.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6050.00 383.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6100.00 384.40 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6150.00 385.10 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6200.00 385.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6250.00 387.30 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6300.00 389.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6350.00 389.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6400.00 389.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0

Chainage FRL TBL Cutting Depth BW TW Area Avg Area Volume
6450.00 388.60 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6500.00 388.30 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6550.00 387.40 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6600.00 387.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6650.00 387.90 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6700.00 388.60 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6750.00 389.40 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6800.00 390.30 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6850.00 390.60 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6900.00 392.10 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
6950.00 393.40 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7000.00 394.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7050.00 395.20 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7100.00 396.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7150.00 397.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7200.00 399.10 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7250.00 401.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7300.00 403.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7350.00 409.80 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7400.00 410.20 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7450.00 403.70 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7500.00 406.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7550.00 409.60 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7600.00 413.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7650.00 416.40 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0
7700.00 423.50 420 424 6.0 6.0 18.0 72.0 72.0 3600.0

Total Quantity of Cutoff Trench 4,73,213

Abstract Quantities of Toe drain, Toe wall and Parapet wall

Toe drain (excavation) m3 Toe Drain Toe Wall (U/s)

Laying Laying Parapet Kerb wall
Laying 200
Laying 300 Laying 200 Laying 600 Laying 600 200 mm 200 mm wall (M15 (M15
mm graded
mm riprap mm graded mm Boulder mm riprap graded graded Concrete) Concrete
Toe Wall U/S Toe drain D/S metal for
for Toe Sand for Toe for Rock Toe for toe metal for Sand for m3 ) m3
Toe D/S
drain D/S D/S Drain D/S wall Toe U/S Toe U/S
Drain Drain
Qty 139685 57178.75 9670.5 23946 23946 206265.625 99237.75 21413.25 19648 6830.75 383.75

Dam Length 7675 m

Guard Stones 0.3*0.3*0.75 @ 3m c/c 172.6875 m3

Turn Circle Provision of Size 11 x 4 m Area at Top 31.24 m2

Turn Circle Provision of Size 41 x 19 m Area at Bottom 598.89 m2
Avg. Area 315.065 m2
No. of turn circles @ 0.5 km interval 16 nos.
Average height of Turn Circle say 6 m
Total Quantity for Turn Circles 30246.24 m3

Items Total Qty Unit

Exavation for Toe Wall 196863.75 m3
Laying 600 mm riprap 305503.375 m3
Laying 300 mm riprap 9670.5 m3
Laying 200 mm graded metal 45359.25 m3
Laying 200 mm graded sand 43594 m3
Parapet Wall 6830.75 m3
Kerb Wall 383.75 m3
Guard Stones 172.6875 m3
Earth filling for Turn Circles 30246.24 m3


Rate Amount (Rs.
S. No. Item Code Item of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
(in Rs.) Lakh)
1 Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 %
open space) including bushes upto 30 cm/
parthenium and other weeds including
PMW-1-1 m2 140.00 1.70 0.002
burning or disposing off the same directed
etc sample (including contractor's profit and
Excavation for foundation in all kinds of soil
including boulders upto 0.3 m diameter for
diameter of dam,spillway, intake structure
and other appurtenant works and placing the
2 DAW-1-1 m3 238.70 124.50 0.30
excavated soil neatly in dump area or
disposing off the same as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1km and all
Excavation for foundation in ordinary rock (
including HDR) without blasting including
boulders above 0.3 m upto 0.6m dia for dam,
spillway , intake structure and other
DAW-1-2 m3 159.13 164.30 0.26
appurtenant works and placing the excavated
material neatly in dump area o disposing off
the same as directed etc., complete with
initial lead upto 1km and all lifts

Cement concrete (M-20) for Retaining Wall,

4 DAW-2-9 m3 524.30 7673.30 40.23
Breast Wall, piers,abutment,CC Block etc
Providing HYSD bars in deck slab including
5 CCDW-2- MT 24.69 51300.00 12.67
bending, cutting and placing.
6 Sheet Pile MT 1.14 87193.00 0.99
Roads SOR 2016-17
7 Boulder for Launching Apron m3 19.20 156.00 0.03
Fabricating, sealing, hoisting and placing in
8 position of Vertical steel gates and stoplogs 45.46
(As per Annexure CR-HM )
Telengana Revised
Standard Data with SOR
9 Filter m3 9.60 1070.50 0.10
2016-17 Sl.No.64 page

Total A 100.04

Contingency @ 1% of Total A 1.00

Dewatering @ 5% of relevant items 5.00
Grand Total in Lakhs 106.05
1 Jungle Clearance sqm 35 4 140
2 EW IN EXCAVATION cum 12.68 31.38 397.84
3 Boulder in launching apron cum 1 8 4 0.6 19.2

4 Graded Filter cum 1 8 4 0.3 9.60

5 Cement concrete M20 524.30
FOR FLOOR PORTION U/S 1 8 19.53 156.22
TOE WALL 1 8 0.4 0.9 2.88
1 8 0.7 0.15 0.84
CC BLOCK cum 1 8 4 0.6 19.20
PIER cum 1 2 15.53 31.06
Abutments cum 2 20.5 2.34 0.5 47.97
cum 2 20.5 0.6 0.6 14.76
cum 2 20.5 1.395 2.65 151.57

Wingwall cum 2 14.1 1.725 0.5 24.32

cum 2 14.1 0.4 0.4 4.51
cum 2 14.1 0.99 2.35 65.44
ROAD SLAB cum 1 9.2 3.6 0.3 0.00
ROAD PARAPET cum 2 9.2 0.3 1 5.52

6 Sheet Pile cum 1 14.5 3.5 0.01 0.15

MT 1.14

7 Reinforcement MT 24.69



Sl Nos Total Rate per Amount

EQUIPMENT Wt/Set Amount Sand Blasting & Painting (15 Sqm./ M.T.)
No reqd Weight M.T. per Set
RS. IN RS. IN No. of Painting Amount
M.T. M.T. RS. / M.T. Blasting Total Rate Amount
Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs.in Lakhs
14 = 13 +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 10+11 13 = 12x9
Fabricating, Sealing, hoisting & placing in
1 position of Fixed Wheel typeVertical Lift 4 2.884 11.536 136657.20 3.941 15.765 173.04 526.70 485.5 1012.2 1.752 17.516
Gates of size : (3.0m X 2.3 m)
2 Embedded parts 4 0.924 3.696 164467.90 1.520 6.079 55 526.70 485.5 1012.2 0.561 6.640
Hoisting of gates Rope Drum Hoist
3 1 7.7 7.7 66679.00 5.134 5.134 115.5 526.70 485.5 1012.2 1.169 6.303
Total 22.93 26.978 Total in lakhs 30.460
Remote control with SCADA 15.000
Total in lakhs 45.46


Rate Amount (Rs.
S. No. Item Code Item of Work Unit Quantity Remarks
(in Rs.) Lakh)
1 Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 %
open space) including bushes upto 30 cm/
parthenium and other weeds including
PMW-1-1 m2 300.00 1.70 0.005
burning or disposing off the same directed
etc sample (including contractor's profit and
Excavation for foundation in all kinds of soil
including boulders upto 0.3 m diameter for
diameter of dam,spillway, intake structure
and other appurtenant works and placing the
2 DAW-1-1 m3 485.52 124.50 0.60
excavated soil neatly in dump area or
disposing off the same as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1km and all
Excavation for foundation in ordinary rock (
including HDR) without blasting including
boulders above 0.3 m upto 0.6m dia for dam,
spillway , intake structure and other
DAW-1-2 m3 323.68 164.30 0.53
appurtenant works and placing the excavated
material neatly in dump area o disposing off
the same as directed etc., complete with
initial lead upto 1km and all lifts

Cement concrete (M-20) for Retaining Wall,

4 DAW-2-9 m3 371.23 7673.30 28.49
Breast Wall, piers,abutment,CC Block etc
Providing HYSD bars in deck slab including
5 CCDW-2- MT 17.49 51300.00 8.97
bending, cutting and placing.
6 Sheet Pile MT 1.14 87193.00 0.99
Roads SOR 2016-17
7 Boulder for Launching Apron m3 25.60 156.00 0.04
Fabricating, sealing, hoisting and placing in
8 position of Vertical steel gates and stoplogs 41.11
(As per Annexure CR-HM )
Telengana Revised
Standard Data with SOR
9 Filter m3 9.36 1070.50 0.10
2016-17 Sl.No.64 page

Total A 80.84

Contingency @ 1% of Total A 0.81

Dewatering @ 5% of relevant items 4.04
Grand Total in Lakhs 85.69
1 Jungle Clearance sqm 25 12 300
2 EW IN EXCAVATION cum 11.2 72.25 809.20
3 Boulder in launching apron cum 1 8 4 0.8 25.6

4 Graded Filter cum 1 8 3.9 0.3 9.36

5 Cement concrete M20 371.23
FOR FLOOR PORTION U/S 1 8 13.93 111.44
TOE WALL 2 8 0.4 0.8 5.12
2 8 0.7 0.15 1.68
CC BLOCK cum 1 8 3.9 0.5 15.60
PIER cum 1 1.5 15.36 23.04
Abutments cum 2 8.8 1.5 0.9 23.76
cum 2 8.8 0.6 0.6 6.34
cum 2 8.8 0.975 1.25 21.45

Wingwall cum 2 22.2 1.6 0.9 63.94

cum 2 22.2 0.4 0.4 7.10
cum 2 22.2 0.93 2.1 86.25
ROAD SLAB cum 1 9.2 3.6 0.3 0.00
ROAD PARAPET cum 2 9.2 0.3 1 5.52

6 Sheet Pile cum 1 14.5 3.5 0.01 0.15

MT 1.14

7 Reinforcement MT 17.49



Sl Nos Total Rate per Amount

EQUIPMENT Wt/Set Amount Sand Blasting & Painting (15 Sqm./ M.T.)
No reqd Weight M.T. per Set
RS. IN RS. IN No. of Painting Amount
M.T. M.T. RS. / M.T. Blasting Total Rate Amount
Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs./Sqm. Rs.in Lakhs
14 = 13 +
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 = 10+11 13 = 12x9
Fabricating, Sealing, hoisting & placing in
1 position of Fixed Wheel typeVertical Lift 4 2.472 9.888 136657.20 3.378 13.513 148.32 526.70 485.5 1012.2 1.501 15.014
Gates of size : (3.0m X 2.3 m)
2 Embedded parts 4 0.792 3.168 164467.90 1.303 5.210 48 526.70 485.5 1012.2 0.481 5.691
Hoisting of gates Rope Drum Hoist
3 1 6.6 6.6 66679.00 4.401 4.401 99 526.70 485.5 1012.2 1.002 5.403
Total 19.66 23.124 Total in lakhs 26.108
Remote control with SCADA 15.000
Total in lakhs 41.11
Unit - II Cost Estimate of Viaduct
F-CD works Abstract of Cost

Amount in
SL. NO Items Unit Quantity Rate Remarks

Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 % open space)

including bushes upto 30 cm/ parthenium and other weeds
1 sq m 12000 1.70 0.20 IRR-PMW-1-1
including burning or disposing off the same directed etc
sample (including contractor's profit and overheads)

Excavation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without blasting

including boulders upto 0.3 m upto 0.6m dia for canal, seating
of embankment, filter drains/catch water drains etc .including
2 dressing bed and sides to required level and prfile, cost of all m 4950.3 164.30 8.13 IRR-DAW-1-2
materials , machinery, labour, placing the excavated soil neatly
in dump area or for the formation of service road/embankment
as directed, complete with initial lead upto 1km and all lifts

Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube

compressive strength not less than 20 N / sq mm ) grade
cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved, clean,
hard, graded aggregates including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating,
3 cum 4119.42 7673.30 316.10 IRR-DAW-2-9
finishing, curing etc.,complete for RCC works of gallery,
sluice, spillway crest, spillway d / s face, energy dissipating
structures, training walls, piers, abutments and such other
locations with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement
content : 310 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser, CA : 0.90
cum, blending ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)

Providing and laying insitu M- 25 ( 28 days cube compressive

strength not lesst han 25 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete
using 20 mm down size approved, clean, hard, graded
aggregates for wearing coat including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing,
placing in position in alternate panels, levelling, compacting,
Cum 2431.59 6705.50 163.05 IRR-DAW-2-13
finishing, curing, packing joints with asphalt mortar etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement
content : 380 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser, CA : 0.80
cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)

Providing, fabricating and placing in position reinforcement

steel for RCC,below 36 dia rods overlaps and wastages
wherever required, tying with 1.25 mm diameter soft annealed
steel wire, including cost of all materials, machinery, labour
5 MT 433.41 51300.00 222.34 IRR-CCDW-2-1
etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all
lifts.Providing,fabricating and placing reinforcement steel for
RCC, below 36 dia rods ( HYSD bars )(including contractor's
profit and overheads)
6 Provision for other Diversion Works LS 150.00
Sub-Total 859.82
Contigency @ 1% for crossing 7.1
Dewatering @ 3% of relevant items 21.1
Total in Lakhs 887.97
Quantities for Viaduct
Sl.no Item No. L B H Area Total Unit Quantity
1 Jungle Clearance 1200 10 12000 m2 12000

2 Earth Work in excavation m3 4950.27

For abutment 2 6.87 4 2.5 137.40
For Pier 64 4.82 4 2 2467.84
15 4.82 6.05 5 2187.08
EW wingwall
US and Ds 4 2.56 6.17 2.50 157.95

Total 4950.27
3 RCC M20 m3 4119.42
a Abutment 1 3.5 26.96 94.36
1 3.5 29.51 103.29
Wingwall Main
U/s 2 5.75 0.93 2.10 22.46
D/s 2 6.17 0.93 2.10 24.10

b Pier M20
Intermediate Piers 64 3.5 13.386 2998.46
End Piers 15 3.5 16.7 876.75

Total 4119.42
4 Cement Concrete M25 m3 2431.59
Canal Bed Slab 1043.6 2.5 0.5 1304.5
Side Walls and Divide Walls 2 1043.6 1.8 0.3 1127.088

Total 2431.59
5 Steel Reinforcement MT 433.41
a) Trough (M25 etc @ 1% of
CC 190.88
b) M20@ 0.75 % of CC 242.53
Total 433.41

Cost Estimate of Double Lane Road Bridge (DLRB) @ Ch 0.8 km of Approach Channel
Abstract of Cost

Item Amount
SL. NO Items Unit Quantity Rate Remarks
Code in Lakhs
Clearing thin jungle growth (more than 50 % open space)
IRR- including bushes upto 30 cm/ parthenium and other
1 PMW- weeds including burning or disposing off the same sq m 1500.0 1.7 0.03
1-1 directed etc sample (including contractor's profit and
Excavation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without
blasting including boulders upto 0.3 m diameter for canal,
seating of embankment, filter drains/catch water drains
etc .including dressing bed and sides to required level
2 DAW- cum 2168.5 164.3 3.56
and prfile, cost of all materials , machinery, labour,
1-2 placing the excavated soil neatly in dump area or for the
formation of service road/embankment as directed,
complete with initial lead upto 2km and all lifts
Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube
compressive strength not less than 15 N / sq mm ) grade
cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved,
clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of all
IRR- materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering,
scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
3 DAW- position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing cum 168.21 5884.7 9.90
2-5 etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead
upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 260 kg /cum
with use of super plasticiser,CA : 0.90 cum, Blending
Ratio of CA -- 50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum) (Cement
concrete for C/C block in u/s , d/s (M-15)

Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube

compressive strength not less than 20 N / sq mm ) grade
cement concrete using 40 mm down size approved,
clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering,
IRR- scaffolding, cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in
4 DAW- position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing cum 1710.56 7673.3 131.26
2-9 etc.,complete for RCC works of gallery, sluice, spillway
crest, spillway d / s face, energy dissipating structures,
training walls, piers, abutments and such other locations
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content :
310 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser, CA : 0.90 cum,
blending ratio of CA--50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)

Providing and laying insitu M- 25 ( 28 days cube

compressive strength not lesst han 25 N / sq mm ) grade
cement concrete using 20 mm down size approved,
clean, hard, graded aggregates for wearing coat including
IRR- cost of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork,
5 DAW- cleaning, batching, mixing, placing in position in alternate Cum 45.12 6705.50 3.03
2-13 panels, levelling, compacting, finishing, curing, packing
joints with asphalt mortar etc., complete with initial lead
upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 380 kg / cum
with use of super plasticiser, CA : 0.80 cum, Blending
Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)

Cost Estimate of Double Lane Road Bridge (DLRB) @ Ch 0.8 km of Approach Channel
Abstract of Cost

Item Amount
SL. NO Items Unit Quantity Rate Remarks
Code in Lakhs
Providing, fabricating and placing in position
reinforcement steel for RCC,below 36 dia rods overlaps
and wastages wherever required, tying with 1.25 mm
IRR- diameter soft annealed steel wire, including cost of all
6 CCDW- MT 68.91 51300.00 35.35
2-1 materials, machinery, labour etc., complete with initial
lead upto 1 km and all lifts.Providing,fabricating and
placing reinforcement steel for RCC, below 36 dia rods (
HYSD bars )(including contractor's profit and overheads)
Providing and constructing protective railing consisting of
in-situ railing posts of size 15 x 15 cm at bottom, 10 x 10
cm at top and 75 cm height at 2 m centre to centre in M-
20 grade concrete using 20 mm down size graded
aggregates and with each post reinforced by 4 Nos. of 8
7 mm dia main bars embedded in kerb concrete for a depth RM 285.00 1233.60 3.52
of 40 cm and 5 Nos. of 6 mm dia. stirrups including fixing
3 rows of 40 mm dia. GI pipes with one coat of red oxide
primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint, cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, formwork, finishing, curing
etc., complete with lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
Common SOR
2016-17 Govt of
8 AC Pipe for draining rain water of Dia 100 mm m 94.25 327.00 0.31 Telanagana Refno.
8. S o R FOR A.C.

Sub-Total 186.94
Contigency @ 1% 1.9
Dewatering @ 3% 0.1
Total in Lakhs 188.92
Waterway calculation (B+D)m= (9+3)=12 m m 12.00
Rate per m Water way lakhs per m 15.74
Quantities of Double Lane Road Bridge (DLRB) @Ch 0.8 km of Approach Channel

1 M2 100 15 1500
EW IN EXCAVATION cum 2168.45
ABUTMENT 2 13 6.575 7.7 1316.32
PIERS 2 13 6.364 5.15 852.14

Cement concrete for

M15 cum 2 13 6.575 0.5 85.48
M20 cum 2 12 3.388 6.2 504.06
Cement concrete for
pier M15 cum 82.73
M15 cum 2 13 6.364 0.5 82.73
Cement concrete for
pier M20 cum 794.24
M20 cum 2 12 4.364 2 209.47
cum 2 12 2.482 8.82 525.39
Beam cum 4 47.5 0.625 0.5 59.38
Cement concrete for
5 Abutment and Pier
Cap M25 cum
Abutment 2 12 1.2 0.5 14.40
2 12 0.6 0.8 11.52
Pier 2 12 1.6 0.5 19.20
Road Slab Girder,
Parapet etc M20
Slab & Girder cum 47.5 7.556 358.91
Front part 2 47.5 0.58 27.55
Corner Block 2 47.5 0.24 11.40
Railing Block 2 24 0.6 14.40

7 Reinforcement MT 68.91
Railing Pipe 3no
pipes m 6 47.5 285
AC Pipe for draining
9 rain water of Dia 100
mm m 1 94.5 94.5

K - Building

Sl. No. Item Unit Qty. Rate Amount

(Rs.) (Rs.
1 Residential Buildings
Permanent building m2 1698 10000 169.80
Various services @23% 39.05
Temporary Building m2 2947 8000 235.76
Various services @ 19% 44.79

2 Non-Residential Buildings
Permanent building m2 1500 12000 180.00
Various Services @ 14.5% 26.10
Temporary Building m2 1600 9600 153.60
Various services @ 12.5% 19.20
Total 868.31
Calculation of Plinth Area (Residential)

Permanent Temporary
Unit Area Total Plinth Unit Area Total
Sl. No. Description
(m2) Area (m2) Plinth
1 CE/SE -Type 0 200 0 1 200 200
2 EE - Type 2 150 300 2 150 300
3 A -Type 2 104 208 3 104 312
4 B -Type 10 70 700 20 70 1400
5 C -Type 10 49 490 15 49 735
Total Plinth Area 1698 2947

Calculation of Plinth Area (Non-Residential)

Description Permanent Temporary

Sl. No.
(m2) (m2)
1 Offices 900 700
2 Guest House/Transit Camp/Field
Hostel 100 200
3 Security Staff 100
4 Canteen 100 200
5 Fire Fighting 100 200
6 Store Shed/DG Shed/Workshop 200 300
/Explosive Store etc
Total Plinth Area 1500 1600

L-1 Earthwork

SL. Item Amount in

Items Unit Quantity Rate
NO Code Lakhs

Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto

0.3 m diameter for canal, seating of embankment, filter
IRR- drains/catch water drains etc .including dressing bed
1 CAW- and sides to required level and prfile, cost of all cum 101719 98.30 99.99
1-1 materials , machinery, labour, placing the excavated
soil neatly in dump area or for the formation of service
road/embankment as directed, complete with initial
lead upto 1km and all lifts
Excavation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without
blasting including boulders above 0.3m upto 0.6 m
diameter for field channels ,seating of embankment, for
IRR- field channels etc .including dressing bed and sides to
2 DAW- required level and prfile, cost of all materials , cum 101719 164.30 167.12
1-2 machinery, labour, placing the excavated soil neatly in
dump area or for the formation of service
road/embankment as directed, complete with lead upto
10m and lift upto 3km
Excavation in ordinary rock (including F&F) requiring
blasting including boulders above 0.6m upto 1.2 m
diameter for canals ,seating of embankment, filter
IRR- drain/catch water drain etc .including dressing bed and
3 DAW- sides to required level and prfile, cost of all materials , cum 67813 249.40 169.13
1-3 machinery, labour, placing the excavated soil neatly in
dump area or for the formation of service
road/embankment as directed, complete with lead upto
1km and all lifts

Excavation in hard rock of all toughness by blasting

including boulders above 1.2m dia for canals, seating
IRR- of embankment, filter drain/catch water drains etc
4 DAW- including levelling the bed by removing all projections cum 67813 445.30 301.97
1-4 by hammering /chiselling, cost of all materials
,machinery,labour, placing the excavated rock neatly in
approved dump area or other place as directed etc.,
complete with lead upto 1km and all lifts.

Providing impervious hearting embankment with soil

from approved dump areas in layers of 25 cm before
compaction including cost of all materials , machinery ,
IRR- labour , all operations such as reexcavation, sorting
5 DAW- out, transporting , spreading in layer of specified cum 186941.61 225.90 422.30
5-5 thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering,
compacting each layer to achieve density control of not
less than 98 % or as stipulated by sheep foot roller/
vibratory roller/ 8 to 10 tonn power roller etc complete
with intial lead upto 1 km and all lifts

Resectioning of FFC for about 500 m from Dam LS 50.00

Total 1210.51
Contigency @ 1% 12.1
Dewatering @ 3% 36.3
Grand Total in Lakhs 1258.93
Earthwork Quantity
Quantity in Quantity in Total
Sl No Item Unit
(m) cutting filling Quantity EW
1 Approach Channel 1250.00 cum 215730 8105.2 223834.8
Provision for Extra 500 m
2 500.00 cum 107865 107864.8
3 Viaduct 1401.10 cum 178836.4 178836.4
Escape Channel for
4 500.00 cum 15470
1750.00 Total 339064.4 186941.61 331699.6

Total EW
Sl.No Description % Unit

1 Quantity of EW in ordinary soil 101719

30% cum
2 Quantity of EW in Ordinary Rock 101719
30% cum
3 Hard Rock

A) Quantity of EW in Hard Rock (F&F) 67813

20% cum
Quantity of EW in Hard Rocks of all toughness by
B) 67813
blasting 20% cum
Abstract of cost for Lining of of Approach Channel
Item Amount in
SL. NO Items Unit Quantity Rate
Code Lakhs
Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.3
m diameter for canal,seating of embankment, filter drains /
catch water drains etc., including dressing bed and sides
IRR- to required level and profile, cost of all materials,
1 CAW-1- machinery, labour, placing the excavated soil neatly in cum 3034.7 98.30 2.98
1 dump area or for the formation of
service road / embankment as directed etc., complete with
initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.
Excavation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without
blasting including boulders above 0.30 m upto 0.6 m dia.
for canals, seating of embankment, filter drain / catch
IRR- water drains etc., including dressing of bed and sides to
2 DAW-1- required level and profile, cost of all materials, machinery, cum 3034.7 164.30 4.99
2 labour, placing the excavated
soft rock neatly in dump area or for formation of service
road as directed etc.,complete with lead upto 1 km and all
Providing and laying 100 mm thick in situ M-15 (28 days
cube compressive strength not less than 15 N /Sqmm )
grade cement concrete with 20 mm down size approved,
clean, hard, graded aggregates for canal lining using,
IRR- vibrating, cylinder type mechanical paver including cost of
3 DAW-2- all materials, machinery, labour, cleaning, batching, sq m 60694.48 590.64 358.49
8 mixing, placing in position, finishing, forming contraction
joints, fixing PVC joint sealing strips, curing, shifting of
paver from one side to othere side of canal etc., complete
with initial lead upto 1 Km and all lifts. ( 43 Gr Cement
content: (300kg /cum) 30 kg / sqm for use of super
plasticiser(0.4% by wt. of cement),CA : 0.80cum, Blending
Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI pressure
IRR- relief pipes 30 cm long with one end closed with perforated
4 CAW-7- GI plate and other end provided with alluminium lid hinged nos. 1891.00 175.50 3.32
20 to pipe including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm
dia holes etc., complete with all leads and lifts.

Providing and fixing 20 mm thick 100 mm depth tarfelt

expansion joint filler boards for cement concrete lining of
5 CAW-7- m 2023.15 75.40 1.53
canal including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete
with all leads and lifts.

Providing and forming 35 mm wide and 10 mm thick

construction / contraction joints for concrete lining by
6 CAW-7- m 606.94 23.20 0.14
mastic filler including cost of all materials, labour etc.,
complete with all leads and lifts.
Providing and fixing 100 mm dia perforated PVC pipes 40
cm long for Weep holes including cost of all materials,
7 CAW-7- nos. 632 199.40 1.26
labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc. complete with all leads
and lifts.
Resectioning of FFC for about 500 m from Dam LS 20.00
Sub-Total 392.70
Contigency @ 1% 3.9
Dewatering @ 3% 11.0
Total in Lakhs 407.62

Quantity Estimate
Bed Free Coping Total
Reach (m) Length Discharge Width F.S.D Board Perimeter Length Perimeter Thickness Quantity CC
Canal Lining Unit
lining M15
From To (m) m3/sec (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) 100mm thick
1 CC M15 Canal Lining
Approach Canal 0 1750 1750 39.26 9 3 1 23.42 1.10 24.52 0.10 sq m 42913.86
FFC 0 1401 1401 6.5 4.2 1.45 0.6 11.59 1.10 12.69 0.10 sq m 17780.62
Net Quantity 3151 60694.48

2 EW in Lip Cutting
Approach Canal 0 1750 1750 39.26 9 3 1 23.42 1.10 24.52 0.10 cum 4291.39
FFC 0 1401 1401 6.50 4 1 1 11.59 1.10 12.69 0.10 cum 1778.06
Net Quantity Total 3151 EW in ordinary soil 6069.45

Length Spacing
(m) Rows (m) Quantity
Pressure relief Valve 3
3 Rows @ 5m c/c 1891.00
Approach Canal 1750 3 5 3 x 1750 / 5 nos. 1050.00
FFC 1401 3 5 3 x 1401 / 5 nos. 841.00

Perimeter length of
Length Spacing No. of of each expansion
(m) (m) section section (m) joint Quantity
Providing Expansion
4 2023.15
Joints @ 30 m c/c
Approach Canal 0 1750 1750 30 58.3 24.52 1430.46 m 1430.46
FFC 0 1401 1401 30 46.7 12.69 592.69 m 592.69
1750 1430.46

Perimeter length of
Length Spacing No. of of each expansion
(m) (m) section section (m) joint Quantity
Providing Construction
5 606.94
Joints @ 100 m c/c
Approach Canal 0 1750 1750 100 17.5 24.52 429.14 m 429.14
FFC 0 1401 1401 100 14.0 12.69 177.81 m 177.81
1750 606.94
(m) Rows Quantity
Providing Weep Holes@
6 10 m c/c 632.00
Approach Canal 1750 2 10 nos 350.00
FFC 1401 2 10 nos 282.00

M - Plantation

Sl. No. Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount

in Rs. (Rs.
1 Plantation in along the canal 10.00 ha 30000 3.00
with maintenance for 3 years
2 Gabions for protecting of plant 15000 no. 150 22.50

3 Arboriculture , beautification etc L.S. 25.00

Total 50.50

O - Miscellaneous

Sl. no Item Cost (Rs.

1 Capital Cost
1.1 Electrification 15.0
1.2 Water supply, distribution and purification 20.0
1.3 Sewage disposal and storm water drainage work 15.0
1.4 Fire fighting equipments 15.0
New telephone connection, internet service, post office and 15.0
1.5 wireless etc.
1.6 Medical equipment for hospital / dispensary(s) 15.0
1.7 Recreation facilities 10.0
1.8 Special lighting arrangement 10.0
1.9 Computer and peripheral 40.0
Total 155.0
2 Maintenance and service for 5 years
2.1 Electrification 15.0
2.2 Water supply purification and distribution 15.0
2.3 Sewage disposal and storm water drain 15.0
2.4 Recreation facilities 5.0
2.5 Medical assistance 15.0
2.6 Telephone , internet service, post office and wireless etc. 15.0
2.7 Security Arrangement 15.0
2.8 Fire fighting equipments 10.0
2.9 Inspection vehicles 6 no.s 15.0
2.10 Transport for labor and staff 10.0
2.11 Pay Van 10.0
2.12 Ambulance 10.0
2.13 Recovery Van 15.0
2.14 Pick up van 10.0
Total 175.0
3 Others Items
3.1 Visit of dignitaries 10.0
Technical record, photographic record, Completion report &
history of the project 10.0
Boundary Pillars and Stones, Distance marks and bench
3.3 mark 20.0
3.4 Power supply ( DG set for emergency) 15.0
3.5 Testing laboratary and exhibits 30.0
3.6 Canteen facility 20.0
Total 105.0
Grand Total 435.0

Total Amount of
Sl. Total Maintenance
Component of work item Work (Rs. In
No (Rs. In Lakhs)
1 2 3 4
1 Civil Works Except Pump House 140597.44 702.99
2 Pump House
a Pump House Civil Works 1200.78 6.00
Pump and its accessories (EM and
b 19035.00 2855.25
c Cost of Rising Main 63658.14 318.29
d Cost of Pipeline Civil Works 3024.76 15.12
e Sub-Station 4774.90 238.75
Hoisting Arrangement (20 T) for lifting
f 38.10 1.91
of pumps one set
g Switchyard 250.00 12.50
h Miscellenous 200.00 10.00
Grand Total 232779.12 4160.81

*Note: Maintatenance Charges

at 0.1% per year for 5 years including 2 years
Civil Works
defect liability period
Electro Mechanical and Hydro at 1% per year for 15 years including 2 years
Mechanical Works defect liability period

Special Tools and Plants

Rate Amount
Sl. No. Item Quantity (Rs. (Rs.
Lakh) Lakh)
1 Loader cum Excavator, 140 HP, 1 cum 1 65 65

2 Loader cum Excavator, 200 HP, 2 cum 1 80 80

3 Crawler Dozer, 200 FHP 2 70 140

4 Multi-Utility Loader 2 40 80
5 Transit Mixer 4 cum 2 60 120
6 Rock Splitter, 5 T 4 10 40
7 Welding set 1 2.25 2.25
8 Road Roller 8/10 T 2 10 20
9 Batching mixing plant 80 cum/hr 2 55 110
10 Dewatering Pump L.S. 8
11 Tipper 4.5/6.0 cum 4 9 36
12 Truck 10 T 4 10 40
13 Explosive Van 5 T 1 7 7
14 Water Tanker 10 KL 5 10 50
15 Petrol/Diesel Tanker 10 KL 3 12 36
16 Car 3 4 12
17 Jeep (Petrol/Diesel) 3 4 12
18 Ambulance 2 8 16
19 Workshop Equipment Weighbridge L.S. 15
20 Fire fighting equipment 2 15 30
21 Recovery Van 2 4 8
22 Pick up Van 3 4 12

Total lacs 939.25

Chargeable amount lacs = 283.813

Chargeable amount lacs = 283.813


R - Communication

Rate Amount
Sl. No. Item Unit Length (Rs. (Rs.
Lakh) Lakh)
1 Construction of Jeepable road km 10.00 10.00 100.00
2 Construction of Approach road km 5.00 22.00 110.00
3 Construction of Quarry Roads km 10.00 4.20 42.00
4 Bridge/ culvert etc. L.S. 15.00

5 Construction of temporary road in the works area L.S. 20.00

6 Construction of temporary river crossing L.S. 25.00

Total 312.00
Grand Total 312.00

X - Environment and Ecology

Rate Amount
Sl. No. Item Unit Qty.
(Rs.) (Rs. Lakh)
1 Compensatory Afforestation
a Cost of land( including afforestation) ha 0.00 2500000 0.00
b Afforestation charges ha 0.00 0.00

Public Health Measures to control water and soil borne L.S. 25

3 Provision of fuel to the labor L.S. 20
L.S. 15
4 Control of aquatic weeds in submergence area
Restoration of land in constructional area by filling and L.S. 15
grading etc.
L.S. 13
6 Protection of rare or endangered species

Total in Lakhs 88.00


Conveyance and Other Charges

Distance Total Lead Seigniorage Net Lead Charges
S.No Item Calculation for Lead for Unit
(Kms) (In Rs.) Charges (in Rs.)
1 Km

1 Cement and Steel 0 0 0 0 - 0 per MT

2 Sand 200 85.5+25x12.8+170X10.7 2224.5 -32.1 40 2232.4 Per Cum

3 Metal/Boulder 30 85.5+25x12.8 405.5 -30.9 75 449.6 Per Cum

4 Earthfill 5 85.50 85.5 -32.1 30 83.40 Per Cum

5 Earthfill (Cutoff trench) 10 85.5+5x12.8 149.5 -32.1 30 147.40 Per Cum

6 Claycore 10 85.5+5x12.8 149.5 -32.1 30 147.4 Per Cum

RATE ANALYSIS, Data 2017-18
RATE ANALYSIS, Data 2017-18
IRR-PMW-1-1 Clearing thin jungle growth ( more than 50 percent open space ) including bushes
upto 30 cm / parthenium and other weeds including burning or disposing off the same
as directed etc., complete.

Data RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 1000 sqm

Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 0.50 565.00 282.50
2 mazdoor Day 3.00 400.00 1200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 1482.50
labour component/unit qty 1.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 0.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1.50

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 1482.50
Total Rs: 1482.50
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads
on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 201.84
Total cost for 1000.00 sqm Rs: 1684.34
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/1000.0 Rs. 1.70

IRR-CAW-1-1 Excavation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto 0.3 m diameter for canal, seating of
embankment, filter drains / catch water drains etc., including dressing bed and sides to
required level and profile, cost of all materials, machinery, labour, placing the excavated soil
neatly in dump area or for the formation of service road / embankment as directed etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.


Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00

Sl No n Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
2 Tippers 5 cum capacity 6 Nos Hour 48.00 436.20 20937.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 317.30 15230.40
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 56504.80
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
2 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 187.20 8985.60
3 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
4 mazdoor Day 30.00 400.00 12000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 23547.40
labour component/unit qty 25.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 29.00

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 56504.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 23547.40
Total Rs: 80052.20

D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 10899.10703
Total cost for 925.00 cum Rs: 90951.31
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/925 Rs. 98.30

IRR-DAW-1-1 Excavation for foundation in all kinds of soil including boulders upto
0.30 m diameter for dam, spillway, intake structure and other appurtenant
works and placing the excavated soil neatly in dump area or disposing off
the same as directed etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km
and all lifts.


880 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00


Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 6 Nos Hour 48.00 579.40 27811.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 423.00 20304.00
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 8.00 436.20 3489.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 317.30 2538.40
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 74480.00


Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 48.00 239.60 11500.80
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 8.00 187.20 1497.60
4 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
5 mazdoor Day 16.00 400.00 6400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 21960.20
labour component/unit qty 23.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 26.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 74480.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 21960.20
Total Rs: 96440.20
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 13130.33323
Total cost for 880.00 cum Rs: 109570.53
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/880 Rs: 124.50

IRR-DAW-1-2 Excavation for foundation in ordinary rock (including HDR) without blasting including
boulders above 0.3 m upto 0.6 m dia for dam, spillway, intake structure and
other appurtenant works and placing the excavated material neatly in dump
area or disposing off the same as directed etc., complete with initial lead
upto 1 km and all lifts.


520 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00


Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity( 4 Nos) Hour 32.00 579.40 18540.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 423.00 13536.00
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity( 1 No) Hour 8.00 436.20 3489.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 317.30 2538.40
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 58441.60


Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 32.00 239.60 7667.20
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 8.00 187.20 1497.60
4 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
5 Crowbarman Day 2.50 420.00 1050.00
6 mazdoor Day 10.00 400.00 4000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 16776.60
labour component/unit qty 30.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 4.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 34.10

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 58441.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 16776.60
Total Rs: 75218.20
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 10240.95793
Total cost for 520.00 cum Rs: 85459.16
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/520 Rs: 164.30

IRR-DAW-1-3 Excavation for foundation in hard rock (including F&F rock) requiring blasting including
boulders above 0.6 m upto 1.2 m dia. for dam, spillway, intake structure
and other appurtenant works and placing the excavated material neatly in
dump area or disposing off the same as directed etc., complete with initial
lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
520.00 cum.
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of 1.5 m drill rod Rm 216.00 23.21 5013.36
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 501.34
2 Use rate of air hose 4 Nos. Hour 26.00 9.69 251.94
3 Explosive small dia kg 104.00 75.00 7800.00
4 Electric detonators Nos 154.00 8.00 1232.00
5 Fuse coil Rm 320.00 7.00 2240.00
6 Sundries LS 5.00 20.00 100.00
Total cost of Materials Rs. 17138.64


Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 4 Nos. Hour 32.00 579.40 18540.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 32.00 423.00 13536.00
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 8.00 436.20 3489.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 317.30 2538.40
4 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) 2 Nos Hour 13.00 159.30 2070.90
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 13.00 502.00 6526.00
5 Jack hammers 4 Nos. Hour 26.00 19.90 517.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 26.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 67555.90


Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 32.00 239.60 7667.20
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 8.00 187.20 1497.60
4 Crew for Air compressor Hour 13.00 173.60 2256.80
5 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 26.00 347.10 9024.60
6 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
7 Blaster Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
8 Helper blaster Day 1.00 420.00 420.00
9 Crowbarman Day 2.50 420.00 1050.00
10 Stone breaker Day 1.00 420.00 420.00
11 mazdoor Day 10.00 400.00 4000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 29463.00
labour component/unit qty 56.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 7.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 64.40

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 17138.64
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 67555.90
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 29463.00
Total Rs: 114157.54
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 15542.54853
Total cost for 520.00 cum. Rs: 129700.08
Rate per cum. (A+B+C+D)/520 Rs: 249.40

IRR-DAW-1-4 Excavation for foundation in hard rock of all toughness by blasting

(a) including boulders above 1.2 m dia. for dam, spillway, intake structure and
other appurtenant works and placing the excavated rock neatly in dump area
or stack yard including levelling as directed etc., complete with
initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.

A. MATERIALS: 320.00 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of drill rod 1.5 m long Rm 310.00 30.94 9591.40
Reconditioning charges @ 10% 959.14
2 Use rate of air hose 4 Nos. Hour 48.00 9.69 465.12
3 Explosive small dia kg 95.00 75.00 7125.00
4 Ordinary detonators Nos 10.00 6.00 60.00
5 Electric detonators Nos 333.00 8.00 2664.00
6 Fuse coil Rm 450.00 7.00 3150.00
7 Sundries LS 5.00 20.00 100.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 24114.66

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
2 Dumpers 5 cum capacity 3 Nos. Hour 24.00 579.40 13905.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 423.00 10152.00
3 Tipper 5 cum capacity 1 No Hour 4.00 436.20 1744.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 317.30 1269.20
4 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 1.00 1640.20 1640.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 645.80 645.80
5 Air compressor 8.5 cmm (ele) 2 Nos. Hour 24.00 159.30 3823.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 502.00 12048.00
6 Jack hammers 4 Nos. Hour 48.00 19.90 955.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs. 66520.80

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
2 Crew for Dumper Hour 24.00 239.60 5750.40
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 4.00 187.20 748.80
4 Crew for Dozer Hour 1.00 249.60 249.60
5 Crew for Air compressor Hour 24.00 173.60 4166.40
6 Crew for Jack hammer Hour 48.00 347.10 16660.80
7 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
8 Blaster Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
9 Helper blaster Day 1.00 420.00 420.00
10 Crowbarman Day 1.00 420.00 420.00
11 Stone breaker Day 2.00 420.00 840.00
12 mazdoor Day 6.00 400.00 2400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 34782.80
labour component/unit qty 102.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 14.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 116.50

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 24114.66
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 66520.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 34782.80
Total Rs: 125418.26
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 17075.70
Total cost for 320.00 cum Rs: 142493.96
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/320 Rs: 445.30
IRR-DAW-5-2 Providing cut-off trench filling using selected impervious soil from
approved borrow areas in layers of 25 to 30 cm before compaction
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as
excavation, sorting out, transportation, spreading soil to specified thickness,
breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting to density control of not
less than 95 percent using Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/ 8 to 10 tonne power roller as stipulated etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.


A. MATERIALS: 825.00 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 5.50 1640.20 9021.10
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.50 645.80 3551.90
2 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 6 Nos. Hour 48.00 436.20 20937.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 48.00 317.30 15230.40
4 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 4.00 2.8 11.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 44.6 178.40
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 8.00 393.70 3149.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 317.30 2538.40
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 6.50 1292.50 8401.25
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.50 1091.10 7092.15
7 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 90488.80

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 5.50 249.60 1372.80
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 48.00 187.20 8985.60
4 Crew for Pump Hour 4.00 88.00 352.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 8.00 187.20 1497.60
6 Crew for Roller Hour 6.50 277.70 1805.05
7 work inspector Day 2.00 565.00 1130.00
8 mazdoor Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
Total cost of Labour 18739.85
labour component/unit qty 22.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 3.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 25.80

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 90488.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 18739.85
Total Rs: 109228.65
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 14871.4807
Total cost for 825.00 cum Rs: 124100.13
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/825 Rs: 150.40
Lead Charges for 10 Km & Seinorage charges 147.40
IRR-DAW-5-1 Providing hearting embankment using selected impervious soil from
approved borrow areas in layers of 25 to 30 cm before compaction
including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as
excavation, sorting out, transportation, spreading soil in layer of specified
thickness, breaking clods, sectioning, watering, compacting to density
control of not less than 95 percent or as stipulated using Sheep foot roller /
Vibratory roller/ 8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.


A. MATERIALS: 825.00 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 5.50 1640.20 9021.10
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.50 645.80 3551.90
2 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 5 Nos. Hour 40.00 436.20 17448.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 40.00 317.30 12692.00
4 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 4.00 2.8 11.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 44.6 178.40
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 8.00 393.70 3149.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 317.30 2538.40
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 6.50 1292.50 8401.25
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.50 1091.10 7092.15
7 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 84460.80

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 5.50 249.60 1372.80
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 40.00 187.20 7488.00
4 Crew for Pump Hour 4.00 88.00 352.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 8.00 187.20 1497.60
6 Crew for Roller Hour 6.50 277.70 1805.05
7 work inspector Day 2.00 565.00 1130.00
8 mazdoor Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 17242.25
labour component/unit qty 19.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 22.30

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 84460.80
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 17242.25
Total Rs: 101703.05
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 13846.87026
Total cost for 825.00 cum Rs: 115549.92
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/825 Rs: 140.10
Lead Charges for 10 Km & Seinorage charges 147.40
IRR-DAW-5-5 Providing homogeneous embankment using soil from approved borrow
area in layers of 25 to 30 cm before compaction including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, all operations such as excavation, sorting out,
transportation, spreading soil in layer of specified thickness, breaking clods,
sectioning, watering, compacting to density control of not less than
95 percent or as stipulated using Sheep foot roller / Vibratory roller/ 8 to 10 tonne power roller etc., complete
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.


A. MATERIALS: 807.00 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Angle dozer 90 hp Hour 5.40 1640.20 8857.08
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 5.40 645.80 3487.32
2 Shovel 0.85 cum capacity Hour 8.00 1618.90 12951.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 923.20 7385.60
3 Tippers 5.00 cum capacity 5 Nos. Hour 40.00 436.20 17448.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 40.00 317.30 12692.00
4 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 4.00 2.8 11.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 4.00 44.6 178.40
5 Water tanker 8000 ltr Hour 8.00 393.70 3149.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 317.30 2538.40
6 Vibratory Roller 8 tonne Hour 6.40 1292.50 8272.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6.40 1091.10 6983.04
7 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 83993.84

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Dozer Hour 5.40 249.60 1347.84
2 Crew for Shovel Hour 8.00 249.60 1996.80
3 Crew for Tipper Hour 40.00 187.20 7488.00
4 Crew for Pump Hour 4.00 88.00 352.00
5 Crew for Water tanker Hour 8.00 187.20 1497.60
6 Crew for Roller Hour 6.40 277.70 1777.28
7 work inspector Day 2.00 565.00 1130.00
8 mazdoor Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 17189.52
labour component/unit qty 19.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 22.60

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 0.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 83993.84
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 17189.52
Total Rs: 101183.36
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 13776.11446
Total cost for 807.00 cum Rs: 114959.47
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/807 Rs: 142.50
Lead Charges for 5 Km & Seinorage charges 83.40
IRR-CAW-5-3A Providing and laying sand blanket below embankment including cost of all
(New Item3-
2011--12) materials, machinery, labour, spreading to specified thickness etc., complete with initial lead
upto 50 m and all lifts.


Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Sand for Filling cum 100.00 600.00 60000.00
0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 60000.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 mazdoor Day 20.00 400.00 8000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 8000.00
labour component/unit qty 70.00
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 9.50
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 79.50

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 56000.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 7000.00
Total Rs: 63000.00

D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 8577.45
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 71577.45
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs. 715.80

Lead Charges for 200 Km & Seinorage charges 2232.4


IRR-DAW-6-6 Providing and constructing 1.5m thick chimney filter using clean approved sand satisfying
Modified filter creteria including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, compacting etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.


A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 cum

Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Sand (Un-Screened) cum 105.00 600.00 63000.00
0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 63000.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
2 mazdoor Day 30.00 400.00 12000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 12565.00
labour component/unit qty 109.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 14.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 124.50

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 63000.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 12565.00
Total Rs: 75565.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 10288.17475
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 85853.17
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 858.53
Lead Charges for 200 Km & Seinorage charges 2232.4

IRR-DAW-6-6 Providing and constructing 1.0m thick chimney filter using clean approved sand satisfying
Modified filter creteria including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, compacting etc., complete with
initial lead upto 50 m and all lifts.
DATA: Thickness of sand filter 0.45 m
Consider 100 cum chimney filter:
Requirement of materials with 5 % for compaction and wastage:
Sand satisfying filter creteria 105.00 cum.
Requirement of labour:
For conveying & laying sand ( 2 mazdoors @ : 7 cum / day ).
work inspector 1.00 Nos.
mazdoor 30.00 Nos.


A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 cum

Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Sand (Un-Screened) cum 105.00 600.00 63000.00
0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 63000.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
2 mazdoor Day 30.00 400.00 12000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 12565.00
labour component/unit qty 109.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 14.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 124.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 63000.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 12565.00
Total Rs: 75565.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 10288.17475
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 85853.17
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 858.53
Lead Charges for 200 Km & Seinorage charges 2232.4
IRR-DAW-6-13 Providing and laying Hariyala or other approved quality turfing sods for the slopes of earthen
embankments over 20 mm thick sand backing including cost of all materials, machinery,
labour including preparing surface, spreading sand, watering for 15 days etc., complete with
initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.


A. MATERIALS: UNIT : 100 sqm.

Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Sand for filling cum 2.00 600.00 1200.00
2 Hariyala turfing sods sqm 100.00 32.00 3200.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 4400.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cartman with double bullock cart Day 2.00 480.00 960.00
2 mazdoor Day 15.00 400.00 6000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 6960.00
labour component/unit qty 61.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 8.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 70.10

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 4400.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 6960.00
Total Rs: 11360.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 1546.664
Lead Charges for 1 Km for FA 2.00 cum @ 32.1 Rs./Cum 64.20
Total cost for 100.00 sqm. Rs: 12970.86
Rate per sqm. (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 129.70

IRR-DAW-2-8 Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive
strength not less than 15 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm
down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead upto 1 km and all
lifts. ( Cement content : 280 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser,
CA : 0.80 cum, Blending Ratio of CA -- 65:35, FA : 0.44 cum)
A. MATERIALS: 15.87 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 4443.6 4.84 21524.80
Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg/ cum kg 47.61 4.84 230.62
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 8.25 1065.00 8788.81
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 4.44 815.00 3621.53
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 6.98 600.00 4189.68
4 Super plasticiser kg 17.77 35.00 622.10
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 15.87 202.67 3216.37
6 Use rate of scaffolding @ 15% 482.46
Total cost of Materials Rs: 42676.37
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 49.50 396.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 44.60 356.80
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.20 6.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 89.30 89.30
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 8.00 5.00 40.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 8.90 71.20
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 959.50

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 231.40 1851.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 88.00 88.00
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 166.60 1332.80
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 470.00 470.00
5 mazdoor 0.00
for batching cement ( cement handling Day 2.00 400.00 800.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 400.00 3600.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
for laying Day 3.00 400.00 1200.00
for conveying concrete Day 15.87 400.00 6348.00
for cleaning / washing / curing Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
6 Labour cost of shuttering sqm 15.87 98.70 1566.37
7 Labour cost of scaffolding @ 15% 234.96
Total cost of Labour Rs: 19491.32
labour component/unit qty 1095.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 149.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1244.20

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 42676.37
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 959.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 19491.32
Total Rs: 63127.20
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 8594.768066
Lead Charges for 200 Km for FA & Seniorage charges 6.98 cum @ 32.1 Rs./Cum 15582.152
Lead Charges for 20 Km for CA 12.69 cum @ 30.9 Rs./Cum 5705.42
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading
Charges) 4.49 tonne @ 161.30 Rs./Tonne
Total cost for 15.87 cum Rs: 93733.97
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/15.87 Rs: 5906.40

IRR-DAW-2-5 Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-15 ( 28 days cube compressive
strength not less than 15 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 40 mm
down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc.,complete for plain concrete works with initial lead upto 1 km and
all lifts. ( Cement content : 260 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser,
CA : 0.90 cum, Blending Ratio of CA -- 50:30:20, FA : 0.40 cum)
A. MATERIALS: 14.00 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 3640.00 4.84 17632.16
Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg kg 42.00 4.84 203.45
2 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 6.3 950.00 5985.00
Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 3.78 1065.00 4025.70
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 2.52 815.00 2053.80
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 5.6 600.00 3360.00
4 Super plasticizer kg 14.56 35.00 509.60
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 14.00 202.67 2837.38
6 Use rate of scaffolding @ 15% 425.61
Total cost of Materials Rs: 37032.70
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.0 49.50 396.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.0 44.60 356.80
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.0 6.20 6.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.0 89.30 89.30
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 8.0 5.00 40.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.0 8.90 71.20
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 959.50

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 231.40 1851.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 88.00 88.00
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 166.60 1332.80
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 470.00 470.00
5 mazdoor 0.00
for batching cement ( cement handling Day 2.00 400.00 800.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 400.00 3600.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
for laying Day 3.00 400.00 1200.00
for conveying concrete Day 14.00 400.00 5600.00
for cleaning / washing / curing Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
6 Labour cost of shuttering sqm 14.00 98.70 1381.80
7 Labour cost of scaffolding @ 15% 207.27
Total cost of Labour Rs: 18531.07
labour component/unit qty 1323.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 180.20
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1503.80

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 37032.70
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 959.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 18531.07
Total Rs: 56523.27
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 7695.64
Lead Charges for 200 Km for FA & Seniorage charges 5.60 cum @ 32.1 Rs./Cum 12501.44
Lead Charges for 20 Km for CA 12.60 cum @ 30.4 Rs./Cum 5664.96
Total cost for 14.00 cum Rs: 82385.31
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/14 Rs: 5884.70

IRR-DAW-2-9 Providing and laying insitu vibrated M-20 ( 28 days cube compressive
strength not less than 20 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm
down size approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates including cost of all
materials, machinery, labour, formwork, centering, scaffolding, cleaning,
batching, mixing, placing in position, levelling, vibrating, finishing, curing
etc.,complete for RCC works of spillway bridge, blockouts and such
other similar structures with conjested reinforcement with initial lead
upto 1 km and all lifts. ( Cement content : 330 kg / cum with use of
super plasticiser, CA : 0.80 cum, Blending Ratio of CA -- 65:35,
FA : 0.44 cum)


A. MATERIALS: 13.47 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 4445.1 4.84 21532.06
Cement for incidentals @ 3 kg/ cum kg 40.41 4.84 195.75
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 7.00 1065.00 7459.69
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 3.77 815.00 3073.85
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 5.93 600.00 3556.08
4 Super plasticiser ltr 17.78 35.00 622.31
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 33.68 202.67 6824.91
6 Scaffolding of shuttering @ 100% 6824.91
Total cost of Materials Rs: 50089.57
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300 / 200 ltr ( ele Hour 8.00 49.50 396.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 44.60 356.80
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 1.00 6.20 6.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 1.00 89.30 89.30
3 Needle vibrator 40 mm dia ( ele ) Hour 8.00 5.00 40.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 8.90 71.20
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 959.50

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 231.40 1851.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 1.00 88.00 88.00
3 Crew for Needle vibrator Hour 8.00 166.60 1332.80
4 Mason Class-I Day 1.00 470.00 470.00
5 mazdoor 0.00
for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 400.00 800.00
for batching other materials Day 9.00 400.00 3600.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
for laying Day 3.00 400.00 1200.00
for conveying concrete Day 13.47 400.00 5388.00
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
6 Labour cost of shuttering sqm 33.68 98.70 3323.72
7 Labour cost of scaffolding @ 100% 3323.72
Total cost of Labour Rs: 23377.45
labour component/unit qty 1552.10
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 211.30
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1763.40

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 50089.57
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 959.50
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 23377.45
Total Rs: 74426.51
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 10133.17
Lead Charges for 200 Km for FA & Seignorage charges 5.93 cum @ 13231.0
Lead Charges for 20 Km for CA & Seignorage charges 10.78 cum @ 4844.89
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading
Charges) 4.49 tonne @ 161.30 723.512763
Total cost for 13.47 cum Rs: 103359.07
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/13.47 Rs: 7673.30

IRR-DAW-2-13 Providing and laying insitu M- 25 ( 28 days cube compressive strength not
less than 25 N / sq mm ) grade cement concrete using 20 mm down size
approved, clean, hard, graded aggregates for wearing coat including cost
of all materials, machinery, labour, formwork, cleaning, batching, mixing,
placing in position in alternate panels, levelling, compacting, finishing,
curing, packing joints with asphalt mortar etc., complete
with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.
( Cement content : 380 kg / cum with use of super plasticiser(0.4% by
wt. of cement, CA : 0.80 cum, Blending Ratio of CA--65:35, FA : 0.45 cum)


A. MATERIALS: 11.70 cum
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement for mix kg 4446 4.84 21536.42
Cement for incidentals @ 5 kg / cum kg 58.50 4.84 283.37
2 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 6.084 1065.00 6479.46
Coarse aggregate 10 mm below cum 3.276 815.00 2669.94
3 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 5.265 600.00 3159.00
4 Super Plasticizer kg 17.78 35.00 622.44
5 Use rate of shuttering sqm 5.85 202.67 1185.62
6 Sundries ( asphalt mortar etc ) LS 5.00 20.00 100.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 36036.26
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Concrete mixer 300/200 ltr ( ele ) Hour 8.00 49.50 396.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 44.60 356.80
2 10 hp pump ( ele ) Hour 0.50 6.20 3.10
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 0.50 89.30 44.65
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 800.55

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Concrete mixer Hour 8.00 231.40 1851.20
2 Crew for Pump Hour 0.50 88.00 44.00
3 Mason Class-I Day 3.00 470.00 1410.00
4 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
5 mazdoor 0.00
for batching cement ( cement handling ) Day 2.00 400.00 800.00
for batching materials Day 9.00 400.00 3600.00
for loading mortar pans Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
for laying & compacting Day 5.00 400.00 2000.00
for conveying concrete Day 11.70 400.00 4680.00
for cleaning/ washing/ curing Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
6 Labour cost for shuttering sqm 5.85 98.70 577.40
Total cost of Labour Rs: 17527.60
labour component/unit qty 1329.90
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 181.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 1511.00

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 36036.26
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 800.55
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 17527.60
Total Rs: 54364.40
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 7401.71
Lead Charges for 200 Km for FA & Seinorage charges 5.27 cum @ 2232.40 11753.586
Lead Charges for 20 Km for CA & Seinorage charges 9.36 cum @ 449.60 4208.26

Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement (including Loading and Unloading
Charges) 4.50 tonne @ 161.3 Rs./Tonne
Total cost for 11.70 cum Rs: 78454.53
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/11.70 Rs: 6705.50

IRR-DAW-1-9 Drilling 45 to 50 mm dia holes vertical or inclined upto 10 degrees to

vertical in rock /masonry/ concrete by percussion drilling using waggon
drill or any other suitable equipment including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, redrilling through partially set grout wherever required
etc., complete.
for drilling upto 6 m depth from surface.
NOTE: The item rate for drilling through rock / masonry / concrete includes redrilling
through partially set grout, if any, in the portion of hole already grouted.


A. MATERIALS: 96.00 Rm
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of cross bit 50 mm dia Rm 96.00 52.74 5063.04
2 Use rate of 50 mm dia air hose 50 m Hour 8.00 13.56 108.48
3 Use rate of extension rod 4.5 m Rm 96.00 6.33 607.68
Total cost of Materials Rs. 5779.20

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Waggon drill Hour 8.00 177.50 1420.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
2 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 159.30 1274.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 502.00 4016.00
3 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6750.40
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Waggon drill Hour 8.00 299.50 2396.00
2 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 173.60 1388.80
3 mazdoor Day 2.00 400.00 800.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4584.80
labour component/unit qty 44.80
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 6.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 50.90

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5779.20
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6750.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4584.80
Total Rs: 17114.40
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 2330.12556
Total cost for 96.00 Rm Rs: 19444.53
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/96 Rs: 202.55

Upto 6 m from surface 202.55

Beyond 6 m upto 12 m from surface :
Upto 6 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 202.55
Add for redrilling through partially set grout / additional
extension rods / reduction in rate of drilling etc @ 10% Rs: 20.25
Beyond 6 m upto 12 m from surface Rate / Rm Rs: 222.80
Beyond 12 m upto 18 m from surface :
For 6 m to 12 m from surface Rate per Rm Rs: 222.80

IRR-DAW-1-12 Curtain grouting with neat cement grout mix of suitable consistency
(b) under specified pressure as directed in drilled holes by stage grouting
method including cost of all materials, machinery, labour, redrilling if
necessary etc., complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.


A. MATERIALS: 1.05 tonne
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement tonne 1.05 4844.00 5086.20
2 Use rate of 100 m pressure hose Hour 8.00 19.38 155.04
3 Use rate of 400 m GI pipe Hour 8.00 5.08 40.64
4 Sundries ( packer assembly etc ) LS 3.00 20.00 60.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 5341.88

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Grouting equipment Hour 8.00 34.10 272.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 44.60 356.80
2 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 2.00 2.80 5.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 44.60 89.20
3 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 764.40

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Grout pump Hour 8.00 277.70 2221.60
2 Crew for Pump Hour 2.00 88.00 176.00
3 Pipe fitter Day 1.00 540.00 540.00
4 mazdoor ( cement handling ) Day 3.00 400.00 1200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 4137.60
labour component/unit qty 3657.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 498.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 4155.50
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5341.88
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 764.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4137.60
Total Rs: 10243.88
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 1394.704262
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement 1.05 Tonne @ (including Loading and
Unloading Charges) 161.30 Rs/Tonne 169.365
Total cost for 1.05 tonne Rs: 11807.95
Rate per tonne (A+B+C+D)/1.05 Rs: 11245.70

IRR-DAW-1-10 Flushing grout holes of all sizes with water and air jets alternatively for an
average period of 30 minutes including water intake observations after
flushing, cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc., complete.


A. MATERIALS: 192.00 Rm.
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Use rate of air hose 2 Nos x 8 hrs Hour 16.00 9.69 155.04
2 Use rate of water hose 2 Nos x 8 hrs Hour 16.00 8.94 143.04
3 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 338.08

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Air compressor 8.5 cmm ( ele ) Hour 8.00 159.30 1274.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 502.00 4016.00
2 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 8.00 2.80 22.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 44.60 356.80
3 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 5709.60

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 173.60 1388.80
2 Crew for Pump Hour 8.00 88.00 704.00
3 mazdoor Day 4.00 400.00 1600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3692.80
labour component/unit qty 17.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 20.00

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 338.08
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 5709.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3692.80
Total Rs: 9740.48
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 1326.17
Total cost for 192.00 Rm. Rs: 11066.65
Rate per Rm. (A+B+C+D)/192 Rs: 57.60
IRR-DAW-1-11 Consolidation grouting with neat cement grout mix of suitable
(a) consistency under specified pressure as directed in drilled holes by stage
grouting method including cost of all materials, machinery, labour,
redrilling if necessary etc.,complete with initial lead upto 1 km and all lifts.


A. MATERIALS: 1.05 tonne
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Cement tonne 1.05 4844.00 5086.20
2 Use rate of 50 m pressure hose Hour 8.00 9.69 77.52
3 Sundries ( packer assembly etc ) LS 3.00 20.00 60.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 5223.72
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Grouting equipment Hour 8.00 34.10 272.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 44.60 356.80
2 Pump 5 hp ( ele ) Hour 2.00 2.80 5.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 44.60 89.20
3 Sundries LS 2.00 20.00 40.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 764.40

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Crew for Grout pump Hour 8.00 277.70 2221.60
2 Crew for Pump Hour 2.00 88.00 176.00
3 mazdoor ( cement handling) Day 2.00 400.00 800.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3197.60
labour component/unit qty 2833.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 385.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 3219.50

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5223.72
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 764.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 3197.60
Total Rs: 9185.72
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 1250.635778
Lead Charges for 1Km for Cement 1.05 Tonne @ (including Loading and
Unloading Charges) 161.30 Rs/Tonne 169.365
Total cost for 1.05 tonne Rs: 10605.72
Rate per tonne (A+B+C+D)/1.05 Rs: 10100.70

IRR-DAW-6-4 Providing and constructing graded filter media below and behind rock-toe consisting of
Modified 20 cm thick sand, satisfying filter creteria as per specifications including cost of all materials, labour,
machinery, laying to required slope, compaction etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and
all lifts.
DATA: Total thickness of filter 0.85 m
Thickness of sand layers 20.00 cm
Thickness of 20 mm down CA layers 25.00 cm
Thickness of 80-20 mm CA filter 40.00 cm
Consider 100 cum filter drain:
Area of filter drain for 100 cum 100 / 0.85 117.65 sqm.
Requirement of materials
Quantity of 80-20 mm filter aggregate.
117.65 x 0.40 47.10 cum
80-20 mm filter shall contain 90 % 80-40 mm & 10 % 40-20 mm
Quantity of 20 mm down filter aggregate. cum.
117.65 x 0.25 29.40
20 mm down filter shall contain 75 % 20-10 mm & 25 % 10 mm down
Quantity of filter sand.
117.65 x 0.20 23.55 cum.
Requirement of labour:
For conveying & laying sand ( 2 mazdoors @ : 6 cum / day ).
mazdoor 8.00 Nos.
For conveying & laying 20 mm down CA ( 2 mazdoors @ : 6 cum / day ).
mazdoor 10.00 Nos.
For conveying & laying 80-20 mm CA ( 2 mazdoors @ : 6 cum / day ).
mazdoor 16.00 Nos.
work inspector 1.00 No.



Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Fine aggregate (Un-Screened ) cum 105.00 600.00 63000.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 63000.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
2 mazdoor Day 34.00 400.00 13600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 14165.00
labour component/unit qty 123.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 16.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 140.40

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 63000.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 14165.00
Total Rs: 77165.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 10506.01
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 87671.01
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 876.71
Lead charges for FA 20 Kms & Seinorages 2232.4

IRR-DAW-6-4 Providing and constructing graded filter media below and behind rock-toe consisting of
Modified 20 cm thick 20 - 4.75 mm and thick 80 - 20 mm size graded coarse
aggregates satisfying filter creteria as per specifications including cost of all materials, labour,
machinery, laying to required slope, compaction etc., complete with initial lead upto 50 m and
all lifts.
DATA: Total thickness of filter 0.20 m
Thickness of sand layers cm
Thickness of 20 mm down CA layers 8.00 cm
Thickness of 80-20 mm CA filter 12.00 cm
Consider 100 cum filter drain:
Area of filter drain for 100 cum 100 / 0.2 500.00 sqm.
Requirement of materials
Quantity of 80-20 mm filter aggregate.
500 x 0.12 60.00 cum
80-20 mm filter shall contain 90 % 80-40 mm & 10 % 40-20 mm
Quantity of 20 mm down filter aggregate. cum.
500 x 0.008 40.00
20 mm down filter shall contain 75 % 20-10 mm & 25 % 10 mm down
Requirement of labour:
For conveying & laying sand ( 2 mazdoors @ : 6 cum / day ).
mazdoor 8.00 Nos.
For conveying & laying 20 mm down CA ( 2 mazdoors @ : 6 cum / day ).
mazdoor 10.00 Nos.
For conveying & laying 80-20 mm CA ( 2 mazdoors @ : 6 cum / day ).
mazdoor 16.00 Nos.
work inspector 1.00 No.



Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 Coarse aggregate 80-40 mm cum 54.00 510.00 27540.00
2 Coarse aggregate 40-20 mm cum 6.00 950.00 5700.00
3 Coarse aggregate 20-10 mm cum 30.00 1065.00 31950.00
4 Coarse aggregate 10 mm down cum 10.00 815.00 8150.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 73340.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs
1 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
2 mazdoor Day 34.00 400.00 13600.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 14165.00
labour component/unit qty 123.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 16.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 140.40

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 73340.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 14165.00
Total Rs: 87505.00
D.Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs. 11913.81
Total cost for 100.00 cum Rs: 99418.81
Rate per cum (A+B+C+D)/100 Rs: 994.19
Lead charges for CA 20 Kms & Seinorages 449.6
IRR-CAW-8-4 Providing and Constructing 30 cm thick dry rubble stone pitching
including cost of all materials,labour,hand packing,finishing etc.,complete
( rubble stones : 0.33 cum/sqm)


Rate Amount
Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity
in Rs in Rs

1 Uncoursed rubble stones at Quarry Cum 33.00 340.00 11220.00

( Included in material Rate)

Total Cost of materials Rs : 11220.00

Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs in Rs

1 Nill 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

Total hire charges of machinery Rs : 0.00

Rate Amount
Sl No Description Unit Quantity
in Rs in Rs

1 Mason Class II Day 6.60 425.00 2805.00

2 Mazdoor Day 29.70 400.00 11880.00
Total cost of labour Rs : 14685.00
labour component/unit qty 130.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 17.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 148.50

A.Cost of Materials including ryolty charges Rs: 11220.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C.Cost of Labour Rs: 14685.00
Total Rs: 25905.00

D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 3526.96575
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 29431.97
Rate per sqm (A+B+C+D)/100.0 Rs. 294.32
Rate per Cum 981.07
Lead charges of Rough stone for 20 Kms & Seinorages 449.6
Rate per Cum 1430.70
IRR-CCDW-2-1 Providing, fabricating and placing in position reinforcement steel bars for RCC works including
cleaning, straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, lapping, welding wherever required,tying with
1.25 mm dia soft annealed steel wire, including cost of all materials, machinery, labour etc.,
complete with initial lead upto 50 and all lifts.


Sl No Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Rein.Steel with 5 % wastage kg 1050.00 34.60 36330.00
2 Binding wire 1.25 mm dia kg 8.00 46.00 368.00
3 Sundries ( chairs / spacers etc ) LS 3.00 20.00 60.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 36758.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 work inspector Day 1.00 565.00 565.00
2 Bar bender Day 6.00 565.00 3390.00
3 mazdoor Day 11.00 400.00 4400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 8355.00
labour component/unit qty 7.70
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 8.70

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 36758.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 8355.00
Total Rs: 45113.00
D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 6142.1
Total cost for 1000.00 kg Rs: 51255.13
Rate per kg (A+B+C+D)/1000.0 Rs. 51.30 51300

IRR-CAW-7-20 Providing and fixing 50 mm dia perforated GI pressure relief pipes 30 cm long with
one end closed with perforated GI plate and other end provided with alluminium lid hinged
to pipe including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.


Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 GI pipe 50 mm dia 10 Nos Rm 3.00 245.00 735.00
2 GI plate & Alluminium lid ( hinged ) LS 10.00 20.00 200.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 935.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Drilling 8 mm dia holes LS 7.00 20.00 140.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 140.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Pipe fitter Day 0.50 540.00 270.00
mazdoor Day 0.50 400.00 200.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 470.00
labour component/unit qty 43.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 49.20
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 935.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 140.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 470.00
Total Rs: 1545.00

D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 210.35175
Total cost for 10.00 Nos. Rs: 1755.35
Rate per No. (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 175.50

IRR-CAW-7-23 Providing and fixing 100 mm dia perforated PVC pipes 40 cm long for Weep holes
including cost of all materials, labour, drilling 8 mm dia holes etc. complete with all
leads and lifts.


Sl.No Particulars Unit Qty Rate in Rs Amount in Rs.
1 PVC pipe 100 mm dia 10 Nos Rm 10.00 152.00 1520.00
Total cost of Materials Rs. 1520.00

Sl.No Description Unit Quantity Rate in Rs. Amount in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Total hire chargs of Machinery Rs. 0.00

Sl.No Particulars Unit Qty Rate in Rs Amount in Rs.
1 Pipe fitter Day 0.25 540.00 135.00
2 Mazdoor Day 0.25 400.00 100.00
Total cost of Labour Rs. 235.00
labour component/unit qty 21.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 2.90
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 24.50

A. Cost of Materials Rs. 1520.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs. 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs. 235.00
Total Rs: 1755.00

D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 238.94325
Total cost for 10.00 Nos. Rs: 1993.94
Rate per No. (A+B+C+D)/10.0 Rs. 199.40

IRR-CAW-7-34 Providing and fixing 20 mm thick 100 mm depth tarfelt expansion joint filler boards for
cement concrete lining of canal including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete with all
leads and lifts.


Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Tarfelt joint filler board 20 mm thick sqm 10.00 580.00 5800.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 5800.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Carpenter Cl- II Day 1.00 440.00 440.00
2 mazdoor Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 840.00
labour component/unit qty 7.60
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 1.00
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 8.60

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 5800.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 840.00
Total Rs: 6640.00

D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 904.036
Total cost for 100.00 Rm Rs: 7544.04
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/100.00 Rs. 75.40

IRR-CAW-7-36 Providing and forming 35 mm wide and 10 mm thick construction / contraction joints
for concrete lining by mastic filler including cost of all materials, labour etc., complete with
all leads and lifts.


Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Asphalt 80/100 Gr kg 35.00 40.00 1400.00
Sand (Screened ) cum 0.04 800.00 32.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1432.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Nill 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Mason Cl- II Day 0.50 425.00 212.50
2 mazdoor Day 1.00 400.00 400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 612.50
labour component/unit qty 5.50
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 0.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 6.20

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1432.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 0.00
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 612.50
Total Rs: 2044.50

D. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on (A+B+C) 13.615% Rs: 278.36
Total cost for 100.00 Rm Rs: 2322.86
Rate per Rm (A+B+C+D)/100.00 Rs. 23.20
IRR-GAW-2-1 Design, fabrication, supply, erection and commissioning of embedded parts consisting of
sill beam, slide tracks, seal seats, guide rails, dogging sets for storage of stoplog elements
etc., with all accessories for spillway stop log gates and other vertical lift elements including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, etc., complete as per specifications and approved drawings
(without painting on sand-blasted or mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra
as perscedule of rates under items in this chapter and add as applicable separately)

Drawing No. MD/CDO/GNCP/HR/1759,1760/94 (GNSS Project)

Vent Size: 3.6 X 6.1 Mtr
Use rate of materials :
Cost of welding set @ 7800.00
Rs: / Each Rs: 7800.00
Life of welding set : 1000 hours
Use rate of (welding
cost / life
set) per hour Rs: 7.80
Cost of gas cutting set @ 14250.00
Rs: / Each Rs: 14250.00
Life of gas cutting set : 600 hours
Use rate of (gas
/ life ) set per hr Rs: 23.75


Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Str steel angle / beam / channel / bars kg 1885.00 34.60 65219.11
2 Structural steel plate / flats kg 3890.00 38.82 151005.91
3 Stainless steel plate / flats kg 271.00 253.00 68563.00
4 MS bolts and nuts kg 50.00 68.00 3400.00
5 Oxygen gas cum 225.00 40.00 9000.00
6 Acetyline gas cum 75.00 320.00 24000.00
7 Welding electrodes Nos 1410.00 11.00 15510.00
8 Welding electrodes ( LH ) Nos 350.00 17.00 5950.00
9 Welding electrodes ( stainless steel ) Nos 1320.00 23.00 30360.00
10 Use rate welding holder set Hour 385.00 7.80 3003.00
11 Use rate gas cutting torch set Hour 225.00 23.75 5343.75
12 Sundries LS 40.00 20.00 800.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 382154.78

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 385.00 15.00 5775.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 385.00 107.10 41233.50
2 Plate shearing machine Hour 8.00 40.80 326.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 178.50 1428.00
3 Pug cutting machine Hour 110.00 6.70 737.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 110.00 4.50 495.00
4 Planing machine Hour 270.00 107.80 29106.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 270.00 133.90 36153.00
5 Mobile Crane 16 T Hour 24.00 2107.70 50584.80
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 24.00 75.00 1800.00
6 Stationery derric crane Hour 14.00 79.40 1111.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 14.00 0.00 0.00
7 Grinding machine Hour 14.00 21.30 298.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 14.00 44.60 624.40
8 Drilling machines Hour 21.00 21.30 447.30
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 21.00 44.60 936.60
9 Bending Machine Hour 14.00 38.30 536.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 14.00 133.90 1874.60
10 Sundries LS 40.00 20.00 800.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 174267.60

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane 16 T Hour 24.00 554.10 13298.40
2 Crew for Planing machine Hour 270.00 222.10 59967.00
3 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 21.00 210.60 4422.60
4 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 14.00 210.60 2948.40
5 Crew for Bending machine Hour 14.00 138.80 1943.20
6 Foreman Day 32.00 540.00 17280.00
7 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 35.00 580.00 20300.00
8 Gas cutter Day 9.00 470.00 4230.00
9 Welder ( General ) Day 46.00 470.00 21620.00
10 Welder ( X - ray ) Day 6.00 540.00 3240.00
11 Helper fabrication / erection Day 240.00 420.00 100800.00
12 Electrician Day 4.00 540.00 2160.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 252209.60
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 75662.88
Total Cost of Labour 327872.48

labour component/unit qty 52043.30

Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 7085.70
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 59129.00
A. Cost of Materials Rs: 382154.78
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 174267.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 327872.48
Total Rs: 884294.86
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 884294.86
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 26528.85
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on Total Rs: 910823.70
(A+B+C+D+E) 13.615% Rs: 124008.65
Add 2 leads
Add 1 km lead charges for fabricated parts Rs. 19.30 per tonne 243.18
Unloading charges of fabricated parts Rs 85.10 per tonne 1072.26
Total cost for 6.30 tonne Rs: 1036147.79
Rate per tonne Rs: 164467.90
vertical lift gates and stop log gate elements ( SLIDING GATES)
IRR-GAW-2-2 Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of vertical lift gates and
stoplog gate elements, consisting of skin plate,
horizontal and vertical girders, stiffeners, lifting pins, bronze padded slide blocks/bearings, guide shoes,
rubber seals, clamps etc., with all accessories including cost of all materials,
machinery, labour, seal fixing etc.,complete as per specifications and approved drawings
(without painting on sand-blasted or mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra
as perscedule of rates under items in this chapter and add as applicable separately)

Drawing NO. CE/CDO/CL3/MRP/783/2002 (Spillway Stop log gate Elements of Madduvalasa Project)
Vent Size: 12.624 X 0.50 M 16 Elements

Use rate of materials :

Cost of welding set @ 7800.00
Rs: / Each Rs: 7800.00
Life of welding set : 1000 hours
Use rate of (welding
cost / life
set) per hour Rs: 7.80
Cost of gas cutting set @ 14250.00
Rs: / Each Rs: 14250.00
Life of gas cutting set : 600 hours
Use rate of (gas
/ life ) set per hr Rs: 23.75

DATA: RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 119.000 tonne

Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Structural steel
Angles / beams / channels / bars kg 5280.00 34.60 182682.72
Plates / flats kg 112880.00 38.82 4381888.72
2 Alloy steel components
Lifting pins kg 520.00 363.00 188760.00
3 Bolt / Nut / Washer
GI bolts / nuts / washers kg 600.00 105.00 63000.00
4 Rubber seals
Bottom seal Rm 210.00 658.00 138180.00
Side seals Rm 18.00 1097.00 19746.00
5 Oxygen gas cum 2714.00 40.00 108560.00
6 Acetyline gas cum 905.00 320.00 289600.00
7 Welding electrodes Nos 86554.00 11.00 952094.00
8 Welding electrodes ( LH ) Nos 16486.00 17.00 280262.00
9 Use rate welding holder set Hour 12880.00 7.80 100464.00
10 Use rate gas cutting torch set Hour 2714.00 23.75 64457.50
11 Sundries LS 400.00 20.00 8000.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 6777694.94

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 12880.00 15.00 193200.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 12880.00 107.10 1379448.00
2 Pug cutting machine Hour 6440.00 6.70 43148.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 6440.00 4.50 28980.00
3 Mobile crane 16 T Hour 360.00 2107.70 758772.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 360.00 75.00 27000.00
4 Stationery derric crane Hour 238.00 79.40 18897.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 238.00 0.00 0.00
5 Grinding machine Hour 238.00 21.30 5069.40
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 238.00 44.60 10614.80
6 Drilling machines Hour 357.00 21.30 7604.10
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 357.00 44.60 15922.20
7 Bending Machine Hour 240.00 38.30 9192.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 240.00 133.90 32136.00
8 Sundries LS 180.00 20.00 3600.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2533583.70
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane 16T Hour 360.00 554.10 199476.00
2 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 357.00 210.60 75184.20
3 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 238.00 210.60 50122.80
4 Crew for Bending machine Hour 240.00 138.80 33312.00
5 Foreman Day 120.00 540.00 64800.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 195.00 580.00 113100.00
7 Gas cutter Day 100.00 470.00 47000.00
8 Welder ( General ) Day 1442.00 470.00 677740.00
9 Welder ( X - ray ) Day 275.00 540.00 148500.00
10 Khalasi Day 2023.00 470.00 950810.00
11 Helper fabrication / erection Day 2727.00 420.00 1145340.00
12 Electrician Day 10.00 540.00 5400.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 3510785.00
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 1053235.50
Total Cost of Labour 4564020.50

labour component/unit qty 38353.10

Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 5221.80
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 43574.90

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 6777694.94
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 2533583.70
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 4564020.50
Total Rs: 13875299.14
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 13875299.14
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 416258.97
Total Rs: 14291558.11
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on 13.615% Rs: 1945795.64
Add 2 leads
Add 1 km lead charges for fabricated parts Rs. 19.30 per tonne 4593.400
Unloading charges of fabricated parts Rs 85.10 per tonne 20253.8
Total cost for 119.00 tonne Rs: 16262200.95
Rate per tonne Rs: 136657.20
IRR-GAW-2-7 Design, fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of adequate capacity rope
drum hoist consisting of hoist platform, rope drum, gear system, electric motor, electro-
magnetic brake system, hand operation assembly, control panel, wire rope, pulleys, ladder etc.,
with all accessories for operating river sluice / canal sluice service gate including cost of
all materials, machinery, labour, , complete as per specifications and drawings with all leads and lifts
(without painting on sand-blasted or mechanical cleaning surfaces which are added extra
as perscedule of rates under items in this chapter and add as applicable separately)

DATA: Rope drum hoist for river / canal sluice service gate consists of embedded parts for anchorage,
hoist supporting structure, pulley support, pulleys, drive stool, rope drums, shafts, couplings,
gears and pinions, plummer blocks, gear box, electric motor, hand operation assembly, brake,
wire rope, gate position indicator, switch box etc. with related accessories.
Consider rope drum hoist for river / canal sluice service gate for vent of size 2.5 m x 3 m.

Capacity of hoist in tonnes with 25% reserve capacity

( Capacity of hoist to be rounded off to next 5 tonne
: ) 25.000 tonnes
The actual weight of river sluice service gate rope drum hoist : 6.243 t
Consider actual weight for data rate analysis.
1 Requirement of materials :
a. Structural steel conforming to IS : 2062 :
Angles / Beams / Channels / Bars with 2.5 % wastage : 1487 kg
Plates / Flats with 2.5 % wastage : 402 kg
Chequered plates with 2.5 % wastage : 290 kg
b. Cast steel components conforming to IS : 1030 :
Rope drums 2 Nos / Gears : 1926 kg
Pinions : 79 kg
Pulleys 3 Nos / Couplings 2 Nos : 306 kg
Plummer blocks / Hubs : 72 kg
c. Alloy steel steel components conforming to IS : 1570 :
Shafts : 346 kg
Pins : 73 kg
d. Alluminium/ Bronze alloy components conforming to IS : 305 :
Bearings / Bush : 57 kg
e. Bolt / Nut / Washers conforming to IS : 1363 :
MS Bolts / Nuts / Washers with 2.5 % wastage : 32 kg
f. Steel wire rope conforming ti IS 2266 :
28 mm dia 6 / 37 construction 1 No 120 Rm @ 2.71 kg / m : 325 kg
g. Other components :
Manual operating system : 1 No.
Worm reducer : 1 No.
Electric motor 5 hp : 1 No.
Gate position indicator : 1 No.
Ele-magnetic brake : 1 No.
Electric cable / switch / control panel etc : 1 set
h. Welding electrodes :
Welding electrodes for stitch welding at 10 % of total with 2.5 % wastage
: 80 Nos
Welding electrodes ( LH ) for run welding at 90 % of total with 2.5 %: wastage 720 Nos
2 Cutting :
Length of cutting assuming cutting for 2 sides : 57 Rm
Add for variations ( cutting for more than 2 sides / odd shapes etc ) :at 10 % 6 Rm
Total : 63 Rm
For cutting structural steel sections to required sizes gas cutting is assumed.
Length of steel to be cut by using gas manually : 26 m
Length of steel to be cut by gas using pug cutting machine : 37 m
Time for gas cutting manually assuming average cutting progress of: 2 m / hour 13 hours
Time for gas cutting by pug cutting machine at ( av ) 3 m / hour : 12 hours
Acetelyne gas @ 0.6 cum / hour ( 25 x 0.60 ) : 15 cum
Oxygen gas @ 1.8 cum / hour ( 25 x 1.80 ) : 45 cum
Use of gas cutting torch with 50 min / hr working ( 13 x 60 :/ 50 ) 16 hours
Use of pug cutting machine with 50 min / hr working ( 12 x 60 :/ 50 ) 15 hours
3 Welding :
Length of welding : 97 Rm
For stich welding @ 2 hrs usage / shift & @ 15 electrodes / hr
( 80 / 15 ) x 8 / 2 : 21 hours
For run welding @ 6 hrs usage / shift & @ 15 electrodes / hr
( 720 / 15 ) x 8 / 6 : 64 hours
Total : 85 hours
Deploy welding transformer for 85 hours.
Fuel / Energy charges @ 25 % hrs for stitch welding & @ 75 % hrs for run welding.

4 Requirement of other machinery :

For lifting and placing in position hoist drums, worm reducers, gears, floating shafts etc deploy
tower crane for 2 hours.
For handling during fabrication and erection mobile derric crane for 10 hours considered.
For drilling holes for bolts 2 hours use of drilling machine considered.
For grinding and finishing weld joints 2 hours use of grinding machine considered.

5 Requirement of work force :

Foreman Marker / Gas cutter/ Helper
Fabricator / Welder
Work component Erector /
Cutting sections/ drilling holes 31 hours 2 4 4 8
Fabricating by stitch welding 21 hours 1 3 --- 6
Run welding 64 hours 1 --- 8 8
Erection of anchors 1 1 --- 2
Erection of hoist frame 1 1 --- 2
Erection of drums / gears / shafts 1 2 --- 4
Erection of pulleys / plummer blocks 1 1 --- 2
Erection of worm reducers / brake / motor 1 1 --- 2
Erection of other accessories 1 1 --- 2
Erection of control panel / cabling 1 1 --- 1
Checking and running without rope 1 1 --- 2
Rope fixing and checking 1 1 --- 2
Trial running by lowering / lifting gate 1 1 --- 2
Final checking / Finishing / cleaning 1 1 --- 1
Total : 15 19 12 44
6 Excise duty on supply :
Excise duty is applicable on supply of fabricated parts. The cost of materials is inclusive of all
taxes/ duties. Therefore, for purpose of rate analysis 75 percent of total cost excluding the cost
of materials ( assuming 25 % erection cost ) is considered for assessing excise duty.
7 Use rate of materials :
Cost of welding set @7800.00
Rs: / Each Rs: 7800.00
Life of welding set : 1000 hours
Use rate of (welding
cost / life
set) per hour Rs: 7.80
Cost of gas cutting set @
Rs: / Each Rs: 14250.00
Life of gas cutting set : 600 hours
Use rate of (gas
/ life ) set per hr Rs: 23.75
RATE ANALYSIS UNIT : 6.243 tonne wt
A. MATERIALS: 25 t capacity
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Structural steel
Angles / beams / channels / bars kg 1487.00 34.60 51448.71
Plates / flats kg 402.00 38.82 15605.24
Chequered plate kg 290.00 53.00 15370.00
2 Cast steel components :
Rope drums 2 Nos / Gears kg 1926.00 207.00 398682.00
Pinions kg 79.00 194.00 15326.00
Pulleys 3 Nos / Couplings 2 Nos kg 306.00 156.00 47736.00
Plummer blocks / Hubs kg 72.00 156.00 11232.00
3 Alloy steel components
Shafts kg 346.00 211.00 73006.00
Pins kg 73.00 363.00 26499.00
4 Bronze alloy components :
Bronze bearings / bush kg 57.00 844.00 48108.00
Wire rope 28 mm dia 6/37
5 construction kg 325.00 203.00 65975.00
6 MS Bolt / Nut / Washer kg 32.00 68.00 2176.00
7 Worm reducers No. 1.00 192000.00 192000.00
8 Electric motor 5 hp No. 1.00 29000.00 29000.00
9 Manual operating system No. 1.00 27000.00 27000.00
10 Gate position indicator No. 1.00 200000.00 200000.00
11 Ele-magnetic brake No. 1.00 32500.00 32500.00
Electric cable / switch / control
12 panel etc LS 1.00 56000.00 56000.00
13 Oxygen gas cum 45.00 40.00 1800.00
14 Acetyline gas cum 15.00 320.00 4800.00
15 Welding electrodes Nos 80.00 11.00 880.00
16 Welding electrodes ( LH ) Nos 720.00 17.00 12240.00
17 Grease kg 50.00 232.00 11600.00
18 Use rate welding holder set Hour 85.00 7.80 663.00
19 Use rate gas cutting torch set Hour 16.00 23.75 380.00
20 Sundries LS 25.00 20.00 500.00
Total cost of Materials Rs: 1340526.95
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Welding transformer Hour 85.00 15.00 1275.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 53.00 107.10 5676.30
2 Tower crane 5 t capacity Hour 2.00 807.10 1614.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 232.10 464.20
3 Pug cutting machine Hour 15.00 6.70 100.50
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 15.00 4.50 67.50
4 Mobile derric crane Hour 10.00 559.70 5597.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 10.00 317.30 3173.00
5 Grinding machine Hour 2.00 21.30 42.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 44.60 89.20
6 Drilling machines Hour 2.00 21.30 42.60
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 2.00 44.60 89.20
7 Sundries LS 25.00 20.00 500.00
Total hire charges of Machinery Rs: 18731.30

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Mobile crane Hour 10.00 187.20 1872.00
2 Crew for Tower crane Hour 2.00 199.70 399.40
3 Crew for Drilling machine Hour 2.00 210.60 421.20
4 Crew for Grinding machine Hour 2.00 210.60 421.20
5 Foreman Day 15.00 540.00 8100.00
6 Marker / Fabricator / Erector Day 19.00 580.00 11020.00
7 Gas cutter Day 4.00 470.00 1880.00
8 Welder ( General ) Day 8.00 470.00 3760.00
9 Khalasi Day 4.00 470.00 1880.00
10 Helper fabrication / erection Day 44.00 420.00 18480.00
11 Electrician Day 2.00 540.00 1080.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 49313.80
Add towards highly skilled labour charges @ 30% on total cost of labour 14794.14
Total Cost of Labour 64107.94

labour component/unit qty 2564.30

Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 349.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 2913.40

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 1340526.95
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 18731.30
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 64107.94
Total Rs: 1423366.19
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 1423366.19
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 42700.99
Total Rs: 1466067.18
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on 13.615% Rs: 199605.05
Add 2 leads
Add 1 km lead charges for fabricated parts Rs. 19.30 per tonne 240.98
Unloading charges of fabricated parts Rs 85.10 per tonne 1062.558
Total cost for 6.243 tonne wt Rs: 1666975.76
25.000 t capacity Rs:
Rate per tonne wt Rs: 267015.20
Rate per tonne capacity of hoist Rs: 66679.00

IRR-GAW-3-1 Cleaning gates / hoists / embedded parts/lifting beams etc, to expose fresh metal surface
for painting by sand blasting method as per specifications including cost of all materials, l
abour, machinery, scaffolding, etc., complete with initial lead for sand upto 1 km and all lifts.
DATA: Consider 100 sqm area for cleaning by sand blasting:
1 Requirement of materials:
Sand of gradation 2mm to 1mm @ 0.10 cum / sqm
Approximately 2 cum natural river sand yeilds 1 cum of sand blasting grade sand after seiving
in 2mm and 1 mm sieves.
Allowing 50 % extra for projections, the actual area of sand blasting : 150 sqm
Requirement of processed sand ( 150 x 0.10 ) : 15.00 cum
Requirement of natural river sand ( 15.00 x 2 ) : 30.00 cum
2 Requirement of machinery:
Output of sand blasting per hour : 20 to 25 sqm
Considering 50 minutes per hour working,
Requirement of 7 cmm compressor ( 150 x 60 / 50 / 22.5 ): 8 hours
Requirement of sand blasting equipment : 8 hours
Requirement of labour:
For seiving sand : 6 Nos.
For loading sand blast drum : 2 Nos.
For assisting sand blaster : 1 No.
For seiving sand : 4 Nos.
For cleaning collection of rebound sand and other works : 2 Nos.
3 Use rate of materials :
Cost of 50 m air hose @ 217.00
Rs: / Rm Rs: 10850.00
Life of air hose : 800 hours
Use rate of (air
/ life
) hour Rs: 13.56
Cost of sand blast gun nozzle @ 675.00
Rs: / Each Rs: 675.00
Life of sand blast gun nozzle : 200 hours
Use rate of (sand
cost blast
/ life )gun nozzle per hour Rs: 3.38
Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Sand (Screened) cum 30.00 800.00 24000.00
2 Use rate of air hose Hour 8.00 13.56 108.50
3 Use rate of sand blast gun nozzle Hour 8.00 3.38 27.00
4 Sundries( Rust inhibitive, seive etc )LS 5.00 20.00 100.00
Total 24235.50
Add 10% towards scaffolding/laddor @ 0.10 2423.55
Total cost of Materials 26659.05
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Air compressor 7 cmm diesel Hour 8.00 228.50 1828.00
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 755.40 6043.20
2 Sand blasting equipment Hour 8.00 105.90 847.20
Fuel / Energy charges Hour 8.00 0.00 0.00
Total hire charges of Machinery 8718.40
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew for Air compressor Hour 8.00 222.10 1776.80
2 Crew for Sand blasting equipment Hour 8.00 231.40 1851.20
3 mazdoor Day 15.00 400.00 6000.00
Total cost of Labour 9628.00
labour component/unit qty 96.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 13.10
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 109.40

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 26659.05
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 8718.40
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 9628.00
Total Rs: 45005.45
D. Add for excise duty 0.00% Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 45005.45
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 3% Rs: 1350.16
Total Rs: 46355.61
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on 13.615% Rs: 6311.32
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 52666.93
Rate per sqm Rs: 526.70
IRR-GAW-3-2 painting of embedded metal parts and all types of gates, stoplogs,etc, on sand blasted
surfaces with one coat of inorganic zinc silicate (airless spray preferred)70+/- 5
and two super coats with a total thickness of 300 microns
(each 150+/- 5) of solventless coaltar epoxy paint each coat 150 microns ( total 300 microns)
cost of all materials, labour, scaffolding etc., complete with all leads and
all lifts

(Upstream surface of gates portion may be painted with solventless coaltar epoxy brown paint
instead of solventless coaltar black. The rate for coaltar epoxy brown shall be adopted in data
for Upstream side painting)

DATA: Consider 100 sqm area for painting:

Requirement of materials :

Theoretical spreading rate per one Coat of Paint 25 Sqm/Hr

Assume Losses at 30% of the spreading area (as per field obserations)

Actual Spreading Area 17.50 Sqm/Hr

Total time required for 100 Sqm Area 5.71 Hr
Say 6 Hr


Sl No particulars Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 inorganic zinc silicate ltr 12.00 476.00 5712
2 Thinner @ 10% ltr 1.20 140.00 168
3 Solventless Coal tar epoxy paint ltr 40.00 206.00 8240
4 Thinner @ 10% ltr 4.00 140.00 560
Sundries (
5 brushes,ladders,platforms etc ) 3.00 20.00 60
Total cost of Materials Rs: 14740.00
Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Hire Charges of Airless Spray Gun Hr 6.00 118.70 712.20
Hire Charges of Air Compressor-7
2 Cmm (diesel) Hr 6.00 228.50 1371.00
3 Fuel Charges of Air Compressor Hr 6.00 755.40 4532.40

Total cost of Machinery Rs: 6615.60

Sl No Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
in Rs. in Rs.
1 Crew Charges of Air Compressor Day 6.00 222.10 1332.60
2 Painter Class-I Day 20.00 540.00 10800.00
3 Helper Day 20.00 400.00 8000.00
Total cost of Labour Rs: 20132.60
labour component/unit qty 201.30
Add contractor's profit and overhead charges 13.615% 27.40
labour component/unit qty (including contractor's profit) 228.70

A. Cost of Materials Rs: 14740.00
B. Hire charges of Machinery Rs: 6615.60
C. Cost of Labour Rs: 20132.60
Total Rs: 41488.20
D. Add for excise duty 0 Rs: 0.00
(on 75 percent cost excluding cost of materials) Total Rs: 41488.20
E. Add for transportation upto work site @ 0.03 Rs: 1244.65
Total Rs: 42732.85
F. Add for contractor's profit and overheads on 13.615% Rs: 5818.08
Total cost for 100.00 sqm Rs: 48550.92
Rate per sqm Rs: 485.50

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