Steel Plates
Steel Plates
2-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo 100-8071 Japan A001en_01_201904f
Tel: +81-3-6867-4111 © 2019 NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION
Increasingly higher functionality and quality are demanded for steel plates.
This is a reflection of technological progress in various application fields, as
well as diversification of usage environments.
Through our total control system and operational technology realized
through thorough quality control, excellent equipment, the technology CONTENTS
Features ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2
we have cultivated, and our vast experience, we at NIPPON STEEL will
Available Grades …………………………………………………………………………… 4
continue to create products that accurately meet the demands of any field,
Authorized Steel Grades by Product Type ………………………………………… 6
both qualitatively and quantitatively. Manufacturing Process and Quality Control Points ……………………………… 8
Under a new organizational system, we will work diligently every day as we Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) …………………………………… 8
strive for quality and turnaround times that rank number one in the world. 400 N/mm2-class Tensile Strength Steel Plates (As-rolled)
Available Sizes ……………………………………………………………………………… 10
490 N/mm2-class Tensile Strength Steel Plates (As-rolled)
Available Sizes ……………………………………………………………………………… 12
490 N/mm2-class Tensile Strength Steel Plates
(TMCP: Thermo-Mechanical Control Process) Available Sizes ……………… 13
Weldable High-tensile Strength Steel Plates: WEL-TENTM Series …………… 14
Abrasion-resistant Steel Plates: ABREXTM Series ………………………………… 20
Abrasion-resistant Steel Plates for Low Temperatures:
ABREXTM LT Series ………………………………………………………………………… 20
Low-temperature Steel Plates: N-TUFTM Series …………………………………… 22
Sulfuric Acid-resisting Steel Plates: S-TENTM Series …………………………… 22
Ni-Added Weathering Steel Plates: NAW-TENTM Series ………………………… 24
● Plate Mill
Highly Corrosion-resisting Steel Plates: COR-TENTM Series …………………… 26
Corrosion-resistant Steel Plates for Export: COR-TENTM ……………………… 26
Seawater-resistant Steel Plates for Welded Structures: MARILOYTM ……… 26
High Tensile Steel Plates for Building Structures: BT–HT Series …………… 30
Fire-resistant Steel Plates for Building Structures: NSFRTM Series ………… 32
Kashima Works Steel Plates for Elasto-plastic Hysteretic-type Dampers
for Building Structures: BT-LYPTM …………………………………………………… 32
Kimitsu Works
Electromagnetic Mild Steel Plates: NS–MIPTM …………………………………… 34
Nagoya Works
Information Required for Orders ……………………………………………………… 34
We use our excellent equipment and technology and vast experience to manufacture products
with stable quality under strict control throughout all process including pig iron manufacturing,
steel manufacturing, heating, rolling and cooling.
2 3
Available Grades * For a comparison of the old Nippon Steel specifications and
old Sumitomo Metal specifications, please see page 56.
Our company manufactures thick steel plates that meet various standards. Products with NIPPON STEEL
standards are unique to our company. An excerpt of these standards is included in another chapter. We also
respond to requests involving standards other than those listed below.
4 5
s Register of Shipping(LR) 360AR, 410AR, 460AR, 360, 410, 460, 490, 360FG, 410FG, 460FG, 490FG for Boilers
■ High Tensile Strength Steel Plates(WES)
American Bureau of Shipping(AB) MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, MF, MG, H, I, J -
Society Corresponding grade NIPPON STEEL specifications Old specifications German Lloyd’s Register of Shipping(GL) 410W -
Society Corresponding grade NIPPON STEEL specifications Old specifications EN10025–4 S355M, S355ML
6 7
(roughing cutting)
Cutting out Product center
product plate inspection/
Cooling beds and test pieces Marking Shipping
(side cutting) Ultrasonic Inspection Coating Marking/
Reheating Quenching Tempering
flaw detection (conditioning) Drying Final inspection
Shot blasting Shot blasting
Extraction Mechanical
of test testing
Normalizing pieces
2. Characteristics of TMCP high tensile strength steel 3. Example Applications of TMCP High Tensile Steel
Thermo-Mechanical Control Process (TMCP) (1) Low Ceq (carbon equivalent)
Toughness has been improved as a result of realization of low
(1) Shipbuilding and offshore structures
These steel plates have been approved by the classifica-
Ceq and utilization of TMCP. tion societies in the table below.
TMCP is applied in high tensile strength thick steel plates of 490 1. Summary of TMCP (2) About the advantages of using TMCP high tensile strength steel
N/mm2 or greater, and achieves marked and major improvement TMCP is a manufacturing process of steel plates based on Standards of classification societies approved by TMCP(examples)
plates (For details, please see page 38 of the reference mate-
in characteristics such as low-temperature toughness and weld- a combination of controlled rolling and controlled cooling. rial for the time of use) Weldability is greatly improved, and as a Y.P.315N/mm2 Y.P.355N/mm2 Y.P.390N/mm2
ability. TMCP is used in a wide variety of fields such as shipbuild- When high tensile strength steel of tensile strength rat- result, the following advantages are obtained during use. A- D- E- A- D- E- A- D- E-
Classification Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
ing, marine structures, bridges, architecture, industrial machinery, ings of 490 N/mm2 or more is manufactured by TMCP, •Due to the low PCM level (weld crack sensitivity composition), NK ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
line pipes and tanks. major reduction in the amount of alloying elements added the preheating temperature at the time of welding can be ABS ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
can be achieved, along with lower carbon levels. An out- lower than that of conventional high tensile strength steel DNV ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
line of equipment used in TMCP is shown in Fig. 1. •The maximum hardness of the welded joints can be made LR ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
lower than that of conventional high tensile strength steel BV ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Fig. 1 TMCP equipment layout
• Improving toughness of welded joints • Application examples
Controlled rolling Controlled cooling • Less deterioration in mechanical properties of the material Shipbuilding: Tankers, cargo vessels, container ships, refrigerator vessels, etc.
by linear heat Offshore structures: Jack-up rigs, semi-submersible rigs, crane barge, etc.
(2) BT-HT325, 355, 385, 400 and 500 for building structures
Fig. 2 Relationship between the conventional manufacturing process
(3) It has been applied in a wide range of uses such as indus-
and the TMCP Process in terms of Ceq and strength
(plate thickness of 20 to 30 mm) trial machinery, line pipes, tanks, general uses and the like.
4. High-toughness, High-strength Steel Plates for
Low-temperature Applications
Scale Roughing Finishing Hot leveling Accelerated cooling Tensile strength(N/mm2) 700
Continuous reheating TMCP In response to user requests, TMCP is increasingly applied to the
furnace breaker mill mill machine
(water cooling-type) manufacture of high-strength and high-toughness steel plates
600 for lower-temperature service applications (offshore structures,
jackets, offshore facilities, etc.)
500 5. Examples Applications in standards
※ TMCP (Thermo-Mechanical Control Process) Non-water cooling-type Standards Specifications
A collective name for all methods of manufacturing steel plates with controlled 400 TMCP (air cooling)
rolling or controlled rolling combined with accelerated cooling. As-rolled (air cooling) ASTM A841 (Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels), A844 (9% Ni Steel Plates)
For details on TMCP, please see the reference material (p.36 to 40)
0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 JIS G 3106 SM Grade, G 3114 SMA Grade, G 3136 SN Grade, G3140 SBHS
Ceq(%) EN EN10025 (Structural Steel), EN10028 (Pressure Vessel Steel), EN10225 (Offshore structural steel)
8 9
Available sizes of mild and special steel plates conforming to the representative standards are shown below. Regarding the standards
not shown below, see the tables for similar standards. Sizes other than those shown below are available upon advance consultation.
10 11
490 N/mm2-class Tensile Strength Steel Plates (As-rolled) Available Sizes 490 N/mm2-class Tensile Strength Steel Plates Available Sizes
Standard size range
Standard size range (TMCP:Thermo-Mechanical Control Process)
For sizes of over 25m in length, please consult us in advance.
12 13
■ 溶接構造用高張力鋼
Weldable High-tensile WEL–TEN シリーズ
Strength Steel
Plates: WEL-TENTM Series
t≦16 20 No.5
WEL–TEN540 6≦t≦50 ≦0.20 ≦0.55 ≦1.70 ≦0.035 ≦0.035 – – – – – – – – ≦0.45 ≦0.32 ≧355 ≧540 16<t 28 No.5 12<t≦50 0 47 27 180 – 1.5t
20<t 23 No.4
≦0.44(t≦50) ≦0.26(t≦50) t≦16 20 No.5
≦0.46(t≦75) ≧450(t≦50) 590~710(t≦75) 12<t≦32 –5 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN590 6≦t≦200 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.50 ≦1.20 ≦0.50 ≦0.40 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – ≦0.005 ≦0.49(t≦100) 16<t 28 No.5 47 27 180
≦0.30(t≦150) ≧430(50<t) 570~690(75<t) 32<t –10 32<t 2.0t
≦0.56(t≦200) ≦0.31(t≦200) 20<t 20 No.4
≦0.45(t≦50) t≦16 19 No.5
≦0.47(t≦75) ≧490(t≦50) 610~730(t≦75) 12<t≦32 –10 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN610 6≦t≦200 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.50 ≦1.20 ≦0.50 ≦0.40 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – ≦0.005 ≦0.50(t≦100) 16<t 27 No.5 47 27 180
≦0.30(t≦150) ≧470(50<t) 590~710(75<t) 32<t –15 32<t 2.0t
≦0.31(t≦200) 20<t 20 No.4
≦0.50(t≦50) t≦16 17 No.5
≦0.28(t≦50) ≧550(t≦50) 690~830(t≦50) 12<t≦32 –15 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN690 6≦t≦100 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.50 ≦1.30 ≦0.60 ≦0.60 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – ≦0.005 ≦0.55(t≦75) 16<t 25 No.5 47 27 180
≦0.32(50<t) ≧530(50<t) 670~810(50<t) 32<t –20 32<t 2.0t
≦0.60(t≦100) 20<t 17 No.4
0.40–2.00 ≦0.30(t≦50) t≦16 16 No.5
≦0.60(t≦100) ≧685(t≦50)
(t≦100) ≦0.32(t≦100) 780~930(t≦50) 12<t≦32 –20 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN780 6≦t≦200 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.020 ≦0.015 ≦0.50 ≦0.80 ≦0.60 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – ≦0.005 ≦0.63(t≦150) 16<t 24 No.5 47 27 180
0.40–3.00 ≦0.34(t≦150) ≧665(50<t) 760~910(50<t) 32<t –25 32<t 2.0t
(100<t) ≦0.36(t≦200) 20<t 16 No.4
0.50–3.50 t≦16 13 No.5
≦0.34(t≦50) ≧885(t≦50) 12<t≦32 –25 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN950 6≦t≦150 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.015 ≦0.010 ≦0.50 ≦1.20 ≦0.90 ≦0.10 ≦0.03 – ≦0.005 ≦0.76 ≦0.36(t≦75) 950~1130 16< 19 No.5 47 27 180
0.50–4.50 ≧865(50<t) 32<t –30 32<t 2.0t
(100<t) 20<t 13 No.4
t≦16 20 No.5
≧450(t≦50) 590~710(t≦50) t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN590E 6≦t≦100 ≦0.18 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 – – – – – – – – ≦0.52 ≦0.30 16<t 28 No.5 12<t –5 47 27 180
≧430(50<t) 570~690(50<t) 32<t 2.0t
20<t 20 No.4
t≦16 18 No.5
≦0.55(t≦50) ≧550(t≦50) 690~830(t≦50) t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN690E 6≦t≦100 ≦0.18 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.50 – ≦1.60 ≦0.60 ≦0.10 – – ≦0.005 ≦0.32 16<t 26 No.5 12<t –10 47 27 180
≦0.60(t≦100) ≧530(50<t) 670~810(50<t) 32<t 2.0t
20<t 18 No.4
t≦16 16 No.5
≦0.60(t≦50) ≧685(t≦50) 780~930(t≦50) t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN780E 6≦t≦60 ≦0.22 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.025 ≦0.015 ≦0.50 – ≦1.60 ≦0.60 ≦0.10 – – ≦0.005 ≦0.34 16<t 24 No.5 12<t –15 47 27 180
≦0.63(t≦60) ≧665(50<t) 760~910(50<t) 32<t 2.0t
20<t 16 No.4
t≦16 13 No.5
WEL–TEN950E 6≦t≦50 ≦0.22 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.025 ≦0.020 ≦0.50 – ≦1.60 ≦1.10 ≦0.10 – – ≦0.005 ≦0.76 ≦0.38 ≧885 950~1130 16<t 19 No.5 12<t –20 47 27 180 – 2.0t
20<t 13 No.4
* With respect to the standards in the table above, it is possible to add the following special requirements upon request.
Steel types
Blanks E RE C EX ① SR guaranteed steel (-SR), ② Lamellar tear-resistant guaranteed steel (-Z35, etc.), ③ Low-temperature specifications
Standard Economy Non-heat treated Cr-added Weldability < below the stipulated impact test temperature service> (-LT), ④ Constant yield strength specifications (-H)
Approximate application 150(200) 100 32 150 100 (Example of specified specifications: WEL-TEN590-SR, etc.)
thickness (mm) or less or less or less or less or less
540 (0℃)
– – – –
○ ○ ○ ○ Remarks:
590 (–5℃) (–5℃) (–5℃)
– (–5℃) 1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added.
○ ○ 2)Carbon equivalent, Ceq, and weld crack sensitivity, PCM, are calculated for added elements using the following equation.
Tensile 610 (–10℃)
– – – (–10℃)
strength Ceq=C+Si/24+Mn/6+Ni/40+Cr/5+Mo/4+V/14(%)
class ○ ○ ○ PCM=C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B(%)
690 (–15℃) (–10℃) (–15℃) – –
3)In the bending test, cracks shall not occur in the outside of test piece.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ The bending test can be eliminated unless otherwise specified.
780 (–20℃) (–15℃) (–) (–20℃) (–20℃)
○ ○ ○
950 (–25℃) (–20℃) (–)
– –
14 15
WEL–TEN780RE 4≦t≦9 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.40 ≦0.40 – ≦0.15 – – ≦0.30 – ≦0.55 – ≧685 780~930 t≦9 15 No.5 – – – – 180 – 1.5t
t≦6 8 No.5
WEL–TEN950RE 3≦t≦8 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.025 ≦0.020 – ≦0.50 – – – – ≦0.30 ≦0.005 ≦0.50 – ≧885 950~1250 – – – – 180 – 1.5t
6<t 11 No.5
≦0.30(t≦50) t≦16 16 No.5
0.30 ≦0.32(t≦75) ≧685(t≦50) 780~930(t≦50) t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN780C 6≦t≦150 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.025 ≦0.015 ≦0.50 ≦0.35 ≦0.60 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – ≦0.005 ≦0.68(t≦100) 16<t 24 No.5 12<t≦150 –20 47 27 180
~1.20 ≦0.34(t≦100) ≧665(50<t) 760~910(50<t) 32<t 2.0t
≦0.70(t≦150) 20<t 16 No.4
t≦16 20 No.5
≧450(t≦50) 12<t≦32 –5 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN590EX 6≦t≦76 ≦0.09 ≦0.40 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.50 ≦0.80 ≦0.30 ≦0.35 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – ≦0.005 – ≦0.20 590~710 16<t 28 No.5 47 27 180
≧430(50<t) 32<t –10 32<t 2.0t
20<t 20 No.4
t≦16 19 No.5
≧490(t≦50) 12<t≦32 –10 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN610EX 6≦t≦76 ≦0.09 ≦0.40 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.50 ≦0.80 ≦0.30 ≦0.35 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – ≦0.005 – ≦0.20 610~730 16<t 27 No.5 47 27 180
≧470(50<t) 32<t –15 32<t 2.0t
20<t 20 No.4
t≦16 16 No.5
12<t≦32 –20 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN780EX 6≦t≦50 ≦0.07 ≦0.55 0.60~1.50 ≦0.020 ≦0.015 0.80~1.30 ≦1.50 ≦0.80 ≦0.60 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – – ≦0.55 – ≧685 780~930 16<t 24 No.5 47 27 180
32<t –25 32<t 2.0t
20<t 16 No.4
t≦16 20 No.5
12<t≦32 –5 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN590EXS 6≦t≦40 ≦0.07 ≦0.40 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.30 ≦0.60 ≦0.30 ≦0.30 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – – – ≦0.18 ≧450 590~710 16<t 28 No.5 47 27 180
32<t –10 32<t 2.0t
20<t 20 No.4
t≦16 19 No.5
12<t≦32 –10 t≦32 1.5t
WEL–TEN610EXS 6≦t≦40 ≦0.07 ≦0.40 ≦2.00 ≦0.030 ≦0.025 ≦0.30 ≦0.60 ≦0.30 ≦0.30 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 – – – ≦0.18 ≧490 610~730 16<t 27 No.5 47 27 180
32<t –15 32<t 2.0t
20<t 20 No.4
Remarks: * With respect to the standards in the table above, it is possible to add the following special requirements upon request.
1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added. ① SR guaranteed steel (-SR), ② Lamellar tear-resistant guaranteed steel (-Z35, etc.), ③ Low-temperature specifications
2)Carbon equivalent, Ceq, and weld crack sensitivity, PCM, are calculated for added elements using the following equation.
< below the stipulated impact test temperature service> (-LT), ④ Constant yield strength specifications (-H)
PCM=C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B(%) (Example of specified specifications: WEL-TEN590-SR, etc.)
3)In the bending test, cracks shall not occur in the outside of test piece.
The bending test can be eliminated unless otherwise specified.
Crude oil storage tanks Penstock branching section Track crane Jack up rig offshore structure
16 17
2. Available Sizes
Standard size range.
■ Tensile Strengths 540, 570, 590, 610 Standard size range Please consult us in advance. ■ Tensile Strengths 690, 780, 950 Standard size range Consult us in case that plate Please consult us in advance.
length is up to 14m.
18 19
The ABREX TM LT series is steel that has excellent abrasion resistance, as well as high notch toughness Width Over
1000 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400
performance even in low temperature (–40˚C) environments. (mm) 1200
to to
(mm) 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4500
4 or over 4.5 or less 8
Applicable Chemical composition(%)1) Brinell hardness HB 3) Impact test 4) Over 4.5 5or less
plate 5 6 10
Brand name Tempera- Absorbed
thickness C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo B PCM 2) Min. Max. ture energy 6 7
(mm) (˚C) (J) 7 8
8 9 18
≦0.30(t≦25) 9 10 13
ABREX400LT 6(4.0)≦t≦60 ≦0.21 ≦0.020 ≦1.20 360 440
≦0.35(25<t) 10 12
12 14
(Average) 14 16
ABREX450LT 6(4.0)≦t≦50 ≦0.28 ≦1.20 ≦2.00 ≦0.020 ≦0.010 ≦1.00 ≦1.20 ≦0.60 ≦0.005 410 490 –40 16 18
(t≦25) ≦0.40(25<t)
18 20
≦1.50 20 30
≦0.42(t≦25) ≧21 30 32 22 22
ABREX500LT 6(4.5)≦t≦80 ≦0.35 ≦0.015 (25<t) 450 550
≦0.45(25<t) (Average) 32 34 22 21 20
34 36 23 22 21 20 19
36 38 22 20 19 19 18
Remarks: 38 40 22 22 20 19 18 18 17
1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added.
40 42 20 20 19 18 17 16 16
2)Weld crack sensitivity, PCM, is calculated for added elements using the following equation. 42 44 22 20 20 18 18 17 16 16
PCM=C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Cr/20+Mo/15+V/10+5B(%) 44 46 22 21 19 19 18 17 16 15 15
3)Hardness test shall be carried out in accordance with JIS Z 2243 (method of Brinell hardness Test). 46 48 21 20 18 18 17 16 15 15 14
4)Impact tests shall be applicable in case that plate thickness is over 12mm. 48 50 22 20 19 17 17 16 15 15 14 14
50 52 21 20 19 17 17 16 14 14 13 13
52 54 21 19 18 16 16 15 14 14 13 13
54 56 22 20 18 17 15 15 14 13 13 12 12
56 58 22 21 19 17 17 15 15 14 13 13 12 12
58 60 22 22 20 18 16 16 14 14 13 12 12 12 11
60 65 22 20 19 17 15 15 13 13
65 70 20 18 17 16 14
70 75 19 17 16 15 13
75 80 18 16 15
80 85 17 15
85 90 16
90 95 15
95 100 14
20 21
Brand name
plate Yield point or Tensile Elongation Bending test 2)
thickness C Si Mn P S Ni Cr Mo V proof stress strength Thickness Impact test
Min. elongation Test piece Bending angle Inside bending
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (mm) (%) JIS (˚ ) radius/Thickness
t<21 10.8+5√t No.5 Steel plates are subjected to the impact test in accordance
N–TUF295 6≦t≦50 ≦0.14 1.00~1.60 – – – – ≧295 420~540 1.0t with the characteristic properties of plates, thickness clas-
21≦t 24 No.4
sification, temperature classification and test temperatures
t<21 9.4+5√t No.5 according to application stress, prescribed in WES3003
N–TUF325 6≦t≦32 ≦0.14 1.00~1.60 – – – – ≧325 440~560 1.5t (valuation criterion of rolled steels for low temperature appli-
21≦t 22 No.4
cation) of the Japan Welding Association Standards, and the
0.15~0.35 ≦0.030 ≦0.030 t<21 7.4+5√t No.5 180 average absorbed energy of a set of three test pieces thus
N–TUF365 6≦t≦50 ≦0.14 1.00~1.60 ≦0.70 – – – ≧365 490~610 1.5t obtained shall be 50% or more the maximum absorbed en-
21≦t 20 No.4
ergy. However, the maximum absorbed energy shall denote
t<21 3.6+5√t No.5 the average absorbed energy in case when the impact test is
N–TUF490 6≦t≦50 ≦0.16 0.90~1.60 ≦0.60 ≦0.40 ≦0.30 ≦0.08 ≧490 610~740 1.5t conducted at room temperature on a set of three test pieces
21≦t 17 No.4
extracted from an optional plate of steel plates of identical
2.00~ t<21 2.2+5√t No.5 molten steel and with identical heat-treatment conditions and
N–TUF570 6≦t≦26 ≦0.14 ≦0.70 ≦0.50 ≦0.55 – ≧570 670~800 1.5t
2.75 21≦t 15 No.4 thickness, and the percent shear is 100% for each test piece.
1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added.
2)In the bending test, cracks shall not occur in the outside of test piece.
The bending test can be eliminated unless otherwise specified.
2. Available Sizes
Please refer to page 28 for the scope of production.
t≦16 18 No.1A 4)
Sb ≧245(t≦16)
S–TEN1 1.6≦t≦20.2 ≦0.14 ≦0.55 ≦0.025 ≦0.025 – – 400~510 16<t 22 No.1A 4) 180 1.5t
≦0.15 ≧235(t≦20.2)
t≦20.2 23 No.5
≦1.60 0.25~0.50
t≦16 17 No.1A 4)
S–TEN2 2.0≦t≦20.2 ≦0.14 0.15~0.55 ≦0.035 ≦0.035 0.50~1.00 ≦0.15 – 490~610 16<t 21 No.1A 4) 180 1.5t
t≦20.2 22 No.5
1)S-TEN1 plate macufactured at NIPPON STEEL's plate mills conforms to JIS G 3106 SM400A, and S–TEN2 to JIS G 3106 SM490A.
2)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added.
3)The Mn standard value of S-TEN1 is 2.5×[ C ]≦Mn.
4)Applied in the case of manufacture as JIS G 3106.
5)In the bending test, cracks shall not occur in the outside of test piece.
The bending test can be eliminated unless otherwise specified.
2. Available Sizes
Please refer to page 28 for the scope of production. A smoke stack at garbage incineration site A smoke stack at a generation plant
22 23
A ≧245
(t≦16) t≦16 17 1A号
– –
A ≧365
t≦16 15 1A号
– –
NAW–TEN12–490 B 6≦t≦100 0.50~1.00 0.70~1.70 1.20≦ 490~610 16<t 19 1A号 27
(75<t≦100) 40<t 21 4号
C 47
(t≦16) t≦16 19 5号
NAW–TEN12–570 6≦t≦100 570~720 16<t 26 5号 –5 47
(75<t≦100) 20<t 20 4号
≦0.18 0.15~0.65 ≦0.035 ≦0.035 ≦0.08
A ≧245
(t≦16) t≦16 17 1A号
– –
A ≧365
t≦16 15 1A号
– –
NAW–TEN15–490 B 6≦t≦100 0.30~0.50 2.50~3.50 1.50≦ 490~610 16<t 19 1A号 27
(40<t≦75) 0
(75<t≦100) 40<t 21 4号
C 47
(t≦16) t≦16 19 5号
NAW–TEN15–570 6≦t≦100 570~720 16<t 26 5号 –5 47
(75<t≦100) 20<t 20 4号
2. Available Sizes
Please refer to page 29 for the scope of production.
24 25
COR–TEN490 B 6≦t≦50 ≦0.17 0.30~0.65 0.80~1.25 ≦0.035 ≦0.035 0.30~0.40 0.05~0.30 0.45~0.65 0.02~0.10 ≧355(16<t≦40) 490~610 16<t 19 No.1A – – – 0 27
≧335(40<t) 40<t 21 No.4
C – – – 0 47
2. Available Sizes ≧460(t≦16) t≦16 19 No.5
Please refer to page 29 for the scope of production. COR–TEN570 2) 6≦t≦50 ≦0.17 0.30~0.65 0.80~1.25 ≦0.035 ≦0.035 0.30~0.40 0.05~0.30 0.45~0.65 0.02~0.10 ≧450(16<t≦40) 570~720 16<t 26 No.5 – – – –5 27
≧430(40<t) 20<t 20 No.4
≧355(t≦20) ≧490(t≦20)
t≦5 22 No.5
t≦5 1.0t
0.070~ 5<t 18 No.1A
COR–TEN O 1.6≦t≦76 ≦0.12 0.25~0.75 0.20~0.50 ≦0.035 0.25~0.55 ≦0.65 0.30~1.25 – ≧325(20<t≦38) ≧460(20<t≦38) 180 – –
0.150 t≦38 21 No.1A
≧295(38<t) ≧430(38<t) 5<t 1.5t
38<t 23 No.4
Cr 0.40~0.70 50 21
COR–TEN C t≦25 ≦0.19 0.30~0.65 0.80~1.35 ≦0.040 ≦0.050 0.25~0.40 V 0.04~0.10 t≦25 ≧415 ≧550
Ni ≦0.40 200 16
1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added.
2)In the bending test, cracks shall not occur in the outside of test piece.
The bending test can be eliminated unless otherwise specified.
26 27
Low-Temperature Steel Plates Available Sizes Atmospheric Corrosion Resistant Steel Plates (As-Rolled) Available Sizes
■ S–TENTM1, 2 70 75 22.5 20.0 16.0 15.0 15.0 13.5 12.5 12.0 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
Standard size range 75 80 22.5 20.0 16.0 15.0 15.0 13.5 12.5 12.0 11.0 10.5 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
80 85 20.0 17.5 14.5 13.0 13.0 12.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
Width Over
(mm) 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 85 90 20.0 17.5 14.5 13.0 13.0 12.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
to to
90 95 21.0 18.0 16.0 13.0 12.0 12.0 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0
Thickness 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4500
(mm) 95 100 21.0 18.0 16.0 13.0 12.0 12.0 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0
6 16.0 100 105 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.0 7.5
Over 6 7 or less 105 110 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.0 7.5
7 8 20.0 110 115 11.5 11.5 11.5 10.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5
8 9 115 120 11.5 11.5 11.5 10.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5
9 10 120 125 12.5 11.5 11.0 10.5 9.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.0
10 12 125 130 12.5 11.5 11.0 10.5 9.5 8.5 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.0
12 14 130 135 12.5 11.0 10.5 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.5 6.0 5.5
14 16 135 140 12.5 11.0 10.5 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.5 6.0 5.5
16 18 140 145 12.5 10.5 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.5
18 20 145 150 12.5 10.5 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.5
28 29
B 9≦t≦16 16 No.5 – –
BT–HT630 9≦t≦100 ≦0.16 ≦0.35 0.60~1.60 ≦0.030 ≦0.015 ≦1.50 ≦2.00 ≦0.80 ≦0.60 ≦0.60 ≦0.05 – ≦0.60 ≦0.35 630~750 780~930 ≦85 16<t≦20 24 No.5 9≦t 0 ≧47
C 20<t 16 No.4 ≧25 ≧15
fHAZ t≦50 21 No.1A
BT–HT400C 16<t≦100 ≦0.20 ≦0.55 ≦2.00 ≦0.020 ≦0.008 – – – – – – ≦0.40 ≦0.26 400~550 490~640 ≦90 ≧25 ≧15 16<t 0 ≧70
≦0.58% 40<t 23 No.4
B 9≦t≦16 13 No.5 – – 5)
9≦t≦12 ≧53
BT–HT880 9≦t≦50 ≦0.16 ≦0.55 ≦1.50 ≦0.015 ≦0.008 – – – – – – – ≦0.62 ≦0.34 880~1060 950~1130 ≦98 16<t≦20 19 No.5 0
12<t≦50 ≧70
C 20<t≦50 13 No.4 ≧25 ≧15
1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added.
2)fHAZ ≦ 0.58% [for vE0˚C (multi-pass welding) ≧ 70J]
fHAZ=C+Mn/8+6(P+S)+12N –4Ti(%)
fHAZ (%): a chemical composition parameter for estimating the HAZ (Heat Affected Zone) toughness of building column–beam welding.
The content of Ti should be consideredas 0 when it is equal to or less than 0.005 mass%.
3)Carbon equivalent, Ceq, and weld crack sensitivity, PCM, are calculated for added elements using the following equation.
4)Yield ratio = Yield point or 0.2% proof stress/tensile strength × 100%
5)Tested by 7.5mm– subsize specimen.
30 31
* The performance of this steel in normal temperatures satisfies the applicable JIS, so it will be marketed as a JIS product. Remarks:
* This steel has low carbon levels, so it is stipulated by PCM, and thus Ceq does not apply. 1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added.
2)Weld crack sensitivity, PCM, is calculated for added elements using the following equation.
Chemical composition(%)1) Mechanical properties ■ The yield point (yield resistance) is low,
Applicable Tensile test Impact test V notch
at 100 N/mm2 (B-LYP 100) or 225 N/
plate mm2 (B-LYP 225), and furthermore,
Brand name Elongation the range of variance in the yield point
thickness C Si Mn P S Other Ceq 2) Lower yield stress Tensile Yield Absorbed
or proof stress strength ratio Min. elongation Test piece
energy (proof stress) has been controlled to be
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (%) (%) JIS J) narrow.
BT–LYP100 6≦t≦50 ≦0.01 ≦0.03 ≦0.20 N≦0.006 ≦0.36 80~120 200~300 ≦60 ≧50 No.5 0 ≧27 ■ The expansion performance is
≦0.025 ≦0.015
guaranteed to be 50% or higher (B-LYP
100) or 40% or higher (B-LYP 225), so
BT–LYP225 6≦t≦50 ≦0.10 ≦0.05 ≦0.50 N≦0.006 ≦0.36 205~245 300~400 ≦80 ≧40 No.5 0 ≧27 it has the deformation performance
necessary for use for dampers, which
* Please consult with us before use. Remarks: are required to have great plastic
1)When necessary, alloying elements other than those shown in the tale may be added. deformation capability.
2)Carbon equivalent, Ceq, is calculated for added elements using the following equation.
32 33
Brand name
B1 B2 B3 B5 B25
3)B1, B2, B3, B5 and B25 respectively indicate the magnetic flux density at
1 = Oe (79.6 A/m), 2 = Oe (159.2 A/m), 3 = Oe (238.8 A/m),
5 = Oe (398 A/m), 25 = Oe (1990 A/m).
Test specimens will be fabricated, then thermally treated in the same way
as the host material, and then measured.
(Compliant with JIS C 2504-1990 Soft magnetic iron plates)
Information Required for Order Examples of Marking Dump truck Huge oil tanker
34 35
Fig. 1 The relationship between the cooling rate of the transformation temperature zone Fig. 2 The effect of reducing Ceq by applying TMCP
The size of grains is determined after the grain
and metallographic structure as well as the strength level seeds (nucleus) are formed, when they grow to
Varying metallographic structures and
strength levels are created as the point where they bump into each other.
necessary, by varying the rate of Tensile strength The grain boundary
Perlite temperature range from TMCP Heat treatment
high-temperature austenite.
Yield strength
Plate Thickness: 50~100mm
Time Grain size
(2) Definition of TMCP (3) TMCP and Grain Refinement Control of Slab re-heating temperature Control of multi-pass rolling
TMCP is a technique that, compared to conventional manufac- The basic way of thinking about reducing the grain size is that
turing processes, has a greatly expanded range of control of if the inside of the steel (steel plate) can be filled with a greater Leveling by hot leveler Control of structure by online water-cooling Plate
Temperature change
the metallographic structure and enables drastic reduction in quantity of grains, the size of each individual grain can made
grain size. small, as shown in Fig. 3. In other words, if a large number of
TMCP is an abbreviated name of a type of steel manufacturing grains are continuously formed, and furthermore if the growth
technique formed from the initials of Thermo-Mechanical Control of each grain is inhibited, then fine microstructures will be
Process. TMCP achieves a new structural control technique not obtained. The key technology in TMCP is the creation of a
Re-heating Cooling
found in conventional heat treatment methods, by combining large number of nuclei by means of rolling, and the inhibition of
reheating, rolling and cooling. The key technology is found in the the growth of the grains by cooling following the rolling. Rough rolling Finish rolling
implantation of new grain seeds (nucleus) by means of rolling, The metallographic structure control technique of TMCP is
metallographic structure
and in the reduction of grain size by means of cooling following not limited to the reduction of grain size. As shown in Fig. 4,
the rolling. By combining the effect of the working in the rolling the necessary characteristics can be acquired by continuously
Change of
process and the effect of the control of the cooling rate in the controlling the metallographic structure in each process,
transformation temperature range in the cooling process, a from the steel making process to the reheating, rolling, and
new structural control technique not found in conventional heat controlled cooling processes of the steel plates. In addition to
Suppression of
treatment methods was achieved. ferrite, TMCP can also control a wide range of high-strength grain growth
Recrystalezation Drawing Transformation
metallographic structures such as martensite and bainite.
Rapid cooling: Medium cooling: Mild cooling:
Martensite Bainite Ferrite, Perlite
Strength Over 800N/mm2 600 – 800N/mm2 500 – 600N/mm2
36 37
Fusion zone
about 1,500˚C (melting point) ≧(1500˚C) dendritic structure. Cooling time from 800˚C to 500˚C: 23~26S Cooling time from 800˚C to 500˚C: 23~26S
Coarse grain zone Section where grain has grown coarse. Likely to 140 Test temperature: -50˚C 140 Test temperature: -50˚C
Coarse grain zone >1250˚C
harden and crack.
Absorbed energy(J/cm2)
about 1,100˚C Refined by recrystallization. Good in mechanical 120 120
AC1=720˚C AC3=840˚C
AC1=720˚C AC3=840˚C
Easily damaged Refined grain zone Fine grain zone 1100∼900˚C
properties such as toughness.
embrittlement area about 900˚C Two-phase zone 100 100
Only pearlite becomes transformed or globurized.
about 700˚C Temper zone Two-phase zone
When cooled slowly, good in toughness, but when
(Inter-critically 900∼700˚C
about 400˚C cooled rapidly, martensite is often produced and 80 80
toughness deteriorates.
Embrittlement may occur due to thermal stress and 60 60
Temper zone 700∼400˚C
precipitation. Microscopically no change.
Welding metal 400˚C∼ 40 40
Welding heat-affected zone (HAZ) Unaffected Base metal zone Base metal section with no thermal effect.
Fusion line room temperature
Base material 20 20
AC1=720˚C AC1=720˚C
AC3=840˚C AC3=840˚C
B. Hardening of HAZ 0 0
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
As the weld metal (WM) of non-heat treated steel plates has a and welding conditions must be determined carefully so that Maximum heating temperature ˚C Maximum heating temperature ˚C
kind of cast structure, the heat affected zone (HAZ) usually in- the maximum hardness of HAZ may be as low as possible.
creases more in hardness due to the hardening effect than the The carbon equivalent is widely used to estimate the maximum
base metal (BM). hardness. (2) Defects in The Weld Zone
The harder the HAZ, the lower the ductility, leading to prob- The relationship between the maximum hardness and the
Weld defects chiefly related to steel plates are summarized below.
able cold cracking in welding or use. Therefore, steel grades carbon equivalent is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 Relationship between the maximum hardness Table 2: Weld defects and their countermeasures
Fig. 6 Hardness of weld zone and the carbon equivalent
Defect Cause Defect Cause
points 500 (1)Excessive hydrogen in the arc atmosphere
(2)Great quenching ability of the base metal
Maximum hardness (Hv98N)
Non-heat treated 450 (1)Excessive hydrogen or carbon monoxide in the arc atmosphere (Excessive PCM:
steel plate (2)Rapid cooling of the deposit HAZ cracking
Si Mn Cu Ni Cr Mo V
Blow hole (4)Oil/grease, paint, rust, etc. adhered to the joint (3)Excessive constraint(excessive plate thickness)
(5)Inappropriate arc length and current value
(6)Much humidity of the electrode or the joint Degradation in
Heat treated steel plate (1)Excessive cooling rate
(7)Presence of thick zinc coating ductility and notch
300 (2)Inappropriate welding rod
brittleness of (3)Addition of carbon and alloying elements from the base metal
38 39
A. Weld Crack Fig. 9 Types of weld cracks 3. Magnetic arc blow during welding
There are two kinds of weld cracks. One is low-temperature cracks that
occur at a comparatively low temperature and the other is high-tem- When the material is magnetized, magnetic arc blow is caused in cases of direct current welding,
Root crack
perature cracks that occur during melting and solidification. Low-tem- Transverse making it difficult to perform welding. While this is not a problem with ordinary 400 to 490 N/mm2
perature cracks include underbead cracks, root cracks, and transverse crack class steel plates, steel with high nickel content is easily magnetized, and the occurrence of magnetic
micro-cracks in the weld metal. Though they rarely occur in low-carbon arc blow can become marked with 780 and 950 N/mm2 class steel plates and 9% nickel steel.
steel, they easily do in high-carbon steel, so even low alloy steels call for
Underbead crack Countermeasures for the occurrence of magnetic arc blow during welding at the job site are shown
special caution. They are caused due to chemical composition (espe- Longitudinal crack
cially the carbon equivalent) in view of material, therefore, weld cracks below.
are associated with the extent of hardening and the base metal’ s heat- Transverse
treatment, resulted from welding. Weld heat input, hydrogen embrittle- crack (1) Changing the welding method (4) Alleviating remanent magnetism with magnets
ment, residual stress, and stress concentration also affect weld cracks. • Change from direct current to alternating current The magnetism of the groove face can be alleviated when a
For this reason, it is important to give proper preheating and postheating Root crack With direct current welding, the effect of magnetic arc blow is permanent magnet or a magnetic particle inspection magnet is
treatments, use low-hydrogen electrodes, and consider constraint con- great. brought close to the steel plate to change the direction of the re-
ditions for welding. Longitudinal crack
Sulfur crack If manual welding is to be used, consider whether alternating manent magnetism.
On the other hand, as the carbon content increases, high-tempera- current can be used.
ture cracks tend to occur easily. They typically occur at starting points • Change the slant of the welding rod (5) Installing supplemental material (steel)
of beads and in the crater zone. Magnetic arc blow can be alleviated depending on the slant of
Low-temperature cracking is a type of delayed fracture that occurs Install supplemental material (steel) on the opposite side of the
the welding arc.
when hydrogen diffusing from the weld metal acts on the hardened Sulfur band magnetic arc blow.
Crater crack
zone, to which strong restraint stress is being applied as a result of the In the case of a lap joint, the magnetic arc blow will occur in the
Longitudinal (2) Changing the grounding method
fact that thermal contraction during welding is prevented. Therefore, crack lapped material, so the remanent magnetism can be alleviated by
Star type
the prevention of low-temperature cracking requires comprehensive • The remanent magnetism in the steel plate changes depending placing a steel plate on the opposite side as well.
consideration of three parameters: ① weld hardenability of base metal, Crater Longitudinal on the grounding method.
cracks type • Increase the number of ground points on the steel plate from 1
② intensity of restraint and ③ the amount of diffusible hydrogen. The
weld cracking parameter (Pc) shown below is commonly used to Transverse to 2.
Root crack
predict low-temperature cracking. type • Change the attachment location of the ground
(Magnetic arc blow occurs in the direction opposite the ground
Pc =C+Si/30+Mn/20+Cu/20+Ni/60+Mo/15+V/10+5B+K/40000+H60 point)
Fig. 10 Relationship between Pc and cross section crack ratio
=PCM+t/600+H/60 (in case of y-groove weld cracking test) Arc blow
Here K: Restraint intensity factor (kgf / mm・mm) 90 Diffusible hydrogen content
Cross section crack ratio(%)
major need of customers. The way to meet this need is to reduce the No cracking Cracking
groove face will be alleviated.
PCM of the steel, i.e., the amount of carbon and other alloying elements
added, while satisfying the various characteristics that are required.
At present, the technique used as the means to achieve the above is
TMCP, which makes it possible to achieve high strength with a small
amount of alloying elements. TMCP is applied in a wide variety of fields
in which the reduction of preheating and post-heating is demanded.
B. Notch Toughness
Notch toughness can be substantially controlled by proper welding 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
work. In view of materials, it is adversely affected by carbon-equiva- Pc= C + Si + Mn + Cu + Ni + Mo + V + 5B + t + H(%)
30 20 20 60 15 10 600 60
lent-dependent weld hardening and embrittlement that are caused by
entry of hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Moreover, some steel plates
including appropriate amounts of V, Al, Ni, etc. improve in toughness
to a considerable extent due to increasingly refined grain.
40 41
Vickers hardness(Hv98N)
1mm from the surface
○ Anti-lamellar tear steel 300
70 ● Ordinary steel
Tensile stress Air-cooled or water-cooled
cut face
Crater: ♯2
60 Cutting oxygen: 0.5 MPa
Acetylene: 0.02 MPa
200 Cutting speed: 300mm/min
Lamellar tear
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
20 Distance from gas-cut face(mm)
Fig. 15 Results of hardenability tests of WEL-TEN590 steel plates by gas cutting
0 (plate thickness=32mm)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 ×10–3
Sulfur volume (%) 32mm 2mm from the surface
Vickers hardness(Hv98N)
2mm from the reverse side
Table 3: The reduction of area of the through-thickness direction of the anti-lamellar tear steel according to JISG3199
Water-cooled cut face Crater: ♯4
Class No. Average Individual Quantity of S (%) Cutting oxygen: 0.8 MPa
250 Acetylene: 0.04 MPa
Z15(S) Over 15% Over 10% 0.010 or less Cutting speed: 250mm/min
Applied by agreement
Z25(S) Over 25% Over 15% 0.008 or less between the parties
to the transfer.
Z35(S) Over 35% Over 25% 0.006 or less
Remarks: The rating refers to The Japan Welding Engineering Society specifications WES3008.
The indication of S by the Class No. is given if S content is specified.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
(2) Method of prevention for lamellar tear
Distance from gas-cut face(mm)
For welded structure members at risk of lamellar tear, the oc-
currence of lamellar tear can be suppressed with countermea-
sures related to the welding procedure and the use of lamellar
tear-resistant steel.
42 43
Percent defective(%)
(Fig. 17) , so bendability and flange creation can be extremely poor 60
in such direction. C
Therefore, as part of the cutting plan, consideration should be 40
made so that, as much as possible, the direction of severe bend-
ing, tensile, or ironing becomes the same as the rolling direction 20
(Fig. 18) . Broken-out plane Burr
Ho irec
44 45
Tensile strength
a relatively narrow hot-shortness range, so special caution must be scattered along the steel’ s grain boundary, leading to a splinter 160 Base metal
1000 Air-cooled Air-cooled
exercised during hot forming so that its steel properties may be well phenomenon since the nitride deposits are so difficult to deform.
Yield point
and heating period, overheating can occur at temperatures over steel is required for high-temperature forming, so we can supply
1000˚C or so. From a structural standpoint, as steel grains become you with the necessary information on our range of specially alloyed 600 80
coarse, the steel surface becomes rough or the mechanical prop- steel products. 400 60
erties deteriorate. Thus, the level of fineness after heat treatment Moreover, even if the steel does not actually deteriorate, heating
should also be considered. to levels of 600 to 700˚C can change its mechanical properties from 40
Burning produces a kind of steel embrittlement at high tempera- the original condition. Representative examples of local heating test 20
ture. This occurs because soluble compositions present on the results that clearly showed such changes are given on the following 20
grain boundary of the steel dissolve if the metal is heated too much pages. Base 500 600 700 800 900 Base 500 600 700 800 900
metal Heating temperature(˚C) metal Heating temperature(˚C)
(about 1300˚C or more)or for too long a time period. The result of
C. Example 3: Results of heating tests on WEL-TEN 590 steel plates(32mm plate thickness)
C Si Mn P S Cu Cr Ni Mo Sol.Al
Chemical composition(%) 0.12 0.32 1.25 0.018 0.017 0.07 0.06 0.53 0.12 0.02
A. Example 1: Results of heating tests on steel plates of YP355 N/mm2 class(32mm plate thickness) Treatment Air cooling and water cooling(at water temperature of 10˚C)after heating for 1 hour
C Si Mn P S Cu Nb
Chemical composition(%) 0.15 0.03 1.34 0.012 0.015 0.07 0.03
Fig. 25 Results of tensile tests using JIS 4 specimens Fig. 26 Results of V-notch Charpy impact tests (Absorbed energy at 0˚C)
Treatment Air cooling and water cooling(at water temperature of 10˚C)after heating for 1 hour
Base metal
Tensile strength
900 Air-cooled
Water-cooled 140
Yield point
400 Air-cooled 80
Water-cooled 140 500
120 300 60
Yield point
100 40 40
400 Base metal
80 20 20 Water-cooled
60 0 0
40 Base 500 600 700 800 900 Base 500 600 700 800 900
20 20
Base 500 600 700 800 900 (2) For Heat-treated Steel (3) For TMCP Steel
Base 500 600 700 800 900 metal
metal Heating temperature(˚C) Heating temperature(˚C) The quality of heat-treated steel improves in respect to strength Thermo-Mechanical Controlled Process( TMCP)steel obtains
and toughness through quenching & tempering(QT ) . The ap- strength and toughness levels that are equal to or better than
proach used for QT depends on a variety of factors, including the those of heat-treated steel through controlled rolling and con-
type of steel, alloying elements, thickness, fineness, and intended trolled water cooling without off-line reheating.
use. However, if TMCP steel is reheated, its properties may markedly
When steel is heated at too high a temperature or for too long, deteriorate due to structural changes. For this reason, hot forming
the tempering effect becomes null, resulting in deterioration of the cannot be conducted on TMCP steel.
good properties of steel. As a result, such steel cannot be hot- If strain-relieving annealing is required, please consult your
formed, or cracking and other problems may occur. If strain-re- NIPPON STEEL representative. Caution is necessary because
lieving annealing is required, or should you have any concerns or even if steel batches go through the same TMCP process, the
questions about heat treatment, please ask your NIPPON STEEL conditions can differ depending on the rolling temperature and
sales representative. In general, the appropriate heat treatment whether the water cooling process is conducted or not.
condition is 580˚C x 2 hours / 25mm thickness.
46 47
Fig. 27 Condition of water generation and drying up Table 4: Example of Local corrosion outbreak factor / measures map
Factor Measures
Rain Sea water
(Water & Salts)
Indoor safe
generation Distance security
Distance from seaside, wind Seawater from the shore
(+ Salt)
Difference of temperature
Sunshine Wind reduction
(A safekeeping place change)
Drying up
Drying Ventilation
48 49
50 51
52 53
G 3126 KL24A, ー ー ー
NL23, VLL23、 ー ー
KRL24A, ー
400/510 ABV
SLA235A, B B 24, 24L 24、24L B
G 3126 ー
LT–EH32, ー ー
NL43, VLL43、 ー ー ー
440/560 KL33 KRL33
SLA325A, B –FH32 44, 44L 44、44L
G 3126 LT–EH36, ー ー ー ー ー ー ー
490/610 KL37 ABVH KRL37
SLA365 –FH36
1/2Ni ー ー ー BLNA, BLNB ー ー ー ー ー ー ー
G 3127
1・1/2 ∼ 2・1/4Ni KL2N30 ー 1・1/2Ni BL1N ー NLN1N VLL1.5NI ー ー KRL2N30 ー
G 3127
3・1/2Ni KL3N32 ー 3・1/2Ni BL3N ー NLN3N VLL3.5NI ー ー KRL3N32 ー
SL3N255, 275
G 3127 ー ー ー ー ー
G 3127 ー ー ー ー ー
G 3127 ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー ー
KL9N60 KRL9N60
54 55
15–490A, B, C 15–490A, B, C
NAW–TEN15–570 – NAW–TEN15–570
56 57