Educ 1 Module 5 Activity 2
Educ 1 Module 5 Activity 2
Educ 1 Module 5 Activity 2
Module 5 Activity 2
Sigmund Freud: Conflict and Culture
Visit the Library of Congress in Washington DC, through its virtual museum. Visit the walls that
contain very interesting pictures, documents and information about the most controversial
psychologist of all time, Sigmund Freud!
1. Go to
2. Click “Exhibitions”
3. Click “View all exhibits”
4. Go to "Sigmund Freud: Conflict and Culture"
5. Seat back and enjoy the virtual tour! The pictures and write-ups are so interesting!!!! As in any visit to
a museum, it would be good to take some notes. Make notes of the following and add your own ideas
and comments as well...
Describe Freud's family background. Describe the composition of his family. What do you think
was it like for Freud growing up in this family?