Values Development
Values Development
Values Development
▪ To get the full idea of what is
values development all about
▪ To understand the influences
that affects the values
development of a person
▪ To know how will it help an
individivual in his daily life
“ What are
Values defined
Therefore, what is values
▪ is the act, process, or result of developing
values for human dignity.
▪ It is adopting a system of views and values about
what is good and wrong that directs one's intents,
attitudes, and behavior toward oneself, others, one's
own society and others, and the environment; and
developing the willingness to act in accordance with
such beliefs and values 7
Sources of Values
People develop values in many ways with these
sources that may influence them.
Family: Family is a great source of values especially on the
development of one’s values. A child learns his first value from his
Friends & peers: Friends and peers play a vital role in achieving
values. It may depend on the group you engage with on what other
values you may develop because of their influence.
Community or society: As a part of society, a person learns values
from society or different groups of society.
School: As a learner, school and teachers also play a very important
role in introducing values. 9
Media: Media such as – Print media, Electronic media also play
the role of increasing values in the mind of people.
Relatives: Relative also helps to create values in the minds of
Organization: Different organizations and institutions also play a
vital role in creating value.
Religion & Others.
Periods of Development
Sociologist Morris Massey has described three major
periods during which values are developed.
The Imprint Period
▪ Up to the age of seven, we are like sponges, absorbing everything
around us and accepting much of it as true, especially when it
comes from our parents.
▪ The confusion and blind belief of this period can also lead to the
early formation of trauma and other deep problems.
▪ The critical thing here is to learn a sense of right and wrong, good
and bad. This is a human construction which we nevertheless
often assume would exist even if we were not here (which is an
indication of how deeply imprinted it has become).
The Modeling Period
▪ Between the ages of eight and thirteen, we copy people, often our
parents, but also others. Rather than blind acceptance of their
values, we are trying them on like a suit of clothes, to see how
they feel.
▪ At this age we may be much impressed with religion or our
teachers. You may remember being particularly influenced by
junior school teachers who seemed so knowledgeable--maybe
even more so than your parents.
The Socialization Period
▪ Between 13 and 21, we are very largely influenced by our peers. As
we develop as individuals and look for ways to get away from the
earlier programming, we naturally turn to people who seem more
like us.
▪ Other influences at these ages include the media, especially
those parts which seem to resonate with our the values of our
peer groups.
The Five Qualities of
Effective Value
Values, when carefully crafted, are the most powerful
tool for personal and professional growth.
▪ Our values are significant because they enable
us to develop and grow. They assist us in
imagining the future we want to live in. Every
day, every person and every organization is
involved in hundreds of decisions.
▪ If you can understand how people's values
develop, then you can guide the process.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
― Gandhi
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